We are repeatedly told by those multi-cultural, politically correct, diversity worshipping, anti-American, anti-capitalist scum dogs out there that all cultures have something to offer and valuable lessons to impart. It is not our place to criticize others because that is considered wrong-headed, politically incorrect, intolerant, rude, and so very, very American. We must never be judgmental, critical, or in any manner, shape, or form even hint or imply that we are better than “they” or that “they” are not worthy of respect, admiration, and emulation. The question here is what about when it’s more than obvious, crystal clear, and an absolute truism that the Liberal acceptance of all peoples, ways of life, and things foreign flies in the face of common sense, sanity, and reason? Are we then permitted to find fault, to criticize, and to reject given these circumstances? Nope. We must never disparage for that may leave us open to charges of intolerance, bigotry, racism, and xenophobia! Well, maybe there’s a whole bunch of you out there that should just stop reading this screed right now ‘cause it sure as shit ain’t gonna be pretty and will thoroughly incense liberal sensibilities and sensitivities!
Oxford’s Dictionary of Current English defines culture as, “the arts, customs, and institutions of a nation, people, or group.” From the same source we read that culture comprises, “the arts and other instances of human intellectual achievement regarded as a whole.” Webster’s defines the term as, “a state of civilization,” or “a high level of development.” All well and good as far as it goes. Both sources are neutral and descriptive and neither reflects either positive or negative connotations.
Well, then, let’s consider that time-honored, revered, and ever so humane practice known as Honor Killings. Some would have us believe that this horror no longer occurs in the enlightened 21st century but rather died out early on for the Muslim world has evolved over the eons and no longer practices or tolerates this barbaric, brutal, and thoroughly maniacal custom. My answer to
that, of course, is a resounding and heartfelt Bullshit and Bollocks!! According to Human Rights Watch honor killings “are acts of violence, usually murder, committed by male family members against female family members, who are held to have brought dishonor upon the family.”
The same source, as quoted in Wikipedia, maintains that, “a woman can be targeted by (individuals within) her family for a variety of reasons, including: refusing to enter into an arranged marriage, being the victim of a sexual assault, seeking a divorce – even from an abusive husband – or (allegedly) committing adultery.” This definition concludes with, “the mere perception that a woman has behaved in a way that ‘dishonors’ her family is sufficient to trigger an attack on her life.” Do we all get this? Do we understand? It means, for the most part, that fathers can and do kill their own daughters, their own female flesh and blood, and that brothers can and do butcher their own sisters! This practice did not stop in the 7th and 8th centuries but continues all over the Muslim world to this day. This custom can only be called brutally horrific and absolutely no manner of justification can excuse it or mitigate its obscenely evil causes and consequences. No fucking way, no fucking how!!
Boy, I can just hear them now: those hooting, howling liberal cowards! Ever so politically correct and completely judgmental free, they’ll rail at me demanding to know who the fuck do I think I am? How dare I have the audacity, the nerve, the chutzpah to criticize a custom, a tradition if you will, of another people? Well, obviously I must be some kind of Neanderthalic, Islamophobic asshole who refuses to recognize the value of honor killings to Muslim life and society. I am, of course, the penultimate, quintessential “ugly American” in real life and time: intolerant, unfeeling, insensitive, and so very judgmental of the customs and traditions of other peoples and cultures! Where the fuck do I get off wanting certain customs, habits, and practices of a group that I really must not understand all that well brought to a screeching and screaming halt? I wonder how all those Indian ladies felt when the evil, imperialist British outlawed that time-honored and oh so humane practice of Suttee? Do you think that they indignantly demanded that those white men from the West stop interfering with custom and belief or did they heave a huge, collective sigh of relief and thanks? I also wonder how all those innocent Indian bystanders reacted to those evil Brits outlawing the Kali cult of Thuggee? Do you believe that this further instance of “White Power” was seen as merely yet one more example of “Limey” unfairness, intolerance, and lack of compassion? Whaddya think(no, if you’re that interested you look up those terms)?
There was a news story from some years ago coming out of, I believe, Pakistan. A young lady was observed committing the absolutely heinous, unforgivable crime of speaking with a young man who was in no way related to her! Can you fucking imagine?!? The news, of course, made it back to the family: such disgrace; such dishonor; such absolute shame! The young lady’s kin would become pariahs, anathema, and outcasts among their fellow religionists. What to do, whatever to do? Later that evening as the evil-doer slept, her two brothers – as in loving siblings – slit her throat and she bled to death! They apparently loved her so much that they waited until she slept so as not to terrorize or cause undue pain. How very touching! Ah yes, fratricide to maintain and uphold the family’s besmirched honor. Makes you go all warm and fuzzy inside, don’t you know? These monsters, with the approval of dad, uncles, and cousins, dutifully carried out their sacred familial obligations. Their action was seen as upright and honorable and these fine young men were perceived as nothing less than heroic! I’ll bet the next day they sadly bemoaned the fact that they no longer had a sister to love! You know, “the family that slays together. . .” Yeah, but I guess the Libs are right. Who the fuck am I to criticize such age-old and hallowed traditions?
I was once shown a picture of an absolutely beautiful young lady of Middle Eastern origin. It was a full frontal nude and her body and face were truly magnificent. At first glance, however, my eyes couldn’t seem to focus on the photo. I knew I was looking at a picture but the brain just wasn’t making sense of the thing. It took a few seconds for me to comprehend what I was staring at. She was lying on her back with her severed head displayed prominently on her stomach! I shit you not. Her loving family had lovingly cut her fucking head clean off and then photographed the grisly results! Her crime? Dishonoring and disgracing her family by not sufficiently covering herself from head to toe save for the eyes.
Do you begin to get it folks, do you begin to understand? It is my contention that while certainly not all cultures are alike they are also not all equal and that, indeed, some are better and some are worse than others! Any culture, tradition, or religion that condones the concept and practice of honor killings is in my humble and, of course, bigoted Western view inferior to those that decry and condemn them! The concept of inferior and superior does have real meaning and actually exists. Not all things are morally relative and good and evil are not just ethereal, meaningless terms! Honor killings – are you fucking kidding me?!?
Surely, we hope, honor killings are not all that widespread and are limited to nations dominated by the Muslim faith and culture. You think so, Skippy? Yeah, well think again. Cinnamon Stillwell of writes that, “Throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe, young Muslim women are being targeted for violence.” She continues that, “lest it be thought hate crimes are to blame, it is, in fact their own relatives who are the perpetrators. So-called honor killings, whereby a Muslim male family member, typically the father, murders his daughter in order to defend the family’s honor, is a growing problem.” Stillwell reports that, “the United Nations Population Fund approximates that as many as 5,000 women are murdered in this manner each year worldwide.” This number, however, seems to be on the low side because, “reports from Turkey, Jordan, Pakistan and the Palestinian territories, among other locales, are filtering in at an alarming rate.” Stillwell continues, “Add to the list Germany, Sweden, other parts of Europe, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States, and it is clear that young Muslim women in the West are becoming increasingly vulnerable.”
Read that last line again – slowly and carefully. Note the emphasis on Muslim women in the West because that’s the kicker. If these haters of modernity kept this shit in their own backyards, it would still remain a horrific, barbaric, and brutally unspeakable code of conduct especially by any Western standards. These folks, however, are not content to stay in their own sandbox but rather have decided to come over and play with us. Remember when your mom forbade you from associating with certain kids at the playground? She was dead-on right! Take the case of one Egyptian-born taxi driver, Yaser Abdel Said. Debbie Schlussel ( notes that, “a taxicab driver named Yaser Abdel murdered both of his teenage daughters . . . probably because they had too much fun(perhaps with the dreaded non-Muslim infidels).” She explains that when Sarah, his 17 year-old daughter, “recently met a boy at her job, she told a friend that her father would kill her if he found out.”
Schlussel points out that the incident shocked the folks in the area, but maintains that it shouldn’t have since she had documented other examples in Indiana, Detroit, Dearborn, “as well as elsewhere in America, North America, and throughout the Western world.” The peace referenced earlier also describes the same honor killing. The article reports, “the brutal murder of teenage sisters Sarah and Amina Said. The two were found shot to death in a taxi after having made a last phone call to a police dispatcher asking for help.” The cops immediately issued an arrest warrant for the father of the slain siblings. The Dallas Morning News, according to the web piece, explained that Said’s motivation was that, “Western culture was corrupting the chastity of his daughters.” That last line is crucial if we are to ever comprehend the mindset of those who kill their own children to preserve family honor.
Assimilation, the process of becoming part of another culture, is key here. Mr. Said didn’t want to become an American but merely wanted to be an Egyptian living in America. There’s a huge difference between these two concepts and failing to recognize this will have deadly repercussions for our country. Far too many of our foreign born no longer desire to adopt and embrace American culture, mores, and traditions but merely want to transplant their own in the United States. They have no feelings for or love of this country and what it stands for. They come here only for whatever material rewards we can provide that simply don’t exist in the Third-World Shit Holes from whence they came. If honor killings are practiced in Egypt, then by God, this monster in human guise, this fucking barbarian from northern Africa would maintain that practice in his New World home if it suited him.
We allow human filth like this Said character into the country and are shocked and outraged when such abominations occur. If this guy and other Muslim Maniacal Mother Fuckers are so disgusted, morally outraged, and sickened by our American-Western Culture, how’s this for an idea? STAY THE FUCK IN YOU OWN GOD FORSAKEN THIRD WORLD HOVELS!!! Our immigration policies, or more accurately the lack thereof, allow these sick bastards and philosophies to thrive and flourish here and the multi-cultural mob of craven cowards won’t tolerate any criticism of these foreign assholes for fear of offering offense or insult! Give me and the rest of us a fucking break!! We have virtually open borders that allow Middle Eastern terrorists, devotees of honor killings, and those who have absolutely no concept of the meaning of human rights access to the greatest nation God ever gave mankind. I want them gone and anyone who objects can go the fuck with them!
An outfit called Gendercide Watch ( is primarily a feminist organization and monitors such practices as honor killings which are, of course mainly perpetrated against women. The group defines this type of murder as a practice in which a “woman is killed for her actual or perceived immoral behavior.” This behavior may “take the form of marital infidelity, refusing to submit to an arranged marriage, demanding a divorce, flirting with or receiving phone calls from men, failing to serve a meal on time, or – grotesquely – ‘allowing herself’ to be raped.” The group points to an incident reported in the Toronto Star of May 14, 1998. In the Turkish province of Sanliurfa, “one young woman’s throat was slit in the town square because a love ballad was dedicated to her over the radio.” I wonder which one of her sick, demented, twisted, barbaric – but no doubt loving – relatives did the deed and thereby preserved the family honor? To call people who believe in this practice civilized is a complete mockery of the term.
The group notes that most honor killings occur in Muslim countries but also recognizes that “the phenomenon is a global one.” These types of murders have been documented in Britain, Brazil, Ecuador, Egypt, India, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Pakistan, Morocco, Sweden, Turkey, Uganda, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran. That’s quite a list, but fails to mention places like Germany, France, Canada, the United States, and I’m sure others. To reiterate a previous point, these folks do not leave their customs and traditions at home when they move into other parts of the world but rather continue them where ever they settle. As Muslim minorities continue to grow ever larger in Western societies they will eventually destroy their target nations: they’re exactly like parasites draining the life blood from the host body.
Just take at look at what’s going on in Western Europe – just pick a country. There exist entire Muslim neighborhoods into which the legitimate civil authorities will not venture. Cops won’t go there, ambulances won’t go there, and firefighters won’t either. These are Muslim communities – Ummas – and the residents therein demand on being governed by Sharia, not civil law. If you think for one minute, especially given our virtually nonexistent immigration policies and Liberal nefariousness, it’s not happening in America you desperately need to get your fucking head examined!
On October 16, 1995, one Ittihaj Hassoon became the victim of an honor killing in a village near Haifa, Israel. According to the Montreal Gazette, ten years before she was murdered, she committed the unspeakable, horrendous, and apparently unforgivable sin of marrying an “outsider” against, of course, her family’s will. According to the paper, “Now after luring her back to her home village with promises that all was forgiven and her safety assured, her brother had the chance to publicly clear the blot on the family name with the spilling of her blood.” The news piece continued that, “In broad daylight in front of witnesses, he pulled out a knife and began to stab her.” A crowd quickly gathered as the execution unfolded. Did the mob react in horror, try and save the unfortunate woman, or stop brother from killing sister? Nope. More than one hundred villagers applauded his efforts and, “chanted, undulated, and danced in the streets. Within minutes Hassoon lay dead on the ground while the crowd cheered her killer, ‘Hero, Hero! You are a real man’!”
According to Suzanne Zima, author of When Brother Kills Sister, Hassoon’s sibling, Ibrahim, agonized over his decision and subsequent action. He said, “She is my sister – my flesh and blood – I am a human being. I didn’t want to kill her, I didn’t want to be in this situation.” No problem, Fucko! Just don’t do it and keep those homicidal tendencies in check. The brother couldn’t restrain himself because, “They (community members) pushed me to make this decision. I know what they expected from me. If I do this, they look at me like a hero, a clean guy, a real man. If I don’t kill my sister, the people will look at me like I am a small person.” This boggles the mind. This fucking maniac brutally and publicly slaughtered his own sister due to some kind of bizarre, twisted, demented peer pressure?!? Because of what they would have thought of him!?! Folks, this is no more or less than well, thoroughly sick shit. There are no other words for it. And by all means, keep in mind that more and more Muslims with the exact same mindset arrive in America every year.
A culture that approves, condones, and applauds such a perversion cannot in any shape, manner, or form peacefully exist with our own. It’s an utter impossibility and too great a leap of faith to ever assume otherwise. To do so is the height of folly, naivety, and pure, unadulterated Boobery! If we aren’t very careful about who and what kinds of people we want joining us in our “Great Experiment” we’re going to “tolerate” ourselves right out of existence! I don’t want these people in our towns or cities walking our streets. I don’t want them visiting or residing in America for any reason. Send them back to their desert hovels in the Third World Shit Hole countries they came from where they can fucking honor kill to their twisted heart’s content. Just get them the fuck outta’ here!! That any group of Americans – read that Liberals – could ever even claim to understand or excuse such barbarism means that this nation is indeed on the road to self-destruction and doom.
One assumes, one hopes anyway, that in lands noted for brutal punishments where criminals are concerned that in cases as outrageous as honor killings, penalties would be as excruciating, harsh, and as swift as the crime. Yeah, you’d think so, wouldn’t you? Better think again, Skippy. On September 27, 2008, Supna Zaidi posted a piece on entitled, “Does Islam Justify Honor Killings?” He notes that secular Iraq provides no punishment for such murders and states that after a seventeen year-old girl was killed by her father the arresting Iraqi sergeant stated that, “Not much can be done when we have an ‘honor killing’ case. You are in a Muslim society and women should live under religious laws.” The author notes that the “father also killed his wife, who left him after the murder of their daughter. He will not be prosecuted for either in Iraq.”
Well, all right then, Iraq must be the exception for surely other Muslim nations must severely punish these horrendous acts. In 2003, informed its readers about the state of punishment for honor killings in the nation of Jordan. The piece stated, “On Sunday, the Jordanian parliament rejected a bill that would strengthen relevant laws, which currently mete out sentences as light as six months in prison for people guilty of honor killings.” OK, let’s try Pakistan. Perhaps this Muslim nation punishes these horrific murders in ways more acceptable to Western sensibilities. The site reported that, “Six close male relatives of three teenage girls dug a 4-foot wide by 6-foot deep ditch, on a swealtering night in mid-July and allegedly buried the girls alive.” The girls had committed the unspeakable act of choosing their own husbands – GASP!! For this they had to be buried alive – simply nothing else to be done.
The incident did bring widespread condemnation from all manner of human rights groups, but to no avail. World Blog points out that one Israrullah Zehri, a senator in Pakistan’s upper house of Parliament commented that, “This action was carried out according to tribal traditions.” The Pakistani politician further added, “These are centuries-old traditions and I will continue to defend them.” Well, after all, tradition is ever so important. The article made a point of noting that, “In 2004, President Pervez Musharraf outlawed the practice known as honor killings – violations of the law carry the death penalty. But the law is impossible to enforce because this centuries old custom for dealing with women is protected by powerful feudal landlords and tribal elders.”
There is apparently some dispute as to the origins of this gruesome practice of honor killings. Some sources insist that its roots are firmly embedded in the Religion of Peace itself and justification for the practice may be found in the Koran. Others vehemently deny this charge and lay root causes at the feet of long held tribal customs, traditions, and beliefs. Both sides can present fairly convincing evidence to bolster their points of view and, I’ve been told, discussions on the topic can be quite heated to say the least. The point is moot and I for one don’t give a flying rat’s ass as to which side is more or less correct. It simply doesn’t matter and it’s not at all germane to the issue at hand. The fact remains that honor killings happen and are practiced everywhere Muslim communities establish a foothold. It’s simply an undeniable fact of life in the 21st Century.
What’s going on all over Western Europe, for example, is but a precursor of what is in store for the United States. There is absolutely no doubt about it and no way around it. Honor killings are happening in America and it doesn’t look like they’re going away anytime soon. A piece entitled, “Honor Killings Rising in Europe,” ( reports that, “Muslim honor killings have increased significantly on the Continent. . .” The author correctly maintains that, “Where Muslim communities have been allowed to remain insular through POLITICAL CORRECTNESS (emphasis mine) like in Germany as I posted earlier, they have brought with them their customs and traditions.” While the author singles out Germany here, any Western democracy will do like, for example, the United States. “The result,” he continues, “especially in the most leftist of these countries, are Muslim communities with little loyalty to their countries and almost no connection to the laws and norms of traditional European society and justice.”
The author couldn’t be more absolutely correct and he warns the United States not to emulate the European model for it will lead to nothing less than the absolute ruination of our country. Will we have the common sense combined with the necessary backbone to listen? I doubt it. The Captain’s Quarters’ piece spells it out in no uncertain terms. The author notes that, “This should provide an object lesson for countries like the U.S. and other Western nations that take in large amounts of immigrants. Allowing segregated societies to flourish ESPECIALLY BY PROVIDING SERVICES IN MULTIPLE LANGUAGES AS THE NORM (emphasis mine) only creates interest groups with less connection to the central society.” Finally and presciently, the piece concludes that, “In the extreme, it means that the governments cannot conduct their basic raison d’etre – the protection of its citizens. Assimilation should always be the goal, not undue accommodation.” It should be obvious to anyone with half a brain and just a tad of testosterone that those in charge of our so-called immigration policies have no interest in assimilation and bend over backwards to overly accommodate groups who couldn’t give a flying fuck about the United States. Folks, we are in very deep ca-ca here!
In a blog piece by Phyllis Chesler entitled, “Honor Killings in America,” the author discusses a number of the “incidents” mentioned in this screed but with a particularly perceptive twist. She talks about the murders of Amina and Sarah Said at the hands of good old “pops”. She explains that, “the blogs and the local Texas media . . . were all over this. Hot Air, Atlas Shrugs, Jihad Watch were too. The only national coverage of this story was contained in the Washington Times.” She finds this somewhat curious, disturbing, and puzzling as do I. Chesler queries, “Why did the national and international media so far shy clear of this story?” The answer is obvious to all whose heads are not firmly ensconced up their rectums!! Chesler asks, “Were they afraid of being accused of ‘Islamophobia’ if they reported the truth? Did they not want to use the word ‘Arab’ or ‘Muslim’ lest they be attacked as ‘Racists’?” Perfect – spot on – dead right!
The major media in this nation is in the death grip of politically correct Liberal cowards who are petrified of offending any and all groups save for Americans and America. These multi-cultural, diversity worshipping, pathetic wimps are so worried about offending those people and practices that have no place in this country that they’ll turn a blind eye as the United States and all that it stands for implodes and self-destructs!! These Leftist Lunatics may not actually pull the proverbial trigger but they are absolutely more than just mere willing accomplices!
Imagine the following scenario, as related by Sayed Kamran Mirza in, unfolding in your suburban town or urban neighborhood. He notes that, “Kifaya Husayn, a 16-year-old Jordanian girl was lashed to a chair by her 32-year-old brother. He gave her a drink of water and told her to recite an Islamic prayer.” Uh-oh, looks like we got that brother thing about to happen again. He, “then slashed her throat. Immediately afterward, he ran out into the street waving the bloody knife and crying, ‘I have killed my sister to avenge my honor’.” These people are sick, warped, and twisted beyond redemption and yet we still welcome them with open arms.
The author continues and explains that the girl’s crime was being “raped by another brother, a 21-year-old man.” Let’s see, the kid was raped by one brother and therefore viciously murdered by another. In some bizarre Muslim mindset she obviously deserved to die. Who judged her and pronounced sentence? Why, of course, “her own uncles who convinced her eldest brother that Kifaya was too much of a disgrace to the family’s honor to be allowed to live.” Yeah, I guess you’re right. This kind of horror may be fairly commonplace “over there”, but here in civilized America, the United States? Come on – get real! No way! Right? I mean it’s just not possible in this great country of ours, is it? Well, is it?
Much luv y’all and have a great day!
The Fifth Horseman