The Social Justice Scam Rant
Social Justice. Think about that simple phrase for just a moment. Ponder it. Roll it around in your cerebellum for a couple of minutes and see what conclusions you can draw. It sounds anything but venal or destructive. It conjures up concepts like fairness, equality, or perhaps beneficence. It certainly doesn’t bring to mind anything obviously sinister or malevolent. Be warned, however, because that’s exactly what it is.(see related video) If you hear folks enthusiastically singing its praises you are listening to people who utterly loathe and despise this country as presently constituted and envisioned by our Founding Fathers. These people are at the very least Socialists and/or Communists who literally hate such American cornerstones as Rugged Individualism and Free Market Capitalism. They vehemently oppose such bedrock traditions like the Bill of Rights because it absolutely limits the power of government and reins in the desire to rule rather than govern. Social Justice advocates a massive, all powerful centralized government in which the rights of the people come not from God but rather from men – mere mortals. Rights granted by men are at best arbitrary and therefore temporary. Natural rights, conversely, are granted by the Creator and are thus immune from the machinations of those who would restrict or even destroy our freedoms.
In the June, 2011, rant, “The Anti-Americanism In Our Public Schools Rant,” Social Justice was discussed pretty much as it relates to our nation’s educational system in all of its astounding negativity. This piece takes the concept in a broader sense but the conclusions and effects are very similar. Its champions and proponents would love nothing more than to turn our country into just another third world shit-hole. They do not believe in American Exceptionalism and are utterly convinced that anyone who has more than anybody else could not have obtained whatever wealth they have accumulated by dint of hard work, planning, and establishing and reaching goals. No, success can only be achieved nefariously with no regard for the “little people” whose lives have been crushed by those of us who have achieved even a modicum of prosperity. Success, according to them, can be achieved only at the expense of others for they claim that our system constitutes a zero sum gain in which there is only so much to go around. If I, for example, have two pieces of pie it’s more than obvious that someone out there has been unfairly and cruelly deprived of his piece! It can be no other way. They refuse to comprehend or acknowledge the truism that barring the occasional glitch, our Free Market System causes the pie to continually grow and expand thus affording more and more individuals access to the resources they need to succeed and improve their lives.
Those that preach Social Justice are society’s great levelers and are determined to bring everyone down to the same plateau of misery, despair, and hopelessness. This they believe is only fair and just. If everyone can’t achieve wealth then obviously no one should be allowed to do so and therefore one of the main tenets of the Social Justice Mob is wealth redistribution. Take from those who have worked and earned and give it to those who have not. In their warped, distorted view of reality nothing could be more equitable than that and anyone who disagrees is obviously an evil advocate of Capitalism and, ipso facto, must be severely punished! How will they achieve their sinister plans for bringing the United States to its knees and implementing the destruction of Free Market Capitalism?
They will do so by constantly increasingly the size and scope of government to such an extent that its tentacles reach down to every citizen and controls-regulates all aspects of life in this country. It’s happening right now and has been the Liberal battle plan since at least the 1960’s with the advent of the Great Society which was a 100% total failure! The Social Justicers amongst us use as one of their main weapons an utterly confiscatory and horribly unfair system of taxation which is employed to both change and control our behavior from cradle to grave. They then provide those at the bottom with ever more so-called “entitlements” to create a permanent and utterly dependent underclass that will unquestionably do the bidding of the elite few who control the system and issue marching orders to the unthinking “booby” class! Those that control the purse strings can dictate any behavior they believe is in their own best interest which is and has always been raw, unbridled, and unmitigated power!
While meandering through a variety of dictionaries, I failed to find the term Social Justice. I did, however, come up with: Social; Justice; and Just. Well certainly, I thought those are fine starting points with which to begin an investigation of the concept and its consequences. Merriam-Webster’s defines social as, “of or relating to human society; the interaction of the group and its members and the welfare of those members.” Justice is defined as, “the administration of what is just,” and just is explained as, “morally or legally right,” and it is tied to terms like Deserved, Merited, Upright, Honorable, and Honest. Well then, there you have it. How can any concept or movement tied to the words Social Justice be anything but beneficial, noble, and benign? This makes no sense unless you are very familiar with Liberal tactics like prevarication, obfuscation, and plain old Double Speak!
The Liberals amongst us can’t openly, honestly, and unabashedly announce their intentions of literally destroying America and transforming it into something it was never intended to be. That old dog just don’t hunt and that old mule ain’t never gonna plow! So, how to overcome this weighty problem? Invent a name or a phrase that no one, at least on the surface, could possibly object to and wouldn’t even dare verbalize those objections because of the torrent of invectives and ad hominem attacks that will be hurled at him as sure as flies are attracted to shit! It might sound something like, “What the Hell is wrong with you? How can you possibly be against Social Justice? You must be some kinda damned racist!” You’ll get a similar reaction should you have the utter temerity, the balls, to ever object to Liberal efforts to throw more money at our public school system when the adults in the room fully comprehend that the problems with education have absolutely nothing to do with increased funding. You’re sure to hear something like, “What, are you nuts? What have you got against the children? You’re just a cold, cruel, heartless Son of a Bitch!”
Care for a few more short examples? You bet! Liberals constantly tout themselves off as the champions of the nation’s poor, downtrodden, and powerless and they sound ever so compassionate in their utterances. Why then do they do their damndest to foment and instigate class warfare at every opportunity? They need the various classes to constantly be at one another’s throats in order to further reinforce the illusion that they really do care about the less fortunate amongst us. If poor folks ever stop voting the Liberal Line, they’ll be under that proverbial bus in less time than it took Barry Boy to dump good old Pastor Jeremiah! You ever hear the Liberals make the claim that they want America to be a color blind society so that Martin’s dream can finally be brought to fruition? Of course you have, for it is a Liberal trademark. It’s also a bald-faced, out and out, total lie! They do all they can to exacerbate and escalate racial division and expressions like “institutional racism” are a mainstay of their old, tired, and worn playbook. If ever the perception spreads that there exists harmony between and among the races then the Liberals lose their huge voting block that they hold with our minority citizens. Additionally, race hustlers and baiters like Jackson and Sharpton are unemployed and we certainly can’t have that, now can we? Remember, words mean things and anyone can sound good, caring, and compassionate. In order to understand just how truly dangerous and destructive Liberalism is you must get past the Bullshit and Bombast and reflect only on their actions and the horribly deleterious results of Liberal policy!
The author of an article entitled, “Republican Voter: Liberal Democrats Are Ruining America(, notes that he has been following politics for more than forty years and this is the first time he fears, “for this country’s future due to the liberal policies of this administration and the over-liberal Democratic Congress that wastes no time in writing another check on the shoulders of the American taxpayer.” He continues that, “if we allow this spending frenzy to continue, we will end up having a third world nation instead of what our forefathers envisioned more than 200 years ago, a republic with limited government and freedom for the individual.” The author expresses this view that countless Americans fully concur with and in fact it is precisely these concerns that spawned the entire and entirely successful grass roots Tea Party Movement.
If any of us ran our homes the way the Social Justice Mob wants to run the nation we’d all be bankrupt, living in a shelter, or perhaps on the street. We simply can’t run up debt and deficits on a personal level like the Liberal Democrats are doing on the national level. At some point the piper must be paid and we simply can no longer afford the bill! The writer continues that, “champions of social justice have harmed this country for too long,” and we absolutely, “know all too well the dangers of permanent handouts at the expense of the working public.” Amen, Brother! I have read absolutely frightening statistics that point out that fewer than half of those in our so-called labor force are actually employed and are therefore paying taxes. Something like the top 2% of all American wage earners pay just about 40% of all taxes while the top ten percent pay over 75% of all taxes. This is utterly unsustainable! The bottom 51% of all wage earners pay nada, zip, zero!
We had a revolution in this country all those years ago and one of the major issues then was taxation especially the kind without representation. I’ve got news for you folks, we are in the exact same situation today regarding both of those issues. Those of us who still fork over our hard-earned money to the government are certainly not receiving adequate representation from the political class that believes it has a license to steal. Are you aware, for example, that “Obamacare” was vehemently rejected by something like 80% of our citizens who were either satisfied or very satisfied with the health care and health insurance they currently hold? The public completely rejected it but it was rammed down our throats nonetheless. Does that sound like representation to you, hmmm?
The Bamster’s tax on energy use and production – Cap and Trade – has not yet become a reality but it will if we allow The Anointed One and his minions to continue to ride rough-shod over our rights. (see the, “Obama Crap and Tax Rant,” of 11/23/10) The vast majority of us insist that we become self-sufficient concerning energy and we sure as Hell have enough of our own natural resources to make it happen! Are we drilling in places like ANWR? No. Our Environmentalist Wacko-in-Chief has publicly vowed to personally destroy our coal industry even though we can now liquefy the stuff so that it burns cleanly. Are we using our vast resources wisely and productively? No. We have more natural gas than anyone on the planet. Are we allowed to go and get it? No. Does this sound like we are receiving adequate representation on these and so many more crucial areas of life? No!! If our Founding Fathers could look down and see what has happened to their original vision they’d come back and stage a second American Revolution!
John J. Pino, the author of the piece under consideration, concludes by pointing out that, “Sixty-five years ago, referring to a socialistic system of government, Ludwig Von Mises said, “The champions of socialism call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to every kind of improvement. They call themselves liberals, but they are intent upon abolishing liberty. They call themselves Democrats, but they yearn for dictatorship. They call themselves revolutionaries, but they want to make the government omnipotent. They promise the blessings of the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic post office.” Finally he notes that this, “is the view of many Democrats today. Under the guise of social justice, they plan to create a socialist environment with scarce resources, curtailed freedom for the individual and a federal budget that would choke a horse.”
One Kasey Write Wringer penned a piece entitled, “Is Social Justice Destroying America?” (, which deals with the issues of what exactly Social Justice is and how it harms our nation. She explains that, “Social Justice in a nutshell is when the wealth of those who work is taken from them by the government and redistributed to those who have not worked for it.” Simply and accurately put. Wealth transfer is advocated only by Socialists or Communists whose end game has always been and remains the creation of a government that intrudes and invades literally every and all aspects of the lives of its citizens. Obviously, as the government becomes ever bigger and more powerful the populace finds itself with less and less freedom. The concept of limited government with only those powers granted to it in our magnificent Constitution is enough to send these people into a total wild-eyed, foaming at the mouth fury! If you ever want to test this little theory, here’s something that you can do.
Step into any student union at virtually any of our nation’s colleges or universities for there you will find an endless supply of grist for your mill. Begin reading the Tenth Amendment and make sure your voice resonates and you precisely articulate your message. Next, get ready to run like Hell after having carefully planned your escape route! You’ll immediately realize that it’s time to get the Hell out of Dodge and head for the tall grass!! You’ll also rather quickly learn how utterly and ruthlessly intolerant these folks truly are even while consistently claiming that they are the most tolerant and open minded of our citizenry. Don’t ever suggest to these Far Left Ideologues that our government should be limited in size and scope for you’ll drive them thoroughly and completely apoplectic although I gotta admit, it’s great fun to watch!
Winger continues that even when our Huckster-in-Chief was running for office he complained that the, “founders made mistakes when they wrote out the nation’s founding documents, they left out the redistribution of wealth.” The author points out the obvious by stating that it, “doesn’t take a genius to realize that social justice implies and justifies socialism which seeks to create what they call equality through various means of wealth redistribution (taxation, monetary policies, welfare, nationalization, etc.)” The concept also focuses on America’s Have-Nots for, “those without food and decent shelter ought to be given these things.” It also gives way to socialized health care, “where all the healthcare in the country is nationalized, that is government takes control over everyone’s health care.” Sound familiar folks? The establishment of socialized medicine tightens the government’s already vice-like death grip on our freedoms, gives it control over just about twenty per cent of America’s economy, and completely destroys the historical relationship between patient and physician. Your health care and insurance are now in the hands of nameless and faceless beaurocrats who couldn’t give a flying rat’s ass about you or your loved ones!
Those who advocate for Social Justice are utterly ecstatic about this radical departure from our history and traditions. The writer accurately recognizes that on the surface, the tenets and goals of the Social Justice Movement may sound compassionate and caring but if one just digs a little deeper, “you will see total disaster as the masses of citizens lose their personal liberty in place of a socialist system of so called health care.” The remedy to this obvious, clear cut, and unambiguous threat to America’ very existence is that, “solid conservative men and women must fill the halls of Congress if we are ever to get a hold on our tax system, and get rid of Obamacare, and allow oil exploration to occur so we can get prices back down to a decent level.” She correctly concludes that, “Social Justice is the path to full blown Communism! It MUST be stopped!”
For those out there who view issues like Social Justice, the threat of creeping Socialism, or the vast and intrusive growth of government size and power as merely esoteric or ethereal issues too far removed from our busy daily lives – think again. Social Justice advocates rely heavily on the apathetic and the ignorant amongst us. They understand full well that most of us have immediate daily concerns like earning a living, moaning and groaning about paying our taxes, and raising our families. They count on this as a tactic for quietly enacting their Far Left agenda and utterly destroying the country. Their ideas and ideology have indeed filtered down to the local level and are not merely relegated to academe or arguments between Republicans and Democrats in our nation’s capitol.
Take the city of Seattle, Washington and its police force as an example. Yeah, I know. Why should law enforcement and anti-American concepts like Social Justice even be included in the same sentence? I want our cops all over America to be concerned with only a few very basic issues and politics is certainly not one of them. I want them to pay attention to such things as apprehending those out there who break the law and prey on the average citizen. I want those in law enforcement to see to it that the miscreants and marauders amongst us are harshly punished. But, hey, that’s just me. I don’t want them distracted or confused or in any way impeded by issues like Social Justice, Political Correctness, Multiculturalism or any of that sort of bilge! I want them to focus with laser-like energy and precision on performing their ever so important job of getting rid of the barbarians out there who would do us harm. That’s it!
Sadly, according to one Officer Steve Pomper, this is not the case. Writing for The Guardian, the newsletter for the Seattle Police Officers’ Guild, that city, “using its Race and Social Justice Initiative (RSJJ), continues its assault on traditional and constitutional values such as self-reliance, equal justice, and individual liberty.” He is more concerned, however, by the fact that Seattle is, “inflicting its socialist policies directly on the Seattle Police Department(”
The officer explains that, “the city has extended its leftist political agenda to the police department, which should remain as apolitical as possible. The police department is not a laboratory and its cops are not guinea pigs.” Pomper could not be more correct for politicizing cops is not unlike President Barry Boy’s insistence that terrorist scum captured on a battlefield must be read their Miranda Rights! Maybe next he’ll insist that we serve them tea and crumpets. The author continues that, “Social justice is a socialist scheme that judges people not as individuals, but by their race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status,” and that the, “groups touting social justice all tend toward the political left, including socialist and communist groups.” The gentleman is absolutely one hundred per cent accurate in his assessment and equally so when he states that even, “in its least aggressive forms, socialism is responsible for wrecking economies, restricting liberty, and stifling human innovation and achievement worldwide.”(see related video)
Pomper is definitely on to something here. By establishing Socialism at the local level, the community is afforded the opportunity to gradually and comfortably grow accustomed to it. Once enough folks in enough small cities and towns have become inured to it and it has become a “normal” aspect of their everyday existence, advocates of concepts like Social Justice can move on to the state level and eventually over time go national. Officer Pomper correctly maintains that, “any student of history knows that totalitarianism begins with small bites,” and that, “if we aren’t careful, we will literally vote ourselves into tyranny.” In fact, “Some people think we came pretty damn close in 2008.”
All “good” Liberals including those that advocate Social Justice will insist that they only do what they do for our own and the nation’s good. They will take care of us lesser folk out there for they are utterly condescending and paternalistic and they hold that we are obviously too selfish, stupid, and irrational to look out for our own and the nation’s best interests. While they may claim nothing but the best of intentions they are out and out liars beginning with our current Liar-in-Chief right on down to city council members of local municipalities. While they, “may not intend oppression, this is to where socialism always-always leads, to one degree or another.” I, unlike the author, am firmly convinced that the “Progressives” among us absolutely and purposefully intend harm and they are anything but well intentioned! They desire to cause as much mayhem and destruction as they possibly can.
They are power hungry in the extreme and more than anything else desperately desire to wreck this great nation and transform it into yet one more failed Socialist enclave in which the rights and freedoms of the citizen are so greatly reduced so as to be effectively nonexistent. The author queries, “at what point does our commitment to American liberty and opposition to socialism compel us to disengage from something we find so abhorrent to our nation?” That’s a damned good question and is eminently prescient at this very precarious moment in our country’s history. Pomper maintains that for most of our country’s past, America was exceptional, “and we must remain exceptional now. And what makes America exceptional is our commitment to equal justice and individual liberty, not social justice and emulating Europe’s failures.”
One of the many reasons for the success of this phenomenon known as Social Justice is simply that we have been transformed into a nation of cowards. Yup, there it is right out in the open in front of God and everybody. Over time, we have morphed into a country of whiners, complainers and weak and soft blubberers. We have become afraid of virtually everything and everybody. Major American characteristics like confidence, optimism regarding the future, and the absolute bedrock conviction that America’s best days are yet ahead of us have virtually evaporated and disappeared. We quake and cower. We are afraid to criticize or to be criticized for fear of offending this group or that special interest or anybody deemed a member of a so-called “protected class”.
We must never, absolutely never in any manner shape or form even remotely hint at the slightest disapproval of any minority race or ethnicity because we may be deemed – horror of all horrors – to be politically incorrect. Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians are strictly off limits as are Muslims – especially Muslims. We will invariably be excoriated as haters, bigots, racist, and xenophobic. We will lay ourselves open to the most vile ad hominem attacks conceivable. In more than just a few instances, those verbal attacks become physical. We must never speak negatively of homosexuals or homosexuality. After all, I guess everyone is entitled to their own brand of aberrant behavior because I mean who among us is perfect? We must never speak ill of the armies of illegal immigrants invading our nation everyday for fear of offending somebody or some group. We have become a nation of sniveling, fearful poltroons and our collective testosterone levels have completely fallen of the charts! It has literally gotten to the point where our Doofus-in-Chief has banned anyone in his administration from using the terms “Terrorist” or “War on Terror.”
One of America’s most famous Socialists, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, famously admonished that the, “only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Crap, Hooey, Balls, and Bullshit! I don’t know what that really means and I doubt that Roosevelt did either. But hey, it was a catchy phrase, served some nebulous purpose, and like all of Liberalism it represented nothing more than symbolism over substance (please note the Limbaughism here). We have much to fear, We have enemies who are Hell-Bent on bringing America down and while they should be feared, it is far more important to thoroughly defeat them before they destroy us! And yes, it really is that bad. The Social Justice Mob, the Politically Correct Crowd, the Multiculturalists, the Globalists and One-Worlders, and many more are all tied to one another and all are solidly on the Far Left!
In an article entitled, “Political Correctness is Destroying America(,” author Glen Enloe comments that he notices, “a great fear in the land. Huge economic, social, and environmental uncertainties have given us pause. For the first time that I can recall, many of us have doubts that our nation will even survive.” Unfortunately, that statement is utterly and frustratingly true. It also seems to represent a rather new phenomenon in our collective psyches. America has always been a land of boundless, unbridled hope, energy, and optimism. We have always been a confident and positive place and for most of our history have assumed that there is nothing America can’t accomplish once we decide to undertake a task or achieve specific goals. This seems no longer to be the case and this uncertainty and indecision can be laid directly at the feet of Liberalism and those who espouse it.
After all, if you are brainwashed with the “Big Lie” often enough far too many people develop chinks in their mental and intellectual armor. After at least half a century of negative propaganda purposely perpetrated by the Far Left a certain amount of self-doubt is inevitable. Many begin to wonder why there is so much criticism of the United States by its own citizens not to mention the constant attacks by those from abroad. The “Lame-Stream” media exacerbates and reinforces the negativity until too many Americans begin to ask, “Could it really be true? Could America really have fallen so far?”
The author continues that, “our leaders have become strangers in a strange land who do everything in their power to weaken us, change our values and shape us into something we don’t want to become. We rightly fear that they are in it for themselves; for the money, fame, power and blind ideology.” He further notes that our, “leaders are not for the people. They arrogantly hold their noses in the air as they toss platitudes to the peasants and mandate what they think is best for us.” That’s a very succinct and fearfully accurate characterization of today’s Liberal Elite Ruling Class. They mock and deride those of us on the Conservative side as Neanderthals, out-dated, and irrelevant. We are charged with standing in the way of progress and it’s high time we became silent and let our “betters” control our lives. They simply refuse and can’t accept the absolute and undeniable truism that they, the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite) are at the root of every problem we now face. If these folks are left unchecked, the United States of America is literally doomed!
Mr. Enloe points out that, “Conservative bogeymen are forever conjured up, and race cards are continually thrown as we are accused of being too hateful in our speech. If someone foolishly dares to speak the truth, that person is humiliated and destroyed,” and the author correctly concludes that, “we have become cowards in our own country. It is political correctness and supposed social justice that will lead to our fall.” Did you catch that last? Go back and read it again. Good. We are not dealing here with the theoretical or hypothetical. We are dealing in cold, hard realities. Those of us who can envisage the end of America as most of us have come to love it are NOT being hysterical nor are we attempting to merely gain recognition and maybe grab some headlines. We genuinely fear for the very survival of the greatest nation God ever gave mankind!
Under the guise of things like Social Justice, our current leadership is purposefully and assiduously destroying our beloved country. They are quite literally bound and determined to reduce us to a system of economic slavery in which we are forced to turn to government to provide all of our wants and needs! If the Founders could see what has happened to our Great Experiment, they would be spinning in their graves at about 50,000 RPM’s! During a break at the Constitutional Convention all those years ago, Old Ben Franklin was asked by a woman what kind of government those great men were going to give us. Franklin tersely replied, “A republic, Madame, if you can keep it!” Well, Ben Old Boy, whaddya think? Have we maintained what was supposed to be a limited government with only a few responsibilities and powers? Do we still have a government of, for, and by the people? The honest answer to these and many other crucial questions is a resounding, ear-splitting NO!!
How will the Social Justice Mob and the Liberals in general bring about this condition of economic slavery referenced above? The answer is frighteningly and forbodingly simple. First of all, over the last sixty or so years they have preconditioned, brainwashed if you will, far too many of us to accept as normal and natural what was once though to be abhorrent and utterly destructive. The idea of “Entitlements” is a primary and instructive example of this dangerous trend. By definition, if someone is entitled to a thing, then that thing must be paid for and it will only be paid for by the government (read that as your money!). Those on the Far Left would ask, “What’s wrong with that? Isn’t that what government is for?” Those of us on the Right side of the issue instinctively know the answer to questions like these.
Over the last 235 years, we have managed to run up deficits of over $14,000,000,000,000! That’s an amazingly unconceivable number that most of us simply can’t wrap our brains around. It’s just not fathomable. Just as an aside, all Presidents from Washington to G.W. Bush are responsible for approximately 53% of that horror show! So how do we account for the other 47%? That’s right! Boy, I’m tellin’ ya, absolutely nothin’ gets by you guys now does it? Our very own Communist-in-Chief, Barry Boy Wonder Obama single handedly accounts for that 47% and he did it solo! Your grandchildren’s grandchildren will still be paying just the interest on that monstrosity which now amounts to roughly $25,000,000,000 each and every month! Does the concept of economic slavery in the United States sound so bizarre now?
Another method the LFE employs to enslave the rest of us is the tax code which is implemented via the most vicious and fiercest collection agency on the planet – the dreaded Internal Revenue Service. You know, you can literally get away with murder in this country but you’ll never, ever escape the vice-like clutches of the IRS! You will go to jail and you will lose your home and all of your other possessions until the beast is satiated! We are constantly bombarded with the Liberal war cry that the rich don’t pay their fair share of the tax burden ad infinitum and ad nausea. Those evil rich guys out there are hurting the nation and their greed and selfishness is absolutely boundless! Pap, Crap, Hooey, and Phooey!! By way of reinforcing a point made earlier, let me again run a few simple numbers by you and see what you think. The top 2% of all wage earners in this country pay just about 40% all taxes! The top10% pay just under 80% while the bottom 51% pay absolutely nada, zip, zero, zilch!! The next time some clown starts bitching and moaning that the rich don’t pay their fair share, I’m absolutely gonna slap him!
Still on the issue of taxes, we must remember that His Highness magnanimously – but temporarily – extended the Bush tax cuts that lowered the marginal rates and increased the amount of taxes actually paid into our Treasury Department. By the way, that happens every time it’s tried. Well, when the tax cuts expire the marginal tax rates in what was once the good old U.S.A. will spike to something like 62% and that’s only on the Federal level! When you add to that state and local taxes, sales tax, etc. it will absolutely no longer be worth it to work. Does economic slavery make just a tad more sense now? As more and more of us stop working then more and more of us will have to depend on government to provide all of our wants and needs. Dependency and government are synonymous.
Just recently, Obama imperiously declared – you know, he’s very good at imperiously declaring – that polls he is aware of informed him that upwards of 80% of Americans want to or at least are willing to pay more and higher taxes. PUH-LEEEEZE!! I and far more competent folks than myself have searched for said poll or similar ones. They don’t exist. You mean the President of the United States out and out lied to the American people? Nah, that would never happen, not with Old Honest Obama at the helm! That Brother has lied to us so many times that I’m sure the size of his schnazola makes even Pinnochio blush a deep shade of red! As long as we’re still on the topics of Social Justice and economic slavery let’s spend just a few more minutes on subjects financial. The Heritage Foundation, by far one of the premier think tanks and research organizations in extant, publishes a blog called The Foundry: Conservative Policy News From The Heritage Foundation( Brian Reidl wrote a piece entitled, “Obama Budget Adds $80,000 Per Household To National Debt.” Doesn’t that sound full of hope and change?
Reidl points out that while, “President Obama claimed his budget would produce $7.2 trillion in deficits (a staggering figure) over the next decade the CBO calculated $9.5 trillion in deficits.” No, could the Bamster be lying to us yet again or is this simply an honest miscalculation? The author continues that this constitutes, “more debt than the federal government accumulated from 1789-2010 combined,” and that, “the national debt held by the public – 40 percent of GDP before the recession – would soar past 87 percent of GDP in a decade.” Translation? We’re fucked! He correctly asserts that these, “large deficits will persist because the President’s steep tax hikes cannot keep up with his runaway spending. President Obama would raise taxes by 1.3 percent of GDP, yet increase spending by 4 percent of GDP.” This being the case, the “annual cost of interest on the national debt would quadruple.”
I have read that the annual cost of servicing the debt stands at about twenty-five billion per month and this fool’s gonna push it to around one hundred billion a month!?! I’ve got news for ya’ folks, the well is quickly running dry! The writer gloomily concludes that under the Saboteur-in Chief’s budget proposal, “taxpayers would see large tax increases, bigger government, and slower economic growth.” Additionally, “The President . . . would, over the next decade, drop an additional $80,000 per household in debt onto the laps of our children. This is an irresponsible budget proposal by any standard.” Economic slavery anyone? Sure as shit sounds like Social Justice to me!
The Social Justice Mob and Liberals in general are out to destroy our country and that should be more than just a little obvious to anyone with a discerning and analytical mind. This is a perfect illustration of something called “Achum’s Razor” which states that all things being equal, the simplest answer or explanation is almost always the correct one. In attempting to cipher or fathom why Liberal’s in our society behave the way they do, why they support legislation that stifles freedom and choice, or why they vehemently reject the notion of American Exceptionalism just think of the simplest answer for there can only be one. They despise the United States of America and desire above all else its speedy demise!
A piece entitled, “Does Obama Want To Destroy America? Yes, But. . .”,(, quotes well known Conservative Michael Medved who says, ‘that a politician who wants to be re-elected would not want to destroy the very nation that he has been elected to lead.’ The author correctly points out, “that would make sense only if Obama were a conventional politician and if only Obama himself hadn’t told ABC News, ‘I’d rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president.’ That very sentence directly from the President’s own mouth seems to shoot full of holes Medved’s conventional logic.” Yup. You know the old adage that if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck – well then.
The problem here is that most Americans have tremendous difficulty understanding or grasping the concept of American citizens and leaders wanting to destroy this great nation. It is so mind boggling, so foreign to any rationale we could possibly imagine or conjure up that too many Americans simply refuse to accept or come to grips with it. They are perfectly capable of understanding that this country does have foreign enemies out there that literally want to destroy “The Great Satan” but American citizens, no way in Hell! For those of you who fall into this category, I’ve got some news. The Tooth Fairy is dead and good old Santa is to be found only at the mall! It’s time for you to get your heads either out of the sand and/or your own ass and wake up and smell the damned coffee!
You see, among other things, “Liberals think that the U.S. is arrogant and needs to be taken down a notch or three. Liberals think that U.S. history is filled with nothing but evil and any attacks on the U.S. are richly deserved.” It is we who brought 9-11 on ourselves and have only ourselves to blame! Yeah folks, they mean that with every fiber of their being and with every breath they take. Additionally, these saboteurs believe that America, “was founded by evil, selfish, hateful white men who were only interested in their own power and didn’t want to empower others.” That being the case, those Bastards on the Far Left, “want the founder’s memories eviscerated,” and, “our capitalist system to be eliminated.” They literally, “want to erase everything that makes the U.S.A. the U.S.A.,” and then, “build a U.S. to their own liking using the very freedoms they used to lay her low.”
The author correctly explains that in fact it is Liberals and not Conservatives or Republicans, “that have used government to destroy America. Liberals have used the courts to destroy religion. Liberals have used the schools to preach against American history. Liberals have used the government to weaken economies and create a culture of dependence.” Conversely, “Conservatives have not used government to do anything of the kind. In fact, even in the bad old days it was Democrats that tried to use the government as a weapon against those that it wanted to keep down.”
The advocates of Social Justice, those that espouse causes like Political Correctness, Multiculturalists, Cultural Diversity Champions, and Liberals in general are no more or less than out and out statists with an absolutist, authoritarian world view and mindset. They don’t think in the short term but instead concoct very long-range plans that can literally take decades to successfully implement. They have infinite patience and that works against most Americans who must think about the next day or next week. Those that have a clear-cut plan and are highly motivated behind the idea of destroying America are more than just a little dangerous. It is also important to remember that these types don’t even, “care if they lose elections in the short term. It is the obliteration of the old to be replaced by their new ‘improved’ U.S.A. that is their actual goal, not anything as mundane as winning elections.” Folks, these guys have gotta be stopped if the America we know and love is to continue to exist and I’m positive that there isn’t a whole lot of time left!
Much Luv Y’all and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)