Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Diversity Is Killing Our Country Rant

     Hey, how about a show of hands?  Raise your hands if you are thoroughly and overwhelmingly sick to death of hearing about the concept of diversity.  C’mon, get those hands up and wave ‘em around.  I for one am absolutely and utterly appalled and disgusted by the interminable and constant use of that word and idea as it applies to our country, our institutions, and our history.  I am even more angry-miffed every time I hear the phrase, “Diversity is our strength,” or, “Our strength lies in our diversity.”  The word and catch phrases are so ubiquitous as to have lost all real meaning and usefulness.  They are so over used and misapplied as to have become literally meaningless.  They are much like the ever present and all-consuming charge of, “racism.”  We all know that racism – the real deal – is brutal and devastating in its physical and psychological effects.  It is spirit crushing and soul destroying when it actually happens.  It has become, however, so over used and misapplied as to become virtually meaningless.  Most of us when we hear the charge of racism or racist no longer take it seriously or even raise the proverbial eyebrow.

     We have learned through the years that the term is all too often employed by race hustlers who are one thousand percent invested in the race-baiting business-industry.  Can we all say Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?  Those two frauds, and many others, would be out of work and relegated to the status of pathetic and ignominious laughing stocks if the real state of race relations in America ever made headlines in the New York Times or the lead story on the Eye Witness News channels.  After all, how exciting is a headline that reads, “Blacks and Whites Getting Along Just Fine, Thank You,”?  Yeah, I know.  Ho-Hum.  The same can be said of that tired and worn charge of “Sexism.”  When it really occurs, it is brutal and utterly devastating to the victim.  But when the charge is leveled at some dumb schmuck who said to a co-worker something like, “My, you look pretty today,” no one takes it seriously anymore.  It’s just not possible.  Apologies here to that old hag Gloria and the entire NOW gang.

     Yet the concept of “Diversity” has not yet been relegated to the same fate as the above mentioned “isms.”  When we hear about Diversity, we are all expected to become starry-eyed and weak-kneed and break out into a collective chorus of Kumbayah.  We are expected to place the Diversity Advocates on the highest of pedestals and view them as the most enlightened and right-thinking among us.  We are expected to worship the very ground that they walk upon and must recognize their obvious moral superiority when compared to the rest of us mere mortals who are so hopelessly mired  in the mundane that we can’t be expected to entertain or even contemplate such grand visions as Diversity and all of its wondrous ramifications and results.  We are the little people and must recognize the infinite intellectual superiority of the Champions of Diversity among us.  It is not for us to question their obvious wisdom and our more than obvious inferiority.  We should and must be content with knowing our place and accepting all that our “Betters” deem right and proper.  We are obviously incapable of thinking independently or making informed decisions for ourselves.  We are far too unenlightened for that and our mental acuity has not evolved to the point where we can be taken seriously by any of those who are obviously far wiser and more sophisticated than us lowly and despised peons.

     Those who extol the wonders of Diversity are always one hundred percent politically on the Far Left.  They are full-blown and unapologetic members of the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite) and are united in the fact that they all thoroughly despise the United States as historically founded and presently constituted.  You might want to read that again.  These folks are for the most part native-born and raised and they have been taught to thoroughly hate the country that has given them so much.  How, I wonder, is that possible?  Without this country, they are nothing.  Without the protections afforded them by our magnificent Constitution, they are less than nothing.  This nation that they hate guarantees their right to free speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly and from the Hater-in-Chief on down they use those freedoms to constantly bash and denigrate the United States.  They never, ever, have anything good or positive to say about America but revel in trashing it and tearing it down.  Additionally, these America Haters are guaranteed their due process rights as seen in the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution.

     There are very few nations in the world that would permit this kind of behavior out loud in front of God and everybody.  They would be jailed, killed, or worse and their families and friends would suffer as well.  The Diversity Crowd in America are experts at biting the hand that feeds them and our nation suffers because of it.  The Liberals amongst us want the United States to be taken down.  They do not believe we deserve our status as the world’s lone super power and the fact that we are far and away the world’s wealthiest nation is completely undeserved.  Whatever wealth and power we have accumulated, we have stolen from the world’s poor, less fortunate, and brown.  In their warped and distorted view, the United States is the major cause of all the planet’s woes and ills and the sooner America is knocked off its lofty perch, the sooner the oppressed of the world can breathe a collective sigh of relief.

     One of the tactics Liberals use to accomplish their ignoble ends is their constant emphasis on the concept of Diversity.  They celebrate it, extol it, and revel in it because they are fully aware that it is a wedge issue and one that divides rather than unites.  It emphasizes differences and ignores any similarities that have always unified us as a people and a nation.  It tears asunder the all important notions of patriotism, nationalism, and love of country without which no nation can long survive.  Without “commonalities”, there is no basis for unity or common cause.  By constantly stressing our differences, the various groups and interests among us are forever pitted against one another with no emphasis on our unique American heritage or exceptionalism.  The LFE are fully cognizant that their constant emphasis on our differences can do nothing but harm this country.  They constantly pit black against white, rich against poor, the haves versus the have-nots, Hispanics against everyone else, and the religious against the secular.

     There are no differences among us that they will not exploit in order to rip this country apart and divide us to the point that any form of unity is all but impossible and this is their ultimate goal.  It is an effective use of the age-old tactic of divide and conquer and the Liberals in our midst are experts at its implementation.  They are fully aware that a divided America – a diverse America – is a weak America.  It weakens us internally and on the world stage.  Obama and his minions have gotten us to the point that our allies do not and cannot trust us and our enemies no longer fear us in any manner, shape, or form.  The Obama Crowd – all champions of the Diversity Movement – have done this both purposely and gleefully and will continue in this vein until the end of the Dear Leader’s presidency.  The very last thing they want is a unified America whose citizens are proud of this nation.  They do not want a population that extols the virtues of our past, is proud of our accomplishments, and realizes how very lucky we are to have been born into the freest, best, and most unique nation that God ever gave mankind.  This the LFE simply cannot have for it defeats their central goal of bringing America to its knees and relegating us to the level of just one more poverty-stricken Third World Shithole of a nation.  This is what they ardently believe and have assiduously worked for since at least the 1960’s.

     They will not be satisfied until the United States has been transformed into something it was never intended to be.  They deny the concept of American Exceptionalism and view our founding and our Founders as a dark stain on the history of the world.  These are the folks that America voted into power in 2008 and 2012.  These were not merely two more run of the mill presidential elections but rather represent a radical sea-change on the part of the American electorate.  More and more Americans now seem to be embracing the concept of an ever more powerful and intrusive central government which will be involved in every and all aspects of the lives of the citizenry.  This is, in fact, one of the central goals of the entire Diversity Is Our Strength Mob.  They will create so much disunity and discord that the nation is seemingly ripping itself apart.  The Left will create so much confusion and chaos among us that the only solution will be to rely on “Big Brother” to set things aright.  This is what Diversity does and is designed to do.

     More and more of us are apparently willing to sit back and be taken care of rather than engage in time honored American traits like self-reliance and rugged individualism.  The LFE promises everything from free cell phones to free college and university educations and far too many Americans are just drooling with anticipation.  They no longer want to rely on themselves and their own inner strength, fortitude, or ability.  Instead, they are willing to exchange their freedom for the false promise of being taken care of from cradle to grave.  I believe it was Ben Franklin who so many years ago maintained that those of us who would sacrifice a little freedom for a little more security deserve neither.  He was right.  Those on the Far Left –including the entire Diversity Crowd – are Hell bent on promising security but will never admit that it comes at the cost of a loss of liberty, and liberty once lost can never be regained.

     Diversity, by the way, seems to be such a simple word, such a noncontroversial and seemingly harmless term and idea.  The American Heritage College Dictionary defines it as, “difference,” or, “variety or multiformity.”  Alright, nothing earth shattering here.  The Oxford American College Dictionary notes that the term means, “variety,” or, “a range of different things.”  Well then, this certainly seems simple and straightforward enough.  It also seems fairly innocuous and non-threatening.  We all, I think, welcome a little variety in our lives.  It helps keep boredom at bay and can make life a bit more interesting.  Think, for example, of the diversity we all seem to enjoy when it comes to the simple act of food consumption.  You know, eating.  We all do it and I believe most of us enjoy it.  Think of the wondrous variety and types of food choices available to us on any given day.  Feel like Chinese tonight and maybe Italian tomorrow?  You got it.  Next week perhaps a little French or Mexican cuisine?  No problem.  Later in the month maybe we’ll visit a traditional American steak house.  You getting hungry yet?  I sure as Hell am.  There’s diversity for you.  After all, hasn’t it been said that variety is the spice of life?

     Care for yet another example of diversity that makes life a tad more interesting?  Certainly.  Just think of the variety in attire that we all witness on any given day.  The Fashionistas among us make literally millions by offering us so many choices and styles with regard to the clothing we wear.  And let us not forget the diverse and varied fields of entertainment available to us which can literally make one dizzy.  All of this diversity, all of these choices, are absolutely fine.  Nothing at all wrong with them and they do make our lives just a bit more interesting and lively.  What they do not do, more importantly, is pit various groups of Americans against one another.  What they do not do is emphasize the differences that exist among various groups of Americans to the point where those groups view one another as the enemy – a foe to be defeated and conquered.  The examples of diversity proffered thus far do not engender hatred or animosity.  They do not set one group against another and they certainly do not foster emotions of jealousy, envy, or hatred.

     This only occurs when the concept of Diversity becomes politicized and the Liberal Pukes among us have raised this to the level of an art form.  They don’t just celebrate Diversity, but rather use it as a club with which to bludgeon Americans into submission.  Ordinary citizens are seemingly afraid to object to the Diversification Movement for fear of being accused of political incorrectness.  Objections to Diversity will lead to charges of intolerance and bigotry.  If one is deemed insufficiently Diverse in attitude, action, or opinion labels of racism, homophobia, Islamophobia, jingoism, nationalism, xenophobia, and many more will be levelled at the “offender” who will invariably be shouted down, ostracized, and viciously and maliciously maligned.  Those of us who object to the Diversity Movement will find that the First Amendment no longer applies insofar as we are concerned.  Our freedom of speech or press no longer matters when we defy the tenets of political correctness and dare to express our opinions on the subject of Diversity.  The Liberal Fucking Elite among us behave in a decidedly illiberal fashion any and every time their orthodoxy is challenged.  They are incapable of diverse or divergent points of view yet they claim to the Champions of Diversity.  This constitutes nothing less than blatant hypocrisy and dishonesty which, of course, are hallmarks of Liberalism as played out in present day America.


     Diversity can only be tolerated in a nation that is united and proud of its history, traditions, and institutions.  Diversity can only be tolerated in a nation whose population is steeped in a healthy dose of patriotism and nationalism.  Diversity can be viewed as a positive force only in a country whose population is sure of itself, understands its greatness and uniqueness, and realizes beyond any question that our country more than any other in planetary history has been the greatest source for good, prosperity, and progress that the world has ever seen.  A nation that is sure of itself and is confident about its future can tolerate a measure of diversity.  A nation whose citizens have not been taught any or all of the above will not and cannot tolerate diversity for very long for the diverse groups within the country have no common glue binding them together as one people united under one flag.  Without celebrating our similarities as Americans and by over emphasizing our differences to the virtual exclusion of all else, no country can survive as an intact, unified, and cohesive national entity.  Perhaps you may think this is being over stated here and that I’m bordering dangerously close to hysteria tinged with a near lethal dose of paranoia?  Really?  I give you the glaring and horrific example of the former Yugoslavia of not too many decades ago.  That nation dwelled on nothing but ethnic and religious differences for so long and so exclusively that it literally imploded.  It ripped itself apart over its differences and the result was the total “Balkanization” of that country with literally hundreds of thousands of lives being lost (see The Balkanization of America Rant of 3/20/13).  This is what happens when Diversity is celebrated and emphasized above and beyond all else.  This is the inevitable outcome when patriotism and nationalism are no longer taught and passed from generation to generation.  This is how a nation dies or more accurately commits suicide.

     The fact is that for generations our young folks have not been taught the real history of the United States and our uniquely positive role in the world.  Our young ‘uns have been unwitting victims of an educational system that has been controlled by Liberals and Liberalism since as far back as the 1960’s, arguably the most destructive decade in our history.  They have been taught – read that brainwashed – that America represents the epitome of evil in the world.  Anything wrong anywhere on the planet is our fault.  World- wide poverty and hunger?  America’s fault.  Death, disease, and epidemics?  America’s fault.  Wars and conflict?  Yup, blame us again.  Racism, intolerance, and bigotry?  Blame Uncle Sam.  Earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and floods?  Our fault.  From kindergarten right up through college and university our kids have been taught over and over again that the United States is nothing less than evil personified and that the world would be far better off had the American Revolution never occurred.  By the time the Liberal Pukes who control our educational system are done with our youth, the brainwashing and anti-American propaganda has taken its negative toll.  Our mis-educated youngsters have been taught to thoroughly despise their own country and there is literally no chance that they will leave school feeling proud of their country.  Patriotism and nationalism have been effectively and successfully destroyed and any common traits that have always unified us and held us together as a proud and beneficent country have been thoroughly destroyed.

     The seeds of discourse, animus, and hatred have been purposely instilled in our youth by the Diversity Crowd whose main focus has always been to destroy the United States or as the America Hater-in-Chief put it to fundamentally transform the nation.  No nation can survive intact if its youth are fed a constant and steady diet of lies, half-truths, and misconceptions about its history and role in the world.  The Diversity Mongers among us are doing what no external enemy could possibly achieve.  They have declared war on their own nation and have vanquished the United States without ever firing a shot.  It’s really amazing when you stop to think about it.  The English couldn’t beat us all those years ago.  Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan couldn’t defeat us and neither could the old Soviet Union during the Cold War.  Even the damage caused by Muslim terrorist scum cannot bring jus down.  Instead, we are being defeated and destroyed from within.  The Liberals in our midst, the Champions of Diversity and the American America-Haters, are going to be the death of this country.  They are tearing our nation apart, shredding our social fabric, and destroying any sense of unity and cohesiveness that once existed in abundance when the United States was, in fact, united.

     A piece entitled, “Multiculturalism is Destroying America! (,” speaks to this point.  The author notes that there are, “cultural divisions in America with different ideologies, allegiances, agendas and beliefs that are tearing our country apart.  What used to be America is now a melting pot of ethnic diversity.”  The piece correctly notes that, “no multicultural country has ever survived,” and that the very word and concept of, “diversity prevents any prospect of all of us being just Americans!”  The article goes on to quote Theodore Roosevelt who presciently warned that there, “can be no divided allegiance here.  Any man who says he is an American but something else also, isn’t an American at all.”  Furthermore, “We have room for but one flag, the American flag . . . .  We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language.  And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”  Yeah, read that one again.  Old Teddy was basically saying, “Fuck Diversity!”  Diversity is anathema to a successful, proud, and unified nation.  Diversity constitutes nothing less than a nation killer because it divides Americans against one another, creates suspicion and mistrust, and sows the seeds of discord and discontent.  This is exactly and precisely what the LFE among us wants, needs, and desires.  The last thing they want is a united and cohesive population that focusses on what brings us together as one people rather than our differences.  Can you imagine any modern-day politician saying anything that even remotely resembles TR’s sentiment of so long ago?  That poor Bastard would undoubtedly be tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail!  Expressing sentiments that even remotely border on nationalism, patriotism, and American Exceptionalism is guaranteed to make you an instant outcast and pariah in our politically correct, multicultural, and diversity-worshiping culture.

     Another piece entitled, “Can Diversity Destroy Us? (,” puts the lie to the Diversity Is Our Strength Mantra.  The author explains that by, “1960, we were almost 90 percent European and more than 90 percent Christian – of one nationality, American, one language, English, and one culture.”  The piece recognizes, however, “that America is gone forever.”  The keyword here being forever.  The writer continues that in the, “last seven years, 10.3 million people, almost all from the Third World, entered the United States, more than half illegally.  The nation that was one-tenth minority in 1960 is now one-third minority.”  The piece correctly insists that, “European-Americans will soon be a minority in the nation, as they are today in California, Texas, and most large American cities.”  The writer asks a question that should be on the minds of all Americans when he queries, “And when that day comes, what then will unite us as a people?”  What indeed?  As author Patrick Buchanan maintains, “Certainly not religious faith, for the last 40 years has seen a large influx of Muslims, the rise of rabid secularism and the break-up of Christian churches . . . over issues of morality, abortion, civil unions, homosexual bishops, assisted suicide, stem cell research, Darwin, creationism.”  Additionally, we are no longer, “united by a common language, as the fastest growing radio and TV stations are Hispanic.  And certainly not culture, as we are in a culture war over history, heroes and holidays.”  This is what Diversity has wrought and this is what the LFE in our country has purposely and successfully promulgated.  Diversity is in fact destructive and those who champion it want nothing more than to cause and witness the destruction and demise of our great nation.

     Buchanan backs up his pessimistic but realistic assertions with historical and incontrovertible fact.  He asks, “How can we say diversity is a strength when the most diverse nations of Europe, Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union, shattered into 22 nations as soon as they became free, and Slovaks and Czechs divorced?  Ethnic and linguistic diversity is now pulling Belgium apart, as they tore Cypress in two.”  The pundit continues that since, “World War 11, diversity – racial, religious, ethnic, cultural – has pulled Malaysia, the Indian subcontinent, Indonesia and Ethiopia apart, and is today pulling Iraq, Turkey, and Lebanon apart.  How, when tribalism is everywhere and ascendant, is diversity a strength?”  The simple answer, of course, is that it isn’t.  It’s anything but a strength and is in fact a nation killer.  Given Buchanan’s all too brief history of Diversity here, can any of us possibly believe that the United States is somehow, by some miracle, headed for a different fate or outcome?  Yeah, I didn’t think so.  The author concludes by noting that, “This generation is witnessing the Deconstruction of America.  Out of one, many.”

     There is simply no way to get around the glaring fact that Diversity is anything but a strength and, in fact, is nothing but a destructive force that only creates discord, discontent, and division.  Coupled with its hand maidens of multiculturalism and political correctness our nation is headed toward disaster.  There is no escaping that outcome.  Most folks don’t realize what’s coming in the not too distant future because Americans have always and historically been a fractious and contentious lot.  We’ll literally argue and disagree on any issue you can possibly think of or imagine.  We seem to relish and revel in differences of opinion over virtually everything and anything.  You name it, and we’ll find a way to disagree and that’s always been viewed as one of our strengths.  As we’ve seen the world over, however, when the capacity to argue, disagree, or discuss the pros and cons of any issue hardens into unrelenting and uncompromising factions we have become effectively Balkanized.  This is why the Liberal Scum in our midst constantly stress our Diversity.  This is why they purposely and expertly pit so many groups and interests against one another.  They are proud of their role as “Dividers” and do everything they can to ensure a lack of unity and common purpose among our population.  They are the ones Hell-bent on destroying any and all vestiges of common interest and purpose among and between Americans.  These are the folks that forever denigrate this country and have taught our young that they have nothing to be proud of insofar as the United States is concerned.  A country simply cannot survive under these conditions and circumstances and history is replete with examples that attest to this inalterable fact.

     An article entitled, “How to Destroy America: Speech by Colorado Governor Lamm (,” is particularly useful here.  Lamm’s first step in the destruction of America would be to, “turn America into a bilingual or multilingual and bicultural country.”  Is there anyone out there who can honestly say that this hasn’t already happened?  The speech continues that history, “shows that no nation can survive the tension, conflict and antagonism of two or more competing languages and cultures.”  Can we all say Diversity?  Secondly, in order to destroy America he suggests inventing, “multiculturalism and encourage immigrants to maintain their own culture.”  Look around you folks and tell me this is not exactly what has occurred in our nation.  Go into any large urban center in America and this is exactly what you’ll see.  The melting pot experience is over as is the crucial and all important element of assimilation which is the only reason that immigration in the past worked as well as it did.  Can we all say Diversity?  Next up on the list to destroy America would be to, “encourage all immigrants to keep their own language and culture.”  In addition, it is “important to ensure that we have various cultural sub-groups living in America reinforcing their differences rather than as Americans, emphasizing their similarities.”  Ain’t Diversity a wonderful thing?

     Additionally, he would make, “our fastest growing demographic group the least educated,” thus guaranteeing a permanent underclass which would be forever, “undereducated and antagonistic to our population.”  Can anyone look at present day America and say this is not exactly the case?  Former Governor Lamm went on to note that our school systems suffer from countless, “illegal alien kids who can’t speak English and arrive from functionally illiterate parents.  They cannot perform academically because their parents have no interest or background in viable educational processes.”  The problem here goes far beyond the fact that we now have literally millions of young folks who aren’t being properly educated because this relates directly to the demise of our country as we have always known it.  Lamm continues that, “democracy requires four disciplines to flourish while remaining viable.  It requires an educated population that possesses a similar moral and ethical foundation while speaking the same language.  The United States, via massive immigration, is losing all four aspects.  It cannot and will not remain workable much longer with the disruption of its educational systems.”  Next up on the former governor’s list of how to destroy America would be to, “invest in ethnic identity, and I would establish the cult of victimology.  I would get all minorities to think their lack of success was the fault of the majority,” and he would, “start a grievance industry blaming all minority failure on the majority population.”  Hello Sharpton, Jackson, La Raza et al!

     Additionally, the next step in the plan to destroy America would be to, “include dual citizenship and promote divided loyalties.  I would celebrate diversity over unity.  I would stress differences rather than similarities,” because, “Diverse people worldwide are mostly engaged in hating each other – that is, when they are not killing each other.”  Can anyone say that we have not yet reached this point in America today?  It seems to me that’s exactly where we are and we can thank the LFE and the Diversity Mob for this outcome.  Next up, Lamm would, “place all subjects off limits – make it taboo to talk about anything against the cult of diversity.”  This is the very essence of Liberalism in America.  If you disagree or dissent, you will be silenced.  You will not be allowed to speak or to air views that are out of sync with the current emphasis on such Orwellian concepts as multiculturalism or political correctness.  This is the very antithesis of what America has always stood for and represented.  We have always been a place and a people that have tolerated and understood differing points of view.  We have assumed that people are entitled to disagree without incurring the hatred and animus of those on the opposing side of an issue or argument.

     Not so anymore in our PC and multicultural world.  Should you disagree with the Liberal orthodoxy, you’d better get the fuck out of Dodge!  Liberals cannot tolerate anyone or anything that presents an opposing view and that constitutes nothing more than a huge “tell.”  It superbly illustrates their total lack of confidence and insecurity in what they profess to believe.  All they are capable of doing is shouting down opponents rather than argue their points convincingly and logically.  They are only capable of ad hominem attacks but are completely devoid of all reason and rationality.  Well, they are after all Liberals and this is the most we can expect of them.  Finally, Lamm concludes that, “I would make it next to impossible to enforce our immigration laws.  I would develop a mantra: that because immigration has been good for America, it must ALWAYS be good.  I would make every individual immigrant sympathetic and ignore the cumulative impact of millions of them.”  There is absolutely no argument to be made against Governor Lamm’s assessment of conditions in America today, unless you are a Far Left, America Hating, Liberal Puke!  Our country is purposely being destroyed by the LFE amongst us and absolutely nothing is being done to remedy the situation.  Those on the Far Left are bound and determined to, “dismantle America by design.  You may call it multi-culturalism or diversity or one world government or globalism.  It all means the extinction of the United States as a free, cohesive, sovereign and functioning society.”

     We are losing our country.  America is dying.  The nation that we love, cherish, and revere is being destroyed and many of us fear that it can no longer be saved.  Those who favor such nation killing tactics as Diversity seem to be on the ascendancy while the ordinary, average citizen remains totally clueless.

Much Luv Y’all and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)