Apparently, there exist in these United States a variety of groups and individuals who would rather not. They view America as illegitimate, imperial and imperious, and thoroughly guilty of brutally stealing land rightly owned by other nations and peoples. They don’t recognize this nation’s right to govern, view its laws as merely artificial and arbitrary manifestations of a heinous colonial power, and insist that one of America’s most singularly defining characteristics consists of an all encompassing racism whose animus is directed largely, if not exclusively, at brown people. White America is guilty of, well everything. According to them, we have been raping this continent ever since we stormed the beaches in the early 1600’s. We callously, indiscriminately, and routinely murdered indigenous peoples, this land’s legitimate and rightful occupants, since long before anyone dreamed of an entity called the United States of America.
These folks fervently believe and accuse Caucasians of being the worst possible stewards of dear old Mother Earth whose only true champions are the Native Americans who were at peace and as one with the Old Girl. We, they claim, are usurpers and thieves who denied the original inhabitants of this land the wealth that they and they alone are entitled to. They view the Europeans who settled on the eastern seaboard as mere pretenders to the throne of the legitimate rulers and heirs to the kingdom of the New World. Whites, they adamantly insist, had absolutely no desire to live peacefully with the native populations they encountered, but instead set out to kill and destroy them from the get-go. This had always been the plan and it was executed brilliantly, efficiently, and ruthlessly in our inexorable march across the continent to the Pacific Ocean. Manifest Destiny was not a doctrine peculiar to the 1840’s but rather had been a key element in the European playbook since the Colonists set up shop at Jamestown.
Well then, it really seems simple enough. Those who share the above sentiments are obviously less than happy or comfortable living in the United States. Perhaps they should leave and spend their remaining days residing in another country where they might find life more satisfying, rewarding, and fulfilling. No one should be forced to experience endless dissatisfaction with their daily existence and who, looking down the road, see no relief in sight for themselves or their loved ones. Hey, there’s a whole world out there. There’s gotta be someplace on the planet where contentment and happiness await.
No one is being held here against their will. No barriers exist to prevent attaining the kind of life they feel is unobtainable or unachievable in this country. Those of this ilk who ardently believe that they have been prevented from reaching their God-given potential rarely, if ever, turn their criticisms inward. They never look to their own shortcomings to find the root cause of their discontent. Instead, they lash out at others who they perceive to be far more successful and engage in the age-old, timeless practice of “scape-goating”. If you can’t make it in the United States regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, national origin, past history or any other damned thing – then you can’t make it anywhere. They will simply never admit this and represent what may be termed the, “permanently disgruntled.”
If they feel so abused and mistreated here then please feel free to get out. I know that when I’m in a place where I am absolutely not wanted and feel I don’t belong, I’m getting the Hell out of Dodge and going someplace else where I’ll feel more comfortable and perhaps even appreciated. What’s so damned hard? You don’t like it here then by all means leave and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out! Problem solving is key, but I don’t believe the people described above really want this. They seem to revel in their self proclaimed status as permanent underdogs and a mistreated and abused minority to whom the “establishment” has displayed nothing but cruelty and callousness for at least hundreds of years. This kind of mindset absolves one of all personal responsibility and fosters bitterness, hostility, and complete and permanent resentment.
Leaving, it seems, is not tenable or acceptable to the disaffected in our midst and they will be satisfied with nothing less than the absolute opposite outcome. They insist that we of European descent should be the ones to tuck tail and run. We are, after all, the usurpers and therefore have no legitimate business even being here let alone running the show. It is we who must return to the homelands of our fathers. If one is of German extraction, it’s off to Germany and if you’re a red head descended from someone whose ancestral home happened to be the Emerald Isle, then get the Hell back there. Wherever you and yours can trace your family tree then according to those of the aforementioned predilection, that’s where you’re headed. Just please be damned quick about it!
The Brown Guys out there have apparently had their fill of us White Guys and since they were here first then according to their brand of logic they are already living in their ancient homeland which was a virtual Garden of Eden until we Caucasians moved in and gummed up the works. If anyone’s leaving, they insist, it’s us.It was our ancestors who invaded their Heaven on Earth and killed, looted, plundered, and enslaved. We, therefore, are the ones that must skedaddle and “they” really don’t give a damn where we end up just so long as it’s not anywhere on the continent of North America! According to these fine folks, we are not merely part of the problem but rather constitute the entire problem and they have the solution – a Final Solution, it seems. I give you La Reconquista – The Reconquest.(see related video)
Well, then, what exactly is to be reconquored? The entire Southwest that was ceded to us by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo way back in 1848! That entire region had indeed been a part of Mexico until Sam Houston and his “Texicans” beat up on that murdering American killer Santa Ana. It was partial pay back for the Alamo where guys like Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie gave up the ghost. As an aside, old Davy apparently did not go down heroically while bashing in Mexican heads with his ever faithful “Old Betsy”. I have read, but not confirmed, that the frontier legend was found hiding under a bunch of old mattresses attempting to avoid capture and certain death. Seems like the smart play to me.
Those affiliated with La Reconquista refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy of a treaty agreed to by two sovereign nations and insist that it has absolutely no validity as far as they are concerned. After all, they insist that Mexico was invaded and controlled by yet one more white European nation – Spain. Since Spain conquered and colonized Mexico by nothing but sheer brute force, terror, and torture it is as guilty as America of subjugating and enslaving the innocent and peaceful indigenous people of that part of the world. These are the hard core among those of this particular persuasion and insist that only those descendants of the first peoples to settle and civilize this continent have any real claims to legitimacy. If you can’t trace your lineage back to the long gone civilizations of, say, the Mayas, Aztecs, Olmecs, or similar indigenous groups then you too are the enemy and must be expelled or worse. Most in the Movement, however, will be content at least as a first step with winning back from Mexico what they perceive to have been stolen from Mexico.
Who specifically are those deemed to be part of the Movement to reclaim the Southwest? It’s worth looking into for La Reconquista cannot be said to be completely monolithic although those aligned with it have much in common. One Allan Wall wrote a piece entitled, “Memo From Mexico: You Say You Want A Reconquista?(,” that explains much about the over all Movement. He asks, “is Reconquista for real? Are there really ethnic separatist movements in the United States today?” He notes that understandably some people, “scoff at the whole idea, confident that all immigrants will assimilate, and don’t want to turn the U.S. into the country from whence they came.”
These types are in for an especially rude awakening unless they rather quickly get their heads out of their asses, look around, and complete a very thorough reality check. Wall points out the, “sheer arrogance and hubris of anti-American irredentists (nope, I had to look it up and so can you) is alerting more and more Americans to the fact that, yes, there are people within our borders who don’t want to be part of the U.S., who think they have a better claim on the land than we do, and who aren’t too secretive about it.” Secretive? Take a gander at the news where it’s not uncommon to see hordes of foreigners, mostly illegal, screaming about their “rights” while brazenly and proudly waving not America’s flag but rather that of their own country. Even better, do a Google search. These folks show no signs of being even the least bit secretive!
In fact, this seems to have been inevitable for as the author correctly maintains we brought this sorry state of affairs on ourselves and pretty much by ourselves. How in the Hell, you ask, is that even a slightly credible claim or charge? The author queries, “But what did we expect? You import millions of people from Mexico, the only country with an irredentist claim on the on the U.S.A. And when they break your immigration law, you give them amnesty. Our leaders invited this, and promoted it.” The gentleman is only speaking the simple truth and, as is too often the case, the truth can be extremely painful. Wall warns that there, “really are irredentist/revanchist (uh, uh – you get the Webster’s out again) among Mexican and Mexican-Americans in the U.S.A., and this is bound to grow and get worse.” He predicts that, “it will make Canada’s Quebec problem look trivial by comparison.” He is unfortunately 100% dead-on accurate and unless our politicians, leaders, and Americans in general do something about it in a damned hurry, we’re looking at conditions that will make the “Balkanization” debacle of years gone by look like a church picnic after the Hosannas have died down!
As alluded to above, Wall also explains that, “there is not, as some people imagine, one Reconquista Movement. All these revanchists/irredentists are not marching lockstep on the same sheet of music.” Instead, the various, “Chicano/Mexican/Hispanic/Latino/Reconquista/Aztlan Activists are indeed in agreement that their people (variously defined) are an oppressed nationality that needs liberation.” He continues that there exist, “different currents with distinct ideologies. All would break up the U.S. or transform it but they represent contradictory, even competing, visions of the future.” He also sends our “neighbor” to the south a dire warning or prediction that destabilizing America could have disastrous consequences for that Third-World Shithole. He correctly maintains that, “several of the irredentist currents are just as much a threat to Mexican sovereignty as they are to ours!” I wonder whether or not those in Mexico who support La Reconquista will be all that wiling to reap what they sew?
The article maintains that the Movements demands a “formal return of Mexico’s lost territories to Mexico.” It insists that the Mexican government is absolutely and actively standing firmly behind La Reconquista. In fact, the powers that be in that downtrodden, poverty stricken, crime infested cesspool of a nation encourage as many of their dirt poor, disease ridden, and criminal elements as possible to invade our country. In that way, Mexico won’t have to take care of its own but will pass that responsibility over to us Gringos north of its border. The Mexican government is even accommodating enough to publish and distribute comic book like pamphlets illustrating the best and most effective methods for its people to invade this nation. Mighty damned considerate, don’t you think? The author accurately explains that, “what the Mexican government does, however, is encourage and foster illegal immigration in various ways, and encourages Mexicans in the U.S. to identify with Mexico,” rather than the United States.
What, then, are some of the specific groups that comprise this loose coalition held together under the broader umbrella of La Reconquista? Wall points out, for example, the “Aztlan irredentist movement,” created by Chicano activists back in the 1960’s. It is believed that Aztlan was the homeland of the ancient Aztecs but there are differences of opinion as to its precise historical location which can be quite convenient for those who claim that the Empire comprised what is now our Southwest. Their logic is somewhat convoluted and insists that since we can’t prove that it didn’t exist where they say it did, well then maybe it did.
If you’re having just a little difficulty comprehending this so-called line of reasoning, fear not for you are far from alone. The author explains that this constitutes, “a flimsy reason to lay claim to the region. In the first place all Mexicans are not descended from the Aztecs.” More to the point and at the heart of the controversy is that, “In the second place, just because a person’s ancestors lived or passed through a region, doesn’t give his descendants title over it.” Using the logic of those who comprise the Aztlan Movement, maybe the descendants of Leif Erickson or Eric the Red have a claim to parts of North America. There does exist at least some evidence that they visited this continent way back when. Maybe they could climb on board and cash in on La Reconquista!
The central proponent of the Aztlan Doctrine is an outfit called MEChA which according to them was, “founded on the principles of self-determination for the liberation of our people.” They rely on a document or declaration known as the, “Plan Espiritual de Aztlan.” It is a somewhat rambling screed but it certainly makes the point that the United States has no legitimate claim to our southwestern states. Rather, it belongs to, “those who plant the seeds, water the fields, and gather the crops and not to the foreign Europeans.” Additionally, MEChA refuses to, “recognize capricious frontiers on the bronze continent.” Hey, wait just a damned minute here! Don’t American farmers and ranchers also plant seeds, water the fields, and gather crops all the time? It’s what they do to earn a living. Does this not mean that they too should be welcomed with open arms and hearts by those fine folks from MEChA?
Get ready for this next, because it’s a major doozey. The Aztlan Plan proclaims that, “In the spirit of a new people that is conscious not only of its proud historical heritage but also of the brutal ‘gringo’ invasion of our territories, we, the Chicano inhabitants and civilizers of the northern land of Aztlan from whence came our forefathers, reclaiming the land of their birth and consecrating the determination of our people of the sun declare that the call of our blood is our power, our responsibility, and our inevitable destiny.” Okey-Dokey. That’s one Hell of a sentence and I’m not exactly sure what the essential point is, but I’m telling you the Reverend Jesse Jackson and that total space cadet Louis Farrakhan have absolutely nothing on these guys from MEChA!
Another of these separatist groups highlighted by Wall is the Republica del Norte which came into being under the auspices of one Charles Truxillo, a Chicano Studies professor at the University of New Mexico. That gentleman and I’m sure scholar doesn’t want to see Mexico reconquor our Southwest but prefers that the region secede from the United States. The “Prof” admits that he, “may not live to see the Hispanic homeland, but by the end of the century my students’ kids will live in it, sovereign and free.” Yep, another America-hater who has been able to do quite well for himself here in the nation he despises!
Still one more example of separatism is found in something called, “the Mexia (pronounced Mesheeka) Movement. Unlike those already discussed, however, they don’t support Aztlan or the Republica del Norte. They also, “don’t want Mexico to reconquer the U.S. Southwest, because they don’t like Mexico either.” These guys have a slightly different take and the, “Mexica claims to speak for all indigenous people of North America – from Alaska to Panama – whom they refer to as the Nican Tlaca and the continent as Anahuac.” They don’t recognize any of the existing governments of North America and, “consider all of them to be European transplants and thus illegitimate.” In fact, the group totally rejects, “all illegal European colonial squatter occupation on our continent.” They advise all those of European descent that they, “should go back where you came from and take your white supremacy there.”
It is highly unlikely that in the end any of the plans and machinations of the aforementioned groups will succeed despite the hatred they feel for the United States. Nonetheless, Wall feels they might succeed even beyond their wildest dreams. How? Well, “what if, instead of the U.S. breaking up, it just becomes another Spanish-speaking country?” Hmmm, could he just be on to something here? Reconquista may very well be implemented by simple demographics. The author asks, “why couldn’t unassimilated Hispanics just immigrate and multiply until they could just take over the whole country?” Simple and effective, nonviolent and all natural – how can you go wrong?
It’s a well documented fact that those in the Third World far out produce us “Westerners”. In just a few generations, “they’ll” easily outnumber “us”. They are already a majority in a number of our southwestern states and this trend shows no sign of slowing down. They will, of course, receive crucial support from their champions in our Democratic Party that believes in open borders, refuses to erect a state of the art security barrier, and are absolute cheer leaders for amnesty. This strategy obviously allows illegals in America to become citizens and, of course, future Democrat voters! Wall concludes his “Memo” by asking a simple but poignant question. He queries, “What about the historic white, English-speaking majority of the United States of America? Does that majority have any say in the matter?” Certainly not according to those in the “Movement”.
The author further asks, “I mean, if all those Mexican, Hispanic, and Indigenous activists can boldly plan our nation’s future, what about the historic majority of the country? Or has it already been bypassed by history? Will it speak?” This guy’s treading on dangerous ground given our nation’s virtual enslavement to liberalism, political correctness, and multiculturalism. He’s asking particularly germane and relevant questions here but they are normally spoken in hushed and muted tones for fear of angering our minority populations and the utter panic at even the anticipation of being labeled, “RACIST”! White America, it seems, has become so afraid that we would rather keep our mouths shut and voluntarily walk off our own “plank” than defend ourselves, our nation, and our history.
Yet one more of these separatist groups deserving of attention is the La Raza Unida Party founded by one Jose Angel Gutierrez, a Professor of Political Science at the University of Texas. Even just a brief look at this outfit clearly illustrates the major difference between immigrants who came to America only a few generations ago and those arriving more recently. The vast majority of the former literally could not wait to get here and looked forward to the opportunities and advantages afforded them by our country. They were relieved and grateful to escape the Hell-Holes from whence they hailed and come to a place filled with optimism, hope, and a future worth having for themselves and their children. For a great many, the proudest day of their lives was the day they took the oath and became bona-fide, proud American citizens.
Compare that to the attitudes evinced by our newer arrivals. They don’t desire American citizenship but instead remain loyal to the countries from which they come. They are here strictly for the “freebies” to which they are most definitely not entitled. You know, the whole Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamp, Welfare, and Entitlement debacle that is destroying this country. For some damned reason, they are convinced that they are owed what they take and demand from the American tax sucker. Like utterly suicidal fools we keep giving these Bastards – legal and illegal – an ever increasing percentage of our collective wealth. They merely take and feel no obligation to give back. This seems to be the prevailing attitude of those arriving here in recent decades and they are anything but shy about expressing their intense dislike and undisguised hatred for the United States. They will never love our country and the only emotions they consistently display are contempt, scorn, ridicule, and total disrespect for America’s history, traditions, and institutions. They absolutely don’t belong here, are dangerous for our continued prosperity and well-being, and even to our very existence. Unfortunately, they have fast and firm friends among our Liberal Saboteurs who feel just as much enmity for America as does any foreigner who wants to bring us down!(see related video)
A piece in the Southern Blog( entitled, “Reconquista: The Invasion Of America,” is particularly salient regarding these points. It explains that those in the Movement desire nothing less than to, “reconquer seven states in the Southwestern United States called Aztlan, the mythical home of the Aztecs. They include: California, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, plus parts of Colorado, Nevada, and Utah.” The folks who desire this outcome are not the least bit reticent about stating their goal and none of them recognize the validity of the Treaty of Gudelupe Hidalgo. So-called Chicano Studies Programs in, “many colleges advance the cause by indoctrinating young Chicano students to hate white America and to participate in driving them from the Southwestern U.S., all paid for by the American taxpayer.” The article further notes that, “anything to achieve their goal is utilized.” Mexicans who come here are urged to keep their “Mexicaness” and, “the new immigrants are doing just that. Bi-lingual education is demanded. Demonstrations, intimidation of office holders and lawsuits are filed to defeat proposed laws like Proposition 187(denies public benefits to illegal aliens).”
These Bastards are literally at war with us and make no mistake – it is a real war. They absolutely hate us and desperately want to defeat and destroy us. Tragically, most Americans, especially of the Liberal Persuasion, either don’t recognize it or take it seriously enough. It’s much like our blindness to terrorism prior to Nine/Eleven. Those Sons of Bitches have been at war with this country since at least 1979, when Iranian “students” stormed our embassy and took American hostages. September 11, 2001, was the slap in the face we required to jolt us out of our lethargy and recognize that there are indeed those out there who want Americans dead and our country destroyed!
They’re still out there and have allies who desire the same result. They exist all over our southern border and their actions constitute an invasion by a foreign, hostile enemy who is both ruthless and unrelenting. Taking “back” our Southwest is only the first battle in this war and if they succeed you can be damned sure they’ll demand the rest of America as well. Should that occur in any manner, shape, or form they will simply turn our once great nation into no more than an extension of the Third World Shit Hole from which they come!
We are being purposely invaded by Mexico and it is well planned, thought out, and malicious in scope and intent. It starts at the very top of Mexican society and extends all the way down to the lowliest, filthiest, and least educated and those are the folks who are streaming across our border in ever increasing hordes. A former president of that cesspool of a nation, Vicente Fox, was, “a major participant in Reconquista, the invasion of America. His efforts toward making the dream a reality include dual citizenship for Mexican-Americans, guidelines to illegals heading for America, a new temporary worker program, driver’s licenses for illegals and the legalization of millions of undocumented Mexican workers in America.”
El Presidente’s predecessor, Ernesto Zedillo, exclaimed, “I have proudly proclaimed that the Mexican nation extends beyond the territory enclosed by its borders [again the Southwestern United States] and that Mexican migrants are an important – a very important – part of it (for information focusing on a more recent Mexican leader’s views, see the Arizona Immigration Law Rant of June 9, 2010). These Mexican “pols” couldn’t be any more crystal clear about their goals and how they intend to be implemented and Mexico’s population is marching in lockstep with them. In a 2002 Zogby International Poll, almost 60% of Mexicans in Mexico believe that our Southwest belongs to them and nearly 60% claim they absolutely do not require America’s permission to enter our own country! Any bets no whether or not these numbers have gone up over the years? No, I thought not.
These guys are as serious as a loaded .45 with a hair trigger and the safety in the off position. Most Americans, however, are either unaware of separatist groups like La Reconquista and La Raza or they simply don’t find the danger they pose plausible enough to contemplate the consequences if these America Haters were to succeed. It’s probably akin to how most Americans felt just prior to the rebels firing on Fort Sumter all those years ago. That little “conflict” nearly destroyed this nation. The “Mexican Firsters” desire another civil war in this country but with one major difference. This time they are convinced it will be successful and they can finally realize their dream of destroying our country which has been a constant and all consuming theme since Sam Houston and the Boys whipped ass back in 1848!
You don’t think so? Listen up. Jose Angel Gutierrez the aforementioned founder of La Raza insists that the Southwest, “is our homeland. We cannot – we will not – we must not be made illegal in our own homeland. We are not immigrants that came from another country to another country. We are migrants, free to travel the length and breadth of America because we belong here.” He exalts that, “we are millions. We just have to survive. We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. It’s a matter of time. The explosion is in our population.” As mentioned earlier, demographics seems to be the key and unless we wake up in one damned hurry those America-Hating Racist Bastards may very well succeed in their goal of destroying our country! Gutierrez insists that, “we have got to eliminate the gringo (white American), and what I mean by that is that if the worst comes to the worst we have got to kill him.” Does this racist Senor sound like he’s just kidding or blowing smoke? These guys want us dead and the country destroyed.
Noted scholar and author Samuel P. Huntington also commented on the threat posed by the separatists who threaten this nation’s way of life. As recently as 2004, he explained that, “the persistence of Hispanic immigrants threatens to divide the United States into two people, two cultures, and two languages. The United States ignores the challenge at its peril.” The Professor reminds us that the folks invading our country from the south are far different than anything we have seen in America’s long experience in dealing with populations of foreigners. All others have come here and relatively quickly and successfully assimilated and became Americans and grew to appreciate and love the United States for the opportunities and freedoms it provides. It seems that far too many of those arriving from Mexico, legally and illegally, literally despise America and all it stands for. They seem Hell-Bent on our destruction and are bound and determined to replicate conditions in that sorry excuse of a nation they call home. Huntington explains that Mexican, “immigration differs from past immigration due to a combination of six factors: contiguity, scale, illegality, regional concentration, persistence, and historical presence.”
Huntington is only one of many who view the desire by Mexico to annex our Southwest as an attack on American sovereignty as far more than a minor phenomenon that can be corrected with very little effort. He notes that, “Demographically, socially, and culturally the reconquista (reconquest) of the Southwest United States by Mexican immigrants is well under way.” We are, in fact, faced with a full-blown, unapologetic invasion that is just as real and dangerous as if foreign armies in the service of a hostile power had landed on our shores. This is no exaggeration but rather an understatement. Just because we can’t hear explosions and automatic weapons fire doesn’t mean the threat is any less real or mortal. It’s simply more insidious and, in fact, we really have only ourselves to blame. The author of the piece in the Southern Blog accurately concludes that the, “immigration catastrophe could have been prevented but our ‘leaders’ in the White House and Congress seem more intent on collecting new voters than protecting America from being dismantled. . .”
It is the sworn duty, solemnly pledged to by all elected officials to defend and protect our nation from any and all enemies both foreign and domestic. By refusing to secure our borders and strictly controlling our immigration policy elected officials like the current sorry-ass pretender to the American Presidency have committed absolutely heinous impeachable offenses and constitutionally should be removed from office. They must be impeached, convicted, and severely punished. Examples must be made of these saboteurs so that others that follow them into that highest of offices will sit up and pay strict attention. They are aiding and abetting an extremely dangerous enemy while they betray and destroy the greatest nation God ever gave mankind!
If the voting public does not make it absolutely clear beyond any shadow of a doubt that we won’t tolerate anti-American behavior from our American “leaders” then, sadly, we deserve exactly what we get. The author of the web piece explains that, “what we have is a people united by hatred, supported by their government, with a plan to reconquer a huge part of America, facing virtually no opposition from those with the power to stop it. And Mexico, confronting the most powerful nation on earth, could be victorious . . . without firing a shot.” Yet there still exist too many Americans perhaps due to ignorance, lethargy, or the ever present political correctness who simply refuse to face the absolutely palpable dangers we must confront and defeat if this country is to survive in any recognizable or meaningful form.
In a piece entitled, “Exclusive: The Truth About La Raza(,” author Charlie Norwood quotes the motto of the group which proclaims, “For the race everything. Outside the race, nothing.” There is only one way to interpret this statement and I am firmly convinced that La Raza and all other pro-Mexican separatist groups are absolutely racist in tone and intent. They despise white America with an all consuming passion that is boundless and breath -taking. That I believe is their true motivation as well as undisguised jealousy and envy that literally oozes from their very pores. As they contemplate the vast material differences between their failed nation and the amazing success of our own, they are forced to face the stark reality that Mexico is but one more loathsome third world country.
A miniscule percentage of its population lives at the very top of society and want for absolutely nothing. The vast majority, however, live in utter squalor, filth, and disease and have little to look forward to save an early grave. After oil, I have read that Mexico’s next two leading industries are drugs and kidnapping wealthy citizens and tourists for ransom. Just on a personal note, I can’t for the life of me comprehend why anyone in their right mind would visit a place with the aforementioned characteristics. In addition, Mexico is easily one of the most corrupt regimes on the planet or in all history for that matter. Yeah, I can’t wait to call my local travel agent and book that trip! This is one white gringo that’s spending my vacation money in my own country, thank you very much!!
Just as many poor individuals loathe the wealthy in their midst and relish even the possibility seeing them brought down to their level, the same can be said of Mexico’s view of the United States. We are hated because of our material success and our peerless, unrivalled political system. When listening to folks from groups like La Raza, just understand that they are fully aware that they’ll never have in Mexico what we have here or anything close to it because they are not capable of emulating this nation. That sorry-ass excuse of a country will never reach its full potential because it has no potential to reach.
A nation like that has no business even being part of the North American continent because they are literally incapable of sustaining anything approaching a true representative republic. Its history is an epic tragedy and all its people have known is repression by who ever the “Big Dog” happens to be at the moment. If this sounds somewhat less than compassionate and in no way resembles or approaches “koombayism” all well and good. Like some famous guy once said, people get the government they deserve but they’d damn well better leave this country alone! People like me, and there are millions upon millions of us, are getting more than just a little tired, fed up, frustrated, and angry with those racist, anti-American Bastards doing everything and anything they can to turn America into a virtual Shit-Hole that resembles their own!
Norwood underscores one of America’s defining elements when he notes that, “one of America’s greatest strengths has always been taking in immigrants from cultures around the world, and assimilating them into our country as Americans. By being citizens of the U.S. we are Americans first and only in our national loyalties.” Sadly and dangerously, this is no longer the case. Mexicans, legal or otherwise, have no desire to be Americans or even what’s come to be termed “hyphenated” Americans. They remain first, foremost, and only Mexicans who owe this country absolutely nothing, especially loyalty. They will never view the United States as their country as did earlier generations of immigrants. Rather, they see us as a foreign enemy to be conquered and destroyed. This is not an exaggeration nor is it in any manner a manifestation of xenophobia. It is a statement of fact which we ignore at our own peril.
Assimilation is key if our country is to survive and flourish but if La Reconquista succeeds it will literally destroy us. These folks and others of their ilk expect the majority of Americans to accommodate them rather than, as always been the case, vice-versa. They will not change, they refuse to change, and that being the case they must not be permitted to come or remain here once they find their way in(see the Immigration rant of 10/25/08). In a particularly relevant piece entitled, “Multiculturalism’s Anti-Assimilation Is Killing Our Nationhood(, the author astutely observes that we, “are fighting a war for the preservation of our American heritage. As long as political correctness and multiculturalism remain viable, as long as the anti-assimilation movement remains strong, it will be impossible to re-establish one of our founding principles, that of E Pluribus Unum.”
The writer accurately maintains that, “cultures within a culture only divide,” and that we, “need to control immigration and immigrants need to be told that assimilation is not a request, it is a requirement for the privilege of living in the United States and becoming a citizen of this country.” Indeed, residing in this country and becoming a citizen of the wealthiest and freest nation in the history of mankind must be properly regarded as precious gifts and privileges that can be taken away if they are not earned by those who would receive them. They are not, as too many immigrants seem to believe, rights. No one from somewhere else is “entitled” be or live here. America is after all, our home and not theirs.
Those who join or agree with the separatists, “believe that anyone not of Mexican heritage existing on American soil is a foe. They believe that all those who immigrated to the United States since the days of the Pilgrims – including those who came here as slaves –are invaders and that the American Southwest rightly belongs to Mexico.” Ominously they, “refuse to assimilate into mainstream American culture choosing to speak Spanish over English whenever possible and vehemently discourage marrying outside the race.” The article makes us aware that a number of European nations have finally come out of their stupor and “abandoned multiculturalism as an abject failure that threatens their very existence.”
So what the Hell’s wrong with us? Why haven’t the Leftist Bastards who champion these and other nation destroying, politically correct trends been soundly and roundly rebuked? The writer correctly maintains that, “sadly, because the Progressive-Left in the United States have intertwined multiculturalism with political correctness – and because the negative consequences of both are rarely highlighted by an agenda driven mainstream press – the anti-assimilation movement continues to grow.”
Many of the utterances and actions of those in the “Movement” can easily and correctly be defined as subversive, traitorous, or both. It should be obvious to even the most doltish among us that groups like La Raza and its supporters desire nothing less the physical destruction of our nation. This is no different than Middle Eastern Muslims who draw maps of the region that conspicuously do not include the small, besieged nation of Israel. I’m convinced that those who hate America as much as they do would become utterly orgasmic over a map of our continent that did not include the words The United States Of America. Many years ago, they would have been severely punished, expelled from the country, or even executed.
This, of course, has not been the case for far too long and America seems to have lost a sense of itself. Too many of us, like our current, pathetic excuse of a President, no longer believe in concepts like American Exceptionalism or uniqueness. This state of affairs can be laid directly at the feet of Liberalism and its devotees who champion death-dealing ideologies like multiculturalism and political correctness. Those Bastards literally aid and abet those that would harm us and they revel in the concept of dismantling our country – of America’s literal demise. They know full well what the consequences of a successful Reconquista Movement would mean for our future. They see nothing at all wrong with a repeat of what took place all those years ago in Yugoslavia.
A piece from something called Fellowship of the Minds(, entitled, “Multiculturalism, Immigration, and Aztlan,” speaks of the Chicanos among us. It maintains that these guys, “as a group are unlike previous immigrants in that they are more likely to remain unassimilated and unintegrated, whether by choice or circumstance – resulting in the formation of a separate or quasi-nation within the United States.” The piece points out that there exist in our midst, “Chicano political activists who intend to marry cultural separateness with territorial and political self-determination.” In fact, many, “young Latinos in the second and third generation see themselves as locked in irremedial conflict with white society,” and this particular separatist group has developed, “a culture of resistance – a culture that actively resists assimilation into mainstream America.” This culture is, “created, reinforced, and maintained by radical Chicano intellectuals, politicians, and the many Chicano Studies Programs in U.S. colleges and universities.”
The problems presented by the situation and attitudes described thus far are only, “exacerbated by the U.S. government’s immigration policy and a new ethic of multiculturalism that has become almost an official dogma in the mass media and in academe. Exponents of multiculturalism maintain that all cultures are equal, and that the United States must accept its destiny as a universal nation, a world nation, in which no one culture – especially European culture – will be dominant.” Additionally, “the ideal of multiculturalism is a nation which has no core culture, no ethnic core, no center other than a powerful state apparatus.” This is full blown rampant Liberalism run completely amok and there can be absolutely no doubt that these Bastards and their multicultural allies despise America, its history, institutions traditions, and historic place in the world.
When an avowed enemy tells you in no uncertain terms it intends to destroy you and then explains exactly how it plans to do so, you would be wise to pay close attention. I give you Adolf Hitler and Osama bin Laden. In both cases, the world and America ignored these two Crazy Bastards and paid huge and disastrous costs for its neglect. Liberals have been telling us for many years and we have just not listened. We didn’t take them seriously. Those in the La Reconquista Movement have also made their intentions clear in the starkest of terms and yet we still do virtually nothing. Any analysis of our laughable immigration policies, or lack thereof, will bear this out. We have become far more than merely careless or negligent but rather suicidal. We have people and groups who do not hesitate to let us know just how much they despise us and that they want nothing less than the destruction of the United States. What is our response? We do nothing more than quake and cower in the face of political correctness and multiculturalism.
How do we react to what amounts to an absolute and unmistakable declaration of war against us by an extremely hostile and determined enemy? With courage and steadfast determination? Do we take whatever steps deemed necessary to defend our unique and exceptional way of life? Do we defend the United States as the freest, most powerful, and most generous country in planetary history? No. We shake and tremble and raise the white flag of surrender! It’s time to stop it or this nation will surely be destroyed!!
Much Luv Y’all and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
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