Thursday, May 26, 2016

The White Privilege Conference Rant

     White Privilege is a term I’ve heard bandied about as of late.  White Privilege is not a concept to which I have given much thought nor have I done a lot of research on the topic.  It’s not something I ever really gave a damn about and I still don’t.  When I began hearing and reading about something called the White Privilege Conference, however, and that there have been sixteen or seventeen of them so far, it piqued my interest.  What, I wondered, went on at a White Privilege Conference?  What do such conferences hope to accomplish?  What are their goals and how will they be achieved?  Were they intended to promote white privilege and if so could they be related to a white supremacist group or movement?  Do such conferences seek merely to explain, define, and inform the public about the concept of white privilege?  Were they intended to attack and destroy this thing identified as white privilege?  I’m assuming that the focus of these conferences and of the White Privilege Movement is to highlight and underscore the assumption that white folks in America have an easier time of succeeding than do so-called people of color.  Caucasians, then, by the mere accident of being born white have a far better shot at achieving the vaunted American Dream than do minorities in the United States.  This being the case, are those people who attend White Privilege Conferences  once again accusing America of being a racist nation that will not permit its minority population to succeed?

     These and similar questions have seemingly been with us at least since forever and apparently we are still nowhere near satisfactorily answering them.  Race relations in the United States, we are told, is at an all- time low.  We are constantly bombarded with examples of just how poorly whites and blacks interact with one another.  The mainstream media, both print and electronic, never tire of depicting the majority of Americans as hopelessly racist and bigoted while the minority is inevitably portrayed as the ever and always innocent victims of a system in which all the cards are stacked against them.  Whenever an “incident” occurs involving clashes between white and black, the former is always vilified while the latter is inevitably lionized.  Treyvon Martin comes to mind as well as the so-called “Gentle Giant.”  In both cases, the so-called “Drive-By” media got it wrong – completely wrong and they knew it.  In both instances, purposeful misreporting and misrepresentation portrayed the white folks involved as evil incarnate while the African-American “victims” were invariably seen as pure as the driven snow who were once again victimized by the hostile white racist forces arrayed against them.  It’s an old, tired, and boring scenario.  The fact that it’s completely false and trumped up matters not a whit to those who depend on fomenting and furthering constant animosity between the races in America.

     These folks can accurately be described as nothing less than Race Hustlers whose success depends on creating and sustaining as much animosity as possible between the races.  Peaceful coexistence simply will not do and God forbid anything that even mildly approaches actual friendship or good will should be accepted as the norm.  No, no, this will simply not stand.  Race-Baiters like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Jeremiah Wright and so many more depend on racial strife for their livlihoods and life styles.  Racial animosity and antagonism is what keeps them in the public eye, allows them countless hours of television and newspaper coverage, and provides them whatever ration of fame they feel they believe they are entitled to.  Amicable relations between the races would be their metaphoric death knell.  If blacks and whites were perceived as getting along well with one another, then who the Hell needs these phony racial ambassadors?  These race hustlers are sought out by presidents and other so-called luminaries for their advice and counsel.  The relationship between Barrack Hussein Obama and the ever-so pious Reverend Wright is both famous and notorious.  Racial animosity has made these three and others immensely wealthy, famous, and influential and they are too heavily invested in that animosity to ever want the races even perceived of as getting along well together.  That’s the one outcome they simply cannot tolerate and will do anything they can to prevent.  These are the charlatans who promote racial strife and animosity at every opportunity.  Without it, they are nothing and nobody.  Without it, they’d have to try and make an honest living and as far as I can tell none of them have any marketable skills save rabble-rousing, marching, protesting, and lying.  Without that racial animosity, no one would even know their names or recognize their faces.

     As I recall, the election of Barrack Hussein Obama was touted as representing the end of animosity between the races and Barry Boy was hailed as our first “post-racial president.”  With his election and anointment, racial animosity would become a thing of the past and America’s first black president would serve to show the country and the world that the United States had at long last moved beyond its racist founding and history.  All would be well, the angels would sing, and Kumbaya would reign supreme.  It was gonna be a beautiful thing.  There would no longer be a need for the likes of Sharpton, Jackson, Wright, et al for our first black president would heal the land, promote peace and love between black and white, and the lions would finally lay down with the lambs.  How’s that workin’ out so far?  Under our post-racial president, the divide between black and white seems to have markedly increased rather than significantly decreased.  Whatever happened to the utopian-like visions of racial harmony and brotherly love that would be ushered in under the Obama Regime?  Where’d it all go?  Could it be that it went nowhere because it was, in fact, unnecessary? Could it possibly be that it is simply not needed because black and white citizens in America usually do get along together quite well?  Could it be that without race hustlers and baiters continually harping on non-existent racial animus that the majority and minority in our nation would get along just fine for the most part?  Most folks in the United States, especially white folks, simply don’t or can’t recognize these queries as valid, legitimate questions worthy of consideration or reflection.  They will automatically and reflexively dismiss such notions out of hand and will undoubtedly view anyone who asks them as hopelessly naïve and probably racist.  To even suggest that white and black really do co-exist amicably is literally a form of blasphemy for those types who champion such things as White Privilege Conferences.  Anyone who asks questions like those posited above is denying one of the central orthodoxies of life in America today and that is the entire concept of White Guilt.

     White guilt is the lens through which race relations in America must be seen and defined.  Some would argue that President Barry Boy’s election to the highest office in the land can be attributed to the White Guilt Phenomenon that seems so wide-spread in our country.  Obama could not have been elected had not tens upon tens of millions of white folks voted for him.  The question is why did so many white people vote for him?  It couldn’t have been because of his sterling and stellar record of accomplishments as a U.S. Senator.  He didn’t have any.  Our Community Organizer – in – Chief served as a Senator for approximately one hundred and forty days before throwing his hat into the presidential ring.  He had time to accomplish exactly nothing as a Senator from Illinois.  As a matter of fact, when he did show up to vote on important and weighty issues facing our country, he rarely voted Yea or Nay but instead voted “present”.  Yeah, that’s really taking a strong stance that proves the courage of one’s convictions.  Our post-racial President got elected because so many whites felt guilty and were bound and determined to prove that they were not racists.  How better to prove this than to vote for the first black guy to make a serious run for the office?

     White guilt can, of course, be traced back to that “peculiar institution” known as slavery.  Slavery existed in the United States and it was, in fact, based on race.  The slave trade existed as did the infamous Middle Passage.  Human beings were indeed sold at auction much in the same way as cattle.  No one denies that these horrors occurred because history cannot be denied by reasonable, thinking people.  After slavery ended, came that era known as Reconstruction.  During this period, the former slave states ushered in what’s referred to as “Jim Crow.”  This period in American history was primarily defined by the successful and violent attempts to deny the newly freed slave the rights accorded to all American citizens.  We saw lynching, church burnings, and the rise of the Ku Klux Klan.  Black folks were treated horrendously during this period and were brutalized at every turn.

     There is no denying this nor should there be.  For all of these injustices, white people are still expected to and counted on to feel guilty and act accordingly.  It is this guilt that spawns such ludicrisms as White Privilege Conferences.  It is this guilt that allows American whites to assuage their consciences by acceding to every demand and whim expressed by Americans who happen to be people of color.  During that period known as Jim Crow, we witnessed the implementation of various and sundry schemes designed to prevent the recently freed slave the right to vote.  We note such creative obstacles like the Poll Tax, Literacy Tests, and Grandfather Clauses.  We witnessed the false concept of Separate but Equal which ushered in the idea of institutionalized segregation.  You know, the whole back of the bus thing, the separate drinking fountains for white and black, segregated restaurants and schools, and so much more.  Yup, all of these injustices and more were indeed perpetrated upon America’s black population whose only “crime” was the fact that they were born black.

     The question is, just how long are we Evil White Devils supposed to feel guilty about something none of us had a hand in perpetrating and perpetuating?  When, if ever, will we be finished be paying for our past sins and finally move on?  Well according to the race hustlers-baiters, the answer is never.  We whites must continue to be steeped in guilt and must never stop begging for forgiveness.  Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa!  I contend that, in fact, the whole Slavery-Jim Crow-Racist thing has been more than paid for many times over.  I contend that we have absolutely nothing to feel guilty about any longer.  The guilt trip is over, kaput, finished, through.  No one seems to remember that hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of Americans (overwhelmingly white) died in the War Between the States.  One of the major results of the Civil War, of course, was the end of slavery in America – forever.  Yeah that’s right, white America did that.  How about the passage of  the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments also known as the Civil War Amendments?

     The 13th outlawed slavery, the 14th gave the freed slave equal protection under the law and due process rights, and the 15th granted full citizenship to the former slaves.  How’s that for righting a wrong?  How’s that for an apology?  Moving right along, we witness Supreme Court decisions like Brown V. Board of Education which overturned the concept of separate but equal and paved the way for the integration of public schools in America.  We saw President Eisenhower send federal troops to enforce that decision and that was way back in the 1950’s.  Eisenhower actually ushered in what came to be called the modern Civil Rights Movement.  Not long after Ike’s gambit, the nation witnessed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, and the passage of Affirmative Action.  For good or ill, depending on one’s perspective, these and other laws were expressly intended to make right the wrongs of slavery and Jim Crow.  To top it all off, of course, we see the election and reelection of America’s first black president.  Who’d a thunk it?  A racist nation electing a person of color to the highest office in the land.

     I have heard it said that despite the obvious progress noted above, nothing has really changed.  We are still a racist country and always will be.  Whites must forever scrape, grovel, and apologize for the sins of our past.  It doesn’t matter what we as a nation do or have done to make up for past inequities because it will never be enough.  We must always feel guilty and never stop beating our breasts or rending our garments.  According to the race hustlers in our midst, racism in America is institutionalized and systemic.  It is part of our nation’s collective DNA and because of that we will never be able to stop paying for it.  It has reached the point that virtually everything can be ascribed to racism.  The term and concept has been so over used that it really has no substantive meaning anymore.  Didn’t get that job or promotion you wanted?  Racism.  Didn’t get accepted to that college or university?  Blame racist America.  Didn’t get approved for that mortgage you applied for?  Racist red-lining.  Minority folks riot, loot, and burn down their own neighborhoods – and then bemoan the fact that they no longer have groceries or pharmacies to go to – well it’s obviously due to white racism.  It just goes on and on and on.  The problem here is that the charge of racism has been so cheapened that fewer and fewer people can take it seriously.  Most reasonable people are fully cognizant of the fact that when racism actually and truly occurs it is devastating to those on the receiving end.  When racism, however, is used as an excuse for every failure and disappointment experienced by a person of color or a minority group it simply cannot and must not be taken seriously.

     With this backdrop in mind, it’s fairly obvious what these White Privilege Conferences are actually all about.  They are invariably racist in tone and nature but it happens to be black on white racism as opposed to vice-versa.  I’ve heard it said and seriously discussed that it’s not possible for blacks in America to be racist.  Why not, I wondered?  Well, goes the argument, the black population in America is so small that it is virtually powerless.  The white population is so overwhelmingly large that minorities cannot implement policy.  Only whites can do this.  I don’t quite get the logic here possibly because this argument is completely illogical.  It makes no sense.  I’ve known quite a few members of our minority community who hate whites and blame them for everything and anything that has ever gone wrong in their lives.  They cannot and will not blame themselves for whatever disappointments they have experienced.  Scape-Goating is always easier and more appealing than honest introspection and self-reflection.

     An article appropriately entitled, “White Privilege (,” asks, “What would you think if your 8-year-old came home and tells you that white privilege is something that white people have, meaning that they have an advantage in a lot of things and they can get a job more easily.”  Well, you would have heard this kind of sentiment at the 15h Annual White Privilege Conference in Madison, Wisconsin.  The conference was attended by over 2,500 public school teachers, administrators, and students from all over the country.  Is it appropriate, one wonders, for this kind of obvious indoctrination to be directed at eight-year olds?  The author describes one of the conference workshops entitled, “Examining White Privilege and Building Foundations for Social Justice Thinking in the Elementary Classroom.”  Whenever you hear the term Social Justice, be aware that you are in the presence of a full-blown, dyed in the wool, out-and-out Far Left Liberal who is without a doubt a devout Socialist (see The Social Justice Scam Rant of 7/27/11).  This is an undeniable truth and all of these folks whom I have dubbed the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite) have a number of things in common.  First and foremost, they despise their own country.  They literally hate America as historically founded and presently constituted.  They ardently believe that America’s founding was both racist and corrupt and that we don’t deserve the wealth and power we have accrued over the centuries.  We have raped the planet and taken unfair advantage of the world’s poor, downtrodden, and brown.  All of those on the Far Left – as in 100% - absolutely believe this and these are the people that champion and attend the White Privilege Conferences.

     Another workshop session entitled, “Stories From the Front Lines of Education:  Confessions of a White High School English Teacher,” is instructive here.  The woman heading the workshop maintains that, “teaching is a purely political act and that neutral people should get the fuck out of education.”  A purely political act?  Neutral people?  Wow, talk about your unabashed brainwashing – well I guess so.  I taught in a very tough and dangerous New York City high school for about thirty years.  I viewed my task primarily as that of imparting enough knowledge to my charges to help them pass state Regents Exams and earn a high school diploma.  How foolish of me.  I didn’t realize I was in the business of indoctrinating my students along leftist political lines. The workshop leader explains that, “Being a white person who does anti-racist work is like being an alcoholic.  I will never be recovered of my alcoholism, to use the metaphor.  I have to every day wake up and acknowledge that I am so deeply embedded with racist thoughts and notions in my body that I have to choose every day to do anti-racist work and think in an anti-racist way.”  This is the epitome of that White Liberal Guilt referred to earlier.  It doesn’t get any more obvious than this and it is this type of thinking and sentiment that dominates each and every White Privilege Conference.

     Yet another presenter told his audience, “And right now I’m going to suggest to you that race is driving almost everything that’s happening in the country.”  He explained the Hurricane Katrina disaster in New Orleans by noting, “They took money away from protecting the levees because the levees were protecting black people.”  Another workshop leader who refers to herself as a Vulgar Marxist believes that Capitalism is the cause of racism in the world and since the United States is the premier Capitalist nation on the planet, then we are obviously the leading sponsor of racism on a global scale.  She maintains that, “racism was invented in Colonial America by white capitalists as a tool to divide labor and keep the working class in their place.”  Even Christianity cannot escape the accusation of causing racism and even for these whacked-out Liberals, that’s quite a leap.  One Paul Kivel insists that white racism is closely entwined and linked to, “the everyday pervasive, deep-seated and institutionalized dominance of Christian values, Christian institutions, leaders and Christians as a group, primarily for the benefit of Christian ruling elites.”  Additionally, University of Iowa Professor Adrien Wing even brought President Barry Boy into the mix.  Speaking of White Privilege, the professor asked, “Does having a black president change that?  Has it changed that?  Unfortunately, it hasn’t.  President Obama ends up being the front man for the system.  He works for the master of the system of white privilege.”  Is the professor accusing our Dear Leader of being just another Uncle Tom who has been coopted by the evil and racist system?  And who, I wonder, is this vague and nebulous “Master” she refers to.  Are you beginning to see a pattern emerging here?  It appears that those attending White Privilege Conferences are attacking the major institutions that helped make America the greatest nation in the history of nations.  America is evil and racist.  Capitalism is evil and racist.  Christianity is evil and racist.  Disaster relief is evil and racist.  These are the kinds of things you can learn at these conferences and tragically a large percentage of attendees and presenters are teachers who force this bilge-drivel down the throats of their young, gullible charges.

     Another piece entitled, “The New Racists:  Annual White Privilege Conference Draws Thousands of Teachers (,” is illustrative as to the nature and purpose of these annual White Privilege Conferences.  Apparently, the 17th conference held in Philadelphia featured, “a wide variety of workshops to indoctrinate adults and students on race, racism, black oppression, and other racial justice topics.  The annual event exists to promote the tiresome racist theory of White Privilege.   American society is systematically racist and hopelessly rigged against minorities, and the only way to address the problem is for white people to repent of their inherent White Privilege.”  Ah yes, the concept of repentance is crucial  to understanding the motivation of those who champion these conferences and agree that white folks are forever to be held accountable for anything that has adversely affected people of color in our country.  Repentance is directly equated with the idea of begging forgiveness for past sins.  Well, then, how do we adequately repent for the sins of slavery and racism?  Who exactly do we apologize to and beg forgiveness from?  Is there any way that we evil, privileged whites can possibly be purged of the horrific sins committed against our poor and oppressed people of color in the United States?

     Is begging for forgiveness enough?  Of course not, for that’s only a first step on the road to setting things aright.  What the racists who champion these bogus conferences are really looking for, of course, is a pay day.  Does that sound overly cynical, jaded, or perhaps even racist to you?  If it does, you’d probably fit in quite well at the next White Privilege Conference.  Why don’t you make your reservations now?  These phony Bastards want reparations paid to them for the sins of slavery and racism.  They want money – a big fat pay check.  Is this what it’s really all about?  Is the entire White Privilege Movement just a gigantic, humongous shakedown?  Hey, you guilt-ridden white folks out there, you want forgiveness?  Pay us!  You want absolution?  Pay us!  You want to lose that guilt you’ve been carrying around with you like a ball and chain? Pay us!  How does that sound for vulgar and crass?  The piece goes on to cite a letter to conference participants that stated, “throughout the history of the United States, liberty and justice have been espoused values which have only ever applied to a very small minority of people.”  The letter goes on to maintain that the, “Constitution supported the enslavement of Africans; the U.S. government orchestrated the decimation of Native American Nations.  Until 1952 Congress prohibited Asians and Latinos from naturalizing as U.S. citizens because they were not white.  The Bill of Rights did not apply to persons who were not white, male, and Christian.”  Wowfuckingwee!!  How do we evil, vicious, racist white Americans repent for this shit?  Easy.  The letter went on to ask questions for conference attendees to ponder such as, “What would it look like to have reparations for all injustices committed in the U.S. and for its broken promises of liberty and justice for all?”  Can we all say Ka-Ching, Ka-Ching?  Make no mistake, folks.  This is what it’s all about.  It’s not about fairness, justice, inequality, or forgiveness.  It’s about pay me!

     The 17th Annual White Privilege Conference featured a variety of thought-provoking and no doubt scintillating workshops and lectures for the attendees who showed up.  Examples include such titillating subjects as, “Racial Literary Reflections:  Youth Buffering Rejection Through a Racial Trauma Magazine,” and, “I’m a Good Person!: Isn’t That Enough?”  Other offerings featured, “Hip Hop and White Privilege,” and, “White Privilege and Implicit Bias: Dealing With Unconscious Stereotypes and Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.”  If anyone out there has any clue at all as to what any of this bilge actually means, please let me know.  There’s simply no way this kind of swill can be taken seriously or given any credence by rational, thoughtful, or reasonable people.  Those who attend these conferences and find value in workshops like those referred to above can properly be termed pathetic losers whose entire existence seems integrally tied to the concept of racism, perceived injustices, and too much time dwelling on what was as opposed to what could be.

     They are invested in the past and have no interest in examining or even recognizing the tremendous progress this nation has made when it comes to race relations, treating minority populations fairly and with dignity, and admitting that America’s majority and minority populations really do get along pretty well for the most part.  These phony Bastards portray our country as though we still lived at a time when slavery existed and when Jim Crow ruled the South after the Civil War.  Folks who attend these conferences are race hustlers-baiters every bit as much as Sharpton and Jackson.  Without the existence of race and racism, these guys are out of business and they know it.  The white folks who attend these circuses have been so brainwashed and indoctrinated that they will never recover from White Guilt Syndrome that has haunted and defined them since they began attending our government schools as children.  They are a lost cause and can never be redeemed.  They are so hopelessly mired in what can only be termed as self-loathing that they wear it like a badge of honor.  Their never-ending guilt defines them and they are really quite proud of it.

     Other topics at the White Privilege Conference include such fascinating examples as the, “4th Annual Black Male Think Tank,” and the, “National Constitution Center: An Exploration of the White Racial Frame.”  Additionally, we note such things as, “White Women: Internalized Sexism and White Supremacy and White Fellowship – Centering People of Color and Building Effective White Practices for Racial Justice & Systemic Change.”  There are times when I read these titles that I can barely keep a straight face.  Sometimes I wonder whether or not the people who present and attend these workshops are not just possessed of a really warped sense of humor.  But then I remember that these are far, far Leftists and full blown members of the LFE who have absolutely no sense of humor whatsoever and are seemingly incapable of finding humor in anything.  They mean every word they say and that would be okay if that’s as far as it went.  If they desire to be self-delusional, I guess that’s alright.  The problem is, however, that a huge percentage of presenters and attendees at these conferences are teachers in charge of young, impressionable, and gullible minds.  Once the conference ends, they go back to their educational institutions and ram this racist bullshit into the heads of their young, impressionable, and gullible students.  By the time these young ‘uns graduate college or university, we’ll be forced to deal with yet another generation of mind-numbed robots who will blindly follow the dictates of their Liberal Masters like lemmings rushing off a cliff.

     The article goes on to highlight the contributions to the White Privilege Movement of one Heather Hackman who bills herself as a professional education consultant and teacher trainer.  She insists that, “great teachers must also be liberal activists.  In fact, she declared that teachers shouldn’t even bother teaching if they aren’t committed to promoting the social justice agenda in school.”  Her particular workshop was entitled, “No Freedom Unless We Call Out the Wizard Behind the Curtain: Critically Addressing the Corrosive Effects of Whiteness in Teacher Education and Professional Development.”  Once again, can anyone out there tell me exactly what the FUCK this means?  The article explains that the workshop’s central theme is, “eradicating the white imperial gaze of modern education which requires training prospective teachers to be activists, not just pedagogues.”  Is it any wonder that America’s educational system is completely in the crapper?  Hackman actually predicted that her approach to teaching will be successful and that the sinister forces known as “Super-Whitey” will eventually be destroyed.  Can anyone seriously argue that this is not an openly racist statement and thought process?  She finishes up with an undisguised and racist threat when she exclaims, “Your time has come.  If I was a white faculty member and unwilling to get with the program, I do not have any business in teacher education.  We do see you, Super-Whitey.  We’re coming for you.”

     These are the people who are in charge of education in the United States.  They are overwhelmingly members in good standing of the LFE and are not at all interested in imparting knowledge and truth to their students.  They are in the brainwashing business and warping the minds of our youth is first and foremost on their list of priorities.  They have successfully turned generations of young Americans against their own country and they do so with pride.  It is their pleasure and privilege to make sure that our young folks are taught that the United States has been nothing but a force for evil in the world and that we are the planet’s primary oppressor and aggressor.  According to these saboteurs, there is nothing good or positive about our nation or its history.  Our children learn only that we are the world’s worst scourge and plague and that, in fact, we are completely irredeemable.  There’s simply no hope for us especially since we are a predominantly white country.  This one fact alone makes us forever guilty of every sin imaginable and for this we can never be forgiven.  This kind of “education” does not bode well for the future of the United States.  It is intended to turn our youth against their own country and that will lead to our destruction in the not too distant future.  Adolph Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, famously said that if you tell a lie often and loudly enough, it will become the truth.  The Big Lie becomes reality and the LFE in our nation put Hitler’s propagandists to shame.  They have perfected the Big Lie beyond anything the Nazis could have imagined and these guys are in charge of “educating” our nation’s young.  The way I see it, we’re pretty much fucked!

     There thankfully exist out there those who do recognize the real meaning behind the White Privilege Conferences and what they portend for our nation.  A piece entitled, “Teachers, Students Get White Privilege Indoctrination (,” is directly on point here.  The article does recognize that racism has been a problem in our country but correctly and importantly insists that, “No country but America offers the individual, regardless of ethnic background, a real chance to rise to the top of his or her game and utilize their God-given talents to become their personal best.”  Well, someone out there gets  it and isn’t afraid to say so.  The article goes on to note that it, “is clear that these kooky privilege theorists do not belong in the classroom, much less in a classroom generously funded by taxpayers.”  Furthermore, “The American people send their children to school to learn how to read, write, do math, and understand science and history.  This brainwashing program of hate, extremism, and shameful race-mongering does not fall into any of these categories.”  It should be obvious to any clear-thinking individual that the kind of “Education” promoted by the White Privilege Conferences is at the very least dangerous.  It further fosters racial division among and between Americans and cannot help but encourage hatred and enmity based on racial and ethnic differences.

     Rather than using education as a tool to unite us as a nation, the race hustlers among us use it as a weapon to increase hostility and animosity among various groups in our country.  Education has been a disruptive force rather than a way to emphasize those areas of commonality and harmony that all Americans should share and be proud of.  This, of course, is the goal of all those who champion the White Privilege Movement in our society.  The article continues that, “making a white child feel guilty merely because of his skin color is racism and child abuse,” and making a, “black child feel oppressed and undervalued because of his skin color is racism and child abuse.”  You really can’t get much more clear than this and the author insists that if, “it was not for these race-mongering extremists constantly dividing Americans based on arbitrary characteristics such as melanin content, children would not even think about race or skin color.”  He’s right.  Hatred is not an in-born trait nor is it an instinct.  It must be taught, learned, and constantly reinforced.  The propagandists at the White Privilege Conferences and in our nation’s classrooms are expert at teaching hatred.  They are masters of pitting black and white against one another for this is exactly what they need and desire.  The author of the piece notes that, “Those adult educators who are brainwashing those young people like that are evil people.  They’re evil to the core and this should be a crime, really, against children by these adults.  These people need to be arrested because they’re destroying the souls of white kids and black kids.  They’re taking away their ability to work together as one, to come together as Americans.”

     That last sentence is crucial to understanding the motivation of the entire White Privilege Movement.  This mob doesn’t want the disparate groups that exist in our nation to come together as Americans.  That is the very last thing they want.  Their end game, we must always remember, is to destroy our country as historically founded and presently constituted.  They loathe and despise the United States and will not rest until they bring us to our knees.  They passionately hate each and every institution and tradition that made us the greatest and most powerful nation the world has ever seen.  They despise such concepts as American Exceptionalism and a limited government which exists to serve the people.  They are completely antithetical to such cherished notions as rugged individualism and personal responsibility.  They are of a decidedly statist-authoritarian mindset and attitude.  They are arrogant and condescending in the extreme.  They simply do not believe that the average citizen is capable of making decisions on how to best run their own lives let alone the life and direction of the nation.

     We little people were born to follow while the Anointed Ones were born to lead.  These patronizing Sons-a-Bitches both hate and fear our Founding Documents like the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.  These folks are absolute and committed Socialists and actually wish for the destruction of our free market Capitalist socio-economic system.  This is their penultimate goal and it is what they live and breathe for.  There does not exist a brutal dictatorship that they don’t worship and revere like Cuba, China, or the old USSR.  These are the models that they wish to employ here in the United States and they will not rest until they have accomplished their nefarious and traitorous goal.  What better way to succeed than to start brainwashing our children at the earliest possible age.  These Liberal Pukes control this country’s educational system with an iron fist and by the time our youth become young adults, they too have been taught to hate the country that has given them so much.

     The article maintains that the solution to all the problems identified by the White Privilege Crowd is, of course, a bigger and far more intrusive central government than we already have.  This is Socialism.  As the piece suggests, “The solution, in their minds, is yet one more socialist principle – to take from one group, the privileged, and give it to another, the underprivileged.”  In the minds of the LFE, “forced redistribution of money, resources and opportunities is social justice in action,” while, “in the minds of the sane, it’s socialism run amok.”  The author is exactly right in this regard.  Socialism is in reality a form of mental illness as is Far Left Liberalism.  Unfortunately, we seem to be witnessing a classic case of the inmates running the asylum.  Our Socialist-in-Chief is all the evidence required to support such a claim.  Regarding conferences that deal with the concept of White Privilege, “they only continue the brainwashing that undercuts what makes our nation great in the first place.  We’re all equal in God’s eyes, endowed by our Creator with the same unalienable rights to pursue life, liberty and happiness – without regard to skin color.”

     These lying Scum-Dogs are fully aware that race relations in this nation are, for the most part, pretty damned good.  They are certainly far better than the White Privilege Mob is willing to admit for that would effectively put them out of business.  They must create crisis after unending crisis for them to remain viable.  They must manufacture as much discord and discontent as possible for these anti-American types to maintain any relevance at all.  They must downplay or completely ignore the progress made in race relations in the United States.  They require that any and all news coverage that has anything to do with black and white is completely negative and invariably castes Caucasions as the villains who want to put any minority group back in chains.  It is simply one more example of indoctrination and the continued perpetuation of the Big Lie.  An article entitled, “White Privilege Conference: Racism was Invented in the American Colonies (http://progressivestoday,com),” is noteworthy here.  The White Privilege Conference of 2014 insisted, “that America is inherently evil because of its racist roots.  This is the message they are spewing to the thousands of teachers and students who attended this radical far left conference.”

     The author highlights a few of the more ridiculous lies and distortions pushed at this racially motivated conference.  These include, “White People Were Invented in 1681,” and, “Racism was Invented in Colonial America by White Capitalists as a Tool to Divide Labor and Keep the Working Class in Their Place.”  Additionally, we see, “Individualism is a White Construct,” and the absolutely outrageous, “Islamic Societies Have Historically Protected Jews From White Christians.”  These outlandish fabrications should tell any reasonable individual all they need to know about White Privilege Conferences and those who attend them.  They key word here is, of course, reasonable.  It still amazes me, although I know it shouldn’t, that so many Americans fall for this bilge and nonsense but there you have it.  They do and it’s causing tremendous harm to our country and especially to our minority populations.  They are fed a steady and unending diet of this happy horseshit which can’t help but turn them against the United States.  They are never told that it is this nation that provides more equality and opportunity for everyone regardless of race, creed, color, or ethnicity than any other place on the planet.  This side of our nation’s history and tradition is conveniently deleted from the Far Left narrative.  They are shamelessly and purposely trying to turn a significant chunk of our population into anti-Americans and instill in them from a very early age an absolute hatred of and for the United States.  This should deeply disturb any American who loves this country and understands its greatness and exceptionalism.

     The article goes on to catalogue just a very partial list of the progress made by America’s minority population.  The piece notes that according to, “one recent study, 70 percent of African-American families make between $50,000 and $150,000 per year, which most would agree qualifies as solidly middle class.  There are roughly 35,000 black millionaires in the United States today.”  I wonder if there are any workshops dealing with this topic at White Privilege Conferences?  Additionally, “Between 1976 and 2011 the percentage of black college students grew from about 10 percent to 15 percent.”  You’d never know this if you attended any of the White Privilege Conferences of the past seventeen years.  The article correctly points out that in the 1920’s, “there were about 10,000 African-Americans with four-year college degrees.  Today that number has grown to about 4.5 million.  The percentage of blacks over 25 with a university degree grew from 11.3 percent in 1990 to 19.6 percent in 2006.”

     Does anyone out there seriously believe that this kind of obvious progress could be possible if America was truly a racist nation?  Apparently and sadly, the answer is yes.  Those on the Far Left in our country continue to ignore reality and paint a completely distorted and erroneous picture of life in America especially regarding our country’s minority population.  The piece also explains that the, “number of black-owned businesses in the U.S. increased 61% between 2002 and 2007, reaching a total of 1.9 million.”  No progress here, right?  The piece reminds us that until, “about 150 years ago, blacks in America were slaves, with no rights, incomes, or educational levels to speak of.”  I wonder how often these little factoids are presented for consideration at White Privilege Conferences?  The article further informs us that, “Black Americans themselves are optimistic about their situation in America,” and notes that a new poll, “found that the overwhelming majority of black people (86 percent) said they were satisfied with their lives.  Nearly 60% said they would eventually achieve the American dream of financial security and home ownership.  A little more than half of those polled (63 percent) said they felt their lives had gotten better in recent years.”  This kind of information would drive White Privilege Conference attendees completely bat-shit!  If facts like these were widely disseminated and believed, the White Privilege Conferences would be viewed for what they really are:  Anti-American, racist exercises founded on nothing more than lies, distortion, and hatred.  The author concludes that the, “worst part is that the White Privilege Movement is focused on thousands of K-12 teachers, so they will take the anti-American message back to their classrooms and share it with naïve students while their parents are not paying attention.”

     That this kind of propaganda and indoctrination is being perpetrated on America’s youth is more than just a tad bit troubling and is, in fact, extremely dangerous.  The future of any nation lies with its young people.  They are the ones who will carry the torch when the older folks can no longer do so.  It is our youth who will perpetuate America’s traditions, institutions, exceptionalism, and greatness unless, of course, they have been brainwashed into hating everything our nation stands for and represents.  This is exactly what is happening and has been since at least as far back as the 1960’s.  The Far Left has poisoned the minds of literally millions upon millions of Americans and taught them that we are an evil people and country.  If this continues, if it is not resisted and defeated, our country is in deep, deep trouble!!

Much Luv Y’all and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)