Thursday, January 31, 2013



It seems that we are once again deep in the throes of still another dire environmental catastrophe that, of course, has the very real capacity – if not the absolute certainty – of devastating/destroying the planet. Since at least as far back as Rachel Carson and her Silent Spring in the 1960’s, the Far Left spearheaded by the “Environmental Wacko’s” have hysterically and predictably proclaimed that the end is nigh and Evil Mankind is once again the culprit. It is to yawn. Have you noticed, by the way, that none of these horrific predictions have ever come even close to fruition? Nada, Zip, Zero. Sorry, Rachel, but the song-birds still sing. Our water is still eminently potable and mankind has not overpopulated the earth to the point of mass starvation and extinction. None of this has happened and it won’t. The polar bear populations of the far north are healthy and growing as are the caribou herds, the Alaskan Pipeline notwithstanding. Anthropomorphic global warming has been conclusively repudiated and debunked despite the best and fraudulent efforts of the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia (see the Climate-Gate Rant of 12/20/09). Those on the Far Left and especially the Socialists in the “Environmental Movement” seem utterly dejected and disappointed that not only has Evil Mankind not been able to destroy the planet and our oh-so-cute furry friends but seem unable to accept the fact that environmentally, old Mother Earth is doing damned well despite her advanced age.

Not to be deterred by such pesky and annoying little things like facts and evidence, the Doom and Gloomers keep soldiering on. They seem convinced that we must immediately, if not sooner, abandon our use of fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas or the planet is utterly doomed. Instead, they champion those environmentally friendly “Alternative Fuels” like wind, solar, pond scum, and other so-called “Green” energy applications that will not harm the planet or place our feathered friends in jeopardy. How nice, save for the fact that they constitute no more than mere pipe dreams that in the real world are simply impractical, unworkable, and thoroughly utopian in nature and character.

There is simply no realistic way to ignore the fact that oil and gas constitute our most practical, efficient, and cost effective methods to produce the massive amounts of energy consumed by 21st Century Americans. There are simply no equivalent alternative energy sources in the foreseeable or long-range future. Perhaps one day many years down the road we’ll have developed technologies that will indeed replace fossil fuels but for at least the next couple of centuries, oil and gas are King. Can you imagine, for example, even in your wildest dreams a giant C-130 cargo plane powered by solar or wind power? No, you can’t. Can you conjure up images of huge ocean-going cargo ships or 150 car freight trains running on those same fuels? Again, the answer is no. Solar, wind, etc., constitute no more than hobbies at present and there is certainly nothing wrong with that. If, for example, I choose to heat my swimming pool with solar power, that’s fine. If my neighbor desires to produce electricity for his home by using wind power, then good for him. These examples, however, in no way constitute viable industries or even businesses. The demand for them just doesn’t exist and without demand there can be no product or service on a massive scale.

There has been virtually no private investment on the level necessary to make wind or solar power in any way or fashion practical, useful, or viable. Even when our government – read that taxpayer – subsidizes them with over half a trillion of our hard-earned dollars, alternative energy companies always fail. Remember Solyndra? That is not to say that research and development into these alternative fuels should not take place for indeed, it should but not at taxpayer expense. Let those who see a profitable and rewarding future in these technologies spend as much of their own money as they see fit on wind and solar projects. Let them attract as many investors as they can and work at realizing their dreams. Henry Ford did that, old John D. did that, as did Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and countless others. Perhaps you’ve heard of Free Market Capitalism? That’s the way it’s done in this country and it’s made us the wealthiest nation the world has ever seen because it works!

Risk-taking has always been a hallmark of the American experience, tradition, and character. It is literally part of our genetic make up, our DNA. It has defined us throughout our history going all the way back to those dauntless souls who took passage on the Mayflower and the pioneers who traveled west and settled this great nation. Risk-taking extends to creating the transcontinental railroads, the trans-Atlantic cable, Standard Oil, and U.S. Steel. It has allowed us to send men to the moon and back and it gave us Microsoft, Apple, and even your local deli on the corner. Without risk at some level, there can be no real reward and without the prospect of tangible and significant reward what’s the point of taking risks? The entrepreneurial spirit, that drive to succeed, has been with us since our inception and it constitutes a major element of the concept of American Exceptionalism. It appears, however, that the idea of taking risks is decidedly on the wane in the early years of the 21st Century. The old “can do” American spirit has seemingly been replaced by the “do it for me” philosophy championed by those on the Far Left in our country.

We seem to be far less self-reliant than in the past and far more passive and dependent than we have ever been. This attitude, fostered by the Socialist elements in our midst at every level of society, should be viewed as a major sea-change in our nation’s history and it is a change that bodes ill for America’s future. Dependency, especially on government largesse, seems to have become the norm in the American experience and psyche. Government hand-outs seem to be the wave of the future from the “Obamaphone” to food stamps to bailouts. As a matter of fact, it’s been projected that welfare – uh, I mean to say entitlements- will increase by 80% (11 trillion dollars) over the next decade! Does this sound like America to you? Does this sound like a people willing to rely on themselves to provide for their needs and desires? Does this sound like a nation of self-reliant, rugged individuals who really ask for nothing more than to be left alone to pursue their dreams regardless of how big or small they may be? No, I didn’t think so either. It sounds to me like our government is purposely and successfully creating a sense of dependency in America and dependency leads to complacency which always results in a sense of apathy and hopelessness. Once these concepts take hold of a majority of a nation’s citizens, no progress of any kind can be achieved and the country atrophies and eventually dies. This is inevitable and cannot be avoided once the majority have accepted and adopted these attitudes.

Has the United States reached this point yet or is my raging paranoia once again getting the best of me? No, for I believe that we have gone beyond the tipping point and have fallen off the precipice into the abyss of dependency, complacency, and apathy. My best evidence is the reelection of our Socialist-in-Chief to a second term. He makes LBJ and his Great Society seen like a mere piker and a rank amateur. Our nation has never seen more people on food stamps and the welfare rolls are burgeoning as never before. For the first time in our history government employs more folks than does our manufacturing sector and as a matter of fact, government is now the single largest employer in the country. Whatever happened to the Founding Father’s concept of a strictly limited government? It truly seems that a majority of Americans are perfectly content – even eager – to rely on government hand-outs rather than on themselves. We no longer seem to be a nation of risk-takers, of entrepreneurs, or self-reliant individuals who have faith in the future or that America’s best days still lie ahead of her.

This, then, brings us to the topic of this screed, fracking. What the Hell, you may ask, does the above discussion have to do with fracking? Everything. As is well known to all Americans, we are in the midst of yet another so-called energy crisis. Prices at the pump and the cost of keeping warm in the colder months easily bear this out. In my neck of the woods, the price of gasoline and home heating oil hovers at just under $4.00 per gallon and I’m told it’s a reflection of supply and demand. There just isn’t enough product out there to serve the needs of all those that require it to enable us to keep the costs down. It’s an economic reality, a fact of life and we’re just going to have to suck it up and deal with it. But suppose I told you that this is simply not the case and is in fact an outright, bald-faced lie foisted upon us by the “Enviro-Freaks” amongst us and their allies in the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite)? I wonder what your reaction would be? I’d say it would be somewhere between total disbelief and utter skepticism. If this is true, you may ask, then why aren’t we doing something about it and why don’t more people know about it? Good and relevant questions, indeed. If these things are in fact true, then why are we importing as much as two-thirds of our energy needs from overseas and in too many cases from nations that absolutely despise the United States and all that it stands for? Why aren’t we well on the road to energy independence and self-sufficiency?

The fact is, that sitting beneath our feet and under our coastal waters is enough oil and natural gas to virtually end our dependence on others for our energy needs and, furthermore, the technology exists for us to harvest these resources economically, profitably, and cleanly with little if any negative impact on the environment. I give you Hydraulic Fracturing or Fracking. Now, I’ve been told and you’ve probably heard from people who seem to know what they’re talking about (but don’t) that there’s simply too much risk involved in the process and therefore should not be undertaken. I’ve been warned that it might contaminate our drinking water and despoil the environment. I’ve been informed that the process of fracking will increase the cancer rates in America and will cause massive and horrific earthquakes and may even stimulate volcanic activity and who the Hell needs that?!?

Yeah, I’ve been told all these things and more but no one’s been able to show me credible – or even incredible – evidence or proof that there’s any real risk of the predicted catastrophes actually occurring. Each time I’ve been warned of the possible risks involved in fracking, I also consider the source. Without fail and exactly 100% of the time, the source is invariably a person or organization that is tied to the Far Left in this country, the Enviro-Freaks, or both. Every single time I’ve challenged their assertions-allegations, I’ve been screamed at, cursed at, called names, and been treated with utter contempt, disdain, scorn, and derision. When these folks fail to provide even the slightest support for the charges they bring, they invariably fall back on platitudes like, “Well, it might happen,” or, “Hey, it could happen,” so why bother to take the risk? That’s an attitude that flies in the face of our history and experience. Why bother to take the risk, indeed? How about to reap the untold and incredibly positive rewards that will accrue from fracking? How about to finally become truly energy independent rather than dependent?

Hell, with this mindset why should any of us get out of bed in the morning or step into the tub and take a shower? We may trip, fall, and break a leg. Why bother to drive our cars or board an airplane? We might end up dead. Why bother to start or expand a business? We might fail. Why bother to risk asking her out? She might say no! In the minds of these fools, it’s better not to take the risk if it might lead to failure. Better to maintain the status quo even if the status quo is unsustainable, untenable, and negative in the extreme. Folks, if this attitude had prevailed back in the 1770’s, there never would have been a free, independent United States of America. If this had been our attitude for the last two hundred and thirty some years, we would not have become the wealthiest, freest, most powerful, and most generous nation the world has ever seen. If the “Why-Take-The-Riskers” have assumed the ascendancy and majority among us, then our nation is irretrievably lost and in no way resembles the America we grew up in and have Come to love so much. That attitude reeks of failure and an end to progress on any and all levels you can think of. That attitude bespeaks of a change so vast that it can correctly be termed as un-American. It belies such stalwart American characteristics as optimism, hopefulness, and an unfaltering and unwavering belief in our continued greatness. It embodies the antithesis of American Exceptionalism.

Apparently, this is where we are in America today and it’s exactly where those on the Far Left have purposely taken us. It’s been at least fifty to sixty years in the making but they are both patient and insidious. The last thing they want is for America and Americans to be energy independent or independent in any aspect of our lives. Independent nations and people are free and self-reliant whereas dependent people and nations are in fact enslaved by a ruling elite who expect nothing but subservience, compliance, and resignation. Dependent people are easily led and controlled while independent types tend to think for themselves and act in their own best and self interest. Dependency leads to a malleable and moldable population that is easily cowed and coerced into doing the bidding of those who hold the reins of power. The last thing they want is an independent population/nation. They must have the citizenry dependent upon them and the nation dependent upon foreign entities many of which despise this country. They are, after all, globalists and one worlders who assign more legitimacy to international organizations like the United Nations and the World Court than they do to our own institutions like the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They want America to fail and in fact need America to fail. They truly believe that the United States achieved its level of success by raping and looting the rest of the planet’s natural resources and that we have subjugated the so-called People of Color world-wide. We are the cause of failed and failing nations in what has come to be termed the Third World and we must be made to pay for it. Anything that accrues to America’s advantage must be fought and defeated. Energy independence? Can’t have that for it doesn’t come close to fitting their anti-American template and therefore we can’t possibly allow fracking because that process would once again give America an edge!

An article entitled, “Energy Independence and its Enemies(,” explains that fracking, “is the shorthand term for hydraulic fracturing,” and makes possible, “the extraction of oil - natural gas in particular - from shale rock formations thousands of feet underground. A mixture of water, sand, and chemicals is pumped downward and sideways at high velocity. It fractures the rock and releases gas upward to the surface.” Author Abby W. Schacter explains that, “fracking portends nothing less than the potential re-industrialization of the U.S. economy,” and that the, “cumulative impact of new production . . . and associated activity may increase real GDP by 2.0 to 3.3 percent.” Well, so far I don’t see any reason to be particularly alarmed by the process but let us continue with our due diligence. A piece entitled, “Fracking feasible if practiced safely, responsibly(,” explains that, “Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is a drilling technique that uses a high-pressure mixture of water, sand and chemicals to break apart rock and free natural gas.”

Uh-oh, wait a second. Both sources sited thus far have explained that the fracking process employs the use of - OH, NO – chemicals! Well, there it is then. Fracking must immediately be brought to an abrupt and screeching halt for to continue would be akin to waging chemical warfare against Mother Nature and anyone who disagrees with this conclusion must be shunned, scorned, ridiculed, and shamed. After all, if you are in favor of fracking then ipso facto you must want to destroy and pollute the planet, rape our environment, and despoil all that the “Greens” love and cherish. Boy, you Frackers out there are some really evil, cold Bastards and should at the very least be exiled to some remote island somewhere or maybe even be summarily executed. Use chemicals, indeed! Author Brett Chenoweth apparently and wisely disagrees. He notes that there is, “concern about the undisclosed chemicals used in fracking,” but explains correctly that, “Fracking is a regulated activity, and concerns over the chemicals are not being ignored. For this reason, I do not see this as a large cost, as it has a very small probability of causing any damage to people or the environment.” Additionally, Mr. Chenoweth suggests, “that we frack, but responsibly and safely, making sure to set a standard procedure and safety process. The technology and techniques are only improving with time, so this should not be an unachievable goal. It will allow us to reap the benefits of fracking while maintaining a level of environmental integrity and safety.”

The only question I have for old Brett here is why would he assume anything else? We have become a nation of regulations, regulators, and regulated and the field of fracking is certainly no different. It would be sheer insanity on the part of those in the industry to do anything but act responsibly, safely, and prudently for that would endanger the endeavor, invite government reprisal, and would certainly reduce whatever profits are to be gleaned from the process. It would be the height of folly and foolishness because it would fly in the face of the self-interest of those engaged in the process and would be anti-capitalistic in the extreme. Oh, of course, I get it now and should have seen it immediately. Those who oppose fracking are, in fact, anti-capitalistic, anti-American, and Socialist. They despise the concept and view Capitalism as the single most evil socio-economic system ever devised by evil mankind(see the Morality of Free Market Capitalism Rant of 12/1/11).

So, then, what about these immoral and dastardly Frackers who would despoil our environment and rape Mother Nature with their noxious and deadly chemicals? I mean those guys plan to deploy nothing less than full-blown, all out chemical warfare against our precious planet. Only degenerate and depraved Capitalists could sink so low. There’s obviously no other explanation. An article entitled, “The Big Fracking Deal(,” speaks directly to this issue. The piece explains that, “you will notice chemicals that are used everyday such as household cleaners, swimming pool cleaner, table salt, thickeners used in cosmetics, glass cleaner, and many more.” Who among us does not have such products in the cabinets under the kitchen sink, in the bathroom, or out in the garage? I would venture to guess that the answer is virtually no one. According to the article, one such common compound used in Fracking is acid. Oh, Heaven forbid! Not ACIDS!! Apparently, the purpose of acid is to help dissolve minerals and aid in initiating fissure in rock. One of the most common existing reasons for using it is to clean our swimming pools. So, if you’ve got one of them or use a municipal facility you’re literally swimming in the stuff! Next up we see some horrific sounding thing called Glutaralde-hydrade which just sounds dangerous and hazardous to living things. This horrible chemical eliminates bacteria in water, is a disinfectant, and is used to sterilize dental and medical equipment. Oh, no – not that!

Care to take a look at a few more chemical agents that are employed in the fracking process? Sure, no problem. Moving right along, we notice something called Sodium Chloride which allows delayed breakdown of the gel polymer chains. Well, Mother of God, we sure as shit can’t have that! You know, common table salt found in just about every household in the nation. Now, your doctor may have warned you off the stuff but not because it’s going to destroy the planet or contaminate our drinking water! Next up on the list, we come to an item called Non-Dirrethyl Formarride which prevents pipe corrosion and is currently employed in pharmaceuticals, acrylic fibers, and plastic – all useful items, don’t you think?

Do you begin to get the point, folks? The scaremongers out there mention the word chemical and identify them by their formal, scientific names in order to frighten and confuse us. If they charged that table salt, the stuff we use to flavor our food with, will cause planetary destruction they’d be heckled right out of the room and they know it! If they came out and stated in plain English that the stuff used in fracking helps sanitize and clean our swimming pools, they’d be laughed off the stage! As all good members of the LFE, they employ fear tactics and play on our emotions. You know, if you are not against fracking you obviously must hate the planet and want to see it despoiled and destroyed. Gimme a Fracking break! Unfortunately, there are far too many of us who are easily frightened and have been literally brainwashed and bamboozled into believing that modern technologies are in and of themselves innately harmful, destructive, and constitute harbingers of doom.

Well then, let’s continue for just a bit longer examining what the Evil Fracksters have in store for us. They use in their capitalistic quest to make money and employ Americans such items as: Borate Salts – found in laundry detergents, hand soap, and cosmetics; Petroleum Distillates – used in make-up remover, laxatives, and candy; Guar Gum – currently employed in cosmetic thickeners, baked goods, ice cream, toothpaste, sauces, and salad dressing; Potassium Chloride (Oh, no – not that!) – which is nothing more than a low sodium salt substitute; Sodium Potassium Carbonate – used in soda, detergents, soap, water softener, glass, and ceramics; Ethylene Glycol – employed in antifreeze, household cleaners, and caulk; and Isopropanol – for glass cleaners, antiperspirants, and hair color. The article highlights other chemicals necessary and useful for the fracking process, but I believe the point is made. Those that are against fracking are attempting to instill an irrational fear into an ignorant and gullible population. They are attempting to prevent progress, stop economic growth and prosperity, and leave the American citizen in such a state of gloom and despair that they will turn to our government – to Big Brother – to protect and save us from the horrid profit mongers in our midst. You got it – more government dependence and less and less self-reliance and confidence in the future.

Alrighty then, the fracking process uses common, ordinary household chemical products. There’s nothing particularly exotic, outlandish, or extreme involved here and if their use can help us become energy independent and provide employment and prosperity for who knows how many millions, then fracking should be universally applauded and adopted. Not to do so seems to me to be the absolute height of foolishness and irresponsibility. Wait there just a minute, Skippy, retort the doom and gloomers. Just hold on there, Buddy, not so damned fast! They may grudgingly agree that the partial list of chemicals presented thus far may not mean an end to our planet or environment but what about the nation’s WATER SUPPLY, they shriek!?! Do you really want things like disinfectants, detergents, antifreeze, and glass cleaner leaching into and infecting our precious ground water? Well, do you?!? They claim that it will happen just as surely as the sun sets at night and rises in the morning. It’s inevitable. They conclude, therefore, that the Fracksters want to pollute and poison our water thereby killing our precious children and their cute little puppy dogs! How evil can you possibly get? The anti-frackers out there seriously make the charge that those in the Fracking Sector are willing to poison our drinking water in the name of Evil Profit and I really believe that they have absolutely no idea how ridiculous, ludicrous, and illogical they sound. They seem to assume that those in the Fracking Industry are too stupid and ignorant to understand the possible risks that fracking may present or they are convinced that those in the industry are so cold and callous as to not even give a damn about the risks as long as they’re turning a profit.

The investment in the process is huge and there’s a lot of money riding on its success and acceptance by the public. Without public support and approval, the industry is destined to fail. If the public generally held the view that fracking would mean large-scale contamination and pollution of our drinking water, there is no chance in Hades of it ever really succeeding and the fear-mongers know it. That is why we hear a never ending cacophony and chorus of anti-fracking going on out there. These folks are purposely attempting to instill fear and panic among the general public much as they have successfully and falsely done about America’s nuclear industry. If their anti-fracking propaganda is nearly as successful as their anti-nuclear propaganda has been then fracking is dead in the water. Kaput, finished, through! This, of course, is the desired outcome. Both of these technologies would virtually guarantee American energy independence and those members of the LFE out there simply can’t have that. It can’t be tolerated much less even contemplated. That would be seen as pro-American and they simply are not!

Let’s briefly look into the controversy about fracking and our water supply. First of all, according to the last mentioned source, fracking, “requires the use of more water than traditional shallow vertical wells, ranging between three and five million gallons of water per well.” Now, that’s a shitload of H2O! This water use, of course, leads to the charge that the fracking process will consume so much of the stuff that in time there will not be enough water left for human and animal consumption or for growing crops. All, of course, in the name of Evil Profit! Once again, the Gloomers and Doomers either have no idea of which they speak or they are purposely spreading lies into frightening the citizenry into rejecting the entire practice. As noted earlier, fracking is a heavily regulated industry and, “gas producers must identify and obtain permits from the state regulatory agencies to withdraw water from streams or rivers, with additional oversight on limiting water withdrawals to protect fish and aquatic life.” Like all other industries in America, the frackers simply can’t do as they please on a whim.

Additionally and as always, the anti-Fracking Forces ignore new technological developments that significantly cut down on the over use of our precious water supply. It seems that new, “technologies, however, are allowing producers to recycle much of their water,” and that on average, “producers reuse nearly 60 percent of their water, and this figure is expected to grow even larger. In some cases, “producers are recycling 100 percent of their water.” Furthermore, the entire fracking process, “requires continuous monitoring to ensure the safety of workers and the protection of the environment.” The piece also refers to a point made earlier by recognizing that natural gas companies, “invest millions of dollars to develop a single well. Protecting that investment through a safe operation and successful completion is the first priority for every well drilled.” Finally, the level of water consumption must be placed in its proper perspective. Yup, fracking uses a whole bunch of the stuff. Referring to Pennsylvania, the article notes that the, “the industry will only be using a tiny portion of the state’s water consumption of 10 billion gallons per day – this is less than what is used for recreational purposes, such as golf course irrigation in the summer months.”

All well and good, you say, but what about the concept of contaminating and polluting our water supply with the noxious chemicals discussed above? Well, as a previous sources noted, “there have been no confirmed instances of water contamination,” as of yet. Does this mean that it can never happen? Of course not, for as suggested a number of times in this screed there is risk involved in any and all human activities or endeavors. Does that mean that the risk is not worth taking and that progress should be abandoned because we have become too afraid to assume any risk at all? That’s no more than a prescription for defeat, failure, and an end to progress, development, and hope for the future. A piece entitled, “Fracking is Misunderstood, It’s the Key to Energy Self-Sufficiency(” explains that, “Fracking activities take place deep underground, well below the water table. . .” Did you get that? It’s simple and easy to understand. The process takes place nowhere near our water supplies so the chances of chemical pollution seem fairly remote at best. But still, maybe we should abandon the technology because, after all, something might go wrong somewhere, somehow, sometime.

Author Halah Touryalai makes an interesting and insightful comment when she notes there, “is far too much inaccurate information about fracking being circulated by people calling themselves environmentalists,” and suggests that an EPA, “study would hopefully resolve these issues once and for all.” While she apparently recognizes that there is in fact an entire pant-load of lies and misinformation being disseminated about fracking by the “Greens” amongst us, she obviously places far more faith in government’s abilities and intentions than do I. EPA, indeed! That’s an organization populated by those on the Far Left, the LFE, and Socialists. I’m willing to bet the ranch that any study of fracking put out by the EPA would have only one resounding resolution: shut it down!

According to the Hill which is the official news organ of the U.S. Congress the possibility and danger of chemical contamination is remote. In an article entitled, “Fracking Innovations Enhancing Energy Independence(,” we learn that more, “than a million wells have been ‘fracked’ since the technology was introduced more than six decades ago,” and that, “Fracking takes place a mile or more below drinking-water aquifers and is separated from them by thick layers of impermeable rock.” The article recognizes that there are concerns about a process called flow back – water that flows back to the surface after fracking has taken place – but and as always, “experience and innovation are leading the way,” in dealing with any problems from that source. Author Bonner Cohen explains that additives, “containing the BTEX family of chemicals have been eliminated from the product lines used in fracking. BTEX – benzene, tolvene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes – are the volatile organic compounds found in petroleum and dies, once a staple in fracking, has been replaced by much more environmentally friendly mineral oil.” The author correctly insists that, “Technology doesn’t stand still. Today’s innovations, which are making fracking cleaner and safer, will be superseded by tomorrow’s breakthroughs.”

That last statement constitutes an utter and absolute truism. Those of us on the “Right” firmly know and believe this. It is we Conservatives who have an all-abiding faith in man’s ability to progress and overcome problems that are encountered in any field of endeavor. We tend to recognize but not dwell on problems that arise and instead focus on finding solutions to them. We believe in man’s ability to keep moving forward no matter what the obstacles. We look back on the amazing and, historically speaking, breakneck pace of developments that have vastly improved the lot of mankind and see no reason to abandon or curtail our optimistic attitudes regarding America’s future. It is those on the Far Left in this country that are the pessimists, the gloom and doomers. They are the ones that have absolutely no faith in man’s ability to progress and improve conditions in this country. They are the ones that do not trust the individual to take care of themselves and their families. They are convinced that the mass of humanity must be led around by the nose. They insist that every conceivable aspect of life be micromanaged by a massive, centralized, out of control government peopled and staffed by an arrogant, condescending elite who are, of course, far better equipped than us common slobs to run our lives and dictate the terms of our existence. They have absolutely no faith or confidence in man’s ability to make correct decisions or create innovative solutions to the myriad problems life throws at us. Yet, they label themselves as PROGRESSIVES! Progressives, my sorry old ass!! They are against fracking because it represents progress, innovation, and most importantly because it will enhance America’s position in the world and this they cannot abide.

Merely debunking the myths and lies about fracking perpetrated by those on the Far Left is not enough to get a sense of just how beneficial it really is and what it will actually do for individuals and communities in this country. For so many years, for example, we have in America been bombarded and inundated with horror stories pertaining to evil Carbon Dioxide and the dangers of global warming. Well, those who constantly predict planetary destruction due to that phenomenon should be elated at the prospect of hydraulic fracturing for it significantly reduces CO2 emissions. That’s right, folks. While the Environmental Freakazoids have been able to do absolutely nothing about it, the Evil Capitalists out there have by pursuing profit through advanced technology.

An article entitled, “Fracking Provides an Array of Benefits(” informs us that, “Hydraulic fracturing is improving energy outlook and reducing carbon emissions.” How about that, huh? The piece goes on to say that,

“At this point it’s becoming almost impossible to deny the environmental benefits increased natural gas is providing in the United States.” In fact, “its increased use in power generation has enabled the U.S. to reduce carbon emissions to 20 year lows, dropping to 1992 levels.” In fact, the International Energy Agency notes that the, “U.S. has led the world in carbon reductions since 2006 thanks to increased natural gas made possible by hydraulic fracturing.” Environmental benefits, however, constitute just the merest tip of the ice-burg. Author John Krohn explains that in Ohio, “studies show that it supported 1.5 million jobs and over $1 billion a day in economic activity last year.”

Not only is fracking revving up employment at a time when unemployment levels are still unacceptably high, it is breathing new life into what were assumed to be moribund and dying industries. A piece entitled, “It’s time to Develop Our Natural Resources in America(,” informs us that, “Hydraulic fracturing – fracking – is revitalizing a number of American businesses that had previously been stagnant or forced to relocate to other parts of the globe.” Furthermore, “The shale gas revolution is firing up an old-fashioned American industrial revival.” The piece sites a number of examples from Ascension Parish, Louisiana. It explains that Methanex Corporation, a chemical plant that shut down its last plant in America in 1999 is spending over half a billion dollars to dismantle a plant in Chile and will move it to the Louisiana parish.

Additionally, the Williams Petrochemical Company is spending something like $400 million to expand an ethylene plant and, “CF Industries unveiled a $2.1 billion expansion of its nitrogen fertilizer manufacturing complex, aiming to displace imports that now make up half of U.S. nitrogen fertilizer sales.” Those, of course, are but merely a few examples of a phenomenon that is increasingly taking place all over the nation thanks to fracking. The article accurately maintains that across the country companies like those cited, “are crediting the sudden abundance of cheap natural gas for reviving up their U.S. operations,” and that the, “shale gas revolution is firing up an old-fashioned American industrial revival, breathing life into businesses such as petrochemicals and gas, steel and toys.” As far as I can tell, folks, fracking seems to be a win-win for everyone and I’m convinced that the only ones opposed to it are those that do not wish to see America grow and prosper because they intensely dislike, if not actually hate, this country. I can find no other explanation for their fracking objections other than a pronounced anti-American bias and prejudice.

The benefits of fracking so far outweigh any negatives that one must wonder about the motives of those who are against it. The objections to the process cannot be grounded in reality, fact, or reason for they are supremely irrational, irresponsible, and reveal an amazing level of ignorance, hysteria, and irrationality. Their attitudes display a complete lack of faith in the future and a pessimism that is literally foreign to America’s history and experience. Their views fly in the face of common sense as well as nationalism. One Allen Gilmer wrote a piece entitled, “10 Reasons Fracking Improves American Lives(,” which clearly and concisely lays out the case for hydraulic fracturing. He notes, for starters, because of fracking the, “price of oil is 20% lower than what it would be otherwise,” and that, “natural gas prices in America have plummeted over the last 5 years. As a result, natural gas is at least 80% cheaper here than the rest of the world.” Any objections thus far? Good, let’s keep going. The author points out that, “low gas prices have led to America’s first new industrial build in 40 years,” and for, “the first time in many people’s lives, our manufacturing sector is growing,” and that, “American energy independence is possible for the first time in history.” All this and more is directly attributable to fracking and yet there are still those out there who vigorously oppose it.

Moving right along, we note that by, “reducing our dependence on foreign oil, we won’t have to send untold amounts of money to governments who don’t have our best interests in mind, particularly in the Middle East.” Think about that. No more being held hostage by a bunch of oil-rich sheiks halfway around the world who view us as no more than the Great Satan! Furthermore, “we have reduced our CO2 contribution over 200 kilotons per day,” and we have, “unlocked a vast energy resource while remaining environmentally responsible.” Indeed, “thanks to fracking, Oil & Gas is perhaps the only robust industry that is hiring at every level. We offer high paying jobs and pay far more of our income as taxes and fees than virtually any other industry.” Yeah, that fracking stuff is just one giant negative! In addition, “every year, drilling leases bring multibillion dollar transfer payments to rural and agricultural communities across America.”

Fracking seems to be a huge positive for this nation and its citizens. If we let the modern-day “Luddites” amongst us win and shut down the process we will be witnessing the end of American independence and hegemony and it will usher in a period of deep malaise and hopelessness that may see the end of America as founded and currently constituted.

Much Luv Y’all and Have a Great Day!

The Fifth Horseman

(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)