The controversy over America’s immigration woes continues to rage on ad nausea. The lines are clearly drawn and there seems little room for compromise on either side. On the one hand, there are those of us who view America as our home. It is a place for Americans and Americans only. The American citizen, natural born or naturalized, is entitled to the advantages that exist here. These blessings range from tremendous economic opportunity, to freedom, to equality under the law, to limited government, and so much more. We are certainly willing and even pleased to share our bounty and good fortune with those who we invite into our home but with absolutely no one else! We jealously guard our bounty against any and all usurpers regardless of race, creed, nationality, or any other damned consideration. All those that believe in the concept of American Exceptionalism are invited to partake as long as it is done legally and properly.
If I arrive at my domicile of an evening and find someone there who has not been invited for a legitimate reason, that person is leaving. As a home and property owner it is universally acknowledged that I have that right and that right is not to be questioned or tampered with – ever! Those of us on this side of the issue view America as we do our private abodes. If you do not belong here, if you haven’t been invited you must leave! How does one get an invitation to our collective home? Simple. Merely proscribe to our long-standing immigration procedures that, until very recently, have worked to this country’s great advantage. You are welcome here if you arrived legally. Otherwise you are trespassing and must be escorted off the property post haste and by any means necessary(see the Immigration Rant of October 25, 2008).
On the other side of the argument are what we call the Open Borders Crowd. These dunderheads feel that all should be welcomed here no matter how they managed to get in, regardless of their personal backgrounds and histories, or whether or not they possess any skills or attributes that will benefit the nation. These folks adamantly and vociferously oppose any and all attempts to strengthen and improve what is laughingly referred to as our border security and integrity. They utterly refuse to sanction in any form the building of a state of the art fence or wall along the entire length of our southern border. They absolutely and unabashedly feel we should think of ourselves more in terms of global citizens rather than citizens of the greatest single country God ever gave mankind.
I refer to this mob as the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite) who comprise, at best, about 20% of our total population. It is their voice, however, that is constantly aired in the so-called “mainstream media.” It is their view that is espoused on college and university campi and it is their opinions that are drilled into the heads of our children in the elementary and secondary schools by their so-called “educators!” When those of us who disagree dare to voice our opinions publicly, we are reviled as racists and xenophobes with no compassion for the world’s downtrodden and victimized. We are viewed as callous, hardened, and down-right cruel because we actually have the temerity to vocalize our love of country and display a willingness, an eagerness, to defend it and the institutions and traditions we hold so dear!
Clearly, the battle lines have been drawn and the victor in this ongoing struggle will surely shape the nation’s future for generations to come. There exists, however, yet another aspect to the entire immigration debate-debacle that is generally ignored by our feckless, pusillanimous politicians on both sides of the aisle. Additionally, the general public to a large degree remains blissfully ignorant of a huge threat to the country’s well being and continued prosperity and survival. Immigration, primarily of the illegal variety, is literally making this nation sick and kills more and more of us every year.
No, I’m not talking about gang or other violent activity. Nor do I refer to the drug importation from our good neighbor across the Rio Grande. I am not referring to the vast numbers of foreign criminals that make their way here from their homelands even though I’ve read that something over 25% of all federal prisoners presently incarcerated at taxpayer expense are illegal – and legal – aliens. I specifically refer to the utterly devastating menace to America’s public health and health care system. Both are being crippled by this seemingly never ending flood of humanity that has literally become a human tidal wave – a tsunami of disease, if you will.(see related video)
The Federation for Immigration Reform or FAIR( published a web piece entitled, “Illegal Immigration and Public Health.” The piece notes that, “The impact of immigration on public health is often overlooked,” and states while, “millions of visitors for tourism and business come here every year, the foreign population of special concern is illegal immigrants who come most often from countries with endemic health problems and less developed health care.” The authors contend that they are of, “greatest consequence because they are responsible for a disproportionate share of serious public health problems, are living among us for extended periods of time, and often are dependent upon U.S. health care services.”
This statement is not borne of ignorance nor is it generated by xenophobia. It is also not the result of any sense of panic or jingoism but rather reflects the stark sense of urgency required to effectively fight and correct the realities of American life in the 21st Century. The piece continues that, “illegal immigrants, unlike those who are legally admitted for permanent residence, undergo no medical screening to assure they are not bearing contagious diseases.” Additionally, “the rapidly swelling population of illegal aliens in our country has also set off a resurgence of contagious diseases that had been totally or nearly eradicated by our health system.”
The Federation for American Immigration Reform interviews medical experts in all manner of dangerous third world maladies and pestilence from some of the poorest, most destitute, and disease infested shit holes on the planet. The article spotlights such ailments as: tuberculosis; dysentery; pork tapeworm; typhoid; river blindness; malaria; and guinea worm – to name a mere few! These diseases have not been a serious threat to this nation and its health care system for many years and yet now they are once again part of the American lexicon. John Whitehead, President of the Rutherford Institute( wrote an article entitled, “A Ticking Time Bomb: Diseases That Cross American Borders.” He feels, as do most of us, “inspired by the fact that my country welcomes those who seek refuge.”
He adds an important caveat, however, when he tempers his enthusiasm by warning, “as long as our government officials maintain our borders and ensure that those coming from other countries are screened in order to protect those who legally live here, the concept of welcoming immigrants is a noble one.” Indeed it is and always has been. It’s one of those qualities that illustrate the concept of American Exceptionalism. We are one of few, if not the only, nations on the planet where a person of another nationality can emigrate to America, obtain citizenship and be recognized as a bona fide American with all the rights and privileges pertaining thereto.
Most other nations along with their citizens do not accord strangers that status. In Mexico, for example, the laws prevent newcomers from ever realizing full and equal status. It just ain’t gonna happen. You can live in places like France or England and your neighbors and friends will never fully accept you as truly one of their own. You’ll always be deemed a foreigner but not in America, as long as you do it right!
Whitehead flatly states that illegal immigration, “has become an immense problem and a clear and present danger.” As far back as 2004, he noted that the Center For Immigration Studies, “estimates that at least 13 million individuals will immigrate to the U.S. this decade.” Six years later, that number has swelled to something in the neighborhood of twenty million but at best that is a mere “guesstimate” for no one has any actual idea of the actual verifiable numbers. These folks, after all, are not actually eager to fill out census forms or to have any contact with the authorities for fear of arrest and deportation.
The author cites a report entitled, “Immigration’s Silent Invasion – Deadly consequences,” which correctly concludes that the illegals do not arrive here alone but actually bring guests with them – how very thoughtful! The report warns that, “their bodies may carry Hepatitis A, B & C, tuberculosis, leprosy and Chagas Disease.” Have you ever even heard of something called Chagas Disease? Me either. Apparently it is a, “nasty parasitic bug common in Latin America where 18 million people are infected and 50,000 people die annually.” The writer illustrates that these illegal germs are not restricted exclusively to our border states but travel the nation as their host bodies migrate in all directions seeking employment and avoiding the immigration authorities.
The author of the piece accurately notes that this health crisis rapidly spreads throughout the country and asks what the consequences will be for American citizens. Simply put, he concludes that, “your children are at risk when attending school or going to the movies. It means that when a classmate from a foreign country sneezes or coughs, your child may be at risk for any number of diseases. If you eat at a fast food restaurant, a person infected with hepatitis could prepare your food. If you need a blood transfusion, the blood could be infected with Chagas Disease.”
I have less of a problem with those we term “legal” immigrants but truth be told, I and many others are thoroughly fed up and disgusted by the entire spectrum of our immigration disaster. Our immigration policiy, or lack thereof, is literally destroying this nation whether they are legal or otherwise. Far too many, whether they do it by the numbers or sneak across our virtually undefended borders, have no desire to become citizens, have no love for this country, and absolutely refuse to assimilate. They come for whatever economic and other material benefits exist and will never swear allegiance exclusively to the United States of America – the oath of citizenship notwithstanding. We can, however, at least hope that those who have our permission to reside in this country are relatively more healthy than those who don’t.
There exists, thankfully, at least some effort at screening those with dangerous, infectious diseases before they come here and sicken the rest of us. Yes, I know, these folks hail from some of the poorest and most corrupt nations on the planet and we must ask ourselves some obvious questions. How many who come here legally have actually been examined by competent, honest physicians and how many have simply paid for the privilege? Of course, that would never happen in those third world dung heaps where crime and corruption constitute leading and lucrative industries. Additionally, how many of these folks never get medical screening at all but merely purchase forged and falsified papers and certificates? Is anyone out there so utterly naïve and bubble-headed as to think that this never happens or isn’t, in fact, thoroughly rampant? If so, I’ve got this absolutely fantastic bridge in Brooklyn, NY, that I can let you have for a mere song!
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in its, “Health Consideration for Newly Arrived Immigrants and Refugees,” enlightens us about the government’s efforts to protect the public’s health against foreign invasion – and make no mistake, it is a genuine bona fide invasion. The ultimate enemy, however, is literally invisible. We learn of the use of Panel Physicians who are, “medically trained, licensed and experienced doctors practicing oversea.” There exist over 670 of these doctors who, “perform predeparture medical examinations(” for those foreigners who seek to come here.
Well, that’s certainly reassuring and I’m sure we’ll all sleep much more soundly armed with that knowledge. Furthermore, the Immigration and Nationality Act, “mandates that all immigrants and refugees migrating to the United States are required to undergo an overseas medical screening examination performed by panel physicians.” After what I’m not exactly convinced is a thorough and rigorous physical examination, those who are deemed healthy enough are allowed to enter the country. Upon admission they are immediately qualified to receive all manner of benefits provided by the oh-so generous American tax sucker. These panel exams occur, obviously, before these folks arrive on our shores.
What, however, happens when these newcomers do get here? The CDC assures us by explaining its procedures in something called, “After Arrival in the United States: Recommendations for Screening and Immunization of New Immigrants and Refugees.” As far as these new arrivals are concerned, “they receive stateside evaluation and treatment usually conducted at state or local health departments, within 3 months of U.S arrival.” There exist, however, “no standardized or nationwide protocol for postarrival health assessment,” so these evaluations vary from state to state. Yeah, well that translates into the fact that we’re doing a thoroughly haphazard and half-assed job of protecting our nation from some of the world’s most ravaging, deadly, and contagious diseases which does not bode well for America’s future.
Oh, and what’s this about a three month lag from the time the immigrants arrive to the time they are actually examined? Do we seriously believe that scourges like TB, Chagas, and Leprosy will politely lay dormant until such time as a crucial medical examination can be arranged? Do we remember a place called Ellis Island in New York’s harbor? Every newcomer was screened upon stepping off the boat. We were far more effective then at protecting our nation’s health than we are now. We can still do the same thing today at our nation’s airports and I wonder why we don’t? Are we trying to appease or placate one or more special interest groups? Is this some form of political correctness bullshit so as not to offend certain elements of our population?
The same report proves once again our efforts at protecting the nation’s health are some what lackluster at best and leave serious questions and doubts as to efficacy and competence of the bureaucrats in charge of the process. For example, “after their arrival in the United States, it is recommended, but not required, that all refugees and immigrants receive new arrival medical screening.” In addition to the screening this exam, “provides an opportunity for preventive services such a immunization and initiation of treatment for latent tuberculosis and counseling . . . as well as the opportune moment for establishment of ongoing primary care.” These are merely recommendations but not requirements!?! Can someone please tell me just what the FUCK is wrong with THAT picture?
It occurs to me that by not demanding these and other procedures we are merely courting the potential for huge catastrophes sometime down the road. Even the CDC concludes that, “many refugees and immigrants originate from countries with a high prevalence of tropical and other infectious diseases, which may present a threat to public health or to the health of the individual.” I’m sure you’ve heard of that popular form of recreation called Russian Roulette. There are only so many times you can dodge that bullet because eventually you’re just Shit-Out-Of-Luck!! It’s only a matter of time but hey, if some drunk Rusky wants to run those odds then I say go for it! Do you really think it wise or prudent to play this kind of game with our nation’s health and health care system? It seems to me that’s pretty much what we’re doing.
As far back as 2003, one Frosty Wooldridge wrote, “The Titanic and the United States.” The author notes that, “much like the Titanic that sank on April 15, 1912, the United States stands at a critical juncture in the history of our nation.” He explains that like the storied ship, “this nation smashed into a piece of legislation in 1965 that was never asked for or approved by the American public(” Then, as now, the Democratic Party deftly and consistently ignored the will and consent of the governed and with typical Liberal arrogance and condescension did what it deemed best for all of us unthinking boobies out here. The nation’s elite, of course, find it impossible to conceive of the concept of self and limited government and routinely treat the rest of us like pouting, recalcitrant children. They drip, they reek, they ooze of utter hubris and contempt! Wooldridge correctly charges that Senator Kennedy and President Johnson, “drove America into an iceberg of massive, unrestricted immigration that opened up the floodgates with the Immigration Reform Act.” This monster should have been more aptly named The Purposeful Destruction of America Act(see the Arizona Immigration Law Rant of June 9, 2010)!
At first, of course, it was just a trickle, wasn’t all that disruptive, and did only minimal damage. Old Frosty remarks that thirty-eight years later when he penned his piece, “the massive flow of humanity is still pouring in. . . .” He likens us to the revelers on board that doomed ship who kept partying, drinking, and dancing as though conditions hadn’t drastically changed. The orchestra, of course, played on. Just as the, “invincible Titanic could not survive the onslaught from the constant flow of incoming water – slowly, methodically stealing its ability to stay afloat.” The analogy is dead-on accurate and, if anything, a prime example of understatement. He concludes that, “what was once a benefit to our country is now a full-scale overpopulation and societal crisis.” He correctly explains the direct and undeniable correlation between uncontrolled, large-scale immigration - both legal and illegal – to the assault on the English language, ethnic violence, rapes, drugs, and gang warfare. Even more germane to this particular screed, however, he notes the resurgence and growing frequency of scourges such as, “leprosy, tuberculosis, Chagas Disease, hepatitis, and other diseases.”
He especially notes the role played by “illegals” sneaking into our country, “who avoid health screening before coming on board the United States.” The central difference between the Titanic analogy and our own current sorry state of emergency is that while the ocean liner’s destruction was purely accidental, our predicament is 100% self-inflicted! It is a clear cut example of what might be termed, “Nation-O-Cide”! Wooldridge sums it up nicely when he states, “we cannot save the world, but we can destroy our country if we fail to act.” The author correctly opines that like, “the Titanic that cracked in half before plunging to the depths because no one stopped the incoming water, the United States like all great nations before us, could sink.” It appears that as a country we have become so fat, lazy, happy, and complacent that even our instinct for survival and self-preservation has virtually withered away to nothing!
A year later the same author wrote a piece entitled, “Leprosy, Hepatitis, and Tuberculosis Rising Fast in United States(” He explains that in a mere three years over 100,000 new cases of hepatitis have swept across this country and warns that in, “the past 40 years, the United States has registered a total of 900 cases of the feared Biblical disease – leprosy. Virtually unknown to Americans in the last century, leprosy exceeded 7,000 new cases brought in on the backs of newcomers since 2001.” That number is undoubtedly higher now and is largely exported to this country by, “illegal alien immigrants from leprosy hot spots in Mexico, Brazil, the Caribbean, and India.” These third-world shit holes are literally killing this nation and nary a shot has been fired! Wooldridge points out that, “leprosy arrives with immigrants from crowded, poor countries with scant sanitation,” and, “its new presence in America has caused 11 clinics to sprout up overnight.” For the very first time, “the disease is endemic to the Northeastern United States. . . .”
He also correctly posits that because, “illegal and legal immigrants are hired into food service, dishwashing, cooking, hotels and day care – leprosy finds speedy access across the country.” Well now, doesn’t that inspire confidence in our immigration policies and our efforts to keep the sick-deadly ones away from us and our families? He also notes the new onslaught in tuberculosis, “and thanks to globalization, immigration and slipshod treatment, it’s deadlier than ever. It kills two million people a year.” Yes Sir, the picture just keeps getting rosier and rosier!
He quotes one Dr. Lee Reichman the Executive Director of New Jersey’s Medical Schools National Tuberculosis Center who said, “we sit on the edge of a potential catastrophe. Government won’t take this problem seriously, doctors don’t treat it, and the public thinks TB isn’t sexy enough to merit attention.” It seems we are suffering from a massive case of Head-in-Sand Disease which is becoming terminal! He concludes his piece with the cheery information that if, “you stand in line at K-Mart, Krogers, Safeway, Target, eat fast food or go to the movies, you are inches away from those carrying the disease,” and, “if they sneeze cough, laugh or touch your food, you and your children are at risk.” Hey, let’s all spend the day shopping at one of those giant “box” stores and top it off with a tasty visit to Ronald McDonald’s or perhaps that other guy who is so fond of masquerading around as royalty. Any takers?
If we continue to close our eyes to the menace at hand, this nation will become virtually unrecognizable as we have come to know, love, and understand it. It will become indistinguishable from the home countries of all those folks who clamor to get here, both legally and illegally. Every year we simply let the problem get worse and worse. If this great nation is destroyed, we will have no one to blame but ourselves! Those Liberal politicians desire open borders and amnesty programs as soon as possible so they can turn these filthy, horribly poor, disease ridden and infested time bombs into “eligible” residents, citizens, and ultimately Democratic voters.
It has come to the point where the LFE are no longer confident in their ability to persuade actual American citizens to accept their agenda and keep on voting them into office. They are more than willing to turn this country’s fate over to people who do not belong here and should not be permitted to remain. As the November, 2010, midterm elections draw ever closer, the Liberals are deathly afraid of being thrown out of office and the prospect of being forced to find real, honest employment sends them screaming into the night.
On the other side of that coin are your so-called “mainstream” Republicans who I swear, depending on the issue, are not a whit different from their alleged opponents especially if they fall under the banner of RINO! Those who label themselves as “moderates” are merely Liberal Scum Dogs who no longer care to use that moniker. Others who fall into the moderate camp are so pathetically weak and pitiful that they cannot take a strong stand on any substantive issue, let alone intelligently defend it. They take great pride in their so-called bipartisanship but couldn’t make a decision if their lives depended on it! While they tend to view themselves as “enlightened”, they are pathetic in their total, extreme cowardice. While I loathe and despise literally all members of the Liberal Fucking Elite they are not the least bit shy about shouting their intentions of destroying this country and can therefore be dealt with. Those of us who they view as their enemy – especially us evil Conservatives – are also crystal clear about our desires for the United States and our plans on how to best achieve our goals. Moderates or Middle-of-the- Roaders can’t be trusted primarily because, for the lack of a better term, they simply don’t have the Balls!
Dr. Manny Alvarez on July 26, 2010, wrote a piece for Fox News Health Blog( He asks, “Is Illegal Immigration Bad For America’s Health?” He notes that the, “simple answer is yes: Yes. If you look at the way legal immigration is conducted around the world, it is always based on a set of checks and balances. One of these checks is the prevention of certain communicable diseases.” He lists a variety of them including: Tuberculosis; Syphilis; HIV; Gonorrhea; Narcotic Drug Addiction; Physical or Mental Disorders; Chancroid; Lymphogranuloma Venerum; and Granaloma Inguinal. Okey Dokey.
He also informs us that one who desires an immigration visa abroad or who wishes to change his status while in America to a permanent resident must also be vaccinated against: Mumps; Measles-Rubella; Polio; Tetanus and Diptheria Toxoids; Pertussis; Haemophilus Influenza Type B; Hepatitis B; and others recommended by the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices. The good doctor warns that without, “a system of checks and balances, we run the risk of having diseases that have otherwise been eradicated in this country come back in a big way.” Sound familiar? He cautions that for the reasons discussed earlier, illegal aliens present the most clear and present danger and insists that, “a non-compromising point must be that the health of the American people must be protected, because if we do not protect the health of our citizens the long-term effects could be dangerous.” I gotta tell ya, Doc, you are a master of understatement and it should be obvious that not too many people are listening!
The first rule of government has always been to protect this nation and its citizens from all threats, both foreign and domestic. I believe the Democrats have absolutely abrogated that first responsibility to the point of utter abandonment which constitutes, I’m sure, a clearly impeachable offense. The other side is not lagging far behind. Both parties have failed miserably in this all important – perhaps the most important – obligation. James H. Walsh writing for Newsmax( on May 9, 2006, penned an article entitled, “Illegal Aliens’ Impact on Public Health and the Environment.” The author quotes French jurist Joseph de Maistre who simply and accurately said some hundreds of years ago that, “every country has the government it deserves.” The only reason we are confronted with this horrific state of affairs is because we let it happen!
My side can blame the Liberals and they can point fingers at us right-wingers but in the end, we ourselves are the ultimate culprits for becoming completely apathetic and complacent to the point of self-destruction!! The only way this will change is for the American people to take our country back and graphically demonstrate to these professional politicians that they work for us and not vice-versa. We gave them whatever power they enjoy – and abuse – and we can certainly take it away. Either they stop governing against the will of the majority of American citizens or they’ll be reading the help wanted ads in the near future!
Walsh states that there are something like 20 million illegal aliens who reside within our borders and explains that these, “ lawbreakers, these non-voters mean to seize the rights of U.S. citizenship by taking to the streets to demonstrate against any legislation with enforcement teeth.” He continues that, “at the same time, these same lawbreakers wrap themselves in foreign flags and carry signs demanding that Gringos leave our land and Europeans be deported.”(see related video) On top of ignoring and showing nothing but utter contempt for American sovereignty they are literally making us sick and killing more and more of us every year! As previously noted, the author especially singles out the illegals who sneak in, “without medical inspection, which is itself a criminal offense and a public health travesty.” He illustrates, as have many others, the disastrous results caused by the infectious diseases they bring with them into the country.
In the past, when Europeans comprised the vast majority of our nation’s immigrants, “each person who sought to enter the country was subject to a health examination,” and, “those diagnosed with an unacceptable health condition were immediately returned to their port of origin.” In those long gone days, you see, the general population, our leaders, and public officials were vastly more interested in protecting and preserving America rather than pandering and groveling to certain groups based on race, ethnicity, pigmentation, or any other damned thing! Additionally, they, “were allowed no elongated appeals process, no asylum claims, no refugee provisions, and no street demonstrations demanding entitlements and decrying any effort to secure U.S. borders.” In some ways, it appears that the fabled “good old days” really were.
While we certainly have the tools to stem this tide of uncontrolled, massive immigration and win the fight to keep our population healthy and not threatened by diseases and conditions catalogued above, we simply refuse to do so. Walsh sums it up quite succinctly when he blames, “political correctness or more accurately lack of backbone.” He refers to the “lemming response” by most state and local government agencies who keep repeating that the Federal Government has been charged with protecting the nation’s health, borders, and sovereignty. The only problem here is that those in Washington are feckless as well so we remain with nothing more than the wringing of hands and finger pointing, perhaps not the best remedies for curing what ails us.
By not demanding that our government – regardless of party – go about its most important Constitutional mandate of safeguarding our borders, language, and culture and especially the nation’s health we are, in fact, witnessing the death of America! There can be no denying this by all those who truly love this nation and ardently believe in the very real concept of American Exceptionalism.
To deny the dangers we face and merely hope for the best is a form of mental illness that I call rampant, raging Liberalism! We are looking at our own demise and the traitors amongst us who blithely facilitate that outcome must be stopped at any cost. It’s time these turncoats placed country before party for a change and personal political ambition must be replaced by a recognition that this great nation is dying if conditions remain as they are!!
Much Luv Y’All and Have a great Day!
The Fifth Horseman