The Founders of this country who wrote and ratified our Constitution were men of true vision, patriotism, and absolutely distrusted government of any kind – even the one they created. They understood that government by its very nature perpetually seeks ever and ever more power and it always comes at the expense of liberty and freedom. The more power rulers acquire, the less liberty and freedom the people have. This is why men like Madison et al insisted on a limited government with clearly delineated and specified powers beyond which it could never go (please take the time to look up and memorize the Tenth Amendment). This is why those extraordinary men insisted on concepts like federalism wherein power is shared among the national government, the states, and the people. This is the logic behind ideas such as delegated, reserved, and concurrent powers as well as checks and balances. This is why they wisely included the Ninth Amendment to the Bill of Rights which, simply stated, means that the people have more rights than are enumerated in the Constitution. Just think about your cherished right to privacy which is nowhere mentioned in our Founding Documents. Without it, however, we’d all go stark raving ga-ga!
They taught that under no circumstances should government of any sort be trusted for that is the road to certain enslavement and despotism! These men were so far ahead of their time, so prescient, that there has never been a similar group gathered together at the same place and time in history nor is it ever likely to happen again. They all, however, must be literally spinning at record RPM’s in their graves as they witness what has become of their cherished, even sacred dream. They would not recognize that limited government they created and insisted upon and if alive today would absolutely and undoubtedly demand a second American Revolution to once again free us from what has become an all too powerful and intrusive government.
This trend is, of course, nothing new and has been going on since at least the time of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal which started us on the road to the welfare state and unconstitutional Federal power grabs. Our newest President, however, makes old FDR seem like a rank amateur, a mere piker when it comes to infringing on the peoples’ rights and concentrating greater and greater power in the hands of a far too centralized government (refer to the Obama Ruination Rant of October 25, 2009).(see related video) Never before in the history of the Republic have we come so perilously close to literally destroying ourselves, our nation, and our very way of life! Each generation faces its own threats and must devise appropriate solutions that they suppose will redress their grievances. We can go as far back as the Whiskey Rebellion early on in America’s history and trace from that time forward attempts to safeguard freedom and preserve rights in the face of an unrelenting and ever more powerful government. In our own recent times we can recall the growth of the modern-day and much maligned “militia movement” that perceives their own government as a very real and tangible threat to and an assault on our rights and freedoms. They are constantly, albeit wrongly, derided as nothing more than “gun-nuts” and good old boys who lack both education and teeth. They are mocked and ridiculed as misfits, ne’er do wells, and constituted nothing more than cranks and crackpots who somehow missed out on the American Dream, became thoroughly embittered, and were merely lashing out blindly in order to avoid facing their own shortcomings and failures. Does the name Randy Weaver of Ruby Ridge fame ring any bells?
These folks do not deserve the ridicule heaped upon them by most “sophisticated” Americans and in fact are a direct link back to our Founding Fathers who were viewed in the same light as the colonies moved inevitably toward war with the mother country. They too were dismissed as just so many rabble-rousers, misfits, and malcontents but it happened that they were right and history has certainly vindicated them and their cause. These men sounded the alarm and eventually enough people heard and heeded and thus was born the American nation. Our modern-day patriots have sounded that clarion call and certainly enough examples of the size and intrusiveness of our government can be so easily found that one begins to wonder why these folks are not taken more seriously.
Could it possibly be that far too many of our fellow citizens have become so fat, lazy, apathetic, and complacent that they refuse to see what is heading toward them at an absolutely terrifying speed? It’s a giant fucking train wreck of such immense proportions that it will very likely derail this nation, perhaps beyond repair! These folks out there today fear for this nation as they see our entire history as well as our most basic and cherished institutions crumbling before them and while they too have sounded the alarm virtually no one is listening. These “militia types” are afraid, as am I, that their children and grandchildren will not be able to live in the same America that they grew up with because it simply will no longer exist! Unlike the rest of the “sheeple” around them, they are not afraid to act even in the face of overwhelming odds. They will in fact fight back if the need arises as did Mr. Weaver when defending his family from what seemed to him nothing more than government oppression. Are the Weavers of America just so many nut-jobs and freaks or are they too sounding a warning that should be taken not merely seriously but absolutely urgently?!?
This, then, leads us to a group that calls themselves the “Oath Keepers” whose motto is, “Not On Our Watch!” These people are seriously committed to preserving our Constitution, its original intent, and protecting America’s most basic institutions from certain destruction. They are a reaction to what Liberalism has done and will continue to do under the guidance of the likes of Obama, Pelosi, and Reid. The Oath Keepers are determined to help stop the destruction being wrought on the American way of life and preserve what is best about our traditions and heritage. Stewart Rhodes, the head of the organization, explains that, “it’s up to every American to step up and shout ‘No’ to Barack Obama’s plans to socialize and destroy our nation.” ( Rhodes, an army paratrooper and lawyer, “asked other men and women who have taken an oath to support and defend our Constitution to step forward with him.” Apparently, this group has struck quite a chord with more than just a few like-minded citizens for the Keepers have, “grown to an organization of thousands of American patriots who are pledged to do whatever is necessary to actually ‘support and defend’ the Constitution.” According to the Free Republic, “they realize the situation is quickly moving beyond the rhetoric. They know that America is quickly running out of tomorrow’s.”
Yeah, you’re probably right. These guys are just a bunch of paranoid-ridden throw- backs who simply can’t cope with the pressures and realities that exist in 21st-century America! After all, they look to a standard that is well over two hundred years old that can’t possibly have any relevance, meaning, or importance in this modern and fast-paced era! They’re amusing to watch and certainly provide a few chuckles for our Liberal Elite who, in their infinite wisdom, know exactly what is good for the Dunderhead Class! If you in any manner, shape, or form agree with anything said in that last fairly lengthy sentence then you just need to SHUT THE FUCK UP!! You’re the problem, not Rhodes and the Boys. You are the ones destroying this nation! You are the ones that want to bring America to its knees and decimate our uniquely exceptional institutions and accomplishments. It is you and not the so-called “average” citizen that elected this pompous, arrogant, and pathetic ass to power. It is you pitiful, power-hungry bastards that wildly applaud whenever the Charlatan-in-Chief goes on yet another “Apology for America” tour!! Just shut the Fuck Up – you’ve done more than enough damage already!
The Oath Keepers are far more than just a bunch of Yahoos, Good Old Boys, and Goobers. They are, for the most part, active or “ex” military and law enforcement types. This makes them by definition more educated and intelligent than the average citizen (see the Military Misconception Rant of 8/6/09). The members, “pledge to refuse obedience to unlawful orders to violate Constitutional rights of American citizens.” They fully comprehend the consequences of their actions and decisions, “but nevertheless have pledged to thwart any government move toward turning America into a socialist gulag.” These folks are absolutely, “determined to never let the radical left take over our lives.” Amen and Amen to the Oath Keepers! They and others like them constitute guardians of not just our Constitution but of our very way of life. They are absolutely necessary in an age when the forces – the armies – of Liberalism are marching virtually unscathed toward the proverbial New World Order! They must be opposed and I’m afraid that our silent majority can no longer merely sit by simply watching and accepting, albeit reluctantly so. Those days are gone and any return to them is utterly untenable. Today, silence means certain death: the death of the greatest country and civilization that ever graced the presence of this planet!
Rhodes and the Oath Keepers, given their background, have been “trained to recognize dangerous enemies who want nothing but harm to come to our nation,” and they absolutely “understand these enemies need not be foreign but can be domestic as well.” This point is utterly crucial because our global enemies are not the threat here but rather the home-grown variety pose the latest danger to our nation’s survival. Yes, it’s that serious: we’re talking about the death of the United States as constituted for the last two hundred and thirty-three years! If foreign agents were doing to America what our native-born subversives and saboteurs are attempting they’d be branded as enemies and certainly sent packing if not to the gallows! I don’t hear anyone calling the likes of Obama, Pelosi, Reid, et al traitors who want to bring this country down, destroy its very foundations, and strip away our status as the world’s last best hope – but that’s exactly what they are! “They”, of course, vehemently and vociferously deny any such reality and proclaim to one and all that it is they who truly love America and will fight to the death to insure that the country remains great and holds the position as the world’s Top Dog!
They lie. They are not merely mistaken, misguided, misinformed, or any other damned thing – they out and out lie! Actions, of course, speak far louder than words and even the slightest, most perfunctory analysis of their proposals is enough to scare the living shit out of anyone who truly loves this country and wants to see its continued march toward excellence. Everything they’ve tried to put into play thus far will have disastrous consequences for those of on the receiving end. Look for: a completely wrecked health care system which will end up serving no one but the Liberal Elites; a destroyed automobile industry; a completely dysfunctional banking and mortgage industry; a devastated housing industry; continued and rising unemployment; class warfare like we’ve never witnessed before; continued and increased tensions between the races and ethnicities; further runaway immigration; a further devaluation of the dollar; massive inflation with accompanying interest rates and prices; tax rates that would make a Chinese emperor blush; and the complete socialization of all sectors of our society! On top of all of this, Americans will have virtually no choices left to them in any aspect of their lives but would have to settle for only those “ goodies” doled out by a government run completely amok (and this constitutes only a partial list)!
The point here folks, is that our Liberal Elites who, of course, know what is best for us and our progeny are doing these nefarious things in a very calculated, purposeful manner designed not only to destroy America but to crush and demoralize the spirit of the American people. All we need to do is evaluate the devastating effects that Johnson’s Great Society has had on the black family in America – it’s a total and complete cluster fuck! I absolutely believe that Obama and his subversives are using the Great Society as a model, a blueprint if you will, to chart this nation’s future – or lack thereof. The more his programs succeed, the more dependent on government the American people will become. Dependency is never healthy for the individual or society and our Liberal Elites know it! They require that the population is dependent on them and government to fulfill every possible want, need, and desire. These people are interested in nothing but power and control and will do anything to get and keep it!
Thus the necessity for groups like the Oath Keepers. They are in essence the country’s watch dogs and have sounded an urgent alarm. That’s necessary and useful as far as it goes, but if the homeowner does not heed the warning and take appropriate action the beasts may as well be toothless and silent! The Oath Keepers as well as us evil, twisted Conservatives have been screaming about the destruction of our nation for many decades but really only a few have bothered to take the warning seriously. I now fear that this nation is about to reap what it has sewn, and it sure as shit ain’t gonna be pretty! The Founders knew that democracy is extremely fragile and must be jealously guarded to keep it vibrant and alive. They also understood that by its very nature, government is destructive of democracy and will stop at nothing to continually increase its own power. The most effective way to accomplish that is to limit, restrict, and erode freedom and liberty and all of Liberalism seeks exactly that end. At the Constitutional Convention all those years ago, a woman asked Benjamin Franklin what kind of government the Founders were contemplating. He replied, “a republic, Madame, if you can keep it.”
It should come as no surprise then, that the “Oath Keepers are hated and feared by Democrats and their lapdog media,” for they represent exactly what the Sons of Liberty were to the British Crown hundreds of years ago. They and others are the modern-day Paul Reveres on a desperate ride of warning in the hopes that it is not already too late! The Free Republic notes, for example, that ultra-Liberal, far left organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center calls Oath Keepers. “a particularly worrisome example of Patriotic revival.” Did you catch that? Old Morris and his mob actually believe that patriotism is problematic and something to be feared and this and other groups are the darlings of the mainstream media and have no difficulty making their opinions known. The SPLC sees groups like the Oath Keepers, “as threats to their plans for submerging America into the cesspool of socialism.” As the Free Rpublic concludes, “To the Left patriotism is an insult. To us it’s a badge of honor. That’s why we will win in the end.” ( related video)
Jessica Mayrer, writing for the Bozeman Daily Chronicle also did a piece on the Oath Keepers in an interview she did with one Elias Alias. The group is described as, “comprised mostly of military and law enforcement personnel aiming to resist what it sees as a federal government overstepping Constitutional boundaries.” Alias simply maintains that, “it’s time for the people to take the government back.” Lest you get the erroneous impression that the Keepers or even the militias out there are merely Republican hacks and sycophants out to skewer Obama and the Democrats a re-think is in order. Mr. Alias, editor of the Gallatin County Patriot, notes that while in office, “President George W. Bush used the war on terror to make people afraid.” The goal was, “To expand executive power under the guise of national security concerns.” Under that leadership, “the Patriot Act and other maneuvers skirting established legal protections eroded constitutional mandates. These actions expanded federal authority over the states and increased surveillance of American citizens…” The founder Stewart Rhodes notes that Obama has not by any means tried to reverse that trend and has been, “warning folks for years about the danger he sees in America’s increasingly centralized power structure.” The article, “Oath Keepers Aim to Curb Federal Power”, maintains that guys like Alias and Rhodes are extremely fearful that their, “grandchildren won’t have the freedoms they grew up with.” Alias explains that, “he’s working to revive the concept of liberty in the American people,” and, “that shouldn’t be a threat to anyone.” (
Apparently, the gentleman doesn’t really comprehend fully the utter venality, the total all-consuming power addiction, and the complete and absolute arrogance of our Liberal Elite Class! The supercilious sons of bitches are thoroughly afraid of groups like the Oath Keepers and view them as nothing more or less than a threat to their supposed superiority over the rest of us flotsam and jetsam that populate the hinterland. To them, we constitute the “great unwashed” and if left to our own devices would destroy through ignorance and ineptitude the power structure that these Socialist Saboteurs have created for themselves over the last half century or so. Some in the Liberal Elite Class view those who demand a genuine return to our Founding Principles as far too dangerous for the good of “their” America and therefore must be strictly monitored, controlled, and punished if they stray even one foot off the reservation. Our current freedom fighters have been compared to the likes of Timothy VcVeigh of Oklahoma City fame back in the 1990’s.
Mayrer notes that, “fueled by frustration born of the ailing economy, federal bailouts, and according to the Department of Homeland Security, the inauguration of the first black President, radical groups are taking advantage of the current political climate to recruit.” She quotes Travis McAdam, the Executive Director of the Montana Human Rights Network as saying, “we think there is cause for concern.” The Southern Poverty Law Center which, “tracks extremist activity throughout the country,” also warns that, “it’s likely only a matter of time before the Patriot Revival becomes violent.”
This is a particularly cheap shot even for the Looney Liberal Left but it is no way surprising or unexpected. It’s called character assassination and our current crop of Leftist America-Haters has refined that tactic to a fine art. First of all, they are actually afraid of and embarrassed by the whole concept of patriotism, love of country, and a desire to return to First Principles. They can’t conceive of the notion that there are still a whole bunch of us out here more than willing to put country before self because we understand, as they do not, that without this nation and all it stands for we are virtually nothing! Our identity is deeply rooted in American Exceptionalism and tradition and we fully realize that it sets us apart from the rest of the world and has given the United States a special place in the history of nations. The members of the sophisticated, urbane, and so-called intellectual elite want people like the Oath Keepers to deny their heritage and traditions and cow-tow to their supposed superiority! For these clowns to predict violence is completely irresponsible, inflammatory, and meant to keep patriotic Americans on the defensive. Is it possible that at some point some individuals may resort to violence? Yes, it is but very unlikely. Is it also possible that some members of that Liberal Freak Show known as the ACLU might become violent? Certainly, but again not very likely. It’s an old, tired practice used by Liberals for decades: accuse your opponent of behavior that you are guilty of and force him to defend himself rather than concentrate on the issues and arguments at hand. It’s not unlike that ancient trick question, “Do you still beat your wife?”
The Bozeman Daily Chronicle points out that, “the Department of Homeland Security considers groups that reject federal authority in favor of local authority as right wing extremists.” This has ruffled the feathers of Mr. Alias and his compatriots. The Oath Keeper insists, “that to call Americans with political concerns ‘terrorists’ is unacceptable.” He explains that those who have sworn to uphold the Constitution are obligated to protect the nation’s founding principles and promises to, “honor the U.S. federal government as long as it operates within its constitutional bounds.” Therein, of course, lies the fucking rub! Alias, Rhodes, and those who feel that for far too many years the government has usurped so much power from the people and the states that it is virtually nonexistent as a limited entity and has become instead a giant behemoth intent on swallowing up and destroying every measure of freedom in its path. Our national government is now virtually indistinguishable in many ways from the oligarchies so prevalent in many third-world countries. We are quickly approaching the point when only a very small cabal of wealthy and educated decide the fate of the vast majority. This was never envisioned by the Founders but because over the years we have failed to exercise any real semblance of due diligence, many fear we are on the verge of losing our freedom. This is nothing to be taken lightly and it is simply not enough to denigrate those who hold this view as merely paranoid gun-nuts and crazies. They may very well be right just as were the Minute Men over two centuries ago!
Rhodes is not at all surprised that some claim that groups such as his are dangerous and aptly notes that, “demonizing political opponents is an easy way to stem dissent.” Stifling dissent has literally been elevated to an art form by the Liberal Elite and Obama is steeped in that tradition hailing as he does from the Windy City where that tactic is practiced perhaps like nowhere else. Rhodes, who stresses the group’s nonviolent nature, notes that, “every oppressive government throughout history has labeled people as enemies of the state.” Alias insists that he merely, “aims to educate people about how to protect the U.S. Constitution and their rights,” and that, “racism, violence and demonizing political opponents have no place within Oath Keepers.” It sounds like Rhodes, Alias, and those who hold their views want what might be termed a “fair fight” with those who disagree with them. Well, they sure as shit ain’t getting it from those Liberal Statists! Let’s see, wasn’t there something fairly recently about service union employee thugs beating up on elderly voters and members of the New Black Panther Party with truncheons intimidating prospective voters at the polling place? Nah, Obama would never stand for or condone such despicable practices, would he?
In an article for the New American entitled, “Oath Keepers: Patriotic Defenders of the republic?”, ( author Joe Wolverton, ll, describes the group as a, “nationwide association of currently serving members of the armed forces, national guard units, police officers, and veterans of the same that have recently united with the declared purpose of unequivacally and without fear or favor staying true to the oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” The Oath Keepers refuse to obey any orders that they deem blatantly unconstitutional believing that to do so would violate the very oath that each of them has sworn. Wolverton’s piece sites the Oath Keepers, “Declaration Of Orders We Will Not Obey.” The first states that, “We will not obey any order to disarm the American people.” These folks, “believe that any attempt to deprive the people of their weaponry is treasonous and is an act of war upon the people of the United States.” A statement like this should tell you exactly how serious these people are about the importance of their task and it scares the Hell out of the Liberal Elite Class who attack patriotic groups regularly and viciously.
The second plank of the Declaration deals with never violating the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution and the Keepers literally swear, “Not to obey any order or conduct warrantless searches of the American people, their homes, vehicles, papers, or effects. . .” Other aspects of the Keeper’s manifesto address such issues as never detaining U.S. citizens as enemy combatants; not obeying orders to impose martial law without the consent of the state in which it is to occur; and they will never obey any orders that, “infringe on the right of the people to free speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition their government for a redress of grievances.” These people should and must be taken seriously for without groups like them our rights and freedoms will eventually disappear and the citizenry will never even realize what has occurred until it is far too late to do anything about it. Remember, government will always acquire more and more power if the people are not vigilant and I fear that far too many of us are asleep at the fucking wheel! We have become so complacent and satisfied that we are making the task of our Ruling Liberal Elite that much easier to accomplish. Groups like the Oath Keepers serve as a really good swift kick in the ass for they are trying to wake us up before the coffin is closed and nailed shut! The history of the world is replete with examples of free people who were literally enslaved as they failed to tenaciously guard their liberty! If you really believe it can’t happen here you need to get your head out of your ass and pay attention to what the fuck is actually going on in this country!!
These people scare the living Hell out of the Obama’s, the Kerry’s, the Kennedy’s, and groups like the ACLU and the Southern Poverty Law Center. They understand that the patriot is a real threat to their ambitions and power and will do anything necessary to thwart their ability to sound a warning. To outfits like the SPLC, “patriotism is something onerous and hateful.” Others, “have declared the Oath Keepers to be an embryonic revolutionary force that, but for the fact that the group is so small, would use its military influence to impose its own narrow version of the Founders’ ideal government on the majority and thus become that which they claim to loathe – despots.” This is nothing more than a flagrant example of pure Liberal hypocrisy, paranoia, and tactics – it’s classic! They attack with no real facts or basis in reality and they besmirch and smear individuals whose motives and methods they disagree with. Additionally and as always, they accuse the “enemy” of doing exactly what they themselves are guilty of thus attempting to place patriots and patriotism on the defensive. In this case, however, the plan does not seem to have the desired outcome of intimidation and fear that will effectively silence those who the Liberal Elite Class view as a threat. Stewart Rhodes quite simply explains that, “the whole point of the Oath Keepers is to stop a dictatorship from ever happening here.”
Wolverton’s final points are absolutely telling and right on the mark. He states that the, “very existence of the Oath Keepers, however, whether they be true guardians of the republic or misguided patriots, is evidence of the fear and distrust of government felt by Americans and of their legitimate concern that the national government consistently and unrepentantly marches with heavy boots across Constitutional boundaries. . .” Additionally, the government is, “willfully concentrating power into an executive that without much effort could assume all power into a single hand and then use that strength to finally and irreparably break free from the fetters placed upon it by the Constitution and to obliterate the walls of protection created by our Founders around the highest and final citadel of sovereignty – the American people.” Not only has the author brilliantly stated the conditions we face as a nation but has correctly assessed the penultimate goals of the Ultra Liberal Elite in this country. They want to tear up the Constitution because to them it is nothing more than an annoying hindrance to their agenda of usurping all the power they possibly can and turn the rest of us into nothing more than obedient children who must do as they’re told or face dire punishment from the adults. It’s coming, floks, and to ignore groups like the Oath Keepers is to do so at our own peril. Be afraid Americans, be very afraid while remaining ever vigilant!!
Much Luv Y’all and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
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