The Liberals among us are some of the most unhappy, cranky, miserable, and nasty human beings on the planet. When they are out of power, which I believe and fervently hope will be the case in the near future, their anger and angst are both awesome and boundless. They seethe, they boil, they roil. They rave frantically about and put one in mind of a raging African water buffalo that can’t escape the painfully sharp stings of a persistent and enraged wasp. The great beast thrashes wildly about destroying everything and anybody in its path. Think of some deranged, demented Nazi turning his Tiger Tank loose on the unsuspecting and defenseless French a few generations ago. One would think, then, that when they do hold the reins of power, they should be somewhat mollified and at least wouldn’t feel quite as compelled to behave as peevishly as they do and would perhaps ratchet back their ever present anger just a few notches. Nope. As a matter of fact, they only get worse – much, much worse. They march around as obnoxiously and unctuously as ever but their levels of arrogance and condescension are let loose in a full-blown, unbridled, and completely unrestrained fury!
As with most unhappy people, they are bound and determined to make the rest of us at least as miserable as they are. If they cannot find contentment, satisfaction, or peace within their own lives, they’ll be damned if they’ll let anyone else either. You know, it’s the old, “If I can’t have her, then no one else can either,” syndrome. Their ultimate goal is nothing less than the utter destruction of the United States. They loathe and despise this country with a passion and zeal that is not only wrong-headed but perversely frightening. They desperately want to undo the fantastic progress America has accomplished in a historically record time. Even a cursory examination of any or all of their policies, plans, and goals easily bears out this last statement. They completely twist and distort this nation’s history, institutions, and role in the world with revisionist delight.
They denigrate America at every turn and absolutely believe that we don’t deserve our status as the world’s most powerful, wealthy, and compassionate entity. Whatever we have, they maintain, has been acquired at the expense of others: usually America’s and the world’s poor and downtrodden. They believe us to be usurpers at best and thoroughly evil and utterly without conscience at worst. Their overriding dream is to see this nation knocked off its lofty pedestal and deformed into something resembling liberalized, feminized, and socialized Western Europe. They are damned serious and they literally eat, breathe, and digest a constant and unrelenting diet of this bilge and are the quintessential masters of the fine arts of dissembling and its related cousin distortion. They must be taken at least as seriously as a terminal infestation of gangrene or perhaps a dog coming at you that is foaming at the mouth!
How do these folks intend to implement their nefarious goals? How will they accomplish the destruction of their own country which affords them the very freedoms they so fervently wish to deny the rest of us? Their overall tactic is an out of control growth of the federal government until it literally invades all aspects of the lives of citizens. They are all about control by a large, bloated, centralized government with a bureaucracy of like-minded toadies, lackeys, and sycophants. These people worship complete, unfettered, and irrevocable power in the hands of an elite few at the expense of the overwhelming number of Americans who simply want as little government interference and intrusion into their lives as the Founders envisioned. You know, “the government that governs least is the government that governs best.” Conversely, the government that governs most is that government which is utterly destructive of individual liberty, freedom, and responsibility.
The short and long range battle plan is an old one but has over the millennium proven viciously and brutally effective. It is their particular brand of what’s come to be termed divide and conquer. Tragically, the enemy that this strategy is now deployed against is, well – us. They literally view those of us on the Right, those of us who believe in Conservative values and patriotism, those of us who love and appreciate the gift to humanity that is America, as a force to be utterly destroyed, conquered, subdued, and vanquished. That so many of our fellow Americans share this view and both willingly and eagerly do anything to guarantee its success is far more than just a tad worrisome and troubling.
It seems to be unprecedented and represents a watershed or turning point in American history. If those on the Left succeed, the United States as we have come to love and revere it and desire to pass on to our children and grandchildren is over, done, through! This leaves those of us on the Right thoroughly angry, frustrated, and yes, overwhelmingly sad and disheartened. We just have a very difficult time wrapping our minds and arms around the concept of Americans wanting – nay, demanding – the destruction of this great nation. This is, to say the least, thoroughly mind-boggling and foreign to every instinct we have.
Exactly how will these Leftist Bastards implement their agenda? By pitting every conceivable group and interest against those on the other side with the mindset of creating as much dissension, discord, anger, and hatred as is humanly possible. With the nation in this kind of a shambles, and as a result of the confusion they create, the country is ripe to literally tear itself apart with the Leftists as the only cohesive, united, and purposeful force remaining. They will simply instigate, step back, watch the carnage, and then quietly slip in and take the reins of power. The rest of us will be left scratching our heads and asking, “What the Hell happened?” At that juncture, it will have gone past the point of no return because our freedom will have been usurped and destroyed and we will be living in a literal oligarchy: the tyranny of a tiny elite controlling the lives and fortunes of the vast majority.
Make no mistake, for unless the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite) is stopped cold this is less of a prediction and more of a dark prophecy. The religious among us will be pitted against those who call themselves atheists and Jew will be pitted against Christian. Both groups will, of course, square off against Muslims and vice-versa. Those of us who ardently love and support our magnificent military will continue to butt heads with those so-called anti-war pacifists who are easily some of the most violent people found anywhere in the country. The nut jobs from outfits like PETA will continue to growl at those of us who know why God made animals. Environmentalist Wacko’s (please note the Limbaughism here) will go up against those of us who actually understand that man is too puny and weak to destroy the planet even if we so desired. The Global Warming Frauds will be ardently opposed by those who recognize the huge hoax that it is.
The “Greens” who know that their prescriptions can’t possibly fill more than the tiniest percentage of our energy requirements will be utterly opposed by those who realize how crucial energy is to America’s continued survival and prosperity. We are frustrated beyond all reason and belief by the Liberal’s constant ability to stop our country from exploring for, drilling for, and producing our own energy from our own vast reserves of natural resources. We understand that dependency on others for our needs is no more than a form of slavery and Liberals know it too. They just happen to love it. Other standard Liberal faire along these divisionary lines include old tried and true stand-bys like Black vs. White and ethnic group against ethnic group. None, however, are as perniciously divisive as the ever present and classic “Rich vs. Poor”; the old “Haves vs. the Have Nots”.
We have all heard the Liberal mantra until we’re thoroughly nauseated by it. It’s one of the LFE’s most basic talking points and I’m sure the subject of many a focus group. It goes something like, “Yeah, America is a nation in which the rich get richer while the poor just get poorer!” Think about that for just a moment. Good. Even on the face of it, even after only the most cursory and superficial examination no thinking, rational person who has even the slightest familiarity with this country’s history could possibly buy into this absurd and thoroughly destructive indictment. Those that do are obviously bereft of not only any vestige of common sense but have little capacity to think rationally. They belong to that “other” America who are easily swayed and led around by their noses, completely lacking the ability to engage in logical or deductive reasoning, and whose last original thought died an agonizing death of utter loneliness!
America has always been and remains a land of unbridled and unfettered opportunity where the only limits placed on individual achievement and progress are self-imposed. This is simply an American “truism”. There does exist among us, however, an element that desires to change this country’s historic role. I give you President Barry and the Boys as only the latest and most blatant example – but they won’t succeed. Once the American people become aware of any plans or machinations to negatively impact this nation’s core beliefs and traditions, those that would do us harm are destined to fail. It has happened time and again. The Liberals in portraying the United States as a nation that desires to keep a segment of society permanently at the bottom absolutely have an agenda. They view this country as evil, as corrupt, as venal, and as a scourge on the world stage. Portraying us in that light and convincing as many Americans as possible to believe this bilge is, from their vantage point, utterly consistent with their ultimate goal of destroying the United States as presently constituted.
By pitting the wealthy against the poor, they highlight two more tactics in their arsenal: class envy and class warfare. They thrive on them and do all in their power to encourage and foment them. It’s a tactic right out of Marx’s playbook. By creating a deep-seated bias, one against the other, they ensure a permanent sense of friction, mistrust, and antagonism. This is their forte, their strong suit. They instigate, create havoc, and sit back to view the fallout. As stated above, they will fail. In a piece entitled, “When the Rich Get Richer, Do the Poor Really Get Poorer,” put out by the Discovery Institute(, the author posits that those on the Far Left portray America in terms of conflicting or competing dialectics. He reminds us that our nation is characterized as, “one America that does the work, another America that reaps the rewards. One America that pays the taxes, another America that gets the tax breaks. One America that will do anything to leave its children a better life, another America that never has to do a thing because its children are already set for life.” Additionally, the writer also notes that, “One America is struggling to get by, another America that can buy anything it wants, even a Congress and a President.”
Author Medved has accurately portrayed the Liberal mindset and approach to strategy. Create envy, discord, and conflict that will ultimately encourage class warfare between the fabled Haves and Have Nots. It is in their interest to do so for in the end it will help them realize their ultimate goal of destroying this nation. The same piece accurately notes that, “ours is becoming increasingly a divided economy of haves and have-nots, educated and uneducated, rich and poor.” This inevitably leads to the Liberal Lie that, “the rich have gotten richer while working people have gotten poorer.” The piece saliently points out that the, “defense and promulgation of that lie requires outlandish claims about the level of suffering and destitution in our peerlessly prosperous society. If the tremendous explosion of American wealth in recent years (slowed but not halted by today’s downturn) somehow damaged the prospects and well-being of the nation’s poor, then poverty would be both more prevalent and more abject than in prior decades a proposition contradicted by all the evidence.”
This is indeed the point. Anyone, of course, can promulgate half-truths, distortions, and outright lies but if one actually analyzes the historical evidence they simply fail to pass muster. Why, then, does the LFE continue to engage in this spurious behavior? The answer is painfully obvious and rests in their thoroughly low opinion of us common people, us regular folk, and their horribly bloated and inflated opinions of their own abilities and intellects. These scum are arrogance and presumptuousness personified and their hubris and contempt for America and Americans knows no bounds. They are the elite rulers who simply must be obeyed and their authority never questioned. We are far too stupid, they believe, to understand when we are being lied to about America’s most cherished beliefs, traditions, and institutions. Hey, the great unwashed out there in the heartland is just too interested in NASCAR, beer, and burgers to even give the nation’s future more than a glancing thought. The same piece accurately notes that the, “claim that progress for the rich causes pain for the poor is logically impossible, historically unsupportable and culturally (and psychologically) unforgivable.”(see related video)
The most damaging aspect of this constant perpetuation of the myth of rich against poor is to, “challenge the golden rule of capitalism, to pervert the relation between rich and poor, and to depict the system as a zero-sum game in which every gain for someone implies a loss for someone else, and wealth is seen once again to create poverty.” This line of irresponsible illogic is a primary reason why the Liberal Buffoons must be defeated and their ideas totally discredited. Anyone who agrees with the above statement is either lying or displays a woefully ignorant understanding of economics in general and Capitalism in particular. Capitalism constitutes the only example of economic theory and practice in existence which is growing, dynamic, and vibrant. Terms like Capitalism coupled with zero-sum gain are thoroughly oxymoronic. Most, if not all, other economic systems – both past and present – are in fact static, flat, and incapable of growth. They are also inflexible, fixed, and unadaptable to the changing vagaries of time. They are examples of zero-sum gain systems where wealth for some indeed causes poverty and misery for others.
Conversely, Capitalism is superbly adaptable to virtually any situation or change and is constantly growing. The so-called “pie” gets continually larger with, of course, certain periodic corrections. It can and does, then, accommodate and satisfy countless numbers of people both wealthy and poor alike. Those that are poor in this nation may have indeed been born into that condition. They might be new immigrants to America with nothing but a bunch of hope and a willingness to work amazingly hard. The great thing about our Capitalistic system is that it enables folks who are at the bottom to vastly improve their position in life and the overwhelming majority do. I’ve seen figures that at most a mere 3% of those in the bottom fifth quintile remain there for life. Obviously, then, a whopping 97% make it out and move up to somewhere in the middle class by the time they’re done. In America it is a common yet ever wonderful fact of life repeated countless times since our nation’s inception. We are a hugely upwardly mobile society with only a relatively few examples of the downward type.
Who are those that remain forever living in that bottom 20%? In large part, they are the ones that have thoroughly and unthinkingly bought the Liberal Bullshit. They are the ones who populate our nation’s small but permanent underclass and on whom the Liberals pin their hopes for electoral success on all levels. These are the people that accept “entitlements” as their due with nary a sense of humility, shame, embarrassment, or gratitude. They are convinced that Americans who have succeeded have done so by stealing from the poor. That has to be one of the most moronic concepts ever articulated. How the Hell can anyone steal from the damned poor?!? According to them, they’ve got nothing to steal!!
Others who may end up at the bottom after perhaps having enjoyed some measure of prosperity may be termed the unprepared. Individuals in our system have an obligation to develop the necessary skills and education to make themselves marketable in our increasingly high tech world. Not to do so is, in effect, is committing economic suicide. Remember hearing about the old buggy whip industry? It, of course, no longer exists. The deadly mistake made by industry leaders at that time is that they viewed their craft as part of a very narrowly defined industry: WE MAKE BUGGY WHIPS BECAUSE TRANSPORTATION DEPENDS ON THE HORSE! IT’LL NEVER, NEVER CHANGE!! Yeah, and then old Henry Ford hit town. Had the buggy whippers viewed themselves as part of the larger transportation industry they may have been okay as they transitioned into newer, more modern modes of moving people and things from one place to another.
In a Capitalist system, the only real constants are change, innovation, and adaptability. They must be anticipated and prepared for and those who don’t will most certainly be left behind and will invariably blame the “system” for their lack of success and contentment. These are the folks who eagerly buy into the Liberal Lies and view America as nothing less than the most evil and despicable nation on the planet. They just don’t grasp the concept that Capitalism literally destroys poverty, creates wealth, and provides unlimited opportunity for those willing to work their asses off for it and take some risks. Liberalism and its devotees desire the exact destructive opposite. It is about nothing but creating more and more dependence, about pitting group against group, and it certainly creates and fosters poverty, despondency, and despair.
Medved continues that, “new wealth brings more wealth just as deepening poverty leads to more poverty,” but he correctly insists that, “increased riches for some don’t lead to deprivation for others, any more than impoverishment for some guarantees enhanced wealth for others.” The author nails Liberalism for what it really is when he flatly states that, “unable to muster any sort of logical support for their attempt to associate soaring prosperity for the most fortunate with deepening poverty for the least fortunate, inequality obsessives resort to the manipulation of data and history,” and that, “no studies in the last generation show the poor actually getting poorer. . . .” The author accurately maintains that, “as the rich get richer, the poor also get richer – dramatically richer.” This is no more than good old fashioned common sense in its purist and most simple terms. It is the middle class and the rich who constitute our nation’s producers because the poor are incapable of producing anything. As these evil rich guys get richer everyone benefits, especially the poor. It is the affluent among us who can expand their businesses, start new ones, and grow this economy. As growth takes hold they do the one and only thing that can actually help those at the bottom climb their way out. They hire more employees, train more employees, and if the business is large enough provide health benefits and perhaps even retirement packages.
This country needs the “Evil Rich” for without them our economy stagnates, innovation fades, and profits disappear. Our government – especially this God awful administration – should just get the Hell out of the way and stop throwing Socialist road block after Socialist road block in the way of progress and success. By punishing the producers, it is the Liberals who do nothing but hurt the poor. Liberalism has never and can never lift the poor out of poverty. Only a Free Market Economy such as ours can do that. It is Capitalism that is truly compassionate and uplifting while Liberalism only crushes the human spirit, demoralizes those at the bottom, and creates nothing but hopelessness and dependency. It is truly cruel, heartless, and devoid of all compassion. It is a hoax, keeps people in a condition of economic enslavement, stirs up class envy and hatred, and if not thoroughly defeated will destroy the greatest nation God ever gave mankind!
As always, an outfit called the American Thinker( speaks directly and cogently to the issue examined here. In a piece entitled, “The 1% Myth and the Victimization of America,” Andrew Foy and Brenton Stransky note that a constant theme of our current disgrace of an administration is, of course, that, “the rich have gotten richer while the poor have gotten poorer.” They also warn that, “a critical examination of the data reveals the claim to be almost certainly spurious and uncovers an even more interesting question – what is the motivation for the current administration to propagate such a claim?” Excellent question, don’t you think? The common assumption fostered and nurtured by Obama’s budget proposal, “demonstrates that over the last 25 years the share of income going to the top 1% has consistently increased and therefore, one must conclude the share going to everybody else has gotten smaller.” This false assumption, “would seem to provide compelling evidence for the argument that in America’s free market economy the rich get richer, while the poor get poorer.”
By presenting our system in this negative light, Barry and the Boys continue to fuel the flames of class envy and class warfare and once again turn American against American and class against class. It is classic divide and conquer and Liberals have fine-tuned the technique to near perfection. The argument about the rich and the poor has been stated so often and so loudly by the Liberal Establishment it is unthinkingly accepted as gospel, one of life’s immutable truths which is never to be questioned, analyzed, or doubted. It is just one more example of the Big Lie Tactic developed by those Nazi Bastards so many years ago. Say and repeat something loud enough and frequently enough and over time the air-headed boobies out there who are simply not capable of critical thought will come to accept it as God’s truth! It’s called brainwashing and has long been a standard tactic for those with an authoritarian outlook toward governance. Liberals in our nation are serious practitioners of this Big Lie Tactic.
To paraphrase a famous man, the truth shall set you free – but only if you are willing and able to accept it when you see it. The authors of the above piece relied heavily on a study by our Department of the Treasury entitled, “Income Mobility in the U.S. from 1996 to 2005.” It unequivocally states that, “nearly 58% of the poorest income group in 1996 had moved to a higher income group by 2005; 26% achieved middle or upper-middle income status and more than 5% made it into the highest income group.” Additionally, for “individuals starting in the middle income group, 42% had moved to the upper-middle (29.6%) and highest (12.5%) income quintiles. However, the story also notes that of, “those starting in the highest income quintile, over 30% had moved down by the end of the study period.” Ours, then, is still the most fluid economic system on the planet today or in world history and as far as the Liberal Lie that America hates the poor and has no heart where they are concerned, studies like this one conclusively illustrate the absolute falsity of those nonsensical claims.
Ours is the one economic system in extant that allows the poor to become “unpoor” if they are willing to recognize that fact and tirelessly work to reach that goal. Liberalism holds people both back and down while Conservatism coupled with our Free Market Economy offers hope, optimism, and a vision for the future which, in part, allows individuals to maximize their potential and actually realize their dreams. Liberalism offers only doom, gloom, and abject negativism. Conservatism emphatically says, “Yes, you can,” while Liberalism shrieks from the highest mountain tops, “No, you can’t – unless you rely on government to satisfy your every want and need!”
The authors also note that the study, “concludes that economic growth resulted in rising incomes for most taxpayers over the study period with the median income of all taxpayers increasing by 24%. . .” and that the, “only groups to experience a decline in income were those initially in the top 1% and the 5% groups.” Furthermore, “the study found that there was substantial income mobility of individuals during the study period, which was unchanged from the previous decades.” Fox and Stransky explain that a, “major point of the study is that income mobility in the U.S. works down as well as up, a sign that opportunity and merit drive American success.” Yes, yes, and yes! Opportunity and merit are key elements to personal and national success and continued growth. Just the merest mention of these two concepts to Liberals is akin to driving a wooden stake through Dracula’s blood-sucking heart!
So long as these Mad Dog Liberals can keep the myth of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer alive, they drive a deep wedge between the two classes and foster resentment, envy, and hatred among those defined as poor. The concept of exorbitantly taxing the rich is immediately accepted by and is cathartic to those Americans on the bottom of the economic ladder. What they fail to comprehend because they have been so thoroughly indoctrinated is that confiscatory taxes on the wealthy have severe repercussions for the entire nation, not only the rich. They hurt the poor and the middle class far more than the rich for at the end of the day, the wealthy will still be wealthy.
The authors of the piece under consideration go right to the core of the matter when they accurately conclude the, “current administration’s plan to increase taxation on the highest earners to fund policy initiatives will require significant increases in government spending and intrusion into the private market.” There it is folks, for that last is a perfect description of full-blown Socialism which Liberals are so enamored of. Obama, I believe, is a confirmed, dedicated Socialist with strong Communist tendencies. He proves this every time he opens his mouth or signs another monstrous bill into law. The famous bottom line is, “that the policy initiatives being pursued by the current administration are expensive and will require large expansions in government spending.” In order to, “accommodate this spending the government will have to increase taxes.” The article points out that, “inevitably, he will need to institute a broad-based tax increase – an increase that if advocated for from the outset of his campaign, would have most likely resulted in an election defeat.”
This illustrates yet another key Liberal character trait. They lie continually without regret and certainly without a sense of shame. To them, the end always justifies the means. Democrats always raise taxes and, in fact, see nothing at all wrong with separating you from your money, your wealth, and your assets. This is what they exist for. I seem to remember President Barry Boy solemnly promised never to raise taxes on those making less than $250,000 per annum. He was lying then and is lying now. The authors correctly point out that the, “1% Myth was a useful tool deployed by Liberals to make the majority of the American public feel like victims so they would vote for the candidate who offered them the prospect of seizing from the rich and redistributing to average Americans what rightfully belonged to them in the first place.”
They warn us that we should be, “extremely concerned about politicians willing to use invalid arguments like the 1% myth to advance an agenda of increased government spending, taxation, and regulation that will almost certainly lead to economic stagnation and a reduction in opportunity for ALL Americans.” Just look around the country and evaluate our “progress” since the Huckster-in-Chief took office just slightly over two short years ago. The damage he’s planning for the remainder of his first term will, I’m convinced, be far worse than what we’ve already seen. Should this sorry excuse for an American be rewarded with a second term, this nation is truly Fucked and the American people will have gotten exactly what they deserve!
Another web piece by Chris Cook further analyzes the concepts of class envy and warfare. Entitled, “Combating Myths: Income Inequality, Part 2,”(, Cook’s theme is, “the development of a counter-argument to the left’s very effective, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer,” mantra. He notes the, “left’s tilt towards the acquisition of power through the stoking of class resentment.” He also charges that the, “rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer meme will work anytime, so long as there is a statistic that can be used to justify it, however inaccurate that statistic may be in describing the actual situation.” Liberals have absolutely no misgivings or qualms about using misleading or completely false data to support their lies and distortions designed to bring this nation to its knees. No claim is too outlandish or bizarre because they know full well that there are enough malcontents and dissatisfied citizens out there to guarantee they’ll have a large following waiting to feed at the public trough. They know this because it is their own policies and prescriptions that have caused this condition. They know it and they love it for it moves them inexorably closer to their ultimate goal of the destruction of this peerless nation.
Cook quotes an article written by one Brad Schiller who explains that, “we can easily dismiss the notion that the poor are getting poorer. All the Census Bureau tells us is that the share of the pie consumed by the poor has been shrinking (to 3.4% in 2006 from 4.1% in 1970). But the pie has grown enormously. This year’s real GDP of $14 trillion is three times that of 1970.” Therefore, “the absolute size of the slice received by the bottom 20% has increased to $476 billion from $181 billion. Allowing for population growth shows that the average income of people at the bottom of the income distribution has risen 36%.” The Liberals among us know this full well but for some reason they don’t want that number getting out. You’ll certainly never see or hear it alluded to in the mainstream media.
The author posits that the, “error made by the left stems from what is called the Fixed Pie Fallacy. One of the principles that appears to undergird many of their arguments is this idea that the size of the ‘pie’ (the total available resources, wealth, and, wages) is fixed and does not grow,” and this constitutes, “the fuel that drives a number of their arguments.” Belief in such a fallacy can mean only one thing. Those on the Looney Left are simply too dense to grasp the true meaning of Capitalism or our superb Free Market Economic System. Those of us on the right know that the primary thing to understand in this regard is that it is not static but instead has steadily, even spectacularly, grown throughout most of our history. Yes, there have been over time a few glitches but overall we have seen fantastic growth. I do have a suspicion, however, that in reality those on the Left do get it. After all, how tough is it? They simply lie about it in their constant effort to create doubt, uncertainty, mistrust, and fear. If they can get enough Americans to believe their lies, they could well nigh achieve their goal of transforming and then destroying this great nation.
The piece points out that, “the fallacy manifests itself in general economic commentary being used to bolster class warfare arguments, redistributionist policies, and increases in the size of government. It goes like this: if a rich person gets richer someone else is automatically getting poorer. If the pie can never get any bigger, then this has to be the case. This guy gets a bigger slice, so that guy automatically gets a smaller one.” This logic is illustrative of the horrible ignorance of how our system works both in its political and economic manifestations. The only societies in which the “pie” is fixed and in which the term “Zero Sum Gain” literally applies have been termed command economies where the pie is indeed fixed.
These societies have historically been headed by monarchs, dictators, and other authoritarian types who control every aspect of the lives of their citizenry. They are characteristic of no or low growth economies and the concept of freedom is anathema to those at the helm. The economies and lives of citizens in these societies are stultifying, immensely unsatisfying, and completely unrewarding on any and all levels. Capitalism coupled with Free Market Economics is the exact opposite and completely antithetical to the above. Our system recognizes human nature and embraces it. Authoritarian regimes ignore human nature and do so at their own peril. All they can successfully produce is misery, tyranny, and death!
Cook accurately asserts that in our system the pie, “is never fixed. Assuming a healthy economy, new jobs are created all the time. New wealth. New wages. New innovations, services, and products create more economic activity, more jobs, and . . . yes, more rich people, as well as taking more people who were poor and making them middle class, and more people who were middle class and making them affluent.” The author, who has a keen understanding of our economy, draws the only possible conclusion when he explicitly and uncategorically states that, “basically . . . the poor are NOT getting poorer.” He explains that, “things are getting better in this country for everyone.” Liberals cannot and will not accept these simple truths for so doing does not help achieve their agenda of fomenting as much turmoil, dissension, and discord as they can for the purpose of literally ripping our nation apart and transforming it into a Socialist nightmare.
That Liberals promote class envy and jealousy with every breath they take is a given. It is accepted and recognized as one of their major tactics and strategies in their war against our country and all that it has come to stand for over the centuries. They tell us with perfectly straight faces that it is the wealthy that create this animosity and division within society by their oppressive treatment of those poor benighted folks at the bottom of America’s economic ladder. The concept of tax cuts really gets those guys foaming at the mouth and their shorts all twisted up in knots as they scream about how tax cuts are only for the Evil Rich who don’t need or deserve them and carry on ad nausea about it. They maintain that the poor are the only ones deserving of this kind of largesse and illogically argue that the fact that the poor are not eligible to receive tax cuts is but one more manifestation of America’s racism, hard heartedness, and unspeakable cruelty. The fact that the poor amongst us by definition pay virtually no taxes and therefore should not and cannot benefit from tax cuts is completely lost on those dunderheaded buffoons!
In a piece entitled, “Fomenting Class Envy With Tax Myths(, Author F.R. Duplantier simply and truthfully states that, “many of the assertions that liberals make about tax policies are simply not true.” Seems pretty clear and straight forward, does it not? He analyzes the common and commonly ridiculous charge that has become a standard Liberal mantra. Like everything about Liberalism, it simply can’t withstand even the most basic and perfunctory of examinations. According to data from the IRS, “the top 1 percent of income earners pay nearly 29 percent of the income tax burden. Additionally, “the top 10 percent pay more than 59%, and the top 20 percent pay more than 74 percent.” Right, and those Liberal fools still insist that the affluent among us don’t pay their fair share. Give me a Fucking break!
What about those at the other end of the spectrum? Again, according to the IRS, the, “bottom 50 percent of income earners, on the other hand, pay less than 5 percent of income taxes.” How can those on the Left justify their charge that America’s wealthy don’t pay their fair share? They can’t and they don’t. Remember folks, Liberalism is not based on fact or logic but on pure emotionalism. They don’t and can’t think but rather simply emote. It doesn’t matter that they are devoid of all compassion and it is in their interest to maintain a permanent underclass in our country and all of their policies and machinations are geared to that end. They don’t give a damn about the poor and I believe it is entirely accurate to say that Liberals loathe and despise them. You see, if they didn’t they’d do something to lift them out of their present condition. Liberals and Liberalism are incapable of doing that. Conservation and Free Market Capitalism can, does, and will continue to do so.
The author opines that pessimism may be popular in America nowadays, but the United States is still the land of opportunity. Daniel Mitchell of the Heritage Foundation who the author quotes extensively maintains that those, “who are unsuccessful may want to believe that the deck is stacked against them, but it just isn’t so.” Additionally, Conservatives like President Ronald Reagan, easily one of the most unfairly vilified men in our nation’s history, are cruelly and inevitably blamed for the plight of America’s poor. The piece continues that the, “Reagan Era was not characterized by neglect of the poor and favoritism for the rich, as Democratic demagogues disingenuously declare.” In fact, “the economy enjoyed its longest peacetime expansion in history,” under Reagan’s tenure and that the 1980’s witnessed, “a boom that benefitted the poor even more than the rich.” Indeed, “average family income rose substantially when the Reagan tax cuts were in effect.”
As Mr. Mitchell plainly states, “the only beneficiaries of class warfare are the demagogues who dabble in it,” and notes that when, “politicians adopt punitive tax policies . . . the economy’s performance stumbles, and the most likely victims are Americans on the lower rungs of the economic ladder.” As stated above and reiterated here, Liberals and Liberalism hurt the poor because they want to keep them poor and dependent. Those at the bottom exist, according to those condescendingly arrogant Bastards, to do the bidding of their betters. They are thrown just enough scraps to keep them mollified and malleable!
The peerless Dr. Walter E. Williams, noted economist and scholar who is renowned for his common sense and direct approach, penned a piece entitled, “The Poverty Hype(http://econfaculty.gmu). He notes that despite, “claims that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, poverty is nowhere the problem it was yesteryear – at least for those who want to work.” When’s the last time you heard that coming from the LFE? Never, that’s when. The author explains that, “talk about the poor getting poorer tugs at the hearts of decent people and squares nicely with the agenda of big government advocates, but it doesn’t square with the facts.” That’s not surprising given that those on the Left have absolutely no use for facts and are morbidly afraid of them. He quotes from a book entitled, “Myths of Rich and Poor: Why We’re Better Off Than We Think,” which demonstrates the pure nonsense about the claim that the poor get poorer.”
They cite facts, figures, and accurate research which drives Liberals into full-bore, frenzied tantrums. They accurately maintain, for example, that, “only 5 percent of families in the bottom quintile (lowest 20 percent) in 1975 were still there in 1999,” and that, “three quarters of those families had moved into the three highest quintiles.” In fact, during that same period “70 percent of those in the second lowest income quintile moved to a higher quintile, with 25 percent moving to the top income quintile.” Yeah, I guess life in America is just too unfair and, of course, we simply hate the poor. A study by the U.S Treasury Department further illustrates just how much our Capitalist Free Market Economy abuses and despises America’s poor. According to Treasury, “85.8 percent of tax filers in the bottom income quintile in 1979 had moved to a higher quintile by 1988 – 66 percent to second and third quintiles and 15 percent to the top quintile.” Williams explains that throughout, “history and probably in most places today, there are whole classes of people who remain permanently poor or permanently rich, but not in the United States. The percentages of people who are permanently poor or rich don’t exceed single digits.”
In the face of these irrefutable statistics and despite the fact that America has always been the most upwardly mobile society in all of world history up to and including the present day, those wacked out Liberals still rant and rave about how much America hates the poor and how badly they are treated here. Superficially, they seem to make no sense at all and provide a spectacular study in contradictions. When one factors in their motives, however, the puzzle comes together. They desperately want and need to destroy this nation as presently constituted and transform it into something it was never intended to be. They want to create an authoritarian regime with a centralized, socialized government that is all pervasive and intrusive. They need to establish a dependent population that must look to government, Big Brother if you will, to satisfy all of our wants and needs. The problem here is who defines those wants and need? Rugged individualism and self-reliance are to be stamped out along with individual enterprise, a sense of pride, and entrepreneurship. Given that this is their mindset and ultimate goal, why should they give a tinker’s damn about such things as mere contradictions?
A fellow by the name of Pete Stevens wrote a piece entitled, “Rich vs. Poor: Pete Stevens Debunks Myths About Poverty In America(,” who gives the lie to that utterly anti-American screed about the rich getting richer while the poor get poorer. He explains that between, “1996 and 2005 income earners older than 25 increased their earnings in real dollars by an average of 24 percent. Of those who were in the lowest earning quintile in 1996, earnings grew by 90.5 percent.” Additionally, “the second – lowest quintile earners had their incomes grow by 34.8 percent,” and the, “third – fourth – and fifth quintile folks achieved gains of 23.3 percent, 16.6 percent and 10 percent respectively.” Stevens agrees that the data indeed illustrate that the rich do keep getting richer but that doesn’t mean that the poor are growing poorer. He notes that those who were deemed poor in 1996, “aren’t poor anymore,” and that they, “are getting richer even faster than the rich.” So much for Liberal Bullshit!
Let’s briefly examine the condition of those folks who our Liberal enemies claim to champion. You know, those people the LFE shower with their phony compassion and false hope. Yeah, the poor. How are they really doing? All the way back in 1995, the Cato Institute( put out a piece entitled, “Welfare Pays Better Than Work: $36,000 A Year In Hawaii.” It states that, “welfare benefits are far more generous than commonly thought and substantially exceed the amount a recipient could earn in an entry-level job.” This means, obviously, that many on welfare prefer to stay there rather than jump into the competitive job market and this in turn has the effect of, “increasing long-term dependence.” The study’s overall approach looks at the combined value of benefits like Aid to Families With Dependent Children, Food Stamps, Medicaid, and others. The value of these tax-free benefits is then compared to the amount of take-home pay a wage earner would have to bring home to afford similar benefits.
To match the value of welfare benefits, a mother with two children would have to earn as much as $36,400 in Hawaii or as little as $11,500 in Mississippi.” Remember, this piece came out way back in 1995. In such states as New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and others, “welfare pays more than a $12.00-an-hour-job.” The Cato piece explains that, “welfare benefits are especially generous in large cities.” Here are just a few examples: New York City - $14.75 an hour; Philadelphia - $11.35; and in Detroit $10.90.” While these folks are by no means wealthy, it doesn’t sound like they face any undue or extraordinary hardship. But I forget. Those Lying Liberal Bastards keep telling us and the “poor” that America is cold, heartless, and hard, and that this nation’s defining characteristic is a deep-seated hatred of those at the bottom!
All the way back in 1998, Robert Rector wrote a piece for the Heritage Foundation entitled, “The Myth of Widespread Poverty in America(” He reports that, “in 1995 41percent of all “poor” households owned their own homes,” and the, “average home owned by a person classified as “poor” has three bedrooms, one-and-a-half baths, a garage, and a porch or patio.” Indeed, “Seventy percent of “poor” households own a car; 27 percent own two or more cars.” This does not sound like grinding and deadly poverty to me. The author’s research unveiled other characteristics that deal with the plight of our nations poor: 97% have a color television with about half owning two or more; about 75% have a VCR and more than 20% own two; two-thirds have air conditioning; 64% own microwave ovens; 50% have a stereo system; and over 25% have an automatic dishwasher. When’s the last time you heard these statistics from those Liberal Sons of Bitches?!? Right, me too!(see related audioo)
As far back as 1994, one Tom Carroll, the President of CHANGE-NY, wrote a piece for an outfit called Revolution( He stated that, “New York State’s welfare benefits are so high that a welfare recipient would have to work at a job paying nearly $45,000 to break even . . . .” He continues that, “to have after-tax take-home pay of $32,571 from a regular job, a welfare recipient would have to earn a salary of $44,900 annually . . . .” This, at the time, was more than the, “starting salary for nuclear engineers with college degrees,” which was $32,200 and the, “$44,900 figure is also higher than the statewide median household income, almost four times the poverty level, and almost three times the annual unemployment-insurance benefits.” Hell, the piece also points out that, “sending the welfare recipient to Harvard University would be cheaper than the current approach,” because the cost of, “tuition, family housing, and meals is $31,692 per year – less than what New York shells out annually for a welfare recipient.” Carroll went on to conclude that, “this so-called compassion is not in the interest of the welfare recipient either, who would be better served by self-sufficiency instead of long-term dependency.” Amen and Amen, Brother!
Yes, but as previously pointed out, the figures used above go back so many years that they may no longer be applicable or relevant today. Certainly, conditions have changed by now. They sure as SHIT have! You want more updated information, you say? You got it. In a straightforward piece called, “In Entitlement America, the Head of a Household of Four Making Minimum Wage has More Disposable Income Than a Family Making $60,000 a Year.” Is November 21, 2010, recent enough for you? This figure notes writer Tyler Durden( also, “excludes income from Supplemental Social Security Income disability checks.” Durden goes on to correctly note that, “America is now a country which punishes those middle-class people who not only try to work hard, but avoid scamming the system.”
He continues that, “not surprisingly, it is not only the richest and most audacious thieves that prosper – it is also the penny scammers at the very bottom of the economic ladder that rip off the middle class each and every day, courtesy of the world’s most generous entitlement programs.” You know, Toto, I don’t think we’re in freaking Kansas anymore! I actually heard some Liberal Scum Bag not long ago complaining that America despises its poor and doesn’t do nearly enough to ease their plight!
Perhaps I’ll give the final say in this rant to one of America’s penultimate wordsmiths and the guy that Liberals just love to hate. That’s right, Mr. Rush Limbaugh (no, just shut the Hell up and stay that way until you’ve listened to the man for a month or so!). Limbaugh, as always, is outraged and acrimonious over how Liberals and Liberalism are utterly destroying this nation and he has never been shy about saying just that. On March 9, 2011, in a segment from his radio program dubbed, “Obama’s America: A Welfare State,” he announced a shocking statistic and, as always, cites impeccable sources. He was mortified, as were all Conservatives, by the fact that fully 35% of our population is living on the dole and to say he got just a tad worked up by this and what it means for the future of this country can be termed at the very least a world class understatement.
He heatedly explained, “that number, 35%, is everything you want to know about what’s wrong with American politics is in that number. Everything you want to know that’s wrong with the Democratic Party and liberalism is in that number. Everything you want to know about what’s wrong with how our country is managing its affairs is to be found in that number. Everything you want to know about whether or not we have a military in this country is found in this number.”
The talk show host continued his litany by further explaining that, “everything you want to know about whether or not we’re gonna continue to win medals, gold medals at the Olympics can be found in that number. Everything you want to know about what’s wrong and the future of American education can be found in that number. Everything you want to know to explain why so many manufacturing jobs have left America can be found in that number. Everything you want to know to explain how in the world did we ever get to the point where our government was demanding that our banks loan money to buy houses people would never repay can be found in that number.” The talker concludes that if this trend is not stopped, “then America as we’ve known it is severely threatened and in peril. It’s that simple.” Love the guy or hate the guy, you can’t argue with him here, not if you love and cherish this great nation. Oh yeah, I forgot for a moment: Liberals don’t and they want to destroy it!
Much Luv Y’all and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
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