The Morality Of Free Market Capitalism Rant
As an economic system, Free Market Capitalism is peerless. It’s literally unrivaled anywhere on the planet. It has catapulted the United States to its position as the single most wealthy and powerful nation that the world has ever seen. Ancient empires like Rome, Greece, or Egypt couldn’t have possibly dreamed of or imagined amassing the level of wealth and prosperity that Americans have become so accustomed to. Even those citizens to whom we refer to as poor are far more affluent than most of the world’s population and possess luxuries that the rulers of old couldn’t possibly fathom, comprehend, or even contemplate. We live lives today that even our grandparents would have deemed the stuff of science fiction. We are indeed the economic envy of the world.
That being the case automatically leaves us wide open to attack from those that can’t possibly compete with us in the realms of wealth, prosperity, and productivity. We have been branded as crass, overly materialistic, shallow, and crude. Our seemingly overriding focus on acquiring “things” and our passion for “conspicuous consumption” have led to charges that we are uncaring, unfeeling, and lack any and all semblance of compassion for the plight or well-being of not only the world’s poor and unfortunate but even for our own citizens who seem not to be able to cope with life’s challenges. We are accused not only of amorality but rather of a complete and utter immorality which translates in the minds of our detractors into a coldness and callousness the likes of which has never before been seen in world history.
These folks go by various names and labels. They are invariably: socialist; statist; big governmenteers; freedom destroyers; liberal elites; and enemies of individualism and self-reliance. They are collectivist in the extreme. They are of the mind that the individual must sacrifice his own selfish and narrow interests for something vaguely termed the “Greater Good” which always and inevitably translates into the state or the government. These people desire the complete destruction of Free Market Capitalism and thus by extension the United States of America. If they succeed, we will have witnessed the demise of the greatest force for good in the history of the planet. They are indeed our enemies and unfortunately far too many of them are fellow citizens.
These are the pathetic creatures who champion such nefarious schemes as “redistributive rationalities” which argue that life under our Free Market System is simply too unfair and those who have more than most must be punished by having the wealth that they have honestly earned and created taken from them by government and given to those who do not in any meaningful way contribute anything to society’s betterment or well-being. These are the takers, not the producers. They are the plunderers, not the performers. They are the modern-day Goths and Visigoths – the barbarians who have successfully crossed the Rubicon and seek the destruction of the old order. They hoot, they holler, and they howl at the moon and whine that life has not treated them fairly. They insist that the deck has been stacked against them from the day of their birth and it is the “system” that is to blame for their dissatisfaction and failure. They believe that because they can’t successfully compete for life’s rewards, then they shouldn’t have to.
They are parasites perfectly willing to drain the life out of the host body but are too short-sighted and myopic to realize that in the end they have chosen a path of utter and complete self-destruction. The latest incarceration of these fools can be seen nightly if you pay attention to the news. That’s right, those Occupy Wall Street drek who seem to be complaining that the “system” does not allow them to realize their full potential so the best thing to do, obviously, is to literally occupy private property, vandalize the same, defecate on police vehicles, publicly smoke dope, and fornicate in full view of the entire nation. Yeah, there’s a battle plan for you, a veritable formula for success! One young fellow was overheard on camera mumbling in a semi-coherent fashion about the immorality of the United States and the abject unfairness of a system that benefits only the fortunate few at the top while literally crushing those underneath them.
Unfortunately, this benighted youth – whose parents I’m sure are paying a small fortune for the brat’s university education – is not just a rare phenomenon in our sissified, feminized, and wussified nation in the 21st Century. I’m afraid the kid’s attitude is becoming all too common in today’s America and that trend seems to be gaining momentum at an alarming rate. To even attempt to explain to him and his compatriots that Free Market Capitalism is the very epitome, the utter essence of a supreme morality would be about as productive as trying to convince a Jihadist suicide bomber that he just might be on the wrong side of the tracks and could benefit from contemplating another course of action. These young ‘uns are the victims of an educational system run completely amok and has, in fact, morphed into an anti-American, anti-Capitalist propaganda engine manned by socialists, radicals, revolutionaries, and other destructive types Hell-bent on destroying this nation. They have been brainwashed since at least kindergarten and the process continues unabated right through college and graduate school. These “types” are probably lost to us and have virtually no chance of ever becoming proud, patriotic citizens who are fully appreciative of the blessings to be garnered in our Free Market Capitalist system.
The claim that Capitalism is a truly and remarkably moral system is not just a mere assertion, hope, or claim. It is demonstrably and patently true and only those who seek its destruction will argue otherwise. Morality and morals deal with concepts of right and wrong, good and bad, and evil versus virtue. There is not much wiggle room here unless, of course, you are a member of our LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite) who can somehow in their own warped and twisted minds turn virtue into vice. These folks are masters of prevarication, dissembling, and deceit. They can easily and pithily turn black into white, night into day, and right into wrong. To them, everything is acceptable and nothing is taboo or off limits. They can literally take long held and cherished beliefs that have sustained and bolstered America and Americans into anathema: values and traditions to be shunned and cast out.
What are some of these long held traditions that are embodied in the concept of Free Market Capitalism and are imbued with a clear sense of morality? Let’s construct just a partial list. We can begin with: individualism; limited government; voluntary exchange and a lack of coercion; ethics and spirituality; value creation and service to humanity; rising living standards; longer life spans; opportunity; incentives to succeed and produce; a truly civilizing agent; sympathy; altruism; compassion; self-discipline; perseverance; honesty; self-sufficiency; alleviation of poverty; better health; greater access to education; dignity; democracy; entrepreneurship; thrift; hard work; self-ownership and private property; and trust. Please keep in mind that this constitutes merely the short list of just some of the ways Free Market Capitalism and morality are integrally intertwined and that without a sense of morality no market system can truly succeed in providing those under its prevue with the things they need and desire.(see related video)
The list referenced above is the exact antithesis of where the Far Left would take the United States, to whit, Socialism which has failed dismally every single time and place its been attempted. If you can conceive of the exact opposite of every item listed above you’ll gain an insight into what the LFE desires for the United States. They want a dependant and subservient population that is controlled through coercion, force, and fear. They abhor values such as individualism and independence. They despise such concepts as entrepreneurship for that does not foster greater dependence on government but rather depends upon less and less government intrusion into the lives of the citizenry. The above values and virtues are the death knell of any Nanny-State Socialist scheme for control is ceded to the individual and not some amorphous all powerful and consuming central authority that couldn’t give a rat’s ass about the subjects it controls with the iron fist of smothering regulation and crippling and confiscatory taxation. Free Market Capitalism imbued with a sense of morality constitutes a Socialist’s worst nightmare and fear. As long as it exists and remains healthy Socialism cannot flourish and succeed. That is why those on the Far Left are doing their damndest in every way they can to discredit and destroy Capitalism and thus the United States.
An article entitled, “Socialism vs. Capitalism: Which is the Moral System (” notes that throughout, “history there have been two basic forms of social organization: collectivism and individualism. In the twentieth century collectivism has taken many forms: socialism, fascism, Nazism, welfare-statism and communism are its more notable variations.” The author concludes that the, “only social system commensurate with individualism is laissez-faire capitalism.” C. Bradley Thompson recognizes that Capitalism has been a resounding success in the material realm but states that, “very few people are willing to defend capitalism as morally uplifting.” This is disappointing in the extreme and can only be the result of constant and overwhelming Liberal propaganda, misinformation, and lies. They preach ad nausea that Capitalism creates only misery, dissatisfaction, and grinding poverty. They tell us at every turn that Capitalism is uncaring, unfeeling, brutal, and cruel. It is dehumanizing and has no soul. The article continues that it, “is fashionable among college professors, journalists, and politicians these days to sneer at the free-enterprise system. They tell us that capitalism is base, callous, exploitive, dehumanizing, alienating, and utterly enslaving.”
Thompson further maintains that the above accusations directed at Capitalism more properly and realistically apply to the Socialists in our midst. He points out that under, “socialism a ruling class of intellectuals, bureaucrats and social planners decide what people want or is good for society and then use the coercive power of the State to regulate, tax, and redistribute the wealth of those who work for a living. In other words, socialism is a form of legalized theft.” That doesn’t sound like a system imbued with morality but rather quite the opposite. One must remember, however, that a favorite ploy of the LFE is to accuse the enemy of exactly what they themselves are guilty of. The article continues that the, “morality of socialism can be summed up in two words: envy and self-sacrifice. Envy is the desire not only to possess another’s wealth but also the desire to see another’s wealth lowered to the level of one’s own.” Thompson quotes two notable and noteworthy intellectuals on the theme of self-sacrifice: Hermann Goering and Benito Mussolini. The Nazi Bastard defined self-sacrifice as when the “common good comes before private good,” while the Italian gentleman insisted that self-sacrifice is, “a life in which the individual, through the sacrifice of his own private interests . . . realizes that completely spiritual existence in which his value as a man lies.” So, it would seem that the Liberals amongst us are in complete agreement with leaders of two of the most brutal, deadly, and oppressive regimes ever to plague mankind. That should tell us something.
The author correctly maintains that Socialism, “is the social system which institutionalizes envy and self-sacrifice. It is the social system which uses coercion and the organized violence of the State to expropriate wealth from the producer class for its redistribution to the parasitical class.” Furthermore, despite the, “intellectuals psychotic hatred of capitalism, it is the only moral and just system because it requires human beings to deal with one another as traders – that is as free moral agents trading and selling goods and services on the basis of mutual consent.” Which system sounds morally grounded to you – Capitalism or Socialism? Additionally, “Capitalism is the only just system because the sole criterion that determines the value of things exchanged is the free, voluntary, universal judgment of the consumer. Coercion and fraud are anathema to the free-market system.”
The article continues that Capitalism is, “both moral and just because the degree to which man rises or falls in society is determined by the degree to which he uses his mind. Capitalism is the only social system that rewards merit, ability and achievement regardless of one’s birth or station in life.” Capitalism is thereby the only truly egalitarian economic and social system in the history of the planet. All are absolutely free to succeed or fail and the only limits placed on an individual’s ability to rise are those that are self-imposed. There are no external or artificial barriers placed on achievement by some outside entity or authority. It’s up to each one of us to develop the skills, drive, and initiative necessary to realize our personal levels of success. There are no outside limitations placed on our ability to succeed – or to fail. The role of government in this system, then, should and must be kept to a bare minimum. Government should guarantee a level playing field and enforce the concept that no one comes up to the starting line with any unfair or undeserved advantages over anyone else. Beyond that, government should get the Hell out of the way and let the participants compete. There is simply no way to deny the underlying morality of a system based on principles such as these.
The Socialists in our midst, or Liberals if you will, can’t abide or tolerate a system that gives primacy to the individual over the collective or the state. You see, that would render them useless, insignificant, and irrelevant and their egos are far too bloated to allow that. They must be in control and can’t even entertain the possibility of the individual taking charge of his own destiny and life without their meddlesome and dangerous interference. Socialists fancy themselves the only ones wise and intelligent enough to competently and efficiently oversee the progress of mankind. We ordinary folks, we little people must learn our place and allow society’s “betters” to make all decisions for us. We simply do not possess the requisite intelligence or lofty vision to make such serious and grave decisions as to the nature of man, how best to organize society, or the direction in which the nation should be headed. All that should better be left to “them” for if given the opportunity, those of us on the bottom will only muck things up!
You see, the Capitalist-Entrepreneur more than anything else loves freedom. They love the concept of succeeding by dint of their own intelligence, capability, and drive. Those that understand Capitalism relish traditions like rugged individualism, limited government interference, and success based on merit alone. The Socialists react to such concepts as would Dracula to a cross! They are not about freedom but rather about control – controlling every and all aspects of the lives of citizens. The single and most odious thing feared by the Capitalist, then, is government control and intervention because government “taxation and regulation are the means by which social planners punish and restrict the man or woman of ideas.” Additionally, such Liberal staples as, “welfare, taxes, tariffs, minimum-wage laws are all immoral because they use the coercive power of the state to organize human choice and action; they’re immoral because they inhibit or deny the freedom to choose how we live our lives; they’re immoral because they deny our right to live as autonomous moral agents; and they’re immoral because they deny our essential humanity.”
Thompson concludes by speaking directly to the present moment and conditions as they exist in today’s America. The Socialists have taken control of the nation’s most important institutions and are doing their damndest to use them to destroy the United States of America. They control the Presidency, the Courts, and the Senate. They control the so-called “mainstream” media, news, and entertainment. They control our educational system. Through these institutions, they have been able to mold, shape, and pervert the minds and attitudes of citizens, especially our youth, to such an extent that, “America is no longer a capitalist nation. We live under what is more properly called a mixed economy – that is, an economic system that permits private property, but only at the discretion of government planners.” This is the exact antithesis of what our Founders envisioned for this country all those years ago. Remember, they feared an all powerful centralized government yet this is exactly where we are headed under the current regime. This is a planned and managed tactic on the part of the LFE to destroy the United States as we have come to know and cherish it.
The article notes that when, “government redistributes wealth through taxation, when it attempts to control and regulate business production and trade, who are the winners and losers? Under this kind of economy the winners and losers are reversed: the winners are those who scream the loudest for a handout and the losers are those quiet citizens who work hard and pay their taxes.” Does this sound moral, ethical, or just to you? If it does, then you are one of “them” and you should be acutely aware that those of us on the other side are getting damned sick and tired of you losers robbing us blind. A reckoning is coming and it’s just a matter of when. You LFE Losers have done far too much damage to the premier economic success in world history and based on the abandonment of classical Capitalism and the creation of what can only be termed a welfare state, “America has created two new classes of citizens. The first is a debased class of dependents whose means of survival is contingent upon the forced expropriation of wealth from working citizens by a professional class of government social planners. The forgotten man and woman in all of this is the quiet, hardworking, lawabiding, taxpaying citizens who minds his or her own business but is forced to work for the government and their serfs.”
Capitalism, then, far from being immoral and totally focused on merely acquiring “things” is truly the most moral, just, and uplifting of all the economic-social systems the world has ever experienced. The fact that it does provide – to those who will work for them – better than any other system for the physical requirements that all people must have is really the very essence of morality. It is really the key factor that allowed for the development of true and free civilizations. In fact, Capitalism is truly life-affirming as well as life-extending. Think back to man’s hunting and gathering stage which developed so many thousands of years ago and persists to the present day in certain parts of the world. Survival was all that mattered and it was far from a certainty. If man wanted to eat, he had to follow the herds from location to location or search for edible plants and grasses. Nothing like a true civilization could possibly develop when life was no more than a daily struggle for physical survival. Life, to coin a phrase, was always nasty, brutish, and short. There was nothing else. Even with the advent of subsistence farming, not too much changed for then life consisted of little more than relentless, back-breaking physical labor to provide for oneself and one’s family.
The development of full-blown Capitalism based on free markets constituted one of the world’s truly great revolutions and coupled with the Industrial Revolution literally uplifted humanity to dizzying new heights. Man now had something never before contemplated, imagined, and certainly never experienced: Leisure Time. Human beings had somehow managed to secure their physical survival and had even created conditions necessary to hand it down to yet unborn generations. People could actually envision the future rather than merely exist from day to day. It became possible to dream, to imagine, and to create. Rude and temporary villages became towns and cities which burgeoned into civilizations. Human beings could create great and magnificent works of art that were unthinkable without the concept of leisure time. Man’s energies were no longer focused exclusively on raw, harsh survival. Man could nurture his mind, soul, and spirit as well as his body. All of this and so much more could not have been accomplished save for the introduction of Free Market Capitalism for no other system can possibly provide the means to support the kinds of creativity that allows and encourages true progress in all fields of endeavor. Capitalism permitted concepts like freedom and endless possibilities to flourish along with a belief in and hope for the future as opposed to an unending and crushing hopelessness which had been man’s lot from the beginning of time and history. None of this could have occurred without the advent and blossoming of Free Market Capitalism. Those who still see it at as immoral, unjust, and unfair do so only out of sheer ignorance and/or jealousy. Free Market Capitalism is supremely moral!
An article entitled, “Capitalism and Morality (,” explains the utter morality of Capitalism not in some esoteric, ethereal, or philosophical manner but rather as it relates to the betterment of the human condition. The author correctly insists that Capitalism through its key component of competition has done more to improve the lives of ordinary citizens than any other system in history. He notes, however, that when “anti-capitalists hear the term competition, they think it is a cruel process that hurts those who don’t have the resources or ability to survive.” He insists that this, “isn’t cruel though. Only through competition do we provide the numerous benefits to consumers.” Author Daren Bakst explains that, “competition drives down prices and forces competition in the marketplace to innovate and improve their goods or services constantly. For those who can’t keep prices down or offer a better good or service, survival isn’t possible.” In addition, “low-income individuals are able to enjoy goods and services that wouldn’t be available to even upper-income individuals in socialist societies. Nothing captures the difference between capitalism and socialism like a trip to the grocery store.”
In contrast, the author notes that while, “capitalism brings competition and the many benefits that it provides consumers, socialism brings central planning, shortages and poor products. There’s nothing moral about a select few elites in a centrally planned economy having the arrogance to believe that planning can mimic the complexity of a free market.” Furthermore, Socialism can’t possibly create wealth because by its very nature it must destroy wealth via its constant focus and emphasis on redistribution: taking from the productive class and giving it to those who don’t, cannot, or refuse to produce. This is intrinsically immoral and wrong and represents precisely the mind-set and strategy of the Far Left in America today. After all, why work for it if you can simply steal it?
All they need to do is surround their Leftist, anti-American propaganda with lofty sounding phrases like, “it’s for the greater good,” or, “compassionate caring,” and perhaps, “we must aid and comfort the underprivileged,” and they create a moral cloak that disguises their nefarious aims and purpose. They want nothing less than to destroy Free Market Capitalism, replace it with Socialism, and enslave the American people. They desire and must have a permanent underclass completely dependent on government to provide their every desire and necessity from cradle to grave. They desperately seek the destruction of this country as most of us have come to love and cherish it. Capitalism, however, creates wealth which, “generates jobs, improves quality of life, a cleaner environment and much more. When businesses are able to make profits, they can create jobs and reinvest the profits into goods and services that could have valuable societal benefits.”
Capitalism belies the old cliché that in our society only the rich get richer while the poor just get the shaft and are forced to exist on the scraps and crumbs so cavalierly and arrogantly tossed to them by evil, wealthy Capitalists. You know, the old let them eat cake scenario. The problem with that scenario is that under Capitalism the poor can indeed eat their cake along with their ice cream and hot fudge to boot! You see, wealth generation doesn’t mean the generation of wealth only for those who are wealthy but it, “encompasses wealth for everyone and generally means that as a nation we have a higher standard of living. Those with low incomes have the chance to get better job opportunities.” Additionally, most Americans are acutely aware that the, “wealthiest nations have better infrastructure, stronger buildings, safer drinking water, and other critical benefits compared to poor nations. There’s significant research that indicates that wealthy nations also are better stewards of the environment.”(see related video)
The author correctly explains that these and other societal benefits are obviously positive but notes that there remains a persistent misconception, “that capitalism benefits only individuals and businesses and, therefore, serves no benefit to the society as a whole.” This misconception is no mere mistake or misunderstanding of Capitalism but has been purposely and maliciously foisted on the American people from kindergarten through university. Our young are bombarded with constant lies regarding the world’s most successful and beneficent economic-social system from those in the fields of education, art, the Liberal wing of our political system, and the news media. By the time these folks reach high school and college age, Liberalism and Socialism have become their religion and they have been so brainwashed and bamboozled that one cannot help but fear for the future of the nation. The author concludes by noting that there’s, “no need to defend capitalism, although, unfortunately, there seems to be a need to remind Americans why capitalism is moral. It’s the economic system that respects individuals and individual rights. It’s the economic system that’s pro-consumer and makes it possible for goods and services to be affordable to people at even the lowest income levels. It’s the economic system that generates the most wealth and improves the standard of living for all citizens. Socialism is none of these things.”
The fact that Free Market Capitalism is absolutely essential for human progress can be denied by only those here and abroad who have vested interests in other systems like Communism, Socialism, Fascism, and Tin-Horn Dictatorshipism that would deny captive populations the dignity and hope of freedom and prosperity. The leadership wants all the goodies while the citizenry remains locked in desperate misery, grinding poverty and sickness, and very short life spans. Our current Disaster-in-Chief began to display his Socialist predilections and preferences early on and made it clear that he intended to grow government beyond anything Americans have ever experienced. He clearly desired the destruction of Capitalism and the freedom and wealth it creates and the introduction of full-blown Socialism. He was warned to veer off that path and was told it was simply not the way forward and would only create misery and destruction. Who sent this dire and prophetic warning? Was it us evil Right Wing Conservatives who cling to our God, Guns, and Religion? Well, yes.
We, of course, didn’t expect The Bamster to heed a warning from us and he didn’t. We did, however, think that there might be a chance of his taking warnings from others just a tad more seriously. We felt it might just be possible that he would heed those who had lived and still live under Socialism. He was warned by former states of the failed Soviet Union, including Russia, that this was not the road to tread because it would lead to disaster. Communist China, of all places, warned Barry Boy not to contemplate that path of utter chaos and destruction. After all, who would know better? Both China and Russia, by the way, have loosened up quite a bit and allowed elements of Capitalism to rear its head and both nations have become more prosperous than they ever were during the old regimes. Many of the socialized, sissified, feminized, and Muslimized nations of Western Europe followed suit. They too warned our Pretender-in-Chief not to imitate or initiate their costly and crippling examples. All for naught. You see, our sorry excuse of a leader is nothing if not a true believer. Not a believer in America and its greatness and not a believer in American Exceptionalism. He also doesn’t believe in Capitalism or the American people. He is an utter, out and out, full-blown Socialist determined to saddle this nation with that failed ideology. It’s been proven to bring nothing but misery, death, destruction, and ruination one hundred percent of the time. Why? It is completely contrary to human nature and therefore can’t possibly succeed. It relies on force and coercion which free people instinctively resist and yet this is the road he travels.
The only way to thwart his plans and those of the entire LFE in this country is to continue to educate our citizens, and especially our young, as to the benefits of Free Market Capitalism. The Center for the Advancement of Capitalism does exactly that. These folks as well as most sane, fair-minded, and realistic citizens fully comprehend that the free market is unrivaled in its ability to increase prosperity, promote wealth, and fulfill the promise of maximizing the nation’s general welfare. While Free Market Capitalism has indeed become the single greatest economic system ever known to man this, unfortunately, “has not led to the triumph of capitalism.” An article entitled, “The Moral Basis of Capitalism (,” correctly maintains that current political policies all but deny this obvious fact because, “Federal taxes as a percentage of gross domestic product are at their highest levels since the Second World War, antitrust assaults on the market winners are growing, the regulations on the federal register continue to expand by 60,000 pages per year,” and, “even the Republicans recent tax cut proposal would only mandate a minor decrease in the projected growth of government revenue.” Author Robert W. Tracinski correctly posits that by, “practically every measure, government interference in the free market is growing.”
He’s dead on right and it doesn’t seem to matter which party is in power. Spending by both Democrats and Republicans seems to grow no matter which group of clowns holds the reins of power. Republicans as a general rule seem to spend a bit less of our money than do their rivals but nonetheless, it seems that spend they must! The only folks that seem to get it are the Conservatives as evidenced by such unfairly maligned groups like the Tea Party Patriots (see the Tea Party Movement Rant of 8/19/11). I’ve read credible studies and proposals that suggest that if either party would just keep holding the tax and spend line to last year’s budget – and the year doesn’t really matter – we’d save something like one trillion dollars per annum and that would finally do something concrete about reversing our humongous and obscene debt and deficit debacle! Is this really too damned much to ask or expect? Apparently, the inside the beltway mob is convinced that it is.
The author of the piece asks a particularly relevant and piercing question when he queries that if, “capitalism is recognized as the only practical economic system – then why is it losing out to state control?” Why indeed? It appears that Capitalism is losing because our nation, since at least the 1960’s, has been controlled by statists. You know, those Big Government Nanny State types who advocate and champion concepts like central planning, collectivism, and wealth confiscation and redistribution. Since they know full well that as an economic system, Capitalism is without peer then their rationale must be rooted in an ideology that is literally antithetical to traditional American values like rugged individualism, self-reliance, and a supreme confidence in and optimism for the future. There can be no other explanation than this. They want to tear America apart, destroy the blue print for success that we have created, and reduce us to the level of all the other failed Socialist states that litter the landscape of world history.
The reason for the statist ascendancy, according to Tracinski, is that what virtually no one seems to be able to grasp, “is that capitalism is not just practical but also moral. Capitalism is the only system that fully allows and encourages the virtues necessary for human life. It is the only system that safeguards the freedom of the independent mind and recognizes the sanctity of the individual.” This seems to embody the epitome of morality and no other economic-social system can possibly make this claim for all the rest are based on coercion and the use of force. In fact, the rewards of Free Market Capitalism fall as much into the realm of morality as they do into the practical, inventive, and life-enhancing because every, “product that sustains and improves human life is made possible by the thinking of the world’s creators and producers. We enjoy an abundance of food because scientists have discovered more efficient methods of agriculture such as fertilization and crop rotation. We enjoy a lifespan double that of the pre-industrial era thanks to advances in medical technology, from anti-biotics to X-rays to biotechnology, discovered by doctors and researchers.” Additionally, we “enjoy the comfort of air conditioning, the speed of airline transportation, the easy access to information made possible by the World Wide Web – because scientists and inventors have made the crucial mental connection necessary to create those products.” Capitalism and the profit motive have raised and ameliorated the quality of human existence to almost magical levels and yet there are still blind dunderheads out there who deny the ultimate morality of Free Market Capitalism.
The piece continues that the, “essence of capitalism is that it bans the use of physical force and fraud in men’s economic relationships. All decisions are to be left to the free market – that is, to the uncoerced decisions of buyers and sellers, manufacturers and distributors, employers and employees. The first rule of capitalism is that everyone has a right to dispose of his own life and property according to his own judgment.” Compare this superb system to any other on the planet and they all fall short. In fact, Capitalism seems to be the only socio-economic system rooted in morality and without a moral basis it becomes merely one more example of a failed attempt to coerce and force entire populations to the will of an elite few. Without a basis in morality, Capitalism becomes merely an empty and hollow quest for things and possessions. Because it is a supremely moral system, Capitalism is extraordinarily uplifting, hopeful, and optimistic. It enables those blessed enough to live and work under its auspices the ability to realize their full potential and simultaneously serve humanity like no other system the world has ever seen.
Capitalism has too often and falsely been condemned for its supposed emphasis on selfishness and self-interest. Those who criticize these two utterly necessary traits lack even the most rudimentary concept of human nature. All six billion of us who share this planet always act in accordance with what is in our own self-interest uppermost in mind. Only those who are forced to endure life in a totalitarian, dictatorial regime are forced to do otherwise. In a system in which one is forcefully denied the freedom and opportunity to act in accordance with what matters to them first we see the enslavement of humanity to the bidding and whim of a remote, relentless, and all-controlling centralized authority that by its very nature and definition is the antithesis of freedom. In a Free Market Capitalist system, however, “everyone is driven by his own ambition for wealth and success.” In addition, no one “may demand the work, effort, or money of another without offering to trade something of value in return. If both parties to the trade don’t expect to gain, they are free to go elsewhere.”
This concept is routinely labeled as selfish or self-serving by those Liberal Numb Nuts on the Far Left, “yet to say that people are acting selfishly is to say that they take their own lives seriously, that they are exercising their right to pursue their own happiness.” The writer continues that by, “contrast, project what it would mean to exterminate self-interest and force everyone to work for goals mandated by the state.” Think about that for a moment because most of humanity has and still does live exactly that way. It means an end to all personal choice and the death of freedom – all freedom of any kind. This is completely antithetical to human nature, for man’s natural yearning is to exist in a state of freedom. Other systems are, “based on the premise that no one owns his own life, that the individual is merely a tool to be exploited for the ends of society.” Mr. Tracinski correctly posits that a, “system that sacrifices the self to society is a system of slavery – and a system that sacrifices thinking to coercion is a system of brutality.” Additionally, this constitutes the, “essence of any anti-capitalist system, whether communist or fascist. And ‘mixed’ systems such as today’s regulatory and welfare state, merely unleash the same evils on a smaller scale.”
Obama and the current crop of the LFE represent only the latest incarnation of the system of slavery that goes by the name of Socialism. They are fully cognizant of the fact that what they desire and represent is the death of freedom and the abandonment of all individual choice for the greater, collective good. They are Statists in the extreme and will go to any and all lengths to impose their will and ideology on the rest of us no matter how much we object and regardless of the detrimental effects this will have for the nation’s future. They are anti-Capitalist because they are anti-American. To hear them proclaim their love of country and patriotism while they mindfully and purposefully destroy the very institutions and underpinnings that made America the greatest country that God ever gave mankind is supremely and superbly oxymoronic. They know full-well that only, “capitalism renounces these evils entirely. Only capitalism is fully true to the moral ideal stated in the Declaration of Independence: the individual’s right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Only capitalism protects the individual’s freedom of thought and his right to his own life,” and “only when these ideals are once again taken seriously will we be able to recognize capitalism, not as a necessary evil, but as a moral ideal.”
This brings us right back to that most current example of the anti-Capitalists in our midst, those grungy Bastards who constitute the Occupy Wall Street Mob. Make no mistake, for they are nothing more than a mob of mainly young, spoiled, well to do, middle class, whining, arrogant, thankless, clueless, and law-breaking anarchist wannabe’s. They are too stupid and ignorant to comprehend that it is Free Market Capitalism that allows them the wherewithal and the freedom to behave as they do. They seem to have no real understanding of what their goals are or how to achieve them. The food they consume, the paper and markers used to make their signage, the bathrooms in which they relieve themselves, the clothes they wear, the dope they smoke, the condoms they wear while publicly fornicating, and anything else you can think of are made possible only because of Free Market Capitalism. They have no grasp of this and certainly can’t fathom that what they take for granted, what they have become so accustomed to is due only to our economic system which affords them the free time to make utter and complete damned fools of themselves at our expense.
One Gary Wolfram wrote a piece entitled, “Occupy Wall Street Crowd Blind to Benefits of Capitalism (” He points out that the, “Wall Street protestors, in their hatred of capitalism, overlook things including the fact that over the last 100 years capitalism has reduced poverty more and increased life expectancy more than in the 100,000 years prior.” These ungrateful, spoiled sonsabitches all, “enjoy using their iPhones, indoor plumbing, central heating, refrigeration and electric lighting. All of those things are available to the average person in America today and none of them were available to the aristocracy when the West operated under the feudal system.”
Do you think these utterly pathetic scum-dogs appreciate any of this or the fact that men have died defending this system that they seem to find so unjust and unfair. The author asks how, “is it that for thousands of years mankind made very little progress in increasing the standard of living and yet today half of the goods and services you use in the next week did not exist when I was a boy?” He answers that the, “advent of market capitalism in the mid 18th century made all of the difference,” and he’s one hundred percent on the mark! He advises that the, “Occupy Wall Street movement would make best use of its time and energy in protesting the encroachment of the centrally planned state that led to the disaster of the Soviet Union, fascist Germany, and dictatorial North Korea.”
This is exactly what this mob wants, desires, and requires along with the rest of the LFE parasites that reside in our nation and if they are successful, they will have been a major factor in the complete destruction of the United States!
Much Luv Y’all and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph. D.)