Saturday, June 17, 2017

The Founding Fathers on Immigration Rant

     I’m sure we’ve all heard the old and over used bromide that, “we are a nation of immigrants.”  I’m sure we’ve heard this completely mindless and utterly meaningless maxim for as long as we’ve been alive.  Alright, let’s concede the point.  At some time in our personal histories and backgrounds, each of us can claim relatives and/or ancestors who came from somewhere else.  However long ago it was, someone in our family tree hopped on a boat or a plane and kissed their homelands goodbye.  The reasons ranged the gamut from a desire for religious freedom to political freedom to economic opportunity and anything else you can possibly think of.  Ponder that for a moment.  You literally turned your back on everything you’ve ever known and most of the people you’ve ever loved or cared about.  This had to be a momentous and often painful decision, especially hundreds of years ago when traveling three thousand miles across the Atlantic Ocean in a rickety wooden vessel was at best a precarious and dangerous proposition.  The voyage was not for those weak of heart or mind.  It was, however, in many ways, a voyage of the desperate and downtrodden.  It was a voyage for those who had nothing left to lose.  They had absolutely no hope and no prospects in their home countries and came here on the proverbial wing and a prayer.  They didn’t know what awaited them once they managed to get here and there were certainly no guarantees that life would be better for them in the New World.  That seems to me to be the ultimate definition of desperation.  These folks were the epitome of those poor, tired, and huddled masses so celebrated by old Emma.

     And absolutely nothing has changed save for the fact that it’s gotten far worse than it has ever been.  We’ve lost control of our immigration policies, we no longer secure of our borders, and a nation with unprotected borders is in danger of losing its sovereignty as well as its identity.  Immigration is no longer working to our nation’s benefit but has rather become an overwhelming and dangerous negative.  If it continues unabated, it will bring America to its knees and will destroy the greatest country in the history of all mankind.  Yes, I know.  We’re not supposed to utter such sentiments out loud in front of God and everybody.  It simply isn’t done.  After all, it’s the height of political incorrectness and insensitivity with perhaps just a touch of xenophobia thrown in for good measure.  Does this sound terribly insensitive to you?  Does it sound nativist or perhaps just a tad jingoistic?  Good, because it’s meant to sound exactly that way.

     You see, in a sane and rational world, immigration and its attendant policies are supposed to first and foremost benefit the nation receiving those coming from foreign countries.  It should never, ever be designed above all else for the exclusive benefit of the immigrant although by definition those coming here from other countries have always benefitted.  A basic question regarding immigration must be how will this individual or this group improve our nation?  Will these newcomers be a net positive or will they, in fact, become a net burden and a detriment?  This is no more than basic common sense which, unfortunately, is becoming less and less common with each passing year.  We have stopped asking these and other relevant questions regarding immigrants and immigration policy but instead are traveling down the road of cultural surrender and national suicide.  We are witnessing what I believe is the purposeful and malicious transformation and destruction of the United States as historically founded and presently constituted.  This is not an exaggeration, an  over-statement, nor is it mere hyperbole.  It is a plain statement of fact that cannot be denied by any rational individual who loves America.  We are welcoming with open arms the world’s worst.  They are, in the main, illiterate, uneducated, unproductive, and have absolutely zero desire to become Americans or Americanized.  They have no desire to assimilate – to adopt American culture and customs.  In far too many cases, they absolutely refuse to learn to speak, read, or write the English language.  Additionally, not just a small percentage of these newcomers to our shores were criminals in the lands of their birth and will continue that life-style once they arrive here.  Again, this is not just mere opinion but rather is a matter of fact.

     Why, then, have we chosen to go down this road?  Why have we chosen this particular path to travel?  I believe the answer lies in the fact that Americans no longer appreciate their unique and unprecedented birthright and no longer recognize the very real concept of American Exceptionalism which is the reason our nation has evolved into the greatest, wealthiest, most powerful, freest, and most generous country the world has ever seen.  Does that sound somewhat braggadocious?  Does that sound unabashedly and unapologetically patriotic?  Good.  It’s supposed to.  Far too many Americans, it seems to me, no longer believe this about their own country and those who do will almost never express these sentiments in the public square for fear of being humiliated, shunned, and ridiculed.  To openly express love of country, to admit to being patriotic, is considered to be in poor taste.  To express pride in America’s past accomplishments and optimism for the nation’s future is seen as no longer applicable in the 21st Century.  We are no longer to consider ourselves as American citizens first, last, and always.  Rather, we must reevaluate our position and consider ourselves instead as citizens of the world.  We must lose all vestiges of the outdated notion of nationalism and instead adopt a globalist view which denigrates and de-emphasizes the idea of the old nation state.  Clearly defined and defendable national borders are passe and no longer apply in this age of global interdependence and connectivity.  Those of us who still value ideas like nationalism and patriotism are considered hopelessly outdated and out of touch with the so-called New World Order and its priorities of destroying the United States, all of Western Civilization, and any concept of a limited government which emphasizes individual liberty and freedom as the ultimate and primary virtues.  All of this and so much more must now be subordinated to the concept of an all-powerful, all-consuming, and all-intrusive central government that will control each and every aspect of the lives of citizens from cradle to grave.

     Why has this become the norm in our country today?  Why have tried and true American values like rugged individualism, personal responsibility, self-reliance, and a fierce defense of American sovereignty been virtually abandoned by far too many of our fellow citizens?  The answer can be found in the concept of Far Left Liberalism and its adherents.  Those members of the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite) absolutely despise the United States and all that it stands for and represents.  There is nothing about our country that they admire or find the least bit praiseworthy.  According to them, America is the sole source of all the world’s evils and ills.  They ardently believe that we don’t deserve and haven’t earned the wealth, power, and prestige that we have garnered over the centuries.  While Liberals do not constitute a majority of the American population, they effectively control virtually all of America’s major and most influential institutions.

     They have a literal death-grip on our news outlets in this country be they print or electronic.  The Far Left, then, controls and filters whatever news and information is made available to the public.  These America-haters have a lock on virtually all of our entertainment venues from movies to television to publishing.  Most importantly and most dangerously, however, the LFE in our midst controls with an iron fist virtually the entire educational system in America from pre-K right on up through college and university.  Since at least the 1960’s, our children have been lied to and propagandized about America and its past.  The LFE has literally brainwashed America’s children into despising their own country and hating everything about it.  The United States is seen as evil incarnate and that we are racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, homophobic, Islamophobic, and every other fucking thing you can possibly imagine.  America has absolutely no saving graces whatsoever and must be destroyed as historically founded and presently constituted.  After being brainwashed with lies and distortions for between twelve and sixteen years, our students have absolutely no ability to think critically or reason logically.  They have been turned into mind-numbed robots who blindly follow the lead of their Far Left Liberal task masters.

     This is especially true where the topic and concept of immigration is concerned.  They are advocates of completely open borders – or no borders at all.  They champion unrestricted immigration to the United States with virtually no standards and no restrictions on who should and should not be allowed to enter and live in our country.   No vetting and no background checks should be required but rather anyone from anywhere should be allowed in here without so much as a bye-your-leave.  According to them, American citizenship is a worthless and outdated construct and should be relegated to the ash heap of history.  Remember, according the LFE anyone who manages to arrive on American soil has a perfect RIGHT to be here and there’s not a damned thing that we can or should do about it.  We have no choice.  If they want to be here, we must just shut up and take it without a word of protest or dissent.  The American citizen is no longer the master of his own country but must surrender to the One-Worlders and America-Bashers in our midst.  In fact, these folks don’t want any restrictions on foreigners entering the United States and fervently believe that we as a nation should not have anything even remotely resembling a sane and rational immigration policy that puts the needs of America first because they don’t believe that America should come first.  After all, who in the Hell are we to tell anyone from anywhere that they are not allowed to be here and that they can’t stay once they arrive?  What they are consciously doing is promoting a foreign invasion of our country and make no mistake, it is an invasion or, if you will, a hostile take-over.

     This, by the way, has not always been the case.  There have been various times in our national history when immigration was strictly curtailed and controlled and we very carefully restricted who could and could not emigrate to the United States.  In 1882, for example, we passed a law called the Chinese Exclusion Act which, obviously, discriminated against people from China who were arriving on our west coast in unmanageable numbers and were not assimilating into the American mainstream.  This constituted an America First immigration policy because it simply was not in the nation’s best interest to allow anymore folks from China into the country in the late 1800’s.  Are you aware that from roughly 1924 to 1965, we stopped almost all immigration into America from anywhere?  That’s right.  Those immigrants who were already here needed time to assimilate – to become Americanized – before we could allow additional foreigners into our nation.  This also constituted an America First immigration policy and it made perfect and absolute sense.  Our needs were paramount, the country’s needs were prioritized over and above all others including prospective immigrants.  This was deemed wise, necessary, and crucial for America’s continued progress and prosperity.  We came first, our citizens came first, and our country came first!

     All of this came to a crashing halt with the passage of the Immigration Act of 1965, sponsored by that fat drunk from Massachusetts, Senator Edward –The Swimmer –Kennedy.  Prior to 1965, the vast majority of immigrants came from Western Europe and were, therefore, products of Western Civilization.  Within a broad framework, the Europeans who arrived here held to the same mores and values as did Americans because we were the products of the same or very similar heritage.  Once the language barrier was overcome, assimilating into American life and culture was not all that difficult and becoming an American came fairly easily and naturally to foreigners who hailed from western Europe.  Kennedy and his Far Left Liberal cronies and saboteurs effectively put an end to that.  With the passage of the Immigration Act of 1965, only about 15% of new immigrants had roots in western Europe.  A full 85% of them were to come from completely foreign cultures and third-world nations.  They had nothing in common with western culture, mores, or civilization.  They were the poorest of the world’s poor and the idea of becoming an American meant less than nothing to them.  They came here, for the most part, for the goodies and freebies which the Liberals in our midst promised them.  The Democrats you see were thinking ahead and planning for the future.  They knew that if they made enough promises, provided newcomers with all manner of assistance like welfare, housing, and food then these folks and their progeny would reward them at the ballot box once they become eligible to vote.

     It worked so well that in recent years a movement has grown up that would allow noncitizens the right to vote and that movement seems to be growing.  Additionally, we have seen the rapid growth and proliferation of so-called sanctuary cities that defy federal immigration law and policy and protect foreigners who should not be in our country and have zero interest in assimilation.  These urban centers are literally becoming foreign enclaves in our midst and the immigrants residing therein – both legal and illegal – display no loyalty or love for the United States.  In cities with very large Muslim populations, for example, immigrants refuse to recognize the legitimacy of the laws governing our nation but rely on Sharia Law.  Sharia is one of the most severe forms of Islam and is completely theocratic in nature.  In places like Dearborn, Michigan, the police won’t even venture into certain neighborhoods that are dominated by devotees of Sharia.  And the Liberals amongst us applaud this and proudly point to this phenomenon as shining examples of the virtues of diversity and multiculturalism.  In fact, too much diversity and too much multiculturalism are destroying this great nation and literally ripping it apart.  It seems that American values, mores, and norms are being trampled on in favor in favor of globalist concerns.  Our renowned trait of tolerance for the “other” has come back to bite us right in the ass!  We are indeed in danger of tolerating ourselves to death.

     It’s time for a resurgence of good, old fashioned, “Americanism,” as well as the proposition that America comes first!  It’s time we realized that our so-called immigration policies are turning our country into something it was never intended to be and if we do not begin to adopt a severely restrictive immigration stance, we are in imminent danger of losing the country.  This may be a hard reality to grasp and comprehend and to many it may seem somewhat callous and cold-hearted.  For far too long, however, we have ignored the problem of too much immigration by people who are virtually unassimilatable coming from nations that have a proven track record of loathing and despising the United States and everything about it.  This can only work to our detriment and eventual demise.  There can be no other reasonable or intelligent conclusion.  Do you know who else recognized this cold, hard reality?  Do you know who else feared for the nation if immigration was not strictly, very strictly, controlled and regulated?  No, not some far right wacked out militia groups clinging to their guns and Bibles.  No, not even some far right politicians looking to lock up the “Nativist” vote to further their political ambitions.  You wanna know who?  Our Founding Fathers, that’s who.

     An article entitled, “Immigration and the Values of our Founding Fathers (,” is relevant here.  Author Michelle Malkin correctly maintains that the Founders, “asserted their concerns publicly and routinely about the effects of indiscriminate mass migration.  They made it clear that the purpose of allowing foreigners into our fledgling nation was not to attract millions of new voters or to secure permanent ruling majorities for their political parties.  It was to preserve, protect, and enhance the republic they put their lives on the line to establish.”  That, unfortunately, is no longer the case.  Immigration now no longer serves to preserve, protect, or enhance our republic.  Instead, it is being used by both political parties to further their own narrow and narrow-minded interests.  Democrats are looking to increase the ranks of their own party while Republicans want to ensure the creation and perpetuation of a class of endless, cheap, unskilled, and uneducated labor.  Neither party has the best interests of the nation or its citizens at heart.  Look around you today and ask yourself if current immigration policies actually do preserve, protect, and enhance our republic or, in fact, do they serve to tear it apart and rip it asunder?  Anyone who honestly reflects on this question already knows the answer.  Our immigration fiasco seems to be purposely designed to do anything but preserve and protect our citizens and our country and those on the Far Left in America fervently believe in immigration policies that will do nothing but lead to our own destruction.

     In 1790, James Madison maintained that it, “it is no doubt very desirable that we should hold out as many inducements as possible for the worthy part of mankind to come and settle amongst us, and throw their fortunes into a common lot with ours.”  The caveat here, of course, is the phrase, “for the worthy part of mankind.”  Madison was making a value judgement here and, yes, he was being unabashedly discriminatory.  Only the worthy part of mankind would be welcome – all others need not apply.  In today’s politically correct and utterly insane world, our former President would be hung in effigy for this insensitive, crude, and obviously xenophobic and bigoted remark.  After all, who in the Hell are we to pass judgement on who is and is not worthy of emigrating to the United states?  Just who in the fuck do we think we are anyway?  After all, if we deem some to be worthy then aren’t we saying rather obviously that some are indeed unworthy?  How dare we!?!

     Let’s ask another question here.  Don’t all of us decide who is and is not worthy of entering our homes and places of abode?  Don’t we do this routinely and consistently?  Of course we do.  This is called discrimination and it is both healthy and necessary.  Our homes are our very special places and entrance is denied to any all deemed unworthy.  Only those we want and/or need are given permission to cross our thresholds.  Does this seem unreasonable?  Does this seem unwarranted?  Of course not.  Well, America is our house!  It is our home.  It is where we live, work, and raise our families.  It is our refuge and sanctuary.  The entire population of the world is NOT welcome here.  We have a perfect right and a duty to be discriminatory as to who should and should not be allowed in here be it for the short or long term.  The LFE amongst us are going to hoot, holler, and howl at the very idea of immigration policies that discriminate against anyone from anywhere.  We should leave our windows and doors wide open and unlocked at all times.  Anybody and everybody must be welcome in our homes no matter how unwise and dangerous that might be.  The fact that it has the potential to literally destroy the country matters not a whit to them because they loathe and despise America.

     Madison noted that the purpose of immigration was not, “merely to swell the catalogue of people.  No, sir, it is to increase the wealth and strength of the community; and those who acquire the rights of citizenship, without adding to the strength or wealth of the community  are not the people we are in want of.”  Madison was right then and he is even more on point now.  If newcomers to our country detract from the strength and wealth of our community, they should not be allowed to come here and they certainly should not be permitted to stay.  As Madison plainly stated, there are certain types of people who we want here and others that we don’t.  Remember, America is our home and we must very carefully pick and choose who we allow in.  We must raise the standards by which we decide who can and who cannot be privileged enough to share the blessings of America with us.  The problem here is that far too many Americans no longer recognize those blessings as valid or legitimate and they therefore don’t deserve to be jealously guarded and protected.

     According to those on the Far Left, the United States is no better and probably far worse than any other country on the planet.  They utterly deny the concept of American Exceptionalism and somehow believe that unrestricted immigration and unprotected borders are the way to go.  The idea, for example, of building a wall on our southern border brings on frenzied bouts of full-blown hysteria.  They delight in the proliferation of so-called sanctuary cities and proudly point to them as a sign of their overwhelming compassion for the world’s poor and downtrodden.  I wonder where their compassion is for America’s poor and downtrodden?  Where is their vaunted compassion when it comes to the American citizen?  Why do they hold foreigners in such high regard without seeming to give a rat’s ass about their own country?  They seem to celebrate all things foreign and anti-American and utterly denigrate anything and anybody who loves, honors, and reveres this country.  Madison agreed that America should welcome immigrants who wanted to assimilate but should absolutely exclude those foreigners who could not or would not become part of the American mainstream.

     President Washington also insisted that immigrants must be absorbed into America life so that, “by an intermixture with our people, they or their descendants, get assimilated to our customs, measures, laws: in a word soon become one people.”  One people – Americans all.  That dream seems to be fading fast.  In 21st Century America, we are looking less and less like one people but in fact are becoming, “Balkanized.”  We have devolved into practicing what’s become known as identity politics and the Liberals amongst us have elevated it to an art form.  They are constantly pitting one interest group against another and have been far too successful at emphasizing our differences over and above what should draw and bind us together.  They create as much conflict and chaos as they can and promise each special interest group that they will rectify and make right any and all grievances they might have, real or imagined.  They seem to believe that disunity and discontent should be promoted and perpetuated instead of emphasizing those qualities that bring us together as one unified people with common goals and interests.

     Alexander Hamilton maintained that the, “safety of a republic depends essentially on the energy of a common national sentiment; on a uniformity of principles and habits; on the exemptions of the citizens from foreign bias and prejudice; and on that love of country which will almost invariably be found to be clearly connected with birth, education, and family.”  Hamilton also noted that, “the United States have already felt the evils of incorporating a large number of foreigners into their national mass; by promoting in different classes different predilections in favor of particular foreign nations, and antipathies against others, it has served very much to divide the community and to distract our councils.  It has been often likely to compromise the interests of our own country in favor of another.”  Hamilton’s fears seem to have been justified and his warnings were actually prophetic.  The interests of our own country seem to have been sacrificed on the altar of political correctness, diversity, and multiculturalism.  These three pillars of Liberal orthodoxy are literally destroying this nation and this is being done purposely and with malice aforethought.  Hamilton continued that the, “permanent effect of such a policy will that be in times of great public danger there will always be a numerous body of men of whom there may be just grounds of distrust, the suspicion alone will weaken the strength of the nation, but their force may be actually employed in assisting an invader.”

     Do you think Mr. Hamilton was being paranoid here or should we heed his warning of so many years ago?  Think back to our history during World War ll when we literally sent Japanese immigrants and citizens to internment camps.  This, of course, has been roundly condemned by those Americans who did not live through that era.  At the time, however, it made perfect sense and was seen as absolutely necessary given what happened on December 7, 1941.  Today we face the same fear regarding radical, extremist Islam.  Given what’s happened here and around the world, are these fears not understandable and justified?  Should we not distrust an ideology that has sworn to destroy us and has proven time and again that there are those among them who are perfectly willing and eager to die to make the dream of our destruction a reality?  Hamilton also asserted that America’s very survival depends upon, “the preservation of a national spirit and a national character.”  He wisely insisted that to, “admit foreigners indiscriminately to the rights of citizens the moment they put foot in our country would be nothing less than to admit the Grecian horse into the citadel of our liberty and sovereignty.”  Michelle Malkin concludes her article by insisting that, “unrestricted open borders are unwise, unsafe, and un-American.  A country that doesn’t value its own citizens and sovereignty first won’t endure as a country for long.”  She’s absolutely right.

     A piece entitled, “Founding Fathers Were Immigration Skeptics (,” explains that contrary, “to what most Americans may believe, in fact, the Founding Fathers were by and large skeptical of immigration.  If the United States lacked particular skills, then the Founders had no objection to attracting them from abroad.  But they were convinced that mass immigration would bring social turmoil and political confusion in its wake.”  The author notes that Thomas Jefferson asked, “are there no inconveniences to be thrown into the scale against the advantage expected by a multiplication of numbers by the importation of foreigners?”  Author Tom Woods suggested that according to Jefferson, “immigrants would come to America from countries that would have given them no experience living in a free society.  They would bring with them the ideas and principles of the governments they left behind – ideas and principles that were often at odds with American liberty.”

     How many immigrants living in America today have absolutely no experience in dealing with a democratic form of government?  Democracy, voting, and the responsibilities of living in a constitutional republic are completely outside their realm of experience and personal histories.  Many of today’s immigrants come from countries that loathe and despise the United States, its heritage, and traditions.  They have been taught since childhood that America is an evil nation filled with nothing but animosity for those who come from somewhere else.  Many immigrants from the Middle East, for example, have been taught since infancy that America is the Great Satan.  Can we really expect these folks to disavow these notions once they arrive on our shores?  Jefferson pointedly asked, “Suppose 20 millions of republican Americans were thrown all of a sudden into France, what would be the condition of that kingdom?”  Jefferson answered that, “If it would be more turbulent, less happy, less strong, we may believe that the addition of half a million foreigners to our present numbers would produce a similar effect here.”  Look around you, folks.  We admit to our nation something like one million immigrants per year and these are the ones who arrive here legally.  Estimates of the number of illegal aliens in this country range anywhere from twelve to thirty million.  Additionally, the entire concept and reality of assimilation is all but nonexistent in present-day America.  Jefferson was right to worry and his fears are even more relevant today.  Unrestricted immigration and wide open borders will absolutely destroy the United States and we will have no one to blame but ourselves.  We let it happen and it may be too late to reverse the damage.  This is precisely and exactly what the LFE in our midst so ardently desires for their hatred for their own country seemingly has no limits or bounds.

     The author notes that Alexander Hamilton was once again right on point when it came to immigration.  He correctly maintained that the, “influx of foreigners must, therefore, tend to produce a heterogeneous compound; to change and corrupt the national spirit; to complicate and confound public opinion; to introduce foreign propensities.”  He continued that, “In the composition of society, the harmony of the ingredients is all-important, and whatever tends to a discordant intermixture must have an injurious tendency.”  An injurious tendency is an understatement if we honestly evaluate what our out of control, so-called immigration policy has wrought on the nation in recent decades.  The Founders would be outraged if they could see what we have done to the magnificent republic they created.  George Washington was again cynical when it came to immigration.  He stated that the, “policy or advantage of its taking place in a body (I mean the settling them in a body) may be much questioned: for by so doing, they retain the language, habits, and principles (good or bad) which they bring with them.”  He went on to say that there wasn’t even a need for us to encourage immigration, “except of useful mechanics and some particular descriptions of men or professions.”  Washington had it right as did all of the Founders on the immigration issue.  He believed that immigration to our country should be strictly limited and restricted.  Only those foreigners with skills that we lacked as a country should be allowed to permanently reside in the new nation.  Only those who could contribute to the health and prosperity of the country would be allowed to come here.  In other words, immigration policy should focus solely on the needs and requirements of the United States.  If individuals or groups from other lands couldn’t do that, then we simply had no use for them.  If they couldn’t contribute positively to the nation’s well-being then they must not be allowed to settle here.  Our Founders passionately insisted that America’s needs indeed came first.  Perhaps they can accurately be called the original, “American Firsters.”

     A piece entitled, “We Are Not A Nation Of Immigrants (, is instructive here.  The author explains that this, “New nation, which became the United States of America in the late 18th century, came to welcome immigrants from many other countries of the world who wanted to experience the freedom and unique way of life that this extraordinary new land provided.”  Back then, however, new Americans had, “to provide proof of how they could support themselves, a skill that would allow them to work in their new country, that they were healthy, and several things were assumed, that they would learn to speak English, and that they would become American.”  Sadly, even tragically, far too many of our current crop of newcomers seem to have abandoned the effort to learn our language and increasing numbers have absolutely no desire or intention of becoming Americans.

     How did this happen?  Simple really.  We let it happen.  We have ignored the advice and the warnings of the Founding Fathers because far too many Americans truly believe that these long dead white guys are no longer relevant for the United States in the year 2017.  It is absolutely true that whenever we have ignored the wisdom of the Founders, we have done so at our own peril.  The men who created this great nation knew full well that immigration was fraught with danger and had the potential to one day destroy our nation as historically founded and presently constituted.  Well, I’m afraid that day has arrived.  Immigration is completely out of control and is, in fact, bringing this nation to its knees.  Those who don’t recognize this stark reality are not living in the real world.  Those who can’t accept the fact that current immigration policies have been purposely designed to destroy us as a cohesive national entity are like the proverbial ostrich with its head buried in the sand!

     The author continues that what the new immigrant was expected to do was not easy, “as they had to do whatever was necessary to create the new life they wanted on their own, as no none was given anything, each new American had to make it on his or own.  But the ultimate reward, to become an American was worth the extraordinary effort that these brave men and women expended.”  Do you notice a difference between then and now? Of course you do.  In today’s culture, the new immigrant is given virtually anything and everything they need and/or want by simply showing up.  They come here not with open hearts but rather with open hands.  The new immigrant comes here knowing full well that the welfare benefits will be forthcoming just for the asking.  They come here knowing and banking on the fact that they’ll live far better here than they did in whatever nation they hailed from and that they wouldn’t have to work for it.  Food, housing, clothing, and anything else you can imagine would be provided in quantities they wouldn’t have imagined in their homelands.  Life on the dole here is far more preferable to life in the third-world shitholes they used to call home.  These are not the kinds of immigrants envisioned by the Founders when the nation was new.  These newcomers do not add to the health, wealth, and continued greatness of the nation but rather would detract from it.

     The piece continues that the, “accurate history of this country’s founding and its development make it all the more tragic that the left has distorted this history into the pathetic version of a multi-cultural mess that they have promoted and that falsely claim was our raison d’etre (reason for being) all along.”  The author correctly points out that under, “leftist rule, there are pretty much no rules for people newly coming into this nation, (only against white Europeans), and the more illiterate, diseased, destitute third worlders the better.”  In addition, “America remains a paradise for these immigrants, but a leftist version of paradise: they don’t have to become American, what does that mean anyway and who cares?  They don’t have to speak English, they don’t need money or a skill to find a job, everything will be provided for them through the labors of those who have come before, and who comprehend how special it is to be American.”  And therein lies the fucking rub!  Far too many immigrants not to mention our own countrymen no longer believe that being an American is something special or that our country is indeed exceptional.  This is more than merely sad and disturbing but rather is utterly tragic and can mean nothing less than our demise.

     This is not an over-reaction nor is it mere knee-jerk hysteria.  It is the absolute truth.  Once the citizenry loses feelings of nationalism, pride in country, and patriotism the nation cannot long survive.  It spells the demise of the greatest country the world has ever seen.  Of this there can be no doubt.  There also can be no doubt that this is what the Far Liberal Left so fervently desires and is working to accomplish.  The piece continues that far too many of those coming to this country as well as our own citizens feel that, “America is no more special than any other nation.  Even the unlivable hellholes from which they came, so it’s perfectly fine to come here, accept our largesse and stay what and who you are, no matter how detrimental to America, or even to the new citizen.”  Furthermore, the author of the piece asserts that for too many, “it’s no longer important to understand, help, and/or love the country, it’s only a means to an end to be able to acquire a cell phone, a big screen TV, any health care you may need, and those wonderful new trainers, among many other bennies.”  Additionally, “whatever more stuff you may want, just demand it, and if you don’t get it quickly enough, steal it and if these 2016 tried and true methods don’t work, riot until you get it.”  The author notes that we have become a, “sad and broken nation of immigrants . . . under leftist rule.”

     There is no escaping this cold, hard reality.  Unless we take the advice of our Founding Fathers where immigration is concerned, this country is absolutely doomed!

Much Luv Y’all and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)    


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dave, just found this card of yours. Wonder how you’re doing. You know John passed many years ago. Sure do miss him. Well I hope your ok. George