Jeremiah Wright, that racist America-hating piece of shit and spiritual advisor to our new President Barrack Hussein Obama, angrily lashed out against the “three strike” concept. He also railed vociferously over the fact that our “oppressive” government continuously constructs more and bigger prisons in the “United States of KKK A!” Well, I’ll tell ya what, I’m in total agreement with the brother! Right on Rev!! Now, can I GET me an amen and an AMEN!?!
I too believe that the concept of three strikes and you’re out must be relegated to that fabled ash heap of ideas whose time should never have come. How about one strike and you’re out? For those of you unfamiliar with this mind-boggling asininity, I’ll explain. Upon being convicted of a third felony, the miscreant scumbag faces life in prison supposedly without the possibility of parole. Locked up for life where I’m sure Bubba and the Boys will show him a grand old time! Sounds good doesn’t it? This vicious bastard’s had three opportunities to join the human race and has consciously chosen not to. Well fuck him then, right? Agreement here can mean only one thing: you subscribe to the better late than never school of thought.
I’ve seen statistics suggesting that by the time this cretinous booby has finally been caught, convicted, and punished for one felony, in all likelihood he has committed fifteen others without facing the wrath of old John Q. Public! So let’s run the numbers, shall we? When we finally put this evil piece of garbage out of our misery, if not out of his, for good he’s probably racked up between forty-five to fifty felonies! Talk about reaching out and touching someone!! This prick’s quite literally disastrously impacted hundreds if not thousands of lives. Think about it. There’s the victim, the victim’s immediate and extended family, followed by close relatives and acquaintances. Let’s not forget those that the victim works with and/or for. This piece of shit gives a whole new meaning to the concept of being a “people person.”
It’s called recidivism, folks. Prison, for the most part, is nothing more than a revolving door through which are released back into society some of the most venal, vicious, vile, insane, demented, cruel, and savage sub-humans ever to roam the right side of the grass! They view the rest of us as prey. They stalk us until they are ready to strike and by then it’s far too late to mount any kind of meaningful self-defense. They are both psycho-and-sociopathic and yet they reside amongst us creating fear, dis-and-mistrust, and a sense of helplessness and panic. They feel no sense of shame, pity, or remorse and the only skills they possess are the kinds that invariably harm and/or kill the rest of us. Webster’s defines recidivism as a “relapse into crime by a convicted criminal.” Oxford’s English Dictionary defines a recidivist as “a person who constantly commits crimes and is not discouraged by being punished.” That last is absolutely crucial – they don’t give a fuck about consequences! They are repeat offenders and their ability to wreak havoc must be stopped if this nation is to survive in any recognizable form.
These repeat offenders will never stop offending or repeating and it’s time society woke up to that reality. There are, in fact, a certain percentage of the genus homo sapien who simply shouldn’t be. As long as they do exist, however, they must be permanently segregated from the rest of us. I must therefore respectfully disagree with old Racist Wright over his complaint regarding the proliferation of prisons. We must build even more of them and our guiding philosophy ought to be that once you see the inside for committing any serious felony you’re never, ever going to see the outside again – not ever! Rehabilitation will not and cannot work for the recidivist. Rehab, after all, is for quitters and these fucking predators have proven time and again that they just won’t quit! They are nothing if not persistent and consistent.
Rehabilitation assumes the “root cause” philosophy. If we can just get to the underlying, deep-seated reasons why the miscreant piece of shit became a miscreant piece of shit we could perhaps turn him into a useful, productive member of society. Maybe he can be cured, maybe he can turn his life around, repent, seek redemption and forgiveness if we just let the shrinks, social workers, and other “do-badder” pie-in-the-sky assholes work their phony bullshit!
Let’s see, maybe he wasn’t permitted to masturbate enough as a youngster – tough shit! Maybe he grew up in poverty and squalor – don’t give a fuck! Maybe he never knew his “pops” and mom’s a coked out whore – couldn’t care less! Perhaps it’s beyond his control and his genes are terminally fried – it doesn’t matter! He and his ilk must be permanently kept away from the rest of us regardless of the expense. I’ve read that it costs the American tax-sucker as much as fifty grand to keep just one of these scumbags locked up for a year. It’s money well spent. Just between us Neanderthal types, I’d just as soon see them dead. I really have no problem with killing people who desperately require killing, but in our liberalized, feminized, and politicized nation that’s simply not an option in the overwhelming number of cases. Permanent incarceration, then, is the only choice – for now.
While I have absolutely no problem with the concept of full-time incarceration, I do have issues with conditions that exist in the “Big House.” Career criminals must be made to suffer such a living Hell that Dante’s deepest circle would seem like a fucking Girl Scout jamboree! I’m talking just unbelievable levels of physical pain as well as psychological abuse and complete and utter degradation. I’m talking about conditions that are so brutally inhumane, so nightmarishly cruel that these recidivist monsters in human guise would literally beg not for mercy, but rather for death! Envision prisons in the gulags of the former Soviet Union or perhaps present-day Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and then make them ten thousand times worse!
In comparison to other prison systems, America’s is distinctly spa-like, somewhat health-clubbish, and except for the occasional brutish CO and fellow incarcerationists, certainly nothing to be feared. Throw one of our biggest criminal bad-asses who is thoroughly feared and loathed by his compatriots into a cell in, oh say, China and he’ll start bawling like an intransigent two year-old after his first serious spanking!!
Our recidivists are guaranteed three meals a day including, I’m told, desert! They get a bed, toilet facilities, and showers complete with hot and cold running water! They even get soap!! What the fuck is that all about? These are repeat career criminals we’re dealing with here not prep school choir- boys! How about a bucket for your toiletry needs and once a day we’ll fill that same bucket with gruel to meet your nutritional requirements! I understand that millions of Americans go hungry every day: you know, stomach growling, painfully hungry. Not these recidivist pieces of shit. They go to bed with full bellies and I’d be willing to bet a year’s pay that in prisons all over America tons of food scraps and leftovers are thrown out or incinerated on a daily basis! What a great fucking country!!
These deviant bastards are “entitled” to all manner of health, dental, and eye care imaginable in a nation that boasts the most advanced and efficient health care system on the whole damned planet! These criminal scumbags require eye exams and glasses? No problem! They need those bothersome cataracts removed? Easily done! They require delicate cornea operations due to injuries sustained in that last prison riot? Sure thing!! All this, of course, at tax-sucker expense! Knee and hip replacements, burst appendixes, heart or kidney operations and virtually everything else you can possibly imagine are provided gratis by some of the best educated and trained doctors in the world! I’m told that something over forty million Americans can’t afford any form of health insurance of any kind while our habitual offenders even receive the most expensive prescription medication totally on the cuff! What the fuck is wrong with us?!? Can someone please explain to me the logic, the rationale that underlies this philosophy of rewarding repeat rapists, killers, and other assorted aberrations with such fantastic largesse? No, I didn’t think so.
It of course doesn’t stop there. High school drop-outs can complete their secondary education and even obtain college degrees while serving time. I understand that the law library is extremely popular among our recidivist types and legal aid is available for the asking. Recreational opportunities abound and range from movies and television to sporting activities that include basketball, softball, weight lifting, and more. Our prison system’s a fucking joke. When even criminals no longer fear the criminal justice system, it’s a sure sign that something is drastically wrong in America.
Every year, for example, as winter approaches some of our homeless denizens find ingenious ways to beat old Jack Frost. One technique I’ve heard about is throwing a cinder block or a garbage can through a storefront window. Do they run in fear of being captured and punished? Nope, they just stand there waiting for New York’s finest to come and arrest them. They’ve just earned a free ninety-day stay in the hoosegow where they’ll be warm, dry, fed, and clothed. They view jail as a welcome respite from the rigors of a Northeastern winter. It doesn’t bode well for the state of the nation when certain numbers of us view prison as preferable to freedom.
We also know that a percentage of immigrants come to America to continue or begin their criminal careers. They know that their chances of getting caught are miniscule and if they are in fact captured by authorities the penalties are laughable, especially compared to where many of them come from. Most of them are perfectly aware that they’ll live far better in an American prison than as free people in those third world shit-holes from whence they hale! It is probably safe to say that when people lose faith in and fear of the country’s criminal justice system, the nation’s heading in the wrong direction and that further deterioration is in the offing.
Unless we take steps to ameliorate the obvious and dangerous flaws in our system of criminal justice, this nation is heading for a breath-taking tail-spin that will result in a spectacularly destructive crash! In far too many of our urban centers entire neighborhoods are controlled by vicious street gangs that roam, pillage, and plunder at will. These deviant pustules are not content to remain in our cities but for quite some time have been infecting suburban and rural America as well. Good, decent citizens cower in fear and purchase ever more alarm systems and deadbolt locks. It’s not unlike attempting to patch up a gut-shot wound from a .45 caliber slug with some iodine and gauze pads!
Our system of justice must become so Hellishly brutal, so absolutely maniacally vicious that it will actually deter individuals from committing their outrages against the rest of us. The punishment, in fact, must not merely fit the crime but should rather totally overwhelm the crime! When that begins to occur, the terms recidivist and repeat offenders will become truly oxymoronic. In order to accomplish this, however, at least one excruciatingly painful step must be taken. The Eighth Amendment to the Constitution must be completely eviscerated or entirely trashed. It pains me to even suggest such a drastic solution for I am an absolute Constitutionalist, a strict constructionist, and an originalist. I can feel former President Madison’s malignant glare and I know that the rest of the Federalists hold me in nothing less than utter contempt! I feel guilty about betraying their trust, their genius, and their patriotism. Patrick Henry and his compatriots are probably none too happy either. Be that as it may, drastic times call for even more drastic solutions.
The Eighth Amendment serves well until the violent felony level is attained. Lesser crimes and criminals do not constitute the immediate societal danger posed by vicious rapists, killers, muggers, and other assorted cretinous pieces of shit. The concept of no excessive fines or bail is an absolute anathema where these societal saboteurs are concerned. They are not only recidivists, but violently so. Bail must be so excessive, so impossibly high that no violent criminal can ever “make it!” The last thing we need is for these violent predators to await their trials on the outside. How many times have we seen or read about the rape, murder, or armed robbery committed while the perp was out on bail? Enough of that shit!! By the way, parole and probation must also be revoked in the case of repeat violent felons. To do otherwise means inviting certain disaster.
The most inane and insane aspect of the Eighth Amendment is, of course, the prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment. My apologies to all those dead white guys, but in the 21st Century that dog just don’t hunt! It’s a losing proposition, a recipe for failure, and a total cluster fuck!! It’s somewhat akin to the concept of bringing your knife to a gun-fight. The results are beyond doubt: you lose!! In the case of the aforementioned amendment, society and civilization are the losers while the freaks, predators, and other assorted monsters grow ever more bold and aggressive. Unless the punishment at the very least fits the crime, the necessary fear factor is nonexistent. All hope of effective deterrence is lost and our nation falls deeper into that abyss of fear and helplessness that grips so many of our inner-cities.
Let’s take an example from at least a dozen years ago. You may or may not recall Mr. Byrd, a black gentleman from Texas. He was walking home, bothering no one and minding his own business. He was returning from some family function involving one of his children. For no apparent reason, other than his skin pigmentation perhaps, three white crackers sitting in their pick up truck felt it necessary to graphically illustrate just how much his very existence displeased them. Oh, if memory serves they all belonged to that fun-loving social club: you know, the one with the three K’s. They chained Mr. Byrd to the back of their truck and at a high rate of speed dragged him down the road until his head literally popped off! I believe he lost other body parts as well.
There you have it then. Three white guys killed a black guy in Texas. What do you suppose happened to them? Wrong! One of the murdering racist pieces of shit is still doing life without the possibility of parole because he turned state’s evidence. The other two were, in fact, executed. Justice – perhaps, but deterrence – absolutely not! They were lethally injected and left this world painlessly and peacefully. Not so Mr. Byrd. God, how he must have suffered, and suffered, and suffered! Do you begin to get my drift – Hmmm? In my perfect world after a fair trial and conviction by a jury of their peers these three mother fuckers would be released to the tender mercies of Mr. Byrd’s surviving kin! The family would be provided with a pick up truck and as many chains as necessary to get the job done. That’s right, it’s called do unto others exactly what the fuck they did unto you! The surviving Byrds would be permitted to execute these three rat bastards in exactly the same manner in which they murdered Mr. Byrd. My man Hammurabi nailed it all those thousands of years ago. We’ve been regressing ever since!
Justice – definitely and deterrence, absolutely. Executions such as these would be viewed by the public: think You Tube. Imagine yourself watching such a spectacle. The very first thing you’d want to know is what in the Hell these three assholes did to merit such extreme albeit exquisite punishment? You’d need to know that so you would never, ever behave in the same manner. Deterrence, it’s a beautiful fucking thing! At the same time, we’ve also solved that recurring problem of repeat offenders because there will be nobody left to repeat. They’re either permanently behind bars or they’re permanently dead! The more harsh, cruel, and unusual the punishment the more effective in protecting law-abiding citizens from the evil bastards among us. One of my old favorites which, of course, in today’s soft, weak, and sissified country can no longer be administered is to stake the miscreant to the ground. After having been rendered immobile, a hole is slit into the bastard’s stomach and two large rats are inserted into said hole. The crowd gets to watch the rodents eat the son of a bitch from the inside out! Talk about scared fucking straight!!
Let’s conclude with a review of some Department of Justice Statistics and more specifically from the Federal Bureau of Justice Statistics Recidivism Study. Under the category of “All Charges,” the study notes that re-arrest rates stand at almost 70% (67.5)! That’s not only disgusting, it’s completely our fault. Nearly 700 out of every 1,000 of these enemies are at least one-time repeat offenders! Under the category of violent offenders we note that over 60% are at the very least double dippers. Murderers come in at 40.7%, kidnappers at just a smidgeon under 60%, and robbers score a whopping 70.2%! Rapists manage to recidivate a mere 46% of the time. They must be a bunch of fucking slackers! Moving on to property offenses, the recidivism rate stands at 73.8%. Nearly three-quarters of those who have committed crimes against property have done so at least twice! Burglary comes in at 74%, motor vehicle theft grabs a whopping 78.8% share, while arsonists bring up the rear with a paltry 57.7%! Drug offenders repeat their crimes at a rate of 66.7% and those who trade in weapons repeat their misdeeds at a rate of 70.2%!
These statistics are beyond troubling and should be more correctly seen as an indication of some form of national insanity. Any society that allows the same miscreants and deviants to continuously and repeatedly commit such horrors against the innocent is without a doubt suffering an extreme case of collective mental illness: some would label it Liberalism! If this continues into the foreseeable future then our nation’s survival in its present form is indeed questionable. Common sense, an increasingly rare commodity, dictates that repeat offenders must be permanently segregated from the law-abiding among us or they must be destroyed! I prefer the latter option, but hey – that’s just me.
Much Luv, Y’All and have a great day!
The Fifth Horseman
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