Most folks living in the United States today haven’t got clue number one what the Bill of Rights is and even less so if queried about its importance. Americans seem to be easily the most ahistorical people on the planet and assume that history dates no farther back than the day of their birth. I have long wondered why this is so. Are Americans too concerned and preoccupied by the present as they struggle with their daily existence and the problems and perplexities that they must overcome? Are we so shallow and arrogant as to assume that what transpired decades or centuries ago can’t possibly be in any way relevant to the present day? Do we assume that the Bill of Rights has always been there for us and therefore it will be so in perpetuity? Are we so consumed with family, friends, and earning a living that we relegate the past to an hour or so a week looking at what the History Channel proffers up?
Regardless of the reasons, only a tiny minority of us can tell you that the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution for two very specific reasons: to limit the power of government and to protect individual rights and freedoms. I hope some of you out there have just learned something useful. You’ll become even more confounded should you start asking average Americans as to the content of any of the first ten amendments because with very few exceptions you’ll be met with dull, blank stares and in some cases outright hostility and resentment. I know this because I’ve actually done it. You’ll get a very similar reaction should you ever tell a five foot, four inch guy who weighs three hundred pounds that he’s really, really fat (and no, I’ve never actually done that)!
Now, please understand that many Americans have heard of a smattering of what is contained within the Bill of Rights but are totally clueless as to what they actually mean as intended by the Founders. The vast majority of us have indeed at least heard of the concept of freedom of speech and they sincerely and adamantly believe that it gives them license to say any damned fool thing they please and there’s absolutely nothing anyone can do about it. The same would be true of that oft-referred to freedom of the press. Neither of the aforementioned have the slightest thing to do with one’s right to spew forth no more than verbal diarrhea. That is a giant misconception believed by virtually everyone and corrected by virtually no one. All these two freedoms really mean is that the government can’t punish you for expressing opinions it disagrees with and would prefer not to hear. That’s it. No more and no less.
Try finding out from a member of the public the true meaning of freedom of religion and you’ll get all kinds of strange stuff being thrown your way with absolutely none of it even coming close to hitting the mark. Care for a clue? Certainly. Just look up and read the Establishment Clause. The same kinds of comments referred to thus far can also be readily applied to the Second Amendment which drives the Liberals amongst us absolutely apoplectic! Most folks seem to be vaguely aware that it has something to do with guns and they are, therefore, automatically against it and have been demanding its repeal since shortly after it was written. They seem to have an irrational belief that an inanimate object can by its very nature be evil and therefore must be kept out of the hands of us average, ordinary citizens and should be issued to and carried by only agents of the state (see the Second Amendment Rant of 2/13/09).
That so few Americans really know what’s actually in the Bill of Rights as well as the rest of the Constitution is truly worrisome and will in fact have dire consequences for this nation down the line. It’s really a very simple and basic proposition. If you don’t know what your rights are then how the Hell do you know when they’re being violated and trampled upon? You absolutely don’t and those in positions of power – especially Statists – are banking on the ignorance of the populace to further their main goal of amassing more and more power for themselves while over time leaving the people devoid of both power and freedom. This constitutes the overriding goal and desire of those in this nation to whom I refer to as the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite). It’s very much like playing a game of baseball against the hated rival from across town knowing nothing about the rules of the game. The authorities then – umps, refs, line judges – become all powerful and you are completely dependent upon them to officiate fairly. You think your team’s going to win? Dream on, McDuff! If you don’t know what the rules are you’re going to lose – always.
Similarly, if you don’t know what your rights are you’ll absolutely lose them but in this scenario the stakes are enormous. Speaking for myself, I just can’t get all that excited about a bunch of young “fellers” swinging a big stick at a small white spherical object. It just doesn’t do it for me (sorry to all you fans out there). Yet, while so few Americans know what their rights are, I’m forever amazed at how many fans can quote from memory the “stats” of their favorite players and teams going back for years. I guess it all boils down to priorities. Let’s face it, when you lose a game to the other team you’ll get a tad upset, go home and practice for a week, and come back to win the next time you play.
Losing your freedom and your rights, however, seems to be a more permanent affair and once they’re gone there are no more second chances – no replays. This is why I find it so shocking that so many of us are literally totally ignorant about our rights, the nature of government as intended by the Founders, and how truly dangerous an out of control government really is. Take a look at any third-world shit-hole of a Thugocracy and you’ll get just a mere inkling of where I fear this nation is headed.
This then brings us to one of the most little known and yet most important of all of our rights – the Tenth Amendment. Care to try a little experiment? How’s this? Go to your local mall and make sure you bring a clipboard. Randomly and politely ask shoppers to explain the Tenth Amendment and tell them you’ll be recording their answers. I’ll bet both the ranch and the pension that you’ll go for weeks without anyone getting anything even remotely close to a correct answer. When the security guys come to escort your ass out of the joint for harassment, ask them too!(see related video)
I believe that the folks who wrote our Constitution and the Bill of Rights constituted some of the brightest minds gathered together at any one time or place in the world. I am convinced that in no small measure it was a sign of divine intervention and I doubt that it’ll ever happen again. These guys knew full well and up close what it meant to live under the complete control and iron grip of an all powerful centralized government that was literally an ocean away. They knew beyond a doubt what it felt like to live with neither freedom nor liberty and they utterly and completely comprehended that they were literally slaves to the English Crown and its arbitrary whims, edicts, and pronouncements. Indeed, there was nothing at all unusual about this but was in fact the norm since the first civilizations evolved. Man had always and forever lived in a condition of utter servitude and had absolutely no rights whatsoever. It’s just the way things were and the way, apparently, God had preordained.
Well, the American colonists put an end to that crap starting in 1776 at least as far as this nation was concerned. Unfortunately, both then and now, most of the world remained under the yoke of absolute monarchs and tyrants and still does to the present day. The Founders feared an all powerful central government and were determined that after successfully and against all odds defeating the most powerful and feared nation in the world, it would not happen here. They, not surprisingly, created a very weak and very ineffective national government under the Articles of Confederation which gave it almost no power at all. To correct the weaknesses inherent in our first form of government, they created our magnificent Constitution and it has for the most part functioned brilliantly from way back then right up to the present day. It is, in fact, the oldest functioning government of its kind the world has ever known.
To guarantee that the limited government they purposely created would last far into the future, they established a system known as Federalism which for the first time in history actually shared power between the central government and the other entities that came to be known as states. They purposely severely limited the Federal Government’s power to five specific areas and they dealt with: maintaining an army and a navy; the power to declare war; the ability to coin money; regulating trade between states and with foreign countries; and to make all laws necessary to carry out its delegated powers. That’s it. Nothing more. All other matters were left exclusively to the individual states and those citizens therein. The Federal Government as intended by the Founders was never to have become the intrusive behemoth that we are so very familiar with today. Even the dullest amongst us have realized that today there is literally no area of life in this country that has not in some way been disastrously and negatively impacted by our central government. Our Constitution has been completely perverted and abused and literally turned on its head by those Statist Bastards in DC.
This was simply not to be the case and to that end the Founders added the Tenth Amendment to the Bill of Rights. It’s simple, declarative, and absolutely unambiguous. It states that the, “powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited to it by the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.” Indeed, this sentence, “effectively summarizes the entire Constitution, and the idea of a limited government with specific, enumerated powers.” What’s not to understand here? What’s confusing or open to interpretation? If the Constitution doesn’t specifically and clearly give the government the power to do a thing, then you know what? IT CAN’T DO IT!! The Tenth Amendment absolutely forbids any damned Federal official from the President on down from violating its tenants or intent. There is no choice here, there are no options, and there can be no exceptions. The Bill of Rights including amendment number 10 is writ in stone and must never be tinkered with, tweaked, ignored, or abrogated. It’s obvious, however, as we observe conditions in 21st Century America that the Tenth Amendment has been literally ripped, torn, and shredded beyond all recognition.
I’ve actually been asked by folks that if the Founders felt that the Tenth was so vital and integral to maintaining their vision of a limited central government why did they relegate it to last place? After all, it is number ten out of ten so how important could it really be? Understand something. The Bill of Rights is to be taken as a whole and each Amendment is equally and co-important. While we all may have our own choice for the most important to the least, the Founders viewed the Bill of Rights as an all inclusive package. If you buy one Amendment then you must purchase the entire package. One simply can’t pick and choose. There exists, however, a sound rationale for making it ten out of ten. The first nine Amendments told the government what it could not do, what it must never do to the people of the United States. The Tenth Amendment served as a catch-all, a backstop if you will, to ensure that the states and the people reigned supreme and not some far away, distant, nebulous, and nefarious group of nameless and faceless bureaucrats who are pulling the strings by which they will force the rest of us to dance! As the Heritage Foundation correctly asserts about the Tenth Amendment, “Its place at the end of the Bill of Rights serves as a safeguard against the possible intrusion of federal authority, and thus fills a crucial role in the document as a whole (”(see related video)
Certainly, the Founders understood the importance of limiting the power of government. Thomas Jefferson, for example, wrote that to, “take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specifically drawn . . . is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible of any definition (” He and others absolutely knew that without powerful and specific safeguards that what they had set in place would never stand the test of time or the ravages of those who desired nothing more than to control their fellow citizens. They understood that by its very nature government seeks ever more power but before their time there had never existed an oppositional force or theory that could stop the growth of government. It finally emerged with the ratification of the United States Constitution. The fact, however, that this country is protected by its Constitution has never meant that there do not exist out there those who will stop at absolutely nothing to amass more and more power unto themselves at the expense of all others and to the detriment of this country. They do not care about our traditions, institutions, or history and they are certainly anything but patriots. To hear these phony, dissembling Bastards say in one breath that they love America while simultaneously literally raping the Constitution is grotesquely oxymoronic and based on a “logic” only comprehensible to members of the LFE.
For those of you out there who seriously view what occurred in this country all those years ago as archaic, meaningless, and merely quaint you are exactly the ones that the Far Left is counting on to unwittingly help bring their plans for subverting and completely destroying our nation as presently constituted. Your apathy and ignorance are all they need to successfully provide them a victory they absolutely don’t deserve. If left unopposed to their own devices, their dream of transforming the United States into just one more failed Socialist Nanny State can’t be stopped and freedom as we have come to love it will certainly be destroyed. As the author of a piece entitled, “Amendment X,” correctly asserts, “As the current Congress and Obama administration extend their tentacles to take in more items and people to control more directly, the Tenth Amendment has become a significant issue.”
The article continues that the Constitution, “clearly limits the authority of the federal government and, just as clearly, the federal government has managed to push the Constitution aside in order to get the power it wants in many instances.” Furthermore, “the Tenth Amendment became part of the Bill of Rights because of the concern of some of the Founders, and the states in general, that the federal government, unless specifically restrained, might take over the internal operations of the states, and above their authority.” So, you still think what occurred when our country was in its relative infancy no longer has meaning or application in the ever so sophisticated and complex 21st Century? For those of you not actually embarrassed enough to admit this, I give you but one word: OBAMACARE. This abomination is patently unconstitutional by anyone’s measure and all those that welcome it are obviously brain-dead, mind-numbed robots who want nothing more than to be taken care of and coddled from cradle to grave.
These are Obama’s staunch supporters and they love their Socialist-in-Chief at least in part because they are not competent enough to successfully compete in our magnificent Free Market, Capitalist system. They relish dependency as do young children from their parents. No confusing decision making is required and issues of making good or bad choices is simply not part of their life’s equation. Life for them is simple, clean, and clear. Do as the household authority figures – mom and dad – tell you. If you can accomplish this, you will be rewarded with a delicious desert but if you don’t you’ll be sent to bed early with no television privileges! Obamacare is for life’s losers and incompetents. All well and good save for the fact that those adults among us who have overcome so many of life’s obstacles and have to one degree or another achieved a level of success are footing the bill as we watch with horror and disgust what is happening to the greatest nation God ever gave mankind!
The author points out that, “Constitutional questions have arisen as to the federal government’s authority to take over health care as described in the House and Senate versions of Obamacare. There is no specific authority for the federal government to do so.” This is undoubtedly true and, “lacking any compelling necessity for such a law, it would seem that the Tenth Amendment is strong enough to override the claim that it is constitutional.” The writer accurately continues that if, “this is ruled acceptable the whole private sector is in danger, because then the government can think up excuses to take over any industry or sector it wants. They’ve already done some of that with the bail outs.” The writer goes on to say that the, “Tenth Amendment should be a defense against Obamacare, cap and trade and other intrusive federal laws and proposals. The Tenth Amendment is certainly at the heart of the Tea Party protests. More and more people are becoming aware of their constitutional protections. We can’t really rely on federal officials to live up to their oath of office. They will have to be held to it by citizens.”
Do you still think that the Tenth Amendment is no more than a relic from America’s dusty past? It is more relevant now than when first conceived for those that had lived under the tyranny of an absolute, all powerful central government were absolutely scared to death of it and were bound and determined never to let it happen in the United States. The passage of time, however, seems to have dulled the edge of that long ago warning. Americans today no longer have that sense of urgency and fear necessary to be ever vigilant of our precious rights and freedoms. We have become weak, lazy, soft, and far too complacent. Our senses have been dulled by the slow and gradual introduction of an ever increasing and more powerful central government coupled with a loss of freedom and opportunity. Many believe it began with FDR’s New Deal, was further reinforced by LBJ’s Great Society, and continues unabated today with our current Usurper-in-Chief and his Socialist minions.
The Tenth Amendment as well as the first nine were designed for only one purpose: to keep this nation free. Free not from foreigners who would invade and destroy us but rather from internal enemies and saboteurs who are Hell bent on transforming America into something never intended by those who sacrificed so much to create it. No, they are not terrorists who fly planes into buildings but in fact are far more insidious for they are fellow Americans. They want no less than our foreign enemies to bring this nation to its knees and desire to see nothing less than the complete destruction of the United States as envisioned by the Founding Fathers. To date, they have been amazingly and frighteningly successful. They have managed to destroy so much of the progress that this nation has made that many of us “Evil Conservatives” have serious doubts that, should America remain on its current path, our constant march to excellence will have become nothing more than a cherished memory remembered only by those old enough to have been fortunate enough to have actually experienced it. We are afraid that those who come after us might never experience the beauty of things like American Exceptionalism or American freedom.
Every single act, bill, or law supported by those on the Far Left are designed to do nothing but destroy our country and create as much government dependency as possible until concepts like rugged individualism and self-reliance are ground into the dust. This is being done purposely and with extreme malice. Take, for example, the Anointed One’s energy policies, or lack thereof. Are you aware that we have enough natural resources of our own in the form of oil, natural gas, and coal for America to become completely, 100% energy independent in a very short period of time (see the Energy Independence Rant of 6/23/09)? Didn’t know that did you? If we could but unleash the legendary American resourcefulness and creativity we would no longer have to depend on foreign sources for our energy needs.
This is not open to interpretation or debate for it is just one of those pesky little facts or truths that Liberals do their best to ignore or destroy. That, however, doesn’t make it any less true. Why won’t Obama and his fellow travelers let us go after our own resources so we can finally stop depending on others for our needs? It’s no less complicated than the fact that the Brother-in-Chief and his supporters among the LFE desire to see us remain dependent. It’s in their Socialist interest to do so. It’s part of their mind-set and game plan. They are Statists and One-Worlders who completely deny the concept of American Exceptionalism as well as free market economics. Additionally, should we be allowed by our “Masters” to aggressively go after and utilize our own abundant resources we would see gas prices at the pumps and home heating oil plummet. When Obama began his “Imperial Presidency,” gasoline averaged $1.86 per gallon and Americans were obviously so much more free than they are today. We were free from over bearing and crippling prices for the fuel that drives our economic engine. We had the freedom to travel when and where we wished. We were free to seek employment at far greater distances from our homes.
Furthermore, we were free to spend a much smaller percentage of our income on fuel which we could then divert into other areas of our lives. Our current Usurper-in-Chief desperately wants to deny us our freedom of mobility which has been one of the hallmarks or highlights of the American experience throughout our history. His Majesty Obama, however, desires this not to be the case. He and his ilk want to keep the citizenry as dependent as possible on an out of control, all powerful, centralized Federal Government that will dictate and micromanage every aspect of our lives. Additionally, unless you are in some kind of irreversible vegetative state, you’re acutely aware that unemployment in this country has reached staggering proportions and shows no sign of abating in the foreseeable future. That figure stands at 9.1 or 9.2% but that is both misleading and deceptive. If you factor in all those folks who have surrendered and stopped looking for work or if you are one of the huge numbers who want full-time employment but have to settle for ten, twenty, or thirty hours per week the unemployment figure stands at just a tad under 20%!
The next time you see the “Bamster” on the tube solemnly and gravely bemoaning our current unemployment woes, think of what’s going on in the Oval Office behind closed doors. Old Barry and the Boys are dancing on the desk and doing the happy-slappy and high-fiving with total delight and abandon for this is exactly what they want and need to have! It creates yet additional dependence upon government in the form of unemployment insurance which has been extended to 99 weeks! After that finally runs out, welfare awaits thus creating even more dependency. Were we allowed by our Supreme Leader to take advantage of America’s natural resources the unemployment figures would sink like a boulder in a kiddy pool! This, of course, creates far less dependency on government and far more self-reliance and those on the Far Left simply can’t have that!!
Hold on you say! What in the world does all this have to do with the Tenth Amendment to the Bill of Rights? Where are you going with all this bilge?!? Patience, Skippy, patience. We’ll get there. An article by one Dr. Clark Jensen entitled, “Obama’s Energy Policy(,” informs us that Obama, “has shut down offshore drilling in the Gulf for over a year. He drove most offshore drillers away from the Gulf or into bankruptcy. He has not yet allowed drilling in ANWR. 85% of offshore drilling sites are still off limits to drilling. He sent 2 billion in taxpayer dollars to a company in Brazil to encourage deep-water offshore drilling in Brazil and he is bragging about his extended push for drilling.” In addition, Jensen notes that, “if the government continues to run the energy industry and restricts it at every turn, I am sure nothing will happen quickly, but if we get rid of unnecessary government restrictions to the market and let the drillers do what they know how to do, we will see a great increase in available oil in a short period of time.” He explains that he is not, “implying that we rape the earth. Nobody wants that. We have now been drilling for oil long enough to know how to drill without causing damage to our environment.”
Ready, ‘cause here it comes. The author points out that, “if we pay attention to the Constitution of the United States, particularly the 10th Amendment, we come to realize that the federal government has no Constitutional right to restrict the drilling of oil in the first place, nor do they have the right or authority to own state lands except for very few specified purposes.” He adds that if, “the Tenth Amendment was not being ignored, most of our energy problems would go away, but because the Federal Government has usurped these powers, not just with this administration but with all administrations over the past century, the government is overpowering the private sector and is destroying the free market.” How’s that for the Tenth Amendment as it relates to America’s energy independence, hmmmm? The author concludes that we, “have to continue to remind ourselves that when we see federal government stupidity that the answer to these problems is not more law, but less. We have to remind ourselves to get back to the foundational principles that made our nation great. Limited government and separation of powers as guaranteed by the Constitution would solve our energy problems and financial problems as a nation in a heartbeat. Don’t forget our roots, they are our salvation.”
Looks like those long dead white guys certainly knew what the Hell they were talking about all those years ago when they created the blueprint for America’s future. Whenever we drift away from those First Principles, our nation is thrown into turmoil which allows Bastards like El Destructo-in-Chief to further destroy this country and the American spirit. When we adhere closely to those principles laid down in our founding documents there is nothing we can’t accomplish. Absolutely nothing. In an article entitled, “The Tenth Amendment: A Rallying Point for Patriots(,” the author correctly notes that when, “Barack Obama was elected President of the United States, many citizens understood that freedom was at risk. This was because Obama’s political reputation was already characterized by the pursuit of bigger government, higher taxes, and the kind of single payer health care plan that has led to the medical demise of Britain and Canada.” This is exactly what makes those on the Far Left salivate and drool. They desperately want to see the death of traditional America in the shortest possible time. When Obamacare became the law of the land they could literally taste victory and did nothing to hide their utter jubilation and sheer joy at the prospect of things to come. They were in the very throes of a total feeding frenzy that would put a rogue school of Great Whites to utter shame!
The same source notes that almost immediately upon the Pretender-in-Chief’s inauguration, we began to hear a tremendous amount of noise about the concept of state’s rights the likes of which this nation hadn’t seen or heard since the days preceding the Civil War. The oft-ignored and little known 10th Amendment reared its head and bared its fangs and this scared the living shit out of the Statists and the LFE. They actually became unhinged as the American people through their state legislatures were in overwhelming numbers yelling, screaming, and pounding their fists insisting that our Constitution be adhered to! The “sheeple” have had enough of being bullied about by an out of control and seemingly unaccountable centralized government controlled by political hacks and professional liars in Washington. The piece goes on to point out that the, “focus on states’ rights that began after Obama was sworn into office has not only continued . . . but has actually increased,” and that in fact because of the, “passage of the stimulus bill and the more recent health care reform 38 states have passed some type of resolution emphasizing the rights reserved to them in the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution.” Yeah, there it is again – that pesky little thing known as the United States Constitution. Go figure.
The Liberals don’t seem to understand that we “little people” are thoroughly, completely, and totally pissed off by the elite scum of the LFE. We are usually docile and complacent because we’re far too busy just getting through our day. When we correctly feel that our country is quite literally being transformed and destroyed, however, all bets are off and business as usual simply won’t suffice. Thus, we see the rise of movements like the Tea Party folks and otherwise average Americans that simply won’t go away and by all indications are growing at exponential rates (see The Tea Party Rant of 8/19/11). The members of the LFE are completely confounded and confused when we commoners bare our fangs and growl ominously. They are not used to being called on the carpet by their “lessers” but rather assume their natural superiority must never be questioned or challenged by us simpletons. Who in the Hell do we think we are anyway? Our lot in life is to simply shut up and obey! In case they hadn’t noticed, those days are forever gone and we even have the date when it all changed: July 4, 1776!
The author continues the, “Tenth Amendment was meant to guarantee that the federal government stayed within its proper sphere. Therefore, it makes it clear that all powers not explicitly given to the federal government belong to the states, and that all powers belonging to the states actually belong to the people.” Our leaders are being sent a clear and unambiguous message by those of us way down here at the bottom and the, “message was that citizens around the country, both Republican and Democrat, had already seen enough of Obama’s hope and change.” Yes, that message is being sent clearly and very loudly. We’re upset down here in the trenches but as is all too often the case, Washington has been completely unreceptive and even hostile to those of us for whom our elected officials supposedly work. We are supposed to be a representative republic built around firm, bedrock constitutional principles. It seems, however, that this is no longer the case in today’s political environment.
While the supporters of the Constitution and particularly the Tenth Amendment correctly view it as a weapon to be used against those who would turn the United States into something it was never intended to be: a Socialist monstrosity in which individual rights and freedom are subordinated for that nebulous thing known as “the greater good.” When you hear this phrase being bandied about by our so-called leaders it’s time to get your ass down to the compound, stock up on all manner of canned goods, and see that the ammo is both fresh and plentiful! That phrase means no more and no less than they’re coming to get you and that you’d better get ready for the fight of your life. Those that want to act in the name of the greater good do not believe that you are in any way part of their equation. They want you silenced and if they can accomplish this end by destroying our Constitution and the Tenth Amendment they would be more than happy to do so.
In a web piece entitled, “Constitution in 2020: Obama Left Moves War On Founding Documents Into Final Stage(,” we read that since the Anointed One’s election, “conservatives have complained that the U.S. Constitution has been under assault by progressives who view the document as a roadblock to the implementation of their goals.” That statement is both simultaneously instructive and scary as Hell! In fact, the Beloved Leader insists that the Constitution is, “flawed because it restricts government power to encroach on the individual rights of citizens, and that a corrective is needed to positively state what the government can do.”
As written, the Constitution absolutely curtails precisely the ability of government to ride rough shod over the rights of individual citizens. Those men of so many years ago knew what unrestrained and unbridled power can do to liberty and freedom. For this reason, the Bill of Rights – all ten of them – were written in the negative. They tell the government in no uncertain terms what it absolutely can’t and must not do. Jefferson understood this perfectly when he wrote the Declaration of Independence. He insisted that when government abrogates our natural rights given to us by God, citizens have a duty to abolish said government and create a new one based on the proposition that government exists to serve the people and that the people are not here to serve the government. This deeply frustrates and angers our modern day Statists as exemplified by Barry and the Gang. They simply can’t allow silly little things like the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to thwart their unquenchable lust for power and control even if it destroys the country in the process!
The author asks, “is there a broad-based progressive plan to subvert the U.S. Constitution by changing the definition of words so that the meaning becomes entirely different than the original intent of the Framers?” He answers in the affirmative and even provides a name for this plan: The Constitution of 2020. He explains that, “Those who adhere to Obama’s view of a flawed Constitution believe that one of its glaring oversights is the failure to address economic and social justice, i.e., the redistribution of wealth (see The Social Justice Rant of 7/27/11).” This is merely code in Socialist Speak which when translated means nothing more than taking away what others have honestly and fairly earned by dint of hard work and giving it to those who haven’t done a damned thing! Instead of raising up those at the bottom by insisting that government get the Hell out of the way, he prefers to drag the rest of us down to their level thereby creating even more dependency. He is literally trying to turn us into a nation of serfs or economic slaves who exist to serve only the wants and needs of those who inhabit the manor. He despises Free Market Capitalism and eagerly looks forward to its demise. He cares not a whit that our economic system coupled with the political genius of our Founding Fathers made this country the wealthiest, most powerful, most benevolent, and freest society in planetary history. He wants – and is succeeding – in doing exactly that with, of course, the wiling assistance of those on the Far Left.
The author correctly asserts that the, “Tenth Amendment has been ripped to shreds as the Federal Government has encroached on the power of the states to chart their own course, within the limits specified in the amendment.” With the evisceration of the Tenth Amendment, Obama and the rest of the LFE are doing their damndest to destroy amendments one through nine as well. The writer points out that the 2nd Amendment (my personal favorite), “has been attacked as the Feds attempted to make a case for massive new gun control laws by staging an illegal scheme to run guns to Mexico in order to pad statistics which would then show that the U.S. is arming the drug cartels.” He also explains that the Commerce Clause of our Constitution, “was erroneously used as justification for passing the mammoth government takeover of health care, when in fact, this clause does nothing but give Congress the power to regulate commerce between the states, foreign nations, and Indian tribes.”
Obama and his Mind-Numbed Minions are purposely and gleefully ripping our Founding documents into millions of pieces thereby effectively destroying our nation. The writer correctly asserts that since Obama assumed the mantel of power, that even our First Amendment has been under and unrelenting attack and he lambasts any news organization , for example, that has the temerity to criticize the Exalted One. Joe Klein of Time Magazine even described our right to free speech, “as sedition if such speech is critical of the Administration,” while the freedom to, “practice one’s religion has been promoted as applying only to Muslims while Christians and other groups have been silenced at various functions.”
Care for just a few more examples of just how much disdain and contempt this sorry-ass excuse for a President has for the principles and ideals that founded this nation and made it the envy of the world? Tough – ‘cause here they come. The web piece insists that the, “doctrines of enumerated powers and checks and balances between the 3 equal branches of government have been thrown out the window as the Executive Branch has seized unprecedented power through executive orders that bypass the necessary approval of Congress. And all of this was done with the tacit approval of a Congress dominated by Democrats who gave Obama anything he wanted, including abdicating their responsibility to provide oversight to the Executive Branch.”
The author concludes by posing an exceedingly relevant question: “Is Constitution2020 a blueprint for tyranny?” The answer can only be a resounding and overwhelming YES! Remember, every last member of the LFE despises the United States as presently constituted and desires its demise so they can replace it with their own Socialist, collectivist vision. The author opines that tyranny, “as our Founders understood it refers to government oppression. That oppression can take many forms, including trampling on the rights of the individual – the smallest minority – for the greater good. Rights, as they understood it, do not involve others having to pay through taxation for what individuals should do for themselves.” He maintains, however, that to those on the Far Left, “rights include exactly that . . . forcing others to pay for programs that embody a nanny state mentality and thus trampling on the rights of taxpayers who must foot the bill as mandated not only by Congress but by a new interpretation of the Constitution itself, meaning of course, that Congress could no longer legally cut funding to such programs.” Finally, he unequivocally insists that, “a citizen has a right NOT to pay somebody else’s way – an assertion that is heresy to those who envision a nation where fundamental change involves moving to a more Marxist based society.”
Remember folks, The Charlatan-in-Chief is coming up for reelection in the near future. If he is successful, I fear the United States is utterly doomed. The country in which we were fortunate enough to be born will become a complete Hell on earth for those of us who still cherish liberty and freedom!!
Much Luv Y’all and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)
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