Summer school is rapidly coming to a close, so I need to ask myself why I am sitting here looking at one of the biggest pieces of shit I’ve encountered over the past twenty some-odd years? The bastard’s got criminal written all over him. I’d love to get a look at his rap sheet. His life, to coin a phrase, will be nasty, brutish, and I hope, really, really short. This giant turd is a walking poster-boy for mandatory sterilization. He musn’t be allowed to further pollute our already strained gene pool. It is, however, probably too late. I wonder how many ghetto-bastards this punk-ass slime ball has already sired? God, it is to weep!
It’s amazing how many like me can see this prick’s future after meeting him for only the second time. It’s also astonishing how rarely we are mistaken. Jail and an early death? Bet the ranch on it – put up your first-born as collateral: the house and the kid are safe!! This sorry excuse for a human being will start with the lesser felonies and quickly graduate to the big ones: armed robbery, murder, rape and drug-dealing will only be a small portion of this vicious scum’s repetoire. He’ll most probably end up lying face-down in the gutter with blood streaming out of the bullet holes in his back. A cop or a rival gang will get him and either way they did the rest of us a huge favor. It’s called justice! If this piece of shit does any hard time, you know like twenty-five to life, it’s gonna cost me and the rest of us tax-paying suckers millions of dollars! Talk about a total waste of green. Maybe we’ll get lucky and he’ll meet up with six-foot eight, three hundred pound Bubba who will use and abuse his sorry ass until the big guy gets bored and kills him in his cell! Ah, to hope, perchance to dream!!
Remember LBJ’s Great Society Programs and the six trillion dollars we’ve spent? Well, this complete piece of human excrement, this absolute imposter disguised as a member of the genus homo-sapien is what all that phony compassion has produced! This soon-to-be predator is the product of between three and four generations (remember, around here a generation is only about 13 to 15 years) of the welfare state. We have seen, under its guise, the almost complete disappearance of fathers in our inner cities (who the Hell needs a father when the check comes once a month?), the total collapse of the family structure, and a disastrous public school system! Yessir, LBJ – thanks a shit-load! Hey, Hey, LBJ – Get Fucked!!
This cretin’s name ( sorry to insult all you cretin’s out there with this comparison) doesn’t matter. He is strictly inner-city ghetto scum. He’s got the look, the slouch, the stare, and the clothes popularized by the criminal rap star element. His demeanor is arrogant and angry and the moment you meet him the warning lights and bells go off in your head. Your internal radar begins flashing DANGER – DANGER – DANGER!! You instinctively know he’s extremely dangerous and violent. It’s that gut-wrenching, primal feeling of total panic and fear and you can feel and taste the rising bile! It’s the same feeling you’ll get if ever approached by a large, muscular dog who just happens to be frothing at the mouth!
Oh yeah, it’s also very obvious that he feels white people are definitely not cool – especially educated white people. Like most ignorant scum of his ilk, he blames white people for all the trouble he’s had and for the world of shit he knows is still coming. This slimy racist bastard knows how it’s going to end up, but he’ll never look in the mirror to face the real culprit. Its gotta be Whitey’s fault and the racism that to him and his entire extended fuckin’ tribe is this nation called America. He knows damned well he’ll be dead or in jail within ten years (hopefully less) and that’s my fault and you fault. It’s never his own fault for making every possible wrong, sorry, stupid-ass decision that he could!! You know, if I’m not careful some people might construe me and my remarks as racist. Oh, did I mention that this total miscreant, deviant piece of shit is black? That’s right – he’s a black-American or perhaps an African-American, or perhaps: oh, bullshit! He’s just an evil-ass, dangerous street-nigger!!
There, I said it! The absolute worst taboo in this fucked up, politically correct, liberalized, feminized country of mine! Why do I reserve the dreaded “N” word for this predator, for this sabateur of everything good and decent that this country stands for? Hey, I’ll tell ya. Because I know many black and/or African Americans (and no, they are not some of my best friends) who are good, hard-working, educated, law-abiding, decent people. They have overcome the same obstacles this evil piece of shit now faces. The difference is, they never blamed anyone else for their problems. They have achieved, to a greater or lesser extent, the American dream and this piece of garbage has the same opportunity to do so. Will he emulate them? Nope – he’d rather prey on them. Will he rise to their level? Nope – he’d rather pull them down to his if he can.
This type of aberration, of course, is not relegated to any one particular racial or ethnic group. Just as the vast majority of Caucasians and Hispanics, for example, are good, decent, hard-working, and family-loving, both have their share of “white trash” and “spics.” There is, for those of us who are honest, a qualitative distinction that is as broad as the Grand Canyon. To call this human feces, this embarrassment to those of his color a black-American or an African-American is to place him on an equal footing with them. They don’t deserve to be so cruelly demeaned and insulted. He certainly doesn’t deserve to be so unfairly, even heinously, elevated. Fuck the deviant bastard! I’m furious that through an accident of birth, he is actually an American citizen and thereby has the same rights and privileges as the rest of us! Talk about injustice, talk about cruel irony, talk about TOTALLY FUCKED UP!!!. If ever there existed a case for second, third, or forth class citizenship this walking turd is it!
So why, you may ask, am I getting so frazzled about one cretin that I’ve only seen twice? Here I am spewing all this bilge, getting my bowels in an uproar, over the one piece of filth I’ve encountered this summer. Glad you asked. This insidious two-legged vermin is destroying this Republic! He is killing this nation and signals the end of America!! He is the ultimate sabateur! If he was an isolated case, an exception that proves some rule – ok: he can be dealt with. Instead, he and his fellow vermin are multiplying at horrific rates and they are beginning to dominate every inner-city in this country. They are not going away and they can’t be saved and, therefore, neither can we! In many of our urban centers they are the norm – they represent the standard.
Well then, let’s contain them in the inner cities. We’ll concede those areas of our country to THEM. We won’t bother them and they won’t bother us. BALLS!! Containment – read appeasement – never works!! In increasing numbers this filth is increasing like an unstoppable horde!! Just think Rome. The barbarians are not merely at the gates, but have infiltrated the fabric of our society, our culture, and our democracy! It’s over folks – kaput – finished – through! Within fifty years at the outside, the United States will have become the 21st century’s Rome. Many of us, thank God, will not be here to see it. Tragically, our children and grandchildren will. This once great nation that for hundreds of years has been both a bastion and a beacon to the world will have ceased to exist in any meaningful or recognizable form.
And the ultimate tragedy/irony is that we did it to ourselves. We let it happen. It was not inevitable and in the end, we have no one to blame but ourselves!!
Much “Luv” Y’all and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
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