Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The International Tribunal Of Climate Justice Rant

     Every time I think I’m finally done “screeding” about that loathsome, anti-American, and venal institution headquartered at New York City’s Turtle Bay, it finds a way to enrage and infuriate me.  As I contemplate the myriad methods the United Nations displays its utter disdain, malice, and even hatred for the United States, I seem to lose all sense of balance and proportion.  I absolutely can’t discuss or even contemplate the U.N. without becoming exceedingly agitated, angry, and frustrated.  It seems that not a day goes by when America bashing is not the main focal point of the organization’s reason to exist.  It is not fostering and promoting world peace nor is it the alleviation of a suffering humanity.  It has little to do with healing the sick or lifting the world’s poor out of grinding and debilitating poverty, or any other grand humanitarian endeavor.  No, its primary function and motivation is to bring America down, to disparage and impugn our very well deserved reputation as the world’s most generous and humanitarian country in planetary history, and to blame us for all the world’s evils and ills.  That organization is populated, for the most part, by countries headed by two-bit, piss ant tyrants, dictators, and downright thugs who persist in keeping their populations in extreme poverty, ignorance, and hopelessness while the leaders live in the lap of extreme luxury.

     More than just a few of these countries are Muslim theocracies governed by strict Sharia Law whose populations have never known such things as liberty, freedom, and upward mobility.  Most of the people from most of the U.N.’s member states live lives that are at best nasty, brutish, and very short and ideologies of caste and class prevent any improvement.  The people of these nations are governed by brute and overwhelming force and any form of dissent or deviation from the “norm” will be violently and viciously quashed.  It is an embarrassment and a humiliation that the United States of America, the greatest nation God ever gave mankind, is a member of the same organization as these authoritarian, dictatorial, and oppressive regimes.

     There is no earthly reason why this nation maintains its membership in “Club Tyrant” and there is certainly no logic or justification for the fact that it is our “dues” that keeps that monstrosity solvent.  Without us, that damned institution goes belly-up and bankrupt and the dictators, thugs, and warlords will have to find a new club house from which to spew their hostile and vicious anti-Americanism.  Some maintain that it is a matter of national pride and honor that we are the U.N.’s host patsy – uh, I mean nation.  Others point to the fact that it supposedly bolsters the economy of New York City.  I have also heard it said that since the United Nations is populated by so many of America’s enemies, it’s a good thing to have them close at hand where we can monitor their activities and possibly head off trouble at the pass.  You know what?  FUCK IT and FUCK the U.N!!  I want America out of the U.N. and the United Nations out of America!!  Just send the whole damned bunch of those Bastards back to the Third World Shitholes from whence they came.  I don’t want to see one more penny of taxpayer money given to this anti-American institution and any nation that wants some foreign aid from us better damned well understand that said aid will in the future have all kinds of strings attached to it.  No more money for nothin’!

     You want a piece of the action, it’s gonna cost you.  You want money from the United States, then you’d better toe that fuckin’ line!  No more America Bashing or anti-Americanism.  You want our money, then you’d damned well better behave and stop biting the hand that feeds you and your loser country.  You want the United States to rush in and pull your nuts out of the fire, then show some damned gratitude and appreciation for the sacrifice made by Americans on behalf of your worthless nation.  You want American aid and comfort, then stop sneaking across our borders.  You want your people to come here, then see to it that they do it the right way.  You want our help, then you’d better back us in any fight or conflict anywhere in the world.  You want American dollars, then stop aiding and abetting our enemies.  No more harboring and protecting terrorists and their sympathizers who only want to destroy the United States and constantly refer to us as the, “Great Satan.”

     You want American aid, then clean up your own house.  Get rid of your tyrants, thugs, and dictators who’ve enslaved you since forever and come up with a system that allows those who are governed to have a voice in the way it’s done.  You want our help, then move toward some form of Capitalist economic system which is the most successful wealth-creator in the history of history.  You want America’s resources, then we’d better see no more dancing in the streets and celebrating as we witnessed when the Twin Towers came down.  Are you beginning to get the message here?  Do you begin to understand?  You want our help after the next tsunami or volcanic eruption wipes out a significant portion of your population and infrastructure, then you’d damned well better give something back in return – like loyalty, friendship, and cooperation!

     Yeah, yeah, I know.  But it’s a nice fantasy, isn’t it?  It’s never gonna happen and we all understand that.  What to do, what to do?  Here’s a suggestion and one, by the way, I’ve made before.  We “resign” our membership in the club we’re now in, kick that organization out of the country, and start one of our own.  How’s that sound?  This new club will, of course, be headed by the United States and membership will be exclusive as opposed to inclusive.  There will be strict rules and regulations for admittance to our new organization and all prospective members will face a mandatory probationary period during which they must prove their continued worthiness.  For starters, only nations that have established some form of political system that allows its citizens to freely choose their leaders will be permitted the privilege of membership.  Some form of democracy, then, will have to be an integral part of any member’s political identity, history, and nature.  Will new members be required to mirror our system which is properly described as a representative constitutional republic?  No, of course not.  There are a variety of political systems out there that allow the citizenry to both choose and remove leaders thus making government a bottom up proposition rather than one that emanates from the top down.

     Additionally, each new member nation must have a written constitution that clearly and expressly states the rights of the citizenry while simultaneously limiting the power of government.  Any new member nation must have in place an economic system based on concepts of free enterprise and markets and is consumer driven.  This is the only system that allows the growth of a large middle class that can provide prosperity for the majority of its citizens.  It is the only economic system that has built into it the concept of upward mobility and thus affords the possibility of hope, optimism, and unfettered opportunity.  There exist approximately one hundred and ninety or so nations on the planet and only about 75 to 80 of them in some manner, shape, or form come even close to meeting the above outlined requirements.  Membership, then, will be exclusive as opposed to inclusive and any country run by thugs, war-lords, dictators, or tyrants is not welcome.  Furthermore, any country that is not on balance pro-American and pro-individual rights, freedom, and liberty need not apply.  It’s time the rest of the world recognized the amazing contributions to the betterment of mankind that the United States has wrought and it’s more than time that we insist that the rest of the world understands this and realizes the sacrifices made by Americans in order to make the world a better place.

     It’s more than time that the United States was appreciated for all the good we have done and that without us the world would be far more chaotic, brutal, and deadly than it is now.  It is time that the world recognized and admitted that when America is weak or is perceived as being so, the world is far more dangerous, unstable, and unpredictable.   Conversely, when the United States is strong the world becomes less volatile and eminently more peaceful.  When we are strong and confident, the world’s dictators and tyrants tend to be less bold and assertive.  When the U.S. is weak and unsure, we get fun-loving folks like ISIS and Al Quaida surging forward and inflicting their particular brand of pain, agony, and death wherever they can raise their black flag. Well then, what to call our new organization restricted to membership to nations that meet the requirements broadly outlined above?  Perhaps something along the lines of, “Countries United to Promote Economic and Political Freedom (CUPEPF) or maybe, “Nations United Against Oppression, Tyranny, and Poverty (NUAOTP).  I know, I know.  They don’t exactly roll off the tongue do they?  This is kinda tough.  Hey out there, if you’ve got a suggestion why not leave a comment and let me know?

     So, what has the United Nations done this time to make my blood pressure surge to dangerously high levels?  What has that venal, anti-American organization done to once more get my shorts all in a twist?  You may have heard that once again there is to be yet another U.N. Climate Summit to be held in Paris, France.  The topic, of course, will be Catastrophic Climate Change or more specifically Anthropomorphic Global Warming (AGW).  The fact that man-made global warming is a complete and utter hoax and has absolutely no basis in “real” science matters not at all to the Liberal, anti-American, anti-Capitalist, and anti-Progress champions of the phony, fraudulent, and completely politicized phenomenon.  The folks who sponsor these “summits” don’t know didly-squat about global warming or the fact that it is a completely natural and normal phenomenon.  They have not the slightest clue about carbon dioxide – you know, that evil CO2 – or the crucial role it plays for life on the planet.  They know absolutely nothing, zip, nada about it.  Like so much of the bilge spread and sponsored by the United Nations, it is but one more way to punish the United States as well as other prosperous Western nations for our success.  It is but one more tactic to redistribute our wealth to failed and desperately poor Third World Shitholes that cannot and will not blame themselves for the horrendous conditions that exist in their own countries.  After all, “scape-goating” is far easier and more convenient than honest self-evaluation and a willingness to confront one’s own failures and poor decisions.

     This climate summit is but one more attempt to portray the United States as the world’s most callous and evil entity that is devoid of all compassion for the planet’s downtrodden and hopeless masses.  It is but one more predictable and boring effort to steal from those who have earned what they have and transfer it to those who have had nothing to do with creating and promoting prosperity and modernity.  With this back-drop in mind, please be aware that at their next bogus climate summit we will see an effort to create something euphemistically termed The International Tribunal of Climate Justice.  Now doesn’t that sound grand?  Doesn’t that sound ever-so righteous?  The folks who want to see the creation of this tribunal are obviously on the side of the angels while all who oppose are nothing less than the Devil’s Disciples.  This proposed tribunal, however, should be more aptly named something like The International Kangaroo Court to Fuck America and Other Western, Developed Nations for Their Success, Their Wealth, and Their Remarkable Record in Improving the Lot of Mankind!  Yeah, that’s quite a mouthful and yet it is absolutely and utterly spot-on accurate.  Whenever you see or hear the handle The International Tribunal of Climate Justice, just substitute the above and you’ll be starting down the road that leads to the truth.

     A piece entitled, “Stealth Agenda: New UN Tribunal to Judge US for Climate Debt (,” is right on point here.  The article notes that the, “draft text of the climate treaty for the soon-to-start UN Climate Summit in Paris proposes to establish a global Supreme Court that would rule on issues such as climate justice, climate finance, technology transfers, and climate debt."  Now these are some terms I’ve never heard or imagined before.  Climate Justice?  Climate Finance?  Climate Debt?  How does one establish, for example, such a thing as Climate Justice?  Are we implying that the climate is somehow guilty of some heinous crime for which it must be judged?  I have always been under the silly impression that climate is and always has been a naturally occurring phenomenon to which mankind must adapt in order to survive.  That adaptation has always been man’s most daunting challenge and meeting it has always been a testimony to our very instincts for survival and creativity.  Meeting that challenge has led to an amazing array of discoveries, inventions, and improvements that have vastly improved the lot of mankind.  I give you, for example, such revolutionary and life altering gems like air conditioning and refrigeration.  We also note the amazing and ingenious array of agricultural techniques geared to accommodate the existing climate and conditions in all parts of the world.  Along the same vein, we can cite the invention of heating systems that make life livable and even possible in those parts of the world that can best be described as brutally and deathly frigid.  We have also in our never-ending battle with Mother Nature developed an ability to withstand her assaults on us mere humans via the invention of new construction materials and techniques.  Now, however, we must come to terms with this Climate Justice paradigm which makes not a lick of common or even uncommon sense until one puts it into context and that context is simplicity itself.  Loosely translated, Climate justice means nothing more than FUCK the U.S.A. and all other Western nations that can properly be described as successful national entities.  These are, of course, constantly under attack by all the loser, Third World countries across the globe as they contemplate their abject failures and our unlimited successes.  We are talking about envy and jealousy run amok to the point where the losers are bound and determined to punish the winners no matter how irrational and deranged that entire concept may be.

     The piece cited above explains that an, “International Tribunal of Climate Justice as a compliance mechanism is hereby established to address cases of non-compliance of the commitments of developed country Parties on mitigation, adaptation, provision of finance, technology development and transfer and capacity-building and transparency of action and support, including through the development of an indicative list of consequences, taking into account  the cause, type, degree and frequency of non-compliance.”  WOW and HOLY SHIT!!  If there is anyone out there who can actually make sense of this drivel, please contact me immediately.  What in the FUCK is the guy who wrote this crap even attempting to say?  You’ve heard the old bromide, “We’ll dazzle ‘em with footwork?”  Well this is apparently a case of, “We’ll dazzle ‘em with verbiage!”  The only message I can glean from the above quoted gibberish is something along the lines of we’re really pissed off at America and other developed Western nations to the point that we will punish them, demand billions in “restoration” for something or other, and just for shits and giggles we’re also gonna steal your technology!  Why?  Well, because we’re losers and the United States is the biggest winner (read that target) we can find.  This is but one more tired effort to bring the United States down to the level of undeveloped Third World sorry-ass excuses for nation states.  Instead of looking at America as an unmitigated success and attempting to emulate our example, it is far easier to play the jealousy and envy card.  After all, this takes no real effort and requires absolutely zero as far as instituting meaningful improvements and progress in their own countries.

     The establishment of this tribunal constitutes nothing less than a naked, undisguised attack on American sovereignty.  It is an attempt to by-pass and undercut this nation’s ability to formulate its own policies and initiatives regarding climate policy, global warming, and other “enviro” issues that quite frankly take up too much of our time and resources.  No matter how ridiculous and unfounded are the climate catastrophes that those on our nation’s Left keep reviling us with, they should and must be dealt with in-house.  Policies and procedures that affect Americans must be decided only by Americans and not by some international organization that wishes us nothing but harm and destruction.  The same piece correctly maintains that such a tribunal would do nothing more than, “subvert U.S. sovereignty,” by, “establishing a planetary judicial authority.”  Additionally, the International Tribunal of Climate Justice is an attempt to institute a, “global policy for effecting the confiscation and transfer of gigantic portions of the planet’s wealth,” and constitutes a serious effort, “to put an end to the capitalist system.”  Additionally, those in favor of such a tribunal are, “united in their common goal of destroying free enterprise and property rights.”

     It doesn’t get much more clear than this.  Behind all the flowery language, the meaningless pap, and the tired clichés is an unavowed and undisguised anti-Americanism that has become the signature rationale for the existence of the United Nations.  Another piece entitled, “U.N. Planning Court to Judge U.S. for Climate Justice (,” sums up the purpose of the International Tribunal of Climate Justice clearly and succinctly.  The author explains that such a tribunal would give, “Third World countries the power to haul the U.S. into a global court with enforcement powers.”  This would effectively by-pass our own Congress and that, “policies once left to sovereign nations could be turned over to a U.N. body. . . .”  Additionally, over 130 developing nations insist that they will not sign on to this proposed tribunal, “unless it contains massive redistribution of wealth from developed to poor nations.”  Take just a moment and read that last one more time.  Climate justice, climate fairness, and climate whatever have nothing to do with anything.  The whole damned Paris Climate Conference is nothing more than a redistribution scheme designed to fleece America and other developed, prosperous Western nations.  All of the flowery language and grand verbiage cannot disguise that one glaring fact.  Can we all say, “Shell Game?”

     The piece continues that, “Whatever they call it, countries who sign onto this agreement will be voting to expand the reach of the U.N. climate bureaucracy, cede national sovereignty, and create a one-way street along which billions will be redistributed from developed to poor nations.”  The author of the article correctly insists that those in favor of the tribunal, “would like nothing better than a world where the West cedes the competitive advantages their free market economies created,” and there you have it in a nut shell.  This climate conference and tribunal are but thinly disguised efforts to destroy capitalism and put an end to wealth creators like free enterprise and free markets.  The entire damned scheme is based on the utterly phony and false “science” of anthropomorphic global warming and is designed to punish successful nations and reward those Third World Failures for their inability or unwillingness to compete.  Yes folks, it’s really no more complicated than that.

     But wait, you say.  Wouldn’t any agreement or treaty coming out of the United Nations need the approval-permission of the American people?  Doesn’t the United States Senate have a constitutional duty to vote on anything like an International Tribunal of Climate Justice?  Yes, of course.  So what’s to worry about?  Surely, no American citizen, elected representative, or U.S. Senator would sign on to such an obviously anti-American monstrosity as the one being discussed here.  Let the blow-hards at the United Nations yell and scream, hoot and holler to their hearts content.  This agreement must be approved by the American people, musn’t it?  Yeah, you’d think so, but you’d better think again, Skippy.  In a rational and orderly environment, that would be the case.  In a nation where common sense and logic prevailed, this whole U.N. debacle would be moot and might make for an interesting discussion at your favorite neighborhood watering hole.  This, however, simply isn’t the case.  One of the Bamster’s trademarks is governing against the will of the American people.  You don’t think so?  I give you both Obamacare and Obamacore.  The American people were overwhelmingly against both but we’re saddled with them anyway.  I give you the notion of Open Borders which the vast majority of us adamantly oppose and yet we’re living with them daily.  I further give you that XL Pipeline that the majority of Americans heartily support and yet Obama has unilaterally rejected.  It doesn’t matter what the citizenry wants as long as El Destructo has his pen and his phone!

     Tragically, there are far too many Americans amongst us who want U.S. national interests and sovereignty subordinated to international organizations like the United Nations.  There are far too many amongst us who ardently believe that globalism trumps nationalism and that, in fact, the United States does not deserve the wealth and power it has accrued over the centuries.  We call them Liberals and their religion is Liberalism.   Those who believe in the Liberal Orthodoxy are as anti-American as any from foreign nations who support a treaty that includes anything like the International Tribunal of Climate Justice.  They agree with those around the world who view the United States as the globe’s biggest and most dangerous problem and feel, like they do, that we must be punished for our planetary excesses, our hubris and arrogance, and our treatment of so-called people of color.  We represent only the dark side of human nature and the human experience and it is this nation that has polluted and despoiled dear old Mother Nature.  We more than any other country are responsible for the rampant production and release of CO2 into the atmosphere and are thus almost solely responsible for this thing called anthropomorphic global warming.  We must, then, be harshly punished for the size of our carbon footprint.  It matters not a whit that all of the above is pure, unadulterated Bullshit because this is what Liberals believe and that belief is being translated into political action.

     Liberals, you see, are in the brainwashing business and they are in an excellent position to do so.  They have a literal death grip on this nation’s educational system from pre-K right on through college and university.  They have been filling the heads of our youth with their lies about global warming, catastrophic climate change, and carbon dioxide since our young ‘uns graduated from diapers to underpants.  They have been screaming at our youth about the evil the United States has perpetrated on the world’s poor, downtrodden, and brown for so many years that our young have literally no choice but to buy into the lie.  Unfortunately, our young are no longer taught to think critically or independently but instead are taught to follow in lemming-like fashion even to the point of running off the cliff to their own demise.  It is an unspeakable tragedy from which this nation might never recover.  Generations of young Americans have been taught that their country is irrideemingly flawed, corrupt, and venal.

     In addition to controlling our system of education, the Liberal Pukes in our midst have a vice-like grip on our entertainment – media – information outlets.  Whether it be television production, movies coming out of Hollywood, literature, or the news media we are constantly bombarded with images that portray the United States as the worst scourge in global history.  We are viewed as the world’s worst and most dangerous aggressor and oppressor and we, it is claimed, have done nothing less than raped the planet to satisfy our own narrow and greedy wants, needs, and desires.  Our country’s three hundred and thirty million or so inhabitants are accused of literally being able to bludgeon the billions of folks out there who aren’t fortunate enough to reside in the United States.  We are portrayed as the number one cause of planetary strife and discord and are deemed as Islamophobic, Homophobic, Racist, and intolerant of all others.  We are accused of fomenting every possible ill and evil imaginable be they natural or man-made.  We are accused of a massive and callous disregard for every life form that inhabits the earth.  Young and old alike are fed a continual and constant diet of this bilge from which there is very little escape.  It’s all around us and permeates our very existence.

     All of this and more has had a cumulative effect on the nation and has convinced far too many Americans, not to mention foreigners, that our country is nothing more than an illegitimate enterprise and has been so since our Founding.  There are far too many of our own countrymen who have been brainwashed into believing these negative characterizations and are, therefore, not at all uncomfortable with the never ending assaults on our sovereignty that emanates from the United Nations and every other international organization you can think of.  We seem to have fewer and fewer defenders out there but the more vexing and debilitating problem is that we seem to have fewer and fewer defenders right here at home.  We are living in a world of Globalists and so-called One-Worlders and concepts like sovereignty and secure borders are deemed but relics of an antiquated, irrelevant, and out of date past.  Those of us who are America First and Always are viewed as anywhere from quaint to rabidly dangerous anachronisms.  You know, we’re the guys who President Numb-Nuts accuses of clinging to our guns and our Bibles.  Our sovereignty and standing as a national entity means nothing to the Piece of Shit – in – Chief and he thoroughly agrees with those who champion such absurdities as the International Tribunal of Climate Justice.

     A piece entitled, “How Does an Orwellian International Tribunal for Climate Justice Sound to You? (,” correctly maintains that the, “world’s statists have decided the climate science is settled; the U.S. is responsible for the carbon destruction and the consequent climate change; therefore the U.S. must pay others suffering for America’s theft and greed.”  The article goes on to note that the, “United States, the last bastion of real freedom in the world, a nation that has generously helped others, is being painted successfully as the villain by a corrupt theater of totalitarian actors who want our wealth and resources which we worked so hard to acquire,” and that in fact, “our president is part of this scheme.”  If these anti-American Globalists get their way, “American companies could end up being dragged into these courts for Socialist enviro-justice and redistribution.”  I’m quite convinced that El Destructo goes all orgasmic at the prospect of punishing America and helping to destroy our system of Free Market Capitalism.  It seems that every time the “Brother” opens his mouth it is for no other purpose than denigrating the United States.  This is particularly evident when he traverses the globe on his seemingly endless, “Apologize for America Tours.”

     There are certainly others out there who agree with this assessment of our “Dear Leader” and are not shy about voicing their opinions.  A piece entitled, “U.N. Planning Climate Justice Tribunal With Power Over Nations (,” informs us that the next climate summit in Paris includes, “a plan to create an International Tribunal of Climate Justice that would have power to enforce climate agreements and pass judgement on previously sovereign nations.”  Previously sovereign nations?  You betcha!  This is the entire point of the globalist agenda: to destroy the concept of sovereign, independent nation states and replace it with a scheme of global governance.  International organizations will govern according to some grand utopian vision that will do away with such antiquated notions of nationalism and borders.  They will actively and ardently work to bring all nations down to the lowest common denominator and proud, successful, and prosperous countries like the United States will be virtually destroyed.  This is a deliberate and purposeful strategy and too many of our fellow Americans are blissfully ignorant of it or, tragically, agree with it.  Indeed, “critics fear that the Obama Administration is willing to give away U.S. sovereignty and that such a tribunal will completely cut out Congress.  Given President Obama’s regular ignoring of Congress, the odds of him bringing them in on any such arrangement seem low.”

     The author of the article astutely points out that when, “Obama first ran for the presidency, he vowed to fundamentally alter America.  His administration has racked up failure after foreign policy failure and is desperate for something it can claim as a win, so if John Kerry and the rest of the gang see an opening, expect that they will hand over America’s independence without a second thought.”  I really never thought I’d live long enough to see the day when American “leaders” would purposely and even eagerly become active participants in the destruction of this greatest of all nations.  Well unfortunately, that day has arrived and this is what Liberalism has wrought.  Those on the Far Left despise the United States as historically founded and presently constituted.  They want desperately to bring this nation to its knees and will never recognize the concept and reality of American Exceptionalism.  Obama did, in fact, promise to fundamentally transform the United States and I suppose our very destruction constitutes the transformation he so passionately seeks!  Whatever happened to President Washington’s warning about avoiding entangling alliances?  If the Founders could see what Liberalism and its devotees have done to the country they forged, they’d come back and demand a second American Revolution!

     Yet another article entitled, “Climate Justice: How to Kill an Economy Dead (,” also notes the proposed International Tribunal of Climate Justice and maintains that, “the U.S. is eager to sign a treaty that will make it look as though the world is doing something about all of this nasty global warming that’s been going around,” and states that this tribunal’s sole purpose is to, “give a world court unprecedented authority over the policies of sovereign nations like the United states.”  It really doesn’t get any more clear than this and any objective observer will recognize the fact that the United Nations views America not simply as another member state but rather as an enemy that must be severely and harshly punished.  The piece goes on to maintain that the proposed tribunal constitutes, “the newest way the world’s liberals intend to force wealth distribution on the U.S.”  In fact, many of the treaty’s supporters, “have already said they won’t sign the treaty unless it includes mechanisms that will steal from the rich and give to the poor.”

     Please keep in mind that no matter how noble the old Robin Hood myth may sound, in the end he was just a fucking thief!  The author of the piece goes on to say that it, “would be unthinkable that President Obama and John Kerry would sign anything that would erode America’s economic freedom, so that probably means they’ll jump at the chance.”  He continues that, “After all, this is right up their alley.  They love giving away America’s wealth; its security, and its power in the world.  They think it’s somehow a great evil that we have so much while there are starving kids in Africa.  They refuse to see how beneficial American success has been to the entire world.”  Additionally, the writer is convinced that, “We’re going to sign this treaty (or another one like it) so we can prove to the world how benevolent and caring we are across the sea.  It’s a new day in America.  An Obama day!  That means we embrace weakness.  We submit to the authority of any culture that is somehow less advantaged than ours.  We spit on our own accomplishments and we praise those who only bring evil and chaos into the world.”

     You know, that about sums it all up.  Our reliance upon and willingness to submit to the will of international organizations that are filled with members who absolutely loathe and despise us is completely wrong-headed and literally suicidal.  To continue down this path will inevitably lead to the death of America for our country will cease to be the one we have grown to love and cherish!

Much Luv Y’All and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)