The much anticipated and misguided Copenhagen Climate Conference is a thing of the past and the only warming to be found was all that hot air generated by the attendees! Fortunately, nothing of major import was actually accomplished by these bogus fear-mongers because the Looney Left is still being rocked by the phenomenon known as “Climategate” (see the Climategate Rant of December 20, 2009). Thank God for that, for at least those Leftist Statists and One-Worlders failed to commit any additional mayhem and madness on the rest of us out here. It’s much like the feeling many of us Evil Conservatives get when Congress is NOT in session. We breathe a huge and collective sigh of relief with the realization that these Damned Poltroons can at least temporarily do us no harm! That doesn’t mean, of course, that we can even for a moment relax or let our guard down but must remain ever vigilant and wary for make no mistake – these folk and their ilk have not lost sight of their ultimate goal: the destruction of capitalism and the United States! While the conference participants agreed, I believe, to postpone any significant action for about six years the drive and intent to wreak havoc on the industrialized, wealthy, Western world remains at the forefront of their plans and machinations. These bastards are both persistent and patient and are absolutely Hell-bent upon ultimate victory regardless of how long it takes.
To say that those who attended the Copenhagen Conference have a not so hidden agenda is easily one of the great understatements of the new century. Global warming, climate change, and greenhouse gasses have absolutely nothing to do with what these hypocrites really want to accomplish but for them to be out loud honest about their goals simply won’t fly. Very few if any of them have the courage, fortitude, or backbone to tell us that they literally despise the United States and its capitalist driven economy. Almost none of these Rat-Bastards will go on the Sunday morning “news” programs and openly explain that they desire to see the industrialized West not just punished for its wealth and success but rather destroyed. They will not admit in front of God and everybody that their real agenda involves nothing less than a giant wealth transfer and redistribution scheme with all that loot going into the failed economies of the third world to be stolen by tin-horn dictators like Hugo Chavez.(see related video)
They also claim to care about the world’s poor and down-trodden but it’s obvious that they don’t. If they did, they wouldn’t be merely satisfied with bringing nations like the United States down to the level of those poverty ridden, disease infested, politically and morally corrupt excuses for countries with leaders that couldn’t give a rat’s ass for the populations that they literally keep in chains. No, if they cared all that much they would do everything in their power and more to emulate Western societies, economies, and democracies! I have more respect for our terrorist enemies than I do for these scum-sucking dogs for at least the terrorists are very up front and honest about their goals and plans. They are not at all shy or embarrassed about telling us just how much they hate us and how very much they’d love to destroy us which they’ve been proving since at least 1979 when that damned peanut farmer blew the whole Iran-Hostage thing! We know exactly what these fanatics want and just how far they’ll go to defeat the Great Satan! Dealing with them may certainly be dangerous but it is absolutely in no way confusing, unclear, or open to question.
These hypocrites on our Left, however, constitute an entirely different matter. They talk in humanitarian terms and shed crocodile tears over the plight of all those benighted denizens of the third world but they don’t mean one fucking word of it! These folks are about nothing but power and control and anyone who doesn’t or refuses to understand that defining characteristic displayed by these complete frauds masquerading as compassionate champions of the poor and hopeless is in for a very rude and crude awakening but by then it’ll be far too late. The damage will already have been inflicted, our country destroyed, and the process will be irreversible. If this nation doesn’t wake up pretty damn quick the most we’ll be able to do is look back and ask, “How the fuck did we let this happen!?!” Their plans for wealth redistribution are nothing but welfare writ large! The Liberal Fucking Elite in this country have been virtually destroying the nation and its capitalist economy probably since FDR tried to pack the Supreme Court and most definitely since LBJ instituted his Great Society and launched that bogus and wrong-headed War on Poverty! Welfare Hurts – Welfare Kills – Welfare destroys. It is negative in the extreme and has no positive virtues especially for those who are the targets of this phony-ass largesse which is nothing more than a way to enslave people and create a permanent condition of utter dependency! It literally destroys the human spirit, makes a mockery of the concept of rugged individualism and eviscerates any sense of independence or self- reliance. If you have any doubts about this, pry your head out of your ass for just a few minutes and observe what Liberalism and Welfare have done to America! Apparently the LFE is not content with destroying our magnificent country and culture but now it has taken its recipe for destruction world-wide: Yup, they’re going global!
With this as a backdrop, let’s explore some of the ways these hucksters constantly bamboozle a terribly ignorant public that seems to want to believe in Catastrophic Climate Change and holds up those types who attended that giant three-card monty scam in Copenhagen as white knights riding in to save the damsel in distress. In a web piece at the author explains that most of our countrymen, “are unaware this conference is even convening,” and he fears, “its consequences for the future of our economy. . .” This fear is extremely well founded for the bogus Kyoto Protocol is set to expire in 2012 and something must be done to replace and strengthen it, hence the junket to Denmark. The author continues that, “leaders from around the world are looking for us to lead the way in garnering promises to reduce emissions from developed countries like China and India and developing countries such as Somalia and North Korea.” Shouldering the massive burden and determined to lead by example is none other than the world’s latest savior, the anointed one, President Barrack Obama. The Chicago “pol” is actually convinced that his winning smile, his boyish good looks, and the fact that he is a snappy dresser constitute all the tools required to deal with some of the most devious, dangerous, and backstabbing liars the planet has ever seen. The developing nations, the article points out, have made it quite clear that, “they will not agree to any emissions reducing standards without substantial help from the U.S. and other larger more prosperous nations.” This is nothing but a soak the West con game perpetrated on the West by, well, the West. It is led by our Liberal Fucking Elite who champion the world’s poverty stricken populations and have a vested interest in continuing the phony global warming fear mongering. Even though the veracity of the so-called “warming experts” has been blown all to Hell by “Climategate”, nonetheless, “President Obama has already pledged to reduce our carbon emissions 17% by 2020 and a ridiculous 83% by 2050. These promises would essentially take our carbon emissions per capita back to just after the Civil War.”
I thought these damned fools who constitute the LFE like to call themselves Progressives. According to the goals enunciated at Copenhagen, a more apt moniker would be “The Regressives” for taking us back to emission levels of the mid 1860’s and would effectively destroy any advances made by our country since the “War of Northern Aggression” devastated our nation. This, of course, is precisely what these types have been calling for: the destruction of capitalism and the killing or severely crippling of the United States. If, in fact, these American-haters are successful in implementing this insane treaty and our Liberal-Democrat Senate ratifies the damned thing we will have taken a giant leap on the road to our own ruination! Do you really think even in your wildest dreams that we can maintain our position as the world’s leader by returning to 1865 emissions standards? This would also necessitate returning to 1865 productivity levels and that will bring this nation to its knees in the 21st Century! Do you think it’s possible to remain the world’s wealthiest and most powerful nation employing the regressive thinking and planning exhibited at Copenhagen? Do you honestly believe by even the wildest stretch of the imagination that we’ll be able to sustain our unique status as the world’s freest population that the planet has ever seen or will see again? Do you not understand that Copenhagen constitutes nothing less than an all out war against the concept of American Exceptionalism which has made our country the envy of the entire planet!?! If you actually believe that any of this is possible, then by all means reinsert your head up your ass and keep it there permanently!
The possibilities presented above constitute more than just the crankiness and paranoia of an old fart who is merely remembering those nonexistent “good old days.” Words and actions have consequences and if the folks represented at Copenhagen are in any manner, shape, or form successful in achieving their goals then we are truly in the midst of a thoroughly overwhelming whirlwind. That whirlwind will devastate and permanently cripple our economy much as Mother Nature did in Haiti very recently. As the author of the web piece correctly points out, “any new agreements or protocols enacted at the conference will cost us billions per year. UN officials are looking for a minimum agreement of $10 billion per year to help developing countries adapt to global warming effects and institute cleaner technologies.” (for an analysis of that corrupt and venal body known as the UN see the United Nations Rant of December 22, 2008)
In addition, “the European Commission said in September that the cost to support developing nations could reach a staggering $150 billion per year by 2020.” Here, of course, comes the kicker because, “since the United States Gross Domestic Product is nearly the size of the entire European Union, you can imagine what the world community would believe our fair share is to contribute.” The author estimates that our “fair share” will amount to about 25% or, “somewhere in the ballpark of between 2.5 to 35 billion per year to support developing nations deal with the unproved phenomenon of manmade global warming.” This really amounts to nothing less than yet another humongous tax but this time not at the behest of our own government as wrong as that is. This time we are being taxed by foreign governments! That’s right, the United Nations is further raping the American taxpayer who already pays at least 25% of that Hate America Club’s expenses! All this, of course, with the warmest approval of President Barry Boy because, “he has long been a proponent of manmade global warming and wholeheartedly believes in the science behind it. So much so that he said the science is proven and announced that he would push further for a cap and trade system to limit carbon emissions. . .”
First of all, what happened to his solemn promise, his oath, that no American earning under a quarter million per annum would ever pay one more dime of additional taxes? The global warming “fees” and the Cap and Trade Boondoggle are no more than gargantuan hidden taxes designed primarily to strip Americans of their economic freedom and institute a system of economic slavery aimed at bringing this country to its knees in Obama’s blind rush toward Socialism! Yes, I and literally tens of millions of fellow citizens truly do believe this and, no, we are absolutely not in any way, “Conspiracy Nuts.” We literally fear for the future of the greatest nation God ever gave mankind! Additionally, there are further millions of us who believe that “El Jefe” has abrogated the first responsibility of any American President which is to protect and defend this nation from all enemies both foreign and domestic. This President is clearly not doing his duty. By giving America’s wealth to foreign governments and corrupt organizations the Brother-in-Chief is sacrificing America’s sovereignty by allowing other governments – most of which are absolutely in no way even poor excuses for democracies – to dictate American policy and destroy our economy. Protect and defend, my sorry old ass! I’m thinkin’ that there just may be grounds for an impeachment inquiry here – what do you think, Hmmmm?
Additionally, “it was revealed that the cap and trade power grab would cost Americans hundreds of billions of dollars per year. Since costs would rise across the board for all products and services, some estimates said the legislation would cost families upwards of $2,000 per year. So much for not raising taxes on the middle class.” Whatever this Charlatan – in – Chief does seems to be driving more and more money out of the private sector and into the public domain – the government. In this fashion, government growth becomes phenomenal and capitalism is quickly destroyed. Private enterprise depends precisely on the “private” part of that phrase. As more and more trillions leave the private sector, there is less and less capitol to be invested by entrepreneurs to risk in exploring and opening new ventures or expanding existing ones. In either scenario, real jobs are created, employment expands, and the economy and prosperity spread and grow. By siphoning never heard of trillions back to “Big Brother”, the economy must by definition shrink and this is as certain as are the immutable laws of physics. There can be no other outcome. It’s as immovable as night following day. It’s ordained to happen and Obama and the Boys absolutely know it for it is merely another part of their plan to destroy the basic tenets of this country’s founding and history and set a new course that can only lead to disaster! Anyone who doesn’t comprehend this has a less than complete understanding of how the LFE operates, thinks, and plans. It is understandably difficult for many American citizens to digest the fact that leaders of our nation actively and desperately want to do it great harm and this confuses and angers them as it should. The author concludes that, “We are truly living in an upside down world. A world that can bring leaders from every country on earth together not to fight against disease, not to fight against totalitarian regimes, or genocide, or third-world poverty, but to fight against the very air we breathe. Carbon Dioxide. I suppose elections really do have consequences.”
An outfit called the Conservative Revolutionary American Party lll ( refers to the climate conference as, “Hopenhagen,” and notes that the proceedings in Denmark opened, “with grim warnings of the apocalyptic dangers for mankind if world leaders fail to agree to find a way to stave off global warming.” This bunch explains that the conference participants need to devise a “blueprint” for solving the problems caused by manmade global warming and, of course, “must also put together a funding mechanism to channel hundreds of billions of dollars to poor nations most exposed to the effects of climate change.” Isn’t that a world-class euphemism for, which stated more simply, means steal from the rich and give the booty to the poor: punish the successful while rewarding the failures! Talk about your Robin Hood Syndrome! I’ll bet the Huckster-in-Chief would look quite fetching in green leotards and a pointy feathered cap. The piece correctly points out that if the agreement worked out at Copenhagen is actually formalized by ratified treaty, “it will mean sacrifices for our economies.” No shit, Sherlock!
The point, of course, is that once again the climate conference has absolutely nothing to do with global warming, saving the planet, saving the children, or anything else except raping the West and especially the United States. Remember, these phony bastards are nothing more than Statists and One-Worlders out to cause as much destruction to our system, institutions, and traditions as they can in the shortest amount of time possible. The destruction of capitalism is quite possibly the best method they can employ to achieve their self-serving ends. A group called Speak Out For America ( sums up this sentiment very succinctly when it notes that, “the Obama Administration, our Congress, and international bodies are proposing regulatory solutions and carbon taxes that American consumers and taxpayers will pay as the costs of goods and services increase. These proposals will damage our economy, export jobs overseas and will NOT affect the Earth’s climate.” The group, “aims to defend America against those who twist science to justify burdens on our economy.” These shameless hucksters in Copenhagen don’t even realize that their so-called jig is up and has been exposed as a total fraud. They’re much too self-absorbed and greedy to apply rational, intelligent thought when it is needed most.
The first attempt at Climate Blackmail, Kyoto, ostensibly failed because certain countries did not sign on displaying, obviously, a callousness and hard-heartedness rarely seen in the face of such a dire emergency as Catastrophic Climate Change. By not ratifying the “Protocols” these evil nations are further dooming mankind and the planet and are literally akin to murderers on a global scale. Who are these evil bastards? Industrialized and industrializing nations, of course. As noted at, “a number of the world’s biggest polluting countries, including the United States and China failed to ratify the treaty.” The web piece continues that, “This time, the United States, China, India and other key countries have announced emissions reduction pledges ahead of the conference, boosting hopes of a successful agreement in Copenhagen.” This is optimism run completely amok and may well be relegated to the realm of fantasy and fiction. Why would nations who didn’t want to see their economies completely destroyed and experience massive unemployment at Kyoto suddenly do a complete one-eighty at Copenhagen? The fact is they don’t as is evidenced by the almost total lack of concrete accomplishments produced at the conference. Certainly, promises were extracted and made but no real action occurred. However, UN Secretary Ban Ki-Moon confidently expressed the opinion that this time, “we will get the agreement and I believe that the agreement will be signed by all member states, which is historic.” Yo, Ban-Baby, you just keep on dreaming because that’s all the organization you represent is good at, except, of course, for outrageous displays of massive corruption and fraud. Aside from that, this venal America-Hating Club is easily one of the most ineffectual and useless institutions ever seen on earth!
Gary Vasey, European and Asian manager for an outfit called Commodity Point, notes that, “Indeed, if the kind of agreement envisioned by, for example, the European Union (EU) is reached, it is likely to have huge global economic, political and social ramifications and it will dramatically change our world and the very way we live.” You got that right, Brother! He notes such things as: setting “binding” emission reduction targets for about thirty-seven industrialized nations; to get the world’s industrialized countries to lead the effort in reducing carbon dioxide; to place a limit on global warming; to develop a fund for still developing nations; to create a technology transfer; and to rely on an international governing body to enforce whatever is decided at Copenhagen. His piece at is really describing the Left’s outrageous attempt to reduce the living standards of all the developed Western nations and institute a massive wealth redistribution program that will be world-wide in its reach and scope. He concludes by saying that, “the consensus of opinion is that an agreement will be difficult but the COP 15 will eventually result in an agreement of some kind is virtually certain.” If the world’s LFE in anyway succeeds in its ultimate goals we are facing a period that will make the Medieval Dark Ages seem like a veritable paradise!
In a piece from the European Parliament (www.europarl.europa) on the Copenhagen Climate Conference it becomes more than just painfully obvious that the Robin Hood Syndrome is in full effect worldwide and the Prince of Sherwood and his Band of Merry Men are still alive and well stealing from the wealthy and giving to the poor. No matter how noble Robin and the Brothers are portrayed, they were nothing more than thieves and cutthroats stealing what wasn’t theirs to take and giving the loot to those that did nothing to earn it. That’s known as punishing success and rewarding failure – a phenomenon honed literally into an art form by the entire global warming mob. The piece calls for, “developed countries to take the lead in significantly reducing their emissions,” regardless of the cost and concludes that, “significantly increased financial resources are needed. . .” I wonder where those resources will come from, don’t you? To accomplish these goals requires, of course, “appropriate contributions from economically more advanced developing countries which are commensurate with their responsibility and abilities.” This last is particularly ominous and onerous for it leads to the conclusion that the Far Left utterly despises the very concept of poor third-world nations improving their economic condition and thus the lives of their citizens!
Think about it calmly and rationally for a moment. Let us imagine, if you will, some impoverished shit-hole of a nation that has been controlled for literally centuries by dictators, war lords, and thugs. The top one percent of the population lives like royalty while the rest of the people barely survive in utter squalor and filth and they might make the equivalent of one or two dollars a day. They’ll die very young. Now imagine a successful revolution to oust the oppressors and bring about freedom and liberty. The new leaders look around the world for appropriate models upon which to base their own government and society. They realize that the West and especially the United States does better in any category you can think of so they create some kind of real democracy and adopt capitalism as its economic system. Fast forward for a few years and we notice that there has been a huge improvement in the nation’s economic outlook and the people are experiencing hope for the first time in their formerly miserable lives. They feel perhaps, just maybe, that the future holds something better than grinding abject poverty, disease, and rulers who would just as easily see them dead as they would shoot a mangy, mongrel hound that disturbed their palatial dreams of an evening.
The citizens of our new democracy even allow themselves the luxury of believing that their children’s future may be bright with possibilities of continued prosperity. Ah, to hope – perchance to dream! Fugeddaboutit! Here come the Global Warming, Greenhouse Gas Maniacs who expect developing nations just starting to see some sort of light at the end of a very cruel tunnel to pony up their fair share as well. The newly found prosperity and optimism, that sense of hope and possibility, are dashed to pieces as these folks must now – by mandate or perhaps UN fiat – sacrifice most or all of their newfound success to the phony bastards who have lied so artfully about the compassion they feel for the poor, downtrodden, and enslaved masses of the world! Hypocrites – hypocrites one and all! The people of our hypothetical model have merely traded one cruel master for one crueler yet! The members of the Liberal Fucking Elite and the Global Warming Nazis have now enslaved the young democracy and at the same time have managed to convince the poor bastards that it was for their own good! Talk about Balls, talk about Chutzpah, talk about utter madness! Those Catastrophic Climate Change Liars are nothing but huge control freaks who are incapable of telling the truth even if their damned lives depended on it!(see related video)
The European Parliament’s resolution references the “financial” more so than any other area of emphasis. It constantly intones the need for, “increased financial resources,” coupled with ominous catch-phrases like, “binding international framework,” and, “legally binding.” One gets the definite and correct impression that force and coercion will play a huge role in making the West comply with the demands of the “Greens” who, of course, have absolutely nothing to do with the betterment of the world’s less fortunate as their primary motivation. These boys are about nothing but force and compliance and theirs is the language of all powerful monarchs and dictators. Let’s see, here come some more tell-tale words and phrases employed, no doubt, to illustrate the oh-so humane and caring intentions of these phony bastards on the Looney Liberal Left: “a legally binding agreement”; “a legally binding comprehensive climate agreement”; “provide for sanctions at international levels for non-compliance”; “to make binding goals”; “financial aid and technical support”; “required predictable financial support”; “increase significantly its financial support”; “developed countries envisage earmarking a percentage of their GDP”; “climate financing”; “significantly increased financial support”; “urges developed countries to invest more”; “commit to financing international efforts”; and, of course, “public funding is the most realistic tool.” That last phrase is crucial to a clear understanding of the real thrust of the Global Warmers, Earth Firsters, and other like-minded liars and hypocrites. It’s all about separating you from your money so they can enrich themselves even further while pretending to actually give a damn about the fate of the planet! The only manner in which the literally trillions of dollars required is to massively and obscenely raise taxes to levels never seen before. Obama must palpably salivate at the mere prospect of stealing yet even more of our hard-earned dollars and increasing exponentially the number of people dependent on massive, centralized, and socialized government! All this in the name of compassion and saving a planet that doesn’t need saving!!
John Derbyshire in his excellent work We Are Doomed sums up a huge portion of America’s problems in a short, absolutely dead-on paragraph. He notes, “These are our masters: Lawyers, bureaucrats, and race hustlers who regard creators of wealth as the enemy. By looking for too much from politics, by putting our optimistic faith in their bogus stories about expertise and competence, in their promises to ‘fix’ things and ‘improve’ things, we have sold our birthright to hacks, frauds, and cynical time-servers – public servants – who don’t even pay their income taxes. Feugh!”
Much "Luv" Y'all and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman