For many years I’ve been ranting and raving about the fact that full-blown extreme Liberalism will be the absolute ruination of this country that I love and revere so much. I and other like-minded patriotic citizens fear this nightmarish outcome far more than anything else I can conjure up or imagine. We fear this more than war, epidemic, and even death for in the end death is, after all, inevitable. We love this country’s heritage. institutions, and traditions for without them we are absolutely nothing!(see related video)
Since its inception, the United States has been and remains the freest nation the world has ever seen and we have obviously become the wealthiest and most powerful. The difference between the United States and both past and present world leaders is that we have historically used our wealth and power to uplift the rest of mankind and to improve the lot of humanity and this has indeed been exceedingly rare. It is but one element of what has been so aptly termed American Exceptionalism.
Wherever and whenever necessary, we have willingly, if not eagerly, rushed to the world’s aid be it war, famine, pestilence, or anything else you can name. The world expects no less from us and we will continue in this vein for it is simply who we are. It has been our tremendous freedom and only that which has enabled us to accomplish so very much in such a relatively short span of time. Without this freedom, we will rapidly degrade into what we have witnessed, “across the pond.” Europe has become a socialized, feminized, and sissified collection of states looking backwards and nostalgically recalling the days of greatness while, if it continues on its present course, it has nothing to look forward to but full-blown third worldism in some fashion or another.
My great concern is that this is exactly and precisely what the Liberals want, desire, and demand for us. The destruction of America as presently constituted is the central focus of their schemes and machinations. It is at the core of their psyches and souls, and it is the central reason for their being. When I was younger, I naively believed and assumed that the Liberals amongst us merely had a different take or focus on how to achieve their goals than did we “evil-ass” Conservatives. I naturally thought that they being Americans too wanted to see continued progress, achievement, and greatness but were simply following a different path to achieve those ends.
I am older now and, I hope, a tad wiser. Whatever naiveté I displayed in my youth has been replaced by a stark and deeply developed sense of realism laced with huge doses of cynicism. I am better off for this for I can no longer believe that the Liberals in my country want what is best for it and its citizens but rather, they want to see America brought down and destroyed only to be reborn into their grotesquely Statist utopian vision! It is their own words and actions that have forced this opinion on me and others who call themselves Conservatives. We recognize these people for who they are: saboteurs and traitors!
Am I talking about the average American citizen who happens, for whatever reason, to flip the “D” lever on election day? No. Am I talking about those whose families have voted Democrat for generations and they simply can’t bring themselves to break tradition? No. Am I referring to those who really can’t fathom where the Democrat path will lead this country? Again, no. These folks can still be saved and thus too the nation. They must be reasoned with, convinced, persuaded, and educated. This will take time, tremendous patience, perseverance, and a massive dose of common sense but it can still be done!
To whom then do I refer? I call them the LFE – the Liberal Fucking Elite! These folks are beyond the pale and cannot be saved or redeemed nor should they be. They deserve nothing but our enmity, anger, and utter contempt! They are the ones along with their steadfast allies in the “mainstream media” who salivate at the thought of destroying the United States as it has historically existed since our revolution in1776. These are the damned poltroons who want to destroy America’s institutions, traditions, values, and historical role in the world.
It is they who want to see the United States defiled and debased and brought down to the level of mediocrity and worse that we see so much of world-wide. These are the ones that constitute the Blame-America-First-Crowd and feel that such events as 9-11 were our own fault and that we merely received our just deserts! These are the ones that cheer wildly whenever their President embarks on another one of his “Apologize For America Tours” where he begs forgiveness for America’s alleged arrogance, dominance, and self-righteousness. Yes, that is whom I am talking about and they are the enemy within who must be overwhelmingly defeated and destroyed! There can be no compromise, no appeasement, and no quarter given! They and their policies must be thoroughly and totally vanquished for to do less is to invite the ultimate destruction of the greatest nation God ever gave mankind!!
I am certainly not the first to make these accusations nor am I the first to call our LFE out and out socialists who want to destroy free market capitalism and substitute our representative republic with Socialism-Communism. These Bastards want to destroy individual initiative and entrepreneurship while the concept of rugged individualism is thoroughly abhorrent in their warped, twisted view of reality. Two of their biggest mantras can be summed up in the Dependency Mentality and Big Government Control of all aspects of the lives of the citizenry. This cannot bode well for the republic and there can be absolutely no doubt that it is being done systematically, willfully, and with huge malice aforethought!
These malcontents even go so far as to reject the label of Liberal and prefer the softer, gentler term Progressive but Socialism by any other name is still just that and these damned leopards will never change their spots! David A. Noebel wrote a piece entitled, “How the Socialists are Destroying America from Within(” in which he accurately posits that, “Today’s financial events illustrate that America is not exempt from being led toward socialism. Predictions differ, depending on one’s perspective, as to whether this will be a socialist paradise or a socialist hell.”
The author appropriately cautions us to pay close attention to the warnings of the past. Noebel points out that Russian thinker and author Fedor Dostoyevsky insisted that, “The future kingdom of socialism will be a terrible tyranny of criminals and murderers. It will throw humanity into a true hell of spiritual suffering and poverty.” I defy anyone to point to an example that disproves this claim! George Bernard Shaw put it even more succinctly when he noted that, “You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught and employed whether you like it or not. If it were discovered that you had not character and industry enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner.” Margaret Thatcher famously quipped that the, “problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” The Liberal Fucking Elite will, of course, vehemently and vociferously deny with their dying breaths that this is their intention and that they are just as patriotic as the next guy. Crap!
There are indeed traitors in our very midst and they are extremely powerful and influential which becomes more than just a little obvious as illustrated by both the positions they have held and now hold. Noebel explains that most Americans are blissfully ignorant of the fact that our own House of Representatives, “crawls with a large, well organized assembly of socialist organizations.” He continues that, “these organizations are dedicated to a) bringing about the destruction of the capitalist system (portrayed as greedy, conservative, religious, and/or filthy rich) and b) slowly but surely bringing production, education, food, and health care under the complete control and regulation of the federal government.”
You may want to go back and read that last, for it takes some time to wrap your mind around it. These are our leaders, the ones entrusted with safeguarding our nation and who all swore a sacred oath to defend and uphold our Constitution! Additionally, the article points out Obama’s recent cooption of our nation’s health care and also talks in the same vein about the, “carbon tax currently under discussion,” which, “would punish business and industry’s use of gas and oil products. . .by allowing the federal government to control every aspect of our economy.” Do we begin to get the drift, Hmmmm?
He specifically points to our lawmakers who belong to, “one or more radical House organizations: the Progressive Democrats of America(6 House members), the Congressional Progressive Caucus(74 House members), the Congressional Black Caucus(43 House members), and the Democratic Socialists of America.” This comes to at least 123 of our legislators working directly against the interests of their own country and those of the American people who put them in office. We don’t know the exact count because the Democratic Socialists of America refuse to identify their House members.
Noebel goes on to talk about the Congressional Progressive Caucus which Wikipedia notes is, “the single largest partisan caucus in the United States House of Representatives and works together to advance progressive (socialist) issues and causes.” Wikipedia further informs us that the CPC was created by one Bernie Sanders from Vermont who is now a Senator and that of the twenty standing committees eleven are chaired by members of the CDC. If this doesn’t give cause for pause then nothing probably will for the barbarians have not merely crossed the Rubicon but seem well on their way to seizing power and constitute a, “Socialist Red Army within the very contours of the House of Representatives.”
Never forget for even the slightest moment what the ultimate goal of the Socialist agenda is and don’t be complacent or blind enough to think that this couldn’t possibly happen in the United States of America! Remember that, “Socialists are united in their desire to see capitalism destroyed,” and that, “they see capitalism as an evil economic system founded on the concepts of profit, individualism, private property, private business, and freedom to buy and sell products and services.”
The article correctly maintains that, “capitalism is tailored to individual initiative rather than groupthink or community initiative,” and that nearly, “all inventions that have furthered the capitalistic enterprise and have blessed humanity in the process have been the result of individual initiative rather than committee, group, or government activity.” Yeah well, we certainly can’t have that now can we?
While myself and certainly many more Americans absolutely realize that our newly elected President is nothing more than a Socialist in the thinnest of veiled disguises, I had no idea that they had so thoroughly and effectively infiltrated our very corridors of power and decision making. Remember too, that this is only at the federal level and I’m quite convinced that the same can be seen at the state and local levels as well. It is not merely enough to understand, however, how dangerously close our enemies are to realizing their vision of America’s destruction. If they are not stopped in the very near future our nation’s fate as well as our own will have been forever sealed!
Historically, the Progressive Movement traces its beginnings to the early years of the twentieth century and has since morphed into today’s modern Liberalism. The Heritage Foundation( in its excellent First Principles Series provides a look at the history of Progressivism. Author Thomas G. West in, “The Progressive Movement and the Transformation of American Politics,” illustrates that Progressivism did indeed transform American politics which he defines as a, “total rejection in practice, of the principles and policies on which America had been founded and on the basis of which the Civil War was fought and won only a few years earlier.”
From rejecting our very founding, it becomes merely a small step in redefining the role and function of government. We have gone from our emphasis on rugged individualism to an almost virtual reliance and dependence on the omnipotent, all-pervasive Nanny-State. Far too many of our citizens not only can’t survive without government intervention and intrusion but have come to believe that this is the normal state of affairs and should only increase while never decreasing. The author explains that, “once government gets involved in providing extensive services for the public, politicians see that growth in government programs enables them to win elections.”
This, of course, is key to understanding their “political” mentality. The Founders never believed that for many politics would become life-long careers for this was not to be the case. A citizen would serve the nation for a term or perhaps two and then return to the private sector to once again take up his old occupation and get on with the rest of his life. There were to be no “professional politicians” or anything resembling a political class. It was believed that the average well- informed and interested citizen could perform all necessary tasks related to governance quite admirably and effectively.
The people who gave us this government knew the potential for abuse that existed when amateurs turned into professional hacks and, of course, they were dead-on right! How many Senators and members of the House have served multiple terms that lasted ten, twenty, thirty years and more? This is a perversion of the Founder’s original intent for life-time “entrenchment” was never their goal and was to be avoided at all costs. One of the reasons we have seen so much corruption and graft from our so-called leaders is that they no longer view their positions as gifts from the people but rather as their fiefdoms or principalities with which they can do as they please and the consequences be damned!
The populace can be endlessly mollified if the politicians just keep on providing the goodies in terms of pork, stimuli, and earmarks. The author continues that, “Progressivism as modified by later developments within contemporary liberalism, has become the predominant view in modern American education, media, popular culture, and politics” and the author knows, “of no prominent politician, and only the tiniest minority of scholars, who altogether support the Founders’ principles.” By controlling these aforementioned institutions, it becomes far easier to sway the hearts and minds of the American people to the Liberal vision and that vision, if not stopped very quickly, will utterly decimate our country – it is inevitable!
Liberalism over the years has insidiously “wormed” its way into the very fabric of our society and like all parasites they literally suck their host bodies to death. They destroy the vitality, initiative, and very core until it is nothing but an empty shell. Liberalism has negatively invaded all of America’s most cherished institutions and is dangerously close to “finishing us off.” The family unit is in dire straights and it may have been corrupted forever. Columnist Gordon Bishop writing for the Atlantic Highlands Herald( maintains that, “America’s liberals today are essentially socialists and Marxists.” He cites the gang problems experienced by Camden, New Jersey and maintains that, “liberal Democrats really believe that outrageously expensive and wasteful government spending is the solution for everything.” Talk about highlighting the obvious!
Former Governor James McGreevey insists that, “Big Brother (unlimited government) is the solution to the City of Camden’s drug, violence, and corruption problems.” This even after the beleagured town has already received over two billion dollars in government aid. He points out one Assemblyman Stanley who demands additional funds to solve the, “massive self-made problems of Camden,” and demonstrate that, “more state aid is needed because the children living in Camden are the state’s children.”
This is a crystal clear insight into the heart, soul, and mind of our modern day Progressives and they mean it quite literally. They want and desire to replace the parents as the head of the household so that government can further intrude into the lives of even more American citizens. Bishop asks the obvious question as he queries, “Forgive me, but aren’t children the responsibility of the parents and relatives?” Hell no, not to the Liberal Fucking Elite, they’re not! The author correctly concludes that, “this is liberalism at its worst. It is dead-end Marxism and Communism.”
Care for another example of the Liberal attempt to destroy America? Too damned bad, ‘cause here it comes. These Bastards are doing their utmost to destroy the very concept of American citizenship. They are, after all, self admitted one-worlders and feel we should rely on such anti-American institutions as the United Nations, the International Criminal Court, the World Health Organization, and many others instead of our own self interest to shape and mold our future(see the United Nations Rant of December 22, 2008). The Liberals amongst us see absolutely no advantage in differentiating between bona-fide American citizens and the rest of humanity.
They don’t recognize the concept of American Exceptionalism and blame the world’s ills on this country! They feel we are no better but certainly far worse than the rest of the world community and for this alone, they must be roundly condemned and made to suffer – at the polls, of course! John Attarian writes for and accurately contends that, “that America’s other dominant ideology – liberalism – not only spawned our immigration problems, but works powerfully to prevent its solution.” Amen, Brother Attarian! One again, the Liberal element among us is going to war over “amnesty” and we Conservatives are being portrayed by them as disgusting xenophiles without compassion for the world’s less fortunate.
Nothing could be further from the truth but you’d never know it by reading and listening to the so-called Mainstream Media. To them we are nothing more than throw backs – Neanderthals – who refuse to recognize the exigencies and requirements of life in the twenty-first century and our global responsibilities and obligations. To this we Conservatives answer, “Bullshit, Bombast, and Boncombe!”
We are the compassionate ones here, especially when it comes to protecting the rights and property of the American Citizen and those immigrants who came here lawfully and properly! We rightly have no compassion for those who sneak across the border under the cover of darkness, who will never love this country, and desire nothing more than material gain. They’d best leave of their own accord before we find and deport as many of their sorry asses as we can!
Attarian continues that, “the only proper criterion for evaluating immigration (see the Immigration Rant of October 25, 2008) is national self-interest – which entails preserving domestic tranquility and, yes, our European-based identity and way of life.” The same piece makes an even more telling point when the writer flatly and plainly states that, “unfortunately, liberalism is a dangerous mentality.” It is not merely dangerous but if not effectively countered it will unquestionably lead to America’s complete and utter devastation. Everything we cherish and revere will be no more. Our traditions and institutions will become grotesquely abused and misused and this nation’s amazing progress ever since the signing of the Declaration of Independence will come to a screeching and grinding halt!
Attarian’s judgemental attitude is refreshingly incorrect and fortunately one hundred percent on the mark. He notes that, “by putting a premium on suspension of critical judgement, submission to the demands of the disadvantaged, and readiness to forfeit one’s legitimate interests for their sake, liberal ‘virtues’ undermine and destroy societies that embrace them.” Even a cursory look back in time illustrates Attarian’s basic thesis and one of his conclusions is that, “history shows that societies dominated by liberalism are ill-equipped to defend themselves against dangers foreign or domestic.”
He points out that, “liberal, pacifist, appeasing England could not cope with Hitler. Liberal America failed miserably at crime control. We made progress only when we forsook liberal approaches, keeping violent criminals and repeat offenders in prison and restoring capital punishment.” The gentleman pulls no punches and if his warning, along with those of others, is not heeded promptly we too will be added to the already lengthy list of once great nations destroyed by Liberalism!(see related video)
While most Americans still do get it, at least according to polling data, it is the Liberal minority that is firmly ensconced in the driver’s seat and it is they who are purposefully and passionately attempting to stand our nation on its head. Democracy is supposed to involve, among many things, the concept of majority rule while the rights of those in the minority remain protected. This has worked remarkably well over the centuries but, sadly, this is no longer the case. In current day America, the minority rules with not a care in the world that the rights of the majority are likewise protected. This is called Oligarchy and it was never what the Founders intended.
This could easily morph into tyranny and if done gradually, as history so richly illustrates, we won’t even realize we’ve become enslaved until after the fact. Dr. Orly Taitz writing for explains that at, “the heart of the American idea is the deep distrust and suspicion the founders of our nation had for government, distrust and suspicion not shared as much by today’s Americans.” This is exactly the point, for the Founders distrusted all government even the one they established.
If they could but witness events unfolding today as Liberals trash our Constitution, they would immediately demand a second American Revolution and they would be perfectly justified in doing so. Taitz fears that we, “are losing what’s made our country great. Instead of moving toward greater liberty, we’re moving toward greater government control of our lives.” This statement could very well become prophetic as the Lunatic Left pursues its major goals of subverting our Constitution, destroying our liberty, and forcing us into virtual servitude!
We may blame the “Obamites” from here until eternity but that is only part and parcel of a far more disturbing reality. All of us knew what the Brother-In-Chief was about and that at his core he literally despises everything America has historically stood for. The “Hope and Change” he promised couldn’t have been more obvious or transparent. Writing in, Herb Dennenberg says of our first Black President that, “his record was clear. He associated with bigots, racists, terrorists, America-haters and others, which citizens of the greatest country in the history of the world would almost automatically avoid.”
Additionally, his “record revealed no substantial accomplishments, but an opportunist who merely used his positions as jumping off to the next occupational advancement.” Mr. Denenberg is one hundred percent correct and points out what should have been obvious to every American who loves this country and has even a modicum of civic pride. True enough, but as the author himself points out, the President is only half of the equation. The author astutely warns that, “the danger to America is not Barrack Obama, but a citizenry capable of trusting a man like him with the presidency.”
The writer maintains that, “It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to an electorate willing to have such a man for their president.” Truer words have never been spoken. Virtually anyone can run for the office as the qualifications to do so are minimal. To have a majority of the population willingly and happily give him that high office, however, is as disgusting as it is alarming and is worthy of nothing but our contempt.
Denenberg continues that, “the problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us.” The author concludes by pointing to the fact that, “blaming the prince of fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The public can survive a Barrack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.” I and my fellow Conservatives can perhaps (and this a huge PERHAPS) forgive the “fools” for electing the charlatan once. If the aforesaid army of fools, however, is successful in granting our decidedly anti-American President a second term then they are no more than fellow travelers and conspirators in a purposeful plot to destroy this nation!
A piece written by Jim Hayett for quotes one Adrian Rogers who gives us the following:
You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity
What one person receives without working for another person must work for without receiving.
The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
When half the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for
That my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
Why don’t you read that just one more time? Done? Good. This is exactly where we are headed and it’s coming for certain – of this there can be no doubt. That powerful train that is America is about to go screeching and careening off the tracks at a deadly rate of speed if this nation does not wake up and oust the Imposter –In-Chief and his minions!!
Much Luv Y’all and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman.