Somebody stole my country and I want it back! I’m not exactly sure when or how it happened but the United States of America is rapidly unraveling. It is crumbling with breath-taking speed. No foreign armies have invaded and while the Islamo-Fucking-Fascists can certainly wreak havoc, they can’t take us down. Whoever the damned thief is, he is nothing if not thorough. In the space of about a generation he and his minions have worked their sabotage far more effectively than any foreign enemy could have possibly dreamed of doing.
These enemies of America have warped, distorted, and all but destroyed virtually every one of our major institutions from education to politics to the family to the military and everything in between. They have literally pillaged and looted our peerless American culture and heritage and have twisted and perverted America’s long-standing role as the most uniquely munificent force that the world has ever seen or is likely to see again! These saboteurs are quite literally trying to destroy the very meaning of America and they constitute the very worst form of enemy because they are, in fact, Americans themselves. These scum qualify as subversive, seditious, treasonous bastards and/or bastardesses and should be treated accordingly.
We are a nation at war right now and this war may take decades to fully and successfully prosecute. To defeat the Islamist hordes our nation must be united in its resolve, steadfast in determination and purpose, and willing to sacrifice. God knows our troops certainly are. The saboteurs, on the other hand, are doing everything they can to divide this nation, to literally rip it asunder so that the United States will lose the war against Islamo-Fascism. They actually want to see a defeated America and yet they claim to be patriotic! Patriotic, my sorry old ass!! They wear buttons exclaiming that, “Dissent is Patriotic!” Nice try, Fucko!! Dissent can be patriotically motivated as can disagreement, but calling for and doing your utmost to cause America to lose a war is treasonous, you assholes! It is not patriotic and no patriot would ever utter sentiments like, “I support our troops, I just don’t support the war!” Hey, Numb-Nuts – you can’t support the troops and at the same time not support their mission! That’s nothing more than an obscene oxymoron. It is nothing but a lie! These jackasses want to cripple if not completely destroy the one institution that has kept this nation free and virtually unmolested for over two hundred and thirty years: the American Armed Forces (emphasis on armed)!!
They not only attack the war, our troops prosecuting the affair, but also our methodology in obtaining vital information from captured terrorists. They accuse us of torture in forcing non-uniformed enemy combatants into revealing future plans to destroy America. They mindlessly rail against “Club Gitmo” and Abu Grahb and stupidly claim that forcing these fucking killers to wear women’s pink underwear on their heads or making them construct nude human pyramids is just too much for the terrorists’ delicate psyches to bear. These liberal assholes have the unmitigated gall to equate acts of humiliation with real torture! You know, the kind that these non-uniformed enemy combatants have committed against American soldiers and civilians in Iraq and elsewhere.
Think public beheadings, electrified genitals, ripping out fingernails, and cutting off tongues just to name a few. Let’s not forget dead American soldiers being dragged through the streets or the burned bodies of American civilians hanging from bridges! Now these boys know how to torture! What are we guilty of? Right – water-boarding, a very persuasive tactic from which not a single enemy of this nation has died or been permanently disfigured or crippled, Dammit! Yeah, we’re so fucking inhumane that after a year’s detention at Guantanimo Bay, for example, the average prisoner has gained over seventeen pounds! Man, if that’s not torture, I sure as shit don’t know what is! Oh, and let’s not forget the taxpayer provided Korans and prayer rugs! To paraphrase a famous French broad who once lost her head, “Let them eat pork!”
These Blame-America-Firsters are also some of the biggest and most obvious damned hypocrites ever to adopt the Speak-Out-Of-Both-Sides-Of-The Mouth Modality!(see related video)
They not only approve of torture but given the right set of circumstances, would willingly and even happily engage in it themselves and they fucking well know it! Prove it, you demand! You got it, I reply!! Envision the following scenario. The beloved ten year-old daughter of the loudest, most ardently vociferous anti-war, anti-American, anti-torture, Liberal-Progressive, pious pain in the ass has been kidnapped by the most vicious, ruthless, maniacal street gang out there. Oh, I don’t know, MS 13 comes to mind. If you are even slightly familiar with this particular species of sub-human, you understand that there’s nothing they won’t do to that little kid before they brutally kill her. It’s a done deal. The girl’s dead and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
The ten year-old’s father just happens to catch a lucky break and captures a gang member who knows where the girl is but refuses to talk and will not divulge her location. No help there. Despite the pleading, the begging, the cajoling, and the threats this motherfucker ain’t talking: Omerta in full effect! What to do? The girl is going to be used, abused, and killed and there’s simply nothing to be done. I guess in this instance, failure is definitely an option. Yeah, right! Listen, you phony Liberal bastard, the only thing you wouldn’t do is kill the gang-banging piece of shit because then the ten year-old has no chance of survival. You’d hook his nuts up to a car battery without a second thought. You’d bamboo his ass as well as the soles of his feet. You’d burn him with cigarette and cigar butts! You’d beat him with barbed wire and force him to crawl through the razor variety! You’d, you’d, well you know what you’d do: anything and everything to make the miscreant divulge the young girl’s location. You’d probably even resort to the use of the dreaded technique of water-boarding (gasp)! Yes you would; don’t even try and deny it! You’d do anything for your loved one and therein lies the fucking rub. Do you not love your country enough to do anything to protect her, to keep her safe and secure from those Muslim Mother Fuckers that would destroy her? Apparently not.
No, instead you make excuses for “them”, blame America for their “plight”, and demand that non-uniformed captured enemy combatants be afforded protections under the Geneva Conventions (you really oughta read it, Skippy) to which they’re not entitled. Why don’t you hypocritical humps just come out and say it? You want America to lose this war, you despise the Armed Forces, the troops and their mission, and you’ll do anything in your power to see this nation fail! You then have the utter audacity, the unbridled chutzpah, to call yourselves patriots? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!
The same Liberal – oops, I mean Progressive – scum that wants America to lose to the terrorists also wants to destroy American sovereignty in a further attempt to humiliate and degrade this nation. As defined by Thorndike and Barnhart , sovereignty is the “complete control by a state over its own affairs independently of external interference.” As Michael Savage so aptly notes, once a nation loses control of its borders, language, and culture the end is surely not far off. We have done exactly that. I give you the proposed NAU: the North American Union which is merely the European Union gone west. It will literally destroy American sovereignty and borders with its prosperity zones and transportation corridors that will run from southern Mexico through the U.S. and up to Canada’s northern border. Will we move to a North American version of the Euro which further erodes American sovereignty? These misguided one-world zealots see folks like me as relics of a failed nation-state ideology. We “relics” view these one-worlders as the worst sort of enemy. These are Americans who would willingly, nay eagerly, destroy all that is unique about our country and so homogonize it to such a point as to become irrelevant as a separate sovereign entity. They wish for nothing less than an end to the United States of America that for the past two hundred plus years has been the single, most positive force that the world has ever known!
They will accomplish these ends not merely by treaty or international agreements. These self-loathing Americans will insist upon maintaining our de-facto policy of open borders which is virtually destroying this nation! There are roughly fifteen million illegal aliens, uh – I mean undocumented workers, now residing in the United States. The overwhelming number of them couldn’t give a rat’s ass about America and have no desire to become citizens. Huge numbers of them refuse to assimilate but rather live in “outposts” of their home countries. One of the surest ways to destroy a nation’s sovereignty is to “invite” outsiders in and allow them to defy tradition, permit them NOT to learn the language of the majority, and celebrate their culture instead of insisting that they learn to love ours. There is an ever growing movement among our Liberal Elite Class to grant illegals and other non-citizens the right to vote and allow them access to legal drivers licenses so they can continue to spit on the American dream. These scum-dogs still insist that they are loyal, patriotic Americans who love their country. Just think “The Emperor’s New Clothes”!!
The Liberal Elite Class further erodes America’s sovereignty by purposely refusing to foster a sense of pride in and devotion to what this nation has accomplished and has historically stood for. They will not explain that since its inception, America has been a gleaming beacon for all those in the world that have desired freedom and opportunity. They will never point out that while millions the world over try and gain access to this country, legally and illegally, almost no one tries to leave. They propagandize and brainwash about America as responsible for all the evil in the world from poverty, AIDS, war, environmental disasters and so much more even while knowing it’s no more than a crock of shit! By purposely tearing down a sense of pride in and devotion to this country, sovereignty becomes moot. If the citizens of the nation don’t feel their country is a special place, then indeed it is not. By espousing and inflicting such suicidal doctrines as political correctness, multi-culturalism, and diversity these self-loathing Americans have done far more damage to this nation’s continued survival than all of our foreign enemies combined. By constantly harping on our differences instead of extolling those national virtues that bring us together and unite us as Americans, these unpatriotic bastards are virtually guaranteeing America’s demise!!
Under the guise of a phony, bogus, and spurious compassion these internal enemies of my country have succeeded in destroying two institutions without which the nation is surely doomed: a healthy family structure and a first-rate educational system.(see related video) Prior to the 1960’s, unarguably the most venal and destructive decade in our history, the family structure in America was sound, stable, and vibrant. Regardless of creed, color, or ethnicity the nuclear family reigned supreme and the two-parent family was the overwhelming norm. Additionally, parents married BEFORE having children and out of wedlock teen-age births were virtually unheard of.
Then, with many strokes of many pens, LBJ and his malicious, wrong-headed, and arrogant Great Society Programs began to attack the American family. While his oft-touted War on Poverty has totally failed, his war on the American family has been an amazing success! Take a look around you and witness a 50% divorce rate. Do your research and learn that in inner-cities nation wide the teen-age out of wedlock birthrate hovers around 75%. We literally have children raising children. The family structure in this country is virtually non-existent and it appears to be getting worse! Fathers living with their children and spouse is virtually unheard of anymore and, in fact, the reverse has become the norm. When the family structure fails, all else fails because the family is the basic building block of society. Sick and broken families translate into atrophied institutions which in turn signals the death of a nation.
With the failure of the family comes the inevitable failure of our educational system. It’s absolutely unavoidable and cannot be repaired until the failing family structure in this nation is mended. We have, through welfare and wealth redistribution, virtually destroyed self-reliance, individual initiative, and personal responsibility. The welfare check, public housing, and food stamps have usurped the role of fatherhood and has fostered the growth of a permanent, dependent underclass! Given this situation, is it any wonder that our educational system has become one of the very worst in the industrialized, developed world? Colleges and universities nation wide must provide “remedial” classes to freshmen who still don’t know the basics. The professors look at high school teachers like me and ask, “What the Hell are you people doing?” Secondary school teachers ask the same question to those who teach junior high school and they in turn ask the same damned question to those teaching on the elementary level. All well and good, but nobody and I mean nobody asks the most relevant question to the most relevant group. No one turns to the parents and shouts, “What the FUCK are you doing!?!”
Don’t these children raising children who then raise more children understand that if a child can’t read or write by the time he hits kindergarten, it’s pretty much over for him educationally? He or she will keep falling farther and farther behind. No current educational models, theories, or remedies take this into account. Without healthy families, our educational system is doomed. Once the institutions of the family and education are destroyed, all of the other major societal institutions are in danger of collapsing. This country is careening wildly toward its own destruction and I fear it may be too late to reverse course!!
Much Luv, Y’all and Have a Great DaY!
The Fifth Horseman
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