Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Agenda 21 Rant

Have you ever heard of something called Agenda 21? Me either and I have always prided myself on being a pretty well informed type who has managed to stay current pertaining to the important issues facing our nation and its future. The things that seem to matter greatly to most citizens and about which so many folks are ardently passionate produce in me nothing more than a giant yawn and a heart-felt Ho-Hum. I cannot, for example, tell you whether or not the New York Yankees play in the American or National League. I have no clue who the reigning NASCAR champion is and I have absolutely no idea who won last year’s Super Bowl. I am blissfully and purposely ignorant regarding such matters and I regard them as no more than mere trivialities and distractions. But hey, that’s just me. I certainly do not fault or criticize those who get excited about such things and even admire them to an extent. They are dedicated to a sport or a team and the true “fan” is steadfastly and unwaveringly loyal regardless of how well or poorly his favorites fare from one season to the next. This is both laudable and admirable but in the end frivolous and meaningless. No matter who wins or loses, life will go on as it has and the disappointed sports aficionado can always look forward to next season with its renewal of hope and optimism.

Issues that I view as important regarding the fate of the nation and its continued greatness and prosperity are matters about which I do become excited and passionate and over which I will never compromise, prevaricate, or turn away from. Defending and upholding our magnificent Constitution is just such an issue as is maintaining a strong, vital, and modern military. Strengthening and safeguarding our peerless Free Market Capitalist system which has transformed the United States into the wealthiest, most powerful, and most generous nation the planet has ever seen is always a task worthy of taking on as is maintaining our superb institutions, traditions, and history. These, and many more, are the things that keep me awake at fretting and worrying about the fate and future of my two little granddaughters. Will they grow up, I wonder, with the same opportunities and advantages that I have been fortunate enough to experience? Will they enjoy the same freedoms that I have been blessed with by virtue of having been born in the greatest nation that God ever gave mankind? Will their futures be bright with hope and promise the things that the United States has always been so famous for and is the impetus for the tens upon tens of millions of immigrants who have struggled – and died – just to get here? Yes, I do worry and fret about such issues and have been repeatedly admonished to find an outlet or release for myself, something that might distract me for awhile. Hey, maybe I’ll become a wild-eyed, fanatical sports fan!

Well, that’s not happening. I seem to focus more and more upon what I view as the purposeful, willful, and malicious attempt to destroy our nation, undermine its very foundations, and transform it into something it was never intended to be. Who would attempt anything so sinister? Well, certainly we have enemies out there who delight at the very prospect of taking us down. Do I worry about some known – or unknown – foreign government that commands large and modern armed forces declaring war on the United States? Not particularly. Do I worry about terrorists destroying America? No, for while they can certainly hit us from time to time, they can’t bring us down. Whom, then, do I see as the only enemy that can and if given the opportunity certainly will bring about the end of this great nation as envisioned by the Founders and presently constituted? There is but one answer and it’s almost too painful to contemplate let alone verbalize. Sadly, even tragically, the enemy is us. Fellow Americans, fellow citizens would love to destroy this nation and institute their vision of what the United States should and must become. It’s not a pleasant or happy thought yet it is reality and therefore must be faced, understood, fought, and defeated. It’s difficult to wrap your minds around that isn’t it? It’s not a comfortable vision or prospect. It is nonetheless true.

Who are these enemies of America? Who are these fellow countrymen that loathe and despise their own great nation to the point that they blame the United States for all of the world’s ills? From poverty and hunger to war and disease we are said to be the chief culprit. They view us as greedy and grasping, as power-mad despots determined to bend the world to our will. We are accused of raping the earth, stealing its resources, destroying the environment and so much more that we can never atone for or make right the wrongs we have perpetrated since our very founding over two centuries ago. In their view, we must fundamentally be destroyed for our sins are seen to be so heinous and vile. Who are these Americans who feel this way? I call them the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite) and they are extreme, Far Left Wing Americans who desire nothing less than our literal demise as a sovereign entity. The earth must be cleansed of our evil existence and we must forever pay for the malfeasance we have wrought on the rest of the globe and its population. These type are animated first, foremost, and always by their hatred of the United States and they cannot be reasoned with, placated, or appeased. They must be defeated for there is no middle ground or room for compromise. They constitute our nation’s most dangerous, destructive, and vicious enemy. They are the folks that bring us schemes and plans like Agenda 21.

What, then, is this thing called Agenda 21? It is nothing less than a very serious attempt to literally destroy our history, our cherished traditions, and institutions. It is the Far Left’s plan to turn America into but one more failed Socialist state modeled on what has already taken place for so long throughout Western Europe. Its advocates are utterly passionate in their desire to destroy Free Market Capitalism and replace it with a system which not only doesn’t recognize the value of merit and competition but actually punishes both. In their world view, failure must be applauded and rewarded while individual success, initiative, and creativity are not to be tolerated or excused. These are the misguided zealots who refuse to keep score in children’s sporting events for fear of hurting someone’s feelings and perhaps causing low self-esteem. There can be no winners or losers in life but everyone is guaranteed a trophy or medal. There is no first place and by definition, therefore, no last place either. Mediocrity must reign supreme while excellence must always and forever be sacrificed on the alter of Statism!

They are One-Worlders and forever prattle on about creating that fabled New World Order. They despise qualities like freedom, self-reliance, and rugged individualism and instead espouse what might be termed “Big Brotherism” and the collectivist mind set. They constantly malign and denigrate the amazing contributions America has made to the world and mock and excoriate anyone and everyone who still celebrates the United States and recognizes it as the most amazing force for good that the world has ever seen or will ever see again. Those on the Left champion “open” borders, do not recognize American sovereignty, and reject the notion and concept of American Exceptionalism. They are sympathetic to despotic, brutal, and inhumane regimes all over the globe that routinely murder their own citizens by the tens of thousands, destroy concepts like human rights, and as a matter of course enslave their own people. They despise concepts like patriotism and nationalism and view America as certainly no better and in many ways far worse than even the most dictatorial and murderous of nations.

These are the ones that champion such schemes as Project 21. A piece entitled, “Agenda 21 Today (,” maintains that, “Agenda 21 is the 21st century plan for a new world order through global governance,” and that it is, “the ELITEST plan to control your life demanding you do as I say not as I do. You will be required to give up your individual freedom, your personal property and redistribute your wealth. Gone forever will be American exceptionalism, American nationalism and the western way of life as all will be classified as unsustainable.” As with most statist-collectivist schemes, to understand the Agenda and its focus one must suspend one’s notion of definitions, reality, and common sense. These folks are masters of “double-speak”, prevarication, dissembling, and propaganda. They will never say what they truly mean right out loud in front of God and everyone else for that would provoke very angry reactions from far too many Americans. They use language we all think we understand but most of us are simply not fluent in Liberal Speak.

Advocates of Agenda 21, for example, use language that we think we’re thoroughly familiar and comfortable with. The piece speaks to the four “E’s” of Agenda 21 and correctly asserts that, “they are not what they appear.” Those four “E’s” include Education, Equity, Economy, and the Environment. Well, simple enough you say and if there is any confusion or doubt, the Webster’s is right there on the book shelf in our home-office. Not so fast there, Skippy! The word Education according to the Agenda 21 mob really means, “Indoctrination into believing that nature is more important than man and the group is more important than the individual,” and that the, “new purpose of education is to learn values not facts. Students must become global, not American citizens.” Huh, who woulda thunk it? The term Equity is equally distorted to mean, “theft of private property, open borders, remove God, morality, and responsibility.” Does that sound equitable to you? Economy is redefined by this crowd to mean, “Redistribution of America’s wealth to foreign countries by outsourcing jobs, factories and technology creating massive unemployment,” while the term Environment is perverted to mean that nature, “is more important than man. The new god is Mother Earth. Phony science creates phony regulations destroying energy independence and industry. Each policy and regulation is in place to control more and more of your life.”

Let’s face it, folks, Agenda 21’ers are nothing more than Socialists-Communists who despise this country and all it has come to stand for over the past 236 years. They care not a whit for our long standing traditions and institutions. They are collectivists and statists in the extreme and the individual counts for nothing but must be subordinated to some vague and fuzzy notion of the, “greater good.” Your dreams, hopes, and aspirations are meaningless and we have become no more than the smallest, most inconsequential cogs in a Far Left Juggernaut Hell-bent on trampling our precious and hard-won rights and freedoms!

Well, what do you think of this Agenda 21 thing so far? Are you comfortable with what these Socialist miscreants and malcontents want to do to our magnificent country? Stay with it, because it only gets worse from here. In a piece entitled, “What is Agenda 21? (,” the writer poses questions that could only come from those wigged out, wacky Tea Party rabble rousers. Oh wait, I am one of those wigged out, wacky Tea Party rabble rousers! The author asks, “If you were to hear in the very near future that the United States will have no privately owned property, no air conditioning, no dams, no paved roads, no way to correct rivers for flood control, no golf courses, no pastureland for grazing, would you believe it?” Well no, most Americans could not comprehend such a scenario and would think that anyone who suggested such a bizarre state of affairs must be some kind of conspiracy nut whose hold on reality is tenuous at best. After all, who could envision such a bleak and dark picture of our not too distant future? These are the kinds of priorities that are at the very top of Agenda 21’s wish list and they spell out a literal death knell for the American way of life. Our demise has been planned, worked, and fought for by those on the Far Left and they will not be discouraged or deterred from pursuing their ultimate goal of transforming America into something that is the very antithesis of what most Americans hold dear.

The Tea Party article referenced above informs us that this is a United Nations brainchild and virtually all of that body’s members constitute no more than an anti-American, anti-Western Civilization club and that within the pages of Agenda 21 can be found a, “substantial attack on the American Declaration of Independence and our Constitution,” and that, the primary target for the changes proposed . . . is the United States of America.” What are some of these changes which constitute nothing less an outrageous attack on the American way of life? Well, let’s see. On page 337 of the document we note that ski runs will be deemed unsustainable and therefore must be eliminated. Furthermore, we see that on page 350 grazing of livestock will be prohibited and on the very next page we discover that there must be no more, “disturbance of soil, surface plowing of soil,” or the building of fences. Moving on to page 728 we are informed that, “commercial agriculture, modern farm production, chemical fertilizers, fossil fuels, etc.,” will be but distant memories. Just these four proposals, a mere fraction of the document’s suggestions, should be enough to scare the living shit out of anyone who loves this country. We are talking about the complete destruction of our economic system, all prospects for future prosperity, entire industries shutting down, and unemployment that will make the Great Depression and our current deep recession look like a Sunday picnic in the park. Proposals like these portend the destruction of our entire way of life. It’s obvious that these Agenda 21’ers despise the ski industry, ranchers, and commercial farming which all generate billions upon billions of dollars to the economy and employment to who knows how many millions of us!!

But wait, it only gets worse. On page 730 of the document under consideration we note additional activities that have been deemed unsustainable and must therefore be denied to us. Any industrial activity – read that ANY INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY – will be forbidden as will construction of any and all single family homes! Well, there goes the rest of our shrinking industrial-manufacturing base as well as a defining element of the fabled American Dream: you know, the part that maintains that a man’s home is his castle. That single but utterly crucial characteristic of our national culture and collective psyche has fostered more productivity than virtually anything else you can possibly think of or imagine and it has animated hope and hard work for literally generations of Americans. It is one of those things that truly sets us apart from and above billions of people across the globe that are prevented from realizing this kind of hope and optimism. We further notice on the same page of Agenda 21 that technology, range lands, and plantations will also come under the Socialist knife.

Further traditional American activities deemed unsustainable included in the hit list we are analyzing are: harvesting timber and modern hunting; power line construction; and a vague notion of, “economic systems that fail to set proper value on the environment.” Well, might that last mean virtually anything? Emphatically NO! It refers only to our Free Market Capitalist system which these folks loathe and despise to the point of outright fanaticism. Remember, this has been an extremely perfunctory look at the goals and priorities of those that champion such destructive and negative goals as are found in the Agenda 21 camp. You know, it’s been my experience that most bad guys, the evil doers, will actually tell you what their plans are if you just learn how to properly listen and pay attention. For example, way back in the 1920’s there was this fellow you may have heard of – Adolf Hitler. Remember him? He wrote a book entitled Mein Kampf and it was nothing more than his blueprint for what he would do if the world but gave him an opportunity. He wasn’t taken seriously and was deemed by most at the time as just another raving lunatic with a book and a microphone. Well, we know how that turned out don’t we? Osama Bin Laden – recently deceased – did exactly the same thing back in 1996. His formal declaration of war on our country was all over the internet back then in which he boldly and unabashedly spelled out in very simple language what he planned to do if given the opportunity and Boy, did he ever! Rule of thumb folks. When someone tells you that he intends to do you serious bodily harm or even kill you, it’s best to take them seriously. The world is now and has always been governed by the aggressive use of force and to deny this reality of human nature is done only at our own peril!

Similarly, those of the LFE have been warning us of their intentions for at least fifty to sixty years and it’s more than time that we take them damned seriously for they are not kidding or just blowing air. They see the United States as history’s darkest blight on humanity. We are the quintessential embodiment of pure evil incarnate and crippling us and bringing this nation to its knees is viewed as the highest of all planetary virtues. We are seen as no more than greedy, selfish, and callous brutes who have harmed mankind in many more ways than can possibly be enumerated without losing one’s very sanity and sense of balance. We are no more than Darth Vader and the Evil Empire come to life. According to the Liberal elites both here and throughout the world, the United States as a nation must not be tolerated or forgiven but must be destroyed if not literally then certainly virtually. As a nation, we must surrender our sovereignty to international organizations like the United Nations and the World Court that represent humanity’s best interests while we, conversely, constitute humanity’s most dire threat and danger.

They are flat out telling us their intentions and unfortunately far too many of us are not listening, we are not taking them seriously, and we refuse to see them as the dire threat they represent to our sovereignty, national identity, and our very way of life. By the time enough Americans wake up and face the threat that is the LFE it may be too late to save and restore our country. The best we’ll be able to do is look around, ask what in the Hell happened and why didn’t we see it coming? These are not difficult questions to answer if we are but honest about and to ourselves. It’s happening because we have allowed it to happen. As a nation, we have become far too fat, happy, lazy, indolent, and complacent. We have stopped jealously protecting and safeguarding our precious rights and freedoms. Our Founders long ago warned us as to the consequences of such sloth and indolence. We have stopped being vigilant and have taken our liberties for granted for so long that we have failed to realize or appreciate how fragile and delicate they are. We have ignored what made us great and have placed in mortal danger our status as the freest, most independent, wealthiest, and most powerful national entity the world has ever witnessed or experienced. We have thrown out our heritage and with it perhaps our future. It’s time to once again take our enemies at their word because they are deadly serious about their intentions.

Make no mistake, those who advocate Agenda 21 are our enemy. I realize it is not comfortable for many of us to view as an enemy fellow Americans, but as painful as it may be to contemplate it is nevertheless our present reality. The article explains that the Agenda 21 crowd, “have laid the groundwork for an agenda of global control,” that completely destroys national sovereignty and thus freedom and independence. For example, “a controlled media would dictate the flow of information and ideas and prevent dissent,” while, “control of international development manages and redistributes wealth.” Additionally, “full disarmament would put the power structure into the hands of those with armaments,” and, “tying environmentalism to poverty and economic development would bring the entire agenda to the level of an international emergency.” We’re literally facing the prospect of, “one world, one media, one authority for development, one source of wealth, one international army.” This will in the minds of these dictatorial Bastards facilitate what they term the “just society” with, “political and social equality rather than a free society with the individual as the sole possessor of rights.”

Most people instinctively understand that a free society cannot and has never existed unless it is firmly rooted in the concept of individual rights, opportunities, and freedoms. We must remember that Agenda 21 is first, foremost, and forever a United Nations scheme and that immediately makes it suspect in the extreme for that mob is, for the most part, virulently anti-American, anti-Capitalist, and anti-Western Civilization. Anything and everything it proposes or even contemplates is utterly antithetical to the sovereign interests of the United States and these folks aren’t at all shy about it. Let’s see what the UN had to say about it. The organization explains that, “Agenda 21 proposes an array of actions which are intended to be implemented by every person on earth . . . it calls for specific changes in the activities of all people.” Additionally, “effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all humans, unlike anything the world has ever experienced.” Quite ambitious, don’t you think?

Well, if Agenda 21 is so pernicious, so destructive, and so evil then why have virtually no Americans ever even heard of its existence let alone its substance. If you just randomly surveyed your family, friends, and acquaintances you would get many blank and/or confused stares and expressions. If you broadened your inquiries to include the general public you’d get the same reaction but just on a much broader scale. Americans have always been ready to fight and defeat a recognizable foe and threat but if we can’t see it and clearly identify it we simply can’t comprehend that a threat exists. In the past we have jealously fought to protect our freedoms, rights, and liberties from all who would destroy them. This, however, seems not to be so in the case of Agenda 21. Perhaps it’s because that group includes many American citizens and not since the Civil War have we faced that kind of internal threat. Well, make no mistake for we are in the midst of another civil war in our country and the sides are clearly drawn. This time, it’s not the North versus the South and has nothing to do with the preservation of state’s rights or slavery.

This time it’s a war between those who love freedom and independence against those who would destroy both. It’s about preserving our American way of life or completely destroying it. It’s between those who cherish American national sovereignty and exceptionalism and those who view those virtues as vices. Yes, the threat is that real, it is upon us now, and most of us don’t even see the danger. The Far Left has perfected what might be termed its stealth technique of societal destruction. It’s pernicious, insidious, and ever so very gradual. It has taken them fifty or sixty years to get us to the point where we now stand and it has been fed to us incrementally, a little at a time, so that we have been lulled into comfort, safety, and inertia. Their very language is lofty and grand and completely void of any danger signals unless one knows how to read them. When you hear words like “sustainability” do you feel threatened, do warning sirens begin to shriek? Of course not. After all, what could be threatening about something so innocuous as sustainability? When we hear folks who only want to preserve the environment and “save the planet” do evil intentions come to mind. No they don’t but they should for in “real speak” they translate into destroying America, discarding Capitalism, and subordinating our nation to the will of the Globalists and One-Worlders.

In a piece entitled, “Why Are Americans Ignorant of Agenda 21 (,” the author posits that if, “you were to ask at random the question, ‘Have you ever heard of Agenda 21?’ the answer would be an overwhelming ‘No’, although it is being implemented in every local community.” The author defines it as, “the global plan to change the way we eat, live, learn and communicate because we must save the earth.” Well, who could argue with saving the earth? Who could possibly be against such a noble endeavor? Who but we Far Right, out of control, out of touch Conservative Neanderthals? Sure, until you accept the proposition that the earth doesn’t need saving from us puny, weak, and virtually powerless human beings. The planet is far more resilient and recuperative than anything we mere mortals could possibly do to it or even imagine. Compared to the awesome power of Mother Nature, we mortals are about as significant as a flea on a hound dog’s ass! I give you as merely two examples: the devastation wrought by Mount St. Helens blowing its top and the Exxon Valdiz oil spill in Alaska. The first, of course, was an all natural event while the second was caused by evil mankind and our wanton disregard for the environment. In both cases there was damage and in neither did man’s puny efforts contribute to the healing process. Mt. St. Helens is once more a pristine forest and the Alaskan coast has returned to the beauty it has always been noted for before the devastation. Mother Nature, once again, healed herself and there’s no denying that immutable, unalterable fact. As usual in our boundless hubris and overly developed sense of self-importance, we humans tend to vastly overestimate our own power.

The article continues that Agenda 21’s, “regulations would severely limit water, electricity, and transportation – even deny human access to our most treasured wilderness areas, it would monitor all lands and people. No one would be free from the watchful eye of the new global tracking and information systems.” Does the “Agenda” sound so benign anymore? A gentleman named Maurice Strong who was the head of the UN Conference on Environment and Development back in 1992 maintained that the, “current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat consumption and large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and workplace air conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable. A shift is necessary which will require a vast strengthening of the multilateral system, including the United Nations.”

You might want to read Mr. Strong’s statement again for it is very telling and instructive. One would think that as an influential member of this international organization, he might be interested in such things as decreasing world poverty and striving to achieve America’s middle class standards for the impoverished, starving, sick, and dying billions that represent the mass of humankind globally. You’d think that wouldn’t you? No, instead he attacks the middle class, its values, and affluence. The condescending, arrogant Son of a Bitch seems to want those his organization purports to champion to remain forever in a state of squalor, filth, and misery. His statement is nothing more than an attack on the American way of life and that of Western Civilization. Instead of desperately wanting to improve the lives of those he is supposed to help, he attacks the single most successful enemy of poverty the planet has ever seen. This makes no sense whatsoever to most of us unless one understands the ultimate goals of the LFE.

These hypocrites do not desire that people lift themselves out of poverty and achieve a middle class existence. It serves their interests to maintain a poverty stricken world for that is where they get their support and power. An end to poverty puts these phony Bastards right out of business for it destroys their power base. Without a constant pool of poor people, they have no one to demagogue and no dependent class to do their every bidding. Additionally, these folks depend on class warfare to continually fan the flames of discontent and agitation. If their “constituents” were ever to reach the level of even the poorest American, they could no longer be bamboozled and scammed and would be far less malleable, pliant, and easily led. Furthermore, if the poor world-wide ever reach any real level of affluence they would be free to think about the future and that of their kids and grandkids, as do most Americans. Life would no longer be only a struggle from one meal to the next nor would they routinely die of dehydration by contracting something so mundane and curable as Diarrhea. Once life’s necessities have been secured, people are not so easily led nor are they content to merely follow.

Once they have even the slightest glimmer of hope the folks who devise and implement destructive schemes like Agenda 21 might actually have to go out and find some form of real, gainful, and productive employment as they could no longer merely mooch off the more affluent. These people would pass out cold at that horrific prospect for they are probably not competent to do anything but blow air and hatch insidious Socialist plots bent on destroying Capitalism, prosperity, and hope. As author Joyce Morrison concludes, one “of the main goals of Agenda 21 is to redistribute the wealth to third world countries and to bring our great nation to its knees in the name of socialism, fascism, communism or some other “ism.” She’s right. Agenda 21 is being pushed by those who despise the United States and want to irreparably harm it. I would expect this around the globe from those who absolutely despise us and all that we stand for. Tragically, the Far Left in our own country is completely on board the Agenda 21 program and will do everything they can to implement it in America. They are both destructive and insidious and must be stopped.

An article entitled, “UN Agenda 21 – Coming to a Neighborhood Near You (,” is particularly useful for it goes to the issue of tactics. If the champions of this anti-American claptrap tried to ram it down our throats at the national level it would go down in flames never to be resurrected. The Far Left strategists are, however, more politically savvy than that. They hope over time to implement it successfully all over the nation on the local level – on the community level. Once it has been implemented in town after town all over the nation, the Socialists will take their Agenda to the state level and then finally to the national level. It will take years but these guys are ever so patient and persistent and they are very aware that success nationally is yet decades away. This matters not a whit to them for if nothing else, they take the long view. They plan to keep hammering away in local communities and they depend on “community organizers” at the local level to convince localities that implementing Agenda 21 is not just good for them but good for the nation. Once it becomes common place and generally accepted locally, it is certain to one day be implemented nation wide and once that occurs America as we have come to know and love it will be over having been transformed into but one more failed, miserable Socialist state.

The authors of the piece correctly note that, “most Americans are unaware that one of the greatest threats to their freedom may be a United Nations program known as Agenda 21.” They further inform us that, “The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division of Sustainable Development created Agenda 21 as a sustainability agenda which is arguably an amalgamation of socialism and extreme environmentalism brushed with anti-American, anti-Capitalist overtones.” This is exactly one hundred percent dead-on accurate and can only be denied by those who don’t know anything about Agenda 21or the ultimate goal of the LFE which is the destruction of the United States. The United Nations and the proponents of Agenda 21know this Socialist, anti-American tactic would be rejected out of hand by the vast majority of Americans so they resort, as always, to subterfuge, deceit, and outright lying. It’s their way and that leopard will absolutely never change its spots!

In fact, the United Nations purposely recommends avoiding the term and suggests a cleverly named alternative: “smart growth.” This is an excellent example of Liberal Speak, for who could possibly object to anything labeled smart growth? Americans have always been growth oriented for that is part of our heritage and the smarter we do it, the better off we are for it. It’s been that way throughout our history and it’s one of the hallmarks of our national experience. This euphemism fits exactly into the American psyche and lexicon. It is a term we can all naturally feel comfortable with. What, after all, can possibly be negative or threatening about the concept of smart growth? The authors of the piece explain that participating, “in a UN-advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracy-fixated groups and individuals in our society such as the National Rifle Association, citizen militias and some members of congress.” Clever guys, these UN types.

The piece continues that this, “segment of our society who fears one-world government and a UN invasion of the United States through which our individual freedom would be stripped away would actively work to defeat any elected official who joined the conspiracy by undertaking LA21. So, we call our process something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management, or smart growth.” Authors Scott Strzelczyk and Richard Rothschild correctly maintain that, “residents of any town, county, or city that treasure their freedom, liberty, and property rights couldn’t care less whether it’s called Agenda 21 or smart growth.” Whatever it’s called, most of us who pay attention know when we’re being threatened and by whom. Those who advocate for this nation’s demise count on the hope that the majority of citizens are lazy, unaware, and uninformed. November’s looming Presidential election will go a long way toward explaining whether they are right or wrong. The piece concludes by noting that, “regardless of political orientation, two indisputable facts remain. Agenda 21 is a direct assault on private property rights and American sovereignty, and it is coming to a neighborhood near you.”

The Liberal, Far Left scheme to destroy our country has not gone unopposed. On January 13, 2012, the National Federation of Republican Assemblies approved a resolution that exposes Agenda 21 as a, “disregard for American freedom, private property rights, and a key player in the leftist, move toward one world government,” and that it, “assaults the very foundation of America.” ( The resolution clearly insists that Agenda 21 is, “a comprehensive plan of extreme environmentalism, social engineering, and global political control,” and that it is, “being covertly pushed into local communities throughout the United States of America.” Additionally, this “plan of radical so-called sustainable development views the American way of life of private property ownership, single family homes, private car ownership and individual travel choices, and privately owned farms all as destructive to the environment . . . .”

The Far Left’s plan is both un-American and anti-American at its very core. It attacks and seeks to destroy our most basic and important rights and freedoms and constitutes a vicious and unwavering assault on at least 236 years of our history and national identity. Whether or not these Socialist-Communist malcontents and saboteurs succeed is entirely up to us. Even if they fail, it is enough to know that they are out there, they are deadly serious, and they hate everything our country represents and stands for. These fellow “citizens” rely on the very Founding Documents that they are actively trying to destroy. The rights that others sacrificed and died for gives the Left license to spout this crap and the fact that they do it through the graces of the United Nations tells us everything we’ll ever need to know about them and their Agenda 21.

A brief piece entitled, “Stop Agenda 21: The Constitution Should be our Only Agenda (,” explains that Agenda 21 constitutes, “a dangerous United Nations plan that takes aim at the American economy – and American freedom – in the name of environmental reform,” and that, “under the guise of world sustainability the plan establishes a regime of rules that attempt to bypass Congress and the American people, handing over power over vast areas of the U.S. economy to unelected UN bureaucrats.” How many of you are comfortable with this nightmarish proposition? No one who cherishes American uniqueness and exceptionalism can be anything but disturbed by the prospect of the United Nations interfering so blatantly in the affairs of our sovereign nation. No one who gives a damn about individual freedom and rights can be in any manner sanguine about what the United Nations has planned for our country.

The problem is that only a tiny percentage of Americans have ever heard of Agenda 21 let alone its goals and priorities. It gets virtually no coverage in the major media – you know, all the usual suspects – and I have rarely if ever heard it discussed in what has been dubbed the “alternative” media. It seems to have successfully flown completely undetected under our radar and I believe that as improbable as it may seem its advocates have at least a reasonable chance of succeeding. The author of the piece frankly states that Agenda 21, “attempts to abolish unsustainable environments, including golf courses, grazing pastures, any paved roads, and that it hopes to leave mother earth’s surface unscratched by mankind.” Additionally, “Agenda 21 dehumanizes individuals by removing the very thing that has defined Americans since the beginning – freedom.” Those who champion such Socialist schemes despise and abhor the very notion of free individuals freely making decisions that they deem in their own best interests and in the interests of America. That must be left to others who obviously know far better how life should and should not be lived!

A piece entitled, “Al Gore, Agenda 21 and Population Control (,” speaks directly, succinctly, and very realistically about life in America should Agenda 21 ever become a full-fledged, bona fide reality. It posits, “imagine going to sleep one night and waking up many years later in a totally different world. In this futuristic world, literally everything you do is tightly monitored and controlled by control freak bureaucrats in the name of sustainable development and with the goal of promoting the green agenda.” What would this mean to the average American citizen? Well, “an international ruling body has centralized global control over all human activity. What you eat, what you drink, where you live, how warm or cold you home can be and how much fuel you can use is determined by them.” Furthermore, anyone who “dissents or tries to rebel against the system is sent off for re-education.” It gets even better for the, “human population is 90 percent lower than it is today in this futuristic society, and all remaining humans have been herded into tightly constricted cities which are run much like prisons. Does all of that sound good to you?” Come on, that would never happen in America, would it? Well, according to the piece, thus far 178 nations have signed on to Agenda 21 and I believe there are only about 192 nations out there.

Much Luv Y’all and Have a Great Day!

The Fifth Horseman

(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)