I’m sure that most folks at some point in their lives have gone fishing. It is easily as American as apple pie, mom, and baseball and constitutes one of our truly great traditions and pastimes. While I have never been an avid angler, but prefer to “catch” my fish in a fine seafood restaurant or perhaps at the fishmongers, I fully comprehend and applaud the passions the sport arouses in its many devotees. It is no different with golfers, baseball or football fans, and race-car enthusiasts. They are passionate about their hobby to the point of fanaticism. They have become expert fishermen and can converse intelligently for hours at a time in great detail and specificity about any and all aspects of the sport they love so dearly. From types of fish to the best spots to catch them, tackle and bait, fishing craft and lore, boats and engines – you name it and they know it.
Their sport is quite literally the central focus of their lives and it has been transmitted within families throughout the generations. Lifetime friendships have been made – and lost – over it and “outsiders” can’t comprehend this nor should they. There exist countless communities all across the nation whose very existence is tied socially and economically directly or indirectly to the “fishing arts”. It is most definitely not some lone guy with his pole handle planted deep in the sand and the business end a hundred or so feet out in the water while the angler sits on an upturned bucket sucking down an icy cold Bohemian style bottle of suds! The sport is enjoyed by literally tens of millions and employs many multitudes. It is the very life-blood of scores and scores of local and regional economies and contributes many billions to the national treasury. It is no small thing relegated to a few oddballs in funny hats with lures and hooks affixed thereto, vests, and chest-high waterproof gear. It is indeed a very serious business whose destruction would have untold and dire consequences for this country!
Consider, for example, what might be termed the “ripple effect” if the fishing industry was severely crippled or even completely destroyed. Think about those who may not necessarily love or even like the sport but whose livelihood is inextricably intertwined and dependent upon it. Let’s see, where to start, where to start? How about with those who make and sell the myriad types of water craft designed with nothing else in mind except to help the sportsman enjoy a deliciously fresh meal. They may not love recreational fishing but if the industry goes away so too does their income. The mortgage doesn’t get paid, the utilities start to back up, and the family sedan is dragged away by the “repo” man at two in the morning. Now, of course, the newly unemployed becomes just another statistic collecting unemployment insurance hoping like Hell he gets a new gig before the checks stop coming.
If he is lucky-good enough to find other employment the odds are that it will not equal or surpass the remuneration he formerly received. Remember, we’re not just talking about a few folks here and there. According to the American Sportfishing Association ( angling employs over one million Americans and if, “sportfishing were a corporation, it would rank above Bank of America or IBM on the Fortune 500 list of largest American corporations.” The ASA also notes that, “the economic contributions of recreational fishing have grown steadily over the last several decades.” We are talking about huge negative economic repercussions not merely for a few guys with fishing poles!
The former boat builder also can not participate in the many economic activities that most of us take for granted. How will he support his local “deli” if he can no longer buy his coffee, roll, sandwich, and case of beer all of which are, of course, staples for any fishing expedition? As the deli owners business tanks, his life and that of his family are also obviously negatively impacted. How will Mom go to the grocery store or buy clothing for the kids? How will the employees of the food store or clothing establishment fare as the fishing industry is drastically cut back or destroyed? What about the manufacturers of such items as fishing rods, reels, and tackle boxes? How will the guy who owns and runs the local bait shop survive as well as those who depend upon his economic interactivity? While it’s true that the recreational fishing industry employs over one million Americans, its destruction will literally impact tens and tens of millions more. Nothing exists in a void or a vacuum and as with everything in life all actions come with those pesky reactions and consequences. Don’t ya just hate it when that happens?
So why am I getting my shorts all in a twist and obsessing over something so bizarre that it simply can’t and wouldn’t happen in The Land of the Free? What tyrannical megalomaniac or screwball organization could possibly even think about let alone approve of such an idiotic notion? Let’s see, perhaps a few subtle hints are in order here. The person referred to apparently loves the game of basketball and has had difficulty in fighting off a nicotine addition. Anything yet? His early years were spent in a country other than the United States of America and the status of his citizenship is still an open question. How about now? He’s taller than average and prides himself on being a snappy dresser and, oh yeah, he’s married and lives in a very exclusive neighborhood. You got it Skippy, the President of the United States of America! Can’t believe it can you? Neither did I when it was first suggested to me but it turns out to be absolutely fucking true and dead-on accurate.
I know, it’s hard to accept. After all, why would the leader of the freest, most powerful nation in the history of nations declare an all-out war on recreational-sport fishing? It smacks of utter irrationality with more than just a touch of paranoia thrown in. Perhaps he was traumatized by a crazed, wild-eyed fisherman as a small child or maybe he had some sharp differences with a barbed hook early on. Perhaps the Brother-in-Chief doesn’t care for sport fishing and, by God, if he doesn’t like it he’s just bound and determined to see that no one else will enjoy it! Maybe he objects to the fact that it’s one of America’s favorite and enjoyed activities and he’s made his negative view of the United States abundantly clear both here and abroad. Any of his, “Apologize for America Tours” makes this more than abundantly clear.
The man simply can’t stand America as it is presently constituted and desires to transform it into something resembling that sissified, feminized European Socialist Model which has failed so miserably after all those decades. He has now, it seems, successfully been able to destroy the finest health care system that the world has ever seen. He’s also attempting to socialize the automobile industry, banking and mortgages, and he’s getting the federal government increasingly involved in virtually all aspects of the lives of citizens so that the sacred concept of Limited Government has been totally eviscerated. The guy’s an absolute control freak and what better way to illustrate his lust for power than to destroy an American tradition and pastime like recreational sports fishing? Talk about utter contempt and arrogance – well, I guess so!(see related video)
Where did the Anointed One get an idea like this? Apparently from our Socialist neighbor to the north because I’m sure he didn’t think of it on his own. I remain convinced his last original thought died an agonizing death of utter loneliness! Obama has very close ties to those lying bastards in the so-called Environmental Movement. The website explains that when, “the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) completed their successful campaign to convince the Ontario government to end one of the best scientifically managed big game hunts in North America (spring bear). The results of their agenda had severe economic impacts on small family businesses and the tourism economy of communities across northern and central Ontario.” The web piece opines that there is the “potential to be a real threat to recreational anglers who not only contribute billions of dollars in tax revenues to support fisheries conservation, but who are also the backbone of the American fish and wildlife conservation ethic.” Hmmm, from no hunting up north to no fishing to Canada’s south – not really much of a stretch. Could it really be that our Great Leader has no more pressing and urgent issues to deal with than gumming up the works at the old fishin’ hole? Hey, ya think?
ESPN (www.espn/ suggests that if this is indeed part of El Jefe’s agenda it’ll likely make a huge segment of the American population just a tad cranky, to say the least. If popular angst runs really deep at this attempt to trample even more of our freedoms underfoot how will the Brother-in-Chief ram it through both houses of Congress? Yeah, how indeed? Well, let’s see. Recently, reliable polls like Gallop, Rasmussen, and others estimated that anywhere from eighty to eighty-three percent of Americans rated their health care from good to excellent and maintained that they didn’t want the damned government anywhere near it. Was the government responsive to the will of the people or did we get this monstrosity shoved down our throats anyway? Yeah, my point exactly.
The Bamster could simply do an end-run and bypass both the people and our law-making branch of government. How? Simple, all he’d have to do is play the old Executive Order Gambit and, presto-change-o, the Ban on Fishing is a done deal with the full force of law! ESPN reports that, “Now we se NOA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and the administration planning the future of recreational fishing access in America based on a similar agenda of these same groups and other Big Green anti-use organizations, through an executive order by the President. The current U.S. direction with fishing is a direct parallel to what happened in Canada with hunting: the negative impacts on hard working American families and small businesses are being ignored.”
For those of you out there who voted for this Socialist Saboteur because he ran for the office sounding like a centrist, remember those of us who bothered to do our homework knew better and repeatedly warned you. This is not a “gloat moment” nor is it an attempt to chastise or shame. Too many Americans were simply unable to believe that an American President would willingly and enthusiastically attempt to destroy this country’s traditions, heritage, and institutions. Nor could they contemplate that the Great Wealth Redistributer would turn the nation into a statist aberration over which he and his inner-cabal would rule with an iron fist and a complete, callous disregard for the well-being of the American people.
Lest you think that this screed is merely the ranting and raving of some old fart with way too much time on his hands, here’s an interesting little tid-bit that just might provide a glimpse into our own future. One Vicki McClure Davidson in a piece for notes that she, “wrote about a wacko court case in Switzerland about a man being sued for violating a fish’s rights when he landed a big pike that put up a fight for 10 minutes.” McClure continues that, “this poor fisherman was taken to court for ‘torturing’ a fish – no word on how much money and time he had to spend defending himself on this ridiculous, outrageous charge of criminality.” She notes that the idiot who represented the dead fish did, in fact, lose the case but wonders if, “something loony and oppressive like this about animal rights and the squashing of human rights could indeed come to the United States?” Come on, get real. That could never happen in America – could it?
In addition to the over one million jobs created and sustained by recreational sports fishing and the 60,000,000 anglers represented by the ASA, “recreational fishing generates $125 billion annually to the economy in the United States.” Additionally, through “the Sport Fish Reforestation Program, anglers have provided more than $5 billion through excise taxes on fishing tackle to fishery conservation and education for decades (” The piece continues that, “Anglers lead the nation in volunteer conservation efforts on behalf of improving fish habitat, water quality, and related environmental areas.” Phil Morlock who is the Director of Environmental Affairs for a leading tackle manufacturer maintains that, “the fishing conservation efforts which anglers have led for over 50 years in every state is an environmental success story that has no equal in the world.” That’s right, it is those who have an avid interest in the sport who are the ones who have done the most to improve environmental quality related to it. It certainly is not the phony-ass environmental crackpots whose only interest is in destroying this country, not saving or preserving one fucking thing!
Referencing once again the American Sportfishing Association, its vice-president Gordon Robertson explains his disappointment over the failure, “to recognize recreational fishing’s significant conservation, economic and social contributions and include recreational fishing as a key policy component.” The VP points out that, “the sportfishing community strongly supports healthy and abundant ocean, coastal and fishery resources which have a direct impact on sustaining vibrant local coastal communities.” The so-called “environmental” organizations that constantly make all the noise about preserving the planet and saving the earth from mankind’s evil machinations are nothing but charlatans and frauds Hell-bent on destroying America.
They hysterically report, for example, completely false and bogus man-made global warming scenarios designed to frighten children and other ignorant types. Their lies are further exacerbated by their willing accomplices in the so-called “mainstream” media. It should be more than just a little obvious to even the dullest among us that it is the so-called “Greens” who have a direct and vested interest in guaranteeing that the planet is further, not less, polluted, that the water quality of our oceans, lakes, and rivers is in fact despoiled, and that our forests become increasingly unhealthy. If the public is allowed to learn the truth about the vast improvements made in cleaner air and water and that drastically less pollution has been the case since at least the 1970’s when the Environmental Protection Agency made its debut, then hucksters like Al Gore and the Boys would be in deep ca-ca!
They would see the billions they extort from a fearful, gullible, and naïve public almost completely dry up and they’d be out of jobs! This same scenario also holds true for race-hustlers like the team of Jackson & Sharpton and other con artists of their ilk. Once the true state of relations between the races is allowed to be honestly disseminated those two clowns are out of business and will have to find another gig! It is the fishermen, on the other hand, that have a crucial interest in maintaining our aquatic environs in as pristine and pure a condition as is possible. It is these folks who truly cherish the environment and spend so much leisure and recreational time enjoying it. To despoil it would be to deprive themselves of their ultimate enjoyment and, yes, peace of mind. They are the true stewards of the earth who desperately want future generations of Americans to be able to partake of the pleasures of “angling” and the anciliary activities associated with it.
The same can be said of hunters and wilderness backpackers for whom the forests provide what the fisherman has except on terra firma. I keep on hearing about the “evil” lumber companies that are raping our wooded areas. Think about it – does that even come close to meeting the common sense paradigm? If they “rape” the forests they will have put themselves out of fucking business for that would destroy their very livelihoods and the industry upon which they depend. Lumber companies are interested in making a profit not committing economic suicide! It’s amazing how many people out there who don’t hunt or fish and have never set foot in a wilderness preserve claim to care so much about the environment as they climb aboard their Gulf Streams and build their 28,000 square foot mansions! Give all of us a break, count your blessings, and shut the fuck up!! The ASA’s Ocean Resource Policy Director, Patty Doerr, correctly points out that, “the use of public resources by recreational anglers is essential to the conservation model used in this country for fish and wildlife management.”
There are actually quite a number of outfits that have picked up on Obama’s plans to ban recreational fishing.(see related video) This is being done, of course, in collusion with numerous “environmental” groups to whom the Savior is politically indebted. Even the New York Times, that bastion of unapologetic liberalism, notes that, “the Obama Administration is trying to dash rumors that it planned to ban recreational fishing in marine waters and the Great Lakes in the wake of a series of internet posts that such a prohibition was imminent.” ( From something called points out that Phil Morlock (referenced earlier), “warned that President Obama was rapidly developing a fishery policies report intended to serve as the basis for an executive order that would apply to both saltwater and fresh water fisheries which would potentially have grave and far reaching implications.”
An outfit called notes that the, “environmental zealots have tugged on Obama’s nose rings and now new regulations could ban fishing and further decimate the economy. Not to mention piss off 60,000,000 people.” Well – if inelegantly – put, don’t you think? The New York Times also reported on February 12 that, “President Obama and his team are preparing an array of actions using his executive power to advance energy, environmental, fiscal, and other domestic policy issues.” Gateway Pundit maintains that, “Barrack Obama has a message for America’s 60,000,000 anglers – we don’t need you,” and adds that, “The American Sportfishing Association reported back in October about the sweeping changes proposed by the Obama administration in regards to the sport fishing industry.” It seems that there’s more than enough smoke out there to justify looking for the fire. The salient question is that when we find it, will we still have enough freedom left to be able to put it out?
On we are introduced to the President’s Council on Environmental Quality that informs us that, “on December 14, 2009, President Obama’s Ocean Policy Task Force” released what’s called an “Interim Framework” to describe the mission and goals of that body. I don’t know about you, but whenever I learn of yet another government task force I immediately get extremely nervous, my internal warning system sends out a very strong signal, and I feel compelled to make sure that the ammo is plentiful and fresh and my stocks of nonperishable food items have been replenished to their emergency levels down at the compound. Call it a siege mentality if you like, but after a little over a year of watching the Bamster rampage through the Constitution I can no longer help myself. We see that this Framework would be open to a 60-day public scrutiny. The site notes that the Framework would use an integrated approach when it comes to planning and managing use and activities and promises, “substantial stakeholder and public input.” Keep that last phrase in mind.
The Council emphasizes, “a new approach to how we use and protect the Oceans, Coasts, and Great Lakes,” that will involve preserving critical ecosystems. Additionally, it deals with such topics as moving away from sector by sector and state by state decision-making and places, “Science-Based Information” at the heart of any action considered. I wonder if this involves employing the services of those thoroughly disgraced “truth-seekers” from the UK’s Climate Research Unit (see the Climate-Gate Rant of 12/20/09) that brazenly and without any sense of shame or embarrassment falsified the results of their global warming research. The Interim Framework once again, emphasizes “stakeholder and public participation. No matter how closely I scrutinized the Task Force’s statement of purpose, I found nary a hint of a whisper about the rights of American citizens and more specifically the rights of American anglers.
It should come, then, as no surprise that there has been virtually no public input from the so-called stakeholder because in his infinite wisdom the Socialist-in-Chief shut down the process shortly after it began. As with all Autocrats, he has absolutely no interest what so ever in hearing from a public that he loathes and despises. We are merely “the little people” while he plays the role of the wise father, the patriarch, who leads us along by the nose. If we misbehave, we’re not just gonna get spanked but will be beaten within an inch of our lives! Remember, Father Knows Best!!
In January of 2009, the President – by Executive Order – declared it to be National Oceans Month recognizing the crucial role that these bodies of water play in our lives and the life of the planet. He notes that, “oceans are the earth’s dominant feature,” and we must, “commit to protecting and sustaining them for our current and future generations.” All well and good so far and no one could seriously disagree all that much. As the “proclamation” continues one picks up a sense of imperiousness. He notes that, “during National Ocean Month, we celebrate these vast spaces and the myriad ways they sustain life.” He further notes that we, “also pledge to preserve them and commend all those who are engaged in efforts to meet this end.”
Well, it seems that Big Daddy approves and at least in this instance his “children” need not fear retribution. The tone of his final paragraph, however, conjures up visions of the absolute monarchs of yore. His Majesty proclaims that, “I, Barrack Obama, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June, 2009, as National Oceans Month. I call upon all Americans to learn more about the oceans and what can be done to conserve them.” As the Pharaoh said in the classic film The Ten Commandments, “so let it be wtitten, so let it be done!”
On the same day The Chosen One issued his Executive Order he also sent a “Memorandum For The Heads Of Executive Departments And Agencies, a “National Policy For The Oceans, Our Coasts, And The Great Lakes.” As with the automobile and other industries Obama feels the government should virtually nationalize the manner in which our waterways are used and preserved. I wonder if the Brother has ever heard of the term Federalism for he seems to be laboring under the false notion that it must mean total control of all things by the Federal Government instead of delegated, reserved, and concurrent powers. His memo notes that we, “have a stewardship responsibility to maintain healthy, resilient, and sustainable oceans, coasts, and Great Lakes resources for the benefit of this and future generations.”
The problem here is that I can’t quite figure out how banning recreational-sport fishing will accomplish this end. He clues us in when he informs us that, “The oceans, coasts, and Great Lakes are subject to substantial pressures and face significant environmental challenges.” Well, what might some of the challenges be? The Environmentalist-in-Chief sites, “water pollution and degraded coastal water quality caused by industrial and commercial activities both onshore and offshore.” He also mentions such negatives as, “habitat loss, fishing impacts, invasive species, disease, rising sea levels, and ocean acidification.” Invasive species is the key phrase here for I am certain that he and his environmental-wacko buddies (please note the Limbaughism here) have only one species in mind when they couple that word with “invasive.” Just as the Global Warming Mob blamed Evil Mankind as the culprit, the only thing Obama and the Boys mean by invasive species is – yup – EVIL MANKIND!
Once again, it’s us benighted, befuddled folks who are fucking up the works and we must be punished! This is the same concept as his proposed huge tax increases on all forms of energy use in his Cap and Trade Boondoggle which penalizes us for our alleged nefarious carbon dioxide causing activities. It is we selfish, short-sighted, greedy, and stupid Homo Sapiens who are destroying the planet but the Omnipotent, Omniscient Anointed One will save all the fishies and sea flora! How will HE do this? By, of course, destroying even more of our freedom! If we can no longer fish then, voila, we can no longer destroy our waterways. Brilliant. Problem solved. What a guy! Whether or not he is successful in this latest attempted power grab matters not a whit. This is where the Brother is coming from, it’s what he desires, and what he intends and that’s something that should scare the Hell out of every American who still values whatever freedom we still have left. I’ll also guaran-damn-tee you that if he is any way successful in his efforts he’ll go after our commercial fishing industry next!
Writing for the American Thinker ( Sidney Sherman maintains in his, “The Looting of America,” that the, “frenzied climax that brought us the health care bill delivered the final blow. If it stands, it’s hard to see an alternative to the destruction of our way of life and the enslavement of everyone under 70.” The writer continues that, “if a hostile foreign power managed to seize the federal government with the goal of destroying America and enslaving her people what would it do differently?” The same can be said of this entire fishing ban nightmare. That’s exactly the point here, guys. Our current President seems to be an enemy of the United States and all that it has come to represent over the years. His actions speak far louder than his insipid, pathetic, two-faced rhetoric ever could.
Sherman concludes his piece by flatly stating, “either we reverse this in the next few months or we are the last generation of Americans,” and that, “if we manage to have elections in November, they are surely our last hope.” Yup, it really is that bad. In a piece for the same website, author “Robin of Berkeley” speaks about, “The Rape of America.” He talks of Economic Rape and the mindset of the Liberal Fucking Elite. He describes their constant shrieks of, “Gimme, Gimme. Give me what you have because I want it. Whether it’s the iPod torn from your ear, or a big chunk of your income, or your standard of living, no matter. I want it, I deserve it, give it to me.” The writer says he has, “one final piece of evidence. A majority of citizens are shouting, No, from the rooftops. No! to ObamaCare. No! to socialism. No! to trashing the Constitution.” He appropriately concludes the piece by noting, “And yet to Obama and the Left, the assertion of ‘No’ does not matter. Smug and entitled, drunk with power and giddy when they see our fear, they take what they want anyway.” Now that includes not just the heavy, weighty issues like health care, taxes, or employment but even the little pleasures like fishing!
It’s clear that our nation, its heritage, and traditions are being sorely tested and it’s an exam we must not fail! Well, all this screeding has taken its toll and I feel the need to relax. Guess I’ll just go fishing - while I still can!
Much Luv, Y’All and have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
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