The Class Warfare In America Rant
Envy. Jealousy. Hatred. Resentment. Animosity. Contention. Distrust. Loathing. Abhor. Detest. Contempt. Repugnance. Malice. These are but a scant few of the terms that seem to accurately portray the current state of America’s political and social landscape. Rarely, it seems, have Americans been so angry at one another. We have, of course, examples like the American Revolution or the Civil War when anger erupted into fearful and ferocious violence, bloodshed, and death. Beyond these two horrific instances, it seems that we as a nation have resolved differences amongst ourselves without resorting to carnage and slaughter. We seem to be witnessing a divisiveness and rancor in our country that I haven’t seen since the Vietnam era all those years ago. Are we about to return to those days of bloody rioting in the streets? Are entire neighborhoods once more to be burned to the ground in order to make some political, social, or economic statement? Will we once more be faced with conditions in which police and firefighters are threatened and attacked as they attempt to maintain order and safety in our communities? Will we see the resurgence of violently radical groups like the Weather Underground of the 1960’s?
Yes, yes, I know. My paranoia seems to be in full-bore control of any semblance of rationality that I may have once exhibited and perhaps it’s time for me to get back on my “meds.” Maybe, but then again, maybe not. I’m sure you’ve heard that hackneyed cliché that just because you’re paranoid it doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you. There seem to be just too many groups and interests in society today that are constantly growling, snarling, and hissing at one another. There exist so many “thems vs. us” that you need a score-card to keep track of who’s saying what about who and who’s doing what to whom. Let’s see. We have, of course, Liberals vs. Conservatives, the Far Right vs. the Far Left, Ethnic Group vs. Ethnic Group, The Rich vs. The Poor, The Haves vs. The Have Nots, The Oppressed vs. The Oppressors, The Black vs. White, The Immigrants vs. The Native Born, The Producers vs. The Parasites, The Tax Payers vs. The Tax Consumers, America’s Defenders vs. America’s Detractors, The Straights vs. The Gays, The Educated vs. The Ignorant, The Closed Border Crowd vs. The Open Border Crowd, The Nationalist/Sovereignty Types vs. The One Worlders, Republicans vs. Democrats, The Internationalists vs. The Isolationists, The Tea Partiers vs. The Occupiers, and the – well, you get my drift. Americans have always had their differences but I don’t believe I’ve ever seen it so rancorous, raucous, or vituperative. We seem to be getting ever angrier at one another and more and more discourse and discussion morph into mindless screaming, screeching, yelling, and ad hominem attack.
Why should this be so? Historically and with very few exceptions, Americans have always been able to heatedly debate the issues of the day and when the dust settled and the fur stopped flying, come together and retain our essential “Americaness.” Even during the most hotly contested Presidential elections when the results are finally tallied those on opposing sides could gather amicably at the local watering hole, share a few cold ones, and move on with the “losers” vowing that they’d get the “winners” next time around. Has something substantively changed in our country’s character and perspective that just might prevent this from happening in the future? Have we become a qualitatively different people in some manner or fashion? I regret to say that I believe we have and I also believe that this is a fully intended consequence and that there is absolutely and utterly nothing unintended about this totally intentional, purposeful, and destructive outcome.
It is our country and our unity as a nation that is purposely being threatened and destroyed and those that desire this outcome are doing one Hell of a job! They have literally turned America and traditional American values on its head and those of us who have been around for awhile feel that when Alice hit that old rabbit hole, she took us along for the ride! We no longer recognize this land of our birth, this nation that we love and revere so much. The America we grew up in valued hard, honest work and rugged individualism coupled with a healthy sense of self-reliance and tremendous optimism. Our America understood the importance of patriotism and what would happen to the nation without it. We understand full-well the amazing contributions this country has afforded the world and that the United States is the greatest source of good and inspiration ever seen on the planet! We were taught that evil does exist in the world and it must be fought and defeated but never, ever appeased! All of this and so much more seems to be slipping away now and those of us who insist on remaining true and faithful to traditional American values are accused of committing the utter fallacy and foolishness of, “Good Old Dayism,” and nothing more. We are viewed as just a bunch of Old Farts whose day has long come and gone.
It is the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite) in this country that is largely responsible for causing the destruction of America and our traditional values in their far too successful attempt to turn us into a Socialist, impoverished, and weak nation. The primary weapon in their arsenal to accomplish that goal may be properly termed Class Warfare. This is a purposeful and proven tactic and strategy but it is certainly nothing at all new or original. I give you, for example, the French Revolution followed by the Russian and Chinese. Class warfare played no small or minor part in those upheavals that overturned the existing order and ushered in, for good or bad, the new regimes. The Far Left in America – headed by El Destructo-in-Chief – is attempting to emulate those past examples. Class warfare depends upon pitting group against group, interest against interest, and obviously class against class. Class warfare, “is a Marxist notion that people in different social classes must necessarily be in conflict with each other, the rich seeking to keep the poor down and the poor seeking to take away what belongs to the rich(” Additionally, class warfare, “first entered the political lexicon as an attack by liberals against conservatives.”(see related video)
Like all war, class warfare has many consequences and most appear to be negative in the extreme. This type of conflict is far more dangerous to the nation’s health and well-being than those in which we struggled to defeat an external or foreign foe. In most cases when we have declared war, the nation was generally united behind a common cause and enemy and we joined together to defeat what was deemed to be a threat to all Americans regardless of political persuasion, economic status, race, or ethnicity. Once the foe had been vanquished, life could return to normal with all of its vicissitudes, wrangling, and squabbling between and among various groups and interests. The realm of class warfare is entirely different, ever so much more threatening, and if successful leads to the demise of not just the old order but rather the nation itself. That’s not necessarily a bad thing as in the French, Russian, and Chinese examples proffered earlier. They were brutal, dictatorial, tyrannical, and deadly. Those who suffered under their jack-booted yolk had no rights or freedoms of any kind save to do the bidding of their masters.
This nation, however, has evolved differently. We are an extremely fluid, upwardly mobile, and Capitalist country. No tyrant can force Americans to bend to their will and anyone in America can rise to the level of success that their natural talents and abilities can take them. That has always been our safety valve and the reason why, compared to other nations, the United States has had a relatively sanguine and tempestuous free existence. There has simply been no need for violent revolution. When the time comes, we even have the rare ability to transfer power peacefully from leader to leader vis-à-vise the electoral process which can be confusing, boisterous, and rancorous but has never been accompanied by rivers of blood drenching our streets and by-ways. This feature alone has set us apart from and well above most of world history.
Why, then, is the phenomenon of class warfare rearing its ugly, destructive, and deadly visage in the 21st Century? The cause is easily identified: full-blown, out of control, radical Liberalism as espoused and practiced by the Far Left in this country. These are the class warriors that would rip America’s guts out and create a Socialist society in its stead. These are the Bastards that loathe and despise their own country and will not rest or tire until they have achieved their ignoble and destructive ends. They live in the freest, most prosperous, most powerful, and most generous country in planetary history but seemingly that is not nearly enough for them. They demand total control over all aspects of the lives of the citizenry and their answer to everything is ever bigger and more intrusive government coupled with the loss of individual rights and freedoms. These are the disgruntled, the disaffected, and dissatisfied. They can’t rise above the level of their own incompetence and ineptness, are brutally jealous of anyone who has achieved more than anyone else in life, and demand that government provide all of their wants and needs regardless of the damage it does to the country. They are, for the most part, mindless boobies who are easily led, swayed, and persuaded to robotically follow their marching orders handed down to them by their self-appointed, elitist demagogues who control them like some evil, venal puppet master.
Robert Bork (yes, THAT Robert Bork wrote a piece entitled, “Hard Truths About The Culture War(” In it he quotes Irving Kristol commenting upon what he sees as clear-cut evidence of a rot and decadence that has been infecting the United States for many decades. Kristol maintains that this, “was no longer the consequence of liberalism but was the actual agenda of contemporary liberalism. Sector after sector of American life has been ruthlessly corrupted by the liberal ethos. It is an ethos that aims simultaneously at political and social collectivism on the one hand, and moral anarchy on the other.”
This cultural malaise knows no bounds and is certainly not restricted to just a few select areas of American life. It is an infection that runs deep and if not utterly exorcised will completely destroy the United States as presently constituted and envisioned by those who founded the country. We have certainly grown used to and even inured to much of the cultural decay that can be easily and superficially seen and experienced without much effort or investigation. We notice it in such things as our crime rates, drugs, out of wedlock births, the rising vulgarity and crudeness that is accepted all over the country but Bork goes far beyond this. He explains that the, “manifestations of American cultural decline are even more widespread, ranging across virtually the entire society, from the violent underclass of the inner cities to our cultural and political elites, from rap music to literary studies, from pornography to law, from journalism to scholarship, from union halls to universities.” He concludes that wherever, “one looks, the traditional virtues of this culture are being lost, its vices multiplied, its values degraded – in short, the culture itself is unraveling.” There can be no arguing with this most obvious of assertions but does the author have any clue as to the cause, as to who or what is responsible for America’s head long rush toward self-destruction? He certainly does.
He correctly and astutely lays the blame squarely at the feet of modern Liberalism, that thoroughly evil philosophy that completely despises the United States and especially the overwhelming success of Free Market Capitalism (see The Morality Of Free Market Capitalism Rant of 12/1/11). Additionally, he understands that this is no accident or some well-meaning but absolutely misguided attempt to right some perceived wrongs committed by this nation either generations ago or in the more recent past. The Bastards mean to bring this nation down and fomenting and promoting class warfare amongst and between its citizens is a strategy that will succeed if left unchecked and unopposed. He explains that modern liberalism grew out of classical liberalism and emphasized concepts like liberty and equality but, “progressively jettisoned the restraints of religion, morality, and law even as technology lowered the constraints of hard work imposed by economic necessity.” Additionally, “the qualifications assumed by the founders’ generation . . . have gradually been peeled away so that today liberalism has reached an extreme, though not one fears its ultimate stage.” He notes that according to the Liberal mind-set equality has become, “radical egalitarianism (the equality of outcomes rather than of opportunities), and liberty takes the form of radical individualism (a refusal to admit limits to the gratification of the self). In these extreme forms, they are partly produced by, and partly produce, the shattering of fraternity (or community) that modern liberals simultaneously long for and destroy.”
The community these saboteurs seek to destroy is, of course, the United States of America and all that it has historically stood for. They reject even the slightest possibility that this nation has been an overwhelming force for good and for progress in the world but rather that we are evil incarnate and have spread misery and ruin wherever we have tread. They do not recognize, as do most Americans, that without the United States, the world would be a far poorer and sorrier place and that we have shared the progress we have created with all who wished to partake and we have done so – for the most part – willingly and unconditionally. You see, we realized early on that a more prosperous world is a more peaceful world and that a more prosperous world is a healthier world. Indeed, a more prosperous world is a freer world and one in which the individual is better able to realize his or her full potential and that a more prosperous world is one in which the most ordinary of individuals can accomplish the most extraordinary of things.
The Far Left rejects these and all such notions. Liberalism promotes not prosperity, peace, et al but rather exactly the opposite. Destruction, brutal and crushing poverty, strife, contention, violence, and the enslavement of the individual to the whims and dictates of an all powerful, all encompassing, and all controlling ever larger and more intrusive state always follow in its wake. Look around the world both then and now and it has ever been the same. Those in this nation that espouse radical Liberalism champion all of the above and much more. Should they succeed, the world will have entered a new Dark Ages and where they have already succeeded, those Dark Ages are indeed a reality that exist only to satisfy the wants and needs of an elite few at the top while the rest of the population suffers unspeakable living conditions, state brutality for any or no reason, far shorter life spans, and a world without hope.
Mr. Bork goes on to explain that, “Modern liberalism is most particularly a disease of our cultural elites, the people who control the institutions that manufacture or disseminate ideas, attitudes, and symbols – universities, some churches, Hollywood, the national press (print and electronic), much of the congressional Democratic Party and some of the congressional Republican as well, large sections of the judiciary, foundation staffs, and almost all of the public interest organizations that exercise a profound if largely unseen effect on public policy.” He further notes that the, “elites of modern liberalism do not win all the battles, but despite their relatively small numbers, they win more than their share and move the culture always in one direction.” Furthermore, these “are people who view the world from a common perspective, a perspective to the left of the attitudes of the general public.” For those of you who deny the absolute existence of a class-culture war in America, please remove your head from your ass, read that last paragraph again, and realize that the fate of the nation that we love literally hangs in the balance. If “we” do not win the class-culture war, “they” certainly will and that spells doom for the American way of life.
It is anything but difficult to see the devastation that class warfare will wreak on this nation, its culture, and its social fabric. The damage that Liberalism will instigate is something quite outside the ken of most Americans who simply can’t wrap their minds around the concept of America tearing itself apart or the fact that those who work toward that end are actually fellow Americans. All one has to do is look across the Atlantic Ocean to witness the result of class warfare as it affects real people and societies. Unless you have been living in a cave in some deep and isolated wilderness you can’t help but notice the goings-on in nations like Greece, France, England, and more. These countries are experiencing the only possible outcome of class warfare. On any given day, we can witness rioting in the streets, ever escalating violence, and a complete and utter rejection of all authority and societal norms. Cars are being overturned and burned and a general sense of anarchy has set in and shows no signs of abating anytime soon.
Why is this taking place? The answer is not at all complicated and is in fact readily comprehensible for those of us who are Far Right Wing Conservatives. We are witnessing nothing less than the inevitable outcome of full-blown, radical Liberalism-Socialism. Those countries and populations have become so used to depending on Big Government for all of life’s necessities and desires that they simply can’t fathom a world in which this is not the norm. They can’t accept the fact that their penchant for government handouts maybe coming to an end and they are quite literally scared to death! Those nations are flat broke and the well has gone dry. There isn’t any money – it’s not there. How, they wonder, will they pay for such things as health care and insurance or their university education if Big Brother no longer cares for them from cradle to grave? What will happen to the welfare check if the Nanny State implodes? How can they bear the prospect of working until the ripe old age of 62 rather than 52? What will they do without their four to eight weeks of annual vacation time? They have absolutely no idea so the only thing to do is engage in a giant, collective hissy-fit as would a spoiled child when denied his ice cream desert!
These folks can no longer rely on themselves to provide for life’s necessities let alone luxuries. They are simply no longer competent or capable enough to do so. Qualities like self-reliance and rugged individualism have been purposefully undermined and destroyed by the twin scourges of Liberalism and Socialism. The very idea of developing a strong work ethic is anathema to them but instead they revel in their dependency, weakness, and pessimism. This is what Liberalism desires and demands as evidenced in its political manifestation called Socialism. And, it’s coming here. Come on you say, not here? That can’t be. Really? I give you those pathetic, whiney, preachy, filthy, law-breaking Sonsabitches known as the Occupy Wall Street Mob. They represent the vanguard in our country of those who are doing their damndest to destroy Western Europe. They are constantly in the news because the Liberal “mainstream” media loves them and is in full agreement with their aims and goals. The “Occupiers” despise this country but are in love with Socialism. They utterly despise Free Market Capitalism and work tirelessly to bring about its demise.
Contrast this with the media’s treatment of us Tea Party types who genuinely love this country and want to see it remain strong and great. Our primary goals include returning to First Principles. We want the strictly limited government that the Founders provided not the giant leviathan shoved down our throats by the LFE. We want and demand tremendous tax cuts that would allow us to decide how best to use and spend the money we earn and we want the Constitution interpreted as the Founders intended. The press apparently doesn’t feel these issues are worthy of more than only the most limited of coverage but instead by purposefully not reporting on Tea Party groups and rallies, they hope to give the impression that the movement is irrelevant and dying. Just to give those in the Liberal press a heads up, we ain’t goin’ nowhere and we don’t give a rat’s ass if you cover us or not! Grass roots movements do not necessarily seek publicity but rather seek specific results and outcomes.
An article entitled, “The Consequences of Liberal Class Warfare Rhetoric (,” "speaks directly to the issue of class warfare in America. The author notes, for example, the escalating violence in England and points out that, “it blossomed into a full on class warfare assault. Rich vs. poor, haves vs. have nots, us vs. them.” Who’s to blame for this state of affairs? Of course, “It’s the fault of the rich people. It’s the fault of the conservatives. It’s the fault of the police,” and, “as with most liberal, money grubbing talking points, it’s everyone else’s fault but their own. There’s always someone else to blame.” One major method to instantly identify a Liberal is to find out from them who they believe is responsible for all of society’s real or imagined ills. If the individual in question throws the blame at everybody and anybody else but himself – you got it! You’ve identified a full-blown, lame-ass, sniveling Liberal!! It is a Liberal mantra that they are truly pure in thought, word, and deed and therefore no blame of any kind may be laid at their doorstep. Everyone else, of course, is at fault especially if they have the temerity to clearly and pointedly illustrate Liberalism’s horrendous failures and consequences.(see related video)
The same article cited above notes that what’s, “happening in the UK is that the people who have grown so comfortable living off the government have turned to violence and vandalism when the government can no longer support their lazy ways. Their entitlement programs are failing and any actions to cut back have been met with protests supported by class warfare rhetoric.” This is what happens when the beast is no longer fed, housed, clothed, and otherwise placated and pampered. The beast will never show gratitude or appreciation for the “gifts” showered upon him by his neighbors society-wide but instead will turn on those who have been so generous over the decades.
This is full-blown Liberalism – naked and undisguised. It is not unlike conditions in ancient Rome where the MOB was entertained by the gladiators at the Coliseum or Christians were fed to those big damned cats. In America today, it seems that the beast is insatiable and is never satisfied because of the Liberal Lies they have been fed for generations. They react to any restrictions on their presumed “entitlements” as would a heroin addict suddenly deprived of his “smack” and being forced to go “cold turkey.” It just ain’t pretty! The LFE in our country simply cannot allow this to happen for once the “free-bees” go away and the gravy-train has been derailed their core voting block goes away too as does their power. They created their monster and the monster has become the master. It’s like grabbing the proverbial tiger by the tail. You’d better never let go!
The author explains that those who are actively promoting and fomenting class warfare in America must always identify and find scapegoats for the mob to attack and who better than those evil millionaires and billionaires among us? They are prime targets for the disaffected and disillusioned who can easily be whipped into a frenzy by those who stand at the head of the Class Warfare Crowd. This is ever so predictable and has been part of the Liberal playbook since forever and it perfectly, “plays into the liberal mantra, ‘everyone’s fault but my own.’ Not their own responsibility. It is any surprise these statements form the core of the liberal voter mentality after years of sucking on the government teat?” The ultimate outcome of such a mentality is, of course, that, “Liberals have created a class that is government dependent, lazy, and seemingly not responsible for their own actions. And as long as the liberal politicians can fight for government ‘gimme’ programs, voters will continue to send them to Washington DC. This without any regard for its eventual destruction of America.” The author does not exaggerate or overstate here. America is indeed dying, Liberalism is the fatal disease, and class warfare is one of the major tactics and strategies employed by those who advocate and seek our destruction.
The piece continues that, “liberals have killed the American Dream and replaced it with a Matrix-like, trapped in a pod existence. Do as we say and you’ll never have to worry about a thing. A cradle to grave government life. No more hard work. No more personal responsibility. No more having to look out for one’s own self. Just vote for your local Democrat and your future can be bracketed by the cold embrace of Mother Government.” All well and good for those who are satisfied with life controlled by an elite few whose ultimate aim is the accumulation of power and the demise of freedom and liberty for the rest of us. So long as the “masses” can be mollified and placated those at the top will have little difficulty retaining their power and position. All they need to do is provide a convenient enemy for us little people to vent our anger and frustration upon and we will forget that it is in fact the very policies of Liberalism that are the cause of all that frustration, anger, and seething rage. What better method than the purposeful and calculated fomentation of class warfare at all societal levels?
This will and has worked beautifully for decades but what happens when there are no more goodies to be given away? What happens when the cupboard is bare and the free ride turns into a hideous, sickening, and deadly crash into that stone wall otherwise known as reality? Reality has come crashing down all over society’s free-loaders who are certainly not above turning on their former masters when they realize that all those promises made to them by our Far Left Elite were nothing but smoke and mirrors, hollow at best and horribly destructive and deadly at worst. The beast is hungry and we are running out of treats with which to mollify it. The author of the above referenced piece asks, “But what happens when the government can no longer support their loser masses? What happens when the economy starts to tank because the government ‘entitlement’ machine needs more money? What happens when the uninformed ‘hope and change’ mobs turn on their righteous politicians? Liberal politicians can’t exactly say ‘well, it looks like all our policies are wrong.’ Where would they be then?” Damned good question, don’t you think?
The answer is fairly obvious if you happen to be a member of the Far Left in this country because, “knowing their base is mostly uninformed, likely unintelligent, always emotional to a fault, they do what comes naturally. They break out the class warfare rhetoric. Rich versus poor. Black versus white. Corporate America versus middle America. The private sector versus the public sector. Corporate jet owners. The less fortunate.” The writer concludes that, “Class warfare at its finest from a president and liberal underlings that are flailing in the waters of disapproval. It is the economic policies and class warfare rhetoric of the left that has led to the rioting and looting in the United Kingdom. And it’s on the way to America. Mark my words. It will only get meaner and more divisive the closer we get to the 2012 elections. Desperation will sink in, and the left will reach for the highest levels of class warfare rhetoric to save their grasp on power.” If you have any doubt as to the veracity of this statement, crawl out from behind that rock and look around. Read a newspaper or tune into any network news program. The Far Left wants to destroy this nation and class warfare is a particularly effective weapon with which to accomplish that goal.
The concept and practice of class warfare is predicated on precepts that are completely antithetical to and a perversion of long standing and even cherished American tradition and experience. One of the cornerstones of our heritage and way of life since the nation’s inception has been the expectation of equality of opportunity. Any and all who came here or were born here have rightly felt entitled to their shot at achieving whatever their version of the American Dream happened to be. It has always been so. The ability to compete openly and honestly with other players in the game was all that was expected and for most of our history that was enough. Why? Because no where else in the world was this the case. When America was founded, the planet’s population had no right to equal opportunity regardless of the field under consideration. The vast majority of people could not – indeed must not – look for opportunity of any kind from leadership roles in government, business, commerce, social standing, or any other damned thing. These were decided strictly according to station, class, and caste. Society world-wide was not fluid and mobile but rather static and rigid and it had always been that way. You were born to privilege or you were not and your role in life and that of your descendants was thus decided.
The United States, however, set a new paradigm. It didn’t matter where you came from nor did it matter into what “class” you were born. In America you were absolutely guaranteed the opportunity to try and succeed. One could even try to succeed and then fail and pick yourself up and try again and again until you did succeed – or you didn’t. No one, however, was guaranteed success for that was never part of the equation. It was never promised and for the most part was never expected. It was enough for the vast majority of Americans to be able to try. As long as the competition was fair and unfettered, the playing field was level, and no one received any unfair advantages in the game of life then that was enough and it was one thousand per cent more than most of the globe’s population could ever expect even up to the present day. Sadly, even tragically, this is no longer the case and it is due more than anything else to the rise of full-blown, radical Liberalism and its use of the class warfare club with which they continually bludgeon America’s traditions, institutions, and history.
For these Bastards, it is no longer enough to guarantee that all those who so desire have the opportunity to reach the starting line before the race begins. No one starts ahead of that line or behind it. When the gun fires, the only guarantee that exists is that the race will be run fairly and that the rules are the same for all participants. Nope, that is no longer enough for this arrangement is predicated on competition and the harsh reality that in life there are indeed winners and therefore, by definition, losers. Everyone, according to the Liberal creed, must win and, obviously then, no one can possibly lose. This is the impetus, by the way, behind the Liberal insistence that score shall not be kept in children’s athletic endeavors or that such age-old activities like “dodge ball” and “tag” have been dropped from athletic programs in scores of American elementary schools. We simply can’t have “losers” in America for that might bruise delicate egos, damage the psyches of our children, and turn them into axe murderers and pedophiles somewhere down the line. No, we simply can’t have winners anymore but must bring everyone down to the same mediocre – at best – level to insure that no one’s feelings get hurt. Competition is to be avoided at any and all costs.
It is no longer enough to guarantee the opportunity to succeed but rather success itself must be the final and ultimate guarantee. No one must be permitted to have or possess anymore than anyone else and those that do must be punished. Their “excess” wealth which they honestly earned must be confiscated by crippling tax rates and, of course, be redistributed to the less successful, the lazy, and unproductive amongst us. This is how those on the Far Left define fairness and it can only be realized by the massive intrusion of an ever bigger and more powerful centralized government into the lives of the citizenry. This is the very essence of Liberalism-Socialism which advocates equality of outcome rather than input. It is the ultimate definition of the ever increasing class warfare which is now raging unfettered across the land.
A web-piece entitled, “Class Warfare is Anti-American: Time to Preserve American Dream ( obviously focuses on that phenomenon and once again highlights those wacked-out America hating Wall Street Occupiers. The author explains that her parents emigrated to America from Haiti, one of the very poorest and hopeless nations on the planet. They came here for the same reasons as did all immigrants to our shores. They wanted better life for themselves and their children. They wanted to come to a place where the opportunity to succeed abounded and they would take care of the rest. They neither asked for nor demanded any guarantees or special treatment but only wanted the chance to succeed. This has always been the quintessential definition of the American Dream, until fairly recently that is. Writer Mia Love explains that, “Unfortunately, OWS, Obama and others have greatly mischaracterized equality of opportunity to mean to mean equality of result. Throughout the month-long protests, we’ve heard terms like economic equality or income equality used repeatedly.” Most of us realize that these are no more than lofty sounding catch phrases for Socialism which always entails ever larger and oppressive government with its concomitant loss of freedom, liberty, and opportunity. It can mean nothing else but those who comprise the LFE can’t say that right out loud in front of God and everyone else for if bluntly and brazenly stated, the Socialists among us know their schemes and machinations haven’t got a virgin’s chance in a whorehouse of succeeding!
Love continues that the, “notion that everyone, regardless of their own inputs, should receive the same outputs is foreign to the American way of life. This country’s greatness and unprecedented wealth stem from the fact that hard work is rewarded.” Herein lies the rub. Those that despise this nation and all it has historically represented loathe the American way of life and want to fundamentally tear it down and replace it with a completely failed vision and agenda. The concept of rewarding hard work is simply anathema to them for it greatly reduces dependence on an all powerful central government and fosters such values as self-reliance, independence, and rugged individualism. Socialism requires the opposite if it is to succeed. The web-piece explains that, “protestors complained that the poor, unemployed and homeless can’t thrive unless government steps in to save the day. It’s a familiar theme: government is both the problem and the solution. If incomes were equal, if there was no disparity, then everything would be fair. But it’s simply not true.” You see, the Far Left’s warped definition of fairness means we take what the productive class has earned by dint of hard work and hand it over to America’s unproductive losers. Sound fair to you? Probably not, but fairness to those on the Far Left has absolutely nothing to do with equality, common sense, or virtue but rather has everything to do with envy, jealousy, and class warfare. It has to do with making sure that everyone is rewarded at the same level lf misery and hopelessness. It has to do not with creating more opportunity and success but destroying them wherever they exist. It has everything to do with coercion, force, and subjugation. Yeah, I guess that’s fair if you’re an America Hating Liberal Loser!
The author correctly opines that when, “government takes from someone who earned and gives it to someone who did not, government essentially penalizes productivity and incentivizes entitlement.” Additionally, such policies, “have a significant impact on economic output when applied more broadly. Taken to the extreme, such policies result in lower productivity and higher social spending than is sustainable in the long run.” Ms Love, like most Americans, instinctively knows the prescription for what ails our society today and correctly maintains that our, “capitalist system has created the most successful economy on the planet,” while, “Socialist systems have never come close to replicating the results produced in America over the long term.” Additionally, the “answer to our economic problems lies in preserving the economic engine that made America what it is today. That engine has always been fueled by the rewards of the American Dream. Preserving that dream . . . requires an economy that rewards productivity. Income ‘equality,’ which rewards the productive and the unproductive in equal measure, is the antithesis of the American economic model.”
The author concludes that the, “poor and unemployed need opportunities, not toxic rhetoric. Instead of turning against one another, we must stand united in the fight to rebuild our economy. Instead of emulating Haiti, where a president encouraged the poor to set fire to the rich as the crowd cheered, we must stand as one nation indivisible.” Man, does that sound good or what?!? The only problem here is that it completely misunderstands the goals and desires of America’s LFE. Those Bastards absolutely cannot abide the thought of a united America for that will not help in their quest to destroy our country. In addition, they do not want the poor and unemployed to have opportunities to succeed on their own for that creates less rather than more government dependency and it fosters freedom rather than serfdom. The Left must espouse as much “toxic rhetoric” as possible for that will further fan the flames of class warfare which is a central weapon in their arsenal for the utter destruction of the United States as envisioned by the Founders and currently constituted.
The class warfare promoted by America’s Far Left is not only illogical but borders on the delusional. Yes, it will accomplish their goal of turning America on its head if allowed to succeed. If successful, the greatest engine for prosperity ever seen on this planet will be transformed into a system that promotes impoverishment, envy, and jealousy. It will not bring about fairness, equality, or unity. Like all Socialist nations, we will have become permanently divided, forever Balkanized, and freedom and opportunity will exist for no one. Why would those on the Left so aggressively pursue such a wrong-headed and misguided goal? For all their grandiose rhetoric and their supposedly egalitarian thrust and emphasis when unmasked, they are nothing less than out and out statists whose totalitarian mindset and attitude are easily discovered once you understand who these people really are and what outcome they truly desire. They want total control over all aspects of the lives of the American citizenry.
This is more than just a little obvious by once more briefly looking at the antics and motives of those Occupy Wall Street parasites who are merely the pawns of America’s LFE. They themselves are not bright enough to organize and create a genuine movement but are certainly lame enough to blindly follow the bidding of their masters. One of the tactics they have been trained to employ is the concept of guilt. You know, to make those who have worked and struggled to earn what they have doubt that they actually deserve the fruits of their labor. Inculcating the producers with a sense of guilt leads to uncertainty which in turn causes weakness. A piece entitled, “Tired of Class Warfare Yet? (,” notes that those on the Left, “want any possible guilt you might have about your success and your sense of kindness and fairness to force you to give them everything without them having to earn or pay for it.” Additionally, “Occupy Wall Street wants to destroy capitalism and institute socialism to make that redistribution of wealth possible.”
Herein lies the ultimate contradiction, for those Looney-Tunes want to destroy the individuals and institutions that can actually create real wealth and prosperity visa-vise Free Market Capitalism. They seem too blindly stupid to understand that the solution to their whining and sniveling objections to our system and society lay in promoting not destroying Capitalism. Author Robert J. Mack explains that, “the people whom they rant against, like the bankers and the Wall Street tycoons, invariably use their wealth to invest. These investments are used by companies to create jobs; fund research for life-saving medical devices and drugs, for example; and create economic growth for their employess and the country,” and, “by the way, furnish more taxes to the government.” Why, then, would those who complain so vociferously that they simply can’t succeed in the most opportunity-laden society in the planet’s history want to destroy the very institutions that provide all that opportunity and thus a realistic chance to garner for themselves those material possessions they believe are being unfairly denied them? One can’t explain it logically and reasonably for logic and reason have absolutely no place in any consideration of what the Far Left wants and desires. The fact that they want to destroy their only chance for the kind of life they seem to want borders on mental illness. Furthermore, the fact that they want instead to implement a Socialist model which has failed one hundred per cent of the time no matter where it’s been attempted is evidence of full-blown insanity.
Mr. Mack explains that, “they want to throw the baby out with the bathwater by getting rid of capitalism altogether, an economic system that has made America the economic powerhouse it has become. What has socialism, the system they extol, ever accomplished? Two recent major achievements: political financial default (Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Ireland) and political collapse (USSR).” Yet, these Liberal fools, these saboteurs want us to follow those failed and completely discredited models. There can be only one answer. They want to destroy this nation and their weapon of choice has become the fomentation of class warfare. Mack continues that, “the president continues to use the class warfare card,” and that the upcoming 2012 election, “will be about whether we want capitalism to be the driving force of our economic engine in America – or do we want to continue the slide to socialism (Obamacare and Cap an d Trade just two examples) that Barack Obama instituted when he took office?”
Much Luv Y’All and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph. D.)
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