The Tea Party Movement Rant
Unless you’ve been living in a remote cave somewhere deep within an inaccessible wilderness region without any way to communicate with the outside world, you’ve at least heard of the Tea Party Movement. If you get the bulk of your news and current events from what’s been dubbed the “Lame-Stream Media,” none of what you have learned comes even close to hitting the mark. These citizens and patriots have been described only in the most negative and insulting of terms by such “news” organizations as the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, and so many, many more. Television “news” outlets like NBC, ABC, and CBS have followed suit and the general public is overwhelmingly inundated by spurious and bogus reporting and op-ed pieces concerning the Tea Party Folks and their motives, methods, and goals.(see related video)
They are viewed as malcontents and misanthropes who seem motivated by a warped, outdated sense of patriotism and love of country. They are ridiculed and derided for their passionate desire to be governed according to the precepts and principles set forth in our Founding Documents like the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. They are strict constructionists who are seen as throwbacks to a time in America’s history that is no longer relevant in the ever so sophisticated and increasingly complex 21st Century.
They are seen by virtually all those on the Far Left as extremely dangerous gun-toting, hillbilly types with little or no education and absolutely no sophistication whatsoever. They are thought to be part of some Far Right reactionary movement bent on fomenting and implementing policies and goals that would nullify all the progress this nation has achieved over the past few hundred years. Where women are concerned, the Tea Partiers are deemed to be staunch members of the “barefoot and pregnant mob” and as far as “People of Color”, they are viewed as blatantly racist types who would actually love nothing more than to return to the days of the ante-bellum South.
They supposedly harbor a deep-seated loathing of foreigners regardless of where they come from but a special hatred is reserved for those aliens from south of our border. Additionally, they are viewed as mindless, flag-waving, anti-intellectual cretins who receive their marching orders from some vague, nebulous, and nefarious cabal loosely labeled as a “vast right wing conspiracy.” They are accused by no less a luminary than our own thoroughly inept, incompetent, and anti-American “Booby-in-Chief” as a bunch of bitter failures who, “cling to their guns and religion.” Yeah, I guess those pesky First and Second Amendments should be viewed as part of the problem here and obviously must be repealed post-haste.
As a general rule to live by, whatever the mainstream media is against and savagely trashes I take the exact opposite position and vice-versa. Thus far, I cannot recall a single example of when this tactic has not stood me in good stead. If they’re for it then I’m agin’ it. Anyone who has closely, seriously, and honestly looked at and investigated the Tea Party Movement must conclude that the above characterizations ascribed to the Tea Party Types are no more or less than defamatory, libelous, and slanderous in the extreme. They are continually lied about, mocked, and ridiculed by those on the Far Left and, no this is not merely a case of misinterpretation or an honest but mistaken analysis. It is purposeful, hateful, and is inspired by an urgent sense of fear and even panic.
Those that constantly and maliciously malign this truly grassroots movement are indeed afraid of it because it represents something rarely seen in America. Enough common, average, ordinary, everyday American citizens have become so fed up and angry at our nation’s political elite – on both sides of the aisle – that they can no longer sit still or stand idly by while they witness the purposeful and vicious destruction of the United States of America!
The country that we love is being destroyed by those who lead it and there exist tens upon tens of millions of us out there that simply refuse to let it happen. You know that there is certainly something amiss when common citizens get this riled up on such a massive scale. Most of us simply do not have the time or energy under normal circumstances because life just has this nasty habit of getting in the way. We have jobs, careers, and businesses to attend to. We have homes and families to raise and that’s always an expensive and time-consuming proposition. We also, of course, have our taxes to pay and we know what happens when we dare to ignore our obligations to Uncle Sam! Anyone who’s ever had to deal with the IRS knows that it just ain’t pretty. When the “Great Unwashed” finally gets fed up enough, furious enough, then it’s time to sit up real straight and pay strict attention.
When we make the time in addition to and in spite of our normal responsibilities to travel either locally or at times great distances to attend rallies and protests over what are correctly perceived to be deplorable and ruinous policies emanating from Washington, it’s time to comprehend that business as usual will no longer be tolerated and that finally real hope and real change are actually not merely a possibility but indeed a dire necessity! This utterly and absolutely inspires fear in those that have caused or contributed to the seemingly endless plethora of woes and ills currently besieging the United States. I think we can all pretty much agree that something which is feared can be deemed the enemy and the enemy must be hated and destroyed!
The Tea Party Movement and those who agree with it have been deemed the enemy, especially by the LFE(Liberal Fucking Elite) and the Far Left ideologues and demagogues whose entrenched power and influence are perceived as being threatened. The threat this time comes not from some foreign enemy or ideology nor does it stem from some dissatisfied fringe element within our nation. Rather, it comes from ordinary, hard-working, tax-paying, patriotic citizens who love their country and refuse to see its destruction without a fight! When folks like those just described are seen as the enemy by our ruling elites, you can be damned sure that there is something seriously wrong and that change is absolutely coming! I believe and fervently hope that the 2010 mid-term elections were just a mere harbinger of what’s coming down the pike in 2012!!
What then is this “thing” called the Tea Party Movement? As described by Conservapedia(, it is, “an ongoing nationwide mainstream movement of grassroots protestors, encompassing millions of individuals and thousands of self-organizing groups, all united in accomplishing a single goal: returning fiscal responsibility and limited government to the United States through the exercise of political activism.” Yes indeed, these folks certainly should be feared but only by those who would bring America to its knees and destroy our most cherished institutions and traditions. The Tea Partiers should be feared by our Ruling Elites who seem to think that we are here to serve them rather than serve as our duly elected representatives. No, for they would much prefer to rule as opposed to merely govern. Those whom we elect and therefore afford the privilege of humbly serving this great nation more often than not have extremely short and myopic memories. They all too frequently forget the relationship that is supposed to exist between the citizens and those who hold high elected office. After winning a few elections they come to view their positions as sinecures or fiefdoms and are more then content to view and treat the electorate as no more than serfs who exist only to do the bidding of their betters.
The same source cited above also explains that, “the main focus of the Tea Party Movement is a rebuke of outrageous mandates, overspending and a radical agenda by an out of touch federal government with values similar to King George lll.” How dare these crazy Tea Party Guys even suggest such radical ideas like returning and adhering to things like First Principles!?! The nerve of them insisting that our government should spend our money wisely and in a fiscally responsible manner! You know, the way that most of us attempt to spend no more than we earn because we understand the destruction to be wrought by treading down that path. Who do these “hicks” from somewhere deep within the nation’s hinterland think they are by insisting on a return to the concept of limited government as envisioned by our Founders?
While the birth of the Tea Party Movement is often linked to a 2009, Rick Santelli speech, it’s roots go far deeper than that. The anger, resentment, and frustration that finally caused the pot to boil over has existed for literally decades. In fact, “it is likely the movement was in gestation for years, in the hearts and minds of American citizens concerned about the path down which progressive policies have been taking the United States of America, and its emergence has been called main street America’s indictment against the ruling class.” The widely televised but always misreported upon Tea Party rallies and gatherings are in fact, “protests of the generational theft of public tax monies, the tremendous extensions of United States Federal government with the intent to contravene the system of checks and balances for which the Constitution provides, and the attempt, which some movement leaders say has been in progress for several decades, to sacrifice liberty for permanent dependency.”
Yeah, those whacked out, crazy Tea Partiers. How dare they raise questions about the nature, role, and scope of government in a Constitutional representative republic? Who the Hell do these “yokels” think they are by graphically and dramatically illustrating that there is truly something rotten in the state of the nation’s capitol? They must be just a bunch of damned malcontents with way too much time on their hands and nothing better to do, right? Absolutely wrong! Yet this is exactly and precisely how they are viewed by the vast majority of Liberal Democrats and virtually all of those on the Far Left and especially by one hundred per cent of those outrageous liars and hypocrites who constitute the LFE!
Conservapedia correctly asserts that the Tea Party Movement began by protesting primarily two major areas of our government run amok and these are excessive taxation coupled with special privilege. However, “as the movement has progressed, it has begun to sound broader themes,” which include, “self-responsibility, self-autonomy, limited government, a requirement that government live within its own means, capitalism, freedom of all varieties of production and trade, and respect for the United States Constitution.” These folks are true American patriots and to see and hear them mocked, ridiculed, and belittled by those phony, lying, hypocritical Bastards on the Far Left is to realize precisely and exactly who the “enemy” really is. They are the statists, the advocates of the Nanny State, the ones who would relinquish and make meaningless the concept of American sovereignty, and those who would destroy the special status of American citizenship and exceptionalism.
These are the saboteurs and the ones who feel that the United States of America is no better – and probably far worse – than some third-world shit hole governed by a tin-horn, two-bit thug of a dictator who rules by nothing but brute and brutal force. These are the ones that put such overwhelming stock on vaunted and corrupt international organizations as the useless and venal United Nations or the International Criminal Court! These buffoons are so far beneath the level of even the lowliest, most humble member of the Tea Party Movement that comparison defies all logic and common sense.
Wikipedia, another on-line encyclopedia(, also has an entry entitled, “Tea Party Movement.” That source maintains that the Tea Party Movement,” is an American populist political movement that is generally recognized as conservative and libertarian,” and that it endorses, “reduced government spending, opposition to taxation in varying degrees, reduction of the national debt and federal budget deficit, and adherence to an originalist interpretation of the United States Constitution.” Certainly, these goals must be viewed with suspicion and fear for they are utterly radical and frightening – if you happen to be a member of this nation’s entrenched ruling elite! What frightens them the most is the entire concept or notion of that thing called “Populism.” Populism and populist causes are indeed justly feared by all members of the LFE precisely because it does not emanate from the top down but rather percolates from the bottom up and America’s rulers simply can’t abide by that for it upsets their world view and order. It serves to make these pompous, puffed up, condescending, and arrogant jackasses (sorry to insult all you genuine jackasses running around out there) realize just how truly unimportant and useless they actually are in a real-world context.
How dare those dirty, unwashed, ignorant, and illiterate folks at the bottom - the dregs if you will – tell their “betters” what to do and how to do it? The “low-life’s” out there can’t possibly know what’s in their own best interest but instead must be lead about by the nose following the dictates and directives from those on high. How can these common slobs possibly know best how to govern and just who in the Hell are they to decide how best to spend their own hard-earned money? Such weighty decisions – and all others – must be made by the inside the beltway mob who will obviously do a far superior job at making decisions for us little folks than we could ever do for ourselves! Their utter condescension is so palpable that I truly believe you could cut it with a dull knife. It literally oozes and drips from their very pores! If our “elites” hold the Tea Party Types in such low esteem, then why are they so frightened by them? Simply look back once again to the massacre that were the 2010 mid-term elections. For Democrats it was an utter slaughter on the national, state, and local levels precipitated in large measure by Tea Party Activists. In what seemed like virtually no time at all, the Tea Party was catapulted onto the national spotlight and into the nation’s consciousness.
They have truly become a political force that must be reckoned with and from the point of view of the LFE, destroyed. They are not merely the latest fad good for a few sound bites at six and eleven PM. They are not just a bunch of rag-tag buffoons who can be placated and co-opted into insignificance. These guys are the real deal and they are also real Americans. The Tea Party Movement is not just a mere blip on the Democrat radar screen nor are they a bunch of society’s losers having one of their periodic temper tantrums who can be placated with more entitlements and promises to do better in the future. They see their country being destroyed, being turned on its head, and being Socialized and they absolutely refuse to sit quietly by and tolerate it. This is one of the worst possible scenarios that America’s elites can imagine: the great silent majority that is no longer silent! Our ruling class is frightened to death by what’s coming at them in November of 2012 and they damned well should be. 2012 is literally our election to lose. If we do, and Barry Boy is granted another four years, I fear it will be impossible to undo the purposeful devastation he has and will continue to wreak on our country!
According to the same source cited above, “the bailouts of banks by the Bush and Obama administrations triggered the Tea Party’s rise,” and that those in the movement, “think that federal spending, deficits and taxes are too high, and they think that no one in Washington is listening to them, and that latter point is really, really important.” Yes, it is. There really haven’t been too many times in America’s past that those of us being governed have reacted so angrily to those doing the governing. All we demand is that those we elect to lead this nation take those who elected them seriously – and they don’t. Once elected, far too many of these Bastards behave as though office-holding is their due, their God-given right and that the electorate can be ignored so that our “rulers” can get on with the real work of lining their own pockets and solidifying their power. Most of us are way beyond mere frustration and have shifted into true, bona fide anger at the sorry state of affairs in this country that we love so dearly. Yes, certainly the Anointed Ones can continue to ignore us but it has reached the point where they do so at their own peril!
Wikipedia identifies at least ten central tenets that most Tea Party Types hold near and dear and it is utterly baffling why so many on the Far Left see them as threatening for they are simply a restatement and an affirmation of the goals that founded and define the United States. They include: identifying the constitutionality of every new law; a rejection of emissions trading; the demand for a balanced budget; simplifying the tax system; auditing of federal agencies; limiting the growth of federal spending; repealing Obamacare; passing an all-inclusive energy policy; and the reduction of earmarks and taxes.” Yeah, that’s some really radical stuff all right, if you happen to be part of the Leftist Elite in this country! The implementation of policies like these will inevitably lead to a smaller, limited, and less powerful central government and the LFE certainly can’t allow that!
How can they possibly survive in their present bloated condition if they have less of our money to waste and far less power than they have grown accustomed to wielding? The Tea Party Folks are viewed by those useless, pampered, and spoiled hucksters as a threat to their power and influence and that simply will not be tolerated. Hell, if they ever lose their government sinecures they might actually be forced to get off their asses and find real jobs and most of them quake, shake, and shudder at the mere prospect of such a Hellish Nightmare. According to Arthur C. Brooks who is the president of the American Enterprise Institute, our nation is, “locked in a culture war between the country as being an exceptional nation organized around the principles of free enterprise-limited government, a reliance on entrepreneurship and rewards determined by market forces or as a country determined by European-style statism.” He’s absolutely correct and that’s what makes the 2012 Presidential election so utterly and absolutely crucial!
The Tea Party Movement is at best a loosely organized amalgam of like-minded folks united by an overwhelming passion to get their country back on track. There is seemingly no one single organization that defines it and it is very difficult to name an individual who can be deemed a national leader or spokesman. The Movement is comprised of hundreds if not thousands of autonomous groups all working in their own way and in their own localities to help restore America to those principles that made it the freest, most powerful, and wealthiest nation that God ever gave mankind. Those of us who agree with the Tea Partiers have finally refused to sit by and watch or tolerate the purposeful destruction of this country primarily by those on the Far Left. We realize that America is standing at a crossroads the likes of which we may never have witnessed in our history. Our country’s future is literally at stake and business – and politics – as usual can no longer be tolerated. I’m sure we’re all familiar with the old saying that all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to sit by and do nothing. Hackneyed, old, worn, trite, and used? Perhaps, but nonetheless absolutely, spot-on accurate! Sitting around on a Friday at the local pub bitching and whining to one another about America’s future simply won’t cut it anymore for conditions have become far too intolerable.
Remember way back in 2001when George W. Bush announced to the world regarding our terrorist enemies that other nations are either with us or against us? Sure you do. Well, old “W” was predictably mocked, ridiculed, and lambasted for his clear understanding of something most Liberals simply cannot fathom. There do exist absolutes in this world. There is right and there is wrong. There is good and there is evil and they cannot be compromised with, tip-toed around, or swept under the rug. The same is true now. There are those who desperately seek the destruction of the United States of America and those who just as desperately want to return our country to its former greatness made possible by our history, traditions, and institutions. There is no middle ground here and as former President Bush so eloquently put it a decade ago, you’re either with us or you’re agin’ us!
At a Tea Party website(, we learn that the movement exists for the, “education and advancement of the constitutional conservative values of the Tea Party movement,” and that the, “organization was created to help give the power of government back to the people.” They believe, as do more and more citizens that, “our government has grown out-of-control in a death spiral of unsustainable and barely imaginable trillion-dollar deficits and a national debt rivaling Gross Domestic Product.” Furthermore, this “government has ignored the Constitution that defines us; invaded the liberty from which our nation was born; and daily drains away the individuality and entrepreneurial spirit of Americans in order to advance a radical, socialist policy built on the back of American taxpayers.” The piece continues that, “we – like many of you – decided to stand up and do something about it.” The piece confirms that there is no single national Tea Party organization but that it is in fact a true grass roots movement comprised of thousands of totally independent groups nationwide whose members fight in their own way to restore America before it’s too late.
These folks, “decided to stand up so our children inherit as great a nation as we did – not a socialist paradise crippled by debt,” and that, “our mission is to recruit like-minded Americans to the Tea Party in order to advance principles of limited government, fiscal restraint, and individual liberty at all levels of government through promotion and education.” Finally, the piece concludes that the, “Tea Party movement is a grass roots movement of millions of like-minded Americans from all backgrounds and political parties. Tea Party supporters share similar core principles supporting the United States Constitution as the Founders intended such as: limited federal government; individual freedoms; personal responsibility; free markets; and returning political power to the states and the people.”
No wonder the Tea Partiers scare the living shit out of our elites who mistakenly believe that they were truly to the manor born. We are threatening what to them seems like their birthright: to laud it over us little people out here who obviously can’t walk and chew gum simultaneously. The fact that they feel so utterly threatened by a desire among most Americans to return and adhere to First Principles, a reliance on constitutionality, and faith in the ultimate wisdom and common sense of the American citizen is indeed telling. It illustrates just how far apart our elites have drifted away from proven American values, traditions, and institutions. What made this country great at one time can do so again and the members of the LFE know this to a moral certainty and that prospect frightens them into a cold sweat. They see their power not only being challenged but actually destroyed by those they deem as inferior and unworthy of making decisions as to the fate of our nation. Their mindset is no different than monarchs of centuries ago who firmly believed in and operated according to the Divine Right of Kings school of thought. They actually believe this and can’t conceive of even the slightest possibility of us “commoners” functioning without the benefit of their wisdom and guidance!
Well, now that we have at least somewhat of a handle on the goals and aspirations of the Tea Party Movement and what drives it we must next try and ascertain who they are. The fact that they are indeed patriotic Americans who love this country and want its continued growth, development, and prosperity should be more than just a little obvious. The fact that they are literally loathed and despised by members of the LFE tells us a bit more about who they are for as some smart guy once said we are in part judged by the quality of our enemies. It gives me a thoroughly warm and fuzzy glow knowing that those Bastards who are busily and relentlessly trying to destroy my country can legitimately count me as an enemy and have figuratively lined me up in their cross-hairs. I take an inordinate amount of pride in that fact. Well then, let’s take a look at who the Tea Party Folks are. As you’ve probably deduced, they are absolutely NOT the people mocked and ridiculed by our main stream media or those self-styled elites. They are not the Neanderthalic throwbacks they are portrayed to be. Nor are they toothless, hillbilly, uneducated crackers forever cleaning and oiling their rifles and revolvers. While this may be a popular caricature of the Tea Party Guys, just consider the source of the information. The New York Times, NPR, or perhaps Time Magazine? Yeah, they’re clearly fair and unbiased!(see related video)
A piece entitled, “Wake Up America(, notes that, “The Tea Party, relatively new in comparison with other movements, has gained support from almost every demographic across America.” In fact, “four in ten members are either Independents or Democrats,” thus belying the myth that they’re all raving, ranting, wild-eyed, foaming at the mouth Republicans or Evil Conservatives. Furthermore, less than half declare themselves to be full-blown Republicans and in most respects, “their age, educational background, employment status, and race – Tea Partiers are quite representative of the public at large.” Huh – go figure? Even Liberal apologists like Juan Williams understood how important the Tea Partiers have become in such a brief period of time. He notes that, “Democrats cannot win elections without winning the votes of independent-minded swing voters. This Williams explains, “is where writing off the tea party as a bunch of racist kooks becomes self-destructive.”
He further notes that the, “tea party outage over health-care reform, deficit spending and entitlements run amok is no fringe concern.” Additionally, “it is insulting to all voters to suggest that criticism of President Obama, even by people who want to throw him out of office, is motivated by racism.” It sounds suspiciously like old Juan has actually figured something out – that indeed, America’s Tea Partiers are solidly mainstream! Even one time Presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee explains that the, “Democrats have shown contempt for the people in the Tea Party movement, calling them Astroturf and a bunch of white racists, when polls show that the demographics of the Tea Party movement reflect essentially the demographics of America in terms of gender, age, and race("
Far from being a fringe group on the outskirts of American society, those who make up the Tea Party Movement seem to be quite representative of the nation as a whole and that even upon cursory examination they can accurately be portrayed as a microcosm of America’s wide and varied make up. In an article entitled, “Tea Party Support Declining Somewhat(,” the author provides a fairly detailed and significant break down of just who the Tea Partiers really are. He explains that there are, “more strong Tea Party supporters in the East (20%) than in the other regions, but if all Tea Party supporters are counted they are more common in the South (43%) than in the other regions and least likely to be in the West (32%).” In addition, the article points out that a, “much higher proportion (49%) of people over 65 than of Baby Boomers (36%) and younger generations (37% of Gen X, aged 35-46 and 34% of Echo Boomers, aged 18-34) are Tea Party supporters,” and that, “men are much more likely than women (47% vs. 29%) to be Tea Party supporters and to be strong Tea Party supporters (21% vs. 8%).”
Given the facts and figures proffered thus far, the members and supporters of the Tea Party Movement don’t sound anything like the wild-eyed fanatics and fear mongers that they are constantly and consistently portrayed to be by the Far Left and their boot-licking lackeys in the mainstream press. Let’s forge ahead then with a few more salient facts and figures. Not unexpectedly, a full, “70% of Republicans are Tea Party supporters and 26% of them are strong supporters. More surprisingly perhaps, Tea Party supporters include 17% of Democrats and 38% of Independents.” It should also be noted that, “support is lowest (29%) of those with household incomes of less than $35,000,” but the, “largest proportion (24%) who are strong supporters are found among those with household incomes between $50,000 and $75,000.” It really isn’t surprising that, “most Conservatives (69%) are Tea Party supporters and almost a third of them (31%) are strong supporters. However substantial minorities of moderates (27%) and liberals (20%) are also supporters.” So far, none of the demographics presented here would seem to give rise to the popular misconceptions that the Tea Party image has come to represent.
Where the does all the negativity stem from? How can it be accounted for? If you’re actually wondering about this, then you still have much to learn about Liberalism and those who espouse it. They are the grand masters of distortion, half-truths, and bold-faced lies. None of the information about the Tea Partiers presented thus far can be viewed as negative or damning for there is really nothing to criticize or find fault with. This presents those of the LFE with some difficulty for they simply must find a way to smear their sworn enemies. You know, those evil patriotic Americans who love their country. What to do? What to do? They’ll keep digging and searching until they find one fact that they can use to discredit those Americans who simply want their country back. Hey, here’s one! Did you know that, “only a very few African Americans (8%) are Tea Party Supporters compared to 42% of whites and 37% of Hispanics?”
Well, there it is, proof positive that the Tea Party Movement is composed of out-and-out racists who obviously hate people of color and desperately want to return to the days of at least Jim Crow if not full-blown slavery! These statistics can mean absolutely nothing else and the Liberals will shout that charge from every mountain top until it becomes part of the national dialogue. Any and all of us who support the Tea Party Movement are obviously at least closet racists and open to the old Guilt By Association Gambit! What these lying Bastards never tell you is that the entire black population of the United States consistently hovers at roughly between eight and eleven percent and since approximately 8% of the Tea Party membership is black, that number, when put in perspective and actually taken in context, is not really off the mark at all. Given the reality of Political Correctness in this country, however, just the charge of racism or affiliating with a group even slightly perceived as racist is more than enough to make even the strongest among us cringe and cower and effectively shut us up!
Well let’s see, if we can find but one more spurious and bogus charge to level against those evil Tea Partiers we’ll really have ‘em by the short hairs! What else can we find? What else can we distort? Ah, Got It! Did you know, “that there is a strong correlation between support for the Tea Party and (not having) education?” Gasp! Oh, no! In fact, “supporters include 43% of those who never went to college,” and, “36% of people with some college education but no degree. . . .”! Yup, there it is. That’s all she wrote and the Fat Lady is singing her ass off! Not only are these Tea Partiers out-and-out unapologetic racists who hate our minorities but they’re dumber than bricks as well! I guess we can now really write off those goobers and bumpkins. Who’s going to take them seriously now? If you’re a supporter you are leaving yourself wide open not only to the charge of racism but of being a stupid, uneducated, ignorant, and barely literate racist! Who the Hell needs that? Once again we are confronted by the age-old Liberal tactic of lies, distortion, and half-truths. Actually, when it comes to educational levels and achievements the national figures are pretty much in line with those posted for the Tea Party membership. You can easily verify this by going to the Department of Education’s website and analyzing the statistics. Furthermore, our Liberal Elites will also never let you know that within the Tea Party Movement, 33% of the membership are college graduates and 26% percent hold post-graduate degrees! Huh, who woulda thunk it?!?
In a piece put out by the Richmond Tea Party entitled, “United States Tea Party Demographics,” we are informed that almost 70% of those affiliated with the Movement are between the ages of 30 and 64 and that geographically a full 60% hail from the South and the Mid-West. Additionally, just over 80% are white. No matter where they come from, their ethnicity or race, or their political affiliation the larger group consists of all Americans, “who believe in the simple proposition that the Federal Government should not spend money it doesn’t have,” and more importantly they, “believe that the United States is a republic of individuals acting independently as they see fit, not as the Federal Government instructs them to act.” Yeah, now there’s really a radical and reactionary proposition and one that our Founding Fathers would heartily applaud. Even more frightening to those on the Far Left is the undeniable fact that the Tea Party is a, “collection of individuals and self-organizing groups all united in accomplishing a single goal: returning fiscal responsibility and limited government through the exercise of political activism.” The group consists of millions who, “believe in the noble cause of saving our republic from socialism. . . .” While the Tea Party Movement may be accurately viewed as a threat to America’s ruling elite and its power base, it is certainly not a threat to this country!
Even that Liberal Rag the New York Times accurately, if not glowingly, described those affiliated with the Tea Party Movement. A piece entitled, “Poll Finds Tea Party Backers Wealthier and More Educated,” forced me to do a double-take that was actually brutally painful. I’m still having back spasms. The article explains that the, “Tea Party supporters are wealthier and more educated than the general public,” and that the, “18 percent of Americans who identify themselves as Tea Party supporters tend to be Republican, white, male, married and older than 45.” The Tea Partiers, “hold more conservative views on a range of issue than Republicans generally,” and they, “are also more likely to describe themselves as very conservative and President Obama as very liberal.” Even more telling is the indisputable fact that while, “most Republicans say they are dissatisfied with Washington, Tea Party supporters are more likely to classify themselves as angry.” Make no mistake, for those even remotely associated with the Tea Party Movement are way past mere anger and are positive that we are in the midst of one of the worst disasters this country has ever faced.
They cite such things as the forced passage of Obamacare even though the vast and overwhelming number of Americans rejected it. They correctly understand that government spending has run completely amok and are gripped by an uneasy feeling, “that their opinions are not represented in Washington.” The Times accurately informs us that the Tea Party Types, “are far more pessimistic than Americans in general about the economy,” and more than, “90% of Tea Party supporters think that the country is headed in the wrong direction, compared with about 60 percent of the general public.” Additionally, “6 in 10 say that America’s best years are behind us when it comes to the availability of good jobs for Americans.” Perhaps most notably, “almost 9 in 10 disapprove of the job Mr. Obama is doing over all, and about the same percentage fault his handling of major issues: health care; the economy; and the federal budget deficit.” Additionally, “ninety-two percent believe Mr. Obama is moving the country toward socialism, an opinion shared by more than half the general public.” You know, when the New York Times can be candid and honest about a group that is still widely perceived by far too many as a bunch of hayseed wacko’s then maybe it’s time for our elites to get just a tad uneasy.
So, who are these folks who comprise the Tea Party Movement? Are they the devils portrayed by those on the Far Left? Do they constitute a threat to this nation’s continued growth and prosperity? Are they wild-eyed, foaming at the mouth fanatics who are bitter and angry that somehow the American Dream has passed them by? Are they racist, Neanderthalic, throwbacks and just a bunch of angry white men? Obviously, they are none of the above. Instead, it turns out that they are solidly mainstream, patriotic Americans who merely want their country back. They are fed up and disgusted with a government that wants more and more power at the expense of the liberties and freedoms outlined in the Constitution and given to us by God. They want a return to a truly representative republic as envisioned and implemented by our nation’s Founders and they refuse to tolerate anyone from any party who they perceive as a threat to that goal. They desire a return to fiscal responsibility and a limited, constitutional government. They are in fact very, very angry and have become a force to be reckoned with. They are not going away. Despite all of this and more, those on the Far Left instead of listening to them and taking them seriously prefer to use the Smear and Destroy Chapter taken from their bankrupt Democrat Political Playbook.
In an article entitled, “Senator Tea Party – Jim DeMint: The Tea Party vs. NPR,” National Public Radio’s Ross Schiller was quoted as saying that, “The current Republican Party, particularly the Tea Party, is fanatically involved in people’s personal lives and is very fundamental Christian.” He continues that, “I wouldn’t even call it Christian; it’s this weird evangelical kind of movement.” Hmm, “fanatically involved,” and , “weird evangelical,”? Mr. Schiller like so many of those at NPR seems more than just a little adept at ignoring the facts. The gentleman continued that the, “current Republican Party is not really the Republican Party, it’s been hijacked by this group; that is, not just Islamo-phobic but really xenophobic. I mean, basically, they are, they believe in sort of white, middle-American, gun-toting – I mean it’s scary. They’re seriously racist, racist people.” Not particularly coherent, but illustrative nonetheless. So now we’ve got gun-toting, double racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic, and of course, white. This is really the best this Schiller guy and the LFE can do. They proffer no facts with which to support their defamatory views because such facts simply don’t exist. A dearth of evidence, however, has never deterred a dedicated, dyed-in-the-wool, full-blown Liberal. The facts – and the lies – don’t matter when the attitude is always and always has been that the end justifies the means. They can and always do fall back on the ever so popular ad hominem baseless attacks designed to put their targets squarely on the defensive.
The author of the piece correctly explains that Schiller’s remarks constitute merely the, “Latest exhibit in smearing the Tea Party movement as bigots, racists, fascists, Hitler-ites, followers of Attila the Hun, Touquemada, Genghis Khan, or whatever other demon.” He also accurately notes that the, “Tea Party movement was inspired by the breathtakingly reckless spending by the Obama-Pelosi-Reid Democratic leadership that took power in 2009. Its issues are far more economic/fiscal than religious/moral.” He goes onto opine that many, “liberals despise the Tea Party movement because of its roots in opposition to Obama-Pelosi-Reid. Really though, the Tea Party was inadvertently created by liberals – or at least by their reckless spending policies in Washington.” Author Dr. Paul Kruger goes on to point out that, “For many Obama supporters, that kind of careful analysis of opponents is jettisoned. They’d rather transmogrify their detractors into devils and gargoyles than to try to understand them and perhaps even answer them.” In fact, “In Ron Schiller’s take on the Tea Party, we have a member of the liberal elite constructing a reality of his own making, one that flies in the face of evidentiary experience, of thoughtful inspection.” Now there’s a real shocker for you!
This has been the overwhelming tactic of the LFE for well over half a century. The truth does not matter nor do the facts when lies, distortion, and bias will get the job done. If the elites are once again successful in duping the American public leading up to the 2012 Presidential election, this country will have gone over the brink and taken a fatal header off the precipice! Thank God for our modern day Paul Reveres who reside firmly in the Tea Party Movement!!
Much Luv Y’all and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)
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