Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Anti-American Pledge Of Allegiance Rant

     I know.  How can the Pledge of Allegiance in any manner shape, or form be deemed anti-American or possibly un-American?  At first glance, this seems to be completely and sublimely oxymoronic.  I distinctly remember reciting the Pledge with hand over heart every single school day beginning in elementary school right on through 12th grade.  I did not feel coerced or pressured into doing so.  I did not feel in any way put upon nor did I join my classmates in reciting the Pledge out of a sense of peer pressure or fear of retribution if I failed to participate.  Reciting the Pledge was simply something one did.  One did not question the exercise, one did not dissect it, and one did not over think it.  It was done.  It was simply the way we started each and every day.  It was normal, routine, and actually quite comforting.  In fact, the exercise was reassuring.  As I moved on through the grades, the Pledge remained a constant.  I knew that it was something that was expected of me.  It was an obligation, a duty, and a requirement that must not be shirked, avoided, or neglected.

     In my very early school days, I really didn’t quite understand the meaning of the words contained in the Pledge nor did I comprehend its purpose or its importance.  After all, at that age who could be expected to do anything more than recite the Pledge and get on with the rest of the day?  As I moved into junior high and then high school, however, I distinctly remember wondering why each day began with the Pledge, what the words contained therein actually meant, and why it was deemed so important.  I actually took the time to read the thing, attempted to study it, and reflect upon why it was required.  I asked a few of my teachers what the exercise really meant.  I asked my parents as well.  Their answers did not satisfy my curiosity.  I was informed that it was simply what was done at the beginning of every school day and I was expected to be content with that explanation.

     I pretty much let it go at that.  After all, why get so worked up or bent out of shape over something as seemingly innocuous, harmless, and innocent as the Pledge of Allegiance?  Why get my shorts all in a twist over something so mundane and inoffensive as the Pledge?  Who could possibly object to it, find fault with it, or attribute some deep, dark, nefarious meaning to it?  Nobody, right?  If you agree here, you’d be wrong.  Some years ago, I realized that not just a few of my fellow citizens found the Pledge not just objectionable but something that is inherently evil, intrusive, and thoroughly propagandistic.  I have since been informed by too many supposedly intelligent folks that our Pledge of Allegiance must be discontinued or done away with.  Failing that, students should not be forced to recite the thing.  Reciting the Pledge should only be done voluntarily and those students who choose not to participate would not have to stand or place hands on hearts as classmates performed the traditional ceremony.

     I never knew that the Pledge of Allegiance was all that controversial, odious, or objectionable.  I didn’t realize that so many of our fellow citizens could possibly object to such a long standing, time-honored American tradition.  I couldn’t help but wonder why this anti-Pledge phenomenon seems to be gaining so much traction as of late and on what grounds was this movement based.  Perhaps there was some hidden or maybe not so hidden message in it that I missed or did not understand in my student days all those years ago.  Was there some code in the thing that only the best, brightest, and most sophisticated among us could fathom?  Had I not been intelligent enough to comprehend that there was far more to our Pledge of Allegiance then met the eye?  Well, let’s take a look at it and see if we can decipher its real meaning.  As I recall, it begins thusly:  I Pledge Allegiance To The Flag Of The United States Of America.  Hmmmm, what can we make of this I wonder?  What precisely is a pledge?  According to Webster’s New World Dictionary and Thesaurus it is a promise or an agreement.  That seems simple enough.  We’ve all made promises and agreements – some of them small and relatively inconsequential and others so important that they literally define us as individuals and American citizens.  What’s to object to thus far?

     Well, let’s continue.  Exactly what are we pledging?  Yes, that’s right.  We are pledging our allegiance.  The same source defines allegiance as the duty of being loyal to one’s country or devotion to a cause.  Does anyone out there seriously object to the concept of being loyal to the nation of one’s birth?  Haven’t we all at times been devoted to a cause?  Perhaps those who object to the Pledge are not happy about the cause referenced here.  The cause in this case is a flag and what is a flag?  Webster’s notes that a flag is a cloth with colors and patterns that is used as a symbol of a nation.  As far as I can tell, every nation on the planet has its own flag to which its citizens pledge their loyalty and allegiance.  This is certainly not unusual or unique to America.  It’s really quite a common thing.  So then, why has our Pledge of Allegiance become an object of controversy, scorn, and even ridicule?  Perhaps it has something to do with what comes next.  You know, the part that says To The United States Of America.  Could this be it?  Do those who object to the Pledge have something against the United States of America?  Is there something about our nation that these folks find so odious that they can’t bring themselves to pledge their loyalty to it?

     Is there something about America that they find so detestable that they can’t in good conscience bring themselves to proclaim their loyalty to their own country?  If that is indeed the case, I have to wonder just how widespread and deep-seated the phenomenon really is.  Does it involve only a tiny, miniscule portion of our population or is it becoming increasingly prevalent?  Is it relegated to recent immigrants to our country who still harbor feelings of love and attachment to their nation of origin or are those who object to the Pledge native-born Americans?  If, in fact, the latter is the case then our country could be headed for a crisis in the not too distant future.  If increasing numbers of our citizens no longer feel patriotic enough to pledge allegiance to their country they are, in fact, rejecting their birthright and denying the historic role that America has played in the world.  They do not recognize that this nation has been and still is the greatest force for good that the world has ever seen or will see again.  Those who object to the Pledge know nothing of the very real concept of American Exceptionalism and are certainly not the least bit aware of the words or meaning contained in our Founding Documents.  They have a completely warped and distorted view of our nation and its Founding.

     Well, then, let’s continue with the exercise.  Our Pledge continues:  And To The Republic For Which It Stands One Nation Under God.  So, we are apparently declaring our loyalty to our republic that Old Glory represents.  Can those who object to the Pledge really find fault with the concept of republican government?  If so, they have absolutely no comprehension or understanding of what a republic is.  Technically speaking, a republic is simply any form of government without some type of monarchy as in a king or a queen.  A republican government is one in which those who are governed have a clear say as to how they are governed and who will do said governing.  Remember, back when our nation was formed there were no such governments anywhere on the planet.  Nada, Zero, Zilch.  People had no choices, no options, and absolutely no freedoms whatsoever.  The new United States of America was the sole exception to thousands of years of human history and experience.  In fact, if we look at the world today there exist about 193 separate nations around the globe and only about 80 of them qualify as some form of a republic or democracy in which the people have a voice in who their leaders will be.  Referring once again to Mr. Webster, a republic is defined as a state or government headed by a president in which power is exercised by officials elected by the voters.  That’s fairly simple and straight forward isn’t it?  Do those who object to the Pledge also object to a government that is accountable to those it governs?  If so, I invite them to move to such a country and experience life in a system where the individual has no rights, freedoms, or choices.

     Perhaps it is that odious phrase Under God that the Pledge-Detractors find so objectionable.  Could that be possible?  I know that there are atheists out there who profess not to believe in God – any God regardless of religion.  They seem to believe that there is no higher governing entity on the planet or in the universe than man.  That’s one Hell of a sorry, hubristic, and thoroughly pessimistic world view.  We’re it?  There’s nothing out there that doesn’t transcend us petty, narrow-visioned, self-centered, and frail members of the human race?  Call it God, a Supreme Being, a Higher Power or whatever you wish.  It seems to me that there’s got to be something out there that’s larger and more meaningful than me, myself, and I.  But hey, what the Hell do I know?  Well, I do know that atheists represent less than one-half of one-half of one-percent of the population so who the FUCK are they to dictate to the rest of us?  While I suppose they are indeed entitled to their opinion, are they really entitled to impose their views on the overwhelming majority?  This nation was founded by deeply religious and God-fearing folks who knew that without a religious foundation that provided us with a moral compass, our new, grand experiment was doomed to fail.

     Some of those Pledge-Deniers claim to do so on Constitutional grounds.  They maintain that forcing students to recite the Pledge is a violation of the First Amendment to our Constitution.  They insist that the Pledge violates the Establishment Clause and it’s more than just a little obvious that these dunderheads have no idea whatsoever what freedom of religion meant when the First Amendment was written all those years ago.  The Founders insisted that the government must never create a state religion and force all citizens to join it.  This was a reaction to King Henry’s kicking the Roman Catholic Church out of England, establishing the Anglican Church, and forcing all Englishmen to join it.  That’s all that was meant by Freedom of Religion and anyone out there who is a strict constructionist or an originalist (no, you can look those terms up) knows this is correct.  There is absolutely no Constitutional objection to the Pledge of Allegiance that will stand the test of strict scrutiny.  Like so many other mindless buffoons who bring out the Constitution to defend their points of view, they have absolutely no idea what the FUCK they’re talking about but seem to think that throwing Constitution-Speak into the mix somehow gives legitimacy to their wrong-headed opinions.

     Okay, then, let’s finish up the Pledge here:  With Liberty And Justice For All.  Hmmm, could this be the offensive phrase here?  Could this be what those who object to the Pledge of Allegiance are getting so bent out of shape about?  What could possibly be objectionable about concepts like liberty and justice?  These ideals constitute bedrocks of the American experience and once again set us apart from and above most other nations in the world.  Liberty and justice for all can be found almost nowhere on the planet – not today and certainly not throughout history.  Mankind’s historical lot has been one of oppression, tyranny, brutality, and a complete absence of anything even remotely resembling liberty and justice for all.  That is until we came along.  It was only with the creation of the United States of America that these concepts were woven into the fabric of a national entity.  Other nations have since followed suit but they have been far too few to provide a counter balance to the way the world has been historically governed.  Perhaps the Pledge-Objectors believe that we have not achieved liberty and justice for all.  Could this be it?  Do our Pledge-Detractors object to the fact that the Pledge has not been perfectly implemented and that, in fact, liberty and justice for all has not been achieved for one hundred percent of the population?

     If this is indeed the case, I have a news flash for those who are of this mindset.  You’re gonna be forever pissed off, angry, disgruntled, and miserable.  The Pledge is an ideal – a goal – that must be constantly striven for but will never be completely or perfectly implemented or achieved.  The same can be said for our brilliant Declaration of Independence.  It is a goal – a target if you will – that we as a nation must forever attempt to achieve.  Is it possible for us mere mortals to achieve perfection?  Of course not, but that doesn’t mean we stop trying for that is the best we imperfect human beings can possibly achieve.  And in truth, we’ve done pretty damned well when you compare us to the rest of the world insofar as liberty and justice for all are concerned.  We’ve also done pretty damned well when we look at our nation’s own history.  Far more Americans now have that liberty and justice than was previously the case.  I give you the 13th, 14th, 15th, and 19th Amendments to our Constitution as but four examples of the veracity of this statement.  If and when we ever stop trying to achieve the lofty and idealistic goals we have set for ourselves as a nation, that is the moment when we must begin to be seriously worried about the future of the country.

     Those who object to our Pledge of Allegiance have in common one overriding trait or characteristic.  Without exception, it seems to me, they are Far Left Liberals who literally despise the United States of America as historically founded and presently constituted.  They loathe our nation and will do everything and anything they can to tear it down and bring it to its knees.  They are not at all embarrassed or ashamed of this fact.  They revel in their anti-Americanism and wear it proudly as a badge of honor.  They deny the fact of American greatness and are convinced we do not deserve the wealth and power we have accrued over the last few centuries.  They are convinced that America represents the world’s worst scourge and that there is nothing praiseworthy or admirable about our history, traditions, and institutions.  They see nothing at all wrong with indoctrinating or brainwashing our nation’s young folks with their anti-American views for they know damned well that if large segments of a country’s young people can be taught to despise their own country, then that country is indeed doomed to fail.  These saboteurs know that concepts like patriotism, love of country, and nationalism are not instinctive.  They are not part of our genetic code or DNA.  These concepts must be taught and learned from an early age and be constantly reinforced.  This is an essential part of any country’s educational system and is certainly as important as the traditional three “R’s”.

     Our youth will be the ones to whom the national torch is passed and who will be expected to pass it on to the generations coming up after them.  Should this process stop, it will be impossible to hold America together as a unified, cohesive country with a clear sense of purpose and direction.  Honestly teaching our young folks the proud history of their country is key to our survival as the greatest nation God ever gave mankind.  Brainwashing generations of our youth into literally despising the nation of their birth is the key to its destruction. Unfortunately for our children and our country, our educational system from top to bottom is populated by those on the Far Left who want to see America fail and never recover.  Our educational system is no longer interested in honestly educating America’s youth.  That is the last thing those of the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite) can tolerate for it would thwart their plans and desires to destroy America.

     Nowhere is this more evident and obvious than in our country’s educational establishment.  Virtually every teacher, department head, principal, or professor are members in good standing of the LFE and the all-consuming passion of this group is to teach their charges nothing but the negative aspects of American history.  After twelve to sixteen years of this utter BULLSHIT, our young folks leave school literally hating their own nation.  These young people are not being taught to think creatively or independently but instead are taught only to follow the party line.  Remember the old expression, “Garbage In – Garbage Out,”?  That applies perfectly to our system of education in America (see The Activism and Demise of the American University Rant of 3/13/16 or The Anti-Americanism in our Public Schools Rant of 6/29/11).

     It has reached the point that one tenured professor at the University of Denver has rewritten the Pledge to suit his hard Left Wing, anti-American agenda and forces his students to recite his version if they want to succeed in his course in American History.  A piece entitled, “More Leftist Drivel:  College Prof Makes Students Recite Anti-American Pledge (,” is particularly useful in this regard.  The author notes, “here’s the latest in the ongoing saga regarding the promulgation of the progressive socialist agenda on college campuses.”  The new pledge reads as follows:  “I pledge allegiance to and wrap myself in the flag of the United States against anything un-American.  And to the Republicans for which it stands, two nations, under Jesus, rich against poor, with curtailed liberty and justice for all except blacks, homosexuals, women who want abortions, Communists, welfare queens, treehuggers, feminazis, illegal immigrants, children of illegal immigrants, and you, if you don’t watch your step.”

     Well now, isn’t this just the most inspiring ode to America that you’ve ever read?  Doesn’t it send patriotic shivers down your spine and make you proud of the country that has given you so much?  Yeah, me too.  This crap is being foisted and forced on our nation’s college students at a major American university and I’ll damned well guarantee you that this kind of anti-American, anti-patriotic exercise is occurring at colleges and universities all over the country.  Our nation’s so-called institutions of higher learning have been purposely subverted into propaganda mills for those on the far, far, Left and by the time our “students” graduate they will carry their anti-Americanism into adulthood and beyond (see The Gentle Snowflakes – Cup Cake Rant of 12/11/16).  I can’t help but wonder what percentage of this “professor’s” students refused to participate in reciting the new pledge and if so, what grade they received from this virulently anti-American piece of shit!  If I were the parent of a kid attending this university, I’d pull him or her out immediately before spending one more dime on the kind of so-called education being disseminated at our institutions of higher brainwashing and inculcation.

     The same piece accurately notes that the, “New pledge is just chock full of poll-tested sound bites based on class warfare, gender politics, special interests, the promotion of the welfare nanny state, and the rejection of American sovereignty – none of which is part of the experience of American civilization.”  Author Allen B. West goes on to explain that the, “professor’s accompanying principles of nationalizing production, creation and expansion of a welfare state, social utopianism and egalitarianism, and the secular state is the antithesis of what the American civilization truly seeks to be.”  And what is it that American civilization truly seeks to be?  Pretty simple really:  “One nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all – based on limited government, fiscal responsibility, individual sovereignty, free market/free enterprise economics, and a strong national defense – and sugar coated with a traditional sprinkling of traditional values.”

     This is a telling statement and it is right on the mark.  Those of the LFE utterly despise our nation’s most cherished and dearly held traditions.  Anything to do with traditional American values and mores is anathema to those on the Left who hate the United States and all that it stands for and represents.  There is no feeling of love or loyalty for our country where the Far Left is concerned.  It matters not one whit to them that they have the freedom to say and do obviously anti-American rhetoric and activities only because they live in the freest, most tolerant nation the world has ever seen.  They do not even slightly appreciate the freedoms and liberties bestowed upon them by our magnificent Constitution and willingly and gleefully bite the hand that feeds them every chance they get.  These loud-mouthed, un-American, unappreciative America haters represent the penultimate in undisguised and unbridled hypocrisy.  They are more than willing to enjoy their freedoms – freedoms which most of the world still does not possess – and at the same time denounce the country that provides those freedoms.  The author concludes by asking, “Are we just matriculating our young people through a broken educational system?  Will we ever get back to educating and developing critical thinkers?”  Unfortunately, the answer is no.  As long as our educational system is controlled by the Far Left, education and critical thinking will be stifled, suppressed, and destroyed.  Our so-called institutions of higher learning are only interested in pumping out brain-numbed automatons who will obediently and dutifully follow the party line that is shoved down their throats by propagandists masquerading as educators.

     Another piece entitled, “College Professor Makes Students Recite Anti-American Pledge of Allegiance (,” is useful here for it speaks directly to what has happened to America’s system of education.  The author correctly explains that the, “state of America’s higher education has never been more pathetic.  From Common Core new math confusion to Islamic and leftist indoctrination, the schools that used to actually teach students useful life skills 100 years ago, are now instead about injecting them with propaganda to support Progressive ideology.”  Author Gina Cassini is absolutely correct in this analysis.  The damage done to our students and our nation by politicizing education is literally incalculable.  Foreign enemies, ISIS terrorists, and Al Quaida operatives can’t possibly hurt our nation nearly as much as those anti-American Sons-a-Bitches on the Far Left who are relentless in their attempts to turn our nation’s youth against their own country.

     This has been going on for at least fifty to sixty years and has indeed become institutionalized.  It’s reached the point where those who hold opinions that are at odds with those in the LFE are barred from campus and cannot participate in debates or even discussions that defy the Far Left’s orthodoxy.  Universities were once known as bastions for the free and open exchange of differing points of view, attitudes, and ideas.  That, however, is no longer the case.  Our institutions of higher education have become completely closed-minded and thoroughly intolerant of anything and anybody who dares express opinions that have not been vetted and approved by the campus thought police.  If you disagree here, I might suggest an experiment for you to try.  Go to virtually any college or university in the country and start talking about how much you love our brand new President and how much you dislike and disapproved of his predecessor.  You’ll be shouted down, attacked, and ridiculed beyond anything you could have imagined.  You’ll run the risk of being tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail.  Our brainwashed youth and their absolutely atrocious “educators” are simply not interested in and will not tolerate any views and opinions save for their own.  The author of the piece queries, “Is that the job of a history teacher, to propagandize students on his leftist ideology?  Silly me, I thought it was to actually teach American history.  But this is exactly what the Progressives had in mind when they began infiltrating teachers colleges and administrative positions at colleges across the nation 60+ years ago.”  This kind of propagandizing has become generational.  Most of these brainwashed, propagandized “students” will eventually grow up and have children of their own to whom they will pass on the same Far Left bilge and doctrinaire views that they were inculcated with by those who were supposed to teach them the truth about the United States of America.  These miserable, anti-American scum-dogs are doing irreparable harm to our country and they are inordinately proud of that fact.

     This kind of trashing of our country and its traditions goes far beyond some aging, radical, leftist excuse for a professor at the University of Denver.  In fact, it seems to becoming pervasive at all levels of society and not just in our colleges and universities.  This mindset and philosophy has infected our lower grades as well.  An article entitled, “Boston High School Trades Pledge of Allegiance for Muslim Anti-American Poem (” attests to this disturbing and troubling phenomenon.  Let’s see, replacing our Pledge of Allegiance with a Muslim, anti-American poem.  What might that tell us?  Why would any American at an American high school in a major American urban center want to shit-can our Pledge in favor of a Muslim anti-American poem?  The answer is really quite simple:  Liberals and Liberalism.  As with our colleges and universities, the vast majority of teachers and administrators in our secondary schools are full-fledged members of the LFE and take great delight in trashing long-held and cherished American traditions.  The author of the piece correctly explains that the, “left never changes.  It’s a toxic moral rot.  It isn’t even capable of comprehending its own awfulness.  It marches on with no trace of decency, only the arrogant self-assurance of those who insist that they know better because of some imaginary humanitarian moral superiority.”

     This is key here.  Those on the Far Left assume they are morally superior to the rest of us average dolts and shlubs.  Their wisdom and righteousness are never to be questioned by us ignorant, bigoted, and inferior little people.  We must learn – or more properly be forced – to accept their edicts and pronouncements issued from on high without question or dissent.  We must simply surrender and obey like children who must neither be seen nor heard.  If the anti-American jackasses who run this Boston high school decide in their infinite wisdom to ditch the Pledge of Allegiance in favor of an anti-American poem, then so be it.  The rest of us just have to sit quietly and take it.  No choice and no options.  What I’d like to know is why this anti-American Son of a Bitch wasn’t summarily fired and humiliated for this overt act of treachery made doubly worse by the fact that the Bastard has been trusted with the all-important task of properly educating young, impressionable Americans?

     The article notes that on, “Wednesday, the 12th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks, the principal of Concord-Carlisle High School in the suburbs of Boston read a Muslim poem to the entire school instead of the Pledge of Allegiance.”  Really?  The principal explained that, “We had the well-being of students at the forefront of our thinking when we chose to acknowledge 9/11 by reading a poem that focused on cross-cultural understanding rather than unsettling words and images associated with the event.”  To this I reply, “HORSESHIT!”  His weak, phony explanation is just Liberal-Speak for FUCK America!  This principal is an absolute disgrace to his profession and to the United States of America.  Another article entitled, “America’s Schools: God? No! Pledge of Allegiance? No!  Muslim Poem? Yes! (,” also points out that, “Peter Badalament, principal of Concord-Carlisle High School in the Boston suburbs chose to read a Muslim poem to the student body on September 11 instead of reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.”  The author of the piece states that, “No, I don’t hate public schools.  I hate the liberal progressive agenda it is forcing on our children in an effort to subvert America as it has stood for over 200 years.  The public schools are putting more effort and money into brainwashing our kids instead of teaching them what they should be learning.”  What they should be learning is that they live in the greatest nation in the history of nations.  What they should be learning is that the United States of America has been and still is a major source for good and inspiration on the world stage and that without us the world would be a far darker place than it is now.  Are our children learning these kinds of things about their own nation?  No way in Hell so long as Liberals and Liberalism maintain their death-grip on our nation’s educational system.

     When the Pledge of Allegiance is attacked or diminished, so too is the nation.  Attacking the Pledge and what it stands for is no different than some phony-ass, bought and paid for protestor burning, stomping, and spitting on the American flag.  These are sacred and honored symbols of what America has meant and strived for since its inception.  Symbolism is important for it represents our values, traditions, history, and country.  Yes, I suppose there exists a Constitutional right to attack and undermine those things that symbolize America.  That being the case, however, the Liberal Pukes out there who despise this country must understand that there exists a corresponding right to defend our time-honored and proud symbols.  Those on the Far Left simply do not recognize that fact and are bound and determined to stamp out all opposition to their blatant and virulent anti-Americanism.  Those who oppose them are called intolerant or racist or jingoistic or xenophobic or what have you.  They truly have no idea what it means to be an American or what the United States of America actually represents or stands for.  There are those of us out here who do get it.  We are proud of our country and its heritage and we’re getting thoroughly sick and tired of those who want to bring this nation to its knees.  I’m telling you folks, there’s a backlash coming.  More and more Americans – the kind that matter – are simply no longer willing to put up with the Far Left Liberal Bullshit that we have had to endure for so many decades.  We’re even more disgusted by the fact that those on the Far Left are literally indoctrinating our children and grandchildren and turning them against their own country.  It’s got to stop.

     Then, of course, there’s this.  An article entitled, “American Student Punished for Refusing to Recite Mexican Pledge (,” illustrates that not only has our own Pledge been abandoned by those who despise America, but our students are now expected to pledge their loyalty and allegiance to a foreign country.  Yeah, that’s right, they’re now expected to abandon the symbols representing the United States and pledge fealty to another nation.  This is a direct attack on American sovereignty and autonomy and there’s simply no other way to explain it.  The piece notes that a fifteen year-old girl, “was forced to recite the Mexican pledge and sing the Mexican national anthem.”  Yup, you read that correctly.  The student, Brenda Brinsdon, refused to comply because, “she believed it was un-American to pledge a loyalty oath to another country.”  Well, bravo for Brenda!  Well done young lady!  A fifteen year-old kid knew that reciting another country’s pledge and national anthem is a slap in the face to America.  It’s a direct insult and shows of tremendous lack of respect.

     I wonder why the adults in this school didn’t understand this as well.  The writer notes that, “Ironically, the school district has a policy that prohibits a school from compelling students to recite the American Pledge of Allegiance,” and that the, “district has a written policy that excuses students from reciting text from the Declaration of Independence if the student as determined by the district has a conscientious objection to the recitation.”  How about that?  This Texas school will allow students to ignore and disrespect symbols of American greatness and exceptionalism but cracks down hard on students who refuse to pledge fealty to a foreign entity.  Seems kinds of ass-backwards to me.  The piece correctly concludes that there, “is a sad trend in public schools across our nation to undermine American patriotism.”  This simple statement sums it up in a nutshell for this is one of the central or primary motivations behind the LFE’s hatred of America.  If you can destroy patriotism in a country’s youth, the demise of that nation is all but assured.  Without patriotism there can be no feelings of nationalism or pride in a country’s past, achievements, or future.  Once the young turn against their own country, that country cannot long survive.  By the way, our brave Miss Brenda was indeed punished.  She was given an alternative assignment on the independence of Mexico and the, “teacher gave her a failing grade.”  Additionally, Brenda was forced to sit in class over a period of seven days to listen to other students recite Mexico’s pledge.  Anyone out there who doesn’t instinctively understand the danger this trend represents is sadly delusional about the fate of our nation.  Once a country’s youth has been corrupted, the future is at best grim.

     Like the young lady from Texas, there do exist others out there who object to the disrespect shown to America’s national symbols and heritage.  A piece entitled, “School Demands Mom Sign Anti-Flag Form, She Responds With Something Better (,” is instructive.  Apparently, a mother objected to a form her child’s school sent home and expected her to sign.  It was a permission slip of sorts.  We all remember those from our school days but this one had a decidedly un-American twist to it.  The permission slip allowed students to be exempt from reciting our Pledge of Allegiance which illustrates, “just how far our nation has devolved because of political correctness and the infiltration of anti-American residents.”  The piece notes that, “catering to Islamic students and atheists who are mad that God is mentioned in the Pledge, the district decided to send a form home for all parents to sign if they wanted their student to sit this tradition out.”  Furthermore, in the, “rhetoric-riddled form it states that it’s a parent’s right to exclude their child from the Pledge of Allegiance, which specifies that they don’t have to stand or place their hand over their heart if they don’t want to.”

     If they don’t want to?  What in the FUCK is that?  When did students in our public schools get this kind of choice especially regarding America’s heritage and traditions?  When did our Pledge become optional or a matter of preference and how in the Hell did that happen?  Once again, the answer is Liberals and Liberalism.  It’s no more complicated than that.  Well, instead of signing the permission slip Mom wrote back that, “This is the dumbest thing I have ever read and I am so ashamed of this.”  Way to go, Mom!  The piece concludes by insisting that there, “should not even be an option of pledging allegiance to the flag of the country you choose to live in.  This should be a basic requirement, and for those who disrespect our flag and don’t like what it represents, they shouldn’t be living here.”  What’s that old, politically incorrect saying from years ago?  Oh yeah, America – Love It Or Leave It!  Maybe, just maybe this is what our public school students should be learning.  What do you think?  The piece concludes that, “It’s a sad state of the nation when being patriotic is considered offensive and those who aren’t are the ones who dictate the rules.”  Sometimes when I look at what’s happening to our country, I feel like Alice right after she fell through that looking glass.

     From my point of view, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance should and must be required of all students attending any school in America.  No exceptions, no way, no how.  For those born in this country and who are therefore automatically American citizens, it is the first step in teaching them about patriotism, nationalism, and the concept of American Exceptionalism.  As stated earlier, these concepts and ideals must be taught and learned.  They are the glue that binds us together as a united country with a proud past and a bright future.  Being proud of our nation’s accomplishments and role in the world must be understood by America’s youth.  It is essential for our survival as a unified and proud people.  For those students who came here from other parts of the world, the Pledge is equally essential.  It is the first and all important step in the process of assimilation whereby immigrants are taught to become Americans and to be proud of their adopted country.  Since at least the Immigration Act of 1965, assimilation has been virtually nonexistent.  More and more foreigners are coming here to live and work without caring one little tinker’s damn about this country, its history, and what it represents.  They are more than happy to jump on that entitlement bandwagon and take all the “freebies” they can get their alien hands on.  The problem, however, is that they feel that they owe America and Americans absolutely nothing in return.  They are not grateful or appreciative of the freedoms and opportunities bestowed upon them by virtue of living in the United States.  We are faced with the very unsettling and disturbing prospect of millions upon millions of newcomers to our nation who have no desire to become Americans, learn our language, or pledge their loyalty to this nation.  This, folks, is literally suicidal and if we don’t put an end to it our country will not long survive.

     A piece entitled, “Should Children Recite The Pledge Of Allegiance? (,” is useful here.  The article explains that, “We need patriotism and unity.  Our nation has fractured into groups of African American, Native American, Latino American, Chinese American, Irish American, and so on.  Forget the differences of skin color, what other country peoples families originated from.  These kinds of groups bring nothing but division and racism.  How about we just start being the melting pot we are and be Americans!!!”  Anybody disagree here?  Additionally, the author explains that, “I do not pledge my allegiance to any president, government official, or government entity.  I pledge my allegiance to the Republic and the preservation of the Constitutional principles it was founded upon.  That is what the Pledge of Allegiance is all about; not a government or president such as the current one [Obama] that places the Constitution in the same regard as toilet paper.  If you truly understand freedom and liberty, and enjoy these freedoms and liberties, then there should be no problem pledging allegiance to the Republic that was constitutionally designed to individually protect you and me from a runaway government like we have today.”  So far, I cannot find anything the least bit objectionable in the author’s defense of our Pledge.  I just find it to be a very sorry state of affairs that our Pledge of Allegiance needs any defense whatsoever.  Perhaps those of us who love this country and revere its traditions have been put on the defensive by the Liberal Pukes out there who would tear America asunder.  Maybe, just maybe it’s time we took the initiative and made those anti-American saboteurs out there take a defensive posture or attitude.

     The author continues that our students, “must be taught with curricula that doesn’t constantly undermine the history of the founding of this nation.  By their high school graduation they should have a thorough working knowledge of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.  They must understand the importance of self-reliance and the freedom to succeed and to fail by a small, limited government.”  Would that this were so. I absolutely guarantee you that if you took a random survey of recent high school and college graduates, they could not intelligently explain the purpose and intent of our Founding Documents.  They would not be able to explain what the Bill of Rights is or why it was included in our Constitution.

     They could not adequately explain the First Amendment, the Second, Fourth, Eighth or any of the others for that matter.  Similarly, they couldn’t explain such basic Constitutional concepts as separation of powers, checks and balances, or federalism.  They have not been taught these and other basic constitutional principles because the Liberal Elites who control our educational system will not teach these all important bulwarks of our nation’s founding.  As to the concept of a limited government, that crucial and definitional element of our history has been completely ignored or disparaged by our educational establishment.  Limited government is a completely foreign concept to most Americans today.  They have become used to and comfortable with a huge, all powerful, and overly intrusive government that literally extends its tentacles into every single aspect of the lives of the citizenry.  This is not at all what the Founders intended and if they could see what has become of the system of government they created they’d be utterly aghast and mortified (see The Founding Fathers Would Be Ashamed Of Us Rant of 11/21/16).

     The piece continues that the, “Pledge by children is that they know what our country is about.  If there is no teaching to the principles we hold dear, how long before we are a nation divided?  How long before tyranny takes over?  How long before the institutions created to administer our Republic become dishonest?”  These are excellent and obvious questions and they need to be answered by each and every one of us.  If we honestly evaluate how far our country has fallen away from and repudiated our First Principles, we can’t help but be worried about the future of our great nation.  The author correctly insists that, “ALL children attending public schools need to be exposed to the Pledge of Allegiance.”  Amen!!

     Folks, our country is in trouble.  Those who refuse to recognize the danger are in denial and are self-delusional.  The Liberal Fucking Elite in our midst have been undermining and destroying the very foundations that built the United States of America and made it the greatest country the world has ever seen.  It’s high time they were stopped and that we take our birthright as proud, loyal Americans back!

Much Luv Y’all and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)