There are those living within our borders who literally loathe and despise the United States, its history, traditions, and institutions. They live and work among us, dress much the same way we do, eat the same foods, and at least on the surface appear open and friendly. Unlike like us, however, they deeply hate America and blame it for all of our nation’s as well as the world’s ills ranging from poverty to oppression to racism anywhere and everywhere on the globe. They see America as the greatest source of evil on the planet and the cause of widespread and unspeakable suffering. According to them, this nation has done absolutely nothing positive, uplifting, or ennobling in its 235 year sojourn on the planet and all we leave in our wake is misery and malfeasance as we march inexorably toward world dominance at the expense of all others. We are seen as nothing less than a thoroughly malignant force that has literally raped the world of its resources, subjugated and despised all people of color, and have drained the denizens of the Third World of any and all hope for the future.
Who are these people living in our own house? Are they members of some terrorist group planning and plotting to bring down the Great Satan? Are they children of immigrants who came here at a young age and never recovered from the trauma of resettling and making a new life in America? Are they perhaps career criminals who have been repeatedly incarcerated and blame the “system” for their woes? Could they be illegal aliens – uh, I mean undocumented workers – who are tired of being picked up by agencies like ICE? Maybe they are members of a so-called disaffected minority like the good Reverend Jeremiah Wright? For the most part, those who despise this country do not fit any of the above templates. Who, then, are these America-Haters? Sadly and tragically they are all too often citizens of the United States and have lived here their entire lives.(see related video) They are fortunate enough that through no fault of their own they have spent their entire lives in the freest country God ever gave mankind: a land with more opportunity, choice, and advantages than any other place in the history of the planet. And still, they absolutely hate their own country. This type of perversity has got to be a symptom of some deep-seated mental disorder which might be termed something like “American Self-Loathingism.”
It is truly ironic that while these folks do and say anything they can to criticize, undermine, and yes, to destroy this nation most of us recognize the irrefutable fact that no other country can compare favorably to us: that there is no place in the world like this place. Those of our fellow citizens who despise America and feel nothing but animus toward it might consider conducting an experiment for a few years. Leave and go somewhere else, preferably to some disease infested, poverty stricken Third World Hell Hole where, to coin a phrase, life is still all too nasty, brutish, and short! Perhaps an experience like that might disabuse them of the notion that this country is nothing but a giant planetary scourge and that the world would be far better off without our brutish, meddlesome presence.
It is still further ironic that while these blind fools are busy tearing our country down they seem not to have noticed that millions upon millions of foreigners can’t wait to get here and if they can’t do it legally they’ll be more than happy to sneak across our borders and live here as illegals regardless of the dangers and the inability to enjoy the full measure and scope of what the United States has to offer. Many of these folks do get caught and are sent packing back to where they came from but surprise, surprise, they just keep on returning! Do these self-loathing citizens not grasp the fact that while the entire world seems to want to come here, virtually no one wants to leave? According to the mind set of the self-loathers all those who desire nothing more than anything else to live in this country must be mentally deranged and once they experience the “horror” that is America, they will certainly recognize the folly of their action – the enormity of their mistake – and leave at the first opportunity. Doesn’t quite work that way does it, you Anti-American American Sons of Bitches!?!
Where can many of these domestic Anti-Americans be found? Where are they likely to congregate where they can hob-nob and pontificate about the evil that is America with nary a trace of dissent or disagreement. A place that is overwhelmingly filled with anti-American sentiment, where American flags are routinely set on fire, American heroes are regularly burned in effigy, and patriotism is considered both a dirty word and something to be scorned, mocked, and ridiculed? Come on, places like that don’t actually exist – not in the land of the free and the home of the brave! Do they? Walk onto virtually any college or university campus in this country and you’ll be overwhelmed by the sheer volume and vitriol of the anti-American sentiment you’ll encounter. Our foreign enemies both past and present rarely reached the level of animus and venomous hatred found in the revered halls of academia. For the most part, especially if we’re talking about the vaunted Ivy League, these centers of supposedly independent and critical thought are populated by the sons and daughters of our country’s wealthy and elite. They are taught – read that brainwashed – by professors who no doubt head the list of prominent Anti-American Americans and take great delight in passing their subversive bilge down to people who really can’t defend against them even if they so desired.
After years and years of repetitive, never ceasing harangues and hate filled lectures, it’s of little surprise that our college “students” come away literally despising their own country. Both the professors and their charges seem not to recognize the contradiction that constitutes the defining and overwhelming characteristic of their existence. They attend some of the most prestigious and expensive universities and colleges on the planet and the only reason they can do so is because they live in the United States of America! Do they show any appreciation or gratitude? Of course not. They express profound hatred and disdain for this nation that allows them the luxury of such a privileged existence. They are free to utter the most outlandish and hateful charges about this country only because they live in this country where they have Constitutionally protected speech and a guarantee to freedom of expression. The hypocrisy and hubris of these vile ingrates seems to know no bounds and defies all logic. Try and behave this way in places like China or Cuba and you’re guaranteed a trip to the far away land of “Disappearance”! By merely living in this country they are free to vehemently attack the very reason that made their lifestyles not to mention their enormously big mouths even remotely possible without fear of government retribution. They might, however, want to take note of the fact that we Right Wing Nut Jobs out here may be just a tad less understanding and tolerant of their freedoms and many of us are members of an outfit called the NRA!
An excellent website called Discover the Networks: A Guide to the Political Left( runs a series that deals with this topic. In an article entitled, “Domestic Anti-Americanism,” we are informed that, “domestic anti-Americanism is most prevalent among intellectuals and elites,” and it is therefore, “commonplace on university campuses – among faculty and students alike.” Additionally, the piece notes that these citizens who despise their own country are motivated by an overriding desire, “to make their country look bad internationally.” In fact, “so deep is their hatred that they blame the United States for the worldwide scourge of Islamic terrorism,” despite the fact that, “Islamic jihad is a tradition that long predates the very existence of the United States.” Obviously, blaming this country for unspeakable acts of brutality that has and had nothing to do with the United States goes way beyond the irrational but rather borders on utter lunacy. There is something “off” about Americans who are more than just willing but are in fact ecstatic about demonizing the country that
provides them the opportunity to live the lives they’ve chosen.
Gore Vidal provides us with just one prominent example of an individual who amassed a fortune by being able to live and work in America. That hypocritical, phony rat-bastard insisted that, “the USA is the most corrupt political system on earth.” The old fool should have spent some time experiencing corruption as it exists in places like say Russia or Venezuela just to name two such countries. Talk about corruption! That Liberal Hump also posited that, “America’s highest authorities had foreknowledge about the impending attacks,” of nine-eleven but purposely chose not to intercede, “so as to gain a pretext for thereafter invading Afghanistan and Iraq.” With stalwarts such as this standing in our corner, is it any wonder that we on the Far Right are just a tad uneasy about the future prospects of our magnificent Republic?
While Vidal and his ilk are busy vilifying the United States and college professors are churning out virtual armies of self-hating young Americans, it goes deeper than that and can only be termed insidious. The same website referred to above published another piece entitled, “Anti-Americanism in Primary and Secondary Education.” It is thoroughly revealing and provides clear insights as to just how much these people loathe and despise our country. The web piece explains that a, “virulent strain of anti-Americanism has infiltrated the teacher-training programs in most American universities,” and, “as such, anti-American instruction has made its way into a large number of the nation’s K-12 classrooms.” This bodes very ill for America’s future because, obviously, the younger the indoctrination process begins the more it will be embraced by those on the receiving end of it. Children are by far the most vulnerable targets because they are the least able to resist and have not yet developed the ability to think for themselves. They tend to instinctively look up to authority figures and as the old saying goes, “once you’ve got ‘em by the balls their hearts and minds will most certainly follow!”
A favorite theme of the brainwashing set is a vague notion called “Social Justice” which certainly sounds benign enough. After all, who could be against such an uplifting and noble sounding concept as Social Justice? Upon closer analysis, however, we see that it, “contends that capitalism and inequality are monstrous evils and must be replaced by a socialist system wherein all differences in wealth have been eliminated. . . .” Since the United States is by far and away the most successful example of capitalism or free market economics the world has ever known, those that teach this bogus bilge have absolutely no difficulty in convincing their youthful and impressionable charges that our nation is indeed the very embodiment of evil. By the time a kid hits high school at around thirteen or fourteen, the lesson has been thoroughly absorbed and taken to heart.
These sentiments are, of course, further reinforced by additional propaganda at the secondary school level by so-called “educators” who merely use our nation’s history to support the indoctrination received earlier. They delight in teaching revisionist history which horribly distorts every possible aspect of our nation’s past and paints it only in the blackest of terms. These bastards distort, twist, and suborn the truth until America is seen as no better and, in fact, much worse than the most brutal and repressive regimes in world history. By the time the “subjects” reach college or university it’s over. They have been totally and irretrievably “turned” and have indeed become thoroughly anti-American (I have some expertise in this area since I’ve been teaching in a very large and tough high school in Brooklyn, New York, for almost thirty years. The vast majority of my fellow “pedagogues” completely despise me almost as much as I resent having to share my planet with them)!
A prime and fitting example of an advocate of the concept of “Social Justice” is the infamous American-Hater William Ayers who, coincidentally, is one of President Barry Boy’s mentors and idols. Hey, I’m just sayin’! Ayers has been on a, “decades long mission to transform public education into Anti-American indoctrination.” Furthermore, he is actively trying to persuade, “young people to demand that their government assumes ever-increasing control over the economy, politics and culture of the United States.” Ayers and his ilk advocate the concepts of “social justice” and “critical pedagogy” that focus on, “getting students to believe that they are victims of an unjust, oppressive and racist America which can only be transformed by means of the advocacy of more egalitarian access to income through state-sponsored redistribution,” which is nothing more than full-blown Socialism and constitutes the complete antithesis of American values, traditions, and history. People raised believing in the concepts taught by Ayers and his breed can’t help but becoming staunch and vehement Anti-Americans: that outcome is as certain as the sun rising in the morning.
I have seen this kind of indoctrination for damned near thirty years and am deeply saddened, frustrated, and angry that young people who could have become perfectly good, proud, and patriotic Americans have purposely been transformed into people who have a deep-seated and undying hatred of their own country! The article correctly posits that typical, “classroom lessons under such a system concentrate exclusively on America’s historical sins rather than its positive accomplishments.” Ayers and those in his camp not surprisingly speak, “openly of his desire to use America’s public-school classrooms to train a generation of revolutionaries who will overturn the supposedly imperialistic, oppressive, racist, sexist, and classist regime of capitalist America.” These “young-uns” will, of course, one day grow up and most will have families of their own and they will undoubtedly pass their hatred of America down to their progeny who will then repeat the process with their offspring. The anti-Americanism of our own citizens has become a self-perpetuating phenomenon.
The radicals of the 1960’s failed to violently bring down the United States but the desire remains and is stronger than ever. Only the tactics have changed. Instead of calling for violence and bloodshed, they have opted for a more long term, insidious approach. They use our public institutions like education to brainwash defenseless children and undermine and ultimately destroy America’s most basic and fundamental institutions and deeply held beliefs and unfortunately it seems to be working. The subversives among us are incredibly patient and persistent and their objective remains unchanged. They are waging a war against us and will absolutely never stop until they are victorious. You see, patriotism and love of country are not instinctive. There is no “I Love My Country Gene” nor can this trait be found anywhere in our DNA. These concepts must be taught at home by parents who still love and revere this nation. This “home-schooling” must then be reinforced at the old school house. Unfortunately, this has not been the case for damned near half a century and the detractors among us seem to be winning. No foreign enemy can possibly bring us down and it is an unspeakable tragedy that our own citizens could very well succeed!!
In addition to our so-called public education establishment working incessantly to destroy this nation, there exist other American subversives and saboteurs who also bite the hand that feeds them except with these Bastards it’s more like an arm and both legs! This group does not in any meaningful way contribute anything that might be considered crucial to America’s continued progress and improvement. They are not soldiers who have so brilliantly defended our country and heritage for over two centuries nor are they doctors or nurses doing their utmost to keep the rest of us healthy. They are not scientists in the pharmaceutical industry discovering and producing life-saving or extending drugs. They are not diplomats attempting to negotiate with potential enemies thereby making our world just a little bit safer and less volatile and they are not elected officials who set policy and steer this country through life’s murky and turbulent waters. They are not carpenters, electricians, or plumbers who build and repair our homes nor are they auto mechanics whose skill keeps us and our loved ones safe at very high speeds. They are not cops or first responders. Who, then, are these folks who constantly heap criticism and never cease to constantly malign the United States?
They are actors and actresses and constitute what has come to be known as the Hollywood Left and far too many of them literally hate this country and are anything but shy about making their views known. The problem here is that everybody and specifically the Liberal Leftist Mainstream Media unthinkingly and unfailingly takes them ever so seriously. They are deemed wise and sagacious. When they make pronouncements they are listened to and their advice is acted upon. When you or I offer up opinions, suggest solutions, or voice objections we are told to sit the Hell down, shut the Hell up, and to listen to our betters. After all, who the Hell do we think we are? We’re just the everyday folk and we couldn’t possibly have anything to say worth hearing! We’re just the little people, the common slobs who must forever mind our superiors and bask in the glow of their collective wisdom.
They excel in the delicate art of make believe and specialize in pretending to be people they’re not. They make vast sums of money behaving like children which seems appropriate since far too much of what they say and do can only be termed as infantile. They amass vast fortunes, live in huge mansions, and are accorded universal respect and for the life of me, I just can’t figure out why. At best, they provide a nonessential and frivolous service but feel free to denigrate America without showing the least bit of gratitude for the fact that without this nation and the freedoms and opportunities it provides nobody would ever had heard of them and their lavish, ostentatious life-styles could never have been realized. They puff themselves up and strut about like deranged, crack-addicted peacocks while deep down inside they must know that their lives are pretty much shallow and meaningless! Nonetheless, the public, our elected officials, even Presidents, continue to fawn and slobber all over them thus further boosting their already bloated and hugely inflated egos!!
Perhaps this is a major cause of their constantly denouncing the United States and portraying it only in the most negative and derogatory of terms. They are spoiled, pampered and pruned and never take responsibility for their increasingly adolescent behavior and antics. They wield far more power and influence than most other folks who actually make meaningful contributions to this nation’s progress and ongoing greatness. These types are no more than pumped up prissies looking ever so desperately to infuse their inconsequential lives with some kind of meaningful existence, thus their penchant for CAUSES. They need to feel ennobled and to be perceived as the ultimate champions of both the nation’s and the world’s less fortunate underclass. What better way than to constantly harp on America’s perceived faults and foibles? In so doing, they come across as true humanitarians and supporters of the downtrodden. They forever and fervently – perhaps even religiously – accuse the United States of: Racism; Sexism; Imperialism; Jingoism and any other damned negative “ISM” you can imagine. For all of their criticism, however, and the evil and dastardly deeds they lay at America’s feet they refuse to leave. They don’t leave, will not leave, and cannot leave for they realize that without this country they are absolutely nobody and have absolutely nothing! They constitute some of the worst hypocrites on the planet, they are horribly insincere, and the only cause they are truly interested in is themselves!! They couldn’t give a rat’s ass about the poor, the sick, AIDS, racism, peace, war, terrorism or any other damned thing as long as they are perceived as doing so.
We’re all familiar with their names. Barbara Streisand, I believe, threatened to leave this country so long as George W. Bush occupied the White House but the Bitch is still here much to our detriment. That cranky bastard Ed Asner is still running his mouth and denigrates the United States on a virtually nonstop basis. That traitorous America-Hater Jane Fonda hasn’t stopped ragging on America since the 1960’s when she sold our guys out. These and many more who are too numerous to name here have at least one thing in common: they absolutely loathe and despise this country while at the same time they heap praise on total scum like Castro and that lunatic Chavez from Venezuela! Even worse, they are taken seriously by people who should certainly know far better than to take play actors, people who pretend to be people they’re not, as anything more than that. I believe Susan Sarandon or perhaps Meyrl Streep played a farmer’s wife in a depressed area many years ago. Whomever the actor, she was playing a role – pretending. This person actually received a summons to appear before a real life, bona fide Congressional hearing investigating the problems of real farmers. Committee members, if memory serves, actually asked someone who never even worked up a sweat in her life except in an exclusive Hollywood gym with her extremely expensive personal trainer to suggest or proffer some solutions! Do you believe that shit?!?
An organization called Action America put out a piece entitled, “Hollywood Anti-Americans, Lest We Forget. . . .(” Author John Gaver explains that, “we at Action America, encourage our readers to remember the actions of these anti-American dilettantes every single day.” He referred specifically to America’s efforts to bring down that blood- thirsty maniac Saddam Hussein and our goal of encouraging the growth of democracy in Iraq. What a terrible thing for us to have done! If this is what these mindless boobies on the Left mean by American imperialism, I’m all for it! These subversive fools don’t seem to realize that the world is an extremely dangerous and unsafe place and the more democratic systems that exist out there will go a long way toward keeping our nation safe and secure. I, however, am called a war-monger while they are perfectly content to sit by and watch while untold millions of people are forced to live in utter fear, terror, unspeakable brutality, and slavery – but we’re the Bad Guys! Give me a fucking break!!
The author’s approach to combating these America-Haters is to boycott their films as well as companies out there that support them with advertising dollars, endorsements, and any other form of compensation. Gaver notes that the unpatriotic poltroons who call for America’s destruction have a Constitutional right to do so but that doesn’t mean we can’t fight back. He explains that we, “as patriotic Americans also have the right to choose not to patronize their works, not to buy from those who they might advertise for and not to buy from those who advertise on programs that they are affiliated with.” He agrees that self-loathing Americans, “remain free to express their disdain for the country that made their success possible,” and that, “no true patriot would deny them that.” These Hollywood Humps, however, must understand that for every action there is indeed a reaction. He correctly maintains that their anti-American drivel and hysteria is, “patently offensive to every patriotic American who has ever lived,” and there are literally tens and tens and tens of millions of us out here!
On the face of it, the anti-American Lefties in our midst seem to be a complete contradiction, totally irrational, and patently absurd. Once we realize, however, some of the reasons why these Bastards hate their own country it goes a long way toward shedding at least some light on their motives and aspirations. The United States, far more than any other nation in world history, was founded on certain fundamental and defining principles. Among others, we note a strictly limited government that was to intrude only minimally in the lives of its citizens. We have always had a belief in a philosophy of rugged individualism coupled with a very positive “can do” attitude. Our belief in individual freedom combined with a concomitant devotion to individual responsibility are but two cornerstones of America’s amazing and unrivalled success on any level. We have a fundamental belief in God (there, I actually used the dreaded “G” word) and the fact that our rights are bestowed by Him and not man.
No mere mortal has the right to destroy what our Creator has bestowed and any government that attempts to do so must be brought down and replaced(perhaps you’ve heard of that fellow named Jefferson who wrote some kind of document hundreds of years ago? What the Hell was that thing called? Oh yeah, now I got it – The Declaration of Independence. Maybe you Anti-American American Assholes might give it a quick read one day). Liberals just don’t seem to grasp the notion that the Founders feared and distrusted government, even the one they created. They fully understood that if given the chance, government would grab increasing amounts of power for itself thereby restricting and severely curtailing the rights and freedom of citizens. It is the nature of government to do so.
The Tenth Amendment to our Constitution which is enshrined in the Bill of Rights (just another pesky little document written by those long dead white guys) proves the above statement. It clearly and in no uncertain terms states that our government shall never, absolutely never, have any more power than expressly given to it by the Founders in our nation’s early years. Any powers not specifically delegated to it were the sole province of the states and the people. Liberals who by definition are inherently anti-American are horrified by the concept of a limited government for they are statists and ardently believe that government must in fact be grown without limits until it intrudes into any and all aspects of the lives of our citizens. They hold themselves up as members of a special elite class who will make the decisions for us poor, benighted common slobs because we are so obviously inept, stupid, and not nearly as enlightened as are they. This is, of course, in direct contradiction to our Ninth Amendment which displays a deep and abiding trust in the intelligence, decency, and wisdom of the average citizen. The amendment unambiguously states that the people have more rights than are expressly enumerated in the Constitution and that merely because a specific right is not stated, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The Founders made it patently clear that the government was not to be trusted but that the people were!
This is in direct and stark contrast to the worldview of our “Elite” class in this country. The people are never to be trusted but the government is always to be considered infallible. These folks have no desire to govern bur rather have an all-consuming need to rule! They seem to exhibit the same attitudes and sensibilities as did the old Divine Right Monarchs who assured their subjects that the ruler’s power was bestowed by God and to go against the King or his agents was to go against the Almighty. Yet these obnoxious, condescending, and arrogant Bastards vociferously insist that they are not Socialists – or worse – that they are true champions of democracy, and that they are, in fact, the real patriots among us! They merely assume that we are too stupid, ignorant, and fuzzy-headed to see through their bullshit. We have, however, what they lack – common sense. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then you know what? It’s a fucking duck!
The author of a piece entitled, “Why Do Liberals Hate America(” asks, “Why do Liberals hate America, a nation which has raised many of them since birth, a nation in which they allegedly have just as much vested interest as the rest of us?” Damned good question, don’t you think?(see related video) He quotes from the Conservative Monitor which states that Liberals, “suffer from a number of maladies and delusions, but several are painfully obvious. First, not only are they incapable of taking care of themselves, they cannot understand why they should be FORCED to take care of themselves. They are terrified of everything that is not pre-processed, homogenized and approved of by an official government entity.” That last is very telling indeed. The concepts of rugged individualism and personal responsibility are completely anathema to them. They are, after all, total devotees of the concept of the Nanny State which involves cradle to grave control of and intrusion into the lives of citizens.
Need I point out such small details as government regulation of the types of toilets we may own, the lack of choice in the kinds of washing machines we may purchase, or the outlawing of the incandescent light bulb? These constitute prime examples of anti-Americanism and thoroughly support the contention that those Bastards insist on government control all aspects of our lives. These condescending, arrogant Putzes demand that we follow their prescriptions and dictates as we are simply incapable of controlling our own lives and making competent decisions for ourselves and our families. Talk about not trusting the people and the destruction of the entire concept of limited government – well, I guess so!!
The author also points out that Liberals are against yet another long-held and cherished tradition that has become part of our nation’s legacy: the right of Americans to own and use firearms. Perhaps you’ve heard about that bothersome and pesky 2nd Amendment. Liberals absolutely despise the thing and, “that someone might actually own a gun sends them running to the therapist for Prozac, grief counseling and Deepak Chopra seminars.” He correctly posits that Liberals, “seek order, safety and security at any cost, rather than individuality, liberty and freedom.” Yet they still continue to insist that they love this country and are the very essence of Americanism. Do you recall the aforementioned duck? The piece points out that the, “goals of a totalitarian Fascist state are reflected in the ramblings of liberal politicians and Hollywood idiots,” who say, “they want peace, but the sort of peace they seek is more akin to slavery then it is to the ideals upon which America was founded.”
It appears that whatever patriotic Americans love and hold dear is automatically reviled by the Far Left. Conservatives deeply desire to preserve and strengthen those ideals and institutions that made the United States the freest, most opportunity laden nation ever known to mankind. We are, in fact, optimists and have faith in the wisdom, common sense, and ultimate goodness of the American citizen. We know, for example, that this nation’s future remains bright and that our best days are still ahead of us – if Liberalism can be defeated. If, however, the self-loathing Americans on the Far Left continue to hold the reins of power then our future is indeed bleak, if not actually nonexistent. The Leftists are doing their damnedest to destroy America as we have come to love and revere it and, if given the opportunity, would replace it with a Socialist or even a totalitarian regime in which freedom would become a faint notion to be fondly remembered while the State is glorified above and beyond all other entities. An author quoted in the piece cited above maintains that, “ultimately, liberals hate America because they cannot tell the difference between good and evil. . . .” This simple statement says much about what is wrong with those on the Far Left and it goes a long way toward explaining the deep-seated hatred they have for their own country. Yet another writer posits that the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite), “won’t love America until they turn it into a socialist nation with government in charge of everything and willing to bend over to any threat shown to them. That unfortunately, is the view of America for liberals.” Do not discount statements like this as mere hyperbole, for they are frighteningly accurate.
Perhaps these people who despise their own country do so because of a profound dissatisfaction with their own lives and they need to transfer that self-loathing and limited sense of worth onto other things and/or people, like the United States of America and its Conservative stalwarts. It’s an old tactic and has been used time and time again by those who refuse to be honest about themselves, their shortcomings, and deficiencies. You know – scapegoating. Blaming others is far easier and less painful than actually being introspective and correcting one’s own faults and foibles. The Far Left seems very dissatisfied with themselves and the lives they lead. Have you ever seen a genuinely happy or satisfied Liberal? Me either. They seem to be in a perpetual state of angst and I am convinced that they are fully aware that their political philosophy is bankrupt and destructive. They are also quite cognizant of the fact that the disgusting charges they continually level at their own country are, in the main, absolutely untrue. Rather, however, than openly admit this like mature adults they, much like immature children, lay the blame anywhere but on themselves. They are living a lie and they know it and that is probably an enormous burden for them to bear. It’s got to exact a heavy toll.(see related video)
Writer Graham Cunningham penned a piece entitled, “The Psychology of the Self-Hating Liberal (” He basically maintains that the self-loathing felt by Americans is directly related to what might be termed middle-class guilt. Yeah, I know – go figure. Cunningham posits that the root causes of Liberal psychological disorder, “lie in the psychology of subliminated self-hate that has come to be the prevalent psychic condition of middle class liberals and especially those in media and academic circles.” They live, in comparison to most of the rest of the world, in a condition of grand opulence. They are part of society’s “haves” while the “have nots” still exist in squalor and misery. Instead of being grateful for what they have and the condition they find themselves in they experience a sense of shame and guilt. He points out that, “students and their mentors alike – mostly the beneficiaries of upward striving family backgrounds were consumed with a phony and entirely self-absorbed infatuation with something they called the working class struggle.” It’s interesting and more than just a little revealing that these spurious scum-dogs don’t actually want to help the working class but just identify with it. These dolts raise the taxes of those in the working class every chance they get and keep the price of fuel inflated by restricting our ability to explore for it, refine it, and bring it to market. Liberal politicians do nothing but hurt the working class and yet they somehow claim not to recognize this most basic of contradictions.
Graham sums up the confusion of these Anti-American Americans when he summarizes some key characteristics of that group. He notes that being, “middle class is something to be slightly ashamed of,” while being, “working class on the other hand – or better still affecting to be working class – makes you seem more heroic.” The author posits that, “as long as you are left wing you aren’t only a nicer person but you are also radical and therefore not boring. If on the other hand you are right wing, well that means you are reactionary and mean . . . Business enterprise is essentially disreputable whereas getting a living off the public purse or in the arts and media is highly civilized.”
This mind-set, according to the writer, can lead in only one direction and he sums it up beautifully when he notes, “of course all the problems of the people in the rest of the world are the fault, not of those people themselves but of the prosperous West.” This nation is literally the epicenter in the evolution of Western Civilization and since Liberals loathe and despise it, it’s not all that much of a leap to become haters of America as well. In their warped minds, this is not only logical but rather inevitable. Graham continues that, “more specifically, the blame lies with the capitalist system; not you personally of course. You show how much you care by going to Live Aid concerts and that makes you feel much better about yourself.”
Another reason we have so many Liberal American Haters among us has to do with the concept of relativism which they are inevitably believers in and practitioners of. According to them, everything is relative and there are no constants: no moral or intellectual anchors. The physical world and the intellectual arena are in a perpetual state of flux and change and that becomes the ultimate constant. Truth in one era ultimately gives way to still different truths in another. To rely on past truths relegates one to the dust bin of history and the “clingers” are viewed as no more than quaint relics of a by-gone era who are totally and pathetically irrelevant in the age of modernity. Those of us on the Evil Right are viewed in just such terms and when we Conservative relics disagree we are told to sit back and shut up. Those who rely on the past as guide posts for the future, we are rudely informed, are severely unenlightened and constitute nothing but a severe impediment to progress. When the LFE finally establishes their brand of utopia, their Heaven-on Earth, we will simply not be invited in.
In an article entitled, “Anti-American Americans (,” the author notices, as do many of us, that there, “is a curious feature about American politics. A substantial body of political opinion, evident in the media, academia, and popular culture simply despises America – its history, its principles, and its institutions – and sees no value in the Great Republic unless it profoundly changes its character and assumes a form quite different from that of the past.” There are then no constants, no immutable truths, and absolutely no moral certainties. The writer correctly posits that this nation was founded on principles and ideals that came to be known as Classical Liberalism and was heavily influenced by Enlightenment figures like Voltaire and John Locke but also by such luminaries as Jean Jacques Rousseau that, “involved other basic ideals more in tune with later collectivism, statism, and totalitarianism.”
In the 19th Century, the principles of Locke held sway and we saw an emphasis on, “limited, secular government, private property, and the dignity and liberty of the individual.” These along with others, were the basic building blocks of this country which grew into the most prosperous, freest, and most beneficent nation this planet has ever seen or probably will see again. We became – justly so – the envy of the world and our Declaration of Independence became the model for many revolutions that defeated totalitarianism throughout the globe. We became and remain a shining beacon of light that gave many across the planet reason for hope and optimism. The “truths” that America was founded upon seem to have been abandoned and, “limited government and individualism lost favor by the beginning of the 20th Century.” Indeed, what “appeared to be progressive ideology in the 20th Century was largely for absolutist, collectivist, and statist government . . . .”
This is exactly the mind-set of those on the Far Left and it is quite evident in our President and his minions. They have abandoned our founding principles and embraced what might be termed more modern, perhaps fashionable methodologies for controlling the populations they wish to rule. The major complaint seems to be that the United States never fully realized its founding goals and therefore must be deemed a failure and be set on a radically different course. Indeed, “THEY” insist that, “the success of America certainly could not be favorably judged in terms of ideals alien to the spirit of her founding and development,” and even, “the successes of America could be judged as inadequate in terms of her own ideals. . . .” Therein, of course, lies the fucking rub.
These damned fools view themselves as visionary utopians and blame America for not realizing its full potential and promise. They can’t seem to grasp the concept that while ideals must constantly be striven to be reached, 100% perfection is simply unrealistic and impossible. The ideals set forth, for example, in our Declaration of Independence may never be fully realized but we have never stopped reaching for them and in that struggle lies the greatness of this nation. While we have not achieved perfection, no other country or system of governance in world history has ever come even close to matching the progress we have made in attempting to reach our visionary goals. This is simply not good enough for those utopian fools who want nothing more than to tear this nation apart and completely destroy those institutions that made America so great. We Evil Right Wing Conservatives, in contrast, recognize the timelessness of our founding ideals and understand the urgency of preserving and nurturing them!
The whole notion that there are more than just a few Americans out there who literally despise our country is anathema to me and many millions of other patriotic, proud citizens. We realize that we are an imperfect nation and that there is always room for improvement and we never stop reaching for that end. The most urgent improvement of all at this stage of our country’s development is without doubt the thorough defeat and destruction of full-blown Liberalism. We are, in fact, engaged in a culture war and it is a total conflict in which compromise is not possible. If those folks are not defeated, this nation as we have come to love and cherish it is over – finished. An article entitled, “Defending America and Western Civilization (,” points out that the, “multiculturalist notion that America’s current power and wealth rest upon shameful foundations is intended to degrade the ideal of patriotism and cause its citizens to believe that their good fortune is undeserved and illicitly gained.” That’s the plan, folks, and it is quite deliberate, insidious, and utterly destructive. These fellow citizens who despise the United States are expressing, “the undercurrent of shame and hatred that the Left as a whole feels toward the United States for its racist and sexist past and environmentally rapacious present.”
The writer goes on to note that since the 1960’s, “tribalism has become a prominent feature of America’s national life, with identity politics and jostling interest groups taking the place of any homogenizing notion of Americanism.” This is, unfortunately, an all too accurate description of America in the early 21st Century and if it is not confronted and defeated in fairly short order the American way of life is doomed and the Great Experiment will have been brought to a screeching, horrific halt! This, “competitive victomhood encourages even privileged people to affiliate with some marginalized cohort or synthetically assembled community, and to shun any assimilation into the bland American middle.” The author accurately concludes that, “if Americans see themselves as heirs to nothing more than a heritage of shame they will inevitably recycle prevalent slanders about the United States.” For anyone whose head isn’t firmly ensconced up his ass, it should be more than just a tad obvious that the above statements are not merely accurate but rather they are prophetic. Unless the self-loathing Anti-American Americans are defeated we are looking at the death of this nation in the not too distant future!!
Much Luv Y’all and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman