America faces a major threat to its continued existence. The threat is not a “some day” kind of a thing and it is not in any way a vague or nebulous event or movement looming somewhere down the line and thus does not require immediate attention or drastic solutions. It has little if anything to do with any innate deficiencies in our institutions, culture, and cherished traditions or with the manner in which the nation governs itself. The danger does not stem from squabbles or disagreements between Republicans and Democrats or Conservatism versus Liberalism. It has nothing to do with race or ethnicity nor does it derive from our current economic woes. While all the above and more certainly require analysis, discussion, and remedy none involve a foreign force attempting to impose its will on a still sovereign United States.
This nation has, of course, faced other threats in the past and once alerted to them has acted in its own defense. Communism provides a singularly relevant example. In the 1920’s, for instance, we witnessed a phenomenon called the “Red Scare,” when A. Mitchell Palmer and others warned Americans about the dangers of that creed. The same was true during the lengthy period dubbed the Cold War. This, of course, is when Senator Joseph McCarthy gained such fame and notoriety. In both cases Americans perceived a threat, recognized the dangers presented, and defeated them. The same can be said of Totalitarianism and Fascism of the World War ll era. Once awakened, Americans have never been loathe to fight our enemies. In the past our country has always defeated those who would destroy it and in the process liberated much of the world.
The current threat is equally if not more dangerous yet most do not know it exists let alone the fact that it has made significant inroads within our borders. The enemy’s name is Sharia Law and constitutes a central tenant of the religion of Islam. This doctrine is adhered to by huge numbers of that faith because it is a basic element of their core belief system. It follows them into any part of the world they inhabit and states unequivocally that wherever on the planet Muslim communities exist Sharia must become the established law of the land. It matters not at all whether those nations are peopled by a Muslim majority or they are countries in which Muslims constitute only a tiny minority: Sharia must reign supreme. The existing norms, mores, customs, and traditions of the host country must be abandoned and replaced by Sharia no matter what the cost and regardless of the time period necessary to succeed. The process could take years, decades, or centuries but for the believer it is inevitable.
Americans, of course, have historically been the most tolerant and accepting people on the planet. This stems at least in part because the nation is peopled by folks from every country on the globe. We are absolutely comfortable with this concept and if we each trace our lineage back for just a few generations, the claim can be truthfully asserted that all of us are of foreign extraction. This is one of our guiding hallmarks and principles. It helps define who we are as a people and is in fact one of our proudest achievements. No other nation in world history has ever been so accepting of those defined as “others”. Every language in the world is spoken here and certainly most, if not all, of the planet’s religions are practiced within our borders. We do, after all, have our First Amendment which expressly forbids the formation of an official, state-sanctioned religion to which all Americans must adhere and worship. It is simply not that way. This is a central reason why so many different religions and sects are found here as opposed to most places in the world.
What, then, seems to be the problem with this thing called Sharia that most Americans have never even heard of and therefore cannot possibly understand? Is it really a threat to America’s survival as our nation has been historically constituted? The long and short answer is yes.(see related video) This claim is not borne of any sort of misinterpretation, confusion, or bigotry. Rather it stems from a clear understanding of exactly what it is, the danger it represents to our way of life, and the fact that its adherents are anything but shy about stating their purpose up front and out loud. Most evil doers will tell you of their bad intentions but you must be willing to hear and take them seriously. Think of past examples like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, or Osama bin Laden.
They and others repeatedly and unequivocally announced their intentions but, tragically, they weren’t taken seriously, were ignored, and woefully underestimated. Those that threaten world domination have always been with us and all have been some of the most sincere people on the planet. They have also consistently been some of the most focused, single-minded, and obsessive minds the world has had the misfortune to encounter. They were written off and dismissed as crazy, insane, and deranged. Indeed, that is obviously true but it didn’t stop them from inflicting horrendous death, destruction, and carnage of unspeakable proportions. By the time the world awoke to the real and horrific danger they posed, the massive damage they warned us of had become gruesome realities.
The devotees of “Radical Islam” or “Islamism” are of the same mindset and they too crave world domination. Unfortunately, in addition to being the most tolerant folks on the planet Americans have always been noted for our amazing gullibility and naivety. We simply refuse to believe that “evil” exists or that we are seen as the enemy and have been marked for destruction. This is precisely what the “Jihadists” ardently desire in their relentless attempt to establish a world-wide Caliphate with Islam as the only legitimate religion to which all must bow down and show fealty. All of them are united in the desire to see Sharia Law instituted globally and especially in the United States. After all, we are the “Great Satan”, we are a Judeo-Christian nation, and – horror of all horrors – we afford women equal rights with the male of the species! We, therefore, are evil incarnate and obviously must be destroyed. There is simply nothing else to be done.
What, then, is Sharia Law? One Jim Campbell in, “Islam and Sharia Law are coming to America( asks the same question and explains that, “sharia guides all aspects of Islamic life including daily routines, familial and religious obligations, and financial dealings.” Additionally, “it is derived primarily from the Qur’an and the Sunna, the sayings, practices, and teachings of the Prophet Mohammed.” Well then, what’s the big deal? Don’t Judaism, Christianity, and all major world religions have their holy books and proscribed codes of conduct that govern or at least guide the behavior of those who believe? Don’t those religions have their historic figures who are still revered by the faithful up to and including the present day? Yes, of course, but if one digs just a little deeper we see something within Islam that qualitatively differs from the others.
For example, there exists an overriding belief, “that women are deficient in their natural and innate potentials and abilities,” and are in fact inferior to men in every possible regard. It seems that, “at times their very existence is disregarded.” While in our country women and men are equal in every way before the law where Sharia Law is supreme, “women have managed to achieve equality in one field only: equal right to imprisonment, exile, torture, being killed, and now being slaughtered.” So ladies, would you really enjoy life under these conditions? Additionally, Islam through Sharia, “commands that drinkers and gamblers should be whipped,” and, “allows husbands to beat their wives,” while insisting that thieves have hands cut off and homosexuals be burned “to death, stoned while against a wall, or stoned and thrown over a cliff.”
Societies that codify the kinds of behavior delineated above can properly be considered barbaric and backward. These folks apparently stopped evolving back around the 7th or 8th Century and seem to reject virtually all aspects of what might be termed modernity. Those areas where Sharia Law constitutes the social and legal system are poor beyond measure, cannot feed their populations, and are unspeakably cruel beyond description. They are too often disease ridden , filthy places where the people, to coin a phrase, live lives that are brutal, nasty, and short. In no instance can these nations be termed tolerant or compassionate by any stretch of the imagination and they are certainly not free. They are literally slaves to one of the most savage and cruel ideologies in the history of the planet. If these comments seem politically incorrect and judgmental then I congratulate you for your perceptiveness! I am weary of observing otherwise intelligent, worldly individuals tip-toeing and dancing around the truth of the issue for fear of being called such names as Islamophobic and being perceived as intolerant, bigoted or both! For those of you who fit into this category, it’s time to grow a set and stop being afraid to speak not only the truth but indeed, the obvious!!
If one takes the time to refer back to the examples thus far cited a basic fact comes glaringly to the forefront. Devotees of Sharia care not a whit for the laws, customs, traditions, and mores of the nations they invade – and make no mistake for it is an invasion. They constitute nothing less than active saboteurs and they don’t assimilate but rather infiltrate. They are Hell-bent on our destruction and they will stop at nothing, including their own demise, to achieve their ends. Every one of the examples cited thus far a clear violation of some aspect of American law. We must remember, however, that these guys do not acknowledge our secular codes as legitimate or binding for in their warped and twisted view Sharia Law trumps all. Care for a few more examples? Good, ‘cause here they come. Islam, “orders unmarried fornicators to be whipped and adulterers to be stoned to death,” and the Religion of Peace also, “orders death for Muslims and possible death for non-Muslim critics of Mohammed and the Quran and even sharia itself.” Additionally, “Islam orders apostates to be killed,” and, “commands offensive and aggressive and unjust jihad.”
If these folks are content to live the way they live and believe as they do then so be it. The problem is that they refuse to let the rest of us alone to do as we see fit. The entire world must conform to their ideology or suffer the dire consequences. It is not enough that we in America or throughout Western Civilization tolerate their presence and literally bend over backwards to appease, placate, and mollify them lest we be accused of prejudice and discrimination. No, instead we must submit to them and accept Islam as the only true religion and Mohammed as the one true prophet sent to us by Allah. Why must these people insist on a superior status and why do they view the rest of us as “less.”? I believe it relates to some kind of inferiority complex and deep-seated pathological strain of jealously. It is no different than the phenomenon by which so many of America’s poor utterly loathe and despise rich folks even though the latter have done absolutely nothing to harm them or give them cause. They know they’ll never come close to living the way the “evil rich” do and it drives them mad. They also know full well that the vast majority of those at the top got there by dint of amazingly hard work, meticulous planning, some risk taking, and were finally rewarded after years of sacrifice and struggle.
Rather than emulating the successful among us and learning from their example, they simply desire to bring them down to their own level. It’s common among those who know damned well that their plight for the most part is of their own doing. They’ve made all the wrong decisions and can’t accept the fact that their condition is self inflicted. This also holds true for the vast majority of nations and people living in Sharia dominated regimes. They know that their lack of progress and contentment can be directly ascribed to their religion and religious leaders. Given the tenets of Islam, there can be no other outcome. Like our own poor, however, they can’t look inward at their faults and make the necessary adjustments. It is far more easy and convenient to blame external forces and enemies. It’s far less painful than honest self-analysis. Thus, Sharia adherents lash out at the rest of the world and feel compelled to bring as much of humanity down to their level as they can in any manner possible including violent Jihad. To ignore them is to invite and hasten our own demise and we have ignored them for far too long.
Daniel Pipes, a well known scholar and expert on Islam, discusses an outfit known as the Council on American-Islamic Relations which touts itself as a benign organization whose only goal is to foster better relations between the Muslim and non-Muslim world. It seeks only peace, love, and koombaya and wants to dispel anti-Muslim myths, stereotypes, and prejudices. The group, CAIR, seemed quite put out by being described as, “dedicated to the overthrow of the United States Constitution and the installation of a Muslim theocracy in America.” These good folks adamantly refute the charge that it wants, “to make Radical Islam the dominant religion in the United States(” The Islamic group has five basic objections to the way it has been characterized. These include the charge that CAIR is, “a terrorist supporting front organization that is partially funded by terrorists,” and that it, “wishes nothing more than the implementation of Sharia in America.” This seems fairly simple and straight forward enough so why all the fuss and noise? These folks can’t openly and honestly announce their true intentions and goals so they present themselves as benign, inoffensive, and misunderstood. CAIR was also accused of being, “founded by Hamas supporters who seek to overthrow Constitutional government in the United States and replace it with an Islamic theocracy using our own Constitution as protection.”
That last is quite telling and unfortunately accurate. It is not a new tactic for enemies of this country to use our hard fought for protections and rights as tools of our own destruction. Such things as the Bill of Rights are constantly thrown back at us by those who hate us and wish to do us harm. We keep hearing how these guys stand on “their” First Amendment right to free speech or to peacefully assemble to stymie any and all efforts at protecting ourselves from them. They turn our rights and freedoms on their heads and literally use them to bludgeon us nearly to death. Our Constitutional protections were never intended to help destroy us and yet this is what’s being done. I wonder how soon they’ll use our Second Amendment as an excuse to gun down as many of us non-believers as possible?
CAIR also objects to the charge that it, “was started by Hamas members and is supported by terrorist supporting individuals, groups, and countries,” or that it, “is a fundamentalist organization dedicated to the overthrow of the United States Constitution and the installation of an Islamic theocracy in America.” Additionally, CAIR will not “admit that Hamas murders innocent civilians, it refused to disclose the identities of its Saudi donors,” and it, “declined to answer whether it aims to convert American Christians to Islam. . . .” Why an anti-American group like this – as well as others – can operate openly in our country when its foremost goal is our destruction is more than merely bizarre but must more properly be described as suicidal on our part.
Just as with the tactic of using our freedoms against us, other American institutions are also employed like, for example, the American Bar Association. We are informed that it, “decided to undertake the fight for Sharia law,” and that the ABA’s Executive Council, “has organized a task force to review the legislation of 14 states . . . in which anti-Sharia legislation has been introduced.” The goal of the task force is, “to fight against these legislative initiatives by free people, and to develop an informal set of talking points that local opponents of these initiatives could use to make their case in each of these states(” Why the ABA is unabashedly supporting those who desire to see Sharia Law implemented here and thereby degrade our nation is anyone’s guess as well as why the ABA feels compelled to interfere with the sovereignty of fourteen American states who are apparently far more aware of the threat posed by Sharia Law than are these liars for hire.
The piece continues that, “Islamic law is the most radical and intolerant system of governance on the face of the earth. It denies the freedom of speech, the freedom of conscience, and legal equality for women and non-Muslims.” Additionally, it is more than clear that, “the American people understand the Islamic threat to our constitutional republic.” Yes, while there are some Americans who comprehend the danger and work to end the implementation of Sharia in this country, sadly the vast majority of us don’t have even the slightest clue as to what it is let alone how dangerous it is to our way of life. It is literally anathema to our very existence as a free people. Strict Muslim societies have no real history or tradition of freedom but are rather enslaved to one of the most cruel and backward ideologies ever developed on the planet! There are no Muslim nations that I can think of that are forward looking or instill a sense of hope and optimism in their populations.
Rather than alerting the American people to the very real danger we face, “our cultural warlords in the mainstream media, academia and entertainment strictly enforce the blasphemy laws of Islam, which command that one must not insult or slander Islam. In Muslim countries, blasphemy is punishable by death.” In the West, however, “it is your character that is assassinated if you dare speak out against the Islamic supremacist agenda.” Any belief system that cannot tolerate criticism or examination is a false one. Rather than convince the so-called infidel that the “Religion of Peace” is valid and worthy of consideration as a bona fide ideology or philosophy, its followers must threaten, intimidate, and kill any and all dissent. This smacks of a total lack of conviction and confidence in their own beliefs. These folks do not want to win hearts and minds but rather insist on blind, unthinking obedience! This sounds exactly like Fascism or Communism where the rulers are never to be questioned and all directives must be followed to the letter or the consequences are utterly horrendous with death being far more desirable than many of the so-called lesser penalties.
The piece continues by informing us that the Los Angeles City Council passed a resolution that attempted to forbid Islamophobia but maintains that the, “term Islamophobia itself is an enforcement of Islamic blasphemy laws. Islamic law commands that there be no candor about Islam or criticism of Islam.” Indeed, “truthful statements about Islamic supremacism and violence are considered blasphemy.” The author sums up the attitude that most Americans have when he points out that nobody “in America cares what and who you worship: just don’t force it upon us.” Live and let live, if you will. The problem here is that while we’re very content to allow others their views and faiths we are not accorded the same respect. The writer continues, “I don’t care if you worship a stone, just don’t stone me with it.” The author concludes that while so-called hate crimes against Muslims have reached a new low, “acts of jihad are accelerating at warp speed,” and that, “Sharia is being imposed across state lines, across the country, by way of varying initiatives.” The only folks who seem to be sleep walking while the threat of Sharia looms are us. If we don’t wake up in a damned big hurry, we’ll all be facing east and praying five times a day!
Yes, yes, I know. I’m obviously a paranoid conspiracy freak who is fixated about even the remotest possibility of Sharia taking hold here and I’m merely letting my bizarre fantasies control me. I should probably get back on the meds and make sure the doctor doubles the dose. If the threat was so imminent, then obviously most Americans would be screaming that the government immediately solve the problem and safeguard our precious rights and freedoms. The powers that be would never ignore any real danger but would faithfully and fearlessly discharge those Constitutional duties they have sworn to uphold. This must mean that the threat is too minimal to even bear serious consideration, analysis, or action. If nut cases like myself would just stop stirring up the pot all will be peace and harmony once again and the song birds could resume singing their lovely melodies. Myself and others of my ilk, however, do not make a habit playing ostrich for we understand that when one’s head is firmly buried in the sand one’s ass is up in the air and makes for a very inviting and soft target! Much like the fabled bird, far too many Americans seem to be totally ignoring what goes on around us and that remaining ignorant only increases the danger we face from a people and ideology that are determined to destroy us.
Let’s get it right from the horse’s mouth, so to speak. One Ayesha Ahmed wrote a piece entitled, “Sharia in America(,” in which she waxes on joyously about the benefits that would accrue to the United States if only the dream of Sharia could become a reality here. She quotes the founder of CAIR as saying that, “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant.” Omar M. Ahmed, that organization’s founder, insists that, “The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.” Does old Omar sound facetious here or do his words constitute a prelude for what’s coming? Yeah, that’s what I think too. These guys may or may not be demented whack jobs but they mean exactly what they say and are counting on our apathy, tolerance, and political correctness to literally aid them in establishing their goals.
The author of the piece states that once we become Sharia compliant we can then, “go to jihad against non Muslim countries.” This, of course, will bring “immense wealth in booty and millions of captured women. Canada and Mexico can be easy targets and are conveniently located for easy assault and hauling of booty.” We would only be emulating the example set for us by the Prophet Mohammed all those centuries ago. After all, what’s good for the goose must be good for the gander. In addition, “since slavery will be allowed the government can open slave markets to sell its 20% share of captured women,” and, “ captured women/slave-girls can provide affordable domestic help for house wives and clean enjoyable sex for their husbands.” Hey guys, did you catch that one? Hmmmmm? Yet another benefit of Sharia would be that, “enslaved men can be used as farm labor and factory workers at a far lower cost than unionized labor,” while unemployed men, “can be hired as religious police for the Ministry of Prevention of Vice and Promotion of Virtues.” In this capacity they can, “beat up women violating burqua laws, arrest men with undersize beards and whip the non religious types from loitering at prayer times.” Does this not sound like a virtual heaven on earth or what?!? We’d have to be nuts not to welcome Sharia with open arms and bated breath! Why didn’t we think of these marvelous advantages ourselves?
But wait, it gets better still. All “non-Muslims will live under dhimi rules (2nd or 3rd class citizens with virtually no rights) and pay heavy Jizya (tax).” This would mean that, “budget deficits will be a thing of the past.” These stone-cold killer religious fanatics are obviously economic geniuses of the first order! Under Sharia in America we will witness the, “stoning of adulterers, whipping of alcohol drinkers, cutting off hands and feet of thieves and beheadings of apostates,” all of which can be publicly performed in large sports arenas. Not only, then, does Sharia provide public entertainment but it’s obviously a money-maker for a, “gate charge for this gory and exciting weekly spectacle can generate a lot of revenue.” You know, when I first came across this piece on the web I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe the author was writing with tongue-in-cheek. I am now thoroughly convinced that this Crazy Bitch is easily as serious as a terminal case of run away of gangrene! What’s even worse is that far too many Americans still do not take the threat posed by these Twisted Fucks nearly seriously enough. Make absolutely no mistake. They want to kill us, destroy our way of life, and drag any survivors back to the 7th or 8th Centuries where they still live!
Additionally, “spiraling medical costs can be brought down,” by imams in clinics, “to recite Quaranic ayas (verses),” and they will, “blow on the patients and pray for them. The fee will be a fraction of what doctor’s charge.” Now there’s a miracle cure if I’ve ever seen one! Furthermore, “pharmacies will be required to dispense black cumin, honey, Indian incense and camel urine as a cure for all diseases recommended by the holy prophet,” and the cost, “will be a fraction of today’s medicines.” The economic gurus who favor these medical reforms will also cut the costs of our prison system that are certainly far too bloated and expensive. How? Simplicity itself, for “all men serving time for the crime of rape will be freed if four male witnesses had not testified in the trial,” and “all men serving sentences for beating wives will be freed as under new American sharia law wife beating will be allowed.” More cost saving you ask? Absolutely. We note that all, “pedophiles will be freed as sex with children will not be against the law anymore,” while all, “slayers of unbelievers will be freed if they converted to Islam.”
How will the “blessings” described above be finally and fully implemented in the United States? How will Sharia emerge victorious in our country. It is not too difficult to grasp and there exist instructive parallels in America’s fairly recent past that provide clues regarding strategy. Proponents of Sharia understand that some kind of violent take over or coup will not be their panacea for that tactic is doomed to fail and is probably not a mainstay in their playbook. The terrorists will never stop their violent and deadly attacks but they know this will not achieve their ultimate goal of supremacy. All these folks need to do is adopt the long view and implement their plans incrementally. Incrementalism is key and the “gentle” approach allows targeted populations to gradually get used to what is being done to them. The aggressors have learned to achieve small victory after small victory until years down the road their final victory is total and complete. I give you the tactics and strategies of modern day Liberalism as seen since the 1960s. The impetus began during the protest movement over the Vietnam War and Liberals haven’t stopped protesting everything about our nation from then on. They have been amazingly successful for they now control every major institution and outlet in America. They control entertainment, the major news media, our political system, and the education establishment. They exhibited amazing patience, took the long rather than the short view and were absolutely laser-like in their focus. Their tactics include lying, cheating, vilification, defamation, and many more. They are totally committed to their central goal of completely controlling all aspects of life in this country.
This is entirely consistent with Radical Islamic Fundamentalism although at least up to now Liberals haven’t flown planes into our buildings or blown up our warships. One Dr. Anis Sherrash wrote a piece entitled, “Twenty-Year and Twenty-Step Plan for USA – Islam Targets America(” The author explains that, “the following is my analysis of the Islamic invasion of America, the agenda of Islamists and Visible Methods to Take Over America by the Year 2020!” The author then asks a particularly relevant and salient question: “Will Americans continue to sleep through this invasion as they did when we were attacked on 9/11?” This is a particularly germane topic since far too many Americans are still absolutely unaware of the threat we face from these fanatics or if they are, they utterly underestimate the lethal danger they represent if we do not fight back.
The article cited above emphasizes the enemy’s plans to, “terminate America’s freedom of speech by replacing it with hate crime bills both state-wide and nation-wide,” and their desire to, “wage a war of words using black leaders . . . to promote Islam as the original African-American religion while Christianity is for the whites!” In addition, those who seek our destruction will, “engage the American public in dialogues, discussions, debates in colleges, universities, public libraries, radio, TV, churches, and mosques on the virtues of Islam.” They will also nominate, “Muslim sympathizers to public office for favorable legislation by block voting.” These Bastards will also, “take control of as much of Hollywood, the press, TV, radio, and the internet as they can and by buying the corporations or a controlling stock.” They will also attempt to, “penetrate the White House, specifically with Islamists who can articulate a marvelous and peaceful picture of Islam.” Muslim fanatics are basically infiltrating virtually every aspect of American life and we, in the name of tolerance, civility, and fairness barely even object let alone actively fight back. We are intimidated by suicidal political correctness and are mortified of being called Islamophobic or racists. Speaking the truth is neither of these and not to do so is just one more way to ensure the eventual victory of our enemies thereby facilitating our own demise.
The author also notes the penchant for using our own customs and traditions against us. Throughout its history America has been known for welcoming immigrants from every nation and corner of the world. It is something we are uniquely and perhaps justly proud of. We will apparently continue in this vein even at the cost of losing our nation which is not at all inconceivable. Do you honestly believe that the only foreigners coming into our country are down and out Mexicans seeking a better life? The author informs us that the Islamists want to, “accelerate Islamic demographic growth.” They will do this by means of, “massive immigration,” and abandoning all birth control methods because, “every baby of Muslim parents is automatically a Muslim and cannot choose another religion later.”
Islamic males are urged to, “marry American women and Islamize them.” In addition, Muslims in our country are busily converting, “angry, alienated black inmates and turning them into militants.” Their plans also employ tactics like letting, “the entire world know through propaganda, speeches, seminars, local and national media that terrorists have hijacked Islam, not the truth, which is Islam hijacked the terrorists.” That is one of they key points to keep in mind if one is to place our War on Terrorism in its proper perspective. Every word uttered by these Sons of Bitches and every action taken is justified by their religion. Anyone even slightly familiar with the Koran, the Haddiths, and the Sunna knows this. Far from being the Religion of Peace it is actually the Religion of Violence.
Our nation has been under attack by followers of Sharia Law continually since 1979 when the Iranian mob took our embassy and held American citizens hostage. The Peanut Farmer-in-Chief did absolutely nothing thereby even further enabling our enemies. It hasn’t stopped nor is it likely to so long as America is perceived as being weak, soft, self-indulgent, and cowardly. Our current enemies despise any sign of weakness and have always exploited it to their advantage. They are steadfast in purpose and motivated by an all-consuming hatred that will never end until either we or our enemy are virtually destroyed. The half-assed measures employed against these vicious religious fanatics have not and cannot succeed for they leave those who so despise us with the capability of forever launching new and more deadly attacks on America and its interests. The author of a piece entitled, “No More Mosques and No Sharia Law in America(,” explains that “we saw the near successful car bomb in Times Square a few months back; Christmas 2009 we saw the underwear Islamic bomber nearly blow up a plane on Christmas.” The writer, Dr. Laurie Roth, goes on to say, “We saw the Fort Hood Islamic killer wipe out 14 people at Ft. Hood. The threats and attacks have been non stop since 2001.” These groups will never give up until they are so painfully punished that they’ll move on to other targets.
They represent everything we are not and they revel in just that fact alone for indeed, “Sharia law is the exact opposite our Constitution, Judeo and Christian values, and heritage of respect and freedom. It reads more like an Adolf Hitler rule book, yet that is what Islam’s skeletal legal and cultural core run by.” Additionally, there “is no freedom that I can see anywhere in Islamic countries. It is only an ancient, male controlled Governmental and political system hiding behind words and structure of a ‘Religion’, Islam. There is nothing liberating, life enhancing or freedom producing about it.” The writer concludes that the facts are absolutely damning and undeniable. She explains that their, “Holy Books call their followers to attack and kill the infidels, separate and dominate where they can. They continue to push the unconstitutional Sharia law where ever they can, while we walk swiftly to our demise while talking of their endless rights.” She posits that, “America is battling global elitists, socialists/communists but also Islamic fundamentalism who hide behind silent Jihad, violent Jihad, peace, and persecuted minority status.” Roth concludes that, “I’m all for differences and varied opinions in our free country. I am not for playing the dangerous board game of Islamic pretend hiding behind the flash cards of pluralism, Islamic persecution and freedom of religion.”
Much of the problem we have with the concept and fact of Sharia in America is of our own making. We are generous to a fault and go out of our way to accommodate anyone – including illegal aliens – who reside in our country. These Bastards take advantage of our freedoms at every turn and, in fact, use them against us in their desire to destroy us and everything we stand for. They completely pervert the meaning of our First Amendment especially insofar as freedom of religion is concerned. Our Founders were very specific and narrow where the Establishment Clause is concerned. All it ever said or was meant to say was that the government could not create a national religion and force everyone to join it. It nowhere states the popular misconception that anyone is free to join any damned religion they choose and no one can do anything about it. This is a common error. In addition, the First Amendment no where states that religious practices in America can violate civil or criminal law. This is not permitted and those who break the law must be punished.(see related video)
For example, Muslim fanatics practice that age-old and hallowed tradition of honor killings in which fathers, brothers, and uncles kill their children, siblings, and other relatives for shaming and dishonoring the family. This is truly barbaric, is sanctioned by Muslim Imams, and is seen as the only legitimate method of reclaiming a family’s stained honor. This practice denies those who believe in it of any claim of being civilized (see The Honor killings Rant of 4/22/09). Murder is, obviously, an extreme violation of both our civil and criminal codes. Sharia can be seen in our country in many other ways as well. The concept is known as “creeping Sharia” and expects, “everyone to obey Sharia law, a totalitarian system of regulations that govern Islamic theocracies(”
A piece entitled, “Muslims Demanding America To Bow To Sharia Law(," lets us know that in Minnesota, for example, “five Muslim employees at the Mission Foods tortilla factory were fired for not wearing a new company uniform – shirts and pants.” They, of course, claimed that this violated their religious beliefs and the company is, naturally, facing a law suit. In 2006, “A number of Somali cabdrivers refused to carry passengers with alcohol.” A fatwa was issued stating, “Islamic law prohibits Muslim cabdrivers carrying passengers with alcohol because it involves cooperating in sin according to Islam.” Additionally, in May of 2007, “the Phoenix airport installed foot washing facilities to accommodate Muslim cab drivers,” which Kansas City had already done a month previously. The article goes on to note that, “soft jihad has entered our nation’s public school and kids are being indoctrinated to affirm and accept the teachings of Islam.” Students in Houston were, “required to attend a CAIR-sponsored lecture on Islamic awareness.” These American young people, “were taught there is one God, his name is Allah; they were taught to pray five times a day and wear Islamic clothing.” Can you imagine the hooting and howling, the viciousness of the attacks if a Christian outfit did this in our public schools? Exactly. So why do Muslims and Islam get a pass? Whatever happened to this thing called separation and state which our Liberal “friends” are forever whining about?
We must finally come to grips with the reality that Islamic Fundamentalists are indeed a deadly threat to our country. It is time to treat it as we do and have done with other threats to our existence. It is a scourge and must no longer be tolerated. It’s analogous to ignoring that lump on your leg for so long that by the time you seek medical attention it’s far too late and you’d better get your house in order. No, this is not melodrama nor is it a scare tactic. It’s an open and honest evaluation of this particular element of a religion and its deadly consequences for a free, open society.
One Frosty Wooldridge wrote a piece entitled, “Can America survive Islam, Sharia Law, and Cultural Chaos (" He explains quite accurately that while, “benign religions like Buddhism settle into many civilizations without antagonism, the fastest growing religion in the world aggressively moves from its third world roots into first world countries with astounding speed,” and has, “ransacked Europe’s tranquility.” The author points out that in France and other European nations, “police, firemen and citizens will not enter 750 ‘no go’ zones now dominated by Muslims.” They are, in fact, not really a part of the host nation anymore but actually constitute spearheads in the concerted and very real effort to dominate, control, and completely “Muslimize” them. This is also occurring in certain parts of our nation. I give you Detroit, Michigan, as but one example. In our country, these folks do not assimilate but rather focus their lives around Sharia Law and its implementation everywhere Muslim communities exist. Wooldridge points out that Islam, “advocates for barbaric martyrdom with suicide bombers, female genital mutilation, arranged marriages, female subjugation, honor killings at over 5,000 annually inside the Middle East, stoning, beheadings, acid throwing into women’s faces and no rights for women.” Is this really what we want for the United States?
We had damned well better open our eyes and get our minds right about the growing threat that is Sharia Law in America. Its proponents are far more dangerous and deadly than traditional enemies we have faced in the past. Their animosity and hatred toward us and our country are boundless and all pervasive. These people are dedicated to nothing less than our complete destruction and subjugation by any and all means possible and they cannot be deterred or dissuaded. They are amazingly single-minded and focused. It does not matter that for now they constitute only a tiny minority amongst us for they are completely dedicated and patient. Their hearts and minds cannot be changed and our only hope for survival is to thoroughly and overwhelmingly defeat them, for in the end we are locked in nothing less than a life and death struggle for our survival. As noted in the American Thinker(, “Sharia ultimately degrades society and diminishes freedom.”
Much Luv Y’all and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
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