The America As A Third World Country Rant
The United States has long been recognized as the most wealthy and powerful nation the world has ever seen or probably will ever see again. We have no real rivals or even peers for that matter. Think of any category of human endeavor and America is the undisputed global leader – bar none. No other nation or civilization can keep pace with us or even come close. Whether it be science and technology, medicine, communications, growth and development, GDP or per capita income, our country does not even have a close competitor. We are the Big Dog, the undisputed Numero Uno. The simple fact that literally millions upon millions from all over the world clamor and demand to get, live, and work here – both legally and illegally – attests to that very obvious fact. Additionally, it should be noted that virtually no one – native or foreign born – wants to leave. We have been variously dubbed as that shining city upon the hill, the world’s beacon, the land of opportunity and freedom, and literally the only place on the planet where the individual is best able realize his dreams, achieve their full potential, and go as far as their natural ability, talent, and intelligence can take them. We have long understood that the only limitations placed on our pursuit of happiness are those that are self-imposed.
Hell, in the United States even those of our citizens who are classified as “poor” live like royalty when compared to those at the bottom in other countries. America’s poor, for the most part, have vastly more material wealth than the great majority of the world’s population. This is not at all open to dispute – it’s just what is. The poor in our country live, generally speaking, in dwellings that are structurally sound and safe. Additionally, there is usually adequate room for the occupants to co-habit comfortably with the added advantage of abundant clean hot and cold running water and a working, reliable indoor toilet and shower. America’s poor can, therefore, stay relatively clean and healthy.
Compare these conditions to the poor living in places like Africa, Latin America, or the Middle East. Furthermore, America’s poor have free and unfettered access to the world’s finest and most advanced health care system and facilities that the planet has ever experienced. That too is yet another indisputable fact. America’s poor also have easy access to wholesome, nutritious, and fresh food even if they can’t afford it. Research has illustrated that if all of the benefits “entitled” to the poor in the United States were expressed in terms of a dollar amount, it would be something like $60,000 annually – a figure that would make even the most well-to-do Bangladeshi virtually green with envy. Our poor typically have at least one working television and very frequently, they possess two of them. There is always an abundance of “toys” like home entertainment systems replete with, I assume, the latest technology in stereo, VCR, DVD, and anything else to satisfy their audio-visual requirements. Let’s not leave off the list such things as dependable and reliable heating and air conditioning.
As with the poor in any society, however, they are not satisfied with their lot in life – nor should they be for there is simply no reason to be. Our society is eminently fluid and upwardly mobile. If one desires to escape America’s “grinding” poverty, our Free Market Capitalist socio-economic system is designed expressly to that end. It has been truthfully stated that of those who were born into the bottom 20% (fifth quintile) or of those who came here from abroad and had virtually nothing but hope, optimism, and a willingness to work their asses off, only about two to three percent of them remain stuck at the bottom. The rest – with regularity – move into the middle class and higher and as far as their children and grandchildren are concerned – the sky has always been the limit! Historically, this simply has not been possible in other societies where one’s future is arbitrarily decided by the class or caste of one’s birth and there was simply no mechanism to break that endless cycle of rigidity, lack of upward mobility, desperation, and hopelessness. This still holds true for most of the world’s population and the only way to change the “system” has been to violently destroy it. History is rife with example upon example of revolution after revolution in which those at the bottom saw absolutely no way to improve their lot in life without resorting to massive bloody and horrific violence. Not so in America. Our political and social system has always provided an adequate safety valve designed to avoid such brutal upheavals.
America, then, can only be described as the quintessential First World country. In fact, we constitute the very first of the first, if you will. This has been long acknowledged by our own citizens as well as friend and foe alike. There has been us and then everyone else. The world has looked to us to provide stability, prosperity, order, and opportunity and for most of our existence we have responded positively and willingly. In times of natural or man-made disaster, look to America and we will fix the problem. Should world leaders for whatever reason get a bug up their ass and decide to embark on a program of conquest and enslavement – look to America and we will set things right. A tsunami devastates Indonesia – we’re there first. A monsoon ravages Bangladesh and again, we’re there first. The people of the Middle East suffer unspeakable treatment at the hands of their unelected leaders and – that’s right – we’re in there first. Only our wealth, power, and freedom permit this to happen. Only our status as the very first of the First World makes it possible. The world owes us a tremendous debt and we in return ask for – nothing. It’s simply who we as a people and a nation are. We want to laud it over no one, we want to control no one, and we desire to impose our will and hegemony over no one. That’s all part and parcel of what makes the United States a truly First World nation.
What, then, are some of the characteristics of a First World country and where does such an entity fit into the community of nations? According to an article entitled, “Worlds Within The World (,” the, “term First World refers to so-called developed, capitalist, industrial countries, roughly, a bloc of countries aligned with the United States after World War ll, with more or less common political and economic interests: North America, Western Europe, Japan and Australia.” Alright, this seems fairly simple and straightforward enough. First World nations are the most wealthy and developed countries on the planet and historically poverty has been far less of a problem than in Third World countries. Life is easier, more rewarding, and far more technologically advanced in the First as opposed to the Third World. The First World provides much more leisure time than the Third and man has been freed up to pursue the finer, more creative aspects of life including art, music, architecture, great works of literature, plays and the like. In other words, survival in the First World is no longer a precarious, unsure proposition as it too often is in the Third World. Hope and optimism abound in the First World while only despair, pessimism, and hopelessness touch the lives of the overwhelming numbers of denizens of the Third World.
In fact, the same source referenced above correctly notes that the, “concept of the third world serves to identify countries that suffer from high infant mortality, low economic development, high levels of poverty, low utilization of natural resources, and heavy dependence on industrialized nations. These are the developing and less technologically advanced nations of Asia, Africa, Oceana, and Latin America.” Additionally, Third World countries, “tend to have economies dependent on the developed countries and are generally characterized as poor with unstable governments and having high rates of population growth, illiteracy, and disease. A key factor is the lack of a middle class – with impoverished millions in a vast lower economic class and a very small elite upper class controlling the country’s wealth and resources. Most third world nations also have a very large foreign debt.” Still another source maintains that the, “developing nations are characterized with low living levels. Not only the majority of the population of UDCs [undeveloped countries] is poorer as compared with their western counter-parts, but they are also wretched financially in comparison with their own small elites living in big towns and cities. These low levels of living can be observed both quantitatively and qualitatively in the form of low incomes, inadequate housing facilities, poor health, limited or no education, high infant mortality rates (IMR), low life and work expectancy, and a general sense of malaise and hopelessness (”
Well, then there you have it. The contrast between the First and Third Worlds could not be more clear, distinct, or dramatic. In the First World, it seems, we have it all while the majority of the world’s population is destined to live lives that are, to coin a phrase, nasty, brutish, and very, very short. Sitting on top of the entire heap, of course, is the United States of America. God and fate seem to have favored us as opposed to the rest of humanity and that seems only all too natural and normal for throughout most of our lifetimes it has always been thus and there seems no reason to expect anything else. That’s the way it’s been and that’s the way it’s gonna stay. It simply seems to be the natural order of things. Why would it ever change? You know, I’m quite certain that the citizens of the late, great Roman Empire had similar thoughts and expectations as did those of ancient Athens. They too were in the “Cat-Bird” seat for so long that they simply couldn’t conceive of a world without their overwhelming omnipotence and all-pervasive influence. I’m quite convinced that those living at the zenith of the Spanish Empire held similar views and I believe that England was once referred to as the empire upon which the sun never set. Well, how’d that work out for those fellas, hmmmm? If you graduated from high school and are not a total, absolute troglodyte you know the answer. You ever hear of a multi-volume epic entitled, “The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire?”
What is it then? Do nations and civilizations – like people and forests – have what might be termed natural life spans? Do they too begin in frail infancy, move on to boisterous adolescence to be followed by a robust and vigorous adulthood? Does this, then, evolve into middle age and maturity to be followed by old age, decrepitude, and death? Is it simply a matter of inevitability that may be postponed but can never be avoided or denied? Is that really all there is to it and is America simply destined to follow suit? Or, instead, is America a truly exceptional nation and one not preordained to follow the paths of civilizations that ran their course, made their contributions to the world, and then either went out in a blaze of glory or just ignominiously faded away?
I firmly believe in the concept of American Exceptionalism and all that it entails (see the American Exceptionalism Rant of 11/7/11). This nation is truly exceptional and is indeed apart from the vast masses of humanity. We have accomplished in an amazingly short period of time what other far more ancient civilizations simply could not. We have become truly remarkable in the annals of world history. No other nation has ever amassed so much wealth, power, and prestige. Additionally, we have been an overwhelming force for good in the world. Since America’s inception we have set countless millions free, have provided more aid to those in need and dire straights than any other planetary entity, and have served as an example and beacon to untold multitudes around the world. This is not debatable, disputable, or open to question. These constitute unquestionable and undeniable facts. The only question that remains is how much longer will America be able to fulfill its historic and unprecedented mission and role in the world? The question is worth pondering and considering for we as a people must decide what kind of a country we want to have in the coming decades.
Do we want to maintain an existence based on the concepts and ideals contained in our Founding Documents? Do we want to return to the vision created by the Founding Fathers and embodied in our Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence? If we wish to remain the greatest nation in the world, then this is the road we must follow and the path upon which we must tread. To do otherwise is to invite the very destruction of the United States of America and all that it has come to stand for. To veer from the course we have historically navigated is to bring on total disaster for the American way of life and for the way in which we live our own lives as a free and independent people. Are these fears just another example of what might be termed a display of extreme and unwarranted paranoia to be controlled by medication and therapy? No, for you should be acutely aware that there are those amongst us that desire nothing less than to bring this great country to its knees and see to it that America becomes no better but rather worse off than the vast masses of humanity from which we represent such an ahistorical and radical departure. They are the enemy, they are those who wish us ill and want us to fail, and they are the ones who gleefully relish the day when America will have been transformed into but one more miserable, hopeless, and Hellish Third World nation! They are the Liberal Elites, supported by their allies in the “mainstream” media, that so despise their own country, sincerely and rabidly believe that America is the cause of all the world’s evils, and that we need to be brought down to the level of those oppressed and desperately poor countries that constitute most of the world’s population.
America since at least the 1960’s when LBJ’s bogus War On Poverty took hold has been heading in that direction. Liberalism, a thoroughly destructive philosophy and mindset, has been single-handedly responsible for the erosion of traditional American values like self-reliance, rugged individualism, and independence. Liberalism has created a Nanny-State mentality in which more and more of us have come to depend on government rather than ourselves. That venal concept has eroded and will completely destroy this nation’s spirit of self-reliance, self-confidence, and optimism with which America has for so long been associated. This is not an accident or mere happenstance but rather a very well planned, thoughtful, and implemented policy that can’t help but destroy this country as historically constituted and envisioned.
Liberalism destroys any concept of a strong work ethic and independence of thought and action. It wreaks havoc on the very underpinnings of what made the United States the greatest nation the world has ever known. It is the very antithesis of everything we hold dear such as pride in country, patriotism, and the belief that our best days are yet ahead of us. If the Liberal Scum-Dogs among us have their way, our country will become nothing more than yet another Third World Shithole destined for squalor, filth, and a complete lack of freedom. In order to succeed, this is what Liberalism requires. The individual must be made purposefully and drastically subordinate to the state and those “elites” that have taken the reins of power. Creativity, entrepreneurship, and risk-taking must be irrevocably stamped out and destroyed by an all powerful centralized government that will make decisions for the rest of us. Freedom of choice and opportunity will have become nothing more than fond memories while the new reality will resemble something strikingly similar to the Orwellian vision of a people of followers and mindless lemmings. This is where Liberalism is taking us and make no mistake, its advocates and champions are dangerously close to succeeding!
In too many ways, the United States is indeed being inexorably moved toward Third Worldism and this is a planned, purposeful tactic of our Liberal Elite. An article entitled, “Is the USA Becoming a Third World Country (” directly speaks to this point. The piece points out that given the, “USA’s nine consecutive years of negative cash flow, $14.6 trillion in debt in an economy producing annually about the same amount as its debt,” is it really all that shocking that for the first time in the nation’s history our credit rating has been down-graded? This is absolutely unheard of and must be seen as a warning shot across our bow. We have been placed on notice that it’s far beyond the time that we got our house in order. Now that the warning has been duly received, are our leaders behaving prudently and do they seem willing to change the behavior that brought us to this point? Of course not, for the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite) only want to see more of the same. (see related video)
This is the result they so fervently desire. These guys, led by the Saboteur-in-Chief, do nothing to correct the problems we face but rather exacerbate them at every turn. They have literally taken trillions of dollars out of the private sector where it could be used to build our economy, increase funds coming into the Treasury, expand business, hire new employees, and start new companies. No, our leaders do not do this for they know full-well that this will eventually solve the problems we face and once more place the United States on the right footing. This they simply cannot have. Instead these Socialist Sonsabitches consistently and incessantly drastically raise taxes and regulatory fees when we can least afford them. We’ve seen useless “stimulus” after useless stimulus that have completely failed to produce those “shovel ready jobs” that the clown in the White House has promised. We’ve witnessed anti-Free Market, failed “Bail-Out” after bail-out that were unnecessary at best and miserable failures at worst. He and his cronies desperately want as many Americans as possible dependent on an omnipotent and all-controlling centralized government. If this trend continues, our head-long rush into Third Worldism is all but guaranteed.
The author of the above piece maintains that there are quite a number of indicators that point directly to our looming Third World status. He highlights such things as when, “Government debt is more than the annual production of the country,” and explains that the, “USA Federal government is now over 100% with promised entitlement liabilities of more than another 1,000%!” He further notes that we have seen a drastic, “lowering standard of living. Prices in foodstuffs and gasoline have gone up by over 25% in the past two years, yet salaries remain stagnant.” The piece also points to, “Government rules and regulations that restrict or make it difficult to start up businesses, compete and/or hire,” and that the, “government prohibits the most efficient energy producers to expand production and subsidizes inefficient ones like wind and solar.” The writer, James F. Davis, also includes other indices such as: a currency that is losing its value; rising unemployment; a declining GNP; failing infrastructure; a loss of equal protection under the law; increasing government corruption; and rising dependence of citizens on the government. In fact, Davis points out that, “59% of all Americans receive some type of government assistance with the number of people on food stamps having risen from 25 million to 40 million since the Democrats took over Congress.”
All of the above points to one inescapable conclusion. The backbone of our nation – our middle class – is purposely being destroyed. This is a conscious policy and plan foisted upon us by those in the LFE. The middle class has always constituted the core of American prosperity for it is that group that collectively produces the vast bulk of America’s wealth and prosperity. It is the middle class that is also our creative class and that group is responsible for most of the innovation, new ideas, and vision that America has always been so famous for. Additionally, it is the middle class that provides hope and optimism for those in the United States who make up the lowest rung on our economic ladder. Those at the bottom know that they are not stuck there and that through hard work, perseverance, and determination they too can move up that ladder of success. It is also the middle class that epitomizes traditional American values, mores, and norms.
Look around the world and analyze the social structure of literally of any of those Third World Hellholes in Africa, Latin America, or the Middle East. We notice a small, elite group at the very top of society that controls virtually all the wealth in those nations as well as the government and the armed forces. There is literally no real middle class to speak of save for a small segment of society that exists solely to serve the wants and needs of those at the top. Everyone else, the huge majority of citizens, is beyond poor for poor would be a step up for those unfortunate and oppressed multitudes. They seethe, they roil, and they rage against the conditions they are forced to endure and there is no way out for them.
There is no safety valve called the middle class to which they can realistically aspire. There is no escape, not for them their children or their grandchildren. Hopeless populations are not merely dangerous but are dangerously volatile and thus the explanation for the scores upon scores of violent, bloody, and murderous revolutions that are so common in Third World nations. Thank God we in America have been able to avoid those horrific scenarios and this has been possible only due to the wisdom and genius of our Founding Fathers who gave us the institutions and traditions that allowed for the development of a large, healthy, and prosperous middle class of Americans. The world has always had its extremely wealthy and its extremely poor but up until America graced the planet with its presence, nothing like a middle class had ever really existed and this fact alone is yet one more example of America’s Exceptionalism which is constantly denied and disparaged by the Far Left Elitists in our midst. I give you, for example, our Detractor-in-Chief and his disgustingly but predictable Apologize for America Tours!
Will America always be so blessed? Will we continue to defy conditions that exist for most of the world’s billions? If the LFE in America has its way, the answer is an unmistakable and resounding NO! Unfortunately, if our country continues down the road it is on, Third Worldism will become an inevitable and unavoidable aspect of the nation’s future not so many years from now. An article entitled, “How the U.S. is Quickly Becoming a Third World Country (,” points out that the United States is, “increasingly similar to a 3rd world country in several ways and is accelerating towards 3rd world status.” The author grimly predicts that the, “evidence suggests that without fundamental reforms, the U.S. will become a post industrial neo-3rd world country by 2032.” If my math is correct, that’s a mere twenty years from now - just two short, tiny little decades. Can it really be that bad? Have we really allowed conditions in America to sink to that point?
(see related video)
According to author Ron Hera, the answer is a depressing and maddening yes. He explains that the fundamental, “characteristics that define a 3rd world country include high unemployment, lack of economic opportunity, low wages, widespread poverty, extreme concentration of wealth, weak rule of law and counterproductive government policies. All of these characteristics are evident in the U.S. today.” These conditions are obviously with us right now and the Liberal-Socialist policies forced upon us by the current administration serve only to exacerbate rather than ameliorate them! To deny that this is happening to us is reminiscent of the fabled ostrich with its head stuck firmly in the sand. The problem with assuming that unfortunate posture is that your ass makes an especially convenient, inviting, and stationary target!
These statements are more than just merely sobering but instead are both frightening and horrifying to contemplate. When we think back to America’s founding and the accompanying sense of hope and optimism, one is forced to conclude that something has indeed gone terribly awry. How could this nation, unarguably the greatest country God ever gave mankind, have fallen so far so fast? Here we are discussing the possibility of America going Third World. I just can’t seem to wrap my mind around that concept for it simply doesn’t jibe with our country’s history and role in the world. America since shortly after its inception has been the Big Dog, the Alpha Male among the world’s nations. This has caused various reactions from other countries that co-habit the planet with us ranging from friendship and admiration to jealousy and envy to downright hostility and open hatred.
Regardless, there has been no doubt on anyone’s part that the United States above all others was the force to be reckoned with. What, then, has changed to the point where the world’s greatest nation may be declining into Third World stupor, malaise, and failure? Has something gone amiss with what has been referred to as America’s First Principles or have our Founding Documents finally outlived their relevance and usefulness? Is it that core American values and traditions like rugged individualism, self-reliance, and independence no longer have a place in our fast-paced, hyper-technical, and homogenized 21st Century? Could it be that America’s time has indeed passed into that nebulous twilight of other once great but failed nation states? A resounding and overwhelming NO to all of the above! America’s traditions, values, and institutions are utterly timeless and are appropriate for all ages and eras. They are what made America so great over the centuries and, if adhered to, can keep us great, vigorous, and prosperous for centuries and millennium to come!
I submit that the changes in America that may drag us down to Third World status have to do with what has happened to the American people. We no longer seem to be the confident, optimistic, and hopeful population we have historically been. We have been imbued with a sense of self-doubt, confusion, and a failure of confidence in the future that has been over the years totally foreign to our way of life and unrivalled success. A nation, much like a team or an individual, that no longer believes in itself can’t succeed but, in fact, is destined and doomed to fail. There can be no other outcome. Success is never possible when accompanied by an overwhelming sense of gloom, doom, and impending disaster. It just isn’t possible. Whereas Americans have always strode forcefully and ever so confidently into the future, we now seem reduced to halting and tenuous steps at best into a future that seems uncertain, frightening, and filled with dread.
This represents a total abrogation and denial of what America and Americans have always admired and aspired to. What the Hell has gone wrong? The answer, simply put, is the advent and onslaught of hard-core, radical, Far Left Liberalism. These are the folks – fellow Americans – who despise this country, its accomplishments, and all it has historically stood for and made it great. They refuse to recognize or accept the undeniable fact that the United States has done more to improve the lot of mankind than any other nation on the planet or in history. They’ll do anything they can to bring America down from First World status and hurl it head-long into that deep abyss of Third Worldism. They relish the thought and literally salivate with glee at the prospect.
Yet, I understand that only about 20% of Americans identify themselves as full-bore, Far Left Liberals. How can roughly one-fifth of the population wield such an overwhelming and disproportionate influence over national events, policies, and character? It is the simple and undeniable fact that they control virtually all of our major national institutions. These include the “mainstream” media, our entire educational system from kindergarten through university, entertainment outlets – especially Hollywood and television – large elements of our political system, our judicial system, and so much more. Our population from infancy through adulthood is literally brainwashed and indoctrinated with the Liberal world view. It’s almost a cradle to grave kind of thing. Americans are being molded and shaped to champion Liberalism, to despise their own country, and wish nothing less than its virtual demise. The prospect of America becoming but one more Third World Hell-Hole literally makes them giddy!
The evidence and the results of that Liberal bias are everywhere around us if we merely accept them for what they are. A piece entitled, “25 Reasons America is Becoming a Third World Country (,” notes that only, “ten years ago, the United States was ranked number one in average wealth per adult. In 2010, the United States has fallen to seventh.” Furthermore, “In 2001, the United States ranked fourth in the world in per capita broadband internet use. Today it ranks 15th.” Let’s see, “the economy of India is projected to become larger than the U.S. economy by the year 2050,” and that, “one prominent economist now says that the Chinese economy will be three times larger than the U.S. economy by the year 2040.” These dire predictions and consequences are the direct result of unfettered, full-blown Liberalism that has been fostered upon our nation since at least the 1960’s when LBJ introduced his failed War on Poverty. The article also points out that according to Thomas Reuters, “China could become the global leader in patent filings by next year,” and that the, “United States once had the highest proportion of young adults with post-secondary degrees in the world. Today the U.S. has fallen to 12th,” while, “Back in 1980, the United States imported approximately 37 percent of the oil that we use. Now we import nearly 60 percent of the oil that we use.” Do these facts and figures make you feel good about this nation’s future or do they fill you, as they do me, with trepidation, worry, and anxiety?
The author of this particularly depressing but truthful piece continues that, “American 15-year olds do not even rank in the top half of all advanced nations when it comes to math and science literacy,” that the United States, “has the third worst poverty rate among the advanced nations,” and that the, “United States was ranked as just the ninth most prosperous country in the world. That was down five places from 2008.” Feel like hurting yourself yet? No, just wait. There’s still more to come. The writer notes that, “U.S. government spending as a percentage of GDP is now up to approximately 36 percent,” and that the, “Congressional Budget Office is projecting government public debt will hit 715 percent of GDP by the year 2080.” Not a particularly rosy or optimistic picture is it? Yet this is exactly and precisely what the LFE wants and desires for it means nothing less than the almost total dependence of the citizenry on a centralized, all-powerful, and ever intrusive government that is an absolute hallmark of any Third World country.
Yet another instructive indicator of a nation’s Third World status can be seen by touring its major or even minor urban centers. To ride through these cities is literally to take your life in your hands and this statement is to be taken quite literally. These places are some of the most dangerous, disease infested, and poorest locations on the planet. They reek of filth and garbage and are overwhelmed with vicious and violent gangs who are unafraid of anything even remotely resembling an authority figure. These are places that are considered “No Go” or “No Enter” zones by police and firefighters because they are so dangerous. The rule of law simply doesn’t apply and anarchy is pretty much the norm. I know this because I’ve been there and I haven’t even had to go beyond our own borders. I’m referring to American cities that are rapidly approaching conditions that exist in Third World urban centers in Latin America or Africa. You’ll be confronted with a few very wealthy to decent communities surrounded by – well – absolute shit! To venture beyond the safety of your own immediate environs is to invite personal disaster. In more and more American cities the well-to-do live in protected, gated communities with their own security forces patrolling and maintaining order and stability. I understand that the body-guard business is absolutely booming! Our cities are in the process of being overrun and inundated by hordes of desperately poor folks who really see no hope for the future and who have stopped believing in the vaunted American Dream.
An article entitled, “American Cities Turn Into Hellholes (,” points out the obvious to anyone who still has a pulse or is not a member of the Far Left Elite when it states that the, “U.S. economy is dying and we are headed for the next Great Depression. The talking heads in the mainstream media love to make it sound like the economy is improving, but the truth is that it doesn’t take a genius to see what is happening to the U.S. economic system.” It continues that all over the country, “many of our greatest cities are being slowly but surely transformed into post-apocalyptic wastelands. All over the mid-Atlantic, all along the Gulf Coast, all throughout the ‘rust belt’ and all over the state of California cities that once had incredibly vibrant economies are being turned into rotting, post-industrial hellholes.”
The article continues that in many of our cities, “the real rate of unemployment is over 30 percent,” and that there, “are some communities that will start depressing you almost the moment that you drive into them. It is almost as if all hope has been sucked right out of those communities.” This is always the end result of full-blown, radical, and unrestrained Liberalism. Hopelessness kills the human spirit and destroys the soul. It leads to self-doubt, a tremendous lack of confidence in one’s own abilities to succeed and provide for one’s family, and instills a lack of faith in the nation’s institutions that are perceived as having failed and thus must be discarded and abandoned.
The article highlights, for example, the city of Detroit, Michigan. It notes that, “there are over 33,000 abandoned houses, 70 schools are being permanently closed down, the mayor wants to bulldoze over one-fourth of the city and you can literally buy a house for one dollar in the worst areas.” This, of course, was not always the case for Detroit was once a stellar example of middle class America but, “is now a rotting cesspool of economic decline and it actually saw its population decline by 25 percent during the decade that recently ended. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Detroit lost a resident every 22 minutes between the years of 2000 and 2010.” How is that even possible? The answer is simple. There are absolutely no jobs and therefore no opportunity in the “Motor City”, once the leading car manufacturer in the entire world.
In fact, at “the height of the economic downturn, the mayor of Detroit admitted that the official unemployment rate in Detroit was about 27%, but the real unemployment rate in his city was actually somewhere around 50 percent.” With so many folks out of work, the tax base virtually disappears and thus essential services cannot be provided. Detroit’s mayor, “wants to cut off 20 percent of the entire city from police and trash services in order to save money,” which would, “mean abandoning 20% of the city of Detroit to the gangs and to the homeless.” The mayor also has a plan, “in which authorities would bulldoze one-fourth of the city in order to save money on services.” The writer of the piece suggests that if, “you want to see what the future of America looks like, just take a few hours and go driving through Detroit sometime.” He warns, however, that this should only be attempted during daylight hours and, “Do not do this at night. Detroit is not a safe place anymore, and you cannot count on the police to help you in a timely manner.” Does this sound like America to you or rather like some burgeoning Third World Cesspool somewhere on the African continent?
Let’s move from Michigan down to the Garden State’s city of Camden. It seems that many “years ago, Camden was actually thriving and prosperous,” but today, “the city of Camden is known as the second most dangerous city in America.” The piece notes that the, “real unemployment rate in Camden is somewhere around 30 to 40 percent,” and that, “nobody in their right mind would want to live there now.” The author quotes from an article entitled “City of Ruins” which explains that the New Jersey city, “is where those discarded as human refuse are dumped, along with the physical refuse of postindustrial America.” Additionally, a “sprawling sewage treatment plant on forty acres of riverfront land processes 58 million gallons of wastewater a day . . . and the stench of sewage lingers in the streets.” Furthermore, there “is a huge trash-burning plant that releases noxious clouds, a prison, a massive cement plant and mountains of scrap metal feeding into a giant shredder. The city is scarred with several thousand decaying abandoned row houses.”
We also witness the, “skeletal remains of windowless brick factories and gutted gas stations,” as well as, “overgrown vacant lots filled with garbage and old tires, neglected, weed-filled cemeteries, and boarded up store fronts.” Like so many of our dying urban centers, the city has been virtually abandoned to gangs and that, “drugs and prostitution are two of the only viable industries left. . .” It seems that there exist, “perhaps a hundred open-air drug markets, most run by gangs like the Bloods, the Latin Kings, Los Nietos, and MS-13. Knots of young men in black leather jackets and baggy sweatshirts sell weed and crack to clients.” In fact, the “drug trade is one of the city’s few thriving businesses,” and a weapon is almost always close at hand. Yessirrr, this place really sounds like one of the Garden State’s most appealing garden spots alright!
The piece describes other American urban centers and the rot and decay that has set in. Places like New Orleans, Louisiana, and Vallejo, California, come under scrutiny and have become a testament to America’s growing Third Worldism. The author of the article goes on to quote noted scholar Victor Davis Hansen’s observations on the state of affairs in California. Hansen observes that many, “of the rural trailer-house compounds I saw appear to the naked eye no different from what I have seen in the Third World. There is a Caribbean look to the junked cars, electric wires crisscrossing between various outbuildings, plastic tarps substituting for replacement shingles, lean-tos cobbled together as auxiliary housing, pit bulls unleashed, and geese, goats, and chickens roaming through yards.” Does this sound to you like our country, the United States of America? Does this sound to you like the nation we love and revere so much? Yet, this is what Liberalism and dependency foster and promulgate and it has been so everywhere it has taken hold. There can be no other result, for this is exactly what Liberalism requires and demands!
The author accurately but depressingly concludes that the, “U.S. economy is slowly dying. Only 68.8% of American men had a job last year. That was the lowest level that has ever been recorded in U.S. history.” He notes that, “people are getting desperate. There are ten percent fewer middle class jobs than there were a decade ago and the competition for good jobs has become insane. More than 44 million Americans are now on food stamps and that number grows every single month. Millions more American families fall into poverty every single year.” Finally, the piece warns that it, “is time to face the truth about what is happening to America. Our economy is not growing and becoming stronger. Rather, the cold, hard reality of the matter is that our economy is very sick and it is dying. The seemingly boundless prosperity that we have enjoyed for decade after decade is coming to an end. Our communities are being transformed into absolute hellholes.”
Welcome to Third World America, folks. Here’s hoping you enjoy it!!
Much Luv Y’All and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)
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