Our country must be saved. There’s really very little time left. America and traditional American values have been under attack for at least the past fifty years. We are not in any real danger from foreign enemies, radical Islamists-Jihadists, or other terrorist types. Sure, these folks can sting us every now and then and the damage they can do and have done is very real and tragic. They cannot, however, bring us down. The enemy we face is far more dangerous and insidious than those referenced above for they are our own citizens and have lived, worked, and prospered here their entire lives. They are what I call Mad Dog Liberals and they literally froth and foam at the mouth and are driven by an insatiable appetite to tear this nation apart, destroy its most fundamental traditions and institutions, and remake America into a Socialist “Utopia” which would severely restrict if not completely destroy individual rights and freedoms.
This is what they are all about and virtually nothing else. This seems to be their short and long range goal and they are infinitely patient and devoted to that purpose. In its present form, they see America as evil incarnate and it must be completely reformed, restructured, and reconstituted in the image of, say, Western Europe where the invasive hand of government blatantly intrudes into literally every and all aspects of the lives of the citizenry from cradle to grave and even beyond. This is, in fact, the ultimate aim of full-blown Rampant Liberalism and those that subscribe to its tenets consider themselves an elite few whose sole function is the manipulation of the lives of us common folk who are, of course, far too stupid, lazy, and indolent to properly or effectively live our own lives much less prudently and safely steer the ship of state through perilous waters.
These Liberals view themselves as morally superior to the rest of us pathetic slobs who in their minds make up the vast majority of Americans. The nation’s populace must be forever led where they are told to go and must never question their leaders as to motivation or intent. We are simply not qualified or capable of doing anything but obeying the Master Class – it is simply not tenable. Liberals must never be opposed by the great unwashed for we are not nearly competent enough to question their unfathomable wisdom. They act, according to them, only in the best interests of the American people. They claim to be patriotic citizens but see nothing amiss with literally destroying our Constitution and thereby the nation itself.
They loudly and vociferously tell us that they are indeed true Americans who recognize and embrace the concept of American Exceptionalism yet their actions consistently and constantly belie their rhetoric. These phony Rat Bastards do anything and everything to turn this nation into a high speed train wreck! The evil that they do is plainly obvious to anyone who truly loves this country and desires its continued growth and prosperity. These are America’s real patriots and are deservedly very proud of that lofty designation. They pay the concept of patriotism far more than mere lip service unlike the Liberal Scum who are convinced that patriotism is no more than quaint, outdated, and irrelevant in the 21st Century. They are far more interested in such things as globalism, moving toward a one-world government, and view the idea of national sovereignty as simply a dangerous relic of the past that is championed by none but the most unenlightened dolts on the Far Right.
There is, however, a foolproof antidote to the poison that is Liberalism and it works every single time it’s administered. It is guaranteed, infallible, and gives the lie to the venom spread by the LFE(Liberal Fucking Elite). Its name is Conservatism(see related video) and it will, if adopted by enough Americans in a relatively brief period, save this nation from the LFE, restore the pride Americans have traditionally felt for their country, and lead to a renewed respect for the United States across the globe. We Conservatives don’t merely believe these things but we know them to an absolute moral certainty. They are an integral part of our core belief system and they literally serve as guide posts which can be used to undue the horrible carnage wrought by Liberalism-Socialism since old FDR destroyed the concepts of rugged individualism, self-reliance, and vastly and unconstitutionally increased the power of the Executive Branch and turned it into a monster that the Founding Fathers never envisioned!
Conservatism to those who champion that little “ISM” is nothing more than common sense although why it’s called that is something of a mystery since it has become such a rare and rarely used commodity. We are routinely “accused” of looking to the past and to that horrible charge I proudly scream out, “Guilty as Shit, your honor!!” For thousands upon thousands of years of world history wisely using and preserving the best elements and features of the past has been the very bed-rock for creating a solid and enduring future.
I’m sure you’ve heard that tired and worn cliché which warns that, “those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.” It may seem somewhat trite in this age of instant gratification and glitz, but it is nonetheless true. We are literally the sum total of our pasts for without a solid foundation we will really not come to know or understand our present or how we would like to shape our futures. Nations are much the same. Our past directly informs our present and our future and without it we would have no understanding or meaningful comprehension of who we are as a people. We would have no anchor but would be exactly like a rudderless ship forever adrift at sea.
Conservatism constitutes an unbridled optimism in and for the United States and its future and overwhelmingly trusts the good sense and judgment of the majority of the American citizenry. Liberalism, conversely, is an essentially pessimistic view of life in general and of this nation in particular. Those Bastards have no faith whatever in this country, its institutions, and its heritage. The Liberals amongst us refuse to recognize that historically America has been an overwhelming force for good in the world and has done more to uplift the planet’s poor and downtrodden than any other nation in history. Conservatives recognize and deeply appreciate the concept of American Exceptionalism and have always welcomed others to partake of that vision.
We are all too frequently mocked and ridiculed by those on the Far Left and ad hominid attacks have become a routine part of our daily faire. We are called dinosaurs, relics, Fascists, cold, hard-hearted, uncaring and unfeeling, and oppressors just to name a few of the less colorful epithets hurled at us by the Left. We are constantly shouted down in the most rude and vulgar manner when we attempt to explain Conservatism to that crowd, why it makes perfect sense for this country, and exactly what is so wrong-headed and dangerous about Liberalism and policies that stem from it. Civility is not really high on the Liberal list of character traits. They behave in this fashion for they are fully aware that down to their very core they comprehend that they are absolutely wrong but to admit that right out loud in front of God and everybody would negate all that they claim to hold dear. They believe that by ratcheting up the volume they can hide the fact that they are as crystal clear as a freshly Windexed sheet of glass! Seeing right through them, obviously, is really no great feat. More importantly, they know that Conservatism is the solution to absolutely all of the ills they have visited upon America which is precisely the reason they hate and fear us to the degree that they do.
You see, the easiest thing in the world is to be a Liberal. All one has to do is make the right noises yet it requires no real effort or thoughtful action. They tell us ad nausea that they love the poor and want nothing but to improve their lot yet they do nothing other than keep those folks in a perpetual state of poverty with bullshit “entitlements” and promises of raising that nightmare called the minimum wage. These and many other Liberal prescriptions are designed to do only one thing: create and perpetuate a permanent underclass in this country that will be dependent on these phony bastards in perpetuity. This is what the Liberals proudly call compassion while in reality it is no more than a form of cruel economic slavery.
The poor look to the government for all their wants and needs. The Liberals absolutely fear even the remotest possibility of America’s poor becoming truly self-reliant and self-sufficient. Should that happen, those champions of Socialism will lose their largest voting base and block and will be relegated to a completely irrelevant status. They want to keep our poor folks poor and create much more of the same. They do anything but offer that classic bottom twenty percent hope for a better life and future for themselves and their children. Conservatism, however, can and will immeasurably improve the lot of poor people because unlike the Liar-in-Chief it offers real, genuine, tangible hope and change. It teaches independence and self-reliance. One of its main tenets is that anyone in this country can rise as high as his or her natural talents will take them. It emphasizes the idea that the only limits on the individual that exist in our great nation are those that are self-imposed. Compare that to Liberalism!!
The same can be said of the Liberals constant attempt to create and sustain racial tension and divisiveness in America. If it is ever perceived by most folks that race relations in the United States have never been better then race-hustlers like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Jeremiah Wright are completely shut down, out of business, and broke! Liberals do everything in their power to create divisiveness and contention between and among the disparate interest groups in our society because this perfectly suits their political agenda. They use people in much the same manner a master craftsman uses his finely honed and calibrated tools!
The author of a piece entitled, “Conservative at the Core( notes that, “as conservatives, we stand for something,” and that we, “are traditionalists, holding established institutions in the highest regard. Faith and family guide us morally and spiritually. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights provide the framework for our government, our laws, and our freedoms. Any attempt to undermine these institutions we look at with contempt.” Utter contempt, I might add which is how we feel about these subversives as they trample all over our founding documents claiming, for example, that as written they are no longer relevant in 21st Century America.
The writer observes that by nature Conservatives are, “ambitious and industrious,” and that, “we are never in search of the proverbial free lunch. We are the producers.” Yup, there it is. Liberals have this really funny habit or quick. They insist on punishing those who produce, those who are in large part the cause of this nation’s amazing success in the form pf confiscatory tax policies and rates. They then turn around and give that hard earned wealth to the unproductive, parasitic elements of society who have actually come to believe that the money stolen from hard working taxpayers is deservedly theirs. Entitlements, don’t you know? If this is not stopped and very soon it will be the death knell of this country as it has traditionally and proudly existed for over two centuries. For the LFE, this is the end game. It’s what they work and strive for.
Conservative concerns, however, “center around freedom more so than equality,” and the role of government, “does not include social engineering via wealth redistribution,” for, “one is not truly free if forced by government to be tethered to those in society who know only how to consume.” The author correctly sums up by noting that a, “bloated government is not the answer to any of life’s challenges.” Liberals do not accept or understand this notion for it smacks too much of reliance on oneself and not some faceless, nameless bureaucrat out of Washington, D.C. As Conservatives see it, government, “exists only to perform its limited role of upholding our freedoms and maintaining sovereignty.” Words and sentiments like these are exactly what the Founders envisioned and they are the only things that can save us from the Liberal Onslaught that we have had to endure for so many decades.
These are not merely cries from the wilderness by us Right Wing Nut Jobs who have too much time on our hands and not enough to do. Most of us who feel this way are solidly “mainstream” with jobs and families that require the lion’s share of our attention. Protest movements and vocal marches in the street with signs and placards are not normally associated with those just described. That has been up until very recently the province of the Far Left who will hoot and holler, gather by the thousands, and vilify and defame virtually anybody and anything with which they have even the slightest disagreement. We’ve all come to expect that as their standard MO. We’ve been experiencing this since at least the 1960’s and it’s really gotten to be “Ho-Hum”.
The situation is remarkably and conceptually different concerning the latest round of demonstrations that we witness virtually on a daily basis. They emanate from our side this time and when we “normal” folks get this worked up you’d better believe that this nation is in very deep trouble indeed. The last time we got this riled up may have been the American Revolution when we rose up in defiance of our British masters to become a free, independent nation and began our march toward excellence. Yes, folks, it’s once again that bad except now the tyrant is Liberalism-Socialism-Progressivism. The terms are interchangeable and equally perfidious. This latest revolution is not a fight to create a new nation but to restore the greatest country that God ever gave mankind man kind to its former and deserved stature!
Many will remember that line from an old movie which went something like, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore!” Well, it’s here. We are mad as Hell and we refuse to take it anymore!! Our country is being purposely being destroyed before our eyes on a daily basis and it’s got to stop. There comes a point of no return and we’re there right now. The anger is real and palpable and so thick you could cut it with a knife! A web piece entitled, “A Conservative Agenda To Save America(” aptly warns that, “America is being destroyed not by enemies from without. Not by natural disasters. America is being destroyed from the inside by the rot of socialism – socialism that dissolves the moral fiber of the nation. This putrid rot has to be stopped and reversed so America can once again stand tall and proud.” That seem clear enough to you?
The writer, Jim Breeling, continues that, “leftists, socialists, communists and fellow travelers secreted the vile parasite of socialism into American life.” This is not merely an isolated statement but instead the prevailing sentiment among literally tens and tens of millions of patriotic Americans. We have tremendous difficulty in wrapping our minds and arms around the fact that so many of our own are purposely out to destroy this great nation. That anger is not going away any time soon but rather continues to grow rapidly. Breeling goes after such Liberal-Socialist staples like FDR, Social Security, and Medicare. He notes, for example, the horrible effects of, “federally mandated minimum wage legislation,” saying it, “promulgates laziness in workers and represses enterprise.”
He correctly insists that guaranteed, “minimum wage also forces businesses to overpay all of those Mexicans who would happily work for less.” He even goes after the “children” thus, of course, leaving him open to the charge of being an evil, cold, and callous Right Wing Nut Job which I’m positive he’s already been called. He wants to abolish, “socialistic government nutrition programs such as school lunch and Woman-Infants-Children,” and remarks that, “American children should not grow up sucking at the government teat, learning that they, like their lazy layabout parents, don’t have to work in order to be fed.” He is by no means alone out there.
Unfortunately, it’s really easy for many people to love those on the wrong side of history for they like all totalitarian minded tyrants make promises to the slothful and indolent who are more than willing and in fact eager to be taken care of. They are happily sacrifice their freedom in favor of security and I believe it was old Ben Franklin who said that people willing to do so deserve neither freedom nor security. The fools that buy into this behavior can’t see the dangers that await them. They are locked into a life of dependency from which there is really no escape. Once a person starts down that road, it’s virtually impossible to veer off. It’s habitual, addictive, and utterly destructive to a positive, healthy work ethic and if it continues it is simply a nation killer. The difference this time, however, is that the country in question is ours. In a piece entitled, “Save America From Socialism(//, the author correctly maintains that, “it is so easy to vote for the guy that says I’ll take care of you, your family, your job, your house, your credit debt, and so on. . .by taxing those evil rich people and giving you the money. Who wouldn’t take them up on such a great offer?”
Conservatives won’t, that’s who. You see, we will vote for the one who says, “this country needs you to be self sufficient, self reliant, to save and invest, and to exercise discipline in your finances, to execute your budget intelligently, and to live within your means, and by all means to increase your means via the great capitalistic system we have in this country.” As mentioned earlier, it’s no more than level-headed common sense and yet those of us who stress these values are constantly labeled as “mean-spirited” and “cold-hearted” by those on the Far Left. Yet it is Conservatism that is truly compassionate for it can and does liberate the human spirit and more than allows individuals to reach their full potential. Liberalism, in contrast, has nothing to do with compassion but is nothing more than cruelly oppressive and thoroughly crushes and destroys the human spirit with a stultifying dependence on government to provide all of our wants and needs. These fools on the Left actually call this freedom!
The author of the above correctly maintains that we look to the words and deeds of our Founders for they, “were arguably more insightful than anyone alive now because their vision has lasted longer than any other politicians’ have, and the country they founded is the oldest democracy in all of history. These simple principles of equal opportunity, freedom, liberty, self reliance, limited government, representational taxation, and more are really the only principles that guarantee longevity of a nation.” He concludes by perfectly illustrating the huge, unbridgeable chasm that exists between Conservatism and Liberalism as he insists that, “conservatism represents the good parent that will give you the healthy meal you need even if it isn’t the candy you want, whereas the socialist represents the drunk uncle that hands out candy in spite of the parent’s pleas to stop spoiling the child.” It’s time to boot uncle’s sorry old ass out of the house and into the street!
The differences illustrated thus far between Conservatism and Liberalism might seem irrelevant to many who might concede that the topic m be of some interest on an academic level. Sadly, far too many Americans either fail or refuse to recognize that we are far beyond the hypothetical. This nation’s historic role in the world is in danger of absolutely disappearing. As Liberals and their policies continue to take hold, their death grip on the United States only grows as citizens are literally crushed under the weight of an ever more powerful government. The constant onslaught of not merely burdensome but rather enslaving rules, regulations, edicts, Presidential decrees, and executive orders put one in the mind of the monarchs of yore with unlimited and unbridled power supposedly granted by God.
As the power of government continues to burgeon, the freedom of citizens correspondingly diminishes. If this trend is not abruptly halted within at best the next few years or so no one alive today will recognize the land of their birth for it will simply cease to exist. Our Great Experiment will have failed and will have been transformed into a horrifying, nightmarish monstrosity! This is exactly what the Liberals out there are working so hard to accomplish and they cannot be compromised with, placated, or appeased. They must be defeated. No quarter can be given and no mercy shown. We are literally in a war for America’s soul – and yes, it is that bad!
Others, of course, have recognized the dangers but I can’t recall a time when the current sense of urgency has ever been so sharp or immediate. This nation has weathered many storms both internal and external but the one that looms on the not very distant horizon will be wild and violent and could be severe enough to sink the ship known as America. Just as no one thought all those years ago that the Titanic would end up in Davey Jones’ Locker far too many Americans today feel the same about this nation: that it just can’t happen here. This kind of complacency and self-delusion can no longer be tolerated and those of us on this side of the issue believe that it is long past time for another ride by Paul Revere. Well, old Paul’s out there alright and just as he warned Americans of so long ago, he is once again leading the charge against today’s tyrant. This time, however, evil does not sit on a distant, far away throne but instead it has already crossed the Rubicon and gained a foothold in every nook and cranny of our country. Much like the barbarians of old brought down Rome our later day savages want to bring us down. They no longer carry spears, swords, and arrows but they are nonetheless just as dangerous.
In a piece entitled, “Ten Reforms That Will Save America( ,” the writer recalls a famous lesson from Machiavelli’s tome The Prince. He notes that, “a wise prince should therefore find a way of ensuring that his citizens will always and in all circumstances need his help and that of the state; for then they will always be faithful to him.” All those years ago, this early political scientist recognized the need for dependency as a sure-fired way of keeping huge populations in line and to guarantee their allegiance to the ruler. Back then, dependency was also guaranteed by “entitlements” of one sort or another but even Machiavelli could not possibly have imagined in his wildest dreams how well his advice would be followed and implemented in our own time.
Entitlements are what creates dependency in our 21st Century world and recipients become addicted to them in much the same way a smack addict does to his drug of choice. Both are just as crippling and addictive not just to the individual but the nation as well. The author of the piece states that Machiavelli, “ knew that the best way for tyrants to control the population was to keep their subjects dependent on government.” He continues that, “Liberals have put this philosophy into action – government now controls every aspect of your life.” He explains that, “choosing freedom and responsibility is bad for the ruling class – but good for Americans.” He then asks the essential question, “Can the concept of freedom embodied in America be saved?” That Americans are now routinely asking themselves the same thing should provide just a small hint as to exactly just how bad things have become in The Land Of The Free And The Home Of The Hand Out!
He answers in the positive but only if certain crucial steps are taken. The first is ending America’s Judicial Dictatorship because, “federal and state judges have become renegade tyrants,” and a, “ single federal judge can invalidate the votes of millions of Americans.” He also points to such things as, “political correctness, the elimination of private property, and the illegal alien invasion and open borders.” There exist, of course, many more examples. He continues that, “today judges are elitists who believe their personal opinions trump everything.” He insists that, “removing the ability to overturn the choice of the majority of voters is critical to restoring popular trust in the judiciary.”
His second suggestion is equally salient if the ship of state is to get back on course. It is imperative that we end government identity politics for the, “government perpetuates racial and ethnic divisiveness,” and quite accurately posits that the, “race industry encourages people to concentrate on their differences portraying Western civilization as the oppressor, and minorities as victims.” These are all Liberal templates and are perfectly embodied in President Barry Boy and his entire crowd! The writer quite reasonably suggests that we, “solve our differences together as Americans, and let’s get the government out of the racial numbers game.” These excellent prescriptions are the essence of Conservatism and common sense. They are simple, uncomplicated, and would go a long way toward dulling the sharp edge of Mad Dog Liberalism!
Another of the reforms he mentions deals with freedom of thought especially on college and university campuses. This is utterly crucial for it is there where the youth of America – its future leaders – are supposed to be taught such skills as critical and independent thinking, the ability to discern between intellectual honesty and mere brainwashing, and patriotism and love of country. Tragically, “American universities have become a socialist cartel, a collaboration of ideologues with a philosophy that is anathema to American values of liberty, freedom, and respect for human life.” He justly charges that, “American universities shelter Islamo-fascists and other America-haters,” and they refuse, “to cooperate with the most basic and common sense steps to assist in the apprehension and removal of terrorists.” (see The Americans Who Hate America Rant of 1/20/11) Finally, he notes that the, “English language is being converted into a tool of indoctrination,” while diversity, “means disparaging Western civilization – in particular, European-American males, as the Great Oppressor.” American colleges and universities are, in fact, nothing more than bastions of Liberal Elitism bent on doing their damndest to destroy this nation.
The same writer also insists on the absolute necessity of securing our borders, “as a pre-requisite for freedom.” Nothing could more true and essential if America is to remain great. The author suggests that our social welfare programs were instituted when most of us understood that only through hard work and honesty can we help those relatively few among us who may require assistance. He warns, however, that “only a highly enforced border can prevent us from being overrun with poor people looking for generous social welfare benefits paid for by American taxpayers.” Additionally, he recognizes an obvious truth when stating that, “America is a western society founded on Judeo-Christian traditions, laws, language and culture that is under attack from Islam.” That religion is a “radically different ideology that is based on an imperative to destroy modern western society and return the entire world to the world of Mohammed in 700 A.D. Only a highly enforced border will keep Islamo-fascists from infiltrating and attacking America.”
This kind of talk drives the Liberals in our midst absolutely apoplectic for they refuse to recognize reality. The Bin Laden’s of the world thoroughly hate this nation and are working assiduously day and night to realize their long held dream of our destruction. Conservatives, conversely, who are completely reality based recognize this, accept it for what it is, and are more than willing to fight this war that was visited upon us by Crazed Animals in human guise. We will fight it with all the weapons in our arsenal, we will never back down, and we will destroy our enemies and render them incapable of harming this nation again!
Liberals and Liberalism, however, are so far removed from reality that they can be accurately said to be living in a permanent fantasy world. This prevents them from realistically assessing a situation thus enabling meaningful and workable solutions. The Liberal, for example, is positive that we brought it on ourselves. They, as do our enemies, view America as the guilty party and their explanations and logic are so convoluted and warped that they defy rationality. They have nary a clue that those devotees of mayhem and destruction want them dead as well. Just as old Chamberlain made the same mistake with Adolf all those years ago, they are following suit. These fools don’t realize that appeasement never works and as one famous pundit put it, the world is governed by the aggressive use of force. Those that don’t recognize this are doomed. This is true of nations as well as individuals and if Liberalism holds sway in America we will go the way of the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayans. The author of the piece referenced above includes a number of other necessary reforms but they all have a common thread running through them. Liberalism will destroy this country while Conservatism will save it.
One of the essential and definitional differences between Conservatism and Liberalism is that the latter worldview absolutely believes that mankind is the be all and end all of the universe and that there is no greater force in the galaxies than humankind. It is an entirely self-centered and narcissistic view and thoroughly, but predictably, hubristic. These guys do not recognize the existence of a Supreme Being who literally created the universe and all the creatures therein - including man. It is somewhat difficult to discern whether they are genuinely sincere about this but it certainly explains their utter lack of humility, their arrogance, and their overwhelming conceit. Anyone with this character trait makes for a terrible leader but would welcome the opportunity to become a ruler!
Conservatism wholeheartedly believes in the same Creator referenced by Jefferson from whom we get those natural rights like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We recognize that we are not the ultimate force in the world, that there are things and concepts out there that are beyond our scope and ken, and that everything we have emanates from what may be termed a Higher Power. We simply call him God (sorry ladies). An outfit called The Smirking Chimp( put out a web piece entitled, “Will Religious Right’s Mandate To Save America Corral The Tea Party Crowd?” The article deals primarily with still growing grass roots organization called the Tea Party Movement supported by Conservatives and those who align themselves with it. The Left ridicules members of that loose alliance of like-minded patriots by referring to them as “Tea Baggers”, a pejorative if not a down-right derogatory term.
We, unlike those on the Left, are thick-skinned enough to take it with equanimity and relative calm because we know we are right. We have history and tradition with us while those on the other side are motivated by denying Americans the freedom they love and cherish. Rick Scarborough who heads an outfit called Vision America said, “we now have a government of thieves, and that we are moving towards a collectivist society. We have a Godly duty to defend American Exceptionalism.” He further stated that, “we, the undersigned, and millions of other American patriots, including many who comprise the Tea Party movement, are no less determined than patriots of the past.” He continued that, “We will make any sacrifice, endure any hardship, and confront any foe to keep the flame of freedom burning bright,” and he concludes with a deeply sincere, “so help us God.” We mean this, for they are more than just words. Liberals can’t and won’t speak like this and do not even pay lip service to the idea that there might be something out there greater than themselves.
Scarborough’s organization also promotes what it calls, “The Mandate To Save America,” which all true Conservatives stand behind. The first plank in that platform acknowledges The Centrality of Faith and calls for the, “right to publicly acknowledge God.” You know, in places like public schools and court houses. The second plank recognizes what is clearly a belief based in faith for, “it protects human life.” It calls for, “the protection of human life from conception to natural death.” The group stresses other issues which we on the Evil Right also support: saving traditional marriage and acknowledging that marriage as historically defined over the millennium is only between a man and a woman. They also insist on strengthening families and parental rights.
Other elements of The Mandate To Save America include traditional Conservative standards like: stopping judicial tyranny; protecting the rights of parents to control the education of their children; limited government; and protecting economic freedom. Additionally, they want fiscal responsibility with lower taxes and reduced spending. They focus on national security and secure energy independence with more exploration, development, and the use of all energy sources. Conservatism owns these issues and they are summarily dismissed by those on the Far Left. Not only are they dismissed, those of the LFE actually work to opposes each and every one of the ten points presented in the mandate which is a crystal clear indication of where they want to take America: no place but down.
Writer Chris Davis wrote a piece called, “The Eleven Lessons of Rush Limbaugh( Yeah, yeah, I know. He’s the guy that every member of the Liberal Fucking Elite loves to hate. The man has become the titular head of the Conservative Movement ever since William F. Buckley, Jr. passed away (a moment of silence please).(see related video) Davis briefly summarizes those eleven lessons and the very first one emphasizes the humble Conservative belief that we mere human beings owe our progress and development to a power much greater than ourselves. He explains that, “America is guided by moral laws, having an origin in God.” There’s that pesky little God thing again which causes both hissy and conniption fits among those on the Far Left. He continues that our principles, “are rooted in the Judeo-Christian ethic, and our laws are governed by a morality that could only come from God.” He bluntly states that, “it is our sworn duty as conservatives to continue this tradition.” For this belief, we are labeled Evil Right Wing Religious Nut Jobs!
The next point in Limbaugh’s litany states clearly and concisely that, “Americans have a right to their property,” and the, “the rewards achieved through their abilities.” Concepts like this clearly drive those on the Far Left absolutely not just around the bend but straight off the cliff. They actually believe that the Federal Government has a perfect right to your property much like the British did when they summarily quartered troops in the homes of the colonists. There are many modern examples of this mind set in modern times and I give you the infamous Kelo Case as but one instance(No, you look it up). Davis maintains that, “America can never prosper if achievements are taken away by tyranny or an out of control judiciary.” Yet, we do have an absolutely out of control judiciary and the Liberal Left certainly exhibits more than just a few tyrannical tendencies.
Furthermore, we know that, “American freedom and economic gain are forever connected,” and that, “ there can be no vitality rooted in liberalism.” Additionally, he accurately remarks that, “at the root of economic leveling is liberalism.” This last is particularly noteworthy for it is easily demonstrated that virtually all Liberal policies are designed to separate Americans from their wealth and place it in the hands of an increasingly centralized, stifling, and omnipotent government. Everything Liberals do is designed to further that end which will, in fact, destroy the United States as envisioned by our Founding Fathers and championed by Conservatives like Limbaugh and tens of millions more of us.
A few examples of this Liberal perfidy you ask? Easily provided. I give you our Socialist-in-Chief’s Stimulus Package which stimulated absolutely nothing or his proposed Cap and Trade boondoggle which would literally tax any and all forms of energy consumption and use. Still more you say? Absolutely. How about the monstrosity that is Obama Care? That nation killer nationalizes a full one-sixth of the greatest, most vibrant economy ever seen in the history of mankind. Just as alarmingly, it puts your health and health care squarely in the hands of government and its bureaucrats. Ever hear of Death Panels or Rationed Care? Get ready, because if guys like Obama and the Socialists succeed, their dream of destroying this nation becomes an utter, nightmarish reality.
Just since the Chosen One’s ascendancy to the throne, he has literally removed trillions upon trillions of dollars from the private sector and placed them in government coffers to be used as they deem fit. This is and has been an utter disaster for our country because all that money that the government unconstitutionally stole can no longer be used to invest in our private sector, free market economy. Business can no longer grow and expand nor can small or large companies hire the workers they need to remain profitable. This is so patently un-American that a half-bright ten year-old would have no difficulty realizing that it is being perpetrated and implemented purposely according to a well thought out and developed strategy. This gives the lie to Liberal phony claims that they too are patriotic, love their country, and want to see its continued greatness. They don’t and every action they take clearly illustrates who they really are: enemies of this country and all that it stands for.
Limbaugh also maintains that, “courts and prosecutors can spread tyranny through irrational and unconstitutional rulings,” and that Conservatives realize full well that, “power unchecked is corrupt, and that courts must exhibit the limited power that the constitution gave them.” Additionally, the “conservative American believes we must govern ourselves by the traditions handed down by our Founding Fathers,” for, “it is through their wisdom, writings and Constitutional teachings that we will prosper.” Pronouncements like these further accentuate just how much Liberals despise this nation as presently constituted and will not be satisfied until they tear it down. Finally, that it “is inalienable rights granted by God that set men and women free. Therefore, the American conservative knows that it should not dominate the world, yet set an example of liberty that all should long to cherish.”
Liberals simply cannot grasp these Conservative cornerstones for they are full blown, out and out statists whose goals and desires are completely antithetical to and incompatible with freedom, responsibility, and the entire concept of American Exceptionalism. Davis concludes his piece by explaining that, “Conservatives know that for liberty to flourish it is best to limit the growth of the federal government, keeping its power checked to prevent absolute corruption.” Do you think that men like Obama or old Ted Kennedy could possibly fathom the above sentiments? These are entirely foreign to their world view, for they believe that without massive government intrusion into all aspects of the lives of the rest of us we couldn’t function even at minimally effective levels. They believe that it is their right and place to direct the actions and, yes, thoughts of us little people while we should willingly – even happily – agree to silently witness this nation’s demise!
An article from the excellent web site American Thinker( entitled, “Tucson and the Kamikaze Left,” sums up the dire situation our nation is facing. It explains that except for the military, “leaders of every major institution in America – Wall Street, banks, Fortune 500 companies, the mainstream media, higher and lower education, labor unions, Hollywood charities, organized religion – have aligned themselves with big government and against the people. The ruling-class leaders of these institutions have participated side-by-side with the three branches of the federal government in eroding the Constitution.” These are not merely empty words, folks, but constitute a dire warning and a prediction of what is coming if Liberalism is victorious over Conservatism in this country.
Newt Gingrich is another patriotic American despised by the LFE. Writing for the Institute for Policy Innovation ( author Peter Farara explains that Gingrich correctly maintains that the, “power of the Left is tenured in academics. The power of the Left is in the news media. The power of the Left is in the bureaucracy. The power of the left is in union leadership. The power of the Left is inside the judgeships. The power of the Left is in the Hollywood literati and so the Left just keeps going further Left.” The Left controls all of this country’s major institutions but it doesn’t yet control the people. Gingrich recognized this when he accurately observed that the, “power of the Left isn’t in popular elections,” as evidenced in the 2010 mid-term massive defeats of the Liberals-Democrats. We got mad and if we love this country we’re gonna stay mad!
If these home-grown Liberal Bastards continue to control so much of our nation, the United States will become something our Founders never intended and that possibility should be feared! Gingrich points out that the, “American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” There really isn’t much time left, folks, and the 2012 Presidential elections are hurtling right at us with the speed of a blazing comet. The usurpers must be tossed out on their collective asses!
Much Luv Y’all and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman