The global warming mongers amongst us never cease to amaze. They relentlessly and incessantly spew their bilge and bombast as though it were founded in real science and supported by sound, thorough, and accurate data instead of the phony, bogus, and spurious bullshit that increasing numbers of us have always recognized it to be. These shamsters, hucksters, and assorted snake oil salesmen couldn’t give a rat’s patoot about global warming, its possible effects on the planet, whether it’s man-made or natural, or any other damned thing. They mask their true agenda behind alarmist warnings, horrific predictions, and a constant menu of nothing but doom and gloom scenarios. Their docket has nothing to do with science, compassion, or concern for the state of the earth. They come across as ever so pious, caring, and, compassionate regarding our planet’s tenuous fate and the dire consequences about to befall mankind if we fail to heed their warnings and, of course, fork over the cash! Their hypocrisy and dissembling are boundless. They are completely shameless, utterly beguiling, and place anyone who dares disagree with them on the level of a Holocaust denier or perhaps flat-earthers!!
In truth, these lying scum-dogs are about absolutely nothing but power, control, and making Americans far less free than we are at present. These folks literally loathe and despise our capitalist economic system which has done nothing less than create the wealthiest nation by far in the history of the world. These saboteurs will not rest until they succeed in bringing the United States down to the level of that failed experiment in socialism we call Europe. Once we have reached that point, their next and ultimate goal is to force America into true third world status in which a very small elite completely controls the economic and political systems and employs the military like a private army to ensure its continued survival and strangle hold over all aspects of the lives of the citizenry. You see, these egomaniacal, full-bore liberals view themselves as the elite and the rest of us unenlightened boobies as merely too stupid to live but far too dumb to die. We peons, according to their doctrine, are simply not capable of making decisions on our own and any that we do make will, of course, be utterly disastrous. We need to be led around by the nose and must learn – or be forced – to unquestioningly and unerringly obey our betters who will certainly do a far superior job of caring for us than we ever could on our own! Not even the ruling classes of yore took the concept of Noblesse Oblige to this extreme: talk about the ultimate expression of hubristic patronage!!
Not only do these folks abhor capitalism but they thoroughly despise the United States as presently constituted. They do not merely want to shake it to its very core but rather destroy any vestige of this nation that has made it over the years a true beacon to the rest of the world, a shining example, and the very essence of hope and freedom. They wholeheartedly and ardently believe that America is the root cause of all the world’s ills, including our own. We are viewed by those phony-ass ratbags as nothing less than evil incarnate and unless we are stopped the world will teeter over that disastrous brink and all will be lost! Poverty, famine, and starvation – America is to blame! Unrest, civil and international warfare – our fault! Racism, discrimination, and prejudice – the United States is the culprit. Ecological disaster, species extinction, and global warming – blame America!!
These charlatans must convince the rest of us that unless global warming is addressed immediately we face total planetary ruin and devastation of unprecedented and irreversible proportions. It’s really not all that difficult and these folks have over the years perfected the art of instilling fear, uncertainty, and self-doubt into ever larger segments of a thoroughly gullible population. Aided by their allies in what has come to be dubbed the mainstream media, they are more than just a little adept at swaying and controlling public opinion on any crisis dejour. Additionally, whenever someone has the temerity to rationally and calmly disagree with their views and present contrary evidence the fear mongers become instantly hysterical, ratchet up the volume, and always resort to name calling. It never varies and is so predictable as to have become boring in the extreme. These people are incapable of thinking but instead merely emote.
We can see it as far back as the 1960’s when Rachel Carson predicted the total destruction of our “feathered friends” due to pesticide use. The end result; fear and bad policy. That little lady was almost single handedly responsible for banning DDT, easily the most effective malaria deterrent ever produced. The result – huge increases in the death toll especially among Third World children. This fear of a world gone birdless never, of course, came to pass. The Ehrlichs came along next and revived the Malthusian hysteria about too many people and not enough resources resulting in massive starvation and worldwide chaos. With the aid of the media and pandering pusillanimous politicians Americans were once again scared shitless as we began to doubt ourselves and our national purpose. This crisis also never materialized. During the ‘70’s we faced the grave probability of freezing to death, economic catastrophe, and massive social upheaval from the threat of the new Ice Age unless we acted immediately, unthinkingly, and blindly. Now, of course, we are faced with the latest threat to the planet’s continued existence: Man Made Global Warming!! We’re all going to fucking die! Same shit – different day.
The late Michael Crichton in his excellent novel State of Fear sums it up magnificently through his eccentric character Professor Norman Hoffman. He explains to the young Peter Evans that, “I am leading to the notion of social control . . . To the requirement of every sovereign state to exert control over the behavior of its citizens, to keep them orderly and reasonably docile.” The fictional prof continues, “and of course we know that social control is best managed through fear.” While certainly true in other places, this can’t possibly apply to America. We don’t live in a perpetual state of fear, do we? Hoffman goes on to provide the young Evans with examples. He notes that for, “Fifty years, Western nations had maintained their citizens in a perpetual state of fear. Fear of the other side. Fear of nuclear war. The Communist menace. The Iron Curtain. The Evil Empire.” He points out, however, that in 1989 the Soviet Union was literally imploding and tells Evans that the, “fall of the Berlin Wall created a vacuum of Fear. Nature abhors a vacuum. Something had to fill it.” He insists that , “this is the way modern society works – by the constant creation of fear . And there is no countervailing force. There is no system of checks and balances. No restraint on the perpetual promotion of fear after fear after fear. . .”
Crichton’s fictional character is absolutely correct regarding the concept of fear which is one of greatest motivators of all and any time. Whether real or merely perceived, people invariably act when afraid. Unfortunately, fear-induced action is almost always less than rational, thoughtful, or well planned. Out of a sense of fear or urgency or desperation well-meaning people frequently do far more harm than good although that is normally not their intention. In the case of the global warming mob, however, the term well-meaning simply doesn’t apply. As noted above, they are agenda driven and this has caused incalculable harm not just to this country but rather on a worldwide basis.
Let’s go back just one more time to Crichton’s fictional character who succinctly explains just how pernicious, dangerous, and utterly wasteful fear-based policies truly are. He clarifies that thus far we have squandered over twenty-five billion dollars to clean up the bogus power line cancer claim which has been definitively proven to be absolutely erroneous, if not a downright fraud and hoax. Alright, big deal. We’re the wealthiest nation in the history of the planet and we can certainly afford to waste a paltry 25 billion or so. The fictional professor, however, has a particularly nonfictional response when he notes that, “twenty-five billion dollars is more than the total GDP of the poorest fifty nations in the world. Half the world’s population lives on less than two dollars a day. So that twenty-five billion would be enough to support thirty-four million people for a year." Wasting money on junk science and fear-induced policies has, in fact, real world ramifications. In this example, people are starving to death all over third world nations while we piss away American tax dollars on nothing more than trumped up fears and false premises. While Crichton’s book is a work of fiction, this last is not. People are literally dying as we squander precious resources that could go toward relieving real world suffering.
Yes, I know. Crichton’s book is fictitious and many would reject using it to even slightly debunk this urban legend that has received virtually worldwide recognition and acceptance. Global warming, most people seem convinced, is an absolute, utter certainty that portends catastrophic consequences, total environmental destruction, and an end to life as we have come to know it. In addition, its cause is man-made but only by certain men. Developed Western Civilization has done more to destroy the earth, alter the climate, and intrude into Mother Nature’s realm than all other forces on the planet. Now it is charged that Western Civilization is not merely responsible for repressing and oppressing the majority of the globe’s population but our greed and callousness coupled with a thoroughly wrong-headed self-centeredness is absolutely destroying the planet. How do we know this? The answer is obvious: because Al Gore said so!
Ever since his Inconvenient Truth, he has become the titular head, the huckster in chief, and the poster boy alarmist for the Global Warming – We’re Killing the Fucking Planet – Humankind is Evil – mob. In an extensive piece from the July, 2006 issue of Newsmax ( entitled, “Global Warming Controversy: Legitimate Threat or Hot Air?” the publication rips the former “Alpha Male” a brand new one. The authors get right to the point when they state that the film, “may be disguised as a documentary, but in fact it is a craftily fabricated infomercial, part of a massive media campaign now underway. . .” This “propaganda blitz is designed to panic the public so that they buy into drastic political measures and sky-high taxes to fight global warming described by Gore as potentially ‘the worst catastrophe in the history of human civilization.’” Finally, the Newsmax piece concludes that, “Gore’s masterpiece is no more than, “false and deceptive advertising.”
Perhaps you’ve heard of something called the Aral Sea in Central Asia? I hadn’t, but environmentalist nut cases have been shrieking about the fact that it is drying up due, of course, to man-made global warming and offer it as just one more example of how we evil human beings are systematically destroying our precious blue planet. Well folks, it turns out that these pontificating pompous asses are correct but they’re lying nonetheless. The Aral has, in fact, been decreasing in depth but not because of global warming but rather, “it has been shrinking because the former Soviet Union diverted rivers that once kept it full.” The Newsmax piece correctly notes that, “Al Gore’s film implies that this central Asian sea – once the fourth largest in the world – dried up as a result of global warming.” It did, in fact, shrink by seventy-five percent and mankind was certainly responsible – but not global fucking warming! Let’s take yet one more example of Gore-shit designed to further entrench the lie that is man-made global warming into the world’s psyche. The propaganda film depicts photographs of snowcaps disappearing from African mountaintops. In the background, Gore’s monotone drones on, “that within the decade there will be no more snows of Kilamanjaro.” Well, there you have it – the Gorester has spoken and thus global warming, the scourge of the planet, must be true. Curiously enough, however, “satellite measurements show the 19,000-foot peak of this ancient volcano just south of the Equator to be colder today than it was in 1970.” Hmmmm, kinda makes you wonder, doesn’t it?
Ponte and Morano correctly observe that, indeed, the mountain’s snows are in fact disappearing but once again global warming is not the cause. The article notes that in 2003, “The British science journal Nature attributed this to the fact that humans have cut down forests – which produces humidity – around the volcano, thereby reducing the amount of moisture in the air that used to replenish the mountain’s snowpack.” The authors then point out the obvious. Prestigious peer-reviewed journals showed, “global warming is not to blame for the waning snow and ice on Mt. Kilimanjaro, but Gore’s juxtaposition of words and images cunningly tricks viewers into believing it is.” Could it be that the former vice-shamster is knowingly manipulating facts to fit his outrageous hypothesis? Come on, that would never happen – would it? One major conclusion reached by the Newsmax piece is that, “Gore and his film cannot be trusted as a source of accurate or balanced information about Earth’s climate.” I wonder if the silly bastards who award Mr. Nobel’s coveted prize feel the least little embarrassed or chagrinned? No way in Hell!
Another of the scare tactics employed by the fear mongers is to instil guilt, shame, and remorse about what evil mankind is doing to the planet and all its cute, cuddly beasties and birdies. One of the most popular cause celebs of the global warming crowd is, of course, the oft depicted polar bears that roam our northern reaches. These pure white glacial denizens are being driven to the point of extinction by the machinations of the genus Homo sapien completely run amok. The enviro-maniacs claim that global warming is destroying the ice bear’s habitat. The warming, they claim, is responsible for ever rising sea levels and because of that increasing numbers of polar bears are drowning or become stranded on the ice flows with no way off and no sustenance to keep them alive. They are doomed. The enviro-frauds relate hair raising and heart wrenching scenarios of bears who have drowned literally because of mankind’s nefariousness, callousness, and cruelty. Man is cold and heartless in the extreme and to make it all the worse, we don’t even lose any sleep over it: we are utterly devoid of compassion and completely lack anything even remotely resembling a conscience!
The only problem here folks is that the entire polar bear debacle is no more or less than a huge load of happy horseshit! No, the global warming haters of mankind – especially the American strain – are not merely mistaken or wrong headed. Theirs is not just a case of “misinterpreting” the evidence nor is it an instance of simply disagreeing with those holding other opinions. They are out and out fucking lying – knowingly, openly, and freely! We’ve all seen the pictures by now. You know, those poor creatures helplessly and hopelessly standing trapped on the ice-flow adrift somewhere in the Arctic Ocean. They look positively forlorn, seemingly aware that they are doomed, their fate sealed forever by mankind’s poor stewardship of old Mother Earth.
Yeah sure, save for the fact that these scum dogs are lying through their damned teeth! At you can view a piece entitled, “Global Warming Hoax Revealed,” where just such an image was posted. It creates exactly the desired emotional response: it tugs at the heartstrings, raises a lump in the throat, and brings a tear to the eye until one realizes that it’s a set up. Yup, the iceberg is melting alright but that’s only because the photo was snapped, “in the height of the summer. . . ,” when melting always occurs. Additionally, as you may or not know, polar bears are easily some of the finest swimmers in the mammal family and probably spend about as much time in the water as on the ice. This photo gives the distinct impression that those creatures are literally in the middle of the ocean with no possibility of making it to land when, in fact, “the polar bears were ten feet from shore.” In this case a picture is not worth merely a thousand words but rather an entire encyclopedia of lies, half truths, and distortions!
What the Hell, then, are these dumb beasts doing parking their silly asses on an ice flow? They’re doing what all wild animals do: taking advantage of their habitat and natural environment. Have you ever seen a red tailed hawk, for example, riding the thermals? They are flying efficiently and effortlessly with no wing movement as they soar majestically overhead. Instead of using up precious energy flapping away up there they let the wind do the work for them. It’s a survival mechanism, Numb Nuts! The same thing with the bears. “Let’s see,” says Mr. Bear, “I’m goin’ this way and that large chunk of ice is goin’ the same way. Hmmmm, let me climb on board and catch a ride.” It’s called survival of the fittest. The less energy expended and calories burned, the more likely the creature is to survive for yet another day in that brutally harsh environment.
Christopher C. Horner in his excellent work The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and the Environment quotes Dr. Mitchell Taylor, Department of the Environment, Government of Nunavut who maintains, “of the thirteen populations of polar bears in Canada, eleven are stable or increasing in numbers. They are not going extinct, or even appear to be affected at present.” Professional meteorologist Roy W. Spencer also takes on the polar bear fraud. In his book Climate Confusion, he states uncategorically that, “Most reporters fail to mention the fact that the polar bear population has grown dramatically in recent decades.” Additionally, “Even Al Gore’s movie couldn’t find real videos of a polar bear threatened by a lack of ice – they had to create a computer animation of a poor bear swimming in an ice-free sea.” Could the former vice-shamster be running a scam, or as he once accused President Bush is he playing on our fears? No way. C’mon, Big Al would never defraud his adoring public!
In his latest book, Bjorn Lomborg of Skeptical Environmentalist fame also notes Gore’s penchant for “exaggeration” as he examines the false charge in a new study which claims that for the first time polar bears have been drowning in significant numbers which leads to dire predictions of polar bear extinction in less than a decade. Lomborg notes that, “Al Gore’s statement on drowning bears suggests an ongoing process getting ever worse.” Well surprise, surprise!
It’s just more bullshit aimed at providing the hucksters with additional power and funds. Lomborg points out that actually, “there was a single sighting of four dead bears the day after ‘an abrupt windstorm’ in an area housing one of the increasing bear populations.” The author reports on the conclusions reached by the Polar Bear Specialist Group of the World Conservation Union which told us that, “of the twenty distinct subpopulations of polar bears, one or possibly two were declining in Baffin Bay; more than half were known to be stable; and two subpopulations were actually increasing around the Beaufort Sea.” Huh, whaddya know? Lomborg finally mentions that, “it is reported that the global polar-bear population has increased dramatically over the past decades, from about five thousand members in the 1960s to twenty-five thousand today, through stricter hunting regulation.” Polar bear extinction, my sorry old ass!
Why all this lying, exaggeration, prevarication, and dissembling? Remember what professor Hoffman referred to earlier: instill fear, feed fear, and reinforce fear in order to exert social control. Our new federal budget wastes literally billions on this trumped up, phony global warming bullshit while untold trillions of dollars worldwide are squandered on something easily as fraudulent as old Bernie Madoff’s giant ponzy scheme. Let’s return to Newsmax and learn about a fellow named Dr. Stephen Schneider, co-director of Stanford University’s Center for Environmental Sciences and Policy. He’s also a co-founder of the Climate Project at the National Center for Atmospheric Research as well as an editor in chief of the journal Climate Change.
No minor leaguer here, folks. We’re dealing with a heavyweight and when he speaks people tend to pay attention. He is, after all, a bona-fide, certified, genuine, real life, Honest to God scientist! The Doc insists that scientists, “are ethically bound to the scientific method, in effect promising to tell the truth – the whole truth and nothing but.” Sounds good, that scientific method thing going on and lends an air of objectivity, openness, and fairmindedness. Then, of course, this man of science, this paragon of virtue, this seeker of truth immediately begins back peddling and prevaricating. He continues, “we are not just scientists but human beings as well and like most people, we’d like to see the world a better place, which in this context translates into our working to reduce the risk of potentially disastrous climatic change.” From here he moves into full blown, out and out hypocrisy. To accomplish their goals he and his fellow global warmsters obviously need the support of the general public. Once the great unwashed climb aboard that run away locomotive the groveling, sniffling, pandering fucking politicians will not be far behind! The good Dr. continues that this, “entails getting loads of media coverage.” Now here comes the kicker. Schneider remarks, “so we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have. . .” Finally, notes this betrayer of the scientific method, “Each of has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.” Hey, it’s just another example of the ends justifying the means or perhaps the other way around. Why bother with a pesky little thing like the truth if it stands in the way of getting what you want? You ever hear of a concept called first casualties? No, think about it.
This “scientist’s” friend just happens to be former U.S. Senator from Colorado Tim Worth and please note that when science teams up with politics it’s time to get the fuck out of Dodge! Head for the tall grass because the train wreck that’s coming is going to be nothing short of spectacular. The ex-Senator unabashedly proclaimed, “We’ve got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing – in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.” Read that last one more time very slowly – I’ll wait. This schmuck obviously graduated with honors from the University of Machiavelli and appears not even the least little bit embarrassed over his totally outrageous statement: he is, after all, one of the elites who will lead us poor, befuddled masses to the promised land. As did Michael Crichton’s State of Fear, the Newsmax piece cuts directly to the heart of the entire global warming bullshit scam. Rather than focusing on the effects of climate change, “the global warming issue has spawned an entire industry that makes its proponents rich, powerful, and famous. It is a vehicle they can ride to advance other agendas.”
Wait, it gets better. In addition, “the warming advocates do not necessarily even care whether the theory of global warming is actually right or wrong, true or false, as long as it can be manipulated to get them what they want.” What is it exactly that is wanted? That depends entirely on which group or category one is identified with. For example, “to politicians and government bureaucrats, the issue is being sold as an ‘emergency’ to justify huge expansions of government power, regulation and taxation.” Through grants, scientists use global warming to maintain incomes, lifestyles, and reputations while the media employs doomsday scenarios to attract audience and generate profits. Just as importantly, the issue “can be used to bash ‘greedy’ capitalists while advocating bigger government.” Yeah, the global warming-ites are real humanitarians alright and their concern for the state of the planet is truly uplifting. I’d like to take my “carbon footprint” and plant it firmly up Al Gore’s ass as a gesture of my thanks and appreciation!
As we examine just a few more issues connected to the whole global warming boondoggle please keep the hidden – and not so hidden – agenda of these fear-mongering fucks well in the foreground. You see, these frauds are anything but the concerned humanitarians they present themselves to be. For example, the alarm has been sounded that, “sea levels are rising, sea levels are rising!” The hucksters submit that coastal regions will be under water, cities like New York and London will become unlivable swamps, and entire archipelagoes in the Pacific Ocean will be wiped off the map! Global warming is killing the planet they claim while demanding ever increasing donations to the cause. A piece in Newsmax from February 8, 2008 notes that, “Global warming activists have been warning of a 13-foot to 20-foot rise in sea levels by the year 2050, caused by the melting of the great polar ice cap.” This is yet nothing less than another hoax designed to instill fear. Fred Singer, President of the Science and Environmental Policy Project Research Group, maintains that the “sea level will continue to rise at a slow rate of 8 inches per century, as it has for the last few thousand years.” Lomborg notes that sea levels will rise but only about “a foot over the rest of the century,” and he continues, “that is certainly not outside historical experience.” Horner explains that the charge that climate change is raising the sea levels is nothing more than a myth and points out that, “sea levels rise during interglacial periods such as that in which we (happily) find ourselves.” Even that thoroughly useless boondoggle known as the United Nations finds, “no statistically significant change in the rate of increase over the past century.” Chicken Little’s hysteria regarding a falling sky is just about as valid as the global warming mob’s dire predictions but at least old CL didn’t seem to have a hidden agenda!
Next up, of course, we have evil man burning evil fossil fuels that creates far too much of that evil pollutant Carbon Dioxide. I’ve pretty much made up my mind that the next time I hear some damned ignorant – or lying – son of a bitch claim that Carbon Dioxide is a pollutant I’m gonna smack the bastard right in the face! Oxford defines the term “pollute” as to “make dirty with harmful or poisonous substances.” Dirty? Harmful? Poisonous? If you actually believe this, if you’ve really bought that load of shit, than I’ve got a really great bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you! Are these schmucks seriously attempting to convince us that every time we exhale we become evil polluters?!? Think about that: 6,000,000,000 humans are destroying the planet by merely breathing! Carbon Dioxide is a nutrient, Numb Nuts, and essential to life on earth – you got that!?! Without it life is not sustainable – any and all life – even that of the low life global warming putzes that constantly attempt to scare the crap and the money out of the rest of us!!
As just stated, Carbon Dioxide is a nutrient – it’s plant food. Just as we can’t survive without air, plants require CO2 so that they can function properly while simultaneously providing that silly old oxygen required by us fragile human types. Gore and his gang of cretinous boobies do their damnedest to convince any idiot who will listen that this Carbon Dioxide stuff is destroying the planet as it causes ever increased levels of global warming. It’s just amazing how many idiots exist out there. Let’s go back to Newsmax of February 8, 2008 where E. Ralph Hostetter informs us that, “Carbon Dioxide has never been proven to be a hazard to human habitation on earth. In fact CO2 is the giver of all life on the planet. It is the only substance on Earth that can harness the energy of the sun and by the process of photosynthesis create matter in the form of vegetation on which all life subsists.” Indeed, he continues that, “there is no sound scientific evidence that increases in CO2, even a doubling of CO2, would adversely affect human beings. The planet would be much greener and the deserts would bloom.” This award winning columnist concludes by noting that, “the fact that CO2 causes global warming exists only in the hard drive of the envirocrat’s computer.” You go, E. Ralph!!
Spencer of Climate Confusion explains that Carbon Dioxide is called a “trace gas” because there just isn’t very much of it in our atmosphere. He states that, “the current concentration of about 380 ppm means that for every million molecules of air, 380 of them are carbon dioxide. Or alternatively, for every 100,000 molecules of air, 38 of them are carbon dioxide.” To put it even more succinctly, “mankind adds only 1 molecule of CO2 to every 100,000 molecules of air every five years or so.” We’re supposed to get our shorts in a twist and our bowels in an uproar over this? I think not. He also points out that while Carbon Dioxide is considered a greenhouse gas it is not nearly as prevalent as Water Vapor or Methane, the other two major GHG’s. As a matter of fact, without the protective layer provided by these evil gases, Spencer notes that the average global temperature would rise to about 140 degrees Fahrenheit! Now that’s what I’d call some serious fucking global warming!!
Al Gore maintains over and over again that the science of global warming is settled and that the world’s community of scientists has reached a consensus on the topic. He refuses to debate or discuss the issue with those who know better because he fully realizes he is wrong. Yet year after year he drones on and on scaring the living shit out of a far too gullible public and especially very young school children. Every teacher’s union in the country, of course, aids and abets his propaganda blitz in his never ending quest for power and control. OK Al, I’ll concede your point that the planet has warmed –and cooled –and warmed – and cooled ad infinitum: it always has, since day one! Gore can’t quite grasp the concept that the only constant in the earth’s history is change, never ending change. The planet will always do this. In the last century or so, the globe has warmed by approximately a whopping 1 degree Fahrenheit. Heaven help us – we’re destroying the planet and we’re all gonna fucking die!
Bjorn Lomborg even goes so far as to point out that over-all warming, if true, will even have positive ramifications but you’ll never catch the “Warmster” telling you what they might be. The author notes that, “the first complete survey for the world was published in 2006, and what it shows us very clearly is that climatic change will not cause massive disruption or huge death tolls.” He projects that, “the direct impact of climate change in 2050 will mean fewer dead and not by a small amount.” Lomborg informs us further that, “about 1.4 million people will be saved each year due to more than 1.7 million fewer deaths from cardiovascular diseases and 365,000 more deaths from respiratory diseases.” The author of Cool It explains that the length of the growing season worldwide would be extended over what it is today thus allowing farmers to produce more which should result in fewer instances of malnutrition and its dual consequences of disease and death especially in Third World Nations. How ‘bout that, Skippy? A certain amount of warming may have positive effects. I’ll bet the damned ranch that we’ll never hear this cheery news from the so- called mainstream media. Why not? Just remember Professor Hoffman.
The website gives us a piece entitled, “The Anatomy of a Hoax,” which is stunningly accurate and precisely sums up exactly what the global warming mob is all about. The author points out that, “Hoaxes have always been around. People have fallen for them en masse for centuries.” The piece lists the ice age scare, the overpopulation nonsense, the Y2K bilge, and – of course – global warming. The author continues that the “ first element of a hoax is that it evokes emotions such as fear, greed, sympathy, guilt, etc. You are going to die.” Sound somewhat familiar, Hmmmm? Let’s continue: “The global warming enthusiasts are trying to evoke fear and guilt. The fear is that we could die in a catastrophic weather event.” Indeed, “Guilt is also induced,” for “we drive cars which will be the cause of world-wide suffering. It will be our fault.” Hey, do we begin to detect a pattern here, a formula perhaps? When emotions trump rationality the job of the hoakster is well nigh complete.
The piece also notes that in the case of the global warming hoax that most of us simply don’t or can’t understand the science involved. Most scientists do not write for the general public for they are professionals communicating with other professionals not laymen like the overwhelming majority of us. This “results in the victim of the hoax feeling confused and ashamed,” for “he will not strive to understand the science.” The author points out that the hoax’s victim benefits greatly from living in the industrialized West and therefore feels guilty. Feeing guilt naturally “drives the victim to comply with the activists’ demands.” You know, this is really beginning to sound orchestrated, choreographed, and scripted and if you think of any successful con you’ll realize that they almost always are. Could it be that this whole global warming mess is nothing more than a brilliantly planned and executed scam? Just think Newman and Redford as they ran the “big con” in their movie “The Sting.” In the film, some gangster type was the mark and he was played like a priceless classical instrument. In today’s scenario, Gore and his minions are the con artists while the rest of us gullible boobies are the marks.
The next component of any hoax is to “baffle them with babble,” for “the mind can only hold so many elements in conscious awareness at any one time.” Jargon is the key and the more complicated the language, the more erudite and glib the champions of the cause the easier it is to hoodwink those that are always willing to unquestioningly believe the so-called experts. The third and final element of any convincing scam is the concept of urgency to be followed by dire consequences. Unless something is done without delay we are all doomed, the planet is doomed, as is our posterity. We simply cannot delay. As the web piece notes, “The third element is immediacy,” and “with the global warming hoax we must act now to prevent future disasters because when the disasters come about it will be too late.”
Far too many of us have been enviro-scammed far too often and yet we’re letting it happen yet again. The information is readily available and breaking out of our self-imposed prison of ignorance is anything but difficult. Should we chose otherwise and keep displaying this penchant for allowing ourselves to be bamboozled, hoodwinked, and suckered then we deserve exactly what the fuck we get! When they tell you to bend over and grab your ankles just shut up and smilingly comply. I hope you’re all going to enjoy the huge tax hikes that are coming down the pike in the name of saving the planet and I’m sure you’ll be equally ecstatic as you watch ever increasing numbers of your freedoms disappear while the central government grows ever larger and more powerful! Yeah, that Al Gore, he’s a real freaking humanitarian!!
Much ‘Luv’ Y’All and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman!
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