This nation’s public school system has been accurately and justly deemed a failure. With very few exceptions they are not preparing our young people to become productive, contributing citizens of our republic. Standardized test results for our elementary and secondary schools are some of the very worst in the entire industrialized, developed world. They are nothing less than pathetic at best and utterly horrific at worst. An outfit known as the National Assessment of Educational Progress evaluates what is called solid academic performance in such areas as the American Revolution, the Civil War, and current issues. According to them, less than 25% of our students show proficiency in American history while only 20% of elementary school students scored well in that topic. It gets worse still at higher grade levels with only 17% of eighth graders and a pitiful 12% of high school seniors exhibiting some sort of knowledge of our country’s past, heritage, and traditions. At far too many of our nation’s institutions of higher learning, the first thing incoming freshman are required to do is to enroll in remedial classes to become at least barely proficient in those disciplines that should have been mastered well before arriving at the hallowed halls of academe.
This state of affairs bodes very ill for America’s future and could be seen as a central reason for the demise of what once was the greatest nation God ever gave mankind. If this trend is not reversed in one big damned hurry, America is headed for third world status by the end of this century. This unavoidable phenomenon is amply borne out by the fact that more and more positions in so many crucial technical fields are being filled not by Americans but rather by highly skilled and educated folks from abroad who are accorded a special class of visa that puts them on a very short list of those eligible to enter, live, and work in the United States. Professions involving science, engineering, high tech, medicine, computers and so many more are being staffed and or run by folks from elsewhere because there are simply not enough qualified native-born citizens to fill the huge demand for them. This will bring nothing less than tragic consequences for our nation in every sense of the word.
Education is a field I am absolutely qualified to comment upon and argue about. I am now in the process of winding down a thirty year “career” as a New York City high school teacher and there isn’t much I haven’t seen. I’ve witnessed drastic changes in the three decades I’ve been “educating” the Big Apple’s students. Unfortunately, I really can’t point to even one positive development in all that time. Any changes have been virtually 100% negative and it’s only getting worse – much worse. IQ levels have plummeted, reading and writing scores are are best dismal, and science and math have suffered the same fate. Very few if any students are reading and writing even close to grade level and their future prospects are at best dim. Gangs and the associated violence and crime are rampant. These conditions do not exist only at the school in which I work but rather city-wide regardless of the Bullshit thrown out by our Board of Education and New York’s billionaire mayor! This is also the sorry state of education in any large urban center nation-wide. You pick the city: Detroit; Los Angeles; New Orleans; Miami – it’s the same all over the country. I used to fool myself by thinking that as long as these conditions are confined to our inner cities, the country would still be OK. Alas, that is not the case. It’s spreading like a plague to suburbia and even rural America. Let’s face it folks, America’s educational system is just one giant cluster-fuck that portends a total disaster for this country.
There is, however, one area at which our public schools actually excel and do a superb job of educating our young folks. The theme is hammered and drilled into our nation’s youth from the time they enter our school system until the time they leave. By the time they enter high school they have been thoroughly indoctrinated and by the time they depart they have fallen prey to a full-fledged and thoroughly pernicious system of brainwashing. By the time they leave college with or without a diploma they are literally experts in this particular discipline. What you ask is this topic they have been so thoroughly taught and have so eagerly absorbed? It is nothing more or less than rabid anti-Americanism. This is no mere accident nor can it be considered some form of unintended consequence or misconception. It is purposeful, utterly intentional, and perniciously malignant.(see related video)
They are bombarded with this obnoxious drivel in all of their classes be it history, math, English, science, or even gym! It is being done systematically and nation wide and is driven by the Far Left who have despised the United States for decades and consider this nation the root cause of all the world’s ills and evils. The United States is seen as demonic, horribly overbearing, brutal, and a despiser of anyone who does not have white skin and doesn’t believe in our Judeo-Christian heritage and tradition. American schools have become nothing but indoctrination centers whose captive audiences are purposefully and systematically “taught” to hate their own country!
This, of course, wasn’t always the norm and in fact the reverse had always been the case. Our schools used to be highly effective – even excellent – at their job of educating our youth and preparing them for a productive future as good, contributing citizens of our unique country. Additionally, our schools taught pride in America and celebrated our nation’s fantastic contributions to the entire world and how much better off the people of this planet have been because of American Exceptionalism. New York City’s school system was once so outstanding that representatives from other countries were sent here to study it and bring it back to their home nations. Sadly, even tragically, this is no longer the case. This city’s school system has deteriorated virtually beyond the point of recognition or repair.
The concepts of patriotism and America’s innate goodness are not instinctive but must be taught. These “lessons” would begin in the home and then reinforced in America’s schools all across the country. It was a literal partnership between parents and the schools and reaped great benefits for the nation. Our secondary schools graduated highly educated students who were actually proud of their country’s amazing accomplishments in such a relatively short time span! Students were taught – and they learned – the workings of their government, civics, and good citizenship. They became thoroughly familiar and conversant with the nation’s Founding Documents: the Declaration of Independence; the Constitution; and the Bill of Rights. They proudly recited the Pledge of Allegiance and sang our National Anthem. All of this and more were considered the norm and were viewed as healthy and absolutely essential. That’s all gone now and has been for quite some time. I fear it’s never coming back.
I’ve overheard students telling one another how much they hate this country and they’d leave America for good as soon as they were able. They appear convinced that the proverbial “deck” is stacked against them and that they can’t possibly succeed here because the United States is racist! Let’s see, we’ve recently elected our first black President and yet somehow this country is deemed racist!! I’ve had students ask me why the United States can’t seem to mind its own business and why America must constantly insert itself into the affairs of other countries. They view America as nothing more than the world’s largest and most powerful bully and we are accused of enslaving our third world neighbors and literally stealing the planet’s natural resources.
I am told that we go to war for oil and kill and maim citizens of foreign countries if they try to resist our particularly vicious brand of imperialism. Here at home, America is accused of favoring only the wealthiest of our citizens and literally keeping the rest of the population in bondage and poverty. Our legal system, I’m told, is grossly unfair and works only for the Caucasians amongst us. People of color, to coin a phrase, are routinely discriminated against and are intentionally kept in a condition of servitude and poverty. These “kids” find absolutely nothing redeemable, noble, or beneficent about America’s past, present, or future. The United States is nothing less than a pariah and we are viewed by these youngsters as anathema.
This is not a recent phenomenon for I’ve been listening to these false and scurrilous accusations for thirty years. They do not simply “pop” into the minds of my high school charges nor are they opinions that result from some kind of epiphany or Divine Revelation. Our kids have been purposely and assiduously taught these concepts since the time they first entered whatever government school they attend. So, when did it all start to unravel? At what point did it all start to come undone?
Upon mulling it over for awhile my first reaction was to blame the entire phenomenon on the 1960’s which in my opinion was the absolute worst ten-year period in our entire history. You know, If It Feels Good Do It! It was a time of supposed revolution and complete scorn for authority on all societal levels. We are in many ways still paying a heavy price for the excesses perpetrated by the “hippy” generation. You see, those youthful “flower children” are now in charge of virtually all of America’s major and most influential institutions. These include the media, major news outlets, entertainment in all of its various guises, our political institutions, and certainly our system of public education. So, it seemed to me that the 1960’s would be a good place to start looking for answers.
It seems, however, that the phenomenon under consideration began many years before anyone ever uttered the words HIPPY or FLOWER POWER. According to one Sam Blumenfeld in, “How The Progressives Changed The Way Reading Is Taught In Our Schools(, it, “started in the 1890s, when the Progressives began working on a new socialist agenda for the public schools that would promote collectivism through a new curriculum programmed to turn children away from individualism.” These folks, like all Socialists, despise concepts like free market capitalism and rugged individualism and all things that contributed to the very real concept of what’s come to be termed American Exceptionalism. They literally despise America as presently constituted and desperately desire to create a Socialist template similar to that found in western Europe.
Like all collectivists, they live in “Utopiaville” and are convinced that they can rid the nation of all evil influences. They fervently believe that, “evil was caused by ignorance, poverty, and social injustice.” According to their curious logic,“socialism . . . would eliminate all three causes of evil,” because, “education would eliminate ignorance, which would then eliminate poverty, which in turn would do away with social injustice.” The purpose, then, of education would emphasize above all else, “collectivist socialization.” It should not come as any surprise that this kind of pie-in-the-sky rhetoric sounds all too familiar because our modern day Socialists and America Haters have followed lock-step in their footsteps.
The author emphasizes the importance of John Dewey and the fact that he led the movement to actually lower educational quality in our nation’s schools. Like our own present day Socialists, Dewey understood that seminal change must be accomplished gradually or incrementally for if it was rammed whole cloth down the throats of our citizens they would absolutely and utterly reject it. As Dewey noted change, “must come gradually. To force it unduly would compromise its final success by favoring a violent reaction.” Old John-Boy knew his stuff alright and our current crop of Socialists are still using his playbook of so many years ago. An article entitled, “Social Justice: Code Word For Anti-Americanism(,” also accurately encapsulates Dewey’s role and effect on America’s educational system. The writer notes the, “vast influence of the so-called father of American education,” and concludes that, “John Dewey had already spread disdain for objective truth and authoritative notions of good and evil.” Additionally, “Dewey viewed education as a process of socializing the child, rather than educating him to achieve his individual potential.”
While Progresses like Dewey started the process of destroying America’s once excellent educational system, others certainly followed in his footsteps including one William Ayers who was, “a founder of the infamous Weather Underground, the organization that set bombs in public buildings such as the U.S. Capitol and the Pentagon.” The 1960’s radical eventually earned a Ph.D. at Columbia Teachers College and went on to become a professor of education at the University of Illinois. He “launched a new career directing his revolutionary energy into changing classroom curricula instead of setting bombs.” Ayers is also a long time friend and adviser to our pathetically sorry excuse of a President whose political career was launched in the living room of the former 1960’s radical.
The same article notes that, “Ayers has been on a decades-long mission to transform education into anti-American indoctrination and to get young people to demand that government control the economy, politics and culture.” The author points to 2008 post post-election surveys which concluded that, “seven out of every ten voters between the ages of 18 and 29 now favor expanding the role of government and agree that the government should do more to solve the nation’s problems.” More government, bigger government, and unbearably intrusive government equals nothing less than full-blown and undisguised Socialism! This is what our young people are being taught in our public schools. In 2008, Ayers was “elected by his peers as vice president for curriculum of the American Education Research Association, the nation’s largest organization of education professors and researchers. These so-called educational professionals teach their charges a particularly vicious brand of anti-Americanism and they then become public school teachers and dutifully indoctrinate their own students with this bilge!
The web piece goes on to point out the overwhelming emphasis on a concept known as Social Justice and the fact that this is focused on, “getting students to believe that they are victims of an unjust, oppressive and racist America,” and that after only a few years of an all pervasive indoctrination, “young people are ripe targets for community organizers to mobilize them to vote and carry out revolution.” Former 1960’s radical and noted scholar David Horowitz explains that social justice is simply, “shorthand for opposition to American traditions of individual justice and free market economics.” He further elaborates that social justice teaches our young folks that, “American society is an inherently oppressive society that is systematically racist, sexist, and classist and thus discriminates institutionally against women, nonwhites, working Americans, and the poor.”
This kind of propagandist Bullshit is now the norm at colleges of education all over the country and has been for decades. The things these “wanna-be” teachers are not and never have been taught are the truths concerning America’s greatness, uniqueness, and exceptional nature and our role in the world. Are our high school students taught about the 13th, 14th, or 15th Amendments? Do you suppose they learn about the American Revolution or the Civil War? Do they learn about the Suffrage Movement or the 19th Amendment? Are they made aware of the multiple times this nation has literally saved the world from tyranny, fear, and starvation or how successful was our fight and victory over an all pervasive and evil ideology like Soviet Communism? No, of course not!
These Liberal-Socialist-Anti-American Bastards do not teach the truth about America for this does not fit their subversive template. Those few of us that go out of our way to do so are called the most vile of names and are mocked, ridiculed, and belittled in front of students and peers. I and others have been physically attacked and had personal property stolen or destroyed. One like-minded fellow walked out of the building to find that all four of his tires had been slashed and his windshield shattered! Yet these Liberal types are supposed to be ever so tolerant, accepting, and non-judgmental. It is we evil Conservatives that have the totally undeserved and unwarranted reputation for being bigots, uncompassionate, racist throwbacks. I have actually been called a Nazi and a Fascist for countering their anti-American propaganda with the truth about this nation and its history! The dishonesty and hypocrisy of these America Haters apparently knows absolutely no bounds.
Take a look at some of the seminars offered by an outfit known as the National Association of Multicultural Education. The same source cited above informs us of one entitled, “Our Work as Social Justice Educators,” while another emphasizes, “Teaching for Social Justice in Elementary Schools,” while still a third instructs educators about, “Dismantling White Privilege and Supporting Anti-Racist Education in Our Classrooms and Schools.” Let’s be careful not to forget, “Talking About Religious Oppression and Christian Privilege,” while yet one more deals with, “Creating Change Agents Who Teach for Social Justice.”
Wow!! No wonder America’s students leave school not having learned the basic truths about the history and contributions of their own country and are absolutely convinced that the United States of America is the worst scourge in the planet’s history. By the way, I don’t notice any seminar topics instructing teachers on the best ways to raise reading and math levels or how to build better vocabularies. Missing from the list are any topics dealing with classroom deportment and discipline or how to effectively help students master such disciplines as chemistry or physics. Teaching young folks to strive for excellence is just too passé in today’s Blame America First milieu and should best be left to Old Farts like me who are on the way out.
The author of this piece accurately notes that when, “a teacher engages in this type of advocacy in lieu of teaching literature, math, history or science the teacher is engaging in political indoctrination,” and that those in the classroom have been urged, “to begin inculcating ‘correct’ sociopolitical attitudes in children as young as two because it is so easy to impose their views on children who enter school at such a young age.” Anyone care to dispute the charges I raised earlier about propaganda and brainwashing, hmmm? No, I thought not.
The entire Social Justice phenomenon has but one overriding goal and that is the utter destruction of the United States of America as presently constituted and envisioned by our Founders. The theme is the same one that motivated the leaders of that movement way back in the wild and wooly 1960’s and folks like the aforementioned William Ayers, “see his education work as carrying on his radicalism in a new sphere,” and what that Anti-American Son Of A Bitch refers to as reform in education, “focuses almost exclusively on teaching a social justice agenda in the classroom and a race-based approach to education policy.” In fact, that’s been “his mission since he realized that revolution would be achieved easier by teaching lies about America to public school students than by planting bombs.” Has Ayers been successful in implementing his revolutionary agenda? Let’s see. The books he has authored are, “among the most widely used in America’s 1,500 schools of education,” and, “Ayers even uses science and math courses as part of his transformative strategy to teach that the American economic system is unjust.” His disciples become teachers all over the United States and spread their anti-Americanism to our young folks throughout this country. We are in big trouble folks for this has now been going on for decades!
The anti-American agenda of our public school system cannot be denied by any objective observer nor can the inestimable damage it has done to this country be ignored by any save those who agree with it and desire to see America brought to its knees. There is no area of the nation’s life that is immune from it or to it and if it is not actively and successfully resisted and defeated this country is doomed. Many years ago, before the schools became politicized and served as battle fields for the culture wars that are being so fiercely fought America produced students who were independent thinkers capable of looking at and analyzing issues from all sides. This allowed them to make informed and well reasoned decisions for themselves. While once commonplace this phenomenon is now exceedingly rare. We have instead been churning out of our “government” schools no more than mind numbed robots not capable of independent thought that leads to informed action and solutions.(see related video)
This is a purposeful tactic for the Liberal Fucking Elites (LFE) require this outcome if they desire to stay in power so they can continue to wreak havoc on this nation. They need a base that is not capable of independent thought predicated on reason and logic. What they require instead is a mob that will do their bidding no matter how destructive the results may be. The LFE desires a population that is easily led and manipulated. They require a malleable citizenry that will be told when, how, and what to do, think, and speak. They propagandize only in generalities and worn clichés for they do not want to confuse their followers with specifics.
They require easily identified and despised enemies who can be blamed for their own failed policies and prescriptions. I give you, for example, Republicans, Conservatives, and Tea Party Types who provide easy and convenient targets for their scape- goating tactics and techniques. They require devotees who are easily susceptible to demagoguery and who can quickly be incited into a frenzy who will unwittingly do their bidding. What better place to begin the brainwashing process than our public schools where they can pervert the minds of our young people and turn them against their own country? Their victims are absolutely unaware of what is being purposely perpetrated against them and by the time they hit college and finally graduate school they have been molded and formed into dutiful, hard core Liberals who despise our country because this is all they have been taught! To my mind, there exists simply no other way to explain the recent election of our American Hater-in-Chief, The Anointed One, President Barrack Barry Boy Obama!!
As defined by Conservapedia(, Liberal indoctrination constitutes, “the process by which liberals influence children to their way of thinking before they are aware enough to make choices for themselves.” Additionally it, “can be considered a form of brainwashing, as children are unwittingly led into liberal ideologies while consistently being denied conservative values.” The online encyclopedia points out that our schools have not escaped the phenomenon for, “Liberal thought is often promoted in public schools either by teachers or peer pressure from older students.” The short piece provides examples that include, “the removal of school prayer and the teaching of evolution as though there were no evidence against it.” Additionally, “some school teachers ignore the Pledge of Allegiance.” Well, since the LFE is bound and determined to create future generations of anti-America Americans (see The Americans Who Hate America Rant of 1/21/11) they obviously must remove any and all vestiges of anything that in anyway promotes patriotism, love of country, or nationalism. This simply won’t do!
At my own soon to be former place of employment, American flags no longer adorn most of the classroom walls for my Liberal “colleagues” have purposely removed them or not replaced them if they mysteriously just happen to wind up on the floor or stuffed into a locker! The piece references books like Heather Has Two Mommies and the ever so popular tome Why Mommy Is A Democrat that, “explicitly promote the homosexual agenda and characterize Republicans as unequivocally bad.” Books like these are readily available in the libraries of far too many of our elementary schools and in far too many individual classrooms. Liberals, of course, deny the charge that they are politicizing America’s children or turning them into citizens who despise their own country!
Perhaps I’m over reacting just a tad here and you may think that I’m being overly pessimistic about our country’s educational dilemma and its consequences regarding America’s future. Perhaps my impending retirement has distorted my objectivity and has instilled within me this sense of doom and gloom. Would that it were so! I’d love nothing more than to be wrong in my assessment of what is being taught to the nation’s children or by whom. I’d be thrilled if anyone out there could refute any of the facts and opinions I have proffered in this rant. Sadly, that is not going to happen because it simply can’t happen. The anti-Americanism (read that Liberalism) that has overrun our educational system from pre-school right on up through graduate school can be denied only by those amongst us who have their heads firmly ensconced up their asses yet somehow still manage to walk in a straight line!
There are certain truths out there that are simply undeniable and the settled fact that anti-Americanism is purposely and hatefully taught to those that will one day assume the mantel of leadership in the United States is one of those truths. Unfortunately, there are far too many Americans who just don’t recognize what is happening or simply refuse to believe it. Maybe it’s more a question of apathy, a kind of well, what can I do about it?
In point of fact, there do exist people and groups that are attempting to fight back against the LFE’s onslaught on America especially where it concerns the nation’s public schools. In a piece by one G. Jeffrey MacDonald entitled, “Conservatives See Liberal Bias In Class-And Mobilize(,” the author describes efforts at resistance. He explains, “concerns that public schools are becoming sites of liberal indoctrination, activists have generated a wave of efforts to limit what teachers may discuss and to bring more conservative views into the classroom.” Is there perhaps a glimmer of hope?
MacDonald informs us that, “at least 14 state legislatures have considered bills aimed at colleges that would restrict professors and establish grievance procedures for students who perceive political bias in teaching.” While none of these bills had yet become law by the time his piece was published, there exists at least some evidence that resistance to politicizing America’s youth is out there. The writer points out that proponents of these kinds of efforts are important because, “younger students are more impressionable. They are concerned about multicultural lesson plans that go into detail about the Muslim faith, and cite incidents such as a young child being reprimanded by a teacher for writing about wanting to become a soldier.” Yeah, we simply can’t have the kiddies growing up to become soldiers defending the country they love now can we?
An outfit called Protest Warior(, “has equipped 160 high school chapters and about 100 individual students with materials to publicize, for instance, whenever a teacher tries to shove his ideology down someone’s throat,” and a group called Parents and Students for Academic Freedom gives, “parents a forum to address the one-sided teaching and partisan instruction in our nation’s secondary schools.” Additionally, groups like Republican Voices (, “is soliciting testimony from K-12 students about political bias in the classroom.” The aim is to, “leverage support for what it calls the liberal bureaucratic public school indoctrination machine.” There do exist, then, individuals and organizations out there that have indeed recognized the anti-American propaganda aimed directly at the hearts and minds of the youngest, most vulnerable, and least able to resist of our population. This is a good and hopeful sign. The questions of why did this crisis arise in the first place and is it too late to reverse this death-dealing trend still remain and must be answered.
The ultimate and undeniable truth of the above can be readily seen in the individual who currently resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in our nation’s capitol. There’s no way this charlatan should have been elected as the leader of the free world. His qualifications are less than nil. Spending the bulk of your adult life as a “community organizer” simply doesn’t cut it! His rabid anti-Americanism and disdain for this country are by now legend and irrefutable. The purposeful and destructive nature of virtually everything that Bastard has done or said simply cannot be denied by anyone who loves this country.
Need proof? Absolutely. I give you any of the many “Apologize for America Tours” that he delights in airing all over the world. What in the Hell kind of President lambasts his own country in front of nations that have vowed to destroy us!?! Despite this, something like 53% of this nation’s dunderhead class voted this pretender into office! How can one account for this unmitigated catastrophe? Much of the fault can be directly attributed to the propaganda machine that is our system of public education. Our students are overwhelmed with and indoctrinated by Liberalism and therefore anti-Americanism shortly after being potty-trained and learning to walk! Is it any wonder that this American Hater got his sorry ass elected to the Presidency of the United States?
Mike Sandler authored a piece entitled, “Leave the Children Alone: How Liberal Indoctrination Affects America’s Next Generation of Voters(” He explains that when, “Barrack Obama was elected president, many (rightly) wondered how. His extreme lack of experience, his undeniably questionable associations, and his principle-devoid rhetoric would seem like more than enough to turn public sentiment the other way.” He firmly maintains that, “one of the major contributors to the outcome that never should have been,” was America’s, “public school system.” Sandler insists that, “this outrageous incident really sheds some light on the problem of public school indoctrination and the impact this has on elections.” Simple, direct, straight forward and absolutely true!
I can’t possibly count the number of times I have seen and heard my fellow “colleagues” denouncing, ridiculing, and denigrating all things and people not considered to be in line with Liberal Orthodoxy. Their students are taught to spout nothing but the party line and they are unabashedly and severely punished if they don’t exhibit proper loyalty and fealty to the rampant political correctness that is so prevalent in our public schools today.
Sanders recognizes that the Liberal influence is one of the prominent features of our public school system and that in fact it constitutes what can be termed the defining element of America’s educational establishment. He insists that, “instilling these children with liberal values of unnecessary political correctness, wealth distribution, and lowering of defenses – is especially damaging.” He continues that it, “sets these young people out on a course that is hard to deviate from. It is best described as indoctrination, as the children become immersed in liberal ideas as they are professed by some of the most prominent leaders in their lives – teachers.” For better or worse that last statement is absolutely spot on. In fact, at the kind of school in which I work teachers are in too many instances the single major influence on the lives of young people.
You see, in most cases their homes and families can at best be described as dysfunctional and that constitutes a very gentle description. There is rarely if ever a father in the home or any positive male influence at all. Mommy is most often still a child herself and doesn’t know a damned thing about raising a family or instilling healthy values and habits. Their neighborhoods are crime and drug infested and gangs are far too prevalent. These “kids” are purposefully taught to deny and reject any authority at all, especially if that authority is white. By default, then, teachers have assumed the role of providing any stable, adult influence for our “students” who tend to put a tremendous amount of stock in what we say in the classroom. If most, if not all, of what they “learn” at school is Liberal, anti-American bilge and propaganda that’s what they’ll believe and take as gospel.
The author explains that the, “consequences of this reality are great, as new generations of voters function not on values conceived through their own experiences, but on their public school indoctrination.” He concludes that, “only this sense of deep-rooted and blind liberalism can lead to an overwhelming disregard of the substantial reasoning against electing Barrack Obama. It takes a great and thoroughly entrenched indoctrination to sway elections from the side of reason. This is achieved in the public school systems of the United States.”
A post found in the American Legion Magazine ( is entitled, “Failing Grades.” It explains that, “Radicalism is no longer taught only in college,” and that, “many younger students are getting a head start.” The piece continues that, “schools traditionally emphasized the three R’s : reading, ‘riting and ‘rithmatic. Recently a fourth R seems to have entered the American schoolhouse: radicalism.” Our public school system has been so politicized by the Far Left in this country that it may no longer be salvageable or redeemable. It may in fact be time to give up on it and go back to a time before that peanut-farming President created the Department of Education. As most of us know, when the Federal Government gets involved in almost anything it only exacerbates any existing problems while at the same time creating massive new ones. No where in the Constitution will you find any role in the educational process for our massive, out of control government in our nation’s capitol. You’ll notice a clear and unmistakable correlation between our falling educational standards and performance and the creation of that monstrosity known as the Department of Education! The same can also be said of President Bush’s decision to let the likes of that fat drunk Ted Kennedy write the debacle known as The No Child Left Behind Act which may well be the final nail in the coffin of what was once the finest public school system on the planet!!
The same piece also notes that even former 1960’s radical David Horowitz recognizes that, “the kids are already brainwashed by the time they get to college." He has created a variety of organizations that promote academic freedom and, “serve as watchdogs against political indoctrination in the classroom.” One such outfit is Parents and Students for Academic Freedom. This group notes that, “it is much, much worse at the K-12 level because the kids are so young,” and that it is absolutely, “unbelievable what they are allowed to do at k-12 schools.” Pacific Palisades High School, for example, developed, “an indoctrination session for fourteen to eighteen year-olds.” Those who attended were treated to, “vitriolic lessons like Iraq Was A War For Oil; The War On Terror Was Caused By American Support For Israel; and U.S. Troops Have Killed 100,000 Innocent Iraqis.”
Horowitz has also emphasized that students have been punished and kicked out of class if they dared to point out the records of brutal dictators like Saddam Hussein. The group noted above, PSAF, surveyed the most prominent textbooks used in America’s schools of education. One of them concludes that teachers can’t continue to, “hide behind notions of neutrality or objectivity.” PSAF also brings to light such blasphemes as, “a lesson plan condemning U.S. military action against the Taliban.”
Are the examples proffered thus far merely isolated instances or aberrations or are they the tips of the icebergs poised to sink the United States of America? Well, it’s gotten so bad in Arizona, for example, that the state legislature, “has considered a controversial bill to protect students and prohibit any instruction in a public k-12 or postsecondary institution while in the instructor’s official capacity from endorsing, supporting, or opposing any political candidate or office, legislation, litigation or court action or advocating one side of a social, political or cultural issue that is a matter of partisan controversy.” Yeah, I know. That last was one Hell of a mouthful.
New Jersey legislators, “passed a measure that would have allowed schools to stop observing and/or teaching about Veterans’ Day or Memorial Day.” This bill didn’t make it and as then Governor Corzine said in his veto message, “it is imperative that New Jersey schoolchildren be reminded of those valiant men and women who have demonstrated their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.” Well Governor, if the folks at schools of education and teachers at all levels have their way these concepts that have been a major part of our history and tradition since 1776 will be things of the past. They are not being merely ignored by the vast majority of our nation’s “educators” but are actively mocked, ridiculed, and demeaned and the kiddies simply regurgitate this crap with which they have been indoctrinated.
The author of the piece from the American Legion Magazine suggests that, “it would appear that teachers and administrators are the ones who need to be reminded about patriotism, sacrifice and service.” One former elementary school teacher from Los Angeles remembers that teachers had opposed reciting the Pledge of Allegiance but insisted that their students make, “no war in Iraq posters.” Yeah, that certainly seems appropriate when our nation is currently engaged in a war against terrorism in which Iraq is but one front. Teachers at the Frank Allis Elementary School in Madison, Wisconsin, “gave their third-graders an assignment to write antiwar letters to the President, members of Congress and other students,” while at something called La Escuela Fratney one teacher actually bragged about, “leading his students in the Pledge of Resistance and using antiwar folk songs in the classroom.” Some of his selections included: “Bombs Over Baghdad”; “The Price of Oil”; and “Bomb Da World.” He uses the lyrics from these and other tunes to brainwash the young children in his care. Does this sound like education to you or does it more resemble something written by George Orwell? These examples are not merely isolated instances or aberrations but in fact represent what has become normal. Students as young as five and six years old are being fed a full dose of anti-Americanism from the time they enter our public school system until the time they leave. Their hatred for their own country is then reinforced at whatever college or university they will one day attend.
An outfit called Discover The Network: A Guide To The Political Left(, published a piece entitled, “Academia.” This, “examines the highly politicized atmosphere that has developed in recent decades at America’s institutions of higher learning.” It also illustrates the, “political indoctrination that occurs in primary and secondary schools. . .” The piece points out, “curricula designed to indoctrinate students . . . ideologically and politically.” It demands a renewed emphasis on the, “vital need for academic freedom, where professors and students alike are permitted to think for themselves and to express their views openly in an atmosphere that encourages the exchange of ideas rather than forced conformity.”
An admirable goal indeed, but one that’s not likely to be realized in anything like the near future. Our educational system at all levels has been hijacked – perhaps permanently – by Americans who espouse full-blown and deep-seated anti-Americanism. Once the minds of a country’s youth have been turned against it, the nation cannot long survive and apparently far too many Americans desire just that outcome. If this trend is not halted and reversed there is absolutely nothing that can prevent the death of this once great nation!
Much “Luv” Y’all and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
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