The United Nations was born, of course, just after the Nazis and the forces of Imperial Japan were utterly humiliated and defeated by the United States and its allies. Neither of these offending nations would ever again flirt with authoritarianism or world wide domination. The pain could in no way justify any contemplated gain. Both nations have since become democratic models not too dissimilar from our own. In many ways, the post World War ll era was extremely idealistic with virtually all nations vowing to never let conditions that caused the most horrific conflagration in history reoccur. To that end, the United Nations launched itself on the world stage filled with optimism, good and noble intentions, as well as a completely naïve if not utopian comprehension of human nature. The new organization also seemed to blindly ignore the realities of world history since the first cave man started throwing rocks at his competition for whatever limited resources existed all those thousands of years ago. Well intentioned but clueless organizations, like people, are positively dangerous and the havoc they wreak can be inestimable and irreversible. The UN began with the best of intentions but the utter cluelessness of that institution has rendered it not merely useless but horribly venal. It can no longer even claim to have good intentions, for its intentions are anything but (see the United Nations Rant of 12/22/08)!
Let’s hearken back, then, to December 10, 1948, when the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed its central corner stone and issued the Declaration of Human Rights that set forth its founding principles, its reason for existence, and what might be termed the core beliefs of its member nations. The document states that, “the inherent dignity,” and, “the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world ( The document continues that, “disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind.” It professes to welcome, “the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want which has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people.”
Folks, if you didn’t pick up on it, that last remark concerning the “common people” is nothing more than code. The writers of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights really meant “little people” but that sounds even more condescending and arrogant than the term “common”. This tells you exactly who these guys were: the elites who will save us ordinary, unworthy, and incompetent low-life’s from our own stupidity and mankind’s tendencies to self-destruct. We obviously can’t keep the world safe and at peace without their leadership! These types are still with us today and can be found controlling the media, academia, and, of course, the American political landscape is infested with them!
The Universal Declaration continues that the UN member nations emphasize their faith in, “fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom.” I’m not quite sure just what the Hell that last actually means, but it sounds damned good, don’t it? The document goes on to highlight such ideals as promoting universal respect, observance of human rights, and of course fundamental freedoms. There are thirty separate articles in the Declaration and they all proclaim brotherhood, peace on earth, and koombaya in general. They are all warm and fuzzy and in truth no one who has any appreciation of concepts like democracy or popular sovereignty could really disagree all that much. Article one, for example, insists that, “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” These same human beings are additionally, “endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” How lovely.
Article Three insists that, “everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.” The fifth article rails against torture and other forms of inhumane or degrading treatment. Other sections stress such basics as a presumption of innocence, the concept of respect for privacy, the right to freedom of thought, religion, and conscience. Grand? Lofty? Idealistic? Noble? You bet and all of these superlatives absolutely apply when considering the Declaration of Human Rights. Other terms, however, also come to mind. How about unrealistic, impossible, impractical, and Pie-in-the-Sky?
It is certainly one thing to wish, dream, and hope for a better world – for peace on earth and good will toward man. It is quite another thing, however, to actually accomplish these goals. Did the UN all those years ago have any practical suggestions or concrete plans to turn its idealism into reality? Absolutely! Way back in 1947, the United Nations established its Commission on Human Rights to address real and alleged human rights violations and, hopefully, to put a stop to them. According to Wikipedia ( that body went through two distinct phases. Between 1947 and 1967, “it followed a policy of absenteeism, which meant that the Commission would concentrate on promoting human rights and helping states elaborate treaties, but not on investigating or condemning violators.” In 1967, however, “the Commission adopted interventionism as its policy.”
The Commission, of course, was never as effective as hoped, “mainly because of the presence of human rights violators and the politicization of the body during the following years until its extinction, the UNHRC became increasingly discredited among activists and governments alike.” In fact, the “Commission held its final meeting in Geneva on March 27, 2006 and was replaced by the United Nations Human Rights Council in the same year.” Here we have a UN organization founded with the express purpose of easing the plight of the downtrodden, improving conditions for the weak and impoverished, and staying the hands of thug-like dictators all over the globe. Why should an institution founded on such idealistic and humanitarian hope have to be disbanded because it proved to be an utter and abject failure? Ostensibly because, “the Commission had been increasingly criticized for excessive politicization, double standards, and selectivity in the treatment of country situations("
An outfit called Reporters Without Borders ( published a piece entitled, “UN Commission on Human Rights Loses All Credibility.” The article, written in 2003, stingingly rebukes the Human Rights Commission. The author quotes the UN High Commissioner Sergio Vieira who said, “There is really nothing more important than the protection of human rights,” but that, “delegates were losing sight of the noble goal of protecting human rights in the very body whose duty it is to protect them.” Former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali stated that the system’s main flaw is, “the double standards that deprive the Commission of any credibility. In some cases, there is concern about human rights violations, in other cases they are ignored.” Well, there you have it then. The miserably failed United Nations has within it a miserably failed Commission. Go Figure.
But all, of course, is not lost for the Commission was replaced by the Council. Obviously, the failures and faults of the old body will certainly have benefitted from the reforms and fixes of the new, improved version. Remember, always remember that a failed institution cannot possibly organize and institute an effective, competent, and efficient Human Rights Anything and that venal, corrupt, and utterly useless organization that sits on New York City’s Turtle Bay has proved time and again that it is an absolute failure! The Backgrounder, an arm of the Heritage Foundation (, published a piece entitled, “The U.N. Human Rights Council: No Better for Obama’s Engagement,” in November of 2010. Authors Schaefer and Groves noted that while, “the record of the U.N. Commission on Human Rights was a disgrace,” and was indeed replaced by the Human Rights Council in 2007, its “record has been equally dismal.” It should be remembered that the Bush administration correctly and wisely, “distanced the U.S. from the council and eschewed a seat on the body because it feared that the council lacked protections to prevent it from being used by governments that violate human rights.”
The pair goes on to conclude that, “this decision has been vindicated by the dismal performance of the body.” Our current, sorry excuse of a President who never saw an authoritarian regime he didn’t love and fawn over naturally did an about face regarding signing up and thereby provided that corrupt body with a legitimacy it can’t possibly deserve. This, of course, means absolutely nothing to the Liar-in-Chief who like most Socialists and One-Worlders would cede our national sovereignty to international organizations filled with members who despise democracy and Western Culture and have a deep and pervasive hatred of the United States.
The same piece states that the, “Obama’s administration’s decision to reverse Bush policy and seek to improve the council from within as a member appears unlikely to succeed based on actions in recent council sessions.” The Backgrounder additionally points out that, “the council has been no better – and in some ways worse – than the commission it replaces.” Schaefer and Groves remind us of, “the necessity of creating an alternative human rights body outside of the U.N.” Amen and Amen! Not only is it time to follow that last bit of advice but it is way past time for us to get the Hell out of the United Nations and get that wretched body, that anti-American club for dictators, thugs, and murderers the FUCK out of this country!
Others, of course, have certainly suggested removing ourselves from the thoroughly disgraced Council as evidenced by the Politico. Author Noah Pollack in his, “Time to Leave the Human Rights Council ( ,” also points out that, “among the first things that the Obama administration did to break from the ‘unilateral’ policies of the Bush administration was to join the United Nations Human Rights Council, which the U.S. shunned when it was formed in 2006.” The article notes that, “the Council remains as it ever was: a body composed of some of the worst human rights abusers in the world, devoted to attacking Western democracies, demonizing Israel, covering up the abuses of authoritarian regimes, and undermining the pursuit of human rights.” This, no doubt, is an organization that our Dictator Wanna Be is proud to be associated with. Sitting on that august body are some of the most brutal and oppressive nations on the planet whose leaders never met a human right that they didn’t gleefully abuse the Shit out of!
We’re talking about God-awful third world cluster fucks like Egypt, Libya, Syria, Cuba, China, and many others. Thanks to our Fearless Leader, we are now in bed with some of the most vile, anti-democratic, thuggish regimes ever to grace the planet. The United States has by far and away the finest record of upholding genuine human rights in world history but by throwing in with these scum bag tin horn dictators who sanction such practices as beheading and stoning, we are at the very least giving these and other barbaric practices our tacit support! I find this outrageous beyond all reason but given who our President is and his hatred of this country, I am not even slightly surprised. Council members like China, “regularly defeated efforts to discuss its record,” of human rights violations while Libya which has been , “widely criticized for its poor human rights record,” actually, “chaired the commission at one point.” The Commission also, “declined to take tough action against Sudan despite reports of rampant abuses in Darfur.” In spite of a thoroughly despicable history of rape, torture, and murder Sudan was elected to the Commission( Human rights my sorry old ass!
The human Rights Council and its parent organization the UN have given credence and legitimacy to these rogue regimes by approving their membership and in too many cases awarding them leadership roles. America’s name is sullied by our association with them and unfortunately in some ways that association brings us down to their level. At least President Bush recognized just how spurious the Council was, refused to have America become a member, and even went so far as to withhold funding. Old “W” consistently put his money where his mouth was and his actions spoke far louder than his words. The current Bullshitter-in-Chief is only too happy and proud to have our country join the ranks of the Council’s membership and he is thrilled to separate us from our tax dollars no matter how much the American people might object. After all, he is the father and we are merely his retarded and incompetent children who can’t even successfully wipe our collective asses without his ever so benign guidance and control.
We must listen and do as he says while he leads us right over the edge of that looming precipice. It matters not a whit to this elitist bastard that he got a thorough spanking in last month’s election. It was just a case of the children becoming unruly, holding their breath, and stomping their feet! He will, as do all caring fathers, simply punish us until we see the error of our ways and display just the right mixture of contrition, respect, and repentance. We are, after all, not competent enough to understand the grand visions he has dancing around in that Socialist, Anti-American, warped head of his! He’ll do more damage in one term than FDR managed to do in just over three. He simply doesn’t care about consequences and has publicly and disdainfully asserted that serving only one term wouldn’t phase him all that much.
Various organizations have been monitoring what is the farce known as the Human Rights Council as well as the United Nations as a whole. UN Watch( is a well known outfit that bills itself as a group that monitors the UN and promotes human rights. All well and good and it seems fairly serious about its mission. Executive Director Hillel Neuer delivered a speech before that body on March 23, 2007, entitled, “Human Rights Nightmare.” He explained that sixty years ago many eminent figures gathered, “on the banks of Lake Geneva, to reaffirm the principle of human dignity.” They created the Commission on Human Rights and never ask, “what has become of their noble dream?” He further notes that, “in this session we see the answer. Faced with compelling reports from around the world of torture, persecution, and violence against women, what has the Council pronounced, and what has it decided?” His answer is a resounding, “Nothing. Its response has been silence. Its response has been indifference. Its response has been criminal.” Refreshingly blunt and to the point, don’t you think?(see related video)
The gentleman goes on noting that the Council has enacted resolution upon resolution condemning the Middle East’s one true democratic state which happens to be a rock-solid ally of ours. While the bogus, lame excuse of a champion of human rights constantly and consistently lambasts Israel, it treats out and out terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah as great champions of moderation. Neuer notes that, “the entire rest of the world – millions of millions of people, in 191 countries continue to go ignored.” So the Council does appear to be doing something, “and the Middle East dictators who orchestrate this campaign will tell you that it is a very good thing. That they seek to protect human rights, Palestinian rights.”
The author continues in his candid style that, “so too do racist murderers and rapists of Darfur women tell us they care about the rights of Palestinian women; the occupier of Tibet cares about the occupied; and the butchers of Muslims in Checyna care about Muslims.” He winds up his short, terse, and very honest remarks by re-asking his original question: “What has become of the founders’ dream? Of Eleanor Roosevelt, of Rene Cassin, of John Humphrey, of P.C. Chang, Charles Malik, who assembled here in Geneva sixty years ago? With terrible lies and moral inversions, it is being turned into a nightmare.” Well said, Brother Neuer, well said.
The same piece also contains the rejoinder to Neuer’s damning accusations delivered by the UN Human Rights Council President Luis Alfonso de Alba. His remarks put one in mind of a spoiled child engaged in an all out, full blown hissy fit. He answered by stating that for, “the first time in this session I will not express thanks for that statement.” He continues that, “I will not tolerate any similar statements in the Council. The way in which members of this Council were referred to, and indeed the way in which the Council itself was referred to, all of this is inadmissible.” He warned the representative of UN Watch to, “observe some minimum proper conduct and language. Otherwise, any statement you make in similar tones to those used today will be taken out of the records.” Did this clown deal with the substance of the charges leveled? Did he in any way refute or challenge them? Did he provide concrete examples of the good and effective work of the body he chaired regarding the protection and advancement of human rights? Did he deny that the Council is filled with dictators, murderers, and human rights abusers of the first and worst order? No, because he certainly can’t. No, all he can do is lash out at the messenger because he absolutely can’t attack the message. His response to the charges constitutes all bullshit and no brass – all symbolism and not one iota of substance! The truth hurts, don’t it, pal?
The UN Watch piece also reprints a number of responses to the speech and the petulant rejoinders. On March 30, 2007, the Wall Street Journal remarked that, “when it comes to actual human rights, the United Nations Human Rights Council reflexively discharges obfuscation, like a squid and its ink.” The Journal continued that the, “the Council’s fraudulence was made perfectly clear last week when a routine hearing on ‘the Occupied Palestinian Territory’ was disrupted by candor.” These remarks which were nothing but a tired and predictable anti-Israeli tirade were applauded as the, “envoy was given shows of support from the likes of Council members Cuba and Pakistan, as well as the ‘observer’ states Sudan, Syria, and Iran.” The fact that these brutal and thuggish regimes are permitted even a whisper about human rights would be laughable if it wasn’t so damned contemptible. The Baltimore Sun on the same day noted that the Council’s President threatened to, “ban Mr. Neuer, or any other critic of the commission, if he says anything similar again.”
On March 31, 2007, the National Post remarked that, “once again, the newly minted United Nations Human Rights Council has proven itself to be just as cynical and useless as the UN Commission on Human Rights it replaced last year.” The article, after addressing the Council’s failure to deal with the horror story that was Darfur and pointing out its inaction in the, “murder of hundreds of thousands, the displacement of two million or more, and the systematic rape of women and girls, “suggests that the ‘world would probably be better off if it (the Council) were disbanded.” The world would also be better off if the entire fucking UN was disbanded! On April 17, 2007, The Australian pointed out the obvious by stating that, “violence and the murder of citizens in dozens of countries throughout the world should be of the greatest concern to the Human Rights Council,” but it seems to be, “showing all the hallmarks of its predecessor.”
The Australian maintains that, “while millions died or were raped or were abducted in Darfur, Rwanda, Bosnia and other hell-holes, the Geneva-based human rights bodies talked and talked and criticized anybody but the governments that made their citizens’ lives the stuff of nightmares.” Do we begin to suspect that the Human Rights Council, like its parent organization, is no more than a club or fraternity of murderous, dictatorial, and brutish regimes who gain legitimacy by claiming membership in supposedly humanitarian organizations. As writer Alan Gold bluntly states, “for the Human Rights Council it seems, politeness has come before the rights of the abused.”
In September of 2008, Adam Lebor wrote a piece for Standpoint Magazine whose title briefly and accurately sums up the value of the body under consideration here. Entitled, “The UN Human Rights Council: Not Fit For Purpose,” the author expresses the view of many of us who have objectively looked at the Council, its membership, and its actions and have concluded that it’s nothing more than a travesty and its very existence constitutes in and of itself a severe human rights violation. Lebor begins by explaining that an, “increasing number of UN member states scorn its founding documents – the Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Genocide Convention.” These countries are appropriately dubbed the “Abusers Club” and they are, “drawn mainly from the Arab and Islamic world.” They are coordinating, “their assault on human rights and political freedoms with increasing and disturbing success.”
You know, if this guy isn’t careful he might be accused of being Islamophobic, a charge that manages to shut up many of those who would otherwise speak out. Remember, in today’s politically correct and cowardly atmosphere we might even be called RACISTS, a charge guaranteed to strike fear in the hearts and bowels of so many normally outspoken critics of the current state of Islam. We musn’t be seen as intolerant even in the face of such obvious truths as human rights don’t exist in far too many Islamic nations, especially those dominated by Sharia law!
The Council was designed in part to correct the failures and obvious weaknesses of the debunked and defunked Commission. Once again, high hopes but all we get is mere symbolism over substance(please note the Limbaughism here). As Lebor illustrates, the new body was supposed to, “provide a means of keeping the worst human rights abusers off the Council,” but, “in practice it failed to take into account the growing anti-western sentiment in the United Nations, which regards almost all talk of human rights and political freedoms as a new form of imperialism. The membership of the Council alone affords evidence that the ‘Abusers Club’ is growing in power and influence.” Now there’s a real shocker for us – the UN is filled with dictators, thugs, and slugs who despise Western Civilization and especially the United States. They hate and loathe any nation that actually upholds and promotes the concept of human rights. We and other like-minded democracies are branded as imperialists and violators of human rights while they practice systemic rape, torture, beheading, stoning, lopping off hands and feet and are somehow given access to the Human Rights Council and the United Nations General Assembly! Talk about a cruel Fucking joke!?!
The Jerusalem Post( on May 14, 2010, published a piece entitled, “UN Elects Rights Violators to Human Rights Council.” The Post notes that, “seven countries accused of human rights violations including Libya, Angola and Malaysia, won seats on the UN Human Rights Council in an uncontested election. . .” The piece continues that in addition to, “these three countries, human rights groups criticized the poor rights records of Thailand, Uganda, Mauritania and Qatar which also won seats.” That our country should sit on the same Council as the rogue nations and thuggish regimes mentioned thus far is nothing more than a sham and a disgrace. That we refused to join the Human Rights Council when Bush was President but absolutely couldn’t wait to get on board as soon as the Huckster-in-Chief got the job vividly illustrates the vast chasm that exists between the two men. One gravitates toward dictators and nations where rights don’t exist and people are not just merely abused but literally exterminated as a routine modus operendi! I and many others were proud to be represented by a man like George W. Bush while Obmama is a total and constant embarrassment and proves it every time he opens his anti-American mouth. He is, however, one damned snappy dresser!
This last point about the organization’s overwhelming anti-American bias – and by extension anti-Western bias – is nicely illustrated by a piece from something called BetsysPage( It is entitled, “Obama Submits U.S. to Human Rights Criticism From Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Libya.” The writer quotes one Anne Bayefsky who explains that Obama, “sent three top officials from the State Department to Geneva’s Human Rights Council to be questioned about America’s human rights record by the likes of Cuba, Iran, and North Korea.” If this was any other President I’d be dumbfounded and absolutely outraged – even acrimonious. That damned fool peanut farmer never even went this far! For Obama to open us up to even the slightest criticism from these SBN’s (Scum Bag Nations) should tell us exactly where the Brother is coming from!
For this to occur can mean only one thing. Our President views us as the equal of nations that behave savagely toward their own citizens and the Rat Bastard goes out of his way every chance he gets to diminish America especially in front of foreign audiences. He refuses to see or understand the concept of American Exceptionalism and views us as no better but frequently worse than those dictatorial, murderous tyrants of whom he is so enamored. The man’s a disgrace and doesn’t deserve to lead the American people on any level let alone from the highest office in the land. Bayefsky correctly maintains that sending his people to this human rights review before many of the worst human rights violators on the planet marks, “a striking departure from prior American foreign policy, which has been to ratify selected human rights treaties after due consideration and submit American policy-makers to recommendations based on well-conceived standards accepted by the United States.” What Obama has done is to literally destroy a longstanding and positive American tradition of always behaving in America’s best interest first and foremost. This sham of a President would rather be guided by a reliance on international institutions that couldn’t give a tinker’s damn about what is good or bad for this nation. Many of the members of these institutions loathe and despise the United States and would love to see it destroyed both figuratively and literally.
That damned poltroon who occupies the White House allowed America to be completely humiliated by these authoritarian mobsters parading as legitimate world leaders just trying to give this nation a little friendly advice. It seems that, “fifty-six countries lined up for the opportunity to have at the U.S. representatives, many of them standing in line overnight a day ago in order to be near the top of the list. Making it to the head of the line were Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, Iran, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and North Korea.” Cuba ripped into the leader of the American delegation by saying that, “the U.S. blockade of Cuba was a crime of genocide,” while Iran, “condemned and expressed its deep concern over the situation of human rights in the United States.” That brutal regime also told the U.S., “effectively to combat violence against women,” while it is, “currently poised to stone an Iranian woman for adultery.”(see related video)Talk about a topsy-turvey, ass-backwards state of affairs! Our own leader – the very thought makes me want to retch – leaving us open to criticism and humiliation by what constitutes no more than international criminals! It gets better.
The web piece explains that, “recommendations to improve the U.S. human rights record included Cuba’s advice to end violations against immigrants and mentally ill persons,” and to, “ensure the right to food and health.” North Korea – which systematically starves a captive population – told the U.S. to, “address inequality in housing, employment and education and prohibit brutality. . . by law enforcement officials.” Cuba and North Korea are lecturing us on human rights violations?!? It seems that our Feckless Leader is perfectly fine with our country being attacked by some of the most brutal regimes ever seen in world history! Now, let’s not leave that humanitarian nation of Libya out of the mix and remember that it too offered us some advice. Libya, “complained about U.S. racism, racial discrimination and intolerance.” You’ve got to be FUCKING kidding me!
How then did our representatives react to these thugs, killers, and rapists as they lashed out at the world’s freest and finest democracy ever to exist in the history of the planet? Did they indignantly or angrily refute these bullshit charges? Did they right out loud on the world stage compare the human rights record of Libya, Cuba, or North Korea to that of our own? Did they walk out in disdain? Yeah, right. Keep on dreaming, sport. Michael Posner who is the Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor gave a sincere and heartfelt, “thanks to very many of the delegations for their thoughtful comments and suggestions.” How very ballsy of him! One Esther Brimmer, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of International Organizations said, “it is an honor to be in this chamber.” Can we all say the word UPCHUCK three times fast?
The author of the piece from BetsysPage also inquired as to our response and noted that we, “welcomed the catharsis of hearing some of the worst violators of human rights telling us what is wrong with our country.” The piece concludes that, “sure why not submit to this opportunity to be criticized if it gains us the opportunity to join the U.N. Human Rights Council?” What our cowardly delegation should have done, of course, was to immediately defend their country, walk out, and resign from the Obama administration that put them in this humiliating, demeaning, and horrific situation. Real Americans who are justly proud of our nation’s history would have done exactly that!
The Heritage Foundation also commented on the dressing down the United States suffered at the hands of the Human Rights Council. In a piece entitled, “U.S. Targeted by Human Rights Abusers at its Universal Periodic Review (,” authors Schaefer and Groves explain that the, “farcical nature of the process was immediately apparent as serial human rights violators Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Russia, China, Sudan, and North Korea queued up to lecture the U.S. on its human rights lapses and instruct it on how to improve its observance of the human rights that those countries routinely deny to their own citizens.” Heritage properly concludes that the, “primary problem is the decision by the Obama administration to legitimize the HRC through U.S. membership.” The article correctly points out that it was, “wrongheaded” to join the damned Council in the first place since its predecessor had thoroughly, “failed to hold governments accountable for violating basic human rights and fundamental freedoms.”
The Liar-in-Chief claimed he wanted to join the Council to reform it from within but that doesn’t make any sense given the body’s membership. There is only one effective way of “reforming” these regimes and no, I’m not referring to anything like sanctions, boycotts, blockades or any other form of wrist-slapping and instructing the bad guys to cut it out or else. We tried that with old Adolph quite a few decades ago and the results were predictable. Appeasement does not and cannot work for it simply encourages the objectionable behavior. Hitler saw the democracies of the time as weak and cowardly and he was convinced that they wouldn’t fight. America, because of our President, is viewed as thoroughly weak, pathetic, spineless, and cowardly because these qualities describe Obama perfectly. He is thoroughly disrespected worldwide and viewed as a mere buffoon. No, the only way to reform the Council and its members would be the massive use of such devices as Bunker Busters and Daisy Cutters because logic and reasoning simply can’t work.
The authors accurately note that past examples of these human rights review sessions have included the likes of, “China, Cuba, Iran, and North Korea offering false reports to the Council, laughably affirming their commitment to fundamental human rights and freedoms.” Additionally, “these patently dishonest reports were accepted at face value and were approved by the majority of the member states in the council.” While these nations received only slight rebukes when their human rights records were reviewed the United States, predictably, was roundly criticized during its review earlier today.” Our delegation, as noted above, sat through the farce meekly and demurely and thanked the bogus Human Rights Council for giving them a completely spurious and very public beat down on the world stage!
Schaefer and Groves tell us that, “countries resentful of the U.S. and its practice of criticizing their human rights records gamed the system to paint the U.S. as one of the world’s worst human rights violators. . .” This makes perfect sense. We are the world’s Big Dog which means we will always have the little yappers nipping at our heels. Those SBN’s know they can’t possibly compare our record on human rights with their own. They resort, then, to the only tactics left to them: dissembling, obfuscation, and ad homonym attacks. It’s predictable, tiresome, and thoroughly boring but if the BIG LIE is told often and loud enough – well you know.
Let’s briefly analyze the actions and attitudes of just some of those shit-hole nations that have leveled their criticism at us. An organization called the League of Arab States (LAS) has many members that virtually despise the United States. Amnesty International has called on them to, “ensure that they make respect for human rights and international humanitarian law a cornerstone of their deliberations while addressing conflicts in the region(” Amnesty International also explains that, “in all these conflicts it is civilians who continue to bear the brunt,” and it urges that, “those responsible for gross human rights violations are held accountable and to unequivocally signal that it does not perpetuate a culture of impunity.” It singles out, among others, southern Sudan’s Darfur region where, “attacks against civilians continued and more than 2.7 million persons continue to live in camps for the internally displaced.” Additionally, “the Sudanese government expelled 13 international humanitarian organizations from Darfur, and closed down three national human rights and humanitarian organizations.”
In fact, “a large number of human rights defenders had to flee the country while those remaining have been silenced by the government’s National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS).” We’re supposed to tolerate criticism of our human rights record by the likes of Sudan?!? Somalia is another prime example of the humanitarianism of the members of the League of Arab States. In that nation, “specifically around the capital Mogadishu, the ongoing armed conflict resulted in 2009 and early 2010 in tens of thousands of newly displaced people.” We are further informed that, “thousands of civilians were killed or injured during the same period as a result of the upsurge in violence.”
How about we take a glance at the aforementioned outstanding example of a true champion of human rights, that paragon of virtue – Libya? Once again, the watchdog organization Amnesty International ( has much to offer. A piece entitled, “Libya: New Report Says Human Rights Reform Stalling,” documents a wide range of abuses, “including floggings used as punishment for adultery, indefinite detentions and abuse of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, as well as the legacy of unresolved cases of enforced disappearances of dissidents,” while the, “security forces remain immune from the consequences of their actions.”
Amnesty also nicely illustrates the absolute and utter hypocrisy and cynicism of the Human Rights Council as it says, “the Libyan authorities have a responsibility to respect their human rights obligations, and tackle their human rights record instead of concealing it.” The group recognizes the, “contradiction of Libya being a member of the Human Rights Council, while refusing permission for the body’s human rights experts to visit the country is striking.” Furthermore, “if Libya is to have any international credibility, the authorities must ensure that no-one is above the law and that everyone, including the most vulnerable and marginalized, is protected by the law. The repression of dissent must end.” Yeah, good luck with that while the widely renowned humanitarian and lover of mankind old Muomar is still in charge!
Saudi Arabia is yet another completely autocratic Middle Eastern nation that wouldn’t know a human right if it jumped up and bit it on the ass but it is nonetheless considered one of America’s allies. Give me a FUCKIN’ BREAK! Amnesty informs us that the Saudi authorities, “have launched a sustained assault on human rights under the façade of countering terrorism.” Yeah, well that’s a real shocker, good old Prince Abdullah using terrorism as an excuse to continue to terrorize his own people. At least he can blame his actions on 9/11 and doesn’t have to come clean and admit that his people have always and routinely been treated this way. What’s the big deal – why all the damned fuss?!? The group reports that, “thousands of people have been arrested and detained in virtual secrecy, and others have been killed in uncertain circumstances.”
Michael Smart, the Director of Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa arm maintains that, “these unjust antiterrorism measures have made an already dire human rights situation worse.” In the article, “Saudi Arabia: Stop Human Rights Violations Committed in the Name of Fighting Terrorism,” the author notes, “the Saudi Arabian government has used its powerful international clout to get away with it, and the international community has failed to hold the government to account for these gross violations.” You mean that international organizations like the United Nations and the Human Rights Council have not provided effective guidance, leadership, or action to change Saudi behavior? No fuckin’ way! The article further explains that, “reported methods of torture and other ill-treatment include severe beatings with sticks, punching, suspension from the ceiling, use of electric shocks and sleep deprivation. Flogging is also imposed as a legal punishment by itself or in addition to imprisonment, and sentences can include thousands of lashes.” Oh, by the way, did I mention that Saudi Arabia is a devotee of Wahabism, the most violent and extreme of all Muslim sects? Surprise, surprise!
Let’s take a look at just a few more examples of some of the denizens of the Human Rights Council. There is, of course, that bastion of openness and freedom where Fidel and Raul have held sway for so many years. Cuba’s record on human rights is in line with that of all nations ruled by a Communist regime and ideology. It’s worse than a nightmare and the Cuban people have never known freedom, fairness, or anything close to resembling justice. The fact that so many have risked their lives to get off that rock should give us just a slight heads up concerning the condition of human rights in that God awful cesspool of a country! In the, “2008 Human Rights Report,” The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor reports that, “Cuba, with a population of approximately 11.2 million, is a totalitarian state formally led by President Raul Castro. In 2006, General Castro was granted provisional control by his brother, Fidel Castro, who officially resigned as president . . .”
I love it when these tin-horn, dictators of nations that have no clue as to what constitutes anything approaching a democracy adopt the title of President. If memory serves, our old but deceased buddy Saddam also labeled himself, “President”. How about that runt Hugo Vasquez who I believe assumed the title, “President for Life,”? If it wasn’t so tragic for the lives of citizens, it would probably have made a hilarious Vaudeville routine! Human Rights Watch ( published a report entitled, “Raul Castro’s government continues to criminalize dissent.” The organization recommends that, “Cuba should also dismantle its authoritarian laws and practices, which continue to deprive Cubans of their most basic rights. . .” It continued that, “so long as Cuba’s draconian laws and sham trials remain in place, they will continue to restock the prison cells with new generations of innocent Cubans who dare to exercise their human rights.” The advocacy group even introduces us to a new criminal charge known as “dangerousness.” Dangerousness?
It is an utterly Orwellian concept which means that the government, “has relied largely on a provision of the Criminal Code that allows authorities to imprison individuals without ever having committed a crime, on the allegation that they are dangerous and might commit one in the future.” I’ll tell ya right now folks, if that Socialist farce of a President of ours ever gets word of this we’d all be better off getting the fuck out of Dodge! There have been more than forty cases of, “dissidents who have been imprisoned for ‘dangerousness’ under the Raul Castro government, in addition to scores more sentenced for laws criminalizing free expression and association.” So yeah, it makes perfect sense for the Castro Boys to criticize America’s human rights record in an effort to sell the lie that we are certainly no better than Cuba, and in many ways we are a lot worse!
Let’s round out this nauseating list of America’s critics about human rights violations by taking a brief glance at just one more paragon of tolerance, humanitarianism, and justice – Communist China. Amnesty International in a piece entitled, “China and East Asia,” gives us a few glimpses into the state of human rights inside that prison of a nation. The article notes that in, “China, serious human rights violations continue to be committed. This includes torture, execution (in which China is world leader), excessive use of force in public policing, repression of dissent and forced repatriation of asylum seekers without recourse to a refugee determination procedure.”(see related video) Predictably, “foreign governments continue to fail in challenging China’s disastrous human rights record. . .” Now there’s another real shocker for us! We note that human rights defender Cheng Cuangchen was in fact released from prison and sentenced to house arrest where he is not permitted to have a phone.
The authorities, “have even prevented Chen Cuangchen’s wife Yuen Weijing from going out to buy food and the family are now having to rely on their small vegetable garden for sustenance.” How very heartwarming: government sanctioned starvation! The same piece points out that, “one of China’s most prominent human rights defenders, was sentenced to three and a half years in April 2008 for speaking out about the Chinese authorities’ Human rights record. His wife, Zeng Jinyan, is under house arrest.” Guilt by association? In an article entitled, “China Releases ‘Human Rights Report’ on U.S. (,” we learn that China predictably attacks America’s human rights record. Communists, much like Liberals in our own country, always accuse others of committing the same vile acts that they are guilty of. It’s standard fare for them and it borders on the pathological.
In its human rights report, “the Chinese government attempts to deflect criticism of itself by drawing attention to the various publicly documented shortcomings within the US society, including statistics on crime, violent death, imprisonment, poverty, rape, child abuse, and racial and sexual discrimination that are an acknowledged and publicly part of life in the US.” Yeah, they sure zinged us with that one. Do we all remember that youthful and immature refrain that went something like, “Yeah, I know I am but what are you?” It must be pointed out that while the things that the report says about America do, in fact, occur they are not in any way government sanctioned nor do they constitute a normal aspect of government policy or protocol in the United States. Can we all say Tiananmen Square?!?
With the election of Obama two years ago, we must assume that those who supported him also agree with his view of America that we are in no way any better and in many ways far worse than other nations on the world stage. Many of these countries are members of the United Nations and sit on the Human Rights Council. If Obama does not recognize American Expeptionalism and superiority then we can only assume that his sycophants, toadies, and lackies feel exactly the same. Real Americans and patriots, of course, vehemently disagree, are still wonderfully proud of America and its achievements, and are not the least bit shy about saying so right out loud in front of God and everybody! If, however, Obama’s views assume the ascendancy then the United States is on a guaranteed path of utter self-destruction!!
Much Luv, Y’all and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman