It’s time to send the Statue of Liberty back to France. Crate the old hag up and send her packing! She’s too damned old, she’s green, and her original meaning has been perverted, distorted, and destroyed. With all due apologies to Emma, we’ve taken in far too many of the world’s poor, tired, huddled masses. As for the globe’s wretched refuse, the welcome mat must be replaced with a giant red neon no trespassing sign! Who in the Hell needs “wretched refuse?” Does that concept even come close to passing the common-sense paradigm? That’s just what we require – more of the world’s garbage. There was a time when America needed massive infusions of the world’s poorest, dirtiest, and dumbest. There was much work to do, an infrastructure to build, and strong backs counted for much more than strong minds! That time is forever gone.
A nation must be in control of its immigration policies, but must never be controlled by them. Immigrants must serve the needs of the nation. The country does not and must not exist to serve the needs of the millions of foreigners clamoring to reside here. No one from another country has a right to be in this country. Think of America as your home (now there’s a radical concept). You would certainly not allow uninvited “guests” to live at your place of abode. You would not let anyone reside in your home or even enter it unless they could provide something you needed and desired; unless they could contribute something positive and meaningful to the quality of your existence. Are you starting to get my drift? Only those immigrants we deem necessary and desirable should be allowed to pass. All others should be turned away. It doesn’t matter what THEY want and need, it only matters what WE want and need!!
This country must adopt a rational, common sense immigration policy. At the moment we don’t have one, but rather a fucking immigration fiasco that is literally destroying the United States! Did you read that carefully? Unless we get a firm grip – no, make that a choke-hold – on our current immigration debacle, this nation will literally cease to exist let alone function in any meaningful way. What’s that, you said? I’m just a paranoid, xenophobic asshole who hates “ferners” and thinks America is better than other countries. Does that also make me a racist? Well, I admit to agreeing with the “better than other countries” part, but not to the rest. Attempting to preserve this great nation and the institutions that made it so has nothing at all to do with hating foreigners, xenophobia, or any other damned thing. It has everything to do with love of country and upholding traditions that built this nation into the strongest, freest, most compassionate country that the world has ever seen or will see again. Oh, and by the way, just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that they’re not out to get you!
Open your eyes and look around you, numb-nuts! The handwriting’s on the wall and it’s saying, in no uncertain terms, that unless we change our attitudes and policies on immigration we’re pretty much fucked!! We must cease and desist from behavior that is glaringly inane, dangerously stupid, and certainly anti-American both in spirit and in fact! Not long ago, for example, our august Congress rejected a bill that would have mandated the automatic deportation of illegal aliens (oops, I meant to say undocumented workers) who have committed such felonies as murder, rape, and robbery. Are you aware of the fact that a full 25% of all federal prisoners are illegal aliens? And this doesn’t include all those foreign miscreants getting three hots and a cot on the state and local levels! A bill to get rid of, deport, non-citizen felons, including gang members, who are in this country in violation of our laws was rejected by our own lawmakers! When one is elected to high office, an oath is taken to defend and protect the Constitution. The highest duty of any elected official is to defend the nation and its citizens from foreign invasion. Those that defeated this proposed legislation failed miserably. Some of us out here believe their behavior constitutes nothing less than treason and, at the very least, they should be impeached!
There is also the case of the two dedicated border patrol cops who daily place their lives on the line defending us from the illegal hordes. They confronted an individual who roused their suspicions: turns out they were right. They caught an illegal, dope-smuggling alien who immediately took flight. When the cops saw the drug-runner turn toward them and extend his arm, they believed he was about to fire a weapon and they fired first hitting him square in the ass! The wound could not have been all that serious since the illegal bastard managed to make it back across the border to Mexico. Job well done, right? Kudos, applause, and a heart-felt thanks from a grateful nation? Commendations , awards, and perhaps a raise in pay-grade from the service they had just done so proud? Nope: the two hapless officers are rotting in jail doing hard time! One of them got about eleven years and the other around nine!! Meanwhile, the illegal piece of shit drug-runner lawyered up and is now suing the United States to the tune of about five million dollars!! This is complete insanity! It’s got to be a form of national mental illness that this would even be tolerated! Who in his or her right mind would now even think about obtaining employment protecting our borders?!?
There is so much wrong with our immigration “policy” that it may be unfixable. Immigrants, legal and illegal, are streaming across our borders to the tune of one and a half million annually, but no one really knows for sure. It is in fact a foreign invasion of crippling proportions! It is estimated that between twelve and twenty million illegal aliens are now in this country. Add to that the millions upon millions of resident non-citizens, and you have a total fucking train wreck!! Our borders are not merely open; they are virtually nonexistent. Need an analogy? Go home tonight and don’t just simply leave all your doors and windows wide open, but instead completely remove them. How long would you, your home, and your family survive unscathed? We can no longer tolerate such nonsense as prohibiting cops and others in law enforcement from demanding proof of the legal status of those they question. The very first thing that should be done is to demand a green card. If the suspect can’t produce one, arrest him, lock him up, and deport his sorry ass back to where he came from! Can we all say RACIAL PROFILING loud and clear?!? The next time huge numbers of illegal aliens have the unmitigated balls, the outlandish chutzpah, to stage massive public demonstrations/protests while waving and cheering the flag of another nation, break out the water canons and unleash the dogs! Who the fuck are these non-citizens to make demands on my country?!? Round’em up, lock’em up and get rid of them!! They voluntarily gather in one place and we don’t even have to look for them. I never, ever, want to hear again how difficult it is to locate the illegals among us! We’re just wasting opportunities, and we don’t have that many opportunities left! It’s time our sorry-ass, lily-livered, suck-ass, running-dog politicians grew a new set of balls – American Balls – and stopped “pimping” for the immigrant vote! How about “pimping” for the American vote for a change? They just might start winning landslide elections.
There are things that must be done if our nation is to be saved and, no, I’m not exaggerating. We are in the process of self-destructing; we are literally committing “nation-a-cide”. Arnold Toynbee once observed that “all great civilizations rise and fall and that an autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide.” In the end, we have really nobody to blame but ourselves and I fear that our country no longer has the will to fight this struggle that could last for decades. No, I’m not talking about our war against Islamo-Fascism and their terror tactics (that’s the subject for yet another rant). I mean the war being waged against us by foreign nationals bent upon turning this exquisite gem of a country into nothing less than the third-world shit holes from whence they came! If they’re so damned home sick that they need to replicate conditions in their own countries over here, why don’t they just go the fuck back where they came from?
To win this war will take guts, determination, patience, and a rekindling of a spirit of patriotism that for far too long has lain dormant. We have become, collectively, too fat, weak, lazy, soft, and happy. This nation has gone so soft so quickly that our survival instincts have eroded away to virtually nothing! The old “America First” crowd, the “America, Love It Or Leave It” gang has been replaced by the “Blame America First” mob with their weapons of political correctness, multi-culturalism, bi-lingualism, and diversity-worship. Their battle cry is that “all cultures have something to offer,” and that “our culture is no better than theirs.” They blame America for all the world’s ills, view us as a thoroughly evil entity – sort of the Darth Vader of nationhood - , and wish our very destruction. They shriek, delight in ad-hominem attacks, and attempt to intimidate. They are at present winning, and they are not even foreigners but rather native-born Americans. It’s too bad we can’t deport these assholes along with the illegals!! Former governor of Colorado, Dick Lamm, got it right when he said, “First, to destroy America, turn America into a bilingual or multi-lingual and bicultural country.”
The first and most important thing to be done is to STOP ALL IMMIGRATION FOR ONE FULL DECADE!! That’s right, no one gets in here, not illegals, legals, or anything in between for TEN YEARS!! Then we build THE WALL! Not just a wall, mind you, but a kick-ass, mother-fuckin’ wall! Ideally, it should make China’s structure look like it was built with a child’s freakin’ set of Lincoln Logs! Surrounding the edifice will be a very wide, deep moat and said moat will be stocked with ravenous crocodiles and schools of piranhas!! This should effectively discourage the swimmers! For those more adventurous types, mines will be employed to take out their watercraft. On the wall itself, .50 caliber machine guns will be placed at two hundred yard intervals, manned by former combat-hardened Special “Ops” guys. The wall will not span a mere few hundred miles, but will run the entire length of our southern border. We must also do the same up north. It’s time to give the old concept of Fortress America a new lease on life! What’s that you say? It can’t be done! It had better be done!! Listen up, schmuck, the very survival and future of this nation hangs in the balance. Can’t be done, my sorry old ass!!
Next step, MASSIVE DEPORTATIONS! Those twelve to twenty million illegals that I’ve heard we can’t get rid of, they don’t belong in my house and I want them the fuck gone!! I’ve read that we are deporting somewhere in the neighborhood of between 250,000 and 300,000 illegals per year. Jack that up to a million a year and in less than two decades we’ve made a clean sweep! Once the “in-coming” problem is fixed, the “outgoing” problem will be relatively easy to deal with. I know, I know: who will pick the lettuce, work in the restaurants, do the land-scaping, and the myriad of other menial, low-paying, demeaning jobs that Americans won’t perform? It’s been estimated that even in these aforementioned “professions”, illegal aliens account for at best 25% of the workforce. If that number is even close to correct, then obviously approximately 75% of these jobs are already being filled by American citizens or legal immigrants! Not to worry! Any labor problems caused by booting the illegal bastards out are easily solved. With the deportations, we simultaneously and immediately end all forms of welfare! Over, done finished, through!! No more monthly checks, no more food stamps, no more subsidized housing: earn it or lose it!! Those menial, petty, demeaning jobs that Americans don’t want to do will be filled Muy Rapido: talk about full employment!!
Additionally, we must make it far less attractive for the illegals to want to come here in the first place. They come here for the opportunity, for the money. After oil production, Mexico’s leading industry, for example, is the amount of money, American dollars, which they send back to their country after earning it here. They don’t want to become Americans, they don’t want citizenship, and they certainly have no love for this nation! They only want to take and never think of giving back. I’ve seen estimates that every year, they send more than twenty billion American dollars back to their families south of the border. Employment and American employers, then, are the problem. Any American business owner who unwittingly hires an illegal alien will be dealt with leniently. First offense, one year in jail and a fifty thousand dollar fine! Yes, that is lenient for the crime of helping to destroy my country!! After the first offense, the punishments become truly Draconian! Any employer who KNOWLINGLY hires an illegal will really suffer! First-time offenders will have their businesses confiscated, suffer incarceration for a minimum of five years, and be forced to pay a fine of $250,000. For the second offense, the employer gets a .45 caliber slug in each knee cap!! These people are traitors and must be treated as such!
Our immigration policies must be re-focused, revamped, and brought in line with our national goals for the 21st century. We must make it extremely difficult for foreigners to become legal residents and/or citizens of the United States. The prospective citizen, before applying for admission, must first have more than just a passing knowledge of English. That individual must speak, read, and write the language on at least an 8th grade level before they arrive at our shores. This demonstrates a seriousness of purpose and a willingness to conform to our norms and standards. The immigrant must have a citizen-sponsor who can vouch for him and a $250,000 bond must be placed in an account to ensure that the newcomer will not become a drain on the nation’s resources. If in his quest for the gift of American citizenship, he screws up one time and commits, let’s say, a felony, he is immediately deported to his home country and the quarter-mil is forfeit! Additionally, once the newcomer becomes a legal resident, he’s got five years and not a day more to become a citizen and at that time must demonstrate a proficiency in English that is at minimum the equivalent of a high school graduate.
Failure to comply will result in instant deportation and the seizure of any and all assets acquired during that time. Upon becoming a citizen of the United States, he is on probation for a period of ten years! That’s right, a brand new concept: PROBATIONARY CITIZENSHIP FOR A FULL DECADE!! It’s a beautiful fucking thing! One major screw-up at any point within that period, including merely applying for any form of public assistance, his naturalized status is revoked, he becomes classified as an illegal alien, and is immediately sent back to his former country. Additionally, he forfeits any and all bank accounts, property, etc. He must never again set foot in the United States. If he does, he faces twenty-five to life at a maximum security facility. Now that’s really meaningful immigration reform! We must only take on the best and the brightest who can make substantial and meaningful contributions to the health, well-being, and future of this nation. Ponder this for a moment: IMMIGRATION BY INVITATION ONLY!! Now there’s a concept worth mulling over. We identify those areas, professions, avocations, and careers in which America needs additional manpower. We then scour the globe looking for the top individuals in their fields and invite them to join us in our continued advance toward excellence. Not too shabby really.
In addition, the concept of Anchor Babies must be eliminated. Talk about a total perversion of the 14th Amendment! Do you have any idea how many female foreign nationals get pregnant for the sole purpose of having their “Issue” born on American soil? I don’t either, but over the course of our nation’s history its got to number in the millions. As the pregnancy is winding down, mom makes her way to Mexico’s northern border, sneaks into our country, and the child is an instant American! What the fuck is that all about, anyway?!? Now the mother gets to stay with her new “American” son or daughter and they become a life-line to the rest of their freakin’ tribe from wherever. They are literally the worst form of enablers! Through them, the parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, and the homeless guy on the corner gain legal access to the country and all the welfare goodies they can grab! Enough of that shit! An illegal alien who drops her child on American dirt has just produced, you got it Skippy, another illegal alien! Mother and child get sent right back to where they came from and just so as not to be accused of being inhumane, I’ll even throw in a free bottle of baby formula!
As long as we’re on the subject of making it less attractive for the world’s wretched refuse to wind up here, let’s look at another asinine practice advocated by the so-called compassionate, bleeding-heart, destroy America liberal mob. That would be the ridiculous concept of creating “watering stations” at strategic points in our Southwestern deserts so that the illegals who get lost or stranded won’t die of thirst! Listen, if you’re too fuckin’ stupid to understand that in a place widely known for its lack of agua, you’d better have plenty of you own I say fuckem: let them die and leave their bodies to rot! Poor planning’s a bitch, ain’t it? I can just hear the LIBS howling and shrieking about what a hard-ass son of a bitch I am and demand that I be forcefully reeducated at one of their compassionate-instilling torture camps! Not compassionate, who’s not compassionate?!? Buzzards and other desert scavengers gotta eat too! How’s that for compassionate?!? Along the same vein, what’s up with this concept known as Sanctuary Cities? Where in the Hell does the mayor of any American city have the right to contravene national or federal statutes? Can we all say Supremacy Clause?!? What- Pancho, Hector, and Esperanza are now to be equated with my man Quasi and our cities have become their Cathedrals? Get the fuck outa here! I don’t think so!!
We are letting far too many in far too fast and fewer and fewer are assimilating, becoming Americans. They are not learning the language, remain isolated from the rest of us, and maintain their own cultures, customs, and habits. As former governor Lamm so eloquently stated, “to destroy America, invent multiculturalism, and encourage immigrants to maintain their culture. Make it an article of belief that all cultures are equal; that there are no cultural differences.” We are rapidly becoming Balkanized, with sub-cultures competing against the dominant culture instead of joining it. This can only spell the DEATH OF AMERICA – it can mean nothing else!! Immigration was once a positive factor in our country’s history. It is no longer the case!!
There are entire areas in our nation’s Southwest, for example, peopled by Mexican immigrants, both legal and illegal. Their stated goal, right out loud before God and everybody, is to take the entire Southwest back for Mexico. They feel the United States illegally seized that part of their country after the Mexican-American Wars of the 1840’s. There is even a name for that movement: La Reconquista! Groups such as La Mecha even have slogans like, “for those in the race everything; for those outside of the race – nothing!” And no, you can’t make this shit up!! They know they can’t impose their will by force, so they plan to do it by numbers, population growth: attrition, if you will. Their populations continue to soar, their birth rates are staggering! At the same time, Americans are reproducing at levels that are barely sustainable. The results are horrifyingly predictable. In many “American” towns in that region, English is barely heard, spoken, or read. There are schools in which English-speaking students are mocked, ridiculed, and not infrequently physically attacked! I remember, some years ago, when this used to be my country. It’s not anymore, and I fear it’s lost forever!
I work in a very large inner-city high school in New York City. There are students from literally all over the world. It is, however, about 70% Hispanic. The neighborhood, obviously, is similar in make-up. Occasionally, I must stay at work late and head for home after dark. As I negotiate the streets, I could swear I’m no longer in an American neighborhood in an American city. I feel as though “Scotty” has somehow beamed me up from school directly to the Dominican Republic. The neighborhood doesn’t look, sound, or feel American. It feels like I’m somewhere else and that I’ll need my passport in order to return to my own homeland. You know, it’s not all that complicated, folks. I just want my country back!!
Much love, y’all and have a great day!!!
The Fifth Horseman