They roam the halls constantly, incessantly. They rarely go to class. All day, everyday from the first bell to the last they wander aimlessly without purpose or direction. They are education’s modern-day gypsies and constitute but one reason why New York City’s school system is in the crapper never, ever to recover. Occasionally they roam alone or in pairs but normally run in packs or perhaps more appropriately, herds. Most are still in their teens but more than just a few range in age from twenty to twenty-two. Why do they return day after day, term after term when they know they’re never going to graduate? There are many reasons and none pertain to education. In the colder months there is frequently insufficient heat in their ghetto slum projects. School is warm and breakfast and lunch are free. The homeless shelters boot them out no later than 10 AM everyday and school is usually, but not always, safer than the streets. Many come here as a condition of probation and thus school is a way to avoid incarceration. They have been told by a judge that they must attend or their next educational experience will take place at the high school on Riker’s Island, our nation’s largest jail. Their teacher’s name is Mr. Bubba.
Still more make the daily trek out of a sense of family obligation. This type of devotion, even sacrifice, is really quite touching in a bizarre, Daliesque manner. You see, if their attendance flags all forms of welfare stop: no checks; no housing; no food stamps; no nothing. They do it for their younger brothers and sisters and, of course, their “Moms.” They can’t do it for their fathers because in most cases “Pops” is in jail, left years ago, or has expired to that giant ghetto in the sky. They come here for profit as well and delight in beating and robbing their fellow “students” especially those perceived as weak and vulnerable. We can usually locate their victims by tracking the frequent blood trails they leave after having been thoroughly stomped and/or slashed. The hapless prey will virtually never divulge the identity of the vicious scum that attacked them out of fear of reprisal and further violence. You see, “snitches” don’t fare very well in the urban ghetto environment. As noted above, these educational saboteurs come here for myriad reasons but never the right ones.
They are society’s Drek. No, don’t bother to look it up for you will find it in no dictionary. Those living in the New York metropolitan area are very familiar with the nomenclature. For the rest of you it is the Yiddish equivalent of Shit. It perfectly describes these life’s losers who will be dead, in jail, or both by the ripe old age of twenty-five! That’s a done deal. It’s like picking the winner in a one horse race – the nag can’t lose. At least shit has a useful function. I understand it makes for an excellent fertilizer. Drek, conversely, serves no purpose, has no function, and can boast absolutely no redeeming qualities insofar as education is concerned. As for providing employment for cops, CO’s, judges, and the like – well that’s a topic for an entirely different rant. I wonder what it must feel like to realize at such a young age that when their lifeless bodies are found face-down in the street with blood gushing from the bullet holes in their backs, that no one will miss them or even shed a tear: not even their mothers? That’s how horribly evil and disgusting these two-legged vermin have become.
They continually disrupt what may be euphemistically termed the educational process at the high school in which I have labored for the last quarter century. These subversives do their utmost to make certain that since they’re not availing themselves of whatever opportunities exist at this institution, no one else will either. They maraud through the hallways and stairwells. They are constantly fighting over some real or perceived affront. They break windows, destroy other property, set fires, and sound the alarm bells. They do everything imaginable to bring the rest of the student body down to their depths. The ear drum shattering decibel levels they reach are truly brain-piercing. If you ever want to try an experiment in hearing loss, stand in the middle of four female drekettes who are shrieking at the top of their lungs. Your hearing will return to something like normal within four to five days and the ringing in your ears will have almost subsided. The girls put one in mind of a stereotypical banshee on an excruciatingly painful PMS day. The young gentleman sound like a pack of hyenas on crack or perhaps angel dust. It is more than merely disgusting. These human imposters are completely and loathsomely repellent and abominable. They are anathema and must be shunned and cast out!
Far too many of these scum dogs have embarked on their criminal careers and have already been through the system at least once. For the uninitiated, I’m not talking about the school system but rather the penal system. They’ve committed crimes, been arrested, and locked up. Its become such a commonplace thing that my school has its own probation officer in the basement on a full time, everyday basis. It’s his permanent office! Just think of it. Our youthful offenders can report to their PO, check in, and then go to class. It’s a beautiful fucking thing and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Actually, it makes me want to throw my guts up it’s so disgustingly nauseating! The problem here is that they don’t go to class. These drek-putzes simply resume their miscreant, deviant behavior.
This scenario is beyond the merely surreal but qualifies as truly morbidly grotesque! These people are fucking criminals! Hello, is anyone paying attention here? They have forfeited their so-called right to an education (more about that right thing shortly). They do not belong in the same building let alone classroom (and some would say planet) as those students who are doing their damndest to do the right thing, graduate, and move on with their lives to whatever is coming next. Those who attend class regularly come from the same socioeconomic background, live in the same ghetto projects, and deal with the same problems of daily violence and crime as do the scum bag fuck ups running amok in the halls. Those that are attempting graduation understand that their best and probably only way out is to succeed in school. Those in the hallways have already surrendered to the streets.
The crimes these mutant mother fuckers have committed are by no means minor or petty: we’re not talking turnstile jumping here. We’re talking about drug dealing and drug use. We’re talking armed robbery, burglary, and felonious assault. These cretins knock old ladies down for their purses and I know for a fact that the act of committing rape phases them not in the least. The essential question is WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY DOING IN A PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL?!? I had occasion to ask a “transfer” student why he left his old school. He told me quite matter of factly and pleasantly that he stapled his teacher in the eye! Do you comprehend that? He took a stapler and put one into a teacher’s eye and ends up in my classroom! I should no longer be surprised because it is routine in New York City schools. They send us their worst shit and we in turn transfer our worst shit to another facility. It’s a revolving door of shit but the problem is the shit stays in the system instead of getting fucking flushed!!
In addition to their obvious penchant for criminality, their comportment, their modus vivendi if you will, is so abhorrently disgusting that even after all these years it still shocks, offends, and boggles the mind. They are crude, crass, and vulgar in the extreme and one is forced to ponder their pedigrees. Were they raised in an environment completely devoid of decency and standards? Were they taught at an early age not only to disrespect others but themselves as well? Perhaps they simply have no inkling of what terms like respect, decency, and civilized behavior mean. Perhaps such concepts as courtesy and honor are completely foreign to them. The question is how in the Hell did they get that way? They literally urinate in stairwells and defecate in hallways, and no I shit you not (sorry for that awful pun, but I just couldn’t help myself)! They openly and unabashedly expectorate on the walls. You can find used condoms all over the building. Alcohol and drugs are regularly consumed and one’s olfactory senses are frequently assaulted by the aroma of cigarette and marijuana smoke gently wafting down the hallway. A lovely mental picture, I’m sure. Again, the pertinent question: WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY DOING IN A PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL?!? Remember the classic play My Fair Lady with old professor Henry and Liza? Well, it sure as shit ain’t happening here!
Those lovely folks described above make up a fairly small minority of the students here: approximately ten to fifteen percent. Well then, that’s not so bad is it? Wrong, Buckaroo! That’s a large enough of a percentage to effectively destroy this institution completely and totally. In addition to the actual physical harm they cause there is the psychological toll they exact. The rest of the student body walks around in a state ranging anywhere from mild tension to real fear. They don’t know when the next explosion of violence will hit but they do know the possibility is ever present. If one of those drek pieces of shit perceives a real or imagined insult, violence is the instant answer. If you wear gang colors but are not one of the initiated, you’re going to get bloody – if not in school then back in the “Hood.” The primary color schemes at this school are: black and yellow/Latin Kings; red/Bloods; and blue/Crips. If you “bump” someone in a crowded hallway there’s a real good possibility of getting your face rearranged. Many of those students who are trying to graduate will stay away for days or weeks at a time because they and their parents are afraid. We used to have fairly sizeable Chinese and Guyanese populations here but they’re gone now. They just couldn’t take being targets any more.
Well, you ask, what about our crack security team here at school? Surely they can turn the tide or at least keep a lid on things. Yessirree Bob, our SSO’s are absolutely the answer, a foolproof panacea that will turn this place around! That’s not even wishful thinking but rather a complete load of happy horseshit! First of all, the yutzes work under the supervision of the New York City Police Department, certainly one of the finest and most professional law enforcement agencies in the nation. We usually have at least one and sometimes up to three fully uniformed, armed cops in the building all day long. It’s their regular beat. You’d think that with the presence of armed authority, the place would be at least less chaotic if not completely peaceful and orderly. Nope! You see, the drek-filth have nothing but utter contempt and disdain for not just the police but for all authority. In addition to this lack of respect, the drek-scum are completely fearless. They fear nothing because consequences mean nothing to these twisted screwed up scum dogs. They also know that if a cop pulls out his 9mm in the building, that’s an instant career ender.
If these moronic mother fuckers openly display this attitude toward cops who they consider the enemy – and not just in school but in their neighborhoods as well – what must their attitudes be toward those so-called security guards we have running around here doing virtually nothing but trying to look busy and even failing at that? They hold them beneath contempt, below disdain, and view them as objects of scorn and ridicule. As much as I hate to agree with these vile, disgusting, and venal vermin I must concede the point. Our security guards can be more properly viewed as part of the problem rather than the solution to it. I am willing to wager handsomely that not more than a mere handful of them have earned a high school diploma or its equivalent. They strike me as utterly incompetent, overwhelmingly lazy and slothful, and woefully weak-minded. I’m sure I’ve met heads of lettuce with higher IQ’s. They completely ignore the most violent and dangerous of our drek population and stand by slouching against the nearest wall with pocketed hands while the dirt bag sons of bitches practice their looting and pillaging techniques. The dull-eyed sloths will, however, harass the smallest, puniest, and least malignant of our hallway denizens who really do not cause much of the mayhem in the building. Quite a number of years ago, a female student here for reasons unknown grabbed an umbrella and began repeatedly whacking our school’s head of security with it. By the time the young lady was subdued, she had nailed more than just a few folks. Care to guess where this near thirty something year-old is now employed? That’s right, she’s a security guard at the very school in which she committed her assault! Go fuckin’ figure.
These people were the high school dreks of their era and they were exactly the same as our saboteurs are now. They behaved identically, sounded identical, thought the same, and received the same warnings as our present day flotsam and jetsam. They were told that their future options would be drastically limited if they didn’t reverse course. They didn’t believe it then but they sure as shit believe it now. They were warned about menial, low-paying, dead end jobs with absolutely no future or potential. These, however, constitute the lucky drek. At least they survived and, depending on how you look at it, I guess that’s something. If these people weren’t wearing their police-issue uniforms they’d look, act, and sound exactly like those they are charged with controlling and subduing. It’s an old and trusted tactic. Give someone who’s at best half intelligent with virtually no useful or marketable skills a uniform and they get all puffed up and self-important. It’s a main-line ego boost! They know exactly who and what they are but that uniform gives them an inflated sense of self-esteem. It’s been theorized that by creating this type of employment at least we’d be able to reduce the welfare rolls in the Big Apple. I think the jury’s still out on that one.
Would removing these incorrigible Drek- Neanderthals from our midst solve all of New York City’s educational woes? Probably not but it’d be one Hell of a first step. The problem is how do we get rid of these bastards and bastardesses? By law, they are permitted to remain in the system until they are finished being twenty one years of age. I have no idea where the fuck this comes from or what educational purpose it serves but there it is. I believe, however, it is somehow related to that asinine concept of education as a right referred to earlier. Incidentally, I checked through our founding documents: you know, the Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, etc. There is no Constitutional right to an education, it doesn’t exist, and the word education is never mentioned. Right to an education, my ass!! Education is a privilege, Asshole, and it must be earned. No one has an expectation of receiving an education on the taxpayer’s dime without assuming certain reciprocal obligations! You ever hear of that quaint old concept called the social contract? No, then look it up.
If these drekked-out rat bastards cannot or will not hold up their end of that contract get them the fuck out of here so that the rest of us can function at a level at least approximating normalcy. But no. In our current Alice Through The Looking Glass, Topsy-Turvey, Ass Backwards construct this would make too much sense. In our soft, weak-willed, liberalized, feminized country we’d prefer to let the fucking inmates run the asylum and have the minority ruin it for the rest of us. As mentioned previously, the drek scum constitute a mere 10-15% of the building’s population but virtually everything revolves around them and not the 85% majority that are trying to accomplish something positive and useful. Does that make any fucking sense at all? Think about it for a bit. In any organization if ten to fifteen per cent of the employees are fuck ups the organization ceases to function as designed and it soon may not function at all if corrective and drastic measures are not immediately implemented. Think of the community hospital with that many screw ups employed. Take my advice – don’t go to that facility. Think of your local dry cleaning establishment or neighborhood supermarket with that many assholes working there: out of business; kaput; over. The same applies to large industries like airlines, automobiles, or housing. With a 10-15% dead head level the doors shut forever.
At least those in the private sector are able to make adjustments when saddled with employees who threaten their industry. They can be fired – terminated. This serves a two-fold purpose. First, they are no longer a threat to profit and productivity. Second, firing them serves as an example to any potential fuck ups. They know that there are not only consequences for their actions but that those consequences will be implemented. It tends to focus the mind wonderfully! Unfortunately, this is far from the case in the public sector and especially in the area of education. It is virtually impossible to get rid of the drek, those evil saboteurs who are destroying not just the school where I work but rather the entire New York City educational system.
Perhaps I am overreacting and maybe I’m reading too much into the situation because I see so much of it. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Conditions where I work are literally replicated at virtually every high school in the city with the exception of a mere handful. Schools like Bronx Science or Stuyvesent are actually places of learning and accomplishment. What makes places like these so different? In order to earn the privilege of attending such stellar institutions – and it is indeed a privilege – one must take and pass rigorous admissions examinations. There are always far more applicants than openings which means these schools get the cream of the crop, the pick of the litter, the best students in the city. At schools like mine, however, we have to take any shit that shows up at the door. We can turn no one away. Criminal record? Come on in. History of violence and disruptive behavior at previous schools? Have a seat. The brains and IQ of a retarded three-toed sloth? A total inability to exhibit one iota of self-control or decency? We’d love to show you around!
Are you beginning to get the bigger picture? It’s not an isolated phenomenon restricted to a mere few city schools. It’s a plague that has mortally infected the entire system and we refuse to implement the Draconian measures necessary to save the patient. How about we just take that 10-15% of complete drek slime, these marauding misanthropes, and throw their asses out on the streets just as they do in the private sector. It would go a long way in helping to get our school system back. Well, when the shit hits that fan I don’t want to be standing any where near it!
Can you imagine the anguished howls, the vicious growls, and the total and complete pandemonium emanating from those misguided and wrong-headed liberal true believers as they gird their loins in preparation for battle? They will defend these useless drek saboteurs to the death! They’ll holler about how poor and disadvantaged these human feces are and how all young people are deserving and valuable resources that must be cultivated and nurtured. Then they’ll call us uncaring, hard-hearted racists, fascists, and bigots who hate all people of color. They’ll bring in the ACLU and other race-hustling organizations and individuals. They’ll go on OPRAH! YAWN-BORING-PPREDICTABLE! They’ll accuse us Neanderthal throwbacks of lacking compassion, of not caring about our poor benighted minorities! They’ll make all the right noises but they won’t fix what’s broken!! Myself and others of my ilk are the compassionate ones here. We do care – but only about those 85% of students who are trying to make something of themselves. We care passionately about giving those students every opportunity to improve their lives, conditions, and futures. So I guess in a way those “true-believing EDUCATORS” are correct. We don’t give a flying fuck about our drek population regardless of color or ethnicity. After all, a piece of shit is a piece of shit!! The drek defenders, as always, are myopically short sighted and fail to see the bigger, more important picture. They narrowly focus their tiny brains with lasor-like precision on exactly the wrong solution and therefore can’t accurately identify the essential problem.
The drek sleaze along with their do-badder allies literally spell the death of this nation! Paranoid, you say? Gone completely off the deep end, you charge? Hey asshole, wake up and smell the fucking coffee! Open your eyes and get off whatever mind altering drugs you’ve been doing because it’s fucking over! While I’ve been describing conditions at the school in which I work, they exist in virtually every public secondary school city-wide, all five boroughs included with the exception of a very few. Unless the drek putzes are banished to the streets where they can actually perform usefully by committing crimes and thereby creating employment, New York City’s educational system shall forever be confined to the crapper! If the drek scum were only limited to the Big Apple, the situation wouldn’t be that urgent, that threatening. That unfortunately simply is not the case. The drek plague is nation wide, an educational epidemic for which the cure, while obvious, is not being implemented. Once the gangrenous limb has been identified it must be amputated in order for the patient to live. Advising the victim of a blast from a twelve gauge pump to wrap the wound with an ace bandage, take two aspirin, and call in the morning simply won’t cut it. The patient’s dead.
The drek saboteurs have infiltrated every large and medium sized urban center in this country. Again, as with New York, the percentages are not overwhelming but the damage they do is incalculable. Analyze the school systems in Detroit, DC, Las Angeles, Cleveland, Omaha, Chicago. You pick it and the dreaded Dreknosis disease can be accurately diagnosed. I also know that it has oozed its way into the suburbs. Take a look at any third world shit-hole of a nation on the planet and you’ll find, among many other problems, either a completely broken or nonexistent educational system. In these God forsaken excuses for sovereign states a tiny minority of the population is educated, well fed, and well cared for. The vast majority of the “citizenry” have always been and will remain uneducated, illiterate, ignorant, and viciously poor. Their lives will be ever so brutish, nasty, and extremely short.
That could never happen here you say – impossible! It’s happening, Numb-Nuts!! Our country’s educational system is the worst in the western, industrialized world and sorry “W” you can take No Child Left Behind and stick it where the sun don’t shine! You want to fix this nation’s schools? The first order of business is to throw out the garbage. Fuck these bastards, the Hell with them. They don’t deserve consideration of any sort. They are subversives, they are saboteurs and if they are not stopped and destroyed this nation, the greatest God ever gave humankind, is absolutely over!!
Much luv y’all and have a great day!
The Fifth Horseman