Sunday, December 20, 2009


Well, it’s been long overdue but that proverbial cat is finally out of the damned bag and sits there in the glaring light of truth for all the world to see. Those lying liberal scum dogs, those haters of America and champions of socialism finally confirmed what many of us out here have intuitively known all along. The so-called Global Warming Crisis with its “evil mankind is destroying the planet” mantra has now been exposed as a huge outrageous lie. The Al Gore’s of the “movement” along with their fellow hucksters have perpetrated one of the most egregious and dangerous frauds ever foisted on an ignorant, gullible, and unthinking public. They claim that the science is settled, the debate is pointless, and anyone who dares to disagree is branded a “denier” or perhaps a “flat earther”! These people are utterly without shame or remorse, they have completely and wittingly defied and defiled the very essence of their profession and should never be granted the moniker of “scientist” again. Their various and sundry degrees should be immediately and ignominiously stripped away and they must be shunned by any who believe that the scientific method is sacrosanct and inviolate! They are anathema and must be cast out, purged, and made examples of. They are no more than whores, the main difference being that these phony bastards parading as noble truth-seekers do not work on their backs in the prone position! They should be immediately terminated from any institution with which they are affiliated, all grants in any amount should be withdrawn instantly, and any monies they have already stolen must be repaid under pain of serious jail time with Bubba and the Boys!! Whaddya say we force the “alpha male” to return that coveted Nobel Prize or at least stick it where the sun don’t shine!?!

By now, unless you are a complete troglodyte, you’ve heard about the “leaked” e-mails from the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom. They have created quite a stir among legitimate Climatologists as well as those spurious and bogus “pseudo-scientists” who must be mortified at the prospect of no more funding, severe blows to reputations that, it seems, were completely undeserved to begin with, and total ignominity. They have knowingly and willfully lied to us for all these years in an effort to become wealthy and control policy and policy makers in the Western industrialized world. They use fear tactics and bullying techniques to sway and shape public opinion in order to force our feckless politicians to do their bidding!(see related video)

According to an article from, the hacked e-mails (there is a growing body of thought that believes the culprit is not a hacker but rather an inside whistle-blower) have, “now thrown the global warming crowd into doubt.” This is an extreme understatement for the Greenhouse Goons are experiencing full-blown hissy-fits and total melt downs as they see their pet scam begin to unravel. The piece continues that, “several internationally renowned man made global warming supporters, including Obama’s science Czar John Holdren is directly involved in CRU’s (Climate Research Unit) unfolding Climate Gate scandal.” If, in fact, this allegation is even close to the truth is it really too far of a stretch to ponder whether or not the Control Freak-in-Chief may just possibly know that the whole man-made global warming debacle is nothing more or less than a fraud designed to put into place his God-awful Cap and Trade Program which is merely a thinly disguised giant energy tax that will literally cripple this nation like nothing else ever has! In addition, the fear of man-made global warming is at its height just as the Copenhagen Conference on Climate Change is meeting in Europe! Come on now, no American President and leader of the free world would ever condone or allow such a scam to proceed on his watch, would he?

If the allegations concerning the nefarious and devious methods employed by our current crop of fear mongers and doom-sayers are even close to the mark, and I believe they constitute an absolute bulls eye, than everything proposed as far as global warming is concerned must not merely be ignored but actively opposed. This would mean, for example, that the, “Kyoto Climate Protocols that nations agreed to on December 11, 1997 and which entered into force on February 16, 2005, and all subsequent agreements based on ‘global warming’ have no validity scientifically or as the basis for public action by any nation, state, province, city, or town.” Additionally, it means, “that Al Gore’s pusillanimous ‘documentary’ is a fraud along with just about every other statement uttered by any scientist, academician, or politician claiming that something, anything, should be done to avoid global warming.” Furthermore, the blatant lies perpetrated by those attempting to influence policy make it crystal clear, “that the entire claims and positions of the International Government Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are based upon falsified manipulated material and is therefore completely compromised.” The author of the piece from the Examiner, Al Ritter, notes that, “Climate Gate is already the biggest scientific scandal in history because of the global policy implications,” and he concludes that, “in light of the newest exposed information and revelations of the largest corruption and conspiracy in modern history, right to the Executive Office of the United States of America, someone damn well needs to be indicted and prosecuted in the world wide hoax of man made global warming starting with the past Vice President, Al Gore!” Yo, Al, maybe it’s time you started thinking about getting the fuck out of dodge!

In a web piece from, the author points out that most Americans are completely unaware of Obama’s proposed climate tax which will undoubtedly be applauded at the Copenhagen Conference and notes that, “they are completely and utterly clueless,” because most still get the bulk of their information from the mainstream media which is, “nothing more than the propaganda arm of the state.” This is an absolutely telling point and describes perfectly what the press, both print and electronic, has become over the years. The media is anything but objective in its reporting of the so-called news and especially what’s come to be known as Catastrophic Climate Change. They are full bore on board that train and will rarely if ever report anything that doesn’t fit their ultra liberal template. These folks have forfeited all claims to call themselves “reporters” just as the freaks at the Climate Research Unit have lost the right to call themselves “scientists”. This is exactly the reason why the global warming “disaster” receives so much coverage that it has come to be accepted as nothing less than Gospel while opposing views are rarely aired save to mock and ridicule those who hold them. This has been going on pretty much since the 1960’s and there is absolutely no sign of abatement any time in the near future. There are really very few “news” people left but rather propagandists, editorialists, and pundits all promoting their own schedules and agendas with little or no regard for anything even approximating the truth. The author of the Infowar article entitled, “Climate Gate is YOUR Fight,” is positive that the revelations concerning the leaked e-mails are really, “a flurry of knockout blows, if only we’re able to break through the media blackout and propaganda protecting the criminals from being finally exposed,” and assures us that, “the media will not be our ally in this.”

Those of us who have analyzed the pertinent material closely and stay on top of the latest lies, distortions, and half-truths have known that the entire Global Warming Crisis is no more than a giant scam, an out and out falsehood. The champions of that bogus movement are emphatically not trying to save the planet for they know that man is simply too puny and weak to have any more than the most minimal effect on the climate and the Earth’s health. As the author of “Climate Gate” points out, “we all know this was never about climate change in the first place,” and we “all know that they knew that it was the sun driving the climate, and that temperatures haven’t risen in at least ten years.” So, if the agenda is not really about saving the planet then what actually motivates the global warming mob? The author nails it perfectly and exposes those so-called “environmentalists” for what they really are: political opportunists out to grab as much power as they can and literally destroy the United States in the process! Since they lack the “cajones” to say it out loud and up front, they mask their agenda behind lofty and noble-sounding fiction: they want to save the earth – it’s the only one we have! Another favorite, of course, is the old let’s do it for the children followed by the plight of those cute, lovable polar bears who evil mankind is driving to extinction (see the Global Warming Rant of 4/2/09)! Bullshit, Bombast, Horseshit, and Hooey!!

The author explains that, “what this is and always was about is an excuse for global government.” This one very succinct and clear sentence sums up the primary goal of the global warming crowd. If looked at through the prism of attempting to organize a one-world government, then much of what these phony bastards do that really made no sense from a scientific perspective comes instantly and frighteningly into perfect focus! Come on, you say – you can’t be serious! That would never happen because it can’t happen. I’m just letting my run-away paranoia get the better of me so I guess I’ve just got to get back on my “meds” before I go completely around the bend. You think so, Numb-Nuts? The UN Secretary General, one Ban Ki-Moon, “penned an open letter in the New York Times last month in which he called for a global government funded by carbon taxes.”

Read that last sentence again slowly and carefully and then begin to connect the dots. This translates into a tax on all forms of energy and especially the producers and consumers of the same. With a one-world government controlling what kinds of energy can be produced, where it can be produced, how much of it can be produced, and who will use it what happens to opportunity, choices, and most importantly – freedom? If the one-worlders have their way, the United States will no longer exist in any recognizable or meaningful form but will be brought down to the level of all those third world shit-hole countries whose favorite clubhouse is the United Nations where the central past time is America-hating. The size of the proposed carbon taxes will be of staggering proportions designed to bring the West into financial and social ruin and if these globalists are not taken very seriously very quickly America and other developed free nations are fucking doomed! Our representative republic is in imminent danger of being destroyed and most of the “boobies” out there have not even a hint that their way of life, their freedom, and their nation hangs in the balance! We’re literally talking about the very future of not only the United States, but your children and grandchildren as well!

Herman van Rampuy, the President of the European Union, said that, “2009 was the first year of global governance, and that the Copenhagen climate conference would be another step towards the global management of the planet.” Good old Carbon Credit Al, “spoke at Oxford University and stated that global governance, funded by the Waxman-Markey cap and trade tax which will be voted upon in the Senate within the coming weeks, is necessary for combating climatic change.” If you think these people constitute merely some kind of kook fringe and are just blowing smoke then you’d better see a proctologist post haste, have your head removed from your ass, and smell the fucking coffee! These saboteurs are the darlings of the mainstream media and can therefore shape and mold world-wide public opinion to do their bidding. They all know full well that this global warming hoax is pure unadulterated bullshit invented and manufactured by the ultra-Liberal, arrogant, and condescending Societal Elite who are convinced that we little people can’t think for ourselves, constantly make disastrous decisions, and they know better how to run our country and our lives!

This is hubris run amok and displays an utter contempt the likes of which has rarely if ever been seen since mankind crawled out of the caves! The only real problem here is that they are extremely dangerous fanatics and zealots who can’t be reasoned with but will go to any extreme to implement their agenda. The author of, “Climate Gate is YOUR fight,” sounds the warning when he notes that the, “globalist plan for world government – the elimination of national sovereignty, ie the destruction of the United States of America – must be exposed,” and we also know , “that this scheme is completely unknown to the vast majority of people.”

Andrew Orlowski wrote a piece entitled, “Climategate: Why it Matters,´( and points out that the controversy the sleaze-ball methods and motives of the “scientists” at CRU and other institutions are fourfold.
He cites the fact that, “climate scientists controlled the publishing process to discredit opposing views and further their own theory,” and they, “manipulated data to make recent temperature trends look anomalous.” Furthermore, “they withheld and destroyed data they should have released as good scientific practice, and they were generally beastly about people who criticized their work.” Yup, that about sums it up in a nutshell. He quotes Phil Jones, the disgraced director of the now infamous CRU, as saying in an e-mail, “we will be rewriting people’s perceived wisdom about the course of temperature change over the last millennium.” These lying scum also have a habit of declining, “to document their methodology and the raw sample,” which made them, “extremely difficult to dispute.” Yeah, there’s real objective, unbiased science for you. The author of something called the Wegman Report, virtually unknown outside of the scientific community, said of researchers and results at CRU that, “moreover, the work has been sufficiently politicized that this community can hardly reassess their public positions without losing credibility.” They are virtually locked into the lie and cannot revise their stand even if they wanted to return to the fold of true scientists in order to regain their totally stained and besmirched reputations. It’s kinda’ like damned if you do and damned if you don’t!

The ever credible Dr. Jones has also discussed in other e-mails, “how to avoid FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests advising the “deletion of email and telling his own information officers not to release data to critics.” Orlowski sums up his piece thusly: “the scandal is that science has advanced through anecdote and poorly founded conjecture – and on this slender basis, politicians and institutions lacking vision and confidence (and given the lack of support, legitimacy too) have found a cause.” The author notes that the quality of the climate debate today is, “beset with a sense of crisis and urgency, and the ascendancy of a quite specific and narrow set of policy options that precludes the cool and rational assessment of the problem that an engineer might employ or equally, the cost/benefit analysis that an economist might use.” This is an extremely crucial point for policy wonks the world over are making decisions that will undoubtedly adversely affect billions of people and once set in motion, those policies will probably be irreversible. Good, sound policies and practices can never be made in a state of crisis or panic, for that is the stuff of dictators and despots. Yet, the Global Warming Goons have purposely created that sense of panic, crisis, and urgency so they can ram their agenda down the throats of an ignorant, frightened, and very gullible population all in an attempt to destroy capitalism, freedom, and hope for the future! If you think that those of us on this side of the issue are just too over the top here, remember what happened in Germany just before the guy with the mustache came to power or in Russia as the Bolsheviks were building up a really good head of steam! Can’t happen here my sorry old ass – it is happening here!!

The indomitable Ann Coulter, one of whose favorite past-times is making liberals so totally nuts that they actually froth at the mouth) writes for Human Events ( that the CRU, “has just been caught ferociously manipulating the data about the Earth’s temperature.” She continues that, “recently leaked e-mails from the ‘scientists’ at CRU show that when talking among themselves, they forthrightly admit using a ‘trick’ to ‘hide the decline’ in the Earth’s temperature since 1960 – as one e-mail says. Still another describes their manipulation of data thus: we can have a proper result, but only by including a load of garbage.” The sharp-tongued Coulter correctly points out that, “Having claimed to have collected the most complete data on the Earth’s temperature for the last half century, the CRU’s summary of that data was used by the United Nations’ International Panel on Climate Change for its 2007 report demanding that we adopt a few modest lifestyle changes, such as abolishing modern technology, reverting to hunter/gatherer status and taxing ourselves into servitude.” Even more disturbing notes the author, “the CRU-affiliated ‘scientists’ were caught red-handed conspiring to kill the careers and reputations of scientists who dissented from the religion of global warming. Indignant that scientific journals were publishing papers skeptical of global warming, the cult members plotted to get editors ousted and the publishers discredited.” Yessirree Bob, nothing like free and open debate in a democratic society where all ideas and viewpoints can be discussed without fear of retaliation from the government or the private sector. Oh, yeah, I forgot for a moment. These new style fascists want to put a stop to democracy and freedom and want to take us down the road to serfdom and servitude. Forgive my momentary lapse – it won’t happen again. Coulter aptly concludes by explaining that, “It’salways the same thing with primitive people – voodoo practitioners, rain dancers, and liberals. In lieu of facts, debate and a weighing of the evidence, religious fanatics respond to all counterarguments by invoking a higher authority: the witch doctor, a ‘scientific consensus’, the ‘Constitution’, or ‘historians are agreed.’”She further notes that even if the Earth were warming – which apparently it is not – the idea that humans using energy efficient light bulbs would alter the temperature of the globe is approximately as plausible as the Aztecs’ belief that they were required to wrench the beating heart out of living, breathing humans in order to keep the sun on its path.”

The leaked e-mails coming out of the CRU have created such a maelstrom that the global warming industry may have lost all credibility which, of course, is as it should be. It’s one thing to have made an honest mistake – to have misjudged – but it’s quite another to have purposefully deceived and dissembled given how many lives world-wide will be affected. These ‘scientists” without question have acted reprehensibly, immorally, and it looks like criminally as well as conspiratorially as earlier alluded to. John Lott wrote a piece for Fox News( entitled, “Why You Should Be Hot and Bothered About Climate-Gate.” He points out the obvious by stating that, “Science depends on good quality data.” This is something that most half-bright high school kids have already learned and the global warming hucksters know it too. They fully understand that they are no longer involved with science – pure or otherwise. They have reduced themselves to the level of snake oil salesman and “carni” operators and have fallen to the point of mere propagandists bent on deceiving the public and simultaneously destroying this nation and Western Civilization in the process. Lott points out that, “a coordinated campaign to hide scientific information about climate change appears unprecedented.” He asks, “Could it wind up costing us trillions?” Mr. Lott, I’m assuming this is not a serious query for the answer is more than obvious to anyone with the IQ of an asparagus! If the recommendations proposed to solve the bogus man-made global warming phenomenon are even partially implemented it has to cost trillions – many, many trillions! This is simply one more way the globalists, the one-worlders, are going to use to bankrupt developed nations and redistribute the “Goodies” to the Third-World.

He also references the leaked e-mails out of CRU and discusses the chicanery of “Professor” Jones as well as “Professor” Michael Mann at Pennsylvania State University. Jones tells Mann that, “if they ever hear there is a Freedom of Information Act in the UK, I think I’ll delete the file rather than send it to anyone.” Additionally, Jones told Mann that, “We also have a data protection act, which I will hide behind.” Let’s see, delete? Hide behind? These do not sound like the statements of a reputable scientist willing to have his hypotheses and theories rigorously tested and debated among the respected peers in his field. It sounds exactly like a con-man looking to cover his tracks, hide evidence, and mask obvious misdeeds! In yet another of these pesky leaked e-mails, Jones urges Mann to, “join him in deleting e-mail exchanges about the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s controversial assessment report,” and he warns other colleagues from prestigious universities that, “I’m getting hassled by a couple of people to release the CRU station temperature data. Don’t any of you three tell anybody that the UK has a Freedom of Information Act.”

I like most people, have always respected those who have earned the title of “scientist.” Science has always conjured up visions of respectability, objectivity, impartiality, and especially a search for the truth no matter where it leads or what preconceived opinions and prejudices it may destroy. Science has always represented to this layman the concept of purity. Well apparently where the global warming mongers are concerned, there just ain’t no more virgins left! Still another CRU “Professor”, Tom Osborne, “discusses in e-mails how truncating a data series can hide a cooling trend that would otherwise be seen in the results,” and our Professor Mann warns Osborne that, “the results he is sending shouldn’t be shown to others because the results support critics of global warming. Time after time the discussions refer to hiding or destroying data.” Lott concludes his piece by stating, “usually academic research is completely ignored by the general public but in this case proposed regulations, costing trillions of dollars, are being based on many of these claimed research results. This coordinated campaign to hide scientific information appears unprecedented.” (for an extremely thorough analysis of the e-mails in question see

One James Delingpole wrote a piece entitled, “Climategate: The Final Nail in the Coffin of Anthropogenic Global Warming?”. He seems quite certain that with the release of the covered-up e-mails, the entire global warming fraud stands a good chance of being exposed and laid to rest( He categorizes the fraud and malfeasance thusly: Manipulation of Evidence; Private Doubts About Whether the World is Really Heating Up; Suppression of Evidence; Fantasies of Violence Against Prominent Climate Skeptic Scientists; Attempts to Disguise the Inconvenient Truth of the Medieval Warming Period (MWP); and How to Best Squeeze Dissenting Scientists Out of the Peer Review Process. Delingpole seems rightly delighted by the fact that, “the conspiracy behind the Anthropogenic Global Warming Myth . . . has been suddenly, brutally and quite deliciously exposed. . .” He states that when, “you read some of these . . . you realize just why the boffins at CRU might have preferred to keep them confidential.” He quotes Andrew Bolt as saying that, “this scandal could well be the greatest in modern science.”

Christopher Horner in an op-ed piece for the Washington Examiner ( is a well known spokesman and author representing the “anti-global warming” side of the debate (see his books Red Hot Lies and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and the Environment). Horner, as have many others by now, references the leaked e-mails and maintains that they absolutely prove, “organized efforts to subvert and violate transparency laws – as well, it would seem, as document retention, ethics, and other policies – in order to keep the public misinformed about the state of climate science, upon which trillion-dollar policy decisions and critical issues of energy sovereignty and security lie.” Well, there it is folks, for Horner has summed up what these criminal, lying bastards have been doing and he realizes that nothing happens in a vacuum. For every action there are consequences and in this case extremely dire consequences. If these “scientists” were just blowing hot air (sorry about that) they could rant and rave ad infinitum and no one would give a giant rat’s ass! They might even be somewhat amusing to behold. That, however, is far from the case. Billions of lives will be affected and not just a few will be lost because policy will be based on their falsehoods and machinations. Entire economies could literally fail with billions forced into poverty while still others are prevented from improving their lot when national and international decisions are based on junk science, misinformation, and public fear and ignorance!

Additionally, once free people will literally be enslaved by the new fiats coming down from on high which would severely restrict freedom of movement as well as the freedom to make economic decisions that affect their lives, fortunes, and futures. Jones and his ilk are not well-meaning or intentioned and they don’t do what they do for OUR own good but rather for THEIR own good. They represent just one more instance of the Liberal Fucking Elite’s utter contempt and disdain for the so-called “little guy” who, they are quite convinced, is too stupid, ignorant, and myopic to make important global decisions or set policy. Only those on the Mountain Top, the Anointed Ones, have the wisdom and sagacity to wrestle with such weighty issues as the climate and its effects on humankind. These Liberal Elites are absolutely evil and represent the very worst traits that human nature has to offer all in the name of self-aggrandizement! They are worse than the Nazi war criminals of the World War ll era for those mother fuckers made no attempt to hide their nefarious intent but instead were right up front and in your face about what they wanted and how they intended to achieve their goals: no subterfuge there, by God! These newest evil-doers, the latest to commit crimes against humanity don’t have the balls to simply tell us little people what they are scheming but must instead employ all manner of chicanery and falsehood to achieve their plan to initiate their own peculiar brand of world domination and control!

James Delingpole, referenced above, is optimistic at the prospect of finally exposing the man-made global warming controversy for exactly what it is – a giant hoax. He, however, urges caution rather than jubilation. He asked in his web piece, “whether this will be the final nail in the coffin of Anthropogenic Global Warming?,” and responds that this, “was wishful thinking, of course.” He warns that in, “the run up to Copenhagen, we will see more and more hysterical (and grossly exaggerated) stories in the mainstream media. And we will see ever-more virulent campaigns conducted by eco-fascists. . .” He notes that in fact, “the world is currently cooling; electorates are increasingly reluctant to support eco-policies leading to more oppressive regulation, higher taxes and utility bills; the tide is turning against Al Gore’s Anthropogenic Global Warming theories.”(see related video)

All very good and hopeful as far as it goes, but Delingpole asserts that, “Unfortunately, we’ve a long, long way to go before the public mood (and scientific truth) is reflected by our policy makers. There are too many vested interests in AGW, with far to much to lose either in terms of reputation or money, for this to end without a bitter fight.” He is, of course, precisely on the mark. In addition, our Liberal Elite Ruling Class embodied by the Socialist-in-Chief and his Democrat controlled Congress don’t give a flying fuck what we little, meaningless, ignorant, and stupid folk at the bottom want or think is best for us and our families. It matters not a whit what percent of the population rejects the concept of man-made global warming or how many of us don’t want legislation passed based on this phony Bullshit! The Most High and Exalted One along with his willing minions will give us what they know we need even if it ends up destroying the United States as presently constituted and ramming his Socialistic, out of control obscenely huge central government down our collective throats, and he will do so even while our mouths are closed and our teeth tightly clenched!!

Much ‘Luv’ Y’all and Have a Great Day!

The Fifth Horseman

Monday, November 30, 2009


The Founders of this country who wrote and ratified our Constitution were men of true vision, patriotism, and absolutely distrusted government of any kind – even the one they created. They understood that government by its very nature perpetually seeks ever and ever more power and it always comes at the expense of liberty and freedom. The more power rulers acquire, the less liberty and freedom the people have. This is why men like Madison et al insisted on a limited government with clearly delineated and specified powers beyond which it could never go (please take the time to look up and memorize the Tenth Amendment). This is why those extraordinary men insisted on concepts like federalism wherein power is shared among the national government, the states, and the people. This is the logic behind ideas such as delegated, reserved, and concurrent powers as well as checks and balances. This is why they wisely included the Ninth Amendment to the Bill of Rights which, simply stated, means that the people have more rights than are enumerated in the Constitution. Just think about your cherished right to privacy which is nowhere mentioned in our Founding Documents. Without it, however, we’d all go stark raving ga-ga!

They taught that under no circumstances should government of any sort be trusted for that is the road to certain enslavement and despotism! These men were so far ahead of their time, so prescient, that there has never been a similar group gathered together at the same place and time in history nor is it ever likely to happen again. They all, however, must be literally spinning at record RPM’s in their graves as they witness what has become of their cherished, even sacred dream. They would not recognize that limited government they created and insisted upon and if alive today would absolutely and undoubtedly demand a second American Revolution to once again free us from what has become an all too powerful and intrusive government.

This trend is, of course, nothing new and has been going on since at least the time of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal which started us on the road to the welfare state and unconstitutional Federal power grabs. Our newest President, however, makes old FDR seem like a rank amateur, a mere piker when it comes to infringing on the peoples’ rights and concentrating greater and greater power in the hands of a far too centralized government (refer to the Obama Ruination Rant of October 25, 2009).(see related video) Never before in the history of the Republic have we come so perilously close to literally destroying ourselves, our nation, and our very way of life! Each generation faces its own threats and must devise appropriate solutions that they suppose will redress their grievances. We can go as far back as the Whiskey Rebellion early on in America’s history and trace from that time forward attempts to safeguard freedom and preserve rights in the face of an unrelenting and ever more powerful government. In our own recent times we can recall the growth of the modern-day and much maligned “militia movement” that perceives their own government as a very real and tangible threat to and an assault on our rights and freedoms. They are constantly, albeit wrongly, derided as nothing more than “gun-nuts” and good old boys who lack both education and teeth. They are mocked and ridiculed as misfits, ne’er do wells, and constituted nothing more than cranks and crackpots who somehow missed out on the American Dream, became thoroughly embittered, and were merely lashing out blindly in order to avoid facing their own shortcomings and failures. Does the name Randy Weaver of Ruby Ridge fame ring any bells?

These folks do not deserve the ridicule heaped upon them by most “sophisticated” Americans and in fact are a direct link back to our Founding Fathers who were viewed in the same light as the colonies moved inevitably toward war with the mother country. They too were dismissed as just so many rabble-rousers, misfits, and malcontents but it happened that they were right and history has certainly vindicated them and their cause. These men sounded the alarm and eventually enough people heard and heeded and thus was born the American nation. Our modern-day patriots have sounded that clarion call and certainly enough examples of the size and intrusiveness of our government can be so easily found that one begins to wonder why these folks are not taken more seriously.

Could it possibly be that far too many of our fellow citizens have become so fat, lazy, apathetic, and complacent that they refuse to see what is heading toward them at an absolutely terrifying speed? It’s a giant fucking train wreck of such immense proportions that it will very likely derail this nation, perhaps beyond repair! These folks out there today fear for this nation as they see our entire history as well as our most basic and cherished institutions crumbling before them and while they too have sounded the alarm virtually no one is listening. These “militia types” are afraid, as am I, that their children and grandchildren will not be able to live in the same America that they grew up with because it simply will no longer exist! Unlike the rest of the “sheeple” around them, they are not afraid to act even in the face of overwhelming odds. They will in fact fight back if the need arises as did Mr. Weaver when defending his family from what seemed to him nothing more than government oppression. Are the Weavers of America just so many nut-jobs and freaks or are they too sounding a warning that should be taken not merely seriously but absolutely urgently?!?

This, then, leads us to a group that calls themselves the “Oath Keepers” whose motto is, “Not On Our Watch!” These people are seriously committed to preserving our Constitution, its original intent, and protecting America’s most basic institutions from certain destruction. They are a reaction to what Liberalism has done and will continue to do under the guidance of the likes of Obama, Pelosi, and Reid. The Oath Keepers are determined to help stop the destruction being wrought on the American way of life and preserve what is best about our traditions and heritage. Stewart Rhodes, the head of the organization, explains that, “it’s up to every American to step up and shout ‘No’ to Barack Obama’s plans to socialize and destroy our nation.” ( Rhodes, an army paratrooper and lawyer, “asked other men and women who have taken an oath to support and defend our Constitution to step forward with him.” Apparently, this group has struck quite a chord with more than just a few like-minded citizens for the Keepers have, “grown to an organization of thousands of American patriots who are pledged to do whatever is necessary to actually ‘support and defend’ the Constitution.” According to the Free Republic, “they realize the situation is quickly moving beyond the rhetoric. They know that America is quickly running out of tomorrow’s.”

Yeah, you’re probably right. These guys are just a bunch of paranoid-ridden throw- backs who simply can’t cope with the pressures and realities that exist in 21st-century America! After all, they look to a standard that is well over two hundred years old that can’t possibly have any relevance, meaning, or importance in this modern and fast-paced era! They’re amusing to watch and certainly provide a few chuckles for our Liberal Elite who, in their infinite wisdom, know exactly what is good for the Dunderhead Class! If you in any manner, shape, or form agree with anything said in that last fairly lengthy sentence then you just need to SHUT THE FUCK UP!! You’re the problem, not Rhodes and the Boys. You are the ones destroying this nation! You are the ones that want to bring America to its knees and decimate our uniquely exceptional institutions and accomplishments. It is you and not the so-called “average” citizen that elected this pompous, arrogant, and pathetic ass to power. It is you pitiful, power-hungry bastards that wildly applaud whenever the Charlatan-in-Chief goes on yet another “Apology for America” tour!! Just shut the Fuck Up – you’ve done more than enough damage already!

The Oath Keepers are far more than just a bunch of Yahoos, Good Old Boys, and Goobers. They are, for the most part, active or “ex” military and law enforcement types. This makes them by definition more educated and intelligent than the average citizen (see the Military Misconception Rant of 8/6/09). The members, “pledge to refuse obedience to unlawful orders to violate Constitutional rights of American citizens.” They fully comprehend the consequences of their actions and decisions, “but nevertheless have pledged to thwart any government move toward turning America into a socialist gulag.” These folks are absolutely, “determined to never let the radical left take over our lives.” Amen and Amen to the Oath Keepers! They and others like them constitute guardians of not just our Constitution but of our very way of life. They are absolutely necessary in an age when the forces – the armies – of Liberalism are marching virtually unscathed toward the proverbial New World Order! They must be opposed and I’m afraid that our silent majority can no longer merely sit by simply watching and accepting, albeit reluctantly so. Those days are gone and any return to them is utterly untenable. Today, silence means certain death: the death of the greatest country and civilization that ever graced the presence of this planet!

Rhodes and the Oath Keepers, given their background, have been “trained to recognize dangerous enemies who want nothing but harm to come to our nation,” and they absolutely “understand these enemies need not be foreign but can be domestic as well.” This point is utterly crucial because our global enemies are not the threat here but rather the home-grown variety pose the latest danger to our nation’s survival. Yes, it’s that serious: we’re talking about the death of the United States as constituted for the last two hundred and thirty-three years! If foreign agents were doing to America what our native-born subversives and saboteurs are attempting they’d be branded as enemies and certainly sent packing if not to the gallows! I don’t hear anyone calling the likes of Obama, Pelosi, Reid, et al traitors who want to bring this country down, destroy its very foundations, and strip away our status as the world’s last best hope – but that’s exactly what they are! “They”, of course, vehemently and vociferously deny any such reality and proclaim to one and all that it is they who truly love America and will fight to the death to insure that the country remains great and holds the position as the world’s Top Dog!

They lie. They are not merely mistaken, misguided, misinformed, or any other damned thing – they out and out lie! Actions, of course, speak far louder than words and even the slightest, most perfunctory analysis of their proposals is enough to scare the living shit out of anyone who truly loves this country and wants to see its continued march toward excellence. Everything they’ve tried to put into play thus far will have disastrous consequences for those of on the receiving end. Look for: a completely wrecked health care system which will end up serving no one but the Liberal Elites; a destroyed automobile industry; a completely dysfunctional banking and mortgage industry; a devastated housing industry; continued and rising unemployment; class warfare like we’ve never witnessed before; continued and increased tensions between the races and ethnicities; further runaway immigration; a further devaluation of the dollar; massive inflation with accompanying interest rates and prices; tax rates that would make a Chinese emperor blush; and the complete socialization of all sectors of our society! On top of all of this, Americans will have virtually no choices left to them in any aspect of their lives but would have to settle for only those “ goodies” doled out by a government run completely amok (and this constitutes only a partial list)!

The point here folks, is that our Liberal Elites who, of course, know what is best for us and our progeny are doing these nefarious things in a very calculated, purposeful manner designed not only to destroy America but to crush and demoralize the spirit of the American people. All we need to do is evaluate the devastating effects that Johnson’s Great Society has had on the black family in America – it’s a total and complete cluster fuck! I absolutely believe that Obama and his subversives are using the Great Society as a model, a blueprint if you will, to chart this nation’s future – or lack thereof. The more his programs succeed, the more dependent on government the American people will become. Dependency is never healthy for the individual or society and our Liberal Elites know it! They require that the population is dependent on them and government to fulfill every possible want, need, and desire. These people are interested in nothing but power and control and will do anything to get and keep it!

Thus the necessity for groups like the Oath Keepers. They are in essence the country’s watch dogs and have sounded an urgent alarm. That’s necessary and useful as far as it goes, but if the homeowner does not heed the warning and take appropriate action the beasts may as well be toothless and silent! The Oath Keepers as well as us evil, twisted Conservatives have been screaming about the destruction of our nation for many decades but really only a few have bothered to take the warning seriously. I now fear that this nation is about to reap what it has sewn, and it sure as shit ain’t gonna be pretty! The Founders knew that democracy is extremely fragile and must be jealously guarded to keep it vibrant and alive. They also understood that by its very nature, government is destructive of democracy and will stop at nothing to continually increase its own power. The most effective way to accomplish that is to limit, restrict, and erode freedom and liberty and all of Liberalism seeks exactly that end. At the Constitutional Convention all those years ago, a woman asked Benjamin Franklin what kind of government the Founders were contemplating. He replied, “a republic, Madame, if you can keep it.”

It should come as no surprise then, that the “Oath Keepers are hated and feared by Democrats and their lapdog media,” for they represent exactly what the Sons of Liberty were to the British Crown hundreds of years ago. They and others are the modern-day Paul Reveres on a desperate ride of warning in the hopes that it is not already too late! The Free Republic notes, for example, that ultra-Liberal, far left organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center calls Oath Keepers. “a particularly worrisome example of Patriotic revival.” Did you catch that? Old Morris and his mob actually believe that patriotism is problematic and something to be feared and this and other groups are the darlings of the mainstream media and have no difficulty making their opinions known. The SPLC sees groups like the Oath Keepers, “as threats to their plans for submerging America into the cesspool of socialism.” As the Free Rpublic concludes, “To the Left patriotism is an insult. To us it’s a badge of honor. That’s why we will win in the end.” ( related video)

Jessica Mayrer, writing for the Bozeman Daily Chronicle also did a piece on the Oath Keepers in an interview she did with one Elias Alias. The group is described as, “comprised mostly of military and law enforcement personnel aiming to resist what it sees as a federal government overstepping Constitutional boundaries.” Alias simply maintains that, “it’s time for the people to take the government back.” Lest you get the erroneous impression that the Keepers or even the militias out there are merely Republican hacks and sycophants out to skewer Obama and the Democrats a re-think is in order. Mr. Alias, editor of the Gallatin County Patriot, notes that while in office, “President George W. Bush used the war on terror to make people afraid.” The goal was, “To expand executive power under the guise of national security concerns.” Under that leadership, “the Patriot Act and other maneuvers skirting established legal protections eroded constitutional mandates. These actions expanded federal authority over the states and increased surveillance of American citizens…” The founder Stewart Rhodes notes that Obama has not by any means tried to reverse that trend and has been, “warning folks for years about the danger he sees in America’s increasingly centralized power structure.” The article, “Oath Keepers Aim to Curb Federal Power”, maintains that guys like Alias and Rhodes are extremely fearful that their, “grandchildren won’t have the freedoms they grew up with.” Alias explains that, “he’s working to revive the concept of liberty in the American people,” and, “that shouldn’t be a threat to anyone.” (

Apparently, the gentleman doesn’t really comprehend fully the utter venality, the total all-consuming power addiction, and the complete and absolute arrogance of our Liberal Elite Class! The supercilious sons of bitches are thoroughly afraid of groups like the Oath Keepers and view them as nothing more or less than a threat to their supposed superiority over the rest of us flotsam and jetsam that populate the hinterland. To them, we constitute the “great unwashed” and if left to our own devices would destroy through ignorance and ineptitude the power structure that these Socialist Saboteurs have created for themselves over the last half century or so. Some in the Liberal Elite Class view those who demand a genuine return to our Founding Principles as far too dangerous for the good of “their” America and therefore must be strictly monitored, controlled, and punished if they stray even one foot off the reservation. Our current freedom fighters have been compared to the likes of Timothy VcVeigh of Oklahoma City fame back in the 1990’s.

Mayrer notes that, “fueled by frustration born of the ailing economy, federal bailouts, and according to the Department of Homeland Security, the inauguration of the first black President, radical groups are taking advantage of the current political climate to recruit.” She quotes Travis McAdam, the Executive Director of the Montana Human Rights Network as saying, “we think there is cause for concern.” The Southern Poverty Law Center which, “tracks extremist activity throughout the country,” also warns that, “it’s likely only a matter of time before the Patriot Revival becomes violent.”

This is a particularly cheap shot even for the Looney Liberal Left but it is no way surprising or unexpected. It’s called character assassination and our current crop of Leftist America-Haters has refined that tactic to a fine art. First of all, they are actually afraid of and embarrassed by the whole concept of patriotism, love of country, and a desire to return to First Principles. They can’t conceive of the notion that there are still a whole bunch of us out here more than willing to put country before self because we understand, as they do not, that without this nation and all it stands for we are virtually nothing! Our identity is deeply rooted in American Exceptionalism and tradition and we fully realize that it sets us apart from the rest of the world and has given the United States a special place in the history of nations. The members of the sophisticated, urbane, and so-called intellectual elite want people like the Oath Keepers to deny their heritage and traditions and cow-tow to their supposed superiority! For these clowns to predict violence is completely irresponsible, inflammatory, and meant to keep patriotic Americans on the defensive. Is it possible that at some point some individuals may resort to violence? Yes, it is but very unlikely. Is it also possible that some members of that Liberal Freak Show known as the ACLU might become violent? Certainly, but again not very likely. It’s an old, tired practice used by Liberals for decades: accuse your opponent of behavior that you are guilty of and force him to defend himself rather than concentrate on the issues and arguments at hand. It’s not unlike that ancient trick question, “Do you still beat your wife?”

The Bozeman Daily Chronicle points out that, “the Department of Homeland Security considers groups that reject federal authority in favor of local authority as right wing extremists.” This has ruffled the feathers of Mr. Alias and his compatriots. The Oath Keeper insists, “that to call Americans with political concerns ‘terrorists’ is unacceptable.” He explains that those who have sworn to uphold the Constitution are obligated to protect the nation’s founding principles and promises to, “honor the U.S. federal government as long as it operates within its constitutional bounds.” Therein, of course, lies the fucking rub! Alias, Rhodes, and those who feel that for far too many years the government has usurped so much power from the people and the states that it is virtually nonexistent as a limited entity and has become instead a giant behemoth intent on swallowing up and destroying every measure of freedom in its path. Our national government is now virtually indistinguishable in many ways from the oligarchies so prevalent in many third-world countries. We are quickly approaching the point when only a very small cabal of wealthy and educated decide the fate of the vast majority. This was never envisioned by the Founders but because over the years we have failed to exercise any real semblance of due diligence, many fear we are on the verge of losing our freedom. This is nothing to be taken lightly and it is simply not enough to denigrate those who hold this view as merely paranoid gun-nuts and crazies. They may very well be right just as were the Minute Men over two centuries ago!

Rhodes is not at all surprised that some claim that groups such as his are dangerous and aptly notes that, “demonizing political opponents is an easy way to stem dissent.” Stifling dissent has literally been elevated to an art form by the Liberal Elite and Obama is steeped in that tradition hailing as he does from the Windy City where that tactic is practiced perhaps like nowhere else. Rhodes, who stresses the group’s nonviolent nature, notes that, “every oppressive government throughout history has labeled people as enemies of the state.” Alias insists that he merely, “aims to educate people about how to protect the U.S. Constitution and their rights,” and that, “racism, violence and demonizing political opponents have no place within Oath Keepers.” It sounds like Rhodes, Alias, and those who hold their views want what might be termed a “fair fight” with those who disagree with them. Well, they sure as shit ain’t getting it from those Liberal Statists! Let’s see, wasn’t there something fairly recently about service union employee thugs beating up on elderly voters and members of the New Black Panther Party with truncheons intimidating prospective voters at the polling place? Nah, Obama would never stand for or condone such despicable practices, would he?

In an article for the New American entitled, “Oath Keepers: Patriotic Defenders of the republic?”, ( author Joe Wolverton, ll, describes the group as a, “nationwide association of currently serving members of the armed forces, national guard units, police officers, and veterans of the same that have recently united with the declared purpose of unequivacally and without fear or favor staying true to the oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” The Oath Keepers refuse to obey any orders that they deem blatantly unconstitutional believing that to do so would violate the very oath that each of them has sworn. Wolverton’s piece sites the Oath Keepers, “Declaration Of Orders We Will Not Obey.” The first states that, “We will not obey any order to disarm the American people.” These folks, “believe that any attempt to deprive the people of their weaponry is treasonous and is an act of war upon the people of the United States.” A statement like this should tell you exactly how serious these people are about the importance of their task and it scares the Hell out of the Liberal Elite Class who attack patriotic groups regularly and viciously.

The second plank of the Declaration deals with never violating the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution and the Keepers literally swear, “Not to obey any order or conduct warrantless searches of the American people, their homes, vehicles, papers, or effects. . .” Other aspects of the Keeper’s manifesto address such issues as never detaining U.S. citizens as enemy combatants; not obeying orders to impose martial law without the consent of the state in which it is to occur; and they will never obey any orders that, “infringe on the right of the people to free speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition their government for a redress of grievances.” These people should and must be taken seriously for without groups like them our rights and freedoms will eventually disappear and the citizenry will never even realize what has occurred until it is far too late to do anything about it. Remember, government will always acquire more and more power if the people are not vigilant and I fear that far too many of us are asleep at the fucking wheel! We have become so complacent and satisfied that we are making the task of our Ruling Liberal Elite that much easier to accomplish. Groups like the Oath Keepers serve as a really good swift kick in the ass for they are trying to wake us up before the coffin is closed and nailed shut! The history of the world is replete with examples of free people who were literally enslaved as they failed to tenaciously guard their liberty! If you really believe it can’t happen here you need to get your head out of your ass and pay attention to what the fuck is actually going on in this country!!

These people scare the living Hell out of the Obama’s, the Kerry’s, the Kennedy’s, and groups like the ACLU and the Southern Poverty Law Center. They understand that the patriot is a real threat to their ambitions and power and will do anything necessary to thwart their ability to sound a warning. To outfits like the SPLC, “patriotism is something onerous and hateful.” Others, “have declared the Oath Keepers to be an embryonic revolutionary force that, but for the fact that the group is so small, would use its military influence to impose its own narrow version of the Founders’ ideal government on the majority and thus become that which they claim to loathe – despots.” This is nothing more than a flagrant example of pure Liberal hypocrisy, paranoia, and tactics – it’s classic! They attack with no real facts or basis in reality and they besmirch and smear individuals whose motives and methods they disagree with. Additionally and as always, they accuse the “enemy” of doing exactly what they themselves are guilty of thus attempting to place patriots and patriotism on the defensive. In this case, however, the plan does not seem to have the desired outcome of intimidation and fear that will effectively silence those who the Liberal Elite Class view as a threat. Stewart Rhodes quite simply explains that, “the whole point of the Oath Keepers is to stop a dictatorship from ever happening here.”

Wolverton’s final points are absolutely telling and right on the mark. He states that the, “very existence of the Oath Keepers, however, whether they be true guardians of the republic or misguided patriots, is evidence of the fear and distrust of government felt by Americans and of their legitimate concern that the national government consistently and unrepentantly marches with heavy boots across Constitutional boundaries. . .” Additionally, the government is, “willfully concentrating power into an executive that without much effort could assume all power into a single hand and then use that strength to finally and irreparably break free from the fetters placed upon it by the Constitution and to obliterate the walls of protection created by our Founders around the highest and final citadel of sovereignty – the American people.” Not only has the author brilliantly stated the conditions we face as a nation but has correctly assessed the penultimate goals of the Ultra Liberal Elite in this country. They want to tear up the Constitution because to them it is nothing more than an annoying hindrance to their agenda of usurping all the power they possibly can and turn the rest of us into nothing more than obedient children who must do as they’re told or face dire punishment from the adults. It’s coming, floks, and to ignore groups like the Oath Keepers is to do so at our own peril. Be afraid Americans, be very afraid while remaining ever vigilant!!

Much Luv Y’all and Have a Great Day!

The Fifth Horseman

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Somebody stole my country and I want it back! I’m not exactly sure when or how it happened but the United States of America is rapidly unraveling. It is crumbling with breath-taking speed. No foreign armies have invaded and while the Islamo-Fucking-Fascists can certainly wreak havoc, they can’t take us down. Whoever the damned thief is, he is nothing if not thorough. In the space of about a generation he and his minions have worked their sabotage far more effectively than any foreign enemy could have possibly dreamed of doing.

These enemies of America have warped, distorted, and all but destroyed virtually every one of our major institutions from education to politics to the family to the military and everything in between. They have literally pillaged and looted our peerless American culture and heritage and have twisted and perverted America’s long-standing role as the most uniquely munificent force that the world has ever seen or is likely to see again! These saboteurs are quite literally trying to destroy the very meaning of America and they constitute the very worst form of enemy because they are, in fact, Americans themselves. These scum qualify as subversive, seditious, treasonous bastards and/or bastardesses and should be treated accordingly.

We are a nation at war right now and this war may take decades to fully and successfully prosecute. To defeat the Islamist hordes our nation must be united in its resolve, steadfast in determination and purpose, and willing to sacrifice. God knows our troops certainly are. The saboteurs, on the other hand, are doing everything they can to divide this nation, to literally rip it asunder so that the United States will lose the war against Islamo-Fascism. They actually want to see a defeated America and yet they claim to be patriotic! Patriotic, my sorry old ass!! They wear buttons exclaiming that, “Dissent is Patriotic!” Nice try, Fucko!! Dissent can be patriotically motivated as can disagreement, but calling for and doing your utmost to cause America to lose a war is treasonous, you assholes! It is not patriotic and no patriot would ever utter sentiments like, “I support our troops, I just don’t support the war!” Hey, Numb-Nuts – you can’t support the troops and at the same time not support their mission! That’s nothing more than an obscene oxymoron. It is nothing but a lie! These jackasses want to cripple if not completely destroy the one institution that has kept this nation free and virtually unmolested for over two hundred and thirty years: the American Armed Forces (emphasis on armed)!!

They not only attack the war, our troops prosecuting the affair, but also our methodology in obtaining vital information from captured terrorists. They accuse us of torture in forcing non-uniformed enemy combatants into revealing future plans to destroy America. They mindlessly rail against “Club Gitmo” and Abu Grahb and stupidly claim that forcing these fucking killers to wear women’s pink underwear on their heads or making them construct nude human pyramids is just too much for the terrorists’ delicate psyches to bear. These liberal assholes have the unmitigated gall to equate acts of humiliation with real torture! You know, the kind that these non-uniformed enemy combatants have committed against American soldiers and civilians in Iraq and elsewhere.

Think public beheadings, electrified genitals, ripping out fingernails, and cutting off tongues just to name a few. Let’s not forget dead American soldiers being dragged through the streets or the burned bodies of American civilians hanging from bridges! Now these boys know how to torture! What are we guilty of? Right – water-boarding, a very persuasive tactic from which not a single enemy of this nation has died or been permanently disfigured or crippled, Dammit! Yeah, we’re so fucking inhumane that after a year’s detention at Guantanimo Bay, for example, the average prisoner has gained over seventeen pounds! Man, if that’s not torture, I sure as shit don’t know what is! Oh, and let’s not forget the taxpayer provided Korans and prayer rugs! To paraphrase a famous French broad who once lost her head, “Let them eat pork!”

These Blame-America-Firsters are also some of the biggest and most obvious damned hypocrites ever to adopt the Speak-Out-Of-Both-Sides-Of-The Mouth Modality!(see related video)
They not only approve of torture but given the right set of circumstances, would willingly and even happily engage in it themselves and they fucking well know it! Prove it, you demand! You got it, I reply!! Envision the following scenario. The beloved ten year-old daughter of the loudest, most ardently vociferous anti-war, anti-American, anti-torture, Liberal-Progressive, pious pain in the ass has been kidnapped by the most vicious, ruthless, maniacal street gang out there. Oh, I don’t know, MS 13 comes to mind. If you are even slightly familiar with this particular species of sub-human, you understand that there’s nothing they won’t do to that little kid before they brutally kill her. It’s a done deal. The girl’s dead and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.

The ten year-old’s father just happens to catch a lucky break and captures a gang member who knows where the girl is but refuses to talk and will not divulge her location. No help there. Despite the pleading, the begging, the cajoling, and the threats this motherfucker ain’t talking: Omerta in full effect! What to do? The girl is going to be used, abused, and killed and there’s simply nothing to be done. I guess in this instance, failure is definitely an option. Yeah, right! Listen, you phony Liberal bastard, the only thing you wouldn’t do is kill the gang-banging piece of shit because then the ten year-old has no chance of survival. You’d hook his nuts up to a car battery without a second thought. You’d bamboo his ass as well as the soles of his feet. You’d burn him with cigarette and cigar butts! You’d beat him with barbed wire and force him to crawl through the razor variety! You’d, you’d, well you know what you’d do: anything and everything to make the miscreant divulge the young girl’s location. You’d probably even resort to the use of the dreaded technique of water-boarding (gasp)! Yes you would; don’t even try and deny it! You’d do anything for your loved one and therein lies the fucking rub. Do you not love your country enough to do anything to protect her, to keep her safe and secure from those Muslim Mother Fuckers that would destroy her? Apparently not.

No, instead you make excuses for “them”, blame America for their “plight”, and demand that non-uniformed captured enemy combatants be afforded protections under the Geneva Conventions (you really oughta read it, Skippy) to which they’re not entitled. Why don’t you hypocritical humps just come out and say it? You want America to lose this war, you despise the Armed Forces, the troops and their mission, and you’ll do anything in your power to see this nation fail! You then have the utter audacity, the unbridled chutzpah, to call yourselves patriots? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!

The same Liberal – oops, I mean Progressive – scum that wants America to lose to the terrorists also wants to destroy American sovereignty in a further attempt to humiliate and degrade this nation. As defined by Thorndike and Barnhart , sovereignty is the “complete control by a state over its own affairs independently of external interference.” As Michael Savage so aptly notes, once a nation loses control of its borders, language, and culture the end is surely not far off. We have done exactly that. I give you the proposed NAU: the North American Union which is merely the European Union gone west. It will literally destroy American sovereignty and borders with its prosperity zones and transportation corridors that will run from southern Mexico through the U.S. and up to Canada’s northern border. Will we move to a North American version of the Euro which further erodes American sovereignty? These misguided one-world zealots see folks like me as relics of a failed nation-state ideology. We “relics” view these one-worlders as the worst sort of enemy. These are Americans who would willingly, nay eagerly, destroy all that is unique about our country and so homogonize it to such a point as to become irrelevant as a separate sovereign entity. They wish for nothing less than an end to the United States of America that for the past two hundred plus years has been the single, most positive force that the world has ever known!

They will accomplish these ends not merely by treaty or international agreements. These self-loathing Americans will insist upon maintaining our de-facto policy of open borders which is virtually destroying this nation! There are roughly fifteen million illegal aliens, uh – I mean undocumented workers, now residing in the United States. The overwhelming number of them couldn’t give a rat’s ass about America and have no desire to become citizens. Huge numbers of them refuse to assimilate but rather live in “outposts” of their home countries. One of the surest ways to destroy a nation’s sovereignty is to “invite” outsiders in and allow them to defy tradition, permit them NOT to learn the language of the majority, and celebrate their culture instead of insisting that they learn to love ours. There is an ever growing movement among our Liberal Elite Class to grant illegals and other non-citizens the right to vote and allow them access to legal drivers licenses so they can continue to spit on the American dream. These scum-dogs still insist that they are loyal, patriotic Americans who love their country. Just think “The Emperor’s New Clothes”!!

The Liberal Elite Class further erodes America’s sovereignty by purposely refusing to foster a sense of pride in and devotion to what this nation has accomplished and has historically stood for. They will not explain that since its inception, America has been a gleaming beacon for all those in the world that have desired freedom and opportunity. They will never point out that while millions the world over try and gain access to this country, legally and illegally, almost no one tries to leave. They propagandize and brainwash about America as responsible for all the evil in the world from poverty, AIDS, war, environmental disasters and so much more even while knowing it’s no more than a crock of shit! By purposely tearing down a sense of pride in and devotion to this country, sovereignty becomes moot. If the citizens of the nation don’t feel their country is a special place, then indeed it is not. By espousing and inflicting such suicidal doctrines as political correctness, multi-culturalism, and diversity these self-loathing Americans have done far more damage to this nation’s continued survival than all of our foreign enemies combined. By constantly harping on our differences instead of extolling those national virtues that bring us together and unite us as Americans, these unpatriotic bastards are virtually guaranteeing America’s demise!!

Under the guise of a phony, bogus, and spurious compassion these internal enemies of my country have succeeded in destroying two institutions without which the nation is surely doomed: a healthy family structure and a first-rate educational system.(see related video) Prior to the 1960’s, unarguably the most venal and destructive decade in our history, the family structure in America was sound, stable, and vibrant. Regardless of creed, color, or ethnicity the nuclear family reigned supreme and the two-parent family was the overwhelming norm. Additionally, parents married BEFORE having children and out of wedlock teen-age births were virtually unheard of.

Then, with many strokes of many pens, LBJ and his malicious, wrong-headed, and arrogant Great Society Programs began to attack the American family. While his oft-touted War on Poverty has totally failed, his war on the American family has been an amazing success! Take a look around you and witness a 50% divorce rate. Do your research and learn that in inner-cities nation wide the teen-age out of wedlock birthrate hovers around 75%. We literally have children raising children. The family structure in this country is virtually non-existent and it appears to be getting worse! Fathers living with their children and spouse is virtually unheard of anymore and, in fact, the reverse has become the norm. When the family structure fails, all else fails because the family is the basic building block of society. Sick and broken families translate into atrophied institutions which in turn signals the death of a nation.

With the failure of the family comes the inevitable failure of our educational system. It’s absolutely unavoidable and cannot be repaired until the failing family structure in this nation is mended. We have, through welfare and wealth redistribution, virtually destroyed self-reliance, individual initiative, and personal responsibility. The welfare check, public housing, and food stamps have usurped the role of fatherhood and has fostered the growth of a permanent, dependent underclass! Given this situation, is it any wonder that our educational system has become one of the very worst in the industrialized, developed world? Colleges and universities nation wide must provide “remedial” classes to freshmen who still don’t know the basics. The professors look at high school teachers like me and ask, “What the Hell are you people doing?” Secondary school teachers ask the same question to those who teach junior high school and they in turn ask the same damned question to those teaching on the elementary level. All well and good, but nobody and I mean nobody asks the most relevant question to the most relevant group. No one turns to the parents and shouts, “What the FUCK are you doing!?!”

Don’t these children raising children who then raise more children understand that if a child can’t read or write by the time he hits kindergarten, it’s pretty much over for him educationally? He or she will keep falling farther and farther behind. No current educational models, theories, or remedies take this into account. Without healthy families, our educational system is doomed. Once the institutions of the family and education are destroyed, all of the other major societal institutions are in danger of collapsing. This country is careening wildly toward its own destruction and I fear it may be too late to reverse course!!

Much Luv, Y’all and Have a Great DaY!

The Fifth Horseman

Sunday, October 25, 2009


My current President is nothing more than a constant embarrassment at best and at worst he’s a huge threat to this nation and all it has come to represent over the past two hundred thirty some-odd years.(see related video) The man is no more than a caricature, a clown, and a thorough buffoon! This guy makes that Georgia peanut farmer of the 1970’s look like a wise and sage statesman instead of the saboteur he actually was. Electing Obama to the Presidency is very much akin to telling a star high school baseball pitcher that next season he’ll be starting for the New York Yankees or perhaps the Boston Red Sox. The young fellow’s gonna get creamed, chewed up, and spit out. He’s just not ready to play in the Major Leagues with the grown ups! The Hypocrite-in Chief has held only two actual, bona-fide jobs in his entire life and has never assumed the mantel of executive. He’s run nothing except for his mouth! Nada, Zip, Zero.

After graduating from Harvard, he worked on Wall Street for roughly six months and decided he either didn’t care for it or couldn’t handle it and quit. There’s nothing wrong with that, by the way. It’s better to find out early that you despise what you’re doing rather than thirty years down the road after you’ve spent most of your adult life doing it. Years later, he wrote of his venture on the “Street” that he felt like he’d been dropped behind enemy lines. Enemy Lines?!? Let’s see, the leader of the free world in the most Capitalistic society ever created which has produced the highest standard of living in the history of mankind views Wall Street and Capitalism as the enemy! That’s an absolutely remarkable statement and is hugely revealing. Remember folks, his books weren’t written in his young, formative years but rather by a fully mature adult whose world view had already been shaped. As we get older, we tend to look for those things that reinforce and strengthen our beliefs and the President is just such an individual.

His second “job” after Wall Street was taking a post as a “community organizer”, whatever the Hell that means. I’ve never seen a written description of that “profession” nor have I come across the rigorous and demanding qualifications required to achieve such a lofty, exalted, and responsible position. I’ve seen no course of study offered by colleges or universities to obtain degrees in that field and I’ve yet to locate a core curriculum that includes course work that prepares someone to assume that role. I’m also unaware of where one might go to master updated techniques and methodologies in order for someone in the field to maintain their edge so as to remain fresh, current and not become stale and irrelevant. Perhaps he received exclusive one-to-one tutoring from that racist load of excrement, the ever so influential and learned Good Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Hey Rev, let’s forget about God damning America and work on God damning you! By the way, where did you earn your Degree in Divinity? Perhaps one can also receive special lectures from the team of Jackson and Sharpton as well. I’m also convinced that our first black President has memorized verbatim Saul Aulinsky’s classic, The Rule Book for Radicals!

He then discovered his true calling, his life’s work, and an occupation worthy of his great intellect, lofty ambitions, and planet-sized ego. He became a proud member of the corrupt Daley Political Machine without whose approval nothing gets done in the Windy City. This nation hasn’t seen this kind of dirty, crooked politics since Boss Tweed ran the Big Apple all those years ago! Yup, young Barry was up and running!! First, local Chicago politics and after getting the blessing of Daley and the Boys, off to the national scene as an Illinois Senator where he got his first taste of real power and has been absolutely crazed with it ever since. After spending approximately one hundred and forty days as a politician on the Federal level (by the way, his most frequent vote was neither Nay nor Yea but rather PRESENT. Yessirree, that’s what’s known as really taking a tough stand on the burning issues of the day!) he announced his intention of seeking the Presidency which in and of itself is a full-time job and left virtually no room for him to perform his sworn duty to the citizens of Illinois. The man had become a professional politician and his election to the Presidency has more than reinforced my deeply held conviction that there are far too many of my countrymen out there who are way too stupid to live and just far, far too damned dumb to die!

I realize he’s only been in office for just ten months (actually, he’s rarely in the office but instead has become something of a “jet-setter” President) but let’s take a brief glance at what he’s done to date. At the moment we’re embroiled in an extremely heated and sometimes venomous health-care reform debate in Obama’s zealous attempt to relegate our nation to the status of liberalized and feminized Western Europe. The Brother wants the government to control between one-sixth and one-fifth of our economy which would give it far more power than the Founders ever envisioned. If he gets what he wants, you’ll be facing health care rationing as people must wait two to three years or more to receive crucial life-saving or life-altering procedures. Additionally, when you get to that stage of life at which you’ve got far more years behind you than you have in front of you you’ll be introduced to the concept of what’s called “end of life counseling.” That’s a very euphemistic phrase which simply means you’re too fucking old and we’re not wasting precious time, energy, and resources on some ancient Bastard who no longer meaningfully contributes to society. Think about it. The government will now decide who lives or dies, who does and does not receive treatment. If that pain becomes too excruciatingly unbearable, our Supreme Leader will generously give you enough pills to transform gramps and grandma into mindless Zombies! Can anyone say Orwellian or perhaps Euthanasia? Know this and make no mistake: it’s coming. The Buffoon-in-Chief and his minions will absolutely succeed in destroying the finest health care system on the planet and reduce it to the God-awful levels of England, France, and Sweden!

Furthermore, the MAN wants to increasingly saddle an already ailing economy with his devious and devastating Cap and Trade scam which will cost the average American an additional three grand annually! It should be more properly termed Cap and Tax or the one I most prefer Tax and Crap! This is merely a very poorly disguised effort to cripple our nation’s oil producers and move toward pie-in-the-sky green energy alternatives that simply won’t meet the needs of this nation and never will. This Bogus Bullshit is merely yet another way to massively increase taxes on those to whom HE gave his solemn oath that under HIS Presidency only those people earning over $250,000 per annum would pay anything additional in taxes! He knew that wasn’t true even as he uttered the statement. He and all Democrat “pols” are about nothing but power and control and once they control your income by taking more of it in taxes they assume greater and greater hegemony over the lives of citizens.

A lack of economic freedom which Obama and his ilk desperately want is no less than one of the cruelest forms of slavery that ever existed. As the government takes away ever larger portions of your income, your liberty and freedom become severely curtailed. You will be able to make fewer and fewer choices, you’ll not be able to do those things that please and satisfy you, nor will you be able to take advantage of opportunities for you and your family. You’d better be absolutely aware that this man wants and intends to have more and more of us dependent on government to provide our most basic needs. Do you really think for one moment that when he speaks so sincerely and solemnly about ever-rising unemployment and all its attendant horrors that he means one fucking word of it? Balls and Bullshit!! I’m willing to bet the damned ranch that when alone with his trusted lackeys and cronies they are high-fiving and victory-dancing as the unemployment rate keeps rising.

Don’t you get it? As more and more of us lose our jobs, the more dependent upon government we become: in this case I give you the old unemployment insurance check! Those out of work become ever more dependent on government and that’s what all true Socialists must absolutely have! There is no doubt that your newest President is an absolute Socialist and pines for the day when he can utterly destroy free market capitalism! If this Tax and Crap ever becomes law, its only effect will be to virtually impoverish this nation and eventually move it into third world status. If you haven’t noticed, you should be aware that those third world shit-holes are pretty much exempt from the bullshit about greenhouse emissions, global warming, catastrophic climate change, and the rest of this anti-American. anti-Western swill. They’re out to bring us down to their pathetic levels and that an American President is aiding and abetting their cause is thoroughly nauseating!!

Let’s not forget about his much touted bail-outs of some of our major industries that were deemed Too Big To Fail! The case of General Motors is instructive. Supplicants from such household names as Buick, Chevrolet, Cadillac, etc. came to Washington on bended knee with outstretched hands. After they were thoroughly and publicly chastised for arriving in their Gulf Stream jets business, of course, commenced and it absolutely shouldn’t have. In a Capitalist, free market economy companies often go under. They declare some form of bankruptcy, restructure, and eventually end up on their feet again. Take Delta Airlines some years back. They went bust yet remained viable and survived. The difference is back then America’s President was not a raving Socialist Hell bent on destroying Capitalism!

Now, of course, thanks to multiple billions of tax-sucker dollars bestowed upon the auto makers by His Majesty, the government along with those UAW types literally own the automobile industry! Sounds like more government control of private industry with an accompanying further erosion of freedom and responsibility. What the fuck is the government doing in the business of manufacturing cars!?! Still, some people including The Anointed One himself insist that the man is not a Socialist but we all realize that they know better. As I recall, the government ran the car business in the defunct Soviet Union and other command economies like Cuba and Vietnam. Would you buy a car from them, Hmmmmm

You’d better get ready for the day when government officials will dictate and severely limit your choices as to the kinds of cars you’ll be able to own and it’ll be done under the guise of protecting us and the environment from our wanton destructiveness, callousness, and lack of vision. As any good Socialist will be more than happy to point out, it’s obvious that we regular folk, the schlubs and the common slobs are too feeble-minded to properly take care of ourselves and our families so that task must be left to Big Brother! We are too stupid and irresponsible not to destroy the environment as well as the planet (you talk about arrogance and hubris – these folks have a virtual monopoly on those two traits) so we must be treated as severely retarded children and be forced to do the things that the adults have deemed in our own best interests. Here are just a few examples of what we can expect.

Lest you feel this is no more than one old fart’s paranoia bubbling to the surface yet one more time look up the following acronym: CACHE. These constitute Obama’s plans to drastically increase our MPG’s as we go about our daily business and it is also a craven, perhaps desperate bid to curry favor with those “green” types in their drive to destroy this nation’s economy and saddle us with Socialism. For example, under these standards by roughly a decade from now each car maker’s entire fleet must average just under forty miles per gallon. What’s wrong with that, you ask? It’ll save gas and improve air quality nation-wide! How could anyone with a pure heart and a compassionate soul object to this plan to save the planet?!? I must be some kinda racist!! Well let’s see now, how might such a plan be implemented? Very simply. Once more Obama and the Boys are going to severely limit our choices and destroy our freedom this time in the name of saving the planet. We must be forced into doing what is best for us because these visionaries have the truth and the rest of us Schmucks had just better shut the fuck up and keep “sheeping” along!

In order to achieve this type of gas mileage, you can kiss your large, roomy, comfortable and SAFE automobile good bye! You know, that SUV you recently purchased for its spaciousness and peace of mind. You can forget about owning anything even approaching the luxury of a Lincoln Town Car or a Jaguar with a V-8 or V-12 engine! I know damned well that in the not too distant future there’ll be laws prohibiting these types of vehicles accompanied by huge fines and possible jail-time! Paranoid, my sorry old ass! You silly bastards might just consider removing your heads from your rectums and look around at what’s happening to our nation. It’s being fucking destroyed and we’re letting it happen! You’ll be driving a “Mini” or one of those supposed “smart cars” which simply put are just death traps – no more than coffins on wheels! If you’re approaching six feet in height or better, enjoy that lovely seven or eight-hour car ride with the wife and kids. If you make it to your destination alive and can actually extricate yourself from this clown mobile, it’ll take at least a week to straighten out and feel even close to normal again! Smart Car this, Mr. President!

How about our once at least somewhat improved welfare system? We finally got to the point of “workfare” wherein if you desired to receive money you hadn’t earned then you must do something to gain the benefit. Not perfect, but at least a positive step. Well, the ‘Bama ended that! Under his “system” virtually anybody who wants to can qualify thus creating ever- increasing dependence on government to fulfill our needs. Yeah, that’s just great because it’s exactly what this country needs – if you happen to be a hard- core, full-blown Socialist bent on utterly destroying Capitalism! Care for a bit more? Tough shit, ‘cause here it comes. The Federal Government is now so involved in the banking and mortgage industry that it may as well be termed the Obama Home Ownership Program! You’ll need government permission to own your own home in the United States of America. That loud crashing and booming sound you hear is merely the American Dream being jack-booted underfoot by your own damned government!

Obama also seems Hell bent on completely bankrupting this nation by adopting policies that increase our national debt to heights never before seen. That’s a sure-fire way to kill Capitalism and steer America on an invariable course toward Socialism. If he is allowed to continue, it does indeed spell the death of this great country, destroys American Exceptionalism, and sends us spinning and careening straight into third-worldism and utter misery! His almost one trillion dollar stimulus package has thus far stimulated virtually nothing save for 30,000 jobs on the Federal level! How the Hell much is that per job and they’re not even in the private sector?! Remember all those “shovel-ready” projects? Except for perhaps pot hole repair here and there they didn’t exist. The man has spent only roughly 15% of that stolen loot and plans to spend the rest as reelection time approaches so he can look good spreading all that pork around!

The only thing his “Porkulus” bill has accomplished (please note the Limbaughism here) was to take one trillion dollars out of the private sector but since he wants to literally destroy it anyway at least he’s being consistent! That trillion can no longer be invested in expanding existing business so more employment is created thus insuring continued growth and prosperity. Similarly, entrepreneurs can no longer risk that money to start new ventures in the hope of achieving further success, prosperity, and employment. It’s a brilliant fucking plan – if your goal is to destroy the greatest economic engine ever created since Homo Sapiens began standing on two feet! The same can be said for his creation of the largest Federal budget in the history of this country standing at a grossly obscene three and one-half trillion smackaroos! It is projected that our national debt will skyrocket to upwards of $12,000,000,000,000 in about a decade and nobody gets out alive! We will be paying off that debt for multi, multi, multi generations and it will ensure the demise of this great country which is exactly and precisely what he desperately wants to accomplish!

His evil machinations will also lead to another phenomenon never before seen in America’s history: the domination of the United States by foreign powers! I swear the Brother-in-Chief must go orgasmic just contemplating the thought. As China and other nations buy up more and more of our debt they also begin to control us. Don’t you get it? If someone loans you five million, you owe them and you become dependent. Your freedom is being taken away. There’s no other way to look at it. Just ask our former BJ-in-Chief and mention campaign contributions from – you got it – Communist China. This fits in perfectly with what the Bamster’s trying to pull off and if he’s successful, we’ll have no one to blame but ourselves. Alright, you misguided feel-good Liberals elected him once. Yeah, I’m sure it’s very cool to brag that you helped elect America’s First Black President just to prove you’re not a racist! Well, if you folks haven’t seen how wrong-headed and obtuse you really are and manage to get him a second term then you deserve everything discussed above and more. If those of us on the other side can’t articulate our Conservative ideas and plans any better than we did in 2008 and find a candidate who is unafraid to do the same then we deserve whatever the Hell we get as well!

How will Obama accomplish his dream of America’s demise and to whom will he turn to transform that dream into reality? First and foremost to the non-thinking boobies who elected this huckster-snake oil salesman. Additionally, of course, he will have the unwavering support of all Liberal Democrat politicians who invariable place party over country. It’s been one of their trademarks since at least the 1960’s. He, however, will depend more than any other President on the use of his so-called “Czars” which more simply stated translates into hit men or enforcers. As most half educated sixth graders can tell you, a Czar was the equivalent of an emperor and for many centuries ruled over the Russian Empire as absolute tyrants and claimed Divine Right as their justification. Yes, their power came directly from the Almighty and the Czar was his earthly representative. Not a bad gig if you can get it and I believe that El Presidente thinks the same thing about himself. The Romanovs were the last ruling family until 1917 when the Bolsheviks brutally ended their tenure and savagely slaughtered them but hey, payback’s a bitch ain’t it? There have long been questions concerning those few of God’s chosen who may have survived but that mystery has finally been solved. They’re all gainfully employed in the current administration as “Czars”.(see related video)

I realize, of course, that other Presidents have used similar individuals or “special advisors” in their White Houses. Brother Obama, however, eclipses them all in numbers and the extraordinary powers that they have been accorded. We all know what happens once one gets a taste of power: they always want more and will fight like a lioness protecting her cubs if ever that power is threatened or diminished. A web piece from Politifact( John McCain’s now famous quote that, “Obama has more Czars than the Romanovs – who ruled Russia for 3 centuries.” The Brother-in-Chief has hired approximately forty of these folks who, of course, are funded by all of us tax-suckers out here. The Head Honcho, however, apparently doesn’t care for the word czar because it probably sounds far too authoritarian and dictatorial and he desperately needs to keep the dolts and boobies out there from learning the truth about his real intentions and agenda.

It should be more than obvious to anyone with an IQ of an asparagus that he despises this country as presently constituted, hates and loathes Capitalism, and wants nothing more than to redistribute the wealth earned by hard-working Americans and give it to those who don’t deserve it. Politico points out that, “the Obama administration attempts to avoid the use of ‘czar’ terminology,” as illustrated when Press Secretary, the ever glib wordsmith Robert Gibbs, corrected a reporter who questioned him about the appointment of so many of these Czars. Gibbs objected to the term and said, “No, I think the title is special master.” Special master? I thought we got rid of the masters with the defeat of the Confederacy in 1865. Something about a guy named Robert E. Lee and a place called Appomattox if memory serves.

Even such a luminary as that red neck cracker Senator Robert Byrd notes the possible danger inherent within Barry’s Czardom when he correctly posited that the President’s appointments clearly make a mockery of our system of checks and balances which has stood us in good stead for the last few hundred years. In a piece entitled, “Obama’s Czars” from the author astutely points out that these people are, “immune to subpoena, Congressional oversight and review,” and answer to the President, and the President only.” Additionally, the Czars “need not be approved or confirmed by any other branch and have supreme rule over the agencies” of which they are in charge. The author also correctly notes that their salaries need not be disclosed and that collectively, “the Obama czars oversee up to $2 trillion.” These Boys and Girls control a huge portion of our annual budget and with that control comes, obviously, huge power. This, of course, is in total “sync” with Obama’s plans and personality.

The author also points out that these, “people make policy decisions under the table, out of reach of both Congress and the American people.” He concludes by saying that the, “authority and power of an agency is transferred to one unaccountable person within the Executive branch.” He wonders that with the ability to unconstitutionally create Czars, “at which point will we have an outright oligarchy, held accountable by no one?” Think about it folks. The Bamster’s sights are set on destroying our democracy and our representative republic. Political cartoonists used to lambaste President Andrew Jackson and referred to him as King Andrew complete with royal robes, sepulcher, and crown. Well, Andy, move the fuck outa’ the way ‘cause Barry Boy’s now the new sheriff in town!

This whole Czar thing has become so problematical that some folks in government are actually trying to do something about it. Representative Jack King out of Georgia has introduced his Czar Accountability and Reform Act (H.R. 3226). The politician points out that, “since being sworn in, President Obama has appointed as many as 34 czars to oversee and implement a wide array of his agenda ranging from the automobile industry to global warming to the Great Lakes.” He continues that, “with a salary of up to $172,000 in addition to staff, office, and travel budgets,” the Congressman sees these sinecures as a growing problem which will cost tax payers millions ( King concludes on an ominous note saying that, “at this rate, we’ll have 272 czars by 2012 . . . and it seems President Obama is in the midst of forming a parallel government to push his policies.” He notes quite correctly that, “not only do they duplicate existing Senate-confirmed positions, they are completely unaccountable.” Therein, of course, lies the rub.

Far too many of these Czar-types exist within already long established Cabinet posts and while the power struggles and vicious infighting that is inevitable will be entertaining to witness, it will further complicate and slow down an already massive bureaucracy and will lead to still more government inefficiencies. Referring back to The Politico, author Shawn Dietz notes that there can’t help but be an overlapping of responsibility. He states that, “the Department of Energy has Steven Chu yet President Obama has named a new Energy Czar,” and the writer wonders why. He further explains that the same is true for other Cabinet positions such as the Department of Health, Department of Labor, the Department of Transportation, the Department of State, and the Department of Commerce.

The list of these tyrannical thugs is seemingly endless or soon will be and is readily available on the internet. Let’s note just a few. We have an Aids Czar, a Bailout Czar, and a Border Czar. We then have additional such positions for: Cars; Climate Change; Counter Terrorism; Cyber Security; Domestic Violence; and Drugs. There exist two of these types that deal with the economy as well as an Education Czar; a Food Safety Czar; an Energy Czar; a Government Performance Czar; and even a Great Lakes Czar. We must, of course not forget the monarchs in charge of the: Green Jobs; Guantanomo Closure; Health; Infotech; Intelligence; Latin America; Mideast Peace; and Mideast Policy. Also certainly worthy of note are the Bamster’s: Pay Czar; Regulatory Czar; Religion Czar; Safe Schools Czar; Science Czar; Stimulus Oversight Czar; Tarp Czar; and Technology Czar. This shit is wearing me out but the point is that when laid out in front of you, it paints an extraordinarily disturbing picture which makes anything done by Dali seem normal! This absolutely cannot be good for the nation or its citizens. It’s overwhelming in scope and size and involves huge transfers of power to people who are virtually accountable to no one but the Head Honcho – in – Chief. This is completely unacceptable, dangerous, and yet it is a reality! (for a more complete list of Czars see

At there exists a short list of other possible beaurocratic fiefdoms and based on the Bama’s track record he just might go for it. The web piece suggests:

The Biden Czar – to keep him from opening his big mouth and saying stupid things that embarrass His Majesty!

The Teleprompter Czar – to keep that device always working!

The Pantsuit Czar - to insure that Hillary wears only pantsuits!

The Limbaugh Czar – to regulate Conservative talk radio!

The Middle Name Czar – to prohibit the name Hussein from ever being uttered!

The Double Speak Czar – to keep track of Obama’s new terminology as in changing “Terrorism” to “Man-Caused Disaster”!

The Power Grab Czar – To be the Czar of all Czars!

While obviously ending this piece on a somewhat lighter note, don’t ever lose sight of the fact that this charlatan is attempting no less a feat than the destruction of the greatest, freest, wealthiest, and most powerful yet beneficent nation God ever gave mankind! Nothing like this country has ever been witnessed on the planet nor will it ever happen again. Those out there who want to tear it down and destroy it know exactly what they’re doing and they’ve been dreaming and planning for it for many, many years. Foreign armies can’t defeat us and while terrorists will sting us from time to time they certainly can’t bring us down. It is our internal enemies, the saboteurs, who constitute the real and present danger. It is these people, these back-stabbers, these ungrateful scum that will one day destroy us if we let them. As of now, it’s still not too late but if this imposter of an American President, this bogus Commander-in-Chief, this player at Chief Executive wins a second term in just a few short years that will seal America’s fate. The rot will have so impregnated itself into the very fabric and institutions of the nation that one day Americans will only be able to look back query, “What The Fuck Happened?!?”

I wonder just how long it’ll be before Obama embarks on his next Apology for America Tour? The first one was a huge world-wide success!! Ah, now we know why this "yutz", this imposter of an American President received the much sought after Nobel Peace Prize. He's told the rest of the world that they are right and the global community has rewarded him for it!!

Much “Luv” Y’all and Have a Great Day!

The Fifth Horseman