I have singled out the United Nations as the subject of a number of my screeds and rants and there are times when I grow weary of researching and writing about that venal, loathsome, and virulently anti-American organization (see The United Nations Rant of 12/22/08 and The United Nations Human Rights Council Rant of 12/19/10). While as a country, we wisely rejected the purpose and concept of the old League of Nations created in the aftermath of World War 1, we did not do so at the end of World War 11 when we not only joined the United Nations but were instrumental in its birth and creation. Many folks way back then warned us to reject it in its entirety and demanded that we have absolutely nothing to do with it – ever. They were mocked, ridiculed, scoffed, and lambasted by all of the far more sophisticated, worldly, intellectual internationalists who seemed to genuinely, albeit naively, believe that World War One was indeed the war to end all wars despite the evidence of World War Two. War was deemed obsolete and that problems between and among nations could be better solved by a reliance on international organizations, discussion, negotiation, and good will.
Well, isn’t that just so very nice and so very, very civilized? It works beautifully as long as everyone remains on the same page and uses the same playbook. There is, however, always someone ready, willing, and eager to screw up the works and way back then he went by the name of Adolph Hitler. Those ever so earnest and sincere folks who championed the United Nations, international cooperation, and “Kumbayaism” forgot about that pesky little thing called human nature and the very real fact that the world has and will be forever governed by the aggressive use of force. Hitler looked around and saw the world yapping and palavering away and must have laughed himself silly! While everyone else including us was foolishly disarming at a dizzying pace, the Austrian Corporal busily created one of the fiercest and most effective war machines in world history. People like him despise any and all displays of weakness and will take advantage of it every single time it is exhibited anywhere and everywhere on the planet. The world’s “strong men” will always use that weakness for their own brutal and nefarious purposes whenever they can. When that old fool Neville Chamberlain declared that, “we have achieved peace in our time,” Adolph must have been performing cartwheels while men like Winston Churchill knew damned well what was coming.
The world stood by and impotently threatened as Germany’s aggression became ever more open and undisguised. Every time the Nazis grabbed yet another country, territory, and chunk of land the world wagged its collective finger and boldly declared, “You’d better not do that again. We’re not kidding this time!” Yeah, I’ll bet that really left Adolph shaking in his hob-nailed boots. Then came December 7, 1941, and we finally got pissed off! It takes a lot to get us fighting mad but when we do someone’s gonna pay! Pay they did as both Germany and Japan were literally destroyed, defeated, and humiliated. It cost us and our allies a gigantic price in both blood and treasure but we prevailed. So what did we do? That’s right, we promptly created and became the major force in the brand new United Nations and we, of course, hosted and still house that awful, corrupt boondoggle that sits on Turtle Bay. Apparently we learned not a damned thing from our experience with the defunct League of Nations and were eagerly willing to make the same exact mistake once more. Talk about Déjà vu all over again!
The UN has failed miserably and catastrophically in performing the single most important function with which it has been tasked – preventing armed conflict around the world and providing at least a forum for the globe’s downtrodden, poor, and weak. It has been an unmitigated, stupendous, and colossal failure! How can that body even purport to speak for and champion the planet’s most miserable and abused inhabitants when so many, if not all, of the world’s worst, most evil tyrants, dictators, and thugs calling themselves “Colonel” are members of the General Assembly, the Security Council, and even take their turns at chairing such United Nations’ bodies as the Human Rights Council!?! Libya, China, and Iran on the Human Rights Council? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! That’s some damned sick joke, alright!
Those Bastards fly into New York City and live like royalty. They stay at their palatial embassies, dine at only the finest of restaurants, and refuse to pay the tens of millions of dollars in parking violations it owes to the Big Apple. Talk about scoff laws, well I guess. They have this thing called Diplomatic Immunity which is really nothing more than a free get out of jail card which means they literally can’t be prosecuted for any number of serious crimes that would leave me or you bunking with Bubba and holding on to that bar of soap with both hands! And they absolutely hate, loathe, and despise this country and everything it stands for and represents. I have long wanted the United States out of the United Nations and the United Nations out of the United States. If we really feel some overwhelming need to be part of some international organization, how about we start a new one? How about an organization whose membership consists solely and exclusively of nations that constitute some form of real, functioning democracy? You know, countries in which those who are governed actually have a say in how they are governed and what they will and will not accept from their leaders who they freely choose. How’s that for a radical concept, an exercise in hope and futility?
The United Nations, through its membership, literally constitutes just one large hate club and its target is always the United States and to a lesser extent our very few allies. Israel, our only real and staunch friend in that part of the world, is villainized and attacked with equal venom. We and the West in general are seen as nothing less than the greatest force for evil in planetary history and absolutely nothing will change the hearts and minds of those who view us as the Great Satan. No matter how generous we are, regardless of the speed, expertise, and generosity we exhibit in response to grave and deadly emergencies around the globe, world opinion regarding our nation simply will not change. For example, our current, pathetic, sorry excuse of a President has bent over backwards, frontwards, and side-ways disgracefully kissing ass in the Middle East, Indonesia, Western and Eastern Europe, and anywhere else he can think of and it hasn’t helped. He has bowed, scraped, and groveled to virtually every two-bit, tin-horn gangster and thug he comes across while going out of his way to purposely insult long-standing allies like England and Israel. The man has absolutely no grace or shame whatsoever.
He views us in exactly the same light as do the overwhelming numbers of the UN member states. He is constantly talking about our “evil” past, his Apologize for America Tours are by now famous worldwide, and he is forever wailing and moaning about the fact that we remain the planet’s only real superpower. You see, to him this is grossly unfair and horribly one-sided and in his first term he has done everything he can to remedy that situation. He wants to level the proverbial playing field and take us down as many pegs as possible. American Exceptionalism is not recognized by this “leader” and to him we are just one of the one hundred and ninety or so nations that share the planet. If he is granted still another term, he’ll do his damndest to complete what he sees as his number one, most important priority – the destruction of this country.
Listen, I realize that many Americans agree that the United Nations is at best useless and has no real power to influence or affect the way America is governed or the daily lives of our citizens. Those pontificating, arrogant, and self-important egomaniacs have no real practical influence on how America conducts its business especially within our own borders. After all, their self-aggrandizing is largely meant to boost their already swollen egos and opinions of themselves and the third rate, third world shitholes they pretend to represent so why bother getting my bowels in an uproar over this impotent, weak, and essentially worthless and corrupt international travesty? Well, for starters we have spent countless billions of taxpayer dollars supporting and propping up the United Nations which could have far better spent here at home or better yet, not spent at all. Perhaps, however, taxes are not enough of an issue to get Americans to finally do something about our membership in this horribly anti-American and anti-Capitalist body.
All right then, how about a far more emotionally charged issue like maybe gun control? Yeah, that might do it. After all, Americans have been screaming and yelling about it for many, many decades. There are literally millions of Americans deeply divided on the “gun” issue. There exist those of us who absolutely, adamantly, and perhaps even vehemently support your Second Amendment Right to own and carry firearms with which you can defend your property, your families, and your life. To us “gun nuts” this is simply a matter of common sense and logic. As long as the bad guys can obtain guns, then the good guys should be able to defend themselves from the miscreants, malcontents, and viciously violent criminals who stalk and prey on our country’s communities and neighborhoods. On the other side of the issue, of course, are those who advocate gun control which really has come to mean disarming perfectly law-abiding American citizens thereby rendering them defenseless and impotent against the predators in our midst. (see The Second Amendment Rant of 2/3/09)
Yes, yes, certainly the “gun issue” is emotionally charged but what the Hell has that got to do with the United Nations you ask? This is strictly an internal domestic American issue to be debated and decided upon only by American citizens. Nobody from the “outside” has any business getting involved with our domestic policies and squabbles. It’s much akin to you and a relative getting involved in a heated, perhaps stormy, argument regarding issues relating to your family. Into the fray steps a total and complete stranger with absolutely no business interfering in your internal family issues. Outsiders need not meddle! Exactly, you say and ask again what the Hell has this got to do with the United Nations? Well, try this on for size: the United Nations International Gun Control Treaty. Bet you hadn’t heard about that attempt to corrupt and destroy just a bit more of American sovereignty and autonomy. No, I didn’t think so.
This is but one more “stealth” tactic in Obama’s arsenal for shaping and molding our nation into a country where “Big Government” controls any and all aspects of the lives of its citizens. One of the first things done by any and all dictators and dictator wanna-be’s is the deliberate disarming of the civilian population thereby rendering the average citizen unable to defend against a rapacious, authoritarian, and brutal regime. The only folks left with firearms are the army and the police who exist solely to do the bidding of those who control the government. Hitler did this as did Fidel Castro, Mussolini, and countless other tyrants throughout history. Once a population is disarmed, it is by definition helpless to fight back against a government run amok and is no longer concerned with protecting the rights and freedoms of the citizenry. Anyone who has paid attention to Obama’s first term in office must conclude – if honesty is the measuring stick - that the Brother-in-Chief has no interest in governing but only in ruling. He would love nothing more than to disarm the average citizen who takes advantage of his 2nd Amendment right to own a gun. This is part and parcel of his authoritarian and Socialist mindset. He, of course, cannot speak about this openly and honestly for there exist far too many of us “gun nuts” to let him get away with that.
How, then, can he accomplish his goal? By approving and insisting that the Democrat controlled Senate ratify a proposed international gun control treaty which would be binding on all signatories. Once that happens, a complete gun ban certainly won’t be far behind. He can use as his excuse the idea that we are honor and duty bound to enforce any treaty duly ratified by the United States Senate. You see, we would have no choice save to comply. A piece from the Monetary & Economic Review entitled, “The UN Treaty On Small Arms Could Take Away Your Right To Own A Gun,” notes that, “Barack Obama is still firmly committed to the Left’s plan to eliminate the right of American citizens to keep and bear arms.” Executive Director of Gun Owners of America Larry Pratt points out that as a, “Senator Barack Obama voted wrong on gun rights every chance he had. He is now under tremendous pressure from the anti-gun Left to do everything he can to eliminate your right to keep and bear arms . . . and he will do it the same way the Radical left has always managed to sneak anti-gun bills through the Congress – using dirty tricks and secret back-room deals.”
The piece continues that while there certainly exist any number of Senators and Representatives who would love nothing more than to destroy our right to own a gun there are too many 2nd Amendment advocates out here for them to get away with a move like that. Oh, what to do, what to do? The answer is simplicity itself because Obama, “ordered his UN ambassador to vote in favor of continued talks to regulate firearms around the world.” There you go. The Hell with what the American people want, the Hell with our Constitution, and the Hell with our Bill of Rights as well. Obama will simply not have something as inconsequential and trivial as a silly old Constitutional Amendment stand in his way of disarming, taming, and pacifying the American citizen! John Bolton who was our ambassador to the UN before Obama was crowned and anointed took the exact opposite view and that gentleman, “dramatically stood up for America’s Second Amendment rights in opposing any push towards a Global Gun Control Treaty.” He, “understood that a UN Treaty had the power to undermine the Constitutional rights of American gun owners.”(see related video)
In fact, when our Saboteur-in-Chief ordered his UN ambassador to vote in favor of continuing discussions on a UN International Gun Control Treaty, “he put America on a path that would require us to follow the edicts of the United Nations instead of our own U.S. Constitution.” The author of the piece cited above maintains that placing the United Nations above our Constitution constitutes, “a violation of President Obama’s oath of office when he swore to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Read that last sentence one more time folks, for it is crucial in truly comprehending the mindset of our Egomaniac-in-Chief. This guy has no intention of preserving, protecting, and defending our Constitution or anything else that contributes to the greatness and success of the United States. I am constantly amazed that after the destruction he has purposely wrought that there remain so many Americans who still approve of his plans and policies and will absolutely vote for him again!
They are obviously fully aware of his attitudes about and intentions for our nation so it stands to reason that they absolutely agree with him. This is far more than merely disappointing and frustrating. It is maddening. It is disgusting. It is horrendous and it displays an attitude and mindset that spells doom for the United States and all who love it. Are there really so many out there who seriously prefer welfare to work and food stamps rather than productive, meaningful, and gainful employment? Can this be true in America? Are there really so many out there who reject our Founding Principles and heritage in favor of adopting Socialism and collectivism? Are there truly so many Americans among us who do not recognize American Exceptionalism and how much good we have done in the world? Sadly, even tragically, the answer is yes. This November’s election will give us a definitive answer to these and other questions. If the charlatan is reelected, I believe that my country as I have come to know and love it is truly over because we simply will not survive a second Obama term.
Larry Pratt notes that, “if the United States becomes a signatory to the final version of this arms control treaty, our Congress many be required to enact legislation to put America into full compliance with its terms. It’s a deadly trap for America’s gun rights and a clever loophole that Congressmen can hide behind, claiming that they have no choice but are being forced to pass gun control laws or face sanctions from the UN.” In fact, “in order to comply with this edict, the United States would have to disarm its civilian population, reserving firearms only for military and police forces.” Well, Bull-Dippy to that! I for one don’t give a flying rat’s ass about the threats of UN sanctions from that completely useless and anti-American boondoggle! In fact, if those Bastards want to play that game then how about we simply stop paying our dues and contributing the billions upon billions of dollars that we have wasted on the United Nations for so many years? Without our funding, just watch and see how quickly it withers and dies.
Lest you believe that it is only us gun nuts, far right wingers, and crazed NRA members who favor the right of citizens to keep and bear arms, you should be aware that we are only the latest in a very long line of those that have defended your right to own a gun. How far back does that line extend in our history? Right back to the beginning – straight back to our Founding Fathers! Alexander Hamilton, for example, insisted that, “The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed.” Thomas Jefferson – perhaps you’ve heard of him – warned that, “No free man shall ever be disbarred the use of arms,” while James Madison clearly stated that, “the right of the people to keep and bear arms . . . shall not be infringed,” and continued that the possession of firearms by the people, “is the best and most natural defense of a free country.” These long dead white guys absolutely knew that all governments, even the one they created, tend to take as much power as they can at the expense of liberty and freedom.
They understood all too well that without the ability of the colonists to arm themselves there would have been no American Revolution and we would have remained a possession of Great Britain. There is no denying this stark reality. George Mason proclaimed that, “to disarm the people – that was the best and most effectual way to enslave them.” These guys knew first hand what living under an absolute monarch was like and they thoroughly understood the concept of tyranny. Samuel Adams concluded that, “said Constitution be never construed to authorize . . . to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms.” The United Nations can stick its proposed worldwide gun ban right where the sun don’t shine and any American politician who agrees to ratify it should be tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail! Hey, just as an exercise in contrast let’s see where those in favor of banning guns seem to be coming from. One of them maintained that, “the most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing.” Who said that? Adolph Hitler. (please note that all of the above quotes were found at
The UN International Gun Control Treaty not only constitutes an affront to our sovereignty and an insult to our way of life as a free people, it illustrates the total and utter hypocrisy of that venal institution. The United Nations is supposed to be the organization that champions the poor, downtrodden, weak, and powerless. It is supposed to seek freedom for the oppressed and enslaved billions around the world. It is supposed to ease their pain and suffering at the hands of brutal, tyrannical, and homicidal dictators and psychopaths. Instead, the gun control treaty completely throws them under the proverbial bus. It takes away any and all hope for a future of freedom, prosperity, and dignity. How can they fight for themselves without the prospect of obtaining the requisite firepower necessary to battle back against those who would enslave, abuse, and murder them? The gun control treaty is no more than a tool to be used by brutal dictators around the globe to maintain their power and control and most of these guys are long-standing members of the United Nations. That fact alone should be sufficient to relegate it to the fabled ash heap of history. There is absolutely no reason for it to exist and even less of a reason for the United States to in any way involve itself with it.
The same piece noted above concludes that as, “bad as this would be for the United States, it would actually be even worse for people in oppressed countries. This treaty would help tyrants and rogue nations to disarm their civilian populations, giving them a monopoly of force so they could crush any opposition. That’s why countries like Iran support civilian arms control.” The author insists that if, “this passes, your right to keep and bear arms, as guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, will be eliminated – replaced by the global governance of the United Nations. Freedom, as you know it, will be extinguished forever.” It continues that, “sovereignty, like individual freedom, is something that once lost is never fully recovered. Allowing the UN to put its authority above our own Constitution would assuredly be the beginning of the end of America as we know it.”
Are we really at the point where we actually have to wonder whether most Americans still agree with the sentiments expressed above? Do we have to worry that freedom and sovereignty are no longer held in high esteem or are even particularly valued at all any more? These are questions that not too many years ago that would never have been seriously raised let alone considered. It would have been unheard of to question or to doubt that all but the fewest and wackiest among us would have abandoned the very underpinnings of the American tradition that has set us so uniquely apart from the rest of the world and allowed us to become a beacon and example for others to follow and emulate. Is that beacon’s glow about to be extinguished or is it simply no longer appealing to the rest of humanity? Have Americans really reached that point where we agree with so many across the globe that the United States is just a greedy, powerful bully that has wreaked havoc on humanity? Have those on the Far Left in this country finally managed to fill us, once the most confident, optimistic, and forward thinking people on the planet, with a terrible sense of fear and foreboding? Have Obama and his subversive ilk so undermined our collective self-confidence that we no longer trust our Founding, our institutions, and even our very history? Have we become so lazy, fat, and stupid that we can no longer recognize a threat to our freedom and independence when it comes from something so un-American as the United Nations and the thugs and Socialists who control it?
Certainly, no discussion of guns or gun control escapes the ever vigilant National Rifle Association and the proposed United Nations treaty is no exception. NRA Vice-President Wayne LaPierre penned an article entitled, “Reject the U.N.’s Gun-Ban Fantasy(” He correctly maintains that the, “moment President Obama reversed the Bush administration’s opposition to the U.N.-mandated international gun control treaty, he placed Second Amendment freedom in immediate danger.” This is certainly and unquestionably true but it is even more important and devastating than it appears. Think about the wildly dangerous precedent it sets as far as our Bill of Rights and our very freedoms are concerned. This is not mere conjecture or speculation but should properly be viewed as a huge red flag and a shot across the bow of anyone who at all appreciates our freedoms, values, and traditions. I have always believed that the first ten amendments are sacrosanct, inviolate, and chiseled in stone. They must not be touched, changed, or tampered with.
For the first time in the history of the entire world, the power of government was unambiguously and unmistakably limited. Think about that concept. Never before had absolute monarchs been told, “No, you can’t!” They were informed in no uncertain terms that the people were no longer merely slaves and that government was not all powerful and omnipotent! Can you imagine the power and impact of that statement and sentiment? For the very first time, the common people, the average guy, had hope that life may not just have to be decided by the whims of autocratic, aristocratic, and arbitrary emperors, kings, and queens. That was truly radical and revolutionary for not just its time but for ours as well. Most of the world’s population is still ruled as they were hundreds and even thousands of years ago. Our Bill of Rights must remain forever untainted, unsullied, and pure! Ever since that time, whenever people the world over thought of freedom they thought – and still think – about the United States.
Well let me tell you folks, if Obama and his hordes of America-Hating Socialists, ideologues, sycophants, and lackeys succeed in their plotting and planning, our freedom and our liberties will not and cannot survive. We have become so far removed from our Founding, that too many Americans don’t even recognize the ominous and freedom-killing policies these Bastards want to inflict upon us! Indeed, LaPierre correctly contends that the proposed UN Treaty will, “cripple the American firearms industry, treating civilian firearms and ammunition the same as warships and attack helicopters,” while the United Nations, “hides its intentions behind impenetrable labyrinths of bureaucracy, paperwork, regulations, and elite-speak.” He goes on to predict that if, “we give even an inch to the U.N.’s one-world gun banners, an impeachable global bureaucracy will spring up to enforce every new rule and we’ll never regain our lost freedoms.” The key phrase here is, of course, lost freedoms and no, LaPierre is not just being hysterical, paranoid, or both for losing our precious freedoms is a real possibility if the Far Left succeeds in implementing its agenda! It’s not just a logical outcome but actually the only possible outcome. If they are not thoroughly and totally defeated, we will not even recognize the land of our birth for it simply won’t exist anymore!
The NRA piece continues that we, “stand in direct contrast with the rest of the world in terms of human freedom and given the chance, they’ll impose their worldview on us.” Anyone who doesn’t agree with that last statement better damned well wake up in one big hurry and smell the coffee! The piece notes that, “They believe that the government is sovereign. We believe the sovereign is the individual. They believe that government can provide for our security. But history proves that’s not true.” You and I realize the truth emanating from these statements, but I am forced to wonder just how many out there still recognize their veracity. I fear the number is rapidly dwindling and may disappear altogether if our current Disaster-in-Chief is granted a second term. The NRA officer maintains that, “nothing offends Americans like an elitist attack on their way of life. The world’s utopians don’t understand, and can’t understand, how deeply freedom is ingrained in our culture. That’s why we do more to defend it than anyone else in the world.”
I know this certainly used to be the case and the overwhelming majority of Americans have absolutely believed, accepted, and rejoiced in that characteristic of our national identity and experience. I am now forced to question just how deeply the concept of freedom is still ingrained in our beings. Myself and others of my persuasion see the increasing loss of freedom almost on a daily basis and it seems to be more and more accepted and viewed as just a normal part of our lives in 21st Century America. Have we as Americans completely lost that sense of hope, optimism, and confidence that has so characterized this country through virtually its entire history? A crucial question that we must ask ourselves is if we can no longer defend our own freedom here at home from other Americans, how the Hell can we defend the freedoms of others around the world? If this is indeed the case, then America has radically changed from what it once was. The world has come to rely upon us like no other force to champion liberty around the world for those that cannot defend themselves from tyranny, despotism, and fear. Has our nation changed so much and so fast that many of us no longer even recognize the country we love?
The NRA piece maintains that the, “truth is that people around the world don’t need more government. They need more freedom. The right to keep and bear arms is as relevant and modern an idea as anything in our society today.” Furthermore, LaPierre correctly insists that, “Deep down, everyone shares a right, a burning desire to be free,” and the, “Second Amendment guarantees that freedom. That’s why it’s history’s most valued, most cherished, most irreplaceable idea. And no amount of United Nations funded studies, statistics, commissions, and seminars will ever prove otherwise.” Finally, the piece concludes that, “America is still a beacon for the rest of the world . . . proof that ordinary people can be trusted with extraordinary power,” and that, “set free, we can live in peace, govern ourselves and control our own fates.” These words and ideas are crucial for understanding what this nation has meant to the world as well as the idea that, “we hold in our Constitution the most precious, unique and hopeful human freedoms mankind has ever known.” Amen to that and I sure hope that the writer’s optimism is well placed and deserved.
Another worrisome aspect of the United Nations Gun Control Treaty involves something called a registry. This sounds simple and uncomplicated enough and most folks merely shrug their shoulders at such a concept. We’re all familiar with the process of applying for a license in order to carry a handgun concealed or otherwise. Some of us don’t like the idea of needing permission from the state in which we reside to own and carry a perfectly legal product. After all, handguns are still legally manufactured and sold in this country and I’ve never been in any part of the United States where I can’t find a “gun store” to purchase a pistol and ammunition. Others, however, find the whole licensing and permit process to be sound and prudent policy that will hopefully make it at least more difficult for the crazies and criminals out there to purchase lethal weapons and turn them on innocent Americans. That argument is at best faulty for nothing will or can prevent anyone from obtaining handguns if they really want one. Licensing and registration only make it more difficult and sometimes impossible for decent, law-abiding Americans to purchase weapons for self defense. This again is and should be an internal debate to be decided only among and between American citizens and absolutely nobody else. A UN sponsored international system for gun registration is a completely unacceptable intrusion into our national sovereignty and must not be tolerated for any reason – not now, not ever!(see related video)
An article entitled, “CFR Says Don’t Worry About Hillary’s Small Arms Treaty (,” argues, “that the treaty does not endanger the Second Amendment and the sovereignty of the United States.” This is CRAP, HOOEY, and BALDERDASH! The Council on Foreign Relations is a part of what’s been termed the “Globalist Imperial Network” and is a notoriously Far, Far Left Socialist-Communist outfit that wants nothing less than to control every damned individual on the planet and supports all manner of international organizations like the United Nations. A UN sponsored international gun control treaty is something that leaves them breathlessly salivating! The CFR maintains that the, “treaty will prevent, combat, and eradicate the illicit transfer, illicit production and brokering of conventional arms and their diversion into the illicit market, including their use in transnational organized crime and terrorism,” and does not impose restrictions on firearms ownership in the United States.” BALLS & BULLSHIT!!
A treaty such as the one contemplated by the One-Worlders at the United Nations by definition is an invasion of our sovereignty and an affront to our concept of freedom and individual rights. It can be nothing else and no amount of UN or Far Left lying, dissembling, and pontificating can change that immutable fact. If this treaty is ever implemented and enforced that will be the beginning of the end of the United States as presently constituted. If the UN can be so blatantly invasive in this area of our lives and national sovereignty then who is to say what’s coming next? Will the end of free speech and free press be far behind? How about your First Amendment right to peacefully assemble or the Eighth Amendment protections against cruel and unusual punishment? This is not merely my raging paranoia boiling over but is in fact a logical outcome once we allow ourselves in any way to submit to the edicts and pronouncements of the United Nations.
The article continues that, “the globalist treaty will force strict licensing requirements for firearms ownership; create an international gun registry; and mandate that all unauthorized firearms (including semi-automatic assault rifles) will be confiscated and destroyed.” Furthermore, the UN treaty facilitates and assures the, “overriding of our national sovereignty, and in the process, providing license to the federal government to assert preemptive powers over state regulatory power guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment in addition to our Second Amendment Rights.” Yeah, but I’m just being paranoid, right? The article concludes that, “Every dictator’s goal is to disarm the people. Think how different the landscape of Hitler’s Germany would have been if the people, the Jews, had not been disarmed. And consider Switzerland, one of the most peaceful countries in the world, where everyone is trained to be part of that national militia and everyone keeps their guns and assigned weapons at home. The United States hunter and private citizen is the world’s largest army and disarming them has long been the goal of the global elite. The 2nd and 10th Amendments plus Posse Comitatus and the Dick Act of 1902 protect us as long as we understand our laws and history and take a stand!” The problem as I see it is that far too many in this country no longer take a stand on issues like national sovereignty, the crucial nature of the Bill of Rights, or the utter and absolute necessity of defending, preserving, and protecting our magnificent Constitution – every single word of it!
I am thoroughly convinced that this proposed treaty will in fact become our reality in the not too distant future. I am losing that faith I once had as to the wisdom of the average American citizen and more people seem content to receive some form of government hand-out every year. Right now in the United States of America over one hundred million Americans – about one-third of us – receive some sort of “government assistance” on a regular basis and seem pleased and content to do so. Indeed, more people than ever before rely on food stamps and find absolutely nothing wrong with that but gladly accept them as their due. Too many Americans find nothing at all wrong with receiving unemployment insurance checks for just short of two years and when that finally stops, they rely on Social Security Disability to pick up the slack. Too many of us seem content to have become wards of the Obama collectivist vision for dependence is what those on the Far Left need in order to maintain their position and power. They are all in favor of international organizations like the United Nations which they believe should have more authority and legitimacy than our own Constitution.
Our Socialist-in-Chief would love nothing more than to see our sovereignty subordinated to the United Nations which he finds more appealing than the government and the people he was elected to serve. This is why I believe that the UN global gun ban treaty has a very good chance of becoming a reality. Too many Americans believe with the President and his racist toadies that our nation and people are out of step with the rest of the world and that we too should jump on the internationalist band wagon and sing of peace, love, and the brotherhood of man as long as the man’s skin tone is not white. They believe that it is the white, Anglo Saxon male that is to blame for all of the world’s problems.
It is the overly aggressive and mean spirited Teutonic white guy who has caused endless warfare, the scourge of such diseases as AIDS, global warming and any other damned thing you can think of. Of course, Obama and that Far Left Liberal Mob approve of the UN’s International Gun Control Treaty and despise all things that even slightly smack of American Exceptionalism and nationalism. These sentiments, according to them, have no place in the 21st Century but are better left in the past to be replaced by One-Worldism, all powerful and highly centralized governments, and a loss of individual freedom and self-reliance. According to them, America’s time has come and gone and we are no better than any other third-world shit hole of a nation that makes up so much of the UN membership and leadership.
In an article entitled, “Obama Expected To Sign Global Gun Control Treaty(,” we note that apparently, “the United States will sign on to an International Gun Control Plan pushed by the United Nations that’s already received the blessings of Secretary Clinton,” and that, “Secretary Clinton has been pushing for the United States to become a party to a global gun control treaty since she began heading the State Department.” Additionally, “President Obama appears to be overly sympathetic to such an international power grab.” In fact, the article informs us that, “Last week the Obama administration took its first major step in a long-range plan to ban firearms in the United States. The Obama administration intends to force gun control and a complete ban on all weapons for U.S. citizens through the signing of international treaties with foreign nations.” He knows damned well that this treaty would never make it through the House and Senate if Americans had their druthers so once again he won’t even give us the choice of rejecting or approving the damned thing. He has proven time and again that he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about what American citizens want or what they feel is important. He has total and utter disdain and contempt for the American citizen whom he is supposed to represent. The fact that this man has even the slightest chance to win a second term actually keeps me awake at night wondering what the Hell has happened to my country!
The peace maintains that by, “signing international treaties on gun control, the Obama Administration can use the U.S. State Department to bypass the normal legislative process in Congress,” and that, “once the U.S. government signs these international treaties, all U.S. citizens will be subject to those gun laws created by foreign governments .” This has never happened on this scale before and should be viewed as an outright attack on American sovereignty, autonomy, and independence by our own damned President! If that doesn’t constitute some form of treason then I don’t know what the Hell does and as such should be regarded as both a high crime and misdemeanor. Indeed, the Examiner piece predicts that we, “will wake up one morning and find that the United States has signed a treaty that prohibits firearms and ammunition manufacturers from selling to the public. We will wake up another morning and find that the U.S. has signed a treaty that prohibits any transfer of firearm ownership,” and then, “we will wake up yet another morning and signed a treaty that requires U.S. citizens to deliver any firearm they own to the local government collection and destruction center or face imprisonment.”
Whether you do or do not favor gun control or the 2nd Amendment is not the point here for reasonable American citizens are free to agree or disagree with one another on any position they feel passionately enough about. Letting foreign governments or international organizations have anything to say or do about the internal affairs of the United States is sheer madness. This is a slap in the face, an insult, and a threat to all American citizens who value their freedom and independence. Unless we are ever vigilant we will lose those hard fought for rights that so many who came before us died to preserve and protect!
Folks, it’s time to lock and load!!
Much Luv Y’All and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)
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