The young lady, a fifteen year-old student, approached me gleefully, even jubilantly. The kid was excited as Hell. “Mista, Mista,” she bubbled, “Guess what?” I dutifully replied, “What?” I’ve just got this way with words. “I’m pregnant,” she joyfully exclaimed. She didn’t whisper or talk in a conversational tone, but rather kept shouting, “I’m pregnant, I’m pregnant,” over and over again. I asked, in a complete dead-pan, what her husband thought of his status as a soon-to-be father and she replied, “Come on Mista, I’m too young to get married! You know that!!”
OK, I thought, keep calm and practice those deep-breathing techniques. Just don’t let your real feelings out – not in public. I’d probably get fired, lose my pension, and be forced into some bullshit liberal anger management – compassion awareness – sensitivity training class in an attempt to ameliorate my Neanderthal-like reaction to her joyous news. Too young to get married, my sorry old ass! This teen-age brood sow isn’t too young to fuck like a bunny ( apologies to all you bunnies out there), pop out children she can’t support, and not give a thought to the fact that, according to statistics I’ve seen, she is dooming her “Issue” to a probable life of poverty, crime, incarceration, and an early demise. At this point, one of her friends proclaimed, “Hey, you’re pregnant?! Me too: now my son’s gonna have a sister!!” With that the two welfare breeders congratulated one another and hugged affectionately. What a touching moment. It made me go all warm and fuzzy inside.
Actually, it made me want to retch, it made me want to lose my lunch. It made me want to punch something or someone. Here we go again – one more child that I and the rest of the suckers, uh, I mean taxpayers, have to support! Yet one more little bastard that we’ll have to feed, clothe, educate, and probably incarcerate at some future date. One more kid, and it’s not even mine, that I’ll have to support but will never get a damned Father’s Day card from or nary a thank you for all that government cheese the welfare-freeloader’s gonna consume! Hey, I guess I just lost my status as a “Compassionate Conservative,” and moved right into the category of Mean-Old-Bastard, but what the Hell!
If these two brood-mares, these baby factories, were an aberration, an exception, it wouldn’t be that big a deal. They have, however, become the norm. The teen-age out of wedlock birth rate has been estimated at approximately 33% nationally. In inner-city, urban ghettoes that figure sky-rockets to about 75%!! That is not only staggering – it is frightening. It is but one more nail in this nation’s coffin. America, the country that I love, is doomed. It’s over, finished, kaput, done! It will not happen this year or next, but within fifty years this country is over. Statistics indicate that no nation can withstand the social and financial burdens caused by an unending stream – make that a raging river – of deviant bastards that have been produced since LBJ declared his bullshit war on poverty back in the 1960’s.
The basic unit of society has always been the family. It is the family that has provided societal stability throughout the generations. It is the family that is the lynch-pin of America and all it stands for. Only the family can provide the moral underpinnings, the behavioral training, the love of country, and the adherence to codes of law. No government bureaucracy or federal program or edict can provide these pillars upon which any functioning society must depend. Unfortunately, and terminally, the American family structure seems to be irrevocably beyond repair and that spells the death of this nation.
Statistically, the progeny of these two teen-age saboteurs will be very poorly educated, grow up and likely remain poverty-stricken, and will be on welfare for most of their lives. They are likely to become criminals and spend some or most of their adulthood locked up at our expense. Since the 1960’s and up to and including the present day, millions upon millions upon millions of these welfare bastards and bastardesses have been born and there doesn’t seem to be any end in sight.
We have reached the point where we have children raising children raising children. There is very rarely a father in the home. After all, who needs a father when the check comes every month? The young men – so called – seem to view their offspring as little more than trophies. They actually brag about the numbers of welfare recipients they have sired! They don’t live with Mom and the kids, most can’t and/or won’t support them financially, and they spend as little time as possible raising their future criminals. They are not there to offer guidance, provide moral support, or in any way behave in a manner befitting someone attempting to fulfill that most crucial and responsible role of FATHER! They’re very proficient at making babies, and then they almost invariably leave “Mom” holding the proverbial bag, or in this case the dirty diapers!!
Let’s leave “Dad” aside for the moment and spend a little time on “Mom.” (Oops, I forgot – Dad already did that!) A normal generation runs from about twenty-five to thirty years. A “Ghetto Generation”, however, runs from about thirteen to fifteen years. So, let’s see. She’s a mother at fifteen, a grandmother at thirty, a great grandmother at forty-five, and by the time she hits the ripe old age of sixty, she’s a GREAT, GREAT GRANDMOTHER!! That’s four generations of welfare, four generations of virtually no fathers, and four generations of far too many completely whacked out kids and unproductive citizens. Yessirree Bob, the future of America certainly sounds secure to me! Bullshit!! I lay awake at night wondering just how much more of this onslaught my country can tolerate. It seems to me that if conditions don’t start rapidly improving, America’s future is somewhere in the bleak to nonexistent range.
I may, however, have stumbled upon a solution to our national dilemma. It’s just not one of those things you’re supposed to say – or write – out loud: it’s just too politically incorrect, don’t you know?! Well, here goes anyway. I intend to propose, launch, and fund at no cost to the taxpayer the NYC MANDATORY STERILIZATION PROGRAM!! Donations are welcome and every penny will be scrupulously accounted for. Outrageous you say! Totally outrageous I answer – but absolutely necessary if there is any future for this nation’s survival as the last, best hope of mankind. What’s that old expression: something about desperate times and desperate measures?
How will this program work, you query? Let me clarify. People make mistakes, especially the young. That’s part and parcel of growing up. Youth is a time for making mistakes and learning how not to make them in the future. If a young man and a young lady make the mistake of having a child they are not yet mature enough to raise properly, I and virtually all of my evil conservative compatriots will be more than willing to help. We will willingly, if not eagerly, part with some of our hard-earned dollars to provide for that child’s physical and emotional well-being. After all, being born isn’t the kid’s fault and he or she shouldn’t have to suffer for it. The child deserves every possible shot at leading a happy, successful, and productive life despite the youthful blunders made by the parents. Is that compassionate enough for you sorry-ass liberal do-gooders?
The compassion, however, ends right there! It’s over. After you have one child that you can’t bring up and raise properly, you’re finished, all done, through. The NYC MANDATORY STERILIZATION PROGRAM kicks in immediately!! You will be rendered incapable of creating anymore welfare brats. This applies to the young men as well as to the young ladies. Tubes will be tied, vasectomies will become an everyday part of the lingo, and the concept of Nip & Tuck will take on an entirely new context! Can we all say BIRTH CONTROL three times out loud? How about every young lady at the age of thirteen receives the NORPLANT system. If that is too objectionable, then repeat after me: Hysterectomy, Hysterectomy, Hysterectomy!! Male or female, you’re done destroying my country! What about when the parents get older, more mature, and responsible you ask? Shouldn’t they be able to have children then? To this I scream: NO! NO! A THOUSAND TIMES NO!!. As the parents assume the mantel of full-blown, responsible adulthood, let them raise the little bastards they already made! How’s that for compassionate? Let them give the children they already have the best possible future they can and give the rest of us, finally, a fucking break!!
Well, right about now I figure I better start ducking, bobbing, weaving, and whatever the fuck else I can think of to avoid those ad-hominem attacks, invectives, and cruel epithets that I know are sure to get hurled my way harder than a major league pitcher’s best fast ball! And don’t kid yourself, those ad-hominems sting far worse than any physical slap in the face! As far as invectives and cruel epithets – FUGGEDABOUDIT!!! I can just hear them now. “What the fuck is wrong with you? You must be some kinda racist, you white motherfucker!” Additionally, “What you got against folks in the hood? You too damned good for us or somethin’?” I also look forward to the old, “Who the fuck are you to decide who should and shouldn’t have kids?!”
Alrighty, then, that really wasn’t too bad. Let me address some of my critics. First of all, let me freely and openly admit right out loud that I am indeed WHITE: an accident of birth. It’s not something I’m ashamed of nor is it something I’m particularly proud of. It’s just an undeniable truth. Deal with it or don’t because I don’t much give a damn. As to the charge of who should or shouldn’t have children, that’s a load of happy horseshit! The children have already been “had.” I’m just insisting that enough is enough: basta, finito, finished, through. In addition, I’ll further admit that I am indeed a bona-fide, real live, honest to God Mother Fucker and hope to remain one for a good while longer, thank you very much! Now, as far as my having anything against folks living in the fabled “Hood,” since I’ve never actually lived in the aforementioned Hood, I can’t possibly have anything against those who do.
Finally, as to the charge of being a racist. First of all, I’ve noticed that when certain hysterical types cannot rationally and reasonably refute an opinion, they drag out the old “R” charge in an attempt to silence and intimidate. There is no substance to the charge in virtually all instances that it is leveled. That being said, this old bastard doesn’t get silenced or intimidated especially when being politically incorrect precisely at a time when a strong dose of political incorrectness is sorely required. It’s called a reality check and one that is desperately needed. I will tolerate no interference from and will absolutely have words with anyone who dares to call me a racist for being honest and forthright about something that is terribly wrong with our nation’s social fabric. That fabric appears to be torn literally beyond repair. This country is in desperate straights and despite politically correct objections, this is not merely true but it is truly obvious to anyone who cares to take his head out of his ass!!!
Much Luv Y’all and have a great day.
The Fifth Horseman
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