That old adage that you are known by the company you keep is tired, worn, hackneyed, trite, and absolutely dead-on accurate. It’s one of life’s most obvious and valuable lessons and is best learned at an early age. If you are regularly seen, for example, in the company of large groups of rough-looking, tattooed, bearded men riding tricked-out Harley Davidson Hogs and wearing the distinctive colors of the Hells Angels or perhaps the Satans certain justifiable assumptions will invariably be made about you. It’s unavoidable, perfectly normal, and literally inevitable. Anyone who fails to appreciate this immutable fact requires a severe and immediate reality check. If you are regularly seen in the company of known drug dealers and users, do not become even slightly offended or irate when the rest of us conclude that your defining characteristics include criminal activity ranging anywhere from dealing drugs, using the same, as well as robbing, mugging, and burglarizing to support the lifestyle you have chosen. It will also be quite naturally assumed that you habitually carry one or more weapons that you won’t and haven’t hesitated to use on a frequent basis. One could also correctly surmise that you are more than just a tad familiar with our penal system where I’m sure you endured the tender mercies of Bubba and the Boys! This is simply the way the world works and, human nature being what it is, it’s never going to change. Ever hear of reaping what you sew?
Yet another indication of who and what you are and how your world-view is structured is the timber and caliber of those who support, admire, and hold you in high regard. This is a telling point and reveals much about a person’s character and persona. If, for example, you are greatly sought after by organizations like the Boy or Girl Scouts of America you are probably far and above someone who the Latin Kings hold up and emulate and, yes, it’s an obvious point but it is nonetheless valid. If groups like the Council of Bishops or the New York City Board of Rabbis hold you in high esteem, that certainly speaks volumes about your character and bona fides. On the other hand, that individual who is revered and sought after by a group like, oh – I don’t know NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) you may well be the type of person that the vast majority of good, decent people out there would shun like the Bubonic Plague. Wait, you may object, aren’t you describing what’s come to be known as “profiling” and, who the Hell are you to be so righteously judgmental? I understand your point and I’d very much like to see you stick it where the damned sun don’t shine! Profiling has undoubtedly saved lives in this age of terror and suicide attacks and it goes a long way in explaining why we haven’t yet had another major successful attack on the homeland since 9/11. It should be a recognized and openly practiced technique – standard fare if you will – in the War on Terror. As far as being judgmental, all of us do it all the time for it is part of our survival instinct and mechanism. The only types who object to either profiling or being judgmental are those lying, phony-ass, Liberal, hypocritical, damned Democrats who revel in their political correctness, diversity bullshit, and multicultural crap! They are not in any manner, shape, or form part of any cure but they are, indeed, a major part of our problems and if not held firmly in check they will literally destroy this country, its heritage, and traditions!
Well, that then brings us to our newest President, Mr. Barrack (Barry) Hussein Obama. Who are his admirers, supporters, and cheerleaders? Who indeed? There are, of course, many. Virtually 100% of our LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite) are his complete and utter lackeys, toadies, and sycophants. Even after a year of failure after failure they are still drinking the Kool Aid without once questioning their judgment let alone that of their President. He failed to sufficiently charm the Olympic Committee into bringing the games to the Windy City. He campaigned in New Jersey, Virginia, and Massachusetts for his fellow Democrats with, thank God, disastrous results for them. Thus far his Health Care Debacle which would, if passed, socialize-nationalize at least one-sixth of our economy has not passed. His thoroughly horrifying and nefarious Cap and Trade Boondoggle has, for the moment, gone down in flames. His much vaunted Stimulus Package (or as Rush Limbaugh would say the Porkulous Bill) has stimulated virtually no job creation and as Limbaugh points out it is nothing more than a giant slush fund for his cronies up for reelection. What the Hell happened to all those Shovel Ready Projects anyway?
His unconstitutional “bailouts” of the banking, mortgage, and automobile industries have had virtually no positive effects save to perfectly illustrate his Socialist mindset. I understand that El Jefe has a virtual hissy-fit any time any of these companies repays their government loans, as that means less dependence on government largesse. It’s got to be any Socialist’s worst nightmare. His plans, or rather lack thereof, to reduce unemployment to at least acceptable levels have been totally “quagmired”, to coin a phrase, and the figure still remains above ten percent, his pledge of an eight percent ceiling notwithstanding. This jaded, cynical old bastard, of course, is absolutely convinced beyond the shadow of any doubt that higher and higher unemployment figures are exactly and precisely what the Brother-In-Chief hopes and longs for. The more unemployed folks out there the more they become dependent upon Big Government to take care of them in the form of unemployment insurance. In his infinite wisdom, El Presidente has enabled more Americans the chance to lose their freedom and depend on Big Brother with his, I believe, twice-extended length of time that one individual is allowed to take from his fellow citizens. Yeah, now that’s real compassion for you! I’ll bet that when away from the public eye, Obama and the Boys are high-fiving and war-whooping every time the unemployment numbers hike upwards!
Let’s see now, who constitute some of his other staunch and loyal supporters? We must not, of course, forget all those pointy-headed, holier than thou, ultra-Liberal college professors who have absolutely nothing good or positive to say about the greatest nation God ever gave mankind. They cheer wildly every time the Anointed One goes off on another one of his ever popular “Apologize for America Tours.” Thus far, he’s issued mea culpa for slavery, racism, discrimination, American power, American wealth and capitalism, American expansion and supposed imperialism, and America’s success and exceptionalism. They continually brainwash their charges with blatant and open hostility toward this country and its heritage, traditions, and institutions. Upon graduation, the freshly “diploma’d” young person continues to spread the propaganda with which he has been indoctrinated and the minds of still more generations of Americans continue to be polluted with this noxious anti-American filth! This kind of propagandizing is also practiced in our nation’s secondary and elementary schools. It seems that none of our young people are safe from it or immune to it.
Unions, of course, are still another of Obama’s loyal, hardcore supporters who were very helpful in electing our nation’s First Black President. They dutifully and unflinchingly intimidated voters and I’m sure were very “persuasive” in helping our citizens decide which candidate to pull the lever for. They also had Obama’s full and enthusiastic support as they attempted to implement their outrageous “Card Check” scheme which would have gone a long way toward destroying democracy in the workplace. Yeah, those public service unions sure make me proud to be an American and the current state of our modern-day labor movement is just a joy to behold! Let us not, of course, forget how admired our new President is by such upstanding and honorable groups as the New Black Panther Party – it actually makes me go all warm and fuzzy inside. It was really heart-warming to see these very large, hulking men dressed in long black leather Gestapo-styled trench coats wielding truncheons which they menacingly smacked against the palms of their free hand. I’m quite certain that prospective voters were suitably frightened – uh, I mean impressed – with their fealty to then candidate Obama. Yup, the quality of your supporters and admirers certainly speaks volumes about you. Maybe it’s all that fucking charisma!
The examples of the President’s groupies proffered thus far merely scratch the surface. The list goes on and on but one of his support groups particularly caught my attention and deserves some detailed analysis. This organization has quite a lengthy history, first coming on the scene in the year 1919 shortly after World War I came to its bloody conclusion. Early on, its membership swelled to upwards of 60,000 and actually peaked just north of 200,000 dues payers. These guys lived through the Red Scare, the Palmer Raids, and the Smith Act of 1940. According to Wikipedia Encyclopedia ( by 1957, “membership had dwindled to less than 10,000, of which some 1500 were FBI informants.” This particular organization inspired the entire “New Left”, “Anti-War” movement of the 1960’s, unarguably the most disastrous ten-year period in our nation’s history and one that we still have not recovered from. Have you figured out which group we’re talking about yet? Let’s see, how about a hint? Their favorite color is red. Yep, you got it – the Communist Party of the United Sates of America. Yes, you read that correctly and while the, “CPUSA never regained the influence it wielded before the McCarthy period,” they still claim a membership of 15,000,” which many feel is an inflated number. Referring once more to Wikipedia, the CPUSA calls for, “a peaceful transition to socialism in the U.S.,” and the party’s stated goal, “is to achieve a free, prosperous, and peaceful society free of racism, sexism, homophobia, and exploitation in which all people have the opportunity to develop to their fullest potential.”
Yeah, OK. In other words, it’s merely one more example of a pie-in-the-sky utopian pipe dream that has plagued mankind for millennia. Their stated goals are grand, lofty, and no one with any semblance of a heart or soul can pose any meaningful objections to them. What the Communist Party of the United States conveniently fails to address are the methods of implementing and achieving their ever-so noble sounding plans and policies. They don’t mention or even gloss over the mainstays of any Communist-Socialist driven society. You know, little things like the total control of all means of production, a tremendous loss of personal freedom and liberty, and of course government intrusion into virtually any and all aspects of the lives of citizens. Yeah, it’s those pesky little details that get you every time! Earlier this year, Rush Limbaugh ( I know, he’s the guy everyone loves to hate but he’s simply the best there is at what he does and I’ve been an avid listener sine August of 1988. If you haven’t, try noted that, “Obama says he’s not a Bolshevik but folks, the Communist Party USA loves Obama.” The talk show host goes on to cite newspaper articles that include such headlines as: “CPUSA and Obama Platforms are Identical”; “CPUSA: Obama Will Change USA Forever”; and, “Communist Party Endorses Obama.” Additionally, he cites the following: “Communist Party USA Hails Obama Victory”; “Communist Party USA to Take to the Streets for Obama”; and “CPUSA Speech Lays Out Obama Agenda.”
For those of you who don’t trust the source or discount Limbaugh as some kind of snarling, growling member of that now famous Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, let’s delve a little deeper shall we? Sweetness-Light ( analyzes a variety of articles dealing with the President’s Communist leanings and proclivities including, “CPUSA and Obama’s Platforms are Identical.” The article notes that, “That there is a crisis in every critical area of national life. Profits at the top are record high, but families can’t make ends meet. Trillions are squandered in Iraq, but 45 million are without healthcare. Billions are spent on tax breaks to the super rich, but working families are losing their homes and young people can’t afford higher education.” Sound familiar? It should because it could have been taken straight from Obama’s speeches and talking points. The piece claims in perfect Obama-Speak that, “working people want bold new policies to end war, restore democratic traditions, and create a green living wage, affordable housing, healthcare, and quality education for everyone.” Apparently, candidate Obama may have hired a few CPUSA types for his campaign to write speeches and to provide tactical support as well.
The article goes on to insist that, “voters are demanding a new kind of politics to rebuild our country for the common good. A democratic spirit of unity and hope is inspiring millions to get involved.” The problem here is that this so-called new kind of politics hearkens straight back to Marx and Engels so, in fact, there’s absolutely nothing new about it. These “new politics” were eagerly adopted by FDR in his New Deal Debacle which constituted the first serious attempt to socialize our nation and its institutions. Appropriately, the article claims that, “during the Great Depression of the 1930’s, unemployed workers and their allies marched and organized until public works jobs, Social Security, and New Deal programs were won.” Among other policies and programs offered up by the Communists we see: a moratorium on foreclosures and evictions; extended unemployment compensation with increased eligibility; green jobs for everyone; massive public works job creation; universal healthcare with single payer financing; a repeal of the Patriot Act; and on and on and on. Where will the money to bring this utopian vision to fruition come from? You got it, “Funding to come from monies now being spent on the Iraq war, military budget and tax breaks to the super rich.” I have heard Obama steadfastly and heatedly maintain that he is neither a Communist nor a Bolshevik, but hey, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck then well, you know.
In an editorial from the CPUSA entitled, “Eye on the Prize,” the Reds note that, “a broad multiclass, multiracial movement is converging around Obama’s, “Hope, Change and Unity” campaign because they see in it, “ the thrilling opportunity to end 30 years of ultra-right rule and move our nation forward with a broadly progressive agenda.” Please understand that the term Progressive has actually replaced the term Liberal in today’s lexicon because even liberals are reluctant to label themselves as such. The piece continues that, “if Obama’s candidacy represented nothing more than for this profound initiative to unite the working class and defeat the pernicious influence of racism, it would be a transformative candidacy that would advance progressive politics for the long term.” The CPUSA and others of their ilk, however, do not view Obama as being merely “transformative”, but rather as destructive. They see an Obama Presidency as the first concrete step toward the ultimate destruction of Capitalism and the United States as currently constituted. For them, this would be the ultimate victory and the culmination of a process that began in 1917 with the demise of Czarist Russia. Sweetness-Light correctly concludes that the Communist Party of the United States wants to elect Barrack Hussein Obama as our President and asks, “won’t it be pleasant finally to have a President that the same hard-line Communists who supported Joseph Stalin can support?”(see related video)
In a piece entitled, “CPUSA: 87 Years Young,” (found in we note that as, “always, throughout its history, the CPUSA has always fought on issues of interest to the US working class,” and emphasizes such things as the, “right of labor to organize; the right to a living wage; the right to full benefits – matters that are at the heart of quality of life.” It seems to me that this was also at the heart of Obama’s campaign rhetoric as well. For this man to claim not to be a Communist or Socialist is almost laughable save for the fact that he is the leader of the wealthiest Capitalist nation ever seen on the planet. The article additionally notes that the CPUSA, “from its inception has promoted working class unity and mobilized against the anti-labor offensive of the Reagan administration – and the ultra-right of today.” So, at least according to his lofty rhetoric, is our 44th President. In speech after speech and town hall after town hall he pledges complete fealty to working class Americans, rails incessantly against the evil wealthy, and reassures us that he is feverishly working to end the staggeringly high unemployment rate in America – while all the while taxing the living shit out of his beloved proletariat!
In an article entitled, “Communist Party USA Hails Obama Victory,” (Sweetness-Light) the joyful editorial waxes elatedly that, “Nov. 4, 2008, will go down in the history books as the beginning of the end of the 30-year political reign of the ultra-right and its vicious pro-corporate agenda, and the end of a beginning of new politics in the United States of America.” The piece claims that, “convinced by the power of one man’s arguments for hope, unity, and change, his programs and examples, a 52 percent majority of voters rejected the old politics of racism and red-baiting,” and swept the first black President into office.” The piece was written a mere few days after the fateful election and I wonder how the Commies assess the performance of their Savior at this point? I’ll guarandamntee you they are at least scratching their heads and wondering what in the Hell went so very wrong. The People’s Weekly World Newspaper (www.people’ explains that the, “most organized section of the working class – the labor movement – played a stellar role in this election, organizing more than 250,000 labor activists in critical battleground states.”
Yes Sir, those Rent-A-Thugs were ever so visible in “convincing” prospective voters to make their mark for The Brother and for this the President is completely in the pocket of Big Labor who literally own him for the foreseeable future. The author of the editorial, appropriately entitled, “Dawn of a New Era,” bluntly states that the, “election outcome represents a clear mandate for pro-people change on taxes, health care, the war in Iraq, job creation and economic relief, union organizing and the Employer Free Choice Act. Reform and relief are in the air.” The same publication on October 21, 2008, cautioned Obama supporters not to get cocky or overconfident as election day approached but instead to rachet up their efforts to an even higher gear. Marc Broder insisted that if Obama’s disciples kept their eyes on the prize, so-to-speak, they could achieve an overwhelming landslide that, “would forever change the political life of our country, would open the doors to millions of workers joining unions, and would help enact aspects of Obama’s program (health care, ending the Iraq War, cutting taxes for the vast majority, raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations, improving and expanding social programs) which will benefit the lives of hundreds of millions.”
Well, certainly the gentleman sounded very optimistic as he orgasmically gushed about the prospects of an Obama victory but as with most folks of his ilk he completely ignores history. All he needs to do is honestly evaluate the lives and conditions of those around the world forced to live in some form of Socialist or Communist state and he would realize that systems like that have never and can never work save for the few at the top. Any kind of collectivist or top-down government structure has historically done nothing except enslave people, fly in the face of human nature, and bring misery, death, poverty and a severe loss of freedom, human dignity, and liberty! Folks at organizations like the CPUSA can never admit this openly and out loud for it belies their very existence and completely invalidates their lives. They would rather go on chanting their chants, raising their angry fists, and conducting their tiresome rallies than ever admit that they just might be wrong about their politics, their world view, and the imposter they championed in 2008!
The day after Obama’s first State of the Union Show, the CPUSA ran a piece on its site that claims his speech, “got the ball rolling,” and viewed it as, “a defense of activist government,” while at the same time, noted that the Bamster, “chastised the Republican Party.” Sam Webb, the author and long time Party member, was pleased to note that while the Republicans may have attended the speech, “last night with wind in their sails, they left with their sails trimmed and dour looks on their faces.”(see related video) Webb recognizes that while, “the broad people’s coalition that elected him will not, I’m sure, be entirely happy with the President’s speech, all signs that his fighting tone . . . his focus on the economy, his defense of democratic rights (civil, labor, women, immigrant, gay, and lesbian), his insistence on financial reform, and his policy initiatives outlined in his speech, including a health care bill, will reenergize this coalition, which, as of late, has been understandably dismayed by the pace and depth of change.” As with most Communist utterances, this guy could not be more hopelessly wrong and his rambling statement reveals just how clueless he and his kind are and always have been. Virtually none of Obama’s policies have as yet been successfully implemented and his only accomplishment of note in his one-plus year in office is to thoroughly piss off just about all of America regardless of their political enthusiasms. This guy has alienated just about every element of our society, his polling data are in the crapper (along with those of Congress), and I’ve personally met dozens and heard hundreds of folks wish they could take back their vote. Well, I guess that’s a Presidential accomplishment and I hope our new leader follows suit with more of the same.
Although Mr. Webb and the CPUSA certainly endorsed our First Black President and in the main approved of his speech there seem to be some misgivings. The author notes that, “it didn’t really rise in substantive terms to the challenge of our times and this era.” He explains that the, “President could have knocked the ball out of the ballpark, but he settled for less. He had a chance to make the case for deep-going political, economic, and social reform, including radical reform, but he came up short of that.” Webb advises Obama that, “in these circumstances only direct and indirect government intervention in the form of a massive publics works jobs program, infrastructure repair and renewal for state and local governments, and special measures for the hardest hit communities, and especially communities of racial minorities and immigrants, stands a chance of lowering unemployment in any kind of meaningful way.” (I wonder if all Communists are infected with verbal diarrhea and an inability to be clear and concise?)
Well, there you have it Barry Boy, your Communist buddies want you to ramp it up and take lessons from FDR and those lunatics who virtually destroyed Western Europe with their Socialist schemes and machinations. It’s always wise to follow the advice of demonstrated failure and I hope the President heeds and strictly adheres to Mr. Webb’s admonitions for that will just about guarantee a one-term Presidency. In time, our nation just might recover from four years of this yutz but after two terms the damage will have become too great, the patient declared terminal, and told that the end is just around the bend. Eight years of Obama-Care will turn this nation into something the Founders never intended or envisioned. Orwell’s “1984” will seem like a limited government scenario if the Brother-In-Chief is not turned back into a private citizen at the first opportunity.
The website Sweetness-Light seems to agree here and informs us that, “when Obama participated in the 1996 (University of Chicago’s Young Democratic Socialists) Townhall Meeting on Economic Insecurity, much of what he had to say was well within the mainstream of European social democracy.” It’s not like his views and proclivities are a secret, folks, for they’re out there in the open and have been for quite some time. The fact that he’s turning our nation into a haven for Socialism should come as no great surprise to anyone who paid even the slightest attention over the last couple of decades. It amazes and baffles me when I realize just how shocked people are when they realize the full scope of his radicalism. For an interesting but total exercise in futility, get a hold of the Constitution of the Revolutionary Party, USA, and compare it to the utterances and views of our First Black President. You will find remarkable similarities that belie his claims of being neither a Communist or a Socialist (see You may also perform the same analysis by consulting the Constitution of the Young Communist League found on The next time someone tries to defend Obama’s Capitalist Credentials or Free Market Merits, explain to them as you might to a severely retarded ten year-old that they’d be better off letting the adults handle life’s important issues while they had fun playing in the sandbox.
One Bob Roman wrote a piece entitled, “A Town meeting on Economic Insecurity: Employment and Survival in Urban America,” sponsored by the Democratic Socialists of America. The DSA maintains, “we are socialists . . . because we reject an international economic order sustained by private profit, alienated labor, race and gender discrimination, environmental destruction, and brutality and violence in defense of the status quo. To achieve a more just society . . . many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed.” Yup, that’s out-and-out, undisguised, and unrepentant Socialism in full-force and there was Illinois State Senator Obama in attendance and demagoguing with all the rest of the anti-American, anti-Capitalist traitors and saboteurs. The Democratic Socialists seem to have inspired Obama’s entire world view and especially his plans for destroying – I mean reforming – this country. The group announced that, “today’s resources are used to make money for capitalists rather than to meet human needs. We believe that the workers and consumers who are affected by economic institutions should own and control them.” That last constitutes no less than full-bore, in your face Socialism and it is by its very definition anti-Capitalist and anti-American and there was Barry Boy soaking it all up. The DSA continues that, “Social ownership could take many forms, such as worker-owned cooperatives or publicly owned enterprises managed by workers and consumer representatives.” This and other statements could have come from any number of Obama’s stump speeches or town hall meetings and yet he steadfastly insists that he is not a Communist or a Socialist but rather refers to himself as a Capitalist. Yeah, and the Unibomber of years past was really just a law abiding, righteous citizen who simply had a rough childhood!
Sweetness-Light also points out the rather obvious when it informs us that, “Democratic Socialists of US Back Obama,” and says, “as we and others have previously noted, Mr. Obama has a long personal history with the Democratic Socialists of America, stretching back more than a decade,” and it comes as no surprise when the organization endorsed his candidacy for the Presidency. The site posted the DSA’s, “Resolution on the 2008 Presidential election,” and it runs true to form. It begins, predictably, that the, “November presidential election, now less than three months away, will mark the welcome end of the Bush-Cheney regime – one of the worst administrations in U.S. history.” The resolution notes, “that Obama promises to restore to American workers their right to organize; to renegotiate international trade agreements so that they enforce and do not retard labor, environmental, and human rights; to regulate the financial sector and end speculative excess; to bring troops home from Iraq and invest the saved funds in domestic needs; and to move toward universal health care.” The resolution continues that this, “is a program worth electing a President on – or fighting for in the event the President and his party renege.”
This sure as Hell sounds like Socialism to me. It seems like the real deal and speaks to one of the most pressing differences between people like me and the Obama’s of the world. We speak for very limited government power and control, for individual liberty, freedom, and responsibility, and the basic ability of the average American to better take care of himself and his family than the fucking government! The Obamists desire exactly the opposite. They view the average citizen as simply too ignorant and stupid to provide for their own needs or make intelligent, rational, and insightful decisions. They insist that we become dependent on Big Brother to provide all of our needs and wants from the cradle to the grave. They are Nanny-Staters who insist that our rights and freedoms come not from our Creator, but from government bureaucrats who can take them away on a whim! This speaks directly to the Liberal need to destroy our Constitution, our traditions, and our country! Make no mistake. If these saboteurs are not defeated they’ll succeed and all we’ll be able to do is look back and remember when we were a free people!!
The Democratic Socialists of America offers up its own Economic Justice Agenda and uses its “four pillars” as a framework for a “progressive” policy agenda. The DSA calls for: “Restoring progressive taxation to the levels before the Reagan administration and enacting massive cuts in wasteful defense spending.”; “Enacting single-payer universal health insurance and expanding public initiatives in child care, elder care and pension security.” This is sounding very Obamaesque and it only gets worse. Additionally, the framework calls for, “passing the Employee Free Choice Act as part of a broader effort to rebuild a powerful labor movement capable of achieving equity in the labor market.” Finally, we see an insistence upon, “implementing a U.S. foreign policy that promotes global institutions that advance labor, environmental, and human rights and regulates transnational corporations.”
All of this has, of course, been attempted before but it has never succeeded without the use of severe coercion, force, and intimidation. It’s more than just the same old, tired “from the top-down centralized government” approach to governance that has failed so often in the past. These “four pillars” sound like nothing more than pure “Obamisms” and we might even call the President’s platform and approach to government an ideology that perfectly reflects his world view, philosophy, and mind-set. It even has a name: OBAMUNISM!!
Much Luv Y’All and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
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