Over the last 230 some-odd years, the United States has become the world’s freest, most powerful, and wealthiest nation in the history of nations. No other comes even close or can match us on any level or degree of comparison. It’s literally a one horse race: we are indeed a shining beacon of light, the proverbial city on the hill, and the envy of every other country on the planet. This is simply an undeniable truth – a given, if you will. This kind of success is, of course, envied by many and feared by some but this is only natural. We are the world’s “Big Dog” and the little yappers don’t much care for it. Moreover, we have used our tremendous wealth and power throughout our history to make the world a far better place than it ever could have been without us. We have consistently defeated dictators who have employed their power for oppression, greed, and personal aggrandizement. Throughout the centuries we have relieved suffering, spread enlightenment, and fostered progress. Every time the world faces disaster, man-made or natural, we are called upon to set things right and we will continue to do so in the future. It is simply who we are. If I sound like a proud American with an unmistakable streak of nationalism running through me, I congratulate you on you perceptiveness, deductive powers, and grasp of the absolutely obvious – well done!
While I am certainly proud of my country, that pride is tempered by large doses of gratitude, humility, and appreciation. After all, I had absolutely nothing to do with being born in the greatest nation God ever gave mankind and I realize it was simply an accident of birth that my parents were American citizens. I could just as easily have been born in some third world shit hole and been consigned to an utterly miserable existence with a life expectancy of around forty or so years. Similarly, I could have ended up on the African savannah hunting wild beasts with primitive weapons. Yes, I am certainly grateful but what I am by far and away most grateful for and appreciative of is that magnificent machine, that absolutely amazing engine of freedom that we call our American Military – any and all branches!
The American Army and all of our fighting forces can only be described in the superlative. It is truly superb, thoroughly awe-inspiring, and utterly without peer or rival anywhere on the planet! This is not merely an opinion or some vague speculation but rather it is based strictly on empirical evidence. Our soldiers – the best equipped, motivated, and trained in the world - have kept this country completely free from foreign domination ever since we told the English to kiss our collective asses back in 1776! This can literally not be said of any other nation on the planet at any time or any place in history. Not only have Americans come to depend upon it and those patriotic citizens who fill the ranks of this all-volunteer force but, sadly, far too many of my countrymen take it for granted and fail to appreciate what life in America would be like without it.
This is why I get so thoroughly crazed, completely nauseated, and utterly ramped up as I contemplate the total denigration heaped upon our service men and women that began during the 1960’s and continues unabashed and unabated to the present day. The members of the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite) take some kind of perverse delight in shoveling totally undeserved scorn, ridicule, and humiliation on that very institution without which America’s greatness and exceptionalism could not have possibly survived let alone thrived for the last two and one-third centuries. Do not misunderstand or misinterpret here for I am not even remotely suggesting nor would I ever claim that our military is not open to legitimate criticism so long as it is of a constructive nature. All of our institutions are indeed open to questioning, probing, and criticism. After all, this is the way in which mistakes are corrected, wrongs are righted, and innovations initiated. Those Liberal Fucking Elites, however, go far beyond the pale and would have us believe that our military represents nothing less than evil incarnate, that it has caused rather than prevented worldwide misery and suffering, and it represents a prime example of institutional misanthropism! These pathetic Americans, so-called, constantly dissemble, distort, and just plain out and out fucking lie so much that they can no longer distinguish between reality and their particularly vicious brand of partisan politics. With the aid of their ever so willing accomplices in the so-called mainstream media, they have actually convinced far too many citizens that their view of our military is accurate. I wonder if these loathsome creatures, these vile vermin in human guise have any idea what this antimilitary propagandist bullshit has on the morale, the spirit, and the perspective of our fighting men and women as we prosecute what can only be appropriately deemed World War IV and one that we must not lose! The problem here is that these liberal elite scum dogs know exactly what they are doing and they do it as part of a planned, coordinated effort to bring this nation if not to its knees, then certainly down to the level of those weak-willed and minded buffoons from that failed Socialist Paradise we call Europe!
I give you, for example, one Senator John (Reporting for duty, Sir!) Kerry of the People’s Republic of Massachusetts. Oh, and if you haven’t heard by now it appears that he just might have served in Vietnam. Are you aware of that? While deep in the throes of campaigning for the job of Commander in Chief, he succinctly summed up his attitude toward members of our military. In a piece from World Net Daily ( we find that while addressing students in a campaign speech the Patrician Senator and Two-Time Gigolo suggested that it is the uneducated, the stupid, and the ignorant that comprise the heart, soul, and guts of our Armed Forces. He told the students that, “You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and do your homework, and you make the effort to be smart, uh, you can do very well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq. . .” Just how fucking arrogant and condescending is that!?! If you end up serving your country, it has nothing to do with pride or patriotism but rather with the fact that these losers who sign up have no other options because they are just, well, losers!
John Kerry, of course, must be credible and carries with him a shit-load of “gravitas” because as we know by his own constant admission he was thrice wounded in service to his nation. Hey, he told us so! Let’s see, the man spent approximately four months “in country” and one-fourth of them consisted of training. So within three months he got hit three times and was awarded three purple hearts! Quite amazing really when you realize that he spent not one damned day in sick bay getting his grievous wounds tended to. No hospital time at all! Boy, this is quite the man and both Sergeant York and Audie Murphy best get the Hell out of the way! Well, Senator, I guess that’s your story and you’re stuck with it. I’ll tell ya though, that damned dog just don’t hunt, that mule just don’t plow, and that fucking boat just won’t float. It’s just a bit too much over the top, if you get my drift.
There are many who strenuously objected to the effete Senator’s callous and slanderous remarks including one John McCain who viewed the junior politician’s utterances, “as a slam at military service, suggesting it’s a last refuge for the lazy and uneducated.” Then White House Press Secretary Tony Snow insisted that, “Senator Kerry not only owes an apology to those who are serving, but also to the families of those who’ve given their lives in this.” President Bush as Commander in Chief derided Kerry’s odious comments opining that suggesting that, “the men and women of our military are somehow uneducated is insulting and shameful.” Bush continued that, “Our troops did not enlist because they did not study in school or do their homework,” and recognized that, “The men and women who serve in our all-volunteer Armed Forces are plenty smart and are serving because they are patriots - and Senator Kerry owes them an apology.” Others, of course, came forward to defend those serving our nation like Senator David Vitter who called Kerry’s statement, “truly despicable and offensive,” and said the comments constituted, “A slap in the face of all of our intelligent, dedicated, brave men.” Paul A. Morin, a leader of the American Legion, said he was thoroughly outraged by Motor Mouth’s comments and noted that a, “generation ago Senator Kerry slandered his comrades in Vietnam by saying that they were rapists and murderers. It wasn’t true then and his warped view of today’s heroes isn’t true now.” We must remember, of course, that Kerry has had these negative views since his service ended almost forty years ago. That may explain much, but it excuses absolutely nothing!
Kerry, of course, was certainly not the only member of the LFE to disparage and defame those who now serve our nation so well and so selflessly. Leonard Pitts, Jr. of the Miami Herald also planted both feet firmly in his big mouth when he talked about those in uniform. Speaking of the individual soldier, the obviously unbiased and fair-minded reporter said, “He would now be wrapped in the darkness of anonymity, working on his GED or talking to an Army recruiter or whatever it is you do to cobble together a life when you’re a high- school dropout and the future comes knocking (” This asshole makes Kerry seem humble by comparison. The Liberal view of those who serve in our military has always been flat-out wrong and they know it. The Hollywood Left, Liberal Democrats, and their ever so willing accomplices in the so-called Mainstream Media are absolutely aware of their grossly prejudiced opinion regarding those who serve but they will never publicly admit it. The next time one of these venal, pompous, subversive mother-fuckers says something about supporting the troops just not their mission he or she should be bitch-slapped preferably by a serving member of the military who is in full uniform!!
The piece in the Conservative American already referenced actually refutes those who constantly belittle our soldiers by concluding that people like Pitts obviously think, “the uneducated have no choice but the Army.” The article goes on to note that, “those in the military are far from uneducated. These men and women are bright, brave patriots. The facts don’t back up the democrat-socialist view that no one would ever go in the military unless they had no other choice.” The author further suggests that, “Those who put forward that incorrect assumption are merely trying to answer their own guilt for not being willing to serve and sacrifice.” The truth hurts, don’t it folks?
The Conservative American only provides a mere hint, a brief glimpse, of exactly how correct and dead-on that last paragraph is, for information that completely destroys the lies of the LFE is more than available to any half-bright thirteen year-old with access to the internet (sorry for insulting all those half-bright thirteen year-olds out there). Take a piece from WWW.NEWSMAX.COM that relies on a Heritage Foundation study (WWW.HERITAGE.ORG) that directly refutes Kerry and the rest of the detractors. The report states that, “Some insist that minorities and the underprivileged are overrepresented in the military.” Others maintain that the Army is, “accepting unqualified enlistees in a futile attempt to meet its recruiting goals in the midst of an unpopular war.” Ready for just a few facts and figures? Good.
The article notes that for the year 2005, military recruits graduated high school at 96.72% while the rate for the population in general stood at 79.8%. The mean reading level for 2004 recruits was a full grade level higher than for the civilian population. It appears that the stereotypical view of our fighting forces may be just a tad lacking. Newsmax reports that in 2004, 92.1% of those who became “Active Duty Officers” had earned at least a Bachelor’s Degree or better. As for the myth that those who joined the service come from the poorest of the poor that too is just so much pure Bullshit! Those who came from our nation’s lowest 20% of the population fell from 18% to 13.7% between 1999 and 2005. It is also interesting to note that the “percentage of 2005 recruits with household incomes between $52,071 and $200,000, 22.85 percent, is higher than for all Americans ages 18 to 24, which is 20.02 percent. Hey John-Boy, maybe it’s time you studied and did your own homework before you start running that big Liberal Fucking Mouth of yours!
A piece from WWW.TANK.NATIONALREVIEW.COM entitled, “Demographics in the Military: If You’re Uncomfortable, You’re the Problem,” quotes a former Marine who served in the Gulf War and he deeply resents the stereotypical view of our servicemen and women held by far too many Americans and especially by the left wing media. He remembers how angry he became, “when Jessica Lynch and her comrades came home after being ambushed during the invasion of Iraq,” and recalls, “with relative clarity feeling the need to retch at the media’s wanton portrayal of them as a poor backwards girl who really had no business being in Iraq and a group of sorry saps who just wanted college money and never ‘signed up’ for a war. The anger at that popular and oft-repeated portrayal has never left me.” Somehow I don’t get the impression that this particular individual fits the view that is too often held by far too many of our fellow Americans. He continues that, “We are not – and in my Gulf War-era time of service we were not – a rag-tag collection of otherwise unemployable social rejects too dumb or too poor for college. It may come as a shock to some, but we enlisted with all our teeth and our very own shoes, and we had jobs before we joined.” This former soldier concludes that, “We were then and are now an all-volunteer military that is across the board far smarter than perceived, far less economically destitute and optionless than thought, and incredibly diverse and comfortable.” Hey Senator Kerry, why don’t you and your damned Liberal buddies look this guy up and insult him right to his face instead of hiding behind the papers and television news? You know, look him right in the eye and explain that he’s just a low-life loser who simply ran out of options in the freest, most opportunity-laden nation ever known to mankind. We all know that you and your ilk lack the necessary cajones for something like that!
Kevin Stith writing a piece entitled, “Military Demographics,” for Ezine Articles (WWW.EZINEARTICLES.COM) explains that, “While only a small portion of the armed services requires the strength of youth,” it is worthy of note that, “a larger portion of the armed services requires . . . maturity, experience, and technological skill.” The emphasis on technology is key here for even the lowliest rifleman in the infantry must be techno-savvy in the 21st Century Armed Forces. Canon fodder is no longer the premium it used to be and has largely been replaced by high-tech skills and extremely expensive training. The Army simply cannot afford to allow losers and the intellectually challenged to swell its ranks but rather must enlist extremely bright individuals in increasing numbers. Does that make any sense to you, Senator Kerry? No, probably not.
Stith also shatters yet additional myths concerning our armed forces and literally explodes long-held and cherished LFE stereotypes. He aptly concludes that, “The American military recruits a substantial population from the middle class. Mostly, young men and women from the middle class serve the American military.” In fact, he flatly insists that, “fewer people come from the poorer and wealthier families. Military recruits tend to be more highly educated than the general public.” Additionally, “Military demographics reports show that around 75.8% of all recruits are usually whites,” and, “urban areas are the most underrepresented in the military.” These statistics merely bare out what most of us have known instinctively – that our military is the finest the world has ever seen and that those who serve are dedicated, highly patriotic, and in fact tend to be over-achievers. Could it be that the military’s Liberal detractors really had no clue as to the veracity of the above information and once having overcome their utter ignorance on these issues will then cease slandering and libeling those proud Americans who safeguard their freedoms? Yeah, you bet!!
The Heritage Foundation through its Center for Data Analysis sponsored two publications dealing with military demographics. In November of 2005, Dr. Timothy Kane published, “Who Bears the Burden? Demographic Characteristics of U.S. Military Recruits Before and After 9/11,” which essentially deals with our enlisted personnel. In August of 2008, Dr. Shanea J. Watkins and James Sherk co-authored, “Who Serves in the U.S. Military? Demographic Characteristics of Enlisted Troops and Officers.” Both studies utterly decimate the anti-military propaganda espoused by the LFE and completely lay waste to the prejudicial assessment of America’s fighting forces. Kane, for example, quotes that extremely loud-mouthed and loathsome Harlem Representative Charles Rangel who insists that, “a disproportionate number of the poor and members of minority groups make up the enlisted ranks of the military, while the most privileged Americans are underrepresented or absent.”
We have already seen that this common misconception has been thoroughly debunked. Dr. Kane notes that, “recruits were more highly educated than the equivalent general population, more rural and less urban in nature, and of somewhat similar economic status.” He bluntly concludes that, “We did not find evidence of minority racial exploitation.” Dr. Kane also explains that, “We found that recruits tend to come from middle-class areas, with disproportionately fewer from low-income areas.” He also points out that, “very few recruits – less than 5 percent – came from neighborhoods with average incomes below $20,000 per household.”
As far as Rangel’s baseless and racist charge that minorities are thoroughly overrepresented with whites being, of course, disproportionately underrepresented that too is pure bombast and bullshit! The study revealed, “that whites are one of the most proportionately represented groups – making up 77.4 percent of the population and 75.8 percent of all recruits. . .” I’ll bet you didn’t know that did you? Furthermore, “the demographic data on race reveal that military enlistees are not, in fact, more heavily recruited from black neighborhoods.” Interestingly, the study goes on to say, “there is no disproportionate share of minorities serving in the military, as claimed by editorials around the nation in 2003.” I wonder why these editorials couldn’t print the truth about our military since it’s obviously easily and readily available? Do you suppose that these writers and the Liberal rags they work for just may have a hidden agenda? Nah, that would never happen! Dr. Kane’s study absolutely, “refutes the claim that enlisted troops are underprivileged and come from underprivileged areas. In terms of education, household income, race, and home origin the troops are more similar than dissimilar to the general population.” Can it be? Is it even remotely possible that our armed forces reflect an accurate representation of what this nation actually looks like?
The 2008 demographic analysis of our military by Watkins and Sherk reaches many of the same irrefutable conclusions as its earlier version but also analyzes the data concerning our military’s Officer Corps. No matter what the statistics illustrate, however, the study’s authors make an excellent point when they note that, “A soldier’s demographic characteristics are of little importance in the military which values honor, leadership, self-sacrifice, courage, and integrity – qualities that cannot be quantified.” Read that last again because it is key to understanding the Left’s total antipathy toward anything military. These cretins are simply not capable of grasping let alone comprehending these characteristics. Liberals simply don’t understand what the Marines, for example, refer to as “The Code.” Honor, Self-Sacrifice, Courage? Please!!
The 2008 study is very similar to the 2005 version in that it too quantifies societal indicators such as household income, education levels, racial and ethnic backgrounds, and regional origin. In all categories the military is equal or superior to their civilian counterparts. For example, “enlisted recruits in 2006 and 2007 came primarily from middle-class or upper-middle-class backgrounds. Low income neighborhoods were underrepresented among enlisted troops, while middle-class and high-income neighborhoods were overrepresented.” As far as levels of education, “enlisted troops were significantly more likely to have a high school education than their peers.” Hey, here’s something else you didn’t know – that, “ the military requires at least 90 percent of enlisted recruits to have high school diplomas.” The 2008 report also debunks the racial stereotype so cherished by the Liberal Fucking Elite and one they will never disabuse themselves of no matter how solid and convincing the evidence.
The analysis of our Officer Corps is particularly interesting in that it confirms rather than destroys a long-held stereotype. The authors illustrate that the, “conventional wisdom, which mistakenly holds that American soldiers enlist because they are disadvantaged and have limited opportunities, does not extend to the Officer Corps. The stereotypical military officer is highly educated and comes from an affluent family. This stereotype is largely correct.” The median household income for an Army ROTC graduate was $64,083 in 2007 which is certainly well above the average of $50,428. The median household income for a West Point graduate stood at $75,367. The same holds true for the educational attainments of Army officers. The authors note that the, “the military’s rank structure ensures that the Officer Corps is highly educated.” The report continues that, “By definition, every West Point graduate or officer with an Army ROTC commission had earned a bachelor’s degree.” Additionally, “overall, 94.9 percent of all Officer Corps accessions have at least a four-year bachelor’s degree.”
When comparing these figures to conditions in the civilian population, “25.0 percent of Americans between the ages of 22 and 27 had at least a four-year bachelor’s degree in 2006.” As far as racial comparisons suffice it to say that whites are proportionately represented while blacks are somewhat overrepresented. Well, I’ll be damned. I thought in our racist nation America’s blacks would be overwhelmingly underrepresented in our Officer Corps – go figure. Watkins and Sherk conclude that, “The popular impression that many soldiers join the military because they lack better opportunities is wrong. In all likelihood, our soldiers would have had many lucrative career opportunities in the private sector. The officers and the enlisted men and women of the armed forces have made sacrifices to serve in the U.S. military.”
Hey – John, Charlie, and the rest of you mealy-mouthed, Liberal, two-faced, lying rat bastards out there SHUT THE FUCK UP!! Go away and crawl back under those rocks from whence you came and let the finest, most educated warriors on the face of the planet simply do their jobs as they always have: honorably, intelligently, and patriotically! The next time you see one of these men or women in public just remember: YOU AREN’T EVEN FIT ENOUGH TO LICK THEIR BOOTS!!!
Much “Luv” Y’all and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
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