The Democrat controlled House of Representatives voted to approve the Obama backed Cap and Trade bill so heavily touted by the current administration. The Senate has yet to do so and we can only hope that the mid-term elections which as of this writing are merely a few days away will constitute, among many other things, a resounding and total repudiation of the Bamster’s fervent ambition to literally cripple our country! Should this insanity prevail, our nation will have been so drastically damaged that it will effectively destroy the United States as we have come to know and cherish it. If this anti-American lame excuse for a President succeeds, this country’s population will be relegated to the status of mere economic slaves to this charlatan’s demented vision of bringing America to its knees. Make no mistake, this is precisely what he desires and needs. I’m positive that he actually salivates at the mere prospect of his dream coming to a successful fruition!
This monstrosity will absolutely dwarf all of his previous malfeasance for it is nothing more or less than the single largest tax increase in the history of American taxation despite his now infamous $250,000 pledge! It is a tax on all forms of energy production and consumption which will obviously negatively impact literally 100% of the American population. What activities can you imagine that do not involve energy consumption? Right – because none exist. Such a tax will certainly raise the price of virtually everything and anything that we purchase. It will become prohibitively expensive to explore for, produce, and refine the oil that is the lifeblood of this nation’s existence and one of the key factors in creating the single greatest economic engine in world history. America’s prosperity and prestige are inexorably entwined with it. For those out there who demand that we move away from fossil fuels and toward dependence on what are known as, “alternative energy sources,” you are merely dreaming or are in league with the Anointed One’s ambitions to destroy the United States. This nation must rely predominantly on oil and oil by-products for at least another century. Our coal industry will also not be spared by our fearless leader who has publicly vowed to destroy it.(click for related video}
Food prices at the local grocery store will sky rocket beyond any reasonable measure while all manner of medicine, prescription and over the counter, will spike upward. The cost of public transportation that constitutes a literal lifeline for those residing in our urban centers will become thoroughly frightening while the cost of education will rise to such a level that in a relatively short time only children of our most wealthy and elite will be able to afford it. Property taxes for those who have thus far managed to avoid foreclosure will make traditional home ownership a thing of the past and will have turned the American dream into an absolute nightmare! The cost of owning a car will be out of reach for the vast majority of Americans and not solely from the inevitable gas price increases but from the increased cost of merely purchasing a vehicle. The cost of heating our home, regardless of the fuel used to do so, will become prohibitive.
Additionally, foreign and domestic travel will be virtually impossible for a multitude of Americans whose vacations will have been priced out of existence. Saving and investing for one’s future will become severely curtailed and the fond dream of leaving your loved ones something for their futures will become nothing more than wishful thinking. Activities that we currently take for granted will become ever less affordable. Do you presently enjoy a movie once a week or perhaps twice a month? Forget it. Do you frequent your favorite restaurant with your family on a regular basis? Do it while you still can. Watch your bowling league dwindle away to nothing while that weekly round of golf with your buddies becomes nothing more than a cherished memory! Yeah, I know. I should just shut the Hell up and stop worrying so much. These things can’t possibly happen in America!
Obviously, the decrease in economic activity suggested above can only result in the destruction of entire industries as our leader and his henchmen continue to steamroll down the destructive path they have purposely chosen. The automobile industry will be severely crippled as will the coal and oil industries. Airline travel will no longer be an affordable convenience but an out of reach luxury for too many Americans. The entire leisure-recreation-vacation sectors of our economy will become a thing of the past. Our defense industries will no longer be able to keep this nation safe and secure as we have come to expect and will become as effective as that of the French just prior Hitler’s blitzkrieg. Our Department of Defense will have been effectively transformed into the Department of Koombaya! The pharmaceutical industry will be devastated and home building will become unrecognizable, if not nonexistent.
Make no mistake, this partial list of destruction is inevitable if Obama’s Cap and Trade machinations are passed and implemented. That is his ultimate and thinly disguised goal.(see related video) Unemployment is still hovering at around 10% but if we factor in all those Americans who have simply given up looking for work and those who are “underemployed,” the number rises to just under 20%! Why would the leader of this great nation desire and relish the above scenario? The answer is obvious once we accept the fact that he is decidedly anti-American and intensely dislikes what this country has come to represent over the last two plus centuries. He fervently believes in a “command and control” economy and despises free market capitalism! He is a full-blown Socialist and wants to create as much dependence on government as he can in the shortest period of time. In his warped, twisted, and distorted world view, he is Big Brother, The Messiah, and the Exalted One combined into a Supreme Being who will lead us unthinking, undeserving peons into the Promised Land! He is Hell-bent on thoroughly destroying any vestige of or remnant of innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship that have become hallmarks of our capitalist economic system which has produced the wealthiest and most powerful nation that the world has ever seen or will see again!
In a web piece from the Heritage Foundation’s, “The Foundry: Conservative Policy News ( the author states that simply put Cap and Trade is, “a tax on energy consumption. In fact, it would act as a huge tax. If enacted cap-and-trade will be one of the government’s largest revenue sources within the next decade,” and that since, “85 percent of our energy demand is met through fossil fuels, increasing the cost of energy will have significant economic consequences.” Additionally and most notably, “the cost of producing goods for businesses increases, and consumer demand falls for two reasons: price hikes on goods reduces demand and people have less disposable income due to higher energy prices.” These conclusions are logical, straight forward, and inevitable and anyone predicting anything but these outcomes is lying, grossly ignorant, or both. Ominously, the same piece continues that, “since low-income households spend a larger percentage of their incomes, higher prices hit the poor much harder.” But wait, I thought “President Dude” billed himself as the peoples’ champion, as the man who would never impose additional taxes on their already over burdened shoulders. Have I missed or overlooked something here?
The writer points out the obvious by saying, “higher energy prices force businesses to make production cuts and reduce labor,” while, “as we see in the current recession, reduced consumer spending only exacerbates,” this trend resulting in, “increased unemployment and slow economic growth.” The author of this 2009 article states bluntly of the proposed Crap and Tax legislation that, “it’s a jobs killer.” Folks, this doesn’t even qualify as Economics 101 for any half bright sixth grader would have absolutely no difficulty in comprehending the underlying principles here. Can we conclude, then, that those who champion such legislation are simply not the sharpest tools in the shed or more ominously, that they are working from a specific playbook and the outcomes are meticulously well thought out, planned, and executed? Given their ultimate end-goal of the destruction of this nation and a complete obsession with growing the size of government and our dependence on it for all of our wants and needs, I believe that the answer is more than just a little obvious.
On March 18, 2009, Republican whip Eric Cantor posted, “The Facts About The Democrats’ Budget (” He accurately and succinctly notes such items as: the largest tax increase in American history; a tax increase on families of more than $3,000 a year in higher energy prices; a tax burden that would hit lower-income and middle-income families the hardest; the potential to destroy anywhere from 1.8 million to 7 million jobs; the stifling of economic growth: and higher energy costs. Cantor asks a particularly salient question when he queries, “why would Congress want to raise families’ energy bills, increase America’s dependence on foreign energy, and destroy American manufacturing jobs?” Why indeed?
The author quotes such luminaries as tax-cheat Timothy Geitner who gives a key clue as to answering the above when he warns that if, “people don’t change how they use energy then they will face higher costs for energy . . . .” The Socialist-in-Chief wants to change the behavior and habits of the American public and one tried and true method for so doing has always been through raising taxes in order to make life’s necessities affordable to fewer citizens by hiking costs to unprecedented levels. This, of course, doesn’t really phase the wealthiest among us nor does it particularly burden the poorest and most destitute. It does, however, constitute a bona fide middle class killer! It is the middle class that already pays the vast majority of taxes and they also provide the lion’s share of jobs for those seeking employment. As the middle class is choked by ever increasing and punitive tax hikes, the entire nation suffers which appears to by exactly what that anti-American son of a bitch in the White House seeks to do. He, as all authoritarians, is after more and more dependence and control over our fellow countrymen in order to force changes in our behavior and habits that conform to his collectivist vision.
Owning a home, for example, has long been a defining element of the hallowed American dream and that will become a Hellish nightmare if cap and trade is ultimately put into play. Ryan Young writing for Politico ( correctly maintains that, “cap-and-trade will depress home prices,” in an already severely weakened real estate market. The Anointed One is determined to destroy American traditions and institutions to the point of radically eviscerating any recognizable vestiges of this nation’s exceptional nature so he can remake it into something he is more compatible with. The bill contains 397 new regulations that, “would affect almost everyone who buys or sells a house.” He informs us that homes for sale would be defined as, “federally related transactions . . . which would be required to undergo an environmental inspection.” Does this sound like the America handed down to us by our parents and grandparents or some perverted, twisted, and distorted rendition of one of America’s most cherished dreams? These inspections, of course, are not free and fixing any “violations” found by said government inspectors could run into many thousands of dollars thus making the home that much more difficult to sell.
Suppose, for example, you have a window that isn’t quite airtight or your appliances are a little too old and aren’t what’s called Energy Star efficient. Well, the solution is simple for, “you’d have to replace them before you’d be allowed to sell your home.” Allowed to sell your home!?! This sounds like an all out attack and a perversion of one of this nation’s most cherished traditions – that of private property. You’re all familiar with that old phrase that a man’s home is his castle. Apparently not according to His Majesty because it happens to sit on what he views as his personal fiefdom. These Socialist destroyers of our capitalist system are determined to take a wrecking ball to capitalism and one certain method for so doing is to destroy the concept of private property rights. Once that happens, you will not recognize the country you were born and raised in. As the author concludes, it is far “better for Congress to stay out of our homes.”
The cost of Crap and Tax to the American taxpayer will be absolutely staggering and the fear mongers lamely blame the now thoroughly debunked bugaboo of global warming as the trumped up excuse to wreak economic havoc and misery on the American citizen ( see the Climategate Rant of 12/20/09 or the Copenhagen Climate Conference Rant of 1/24/10). The entire global warming-Al Gore crowd has been exposed for exactly what it is: advocates of huge, intrusive government with an extreme hatred of capitalism and all things deemed to smack of Americanism. All this notwithstanding, The Center on Budget Priorities and Policy has, “approximated the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions to result in a $750 annual increase to America’s poorest families due to higher energy prices (Cap-and Trade Effects on Our Nation’s Economy in The piece, written by one Anglfire693, notes that the, “poorest families in America use less energy than the average American family,” and cautions, “if that is the financial burden placed on them, imagine what the annual cost to the rest of Americans would be.” While the Congressional Budget Office estimates a $1,600 annual raise in the cost of living for a typical household,” the author points out that other studies calculate those costs at much higher levels.
The same author, however, does more than merely point out the monetary issues involved but illustrates very plainly how this cap and trade debacle limits our choices and our very freedom which is exactly what Obama and the Boys are working so feverishly to cause. Like all authoritarians and champions of huge, intrusive government they want to – make that need to – create a population completely dependent on Big Brother to provide every conceivable want and necessity. They envision cradle to grave custodianship of all of our choices as their particular brand of utopia and what we deem to be right, proper, and prudent matters not a whit to them.
In their arrogant and condescending approach to governance, we are the little, small minded folks who need to be led around by the nose because only THEY know what’s best for us. As Anglfire693 so aptly notes, our entire way of life as a free people is threatened. Care for an example? Certainly. We’re all acutely aware of the Left’s championing of ethanol as a “green” alternative to fossil fuels and most of us know that it is nothing more than an absolute crock! Corn, a major ingredient in the manufacture of ethanol, is a major food staple in this nation and, therefore, is a huge crop. The more corn we divert from our food supply means the less there is to consume. This would inevitably, “increase the cost of corn,” and not only do Americans eat huge amounts of the stuff, “it feeds our livestock,” and we would see considerable increases in the cost of food, groceries, and dining out. Gasoline prices would also rise dramatically. Nah, this Crap and Tax scam really won’t hurt that badly, will it?
The piece cites Senator Inhofe’s dire warning that the plan to change climate control constitutes, “a direct threat to America’s way of life.” Furthermore, the Cap and Trade boondoggle would, “hinder our ability to fly to remote locations and that and that there would be few automobiles that would be capable of pulling campers, boats, jet skies, snowmobiles, and such.” The entire RV industry would, obviously, “become a thing of the past.” The writer correctly submits that if, “this is what we allow to happen, climate fluctuations will not matter in regards to recreation because Americans will not have the means to recreate.” Care to hear just a tad more? Tough,‘cause here it comes and as the writer remarks, “the list of negative affects is unending,” and, “American life as we know it will change.” We’ll witness the real probability, “of increased crime and depression and potential increases in suicide rates amongst Americans,” which will in turn lead to, “increases in insurance premiums and health care costs.”
Please understand that these are not in any manner, shape, or form merely the unintended consequences of our futile attempts to deal with this lie called anthropomorphic global warming but instead are absolutely planned, well thought out, and purposeful with only one possible conclusion: the demise of this great nation! As the author succinctly points out, “the proposed solutions to global warming will have a negative ripple affect throughout every aspect of American life. And for what? There is still no proof that human emissions of carbon dioxide are the cause of Global Warming.”
An organization called the American Coal Council is one of the main voices of our coal industry. In a 2009 piece entitled, “Impact of Cap & Trade Bill on U.S. Economy(,” the group explains that the proposed bill, “will have profound negative impacts on energy availability, energy costs, and overall economic health of the country.” The negative impacts illustrate one overwhelming, inescapable fact: if implemented, Crap & Tax will severely reduce the freedom of all Americans to live as they see fit and fully take advantage of the myriad opportunities that accrue from residing in the freest country God ever gave mankind! This is undeniable and is not open to debate or interpretation. If Obama succeeds then America will surely fail which is precisely why I, like Rush Limbaugh and so many others, fervently hope and pray for this American President to fail! The only other American Presidents that caused such a negative reaction from me was that peanut farmer from Georgia and the other guy who couldn’t keep it in his pants!
The Council correctly predicts that the scheme will, “force energy costs to rise precipitously.” For example, by 2020, natural gas prices will rise by 39% and will shoot up to an increase of 56% five years later. Just as alarmingly, motor fuels will rise by 48 cents and then 74 cents per gallon for the same period. Electricity costs are also not immune from the grasp of the Socialist-in-Chief. They will spike by 27% in 2020 and five years later will reach a whopping 44% increase. Unless these Liberals are defeated, we are witnessing the end of American life as we have known it ever since we told England to take a hike in 1776! These bastards can’t be compromised or reasoned with but must be massively and completely destroyed. It is a “them or us” scenario and the stakes are nothing less than individual liberty and freedom.
Should we fail to accomplish this so many, if not all, of those little things that we unthinkingly and routinely do on a daily basis will all be virtually nothing more than fond memories of days gone by. Our grandchildren will never experience the freedoms that we have known and their lives and the country will in no manner resemble our own. We will have become the last generation of free Americans. How will our descendants manage to do the most simple of things like stay warm in the winter or cool in the summer? How will they be able to jump in the family automobile to visit friends and family on a mere whim? Those vacations that we all love so much will be something our grandkids will only have heard about for they will not be able to avail themselves of these kinds of luxuries. They’ll be far too busy working those extra hours or second and third jobs just to pay for the barest of life’s necessities.
This translates into nothing less than a grotesque loss of freedom and opportunity, two of the mainstays of American Exceptionalism. These have been the central attraction for million and millions of immigrants from every nation in the world yearning to share our soon to be gone and overwhelming blessings. While “El Destructo” pledges that his useless “stimulus” boondoggles would halt unemployment at no more than 8%, for example, it now hovers at just shy of 10% with no end in sight as long as Liberals are steering the vessel! Does this sound like freedom and opportunity to you? The American Coal Council warns that this Cap and Trade program will further raise that figure and that, “net job losses-inclusive of those jobs created by increased funding of renewable energy-will rise to 800,000 in 2015 then more than double by 2020, to 1.9 million, and rocket to approximately 3.2 million by 2025.” I am firmly convinced that these projections, as depressing as they are, won’t even come close to being accurate when reality finally forces far too many Americans to finally stop living in a state of utter denial. What used to the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave is quickly morphing into the Land of the Slave and Home of the Weak and Downtrodden!!
Alex Walker wrote a piece entitled, “Cap and Trade – The Real Inconvenient Truth ( in which he raises a number of salient issues that provide even further insight as to just where those Liberal America-Haters want to take us and to what lengths they’ll go in their lock-step march towards freedom’s demise and destruction. He notes, as have many others, that virtually no one who supported and signed the House version of Crap & Tax knows what the Hell’s in it and states that, “it is inconceivable to me that a group of people can justifiably understand and make decisions on a fifteen hundred-page document in only a few days.” He’s right, of course. No one can. These schmucks could not possibly have had time to read and comprehend the proposed legislation before blindly – like trained circus animals – signing it and sending it along to our august upper deliberative legislative body. The author makes a dangerous error for he is apparently looking for reason and logic where none exists. This will eventually drive him insane. Just accept these Democrat fools for exactly who they truly are: mind-numbed robots and zombies whose last original thoughts suffered excruciating deaths from acute loneliness! These people are merely sheep following their shepherd who, when they get unruly, sets loose the dogs. They are no more than lemmings blindly careening over the cliff because their leader got a bug up his ass about something!
The author also characterizes Cap & Trade as the single highest tax increase in this country’s history but also tells us it is really nothing new. He correctly maintains that it is a highly regressive tax that, “touches every family in the country after the fact that businesses will be forced to pay for their carbon outputs.” These taxes will, of course, be passed along to the consumer as are all business costs. As previously noted, while this will affect all Americans, it is the poor and their families who will feel the biggest burdens. Walker lets us know that this carbon based bullshit is already a tried and true failure and has never worked anywhere it’s been implemented. He informs us that we, “need look no further than the many countries that have used the cap on carbon tax and discovered that the method had economic consequences.”
He offers as an example the, “Dutch silicon carbide maker that sells itself as the greenest such plant in the world but now can’t afford to run full time,” and the, “French garment workers who fear they’re going to lose jobs to Morocco, which doesn’t have to meet the European guidelines.” He gives us the, “German homeowners who pay 25 percent more in electricity than they did before, even after utility companies earned record profits.” Obama and his minions know and understand this full well and are delighted by it. The truth is they couldn’t give a rat’s ass about so-called global warming, carbon emissions and the reduction thereof, or any other damned thing.
They see this entire scam as but one more way to impoverish this nation and its citizens for the purpose of creating even greater dependence on government. Like all authoritarian types, freedom, liberty, and choice are anathema and must be abandoned and destroyed in favor of a supreme, centralized authority that dictates all aspects of our lives from cradle to grave! This is what we have to look forward to if Obama succeeds and especially if he is voted a second term.
Care to step away from the “big picture” for a moment and focus attention a bit more narrowly? It’s instructive. Mike Miller in his article, “Stop the Cap-and Trade Plan: Voters Oppose the Proposal by Wide Margins (” He insists that Alaska’s, “Congressional delegation should oppose the energy-rationing, cap-and-trade bill that passed the U.S. House of Representatives last year . . . and move on to more viable efforts that will help, not hurt, Alaska small businesses, workers, and families.” He published some of the major conclusions drawn by an outfit known as the National Federation of Independent Businesses such as: 57% of voters oppose the cap and trade scheme; 45% believe it will only increase joblessness; 64% believe cap and trade would cause even higher energy prices; 50% believe it will severely limit economic growth; and a successful implementation of this Socialist vision will destroy almost 2,500,000 jobs and reduce your gross domestic product by something around $3.1 trillion!
Miller also goes international when he declares, “the evidence shows that cap and trade won’t work.” He explains that in, “European countries operating under cap and trade systems, unemployment rates have gone up while reduction in carbon emissions have not materialized.” He illustrates, as have others, that burgeoning economic giants like China and India have rejected out of hand any scheme that could place limits on economic growth and, “without these nations on board, even sweeping actions here in the United States would have literally no beneficial effect on the planet.” But hey, Obama and his fellow conspirators already knew that.
Let’s take a look at this thoroughly destructive scheme in the state of New Mexico. Mario Burgos ( explains the obvious when he says, “make no mistake this is an additional fee that will be ultimately passed on to you and me – the consumer – at the pump. Whenever the government seeks to impose fees to help with some grand scheme, we are the ones who find ourselves squeezed.” Cap and trade, he continues, will, “force a decline in oil and gas production in the state,” which will inevitably, “result in additional taxes.” He predicts that New Mexico will experience, “yet higher prices at the pump, and for that matter, all transportation related costs (read: food).” Predictably, these, “higher prices will squeeze the working poor and middle class families the hardest.” Ready for some more? Too damned bad, because here it comes. Let’s take a brief gander at Kentucky as related by Tom Martin in his, “Weighing the Pros and Cons of Cap-and-Trade (” He concludes that options due to the Cap and Trade tax proposal lay somewhere between, “painful and painful.” The author alarmingly but accurately reports that Kentucky, “would lose as many as 23,000 jobs in 2020 and nearly 50,000 jobs in 2030,” while, “disposable household income would be reduced by as much as $2,500 per year in 2020 and up to $6,000 by 2030.”
He informs us that gasoline prices in Kentucky, “would increase between 74 percent and 144 percent in 2020,” and the cost of electricity, “would increase by between 122 percent and 159 percent.” The cost for natural gas would spike, “between 99percent and 142 percent,” by 2030. I’m sure that Daniel Boone had an easier time killing that “bar” than modern day Kentuckians will have paying for their utility bills. The dismal future envisioned in just these few states are, of course, not restricted exclusively to them. There won’t be a state in this once proud and grand Union that won’t feel the dire consequences of this phony, bullshit scheme just as there will not be a single citizen of the country that won’t be negatively impacted. Please remember, folks, that this will be no accident, no mere twist of fate. It is purposefully destructive, willfully subversive, and stunningly Machiavellian! Always keep Obama’s end-game in the forefront of your minds for it motivates his every action, dominates all of his schemes and machinations, and is the ultimate goal of his entire being!
He wants to utterly destroy the United States of America and bring it to its knees! There are those of us who as far back as the early Chicago days who knew this and we sent up the signal flares but not enough Americans heeded the warning. If the Huckster-in-Chief wins a second term, I fear he will succeed in implementing his pernicious goals. Christopher S. Bond rounds off our brief look at a few states in his, “Cap and Trade: Negative impact on Missouri (” Remarking at the President’s presence at the Copenhagen Climate Conference, Bond observes that, “while I am sure that the new Nobel laureate basks in the international glow and favorable European attention, I hope he remembers the needs of Missouri families and workers here at home. . . .” Chris, my man, here’s a little heads up for you – not a chance this side of Hell! The author notes that unemployment rates stand at around 10% and that, “experts predict that cap-and-trade will kill over 2 million jobs nationwide, many of them blue-collar manufacturing on which middle-income Missouri families depend.” He points out that while for now at least, the climate legislation is, “stalled in the Senate, advocates are trying to go through the back door with new government regulations.”
Bond warns that, “the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued a new carbon regulation that will result in expensive and burdensome requirements on not only manufacturing facilities, but also farms, universities, hospitals, commercial and apartment buildings, even bakeries and donut shops.” The kicker is that major polluters like India and China are absolutely refusing to get on board any new carbon reduction schemes and that, “the most discouraging thing to me is that all of this economic pain would come with no environmental gain.” Scientists have already concluded that the, “U.S. acting alone . . . will have no measurable impact on world temperatures.” He opines that such a state of affairs will absolutely and inevitably, “send U.S. jobs overseas. An agreement forcing the U.S. to abandon affordable energy sources, like the coal-based power that fuels Missouri’s mills and assembly lines as well as families’ heating needs, will impose job-killing cost increases.”
Once again, we must remember that the tax and crap swindle is no more than a Liberal bill of goods and is being implemented for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with preserving a healthy environment. It’s all about forcibly changing the behavior of Americans that this administration finds odious and misdirected. It’s all about destruction, not preservation. It constitutes nothing less than a method for greatly expanding the role of an already too powerful, centralized government and sacrificing our freedom on the alter of the so-called greater good. A piece by one John Palatiello, “The Folly of Cap and Trade (, sums it up nicely. It will, “impose massive control over the lives of Americans, such as imposing restrictions on the size of our homes, restrictions on air travel, determining the kind of car we may own without paying a penalty, controlling our thermostats to limit usage of air conditioning and even how we cut our lawns.”
The author cites a scheme contemplated in England that would have involved the use of something like a carbon debit card. Each citizen would be given an annual allotment of carbon to be used and every possible transaction would be recorded for the purpose of subtracting the carbon used from the allotment. The shit hits the fan when the card is maxed out. One method, Palatiello goes on to say, “could be personal carbon-allowances, where everyone was given a fixed amount of carbon to be used each year. Each time they travel on a plane, buy petrol, go shopping or eat out could be recorded on a plastic card. The more frugal could sell spare carbon to those who want to indulge themselves. But if you were to run out of your carbon allowance, you would be barred from flying or driving.” Does this sound like freedom to you? Does this sound like choice to you? Or does it sound more like creeping fascism and totalitarianism?
Too many Americans seemingly don’t reflect on the ramifications of this monstrosity and fail to appreciate the devastating nature of the changes it will cause in their everyday lives. Life will become drastically different and we’re not talking legacy here. We’re not looking fifty to one hundred years down the road but rather a time period as short as a decade from the point this legislation is enacted. The author of a piece entitled, “Cap and Trade – Higher taxes for Everyone and it Won’t Solve Global Warming (, asks, “How will that impact the average person?” That really is the essential question. Why should any of us as individuals actually give a damn about a carbon tax or global warming? These are huge issues with seemingly very complex solutions. The threat seems to exist in some distant future, so why worry about it now? We’re all busy with jobs, running our businesses, raising families, and just the ups and downs of everyday life. Let the guys who get paid the big bucks and pontificate in the halls of government figure it all out. Let those who hold “chairs” in academia worry about the grand and lofty issues. Just leave us little guys alone to guzzle our beer and stock up on ammo!
That’s exactly what the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elites) want from us. Apathy and a willingness to blindly follow! These grand thinkers were to the manor born. They are the masters and we are the lowly field hands who must always defer to our betters. They dismiss grass roots movements by groups like the Tea Party folks as a mere display of petulance tinged with a serious dose of severe crankiness. They’re more than willing to let us little folks blow off some steam every so often as long as in the end we remain docile and compliant. In their ever present condescension and arrogance, They have failed to properly gauge our anger at what they’ve done and will continue to do to our magnificent country.
The author of the Completely Right piece is just one of many who provide us with the ammunition we need, the grist for our mill, that guarantees that the simmer will turn into a full boil with the heat remaining on high! He notes that business in America will be devastated by schemes like Cap and Trade and none more than our utility companies. Those businesses rely to a large extent on burning coal in power plants. He explains, “if the government forces the power companies to pay the government for the right to emit, then the power companies will pass that on to the consumer – and everyone’s electric bill will go up.” In a capitalist economy, this doesn’t just make sense, it is supremely logical. The writer insists that this is only the tip of the iceberg because, “businesses that use electricity (and I don’t know too many that don’t!) will also have its cost of business rise, since the business itself is seeing a higher utility bill as well.” He asks how might these businesses react to such a circumstance? They would necessarily be forced to raise their prices or cut, “the cost of their business in other areas (layoffs, perhaps).” Either way, “it’s a negative on the economy.” He sums up by warning that, “the Obama cap and trade proposal is in effect a tax on carbon that will impact every business and therefore every citizen in the United States, by making everything more expensive.”
Talk about your classic command and control! The old Soviet Empire had nothing on our current President, the Anointed One! Finally, the piece concludes that as a, “result of this plan, U.S. business will become less able to compete with other businesses in the world where governments do not force them to pay a carbon tax.” As a result, “businesses in the U.S. will therefore be hurt dramatically – particularly in more energy-intensive areas like manufacturing.” In order to, “better compete, many corporations will therefore choose to relocate their more energy-intensive activities to more business friendly nations.” The Boy Wonder who sometimes resides on Pennsylvania Avenue keeps promising to enact measures and policies that will significantly reduce the nation’s level of unemployment but examples like Crap and Tax starkly illustrate that just the opposite is the case and it is not accidental. It fits in beautifully with his overriding desire to bring this nation down and reduce it to the level of at least socialized western Europe! He despises America and any all who still cherish and revere its history, traditions, and institutions. That an American President should harbor these feelings about our country is frightening in the extreme and yet even more worrisome is actually how many Americans went to the polls a mere two years ago and voted him into office!
I know a gentleman who escaped from Castro’s Cuba when he was around twenty five years old. Like so many Cubans, he arrived after a perilous journey in a less than sea worthy vessel with nothing but the clothes he wore and not a penny to his name. By dint of amazingly hard work he accomplished what so many immigrants have done through the years. He became fluent in English, educated himself, earned American citizenship, and acquired the skills he’d need to succeed in his new home. Well, that’s certainly an old and familiar tale, but he tells me that for the first time since he arrived all those years ago, he’s actually afraid.
He knows full well and first hand what life is like in a country where the government is all powerful. He is finding too many parallels between what the Chosen One has planned for us and what Castro did to Cuba! It’s time to be afraid, very afraid and do something about it or one day we’re going to wake up and ask ourselves, “what the Hell happened!?!:” (On an encouraging note, the results of the mid-term elections now seem finalized and the entire map of the country is all but awash in red. Remember, however, after similar results in 1994, the Democrats managed to retain the White House – and that is simply no longer an option, not for those of us who deeply love this country!)
Much Luv Y’all and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman