Saturday, April 16, 2016

The Global Police Initiative Rant

     Exactly what does this mean, a global police initiative?  For some reason, I find the term and concept unsettling, disturbing, and disconcerting.  The idea of a global police force makes me more than just a tad nervous and I can’t shake the Orwellian images it conjures up in the dark recesses of my mind.  Is someone out there actually suggesting and championing a police force that is global in scope and would be responsible for law enforcement on a planetary scale?  I just can’t wrap my brain around this notion nor can I accept the fact that there might be forces out there that actually believe such a phenomenon is a goal even worthy of contemplation.  How would such a police force work and function and who would be in charge of it?  How could such an entity possibly enforce all the laws on the books in over one hundred and ninety different nations?  In order for something of this magnitude to be effective, will there have to be only one uniform code of justice that would necessarily be global in scope and would that code override the legal systems already in place all over the world?  If so, who or what would write and formulate a world-wide code of justice that would effectively and fairly apply to over seven billion residents of Planet Earth?  This sounds like the stuff of science fiction and might make for a rousing HBO special sometime down the road.

     Unfortunately, the idea of a global police initiative does not exist only in the minds of novelists, screen writers, and other creative albeit misguided types.  The concept of a world- wide police force is being seriously discussed and contemplated by people in positions of power and influence here in our own country as well as abroad.  Those in favor of such a proposed institution don’t think like the rest of us mere mortals who are still attached to such outdated and antiquated concepts like nationalism, sovereignty, and well defined and protected borders.  No, you see these and other such notions no longer apply in the 21st Century or at least they shouldn’t.  They smack of the old order and the traditional ways and means of dealing with societal problems and miscreants who violate the rules.  It’s high time for more visionary and progressive thinking when it comes to issues like the law and the enforcement of the rules and practices that keep the citizenry safe from those in our midst who would commit mischief and mayhem.  Yes, it’s high time that we dinosaurs out here who still cling to quaint concepts like nationalism and pride and love of country learned our place in the New World Order.  It’s time we antiquated misanthropes joined the more progressive forces that will remake and reshape both our nation and the world into a virtual utopia that will finally put an end to such outdated geopolitical concepts like national sovereignty, nation-states, and the plague of seemingly never-ending warfare that has been mankind’s constant companion since the days we learned to walk on two legs.  When this crowd is in charge, the lions will indeed lie down with the lambs and Kumbaya will have become the world’s global anthem.

     One organization that is pitching and plotting the establishment of a global police initiative or force is, of course, none other than that venal, anti-American, one-world, and globalist monstrosity that is headquartered at New York City’s Turtle Bay.  Yeah, you got it right.  I’m referring once again to that world body known as the United Nations which for so many years now has been dominated by member nations whose outstanding or defining characteristic is an utter hatred for Western Civilization in general and for the United States in particular.  Almost every vote/decision taken by the UN’s General Assembly or Security Council has been a slap in the face or perhaps more accurately a swift kick in the ass to America and its national interests.  Middle Eastern and African member states of that vile institution generally despise us and everything we stand for and represent.  Our so-called allies can no longer trust us because of the policies of that sorry-ass, lame, and utterly weak excuse of a leader who resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  We are supposed to be the world’s lone superpower but old Barry Boy and his Buddies at the United Nations are bound and determined to bring us down to the level of just one more Third World Shithole of a nation because, you see, it simply isn’t fair or just that the United States is so powerful and wealthy while the vast majority of humanity suffers an existence of poverty, filth, sickness, and an early demise.

     Our Dear Leader is far more comfortable dealing with the globalists and one-worlders who infest the United Nations than he is dealing  with the citizens of the United States.  He considers himself a citizen of the world which is far more important to him than being a citizen of America.  He is far too lofty and grandiose to be limited to merely one nation, especially one that he absolutely loathes and despises.  Every time he travels abroad, he denigrates America in front of the entire world and he embarrasses and virtually attacks our few allies at every opportunity.  He is far more in tune with so-called international bodies like the UN and the World Court than he is with our own United States Senate or the House of Representatives.  He has vastly more respect and reverence for the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights than he does for our own Founding Documents like the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.  You see, to our Compassionate Leader the latter are nothing but impediments to fulfilling his promise of fundamentally transforming the United States because they explicitly and purposely limit the power of government.  Like any true statist/authoritarian he must find ways around the limitations placed on our government by the Founders and he has been remarkably successful at doing so.  He constantly ignores our entire Legislative Branch of government through his over- abundance of Executive Orders which he has abused like no other Chief Executive in our country’s history.  He is more than just a little comfortable in undermining and destroying the institutions, traditions, and customs that have made the United States the greatest nation history has ever seen and he happily sides with any institution or entity that wishes to harm or degrade us.  This is why he, his administration, and the United Nations champions the establishment of a global police force or initiative.

     That an American president as well as far too many American citizens are perfectly willing and eager to undermine and even destroy the entire concept of American sovereignty and nationalism should come as a dire warning and harbinger of what awaits this country in the not too distant future.  The fact that we have twice elected an avowed Socialist to the highest office in the land should cause all kinds of warning bells and whistles to go off in our heads.  The fact that there are so many fellow Americans who are in total agreement with the Saboteur – in – Chief’s vow to fundamentally transform the United States into something the Founders never envisioned or intended portends of a destructiveness that is certain to befall us if the American electorate maintains its current mind set.  The Democrat Party, for example, is no longer the home of FDR, JFK, or even the Happy Warrior.  No, it has been completely taken over by those on the Far Left who have nothing but praise and admiration for the likes of Communist Cuba, Venezuela, China, and the old USSR.  They loathe and despise the United States easily as much as any foreign enemy ever has.  Our current leadership and their pathetically mindless minions will do everything they can to turn our nation into a Socialist nightmare that will effectively destroy the United States as historically founded and presently constituted.

     One way to accomplish this is to partner with the United Nations in the creation of a global police force.  The rationale here is that single, sovereign nations cannot effectively deal with the ever growing scourge of world-wide terrorism.  In order to do so, we must create and support some sort of global policing authority that would require world-wide jurisdiction to fight terrorism anywhere on the planet.  No single country can possibly be granted this broad a mandate without severely ruffling the feathers of other sovereign, independent states.  This, it is assumed, would only create friction and unnecessary “pissing matches” between and among countries that wish to retain their own national sovereignty and independence of action.  A world-wide police force under the auspices of a world-wide body could avoid any internecine squabbling and bickering between and among countries jealously safe-guarding their own principles and priorities.  Those out there who think that this course of action makes any kind of sense in the 21st Century are either seriously misguided or are proponents and advocates of globalism, one-worldism, and an entire planet governed under the yoke of some form of socialist-totalitarian dictatorship.

     Anyone who supports subordinating even the slightest measure of American sovereignty to any form of global authority is, in fact, displaying extreme anti-American tendencies and attitudes.  There is simply no way to get around this reality.  The United States already has within its power and ability the wherewithal to successfully deal with terrorism but we lack the necessary leadership especially under the last seven-plus years of the Obama Debacle.  Under the administration of our Putz – in – Chief, the use of the term Islamic Terrorism or Islamo-Fascism is strictly forbidden.  Heaven forfend that we should dare to call a spade a spade.  The scourge of terrorism across the globe is at present Islamo-inspired, planned, and executed.  Each terrorist attack anywhere on the planet has been owned and proudly admitted to by ISIS or some ISIS-like bunch of fucking maniacs bent on destroying America, Western Civilization, and creating a global caliphate governed according to the tenets of strict Sharia Law.  Obama and his crowd are fully aware of this but because of their pathetically dangerous ideology of political correctness will not say so out loud in front of God and everybody else.

     To these Scum-Dogs, then, a global police force makes perfect sense.  We can pretend to fight terrorism under the banner of the United Nations while making it appear as though the United States has little if anything to do with it.  What these globalist fools can’t or won’t understand is that this makes no difference to our enemies.  We are part of Western Civilization, Judeo-Christian, non-Muslim and, therefore, they want us dead!  These animals don’t give a shit if we’re Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, Conservatives or any other damned thing.  We are the infidel and must be destroyed.  No amount of pandering, appeasing, or ass-kissing will ever change that stark reality.  Obama and the Liberal Pukes who support him just don’t get that fact and will do everything and anything not to offend that bunch of murdering, brutal, and sadistic Seventh Century thugs even if it ends up destroying us.

     A piece entitled, “What Loretta Lynch Just Announced at the UN is Literally the End of America – See Why Here (,” is illustrative here.  The article notes that, “Attorney General Loretta Lynch recently made an announcement at the UN that the Obama administration will be inviting a global police force into several American cities in order to fight violent extremism.”  Well, okay.  What could possibly be wrong with combatting violent extremism?  I have to wonder, however, why our AG felt compelled to make this momentous announcement at the United Nations?  How about making it before a joint session of the American Congress?  The author continues that the, “program called the Strong Cities Network (SCN) constitutes a law enforcement initiative that is set to be implemented across the globe that claims to want to strengthen community resilience against violent extremism.”  A global law enforcement initiative?  This doesn’t sound like an Attorney General who puts America first and foremost on her list of priorities.  But then again, when we realize who she works for this is not even the least bit surprising.  It is simply more evidence that Obama has absolutely no love for the country he leads.  He is more than willing to surrender his Constitutional obligations to a foreign, global institution whose members, for the most part, loathe and despise the United States.

     The writer of the piece wonders what a global police force will be doing in our cities and notes that this constitutes nothing less than an abdication of American sovereignty which is one of the main goals of The LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite) in America.  These Far Leftists are rabidly anti-American and literally despise the country that has given them so much.  The article correctly maintains that, “allowing a global police force that is not subject to American laws or the Constitution to operate within the United States – without the consent of Congress – is something completely foreign and unacceptable to the American consciousness.” The author warns that, “Americans should be on alert.”  Damned right we should be on alert because as the piece queries, “Since when has the Obama administration done anything to strengthen America?  He refuses to call terrorism by its name and refuses to accept that those carrying out terrorism throughout the world almost exclusively belong to one particular group.”  I wonder which group that might be, hmmm?

     Another article entitled, “Global Police Force Announced at the UN to Combat Violent Extremism in the US (,” insists that, “the Obama administration helped foster the creation of what he calls violent extremism in the Middle East and then pushes for a global police force to help combat that threat here in the United States.”  Okay, then, doesn’t that meet some kind of common sense paradigm?  We have been hit by those maniacal mother fuckers both here in the homeland and our national interests have been violently attacked abroad.  Shouldn’t we, then, be front and center in the fight against global terrorism?  Of course we should and we are.  We have no earthly business, however, subordinating our national interests to anti-American international organizations like the United Nations.  The article goes on to quote President James Madison who said that, “The means of defense against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home.”  Why don’t you read that just one more time and think about the wannabe-tyrant who sits in the White House?  He does not want to govern but rather he wants to rule.

     Just think about all the ways and times he has completely bypassed our Congress and Constitution through the use of executive fiat/orders.  Think about Obamacare which despite that damned fool Justice Roberts is patently unconstitutional as it violates the Commerce Clause of the Constitution.  Examples abound, and now the anti-American-in-Chief wants to turn law enforcement in the United States over to blue-helmeted United Nations forces.  Are you comfortable with that?  Yeah, me either.  The piece notes that, “It’s amazing to look back on those words and then to the future.  We can see that his exact warnings are coming true, almost as if they were used as a playbook to take down America.  I don’t want to believe that’s what’s happening here but Madison also said that if tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.”  The writer proclaims, “Talk about a man who could predict the future with the accuracy of a crystal ball.”  He’s right.  Just look around you and see the direction our nation has taken.  The Saboteur-in-Chief gives lip service to fighting and defeating deadly, murderous, and hate filled wacko’s like ISIS but does nothing effective.  Instead, he makes a virtually unnoticed and secret pact to turn American sovereignty over to the United Nations.  Does this sound like patriotism to you?  Does this sound like someone who loves and cherishes America and is proud of our country?  No, I didn’t think so.

     Others have correctly warned of the dangers of a global police force under the auspices of the United Nations.  They predict pretty much the end of the United States of America as we have known it over our life-times.  This entire concept constitutes an all-out attack on everything America has stood for over the centuries.  It means the destruction of our most cherished institutions, beliefs, and way of life.  The idea of a global police force operating in our country literally means the end of our Constitution.  It completely negates and defiles the Declaration of Independence and it utterly trashes our magnificent Bill of Rights.  This is exactly and precisely what the LFE in our nation have been striving for since at least the 1960’s.  A global police force is anathema to the concepts of American sovereignty, nationalism, and autonomy.  These misguided and wrong-headed poltroons are bound and determined to take a giant wrecking ball to our country and turn it into but one more Socialist nightmare so prevalent all over the world.  They need and require an all-powerful and omniscient central government that will control every aspect of the lives of the citizenry.  They want to emulate Big Brother and stamp out any notions of rugged individualism and self-reliance which have always been crucial aspects of the American psyche and spirit.  They need and require a completely dependent population that will always obey and never question.  They were born to lead/rule while the rest of us were born to follow/grovel.  They want equality of outcome not equality of opportunity which has always been a key building block and cornerstone in America’s rise to greatness.  It is these Liberal Pukes, of course, who will define and enforce that equality of outcome to such a degree that most of us will not be able to recognize the country into which we were born.  The establishment of a global police force controlled by the United Nations represents a drastic step in that direction.  Once we give up our precious autonomy, everything else that we hold dear is in eminent danger of crumbling and collapsing.

     A piece entitled, “Obama Administration and UN Announce Global Police Force to Fight Extremism in U.S. (,” is insightful in this regard.  The article begins by noting, “No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you.  The website Canada Free Press just reported that Blue Helmet United Nations personnel will be replacing municipal police forces whose ranks have been harassed and hollowed out over the last year by Obama activists.”  Furthermore, “We’re talking about the so-called Strong Cities Network (SCN), an under-the-radar program just launched by the Obama regime at the United Nations, which is described by Breitbart as a law enforcement initiative that would encompass the globe.”  No folks, this is not fiction or fantasy but rather is on the way to becoming our new reality and the prospect is frightening.  I wonder how Americans might react to United Nations cops enforcing global law in their neighborhoods?  In the America I grew up in this simply would not have been tolerated and I believe might have elicited a violent counter reaction.  In 2016, however, the Liberals-Socialists in our midst would welcome and applaud such an eventuality while the “sheeple” among us would meekly follow along without a murmur of protest.  The 2008 and 2012 elections in which we twice elected a raving Socialist who despises this nation seems to bear this out.  That so many fellow citizens obviously desired this outcome does not bode well for America’s future.

     The author explains that the Strong Cities Network, “amounts to nothing less than the overriding of American laws, up to and including the United States Constitution, in favor of United Nations laws that would henceforth be implemented in the United States itself – without any consultation of Congress at all.”  Additionally and obviously, “Barrack Obama has no intention of going through Congress when it comes to bringing his Blue Helmet Police Force to your neighborhood.”  How reassuring does this sound to you?  How convinced are you that our American president has America’s best interests at heart?  The same piece recognizes that what is happening here is somewhat hard to believe but we must remember that, “when it comes to what Barrack Obama is willing to do because of his sheer hatred of this great country, virtually no dictatorial action that he has taken these days is beyond belief.”  Other sources quoted in the article support and bolster this view of what is happening to the United States under Barry Boy’s leadership.  World Net Daily points out that, “Obama’s new Strong Cities Network announced with little fanfare last week at the United Nations, appears to be another effort to strip authority away from local police departments.”

     The Rutherford Institute informs us that, “With the Strong Cities program we see the goal is to have global police.  Americans better get ready for this because what it means is our Constitution is being replaced and the Constitutional protections we have will eventually be gone.”  Are we beginning to comprehend what awaits our nation and our freedoms if the globalists and one-worlders continue to expand and get more powerful in this country?  For all those out there who believe that elections don’t matter or that your vote doesn’t count, you’d better re-think your position.  The last two presidential contests are absolute proof that elections have consequences. Once the LFE gets a solid foothold on the institutions of power in America they will not let go.  They must be defeated and destroyed for they are our enemies and we are theirs.  There is no compromise or middle ground with them.  There is no common cause here.  There is only victory or defeat.  Victory for them means the destruction of the United States.  That is their goal.  That is their grand prize and I fear they are about to grab that brass ring.

     The above referenced article notes that the UN Global Police Initiative and the SCN, “is a direct intrusion of the U.N. into the sovereign status of the U.S. at every level.”  Additionally, “with no public input, no Congressional debate or vote, it will be blue helmets and not local cops who will be policing the streets of America, in an initiative underway before its launch date.  Overnight, in the cities of North America and spreading city-to-city across the globe, the overbearing, corrupt United Nations, thanks to the America-hating Barrack Obama, has finally become the law of the land,”  The author goes on to quote Ronald Reagan who famously warned that, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.  We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream.  It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”  It would be wise to take President Reagan’s warning very seriously for he was absolutely dead-on right.  We are losing our freedoms because we no longer jealously safeguard and protect them.  Even the most remote possibility of a UN global police force operating within our borders should scare the living shit out of any American who loves this country and who believes in the concept of American Exceptionalism.  It’s time to be afraid, folks, very afraid.

     As referenced earlier in this screed, the United Nations global police force and this thing called the Strong Cities Network will be put into place to ostensibly fight what has come to be called violent extremism. Well, what exactly constitutes violent extremism?  Some would insist that all forms of violence are extreme and I suppose a case can be made for that position.  It is not, however, particularly helpful or useful.  Are we really suggesting that all forms of violence should be eradicated because they are extreme?  Are we saying that all forms of extremism should be ended because they invariably lead to violence?  How can we possibly put an end to all forms of violence and/or extremism?  How would that work and what would it look like?  If we take just a cursory glance back through world history, it seems that violence is an ever-present condition of human kind and it seems to be, for good or ill, a characteristic of human nature.  How, then, do we stop it and is that a reasonable or realistic proposition?  Additionally, are we suggesting that all forms of extremism by their very nature are a negative force?  Are there never any instances in which extremism is necessary and proper?  These are lofty and philosophical issues but most of us know violent extremism when we see it and most realistic Americans properly associate it with Radical Islam, suicide missions, a world-wide caliphate, and strictly enforced Sharia law.

     Upon hearing or witnessing these and similar opinions, those on the Far Left become instantly unhinged.  They begin hooting and hollering, whining and wailing about bigotry, Islamophobia, and painting all those of the Muslim faith with the same broad “racist” brush.  If you dare to express such sentiments let’s say on a college or university campus you’d better be ready to run and dodge any number of flying objects aimed directly at your head.  If you think I’m exaggerating here, go ahead and give it a try but make sure your health care plan is up to date.  The LFE in our midst know damned well who the enemy is and they know why our enemy hates us.  They are perfectly aware that this thing called Radical Islam has been at war with the United States since at least as far back as 1979 when the Iranian “students” took over our American embassy in Iran.  They know that since that act of violent extremism, if you will, the Jihadists have been at war with us  and have sworn to destroy America.  They know this but refuse to fight back in any meaningful or effective fashion.  Instead they blame the United States for the violent extremism inflicted upon us and any other Western, non-Muslim nation.

     Remember 9-11 when the Twin Towers came crashing down and so many American lives were lost?  Of course you do.  Do you remember, however, what the response of the LFE was to that horrific and barbaric act?  Our fellow Americans blamed us!  They kept insisting that we must have done something to these Seventh Century Throw Backs to make them so damned mad at us!!  This has been the Far Left’s response to every terrorist attack on America whether here or abroad and the same is true when any Western nation is hit by these maniacs who hide behind the façade of religion.  Remember Paris?  Remember Belgium?  Our fault.  Western Civilization’s fault.  How come it’s never the fault of those insane Bastards who perpetrate these and other horrific atrocities?!?  Well, I’ve thought long and hard about the “our fault” anti-American Assholes in our midst and I believe I have formulated a thoughtful and appropriate response.  FUCK YOU AND THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON!!!!!  How’s that for thoughtful?

     We know who the violent extremists are but apparently those who champion a United Nations Global Police Initiative and the Strong Cities Network believe differently.  To them, you see, the violent extremists among us are, well, us!  That’s right, Americans who believe in traditional American values and standards fall into this category.  Americans who believe in America’s greatness and exceptionalism are deemed among the violently extreme.  Americans who love and revere the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights are also categorized accordingly.  It sounds unbelievable and it took a long time for me to come to grips with this reality.  Contemplating this “new normal” is somewhat akin to falling through Alice’s looking glass and coming face to face with the Mad Hatter.  It’s just that bizarre and grotesque.  A piece entitled, “A New Global Police to Fight Violent Extremism in the U.S.? (,” is useful here.  The author explains that the, “problem is that in Obama-speak violent extremism refers not only to jihadists wishing to harm Americans but also to conservatives and Tea Party activists.  Just ask all the law-abiding right-of-center non-profit groups targeted by Lois Lerner’s IRS during the Obama presidency.”

     How about that?  I guess I must be a violent extremist since I’m a conservative and a Tea Party guy.  I’m also an NRA member and guns make me happy!  Guess I’d better head for the tall grass.  Additionally, “in the parlance of the Left, violent extremism refers to conservatives and other patriotic Americans.”  According to author Matthew Vadum, “If you are opposed to enlarging the redistributive state and spreading the wealth around then by definition you’re a potential terrorist.  If you’re a conservative or libertarian, if you believe in gun rights or don’t support abortion rights or an immigration amnesty, if you don’t like high taxes or welfare programs or if you dare to believe that the Constitution actually limits the power of the government, you’re at risk of turning to terrorism.”  Damn, I guess I’m pretty well fucked!

     We are facing a situation in today’s America that I really can’t find a parallel for.  Throughout our history, there have always been a small percentage of disaffected types and groups.  There have always been those that have been considered outside of the so-called mainstream and for the most part society has tolerated them pretty well.  There has always been room for those in America who march to the tune of that different drummer or who find themselves outside of what might be termed traditional norms.  I give you the old Hippies of the 1960’s or perhaps even the “Beatniks” of the 1950’s.  Both expressed dissatisfaction with the status quo of their day but were not seen by most Americans as serious threats to the nation’s continued survival and existence.  In the end, both groups made a lot of noise, stomped their feet, yelled, screamed, and protested and then they grew up.  The Vietnam War created quite a stir and gave birth to the so-called peace movement of that era.  For the most part, however, these and other groups were not a genuine threat to the internal peace, stability, and order of the country at large.  They were a blip on the national radar and psyche for a while and then they went away.

     Unless groups and/or individuals really threatened America’s ability to function normally, they were pretty much left alone.  Unless groups and/or individuals became violent and harmed life or property they were tolerated pretty well by the rest of us.  There have been times, of course, when certain groups did present a serious threat and had to be subjugated by the authorities and with the approval of most citizens.  I give you, for example, the Weather Underground of decades ago.  They constituted a genuine, bone fide threat and were treated accordingly.  The same can be said for the original Black Power Movement and perhaps for the current Black Panther Party of whom President Barry Boy is so fond.  We must also not forget that there have been times when our government has over reacted and took drastic and deadly action when it really wasn’t justified and could and probably should have been avoided.  I give you Ruby Ridge and Waco as but two examples.

     For most of our history, however, dissent has been tolerated pretty well by the so-called mainstream but conditions in our nation have undergone a drastic sea-change that I believe can be traced back to the presidential election of 2008.  The Global Police Initiative so lauded by Obama and the United Nations is indicative of that change.  The rise of Liberalism-Socialism is further indicative here.  The definition of violent extremism has put traditional American values on trial and those of us out here who value and revere them can’t seem to figure out what has gone so terribly wrong in present day America.  More and more folks today seem so drastically disaffected with the United States that they are willing and even eager to turn our country upside down.  Our traditional values, norms, and cultural mores seem to be under attack by an ever increasing segment of the population and this is both disheartening and confusing.  A piece entitled, “Obama Admin Mulls Executive Action on Guns, Unveils Global Police Force (,” is suggestive here.  A section of the article is entitled, “Who’s a Terrorist?”  It goes on to note that, “The United States government has made it clear over and over again that they perceive American enemies to be gun owners and libertarians.”  Well, how about that?  The piece further states, “that Americans reverent of individual liberty and others adamant about protecting their personal freedoms are extreme right-wing terrorists.”

     It’s really quite amazing and actually somewhat sickening that Americans who value individual liberty and want to protect personal freedom in our country can in some fashion be deemed, “right-wing terrorists.”   I wonder, then, does that make our Founding Fathers right wing terrorists as well?  Furthermore, the author provides a list of traits or characteristics that are considered when describing those who are deemed right wing terrorist types.  Included are:  Americans who believe their way of life is under attack; Americans who are fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation); people who consider themselves anti-global (presumably those who are wary of the loss of American sovereignty); Americans who are suspicious of centralized federal authority; people who are opposed to abortion and support the second amendment; people who are reverent of individual liberty; people who believe in conspiracy theories that involve a grave threat to national sovereignty and/or personal liberty.”  Wow, that’s quite a list and I agree with all of it!  Each one of these “identifiers” fits me right down to the proverbial “T”.  Yup, even that last point about conspiracy theories.  Does that make me some kind of a conspiracy nut?  Nope, not at all.  If you don’t believe that there exists in our country a genuine, real live Liberal conspiracy to undermine and destroy traditional American values and institutions that have made America the greatest nation in history, then you’d better get your head out of your ass and smell the fucking coffee!  If you don’t think that our Socialist-in-Chief is not conspiring with the United Nations and other globalist one-worlders out there to introduce a global police force here in the United States that is patently unconstitutional it’s time to crawl out from under that rock and take a look around at what’s happened to America!

     Make no mistake folks, the Global Police Initiative coupled with this thing called the Strong Cities Network is a direct and unabashed assault on the United States of America, its autonomy, and sovereignty.  It is an unconstitutional effort to bring America down from the great heights we have reached as a nation and surrender our superiority to the world-wide forces of Socialism and Globalism.  The fact that this is being done with the open approval and collaboration of an American Present is literally sickening and it should worry every citizen who cherishes our past and looks forward to an equally bright future.  One of the ways our enemies, and that includes the LFE in America, seek to accomplish their insidious goal is to change language, perception, and reality.  Obama’s lack of emphasis and clarity when it comes to the issue of Radical Islam or Islamic Terrorism is an appropriate case in point.  The whole issue of violent extremism has been shifted from those who are actually guilty of committing it to those who still believe in traditional American values, ideals, and traditions.  If the Charlatan-in-Chief can convince enough of us that Radical Islam is not the real problem facing us and the world but instead it is Americans who only want to preserve and protect their birthright then indeed our country is in dire straits.  If this snake-oil salesman can accomplish this, I fear our country is truly on the road to ruin.

     A piece entitled, “Obama Admin & UN Announce Global Police Force to Fight Extremism in US Cities (,” is useful in this regard.  The author wants to know, for example, when did the Constitution provide for such things as the SCN?  He would also like to find out who the extremists are in our midst and how is that term to be defined?  He notes that the, “The Obama administration has already scrubbed references to Islamic Jihad from terror training materials,” and our pathetic excuse of a leader provides entirely new profiles and characteristics for those who are attempting to identify potential terrorists.  According to the article, you might be a terrorist bent on committing acts of violent extremism if you are among: those that talk about individual liberties; those that advocate for states’ rights; those that believe that the interests of one’s own nation are separate from the interests of other nations or the common interest of all nations.  How many of us, I wonder, fall into the above categories?  Do you believe, then, that you are a violent extremist and that your activities should be monitored and tracked by the federal government?  Additionally, you may be a violent extremist if you are a member of the patriot movement, if you oppose what has been termed the New World Order, or if you espouse anti-globalism.  Furthermore, if you are fiercely nationalistic, suspicious of centralized federal authority, concerned about illegal immigration, or have a negative view of the United Nations then you too could be classified as a violent extremist or potential terrorist.  If Obama and his buddies at the United Nations are successful in implementing some form of global police force, can you expect the Blue Helmets to come crashing through your door?

     I suppose that many out there who read this rant might think I am completely off my nut and should probably get back on my meds.  Remember, however, that most American have never heard of a Global Police Initiative or the Strong Cities Network.  Most folks simply can’t conceive of United Nations forces patrolling American cities and enforcing international law on a sovereign and autonomous United States of America.  Most of us really don’t understand how very dangerous and destructive full-blown Liberalism really is or how very, very deeply our Dear Leader despises our country and the lengths to which he will go to destroy it as historically founded and presently constituted.  An article entitled, “UN Global Police Network has Been Launched on US Soil (,” correctly concludes that, “The union between the far-left in this country and the globalists in the UN is a dangerous one.”

     It’s a lot more than dangerous.  It is but one more example of America under siege.  Tragically, far too many of those aligned against the United States are citizens born and bred right here.  They are in league with the globalists and the one-worlders at the United Nations and are bound and determined to destroy this greatest of all nations.

Much Luv Y’all and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)