Monday, December 22, 2008


You’ve perhaps heard of Turtle Bay on New York’s east side? I imagine it takes its name from the wild life that inhabits that body of water, but I’m really not sure. Perhaps the moniker derives from its shape, but I’ve never bothered to investigate. Let’s assume that turtles do populate the Bay. Turtles, as with all wild life, do what turtles are supposed to do. You know, turtle stuff. They are not mean, base, treacherous, venal, or vile. They are not two-faced, they do not lie, hate, or prevaricate. While never having investigated the Bay, I’ve looked closely into that insidious, malevolent, malicious, malignant, American-hating, anti-Western boondoggle that is headquartered there! That’s right, the fucking United Nations!!

If you’re beginning to get an inkling that I’ve got just a few issues with that august body, I congratulate you on your perceptiveness; your intuitiveness. Hate is a strong emotion and not one to be wasted. I absolutely hate that fucking monstrosity euphemistically referred to as the United Nations and all those pompous, effite, one-world, globalist bastards who despise my country! As far as I can tell, the only thing these alien assholes are united in is their deep loathing of America and all that it stands for. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you! Talk about insidious ingratitude: about pussilanimous putzes! Jesus, do these guys have a set of brass cajones or what?!?

Without America, these back-biting nefarious wimps don’t even have a pot to piss in, let alone a clubhouse! I’ve seen figures that put our dues paid to the U.N. at almost twenty-five percent of its total budget. That’s hundreds of millions of dollars a year! This, of course, does not include our “contributions” to that body’s special “peace-keeping” functions and other venues that jack the annual total paid by the American tax-sucker into the billions!!

The Backgrounder, a Heritage Foundation publication, did an analysis as far back as 2003. Authors Nile Gardiner, Ph. D. and Baker Spring note that, “ever since the U.N. was created in 1945, the United States has been its biggest contributor. The United States currently contributes 22 percent of the U.N.’s regular budget.” Additionally, the authors illustrate that, “U.S. contributions to the U.N. system in 2001 totaled $3.5 billion, including $612 million in assessed contributions to the U.N. regular budget, $712 million toward U.N. peacekeeping, and $2.2 billion in voluntary contributions.” Gardiner and Baker also point out that the “Department of State and Defense gave the U.N. $3.45 billion in direct contributions to conduct peacekeeping operations between 1996 and 2001. This figure is dwarfed by the estimated $24.2 billion in indirect contributions made by the U.S. government to help support 33 U.N. peacekeeping operations in 28 countries during that five-year period.”

You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! Talk about throwing good money after bad! For all this largesse we are hated, spat upon, ridiculed, and have witnessed the American flag burned by our fellow member nations! Since its inception in 1945, the U.N. has failed miserably at literally everything it has been charged with doing. These low-life, odious, slime-balls couldn’t successfully find their collective assholes with both hands and a flashlight!! Keep the peace? Give me a fucking break! Prevent genocide? Please, it is to laugh! Feed the poor and the hungry? Fuggeddaboutit!! Heal the sick? Dream on! The warlords, tyrants, and dictators – most of whom are club members – steal the food and medicine before it ever gets to those who need it. What do we get for our misguided philanthropy?

I give you the Oil for Food Program where old Koffi and son Kojo made out like bandits! John Dillinger and Pretty Boy Floyd look like freaking Boy Scouts compared to these two thieves. They make Ali Baba and the Boys look like rank amateurs! You know those cute little kids that come around on Halloween collecting for UNICEF? Forget it, not one more cent! Who knows into what scumbag’s hands all those pennies end up? Can the United Nations enforce its own empty and meaningless resolutions? I give you Saddam Hussein from the early 1990’s to March of 2003! How many of those resolutions did he ignore? Sixteen, seventeen? Can this useless bunch of foreign mother fuckers even control their own blue-helmeted Neanderthals? I give you the scores if not hundreds of African girls and women raped by the “peacekeepers” charged with protecting them!

To add insult to injury, when one of our own American soldiers refused to don the ever-so stylish, powder blue helmet and pledge fealty to that scum from New York’s east side, he insisted that he was an American soldier and would fight, perhaps die, in no other uniform than that of his own country! For this he was court martialled and, I believe, thrown out of the American military by his own commanders! I mean, what the fuck is that all about? Oh, but wait. I believe that Bill Clinton was our BJ in Charge – uh, I mean Commander in Chief at the time. Hmmm? That may explain a lot. Let’s face it folks, the United Nations is just one humongous example of organizational erectile disfunction. It is and always has been thoroughly impotent and no amount of Viagra can make it right! Talk about Limp Noodle Syndrome!!!

That mob of howling, murderous jackals is good for only one thing: hating America and wanting to see us ridiculed and humiliated. When you’re the Big Dog, all the other little yappers want to bring you down. It’s natural. There will be Hell to pay, however, when the Big Dog gets fed up enough and starts fighting and biting back! If these cheap, tin-horn assholes aren’t careful, that time is coming sooner than later. So preeminent a scholar as Victor Davis Hanson wrote in National Review Online that, “At the U.N. it is said that a ruling hierarchy mistrusts the United States and that a culture of anti-Americanism has become endemic within the organization.” He then asks a particularly salient question: “If we are mistrusted for caring about those thousands who are inhumanely treated by a supposedly humane organization, then why in the world should we wish to be liked by such a group?” Perhaps an even more relevant question might be why in the Hell would we even want to a part of such a group?! Get my drift?

Illustrating yet again the U.N.’s hypocrisy, irrelevance, uselessness, and ass-backwardness would be its Commission on Human Rights. Yup, it is exactly what it sounds like: a body to investigate, examine, and correct severe human rights abuses around the world. A noble, humanitarian, and laudable undertaking until you dig just a little under the surface. Which nation was taken off that commission for purportedly committing massive human rights violations? You got it in one: the United States! Have we at times violated someone’s rights here and there? Probably. What nation, in 2003 I believe, was elevated to head that phony-ass commission? Libya, under the benign leadership of that true humanitarian, that paradigm of compassion, Colonel Muammar Qadhafi! Qadhafi is certainly one of the more humane leaders of the both the 20th and 21st century when he can take time off from killing, torturing, and maiming his own and other people!

Once again, I give you Gardiner and Baker: “The U.N.’s credibility has been gravely damaged by the fall from grace of the organization’s Commission on Human Rights…” They continue, “Libya’s chairmanship of the commission and its appeasement of brutal dictators in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East has irreparably harmed the U.N.’s reputation.” Does this really sound like the kind of body that America should or would belong to? According to the study, “Under Libya’s leadership, the U.N. Commission on Human Rights has become an absurdity on the world stage. Libya remains one of the world’s most repressive regimes, along with North Korea and Iran.” The authors correctly point out that, “Qadhafi has built up a reputation as one of Africa’s most brutal dictators,” and that the “Libyan regime suppresses domestic opposition, tortures prisoners, arbitrarily arrests and detains its citizens, and refuses detainees a fair and public trial. It also seriously restricts freedom of speech, press, assembly, and religion, and is even accused of trafficking in human slavery.”

Read that last sentence again. I’ll wait. Good. Do we really want to be in the same club as this cut-throat piece of shit? Do we really want to know if Muammar can come out and play today? His actions in his own country toward his own people fly in the face of everything America stands for. He and others like him should have been expelled from that useless, anti-American, murderous organization decades ago. He is our enemy and yet there he sits on Turtle Bay, in New York City, in MY COUNTRY!! What the fuck is wrong with us? Would you invite a sworn enemy into your home for cocktails and canopies? Letting the enemy in seems to me like a step down the road to self destruction. Can anyone say Rome?

In addition to our friend in Libya, “current members of the UNCHR include many of the world’s worst human rights abusers.” The study includes other sworn enemies of the United States, all of whom have declared us their eternal foe; their Great Satan: Sudan, Syria, Cuba, and Zimbabwe. Additionally, China, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Algeria sit on the Commission and none of those nations are exactly paragons of human rights. The authors note that, “Zimbabwe and Sudan remain the most oppressive nations in Africa. In Zimbabwe, 7 million people face starvation by man-made famine. In Sudan, the modern-day slave trade is thriving with the complicity of the Sudanese government with thousands abducted in recent years.” And here’s the kicker: “the U.N. has not condemned the brutal regimes in Harare and Khartoum.”

Does it make any fucking sense for America to belong to much less to contribute so much to a fucking rogue organization like the U.N.? The United Nations violates every lofty ideal articulated in its humanitarian charter on virtually a daily basis. Yet we still do business with these vicious, vile, anti-American Scum-Bags! In addition, not a day goes by when some little bullshit, pissant nation, some Islamofascist Fuck, some tin-horn, two-bit vermin in human guise like Hugo Chavez of Venezuela condemns the United States for everything from cultural imperialism, to occupying Iraq, to committing war crimes and torture, to being the cause of every single thing wrong in the entire fucking world!! Can someone please remind me why my country is still associated with this corrupt, disgraced, and venal organization? I can’t quite remember. Can someone kindly explain to me just once more why my tax dollars are taken from me and spent on this fucking aberration that has never done human-kind the slightest iota of service?

Gardiner and Baker conclude with, “Libya, Cuba, and Syria are all on the State Department’s list of state sponsors of international terrorism. By permitting these states to be members of the Commission on Human Rights, the United Nations is sending a clear message that it not only condones human rights abuses, but also grants legitimacy to rogue regimes that help facilitate global terrorist networks that are producing weapons of mass destruction (WMD). The UNHRC has, in effect become a platform for many of the world’s most odious and dangerous regimes.”

The enemy is not just at the gates, folks, but the barbarian is ensconced in mid-town Manhattan. I want that fucking organization out of New York City and headquartered in some God-forsaken part of the globe like the freaking Sahara Desert!! Give the damned building to Trump and let him build condos for the super wealthy or affordable housing for the poor. I don’t much give a fuck! Get that useless, horrific, anti-American, anti-humanitarian excuse for a world body the fuck outta here. If someone ran for the Presidency on just this one issue, I’d bet they’d garner a shit-load of votes. Think of the T-shirts and the bumper stickers!

Would you remain a member of a club in which most of your fellows utterly despised you and were not the least bit shy about showing it? Would you pony-up your dues and contribute yet additional funds so that the organization could continue to function? When virtually every action you want implemented or every idea for improvement you suggest is thwarted at almost every turn, would you drop your membership or continue to pay the lion’s share of the club’s financial obligations? In other words, would you bend over, grab your ankles, and take it up the ass with a smile on your face? Hmmmm? I think we know the answer.

A few years back, Snopes.Com, for whatever it’s worth, came up with an interesting, quite predictable, and thoroughly sickening set of statistics that illustrated how our fellow club members viewed the United States. The member nations voted against America, in the aggregate, 88% of the time! Here’s just a sampling of individual countries, as reported by Snopes, that voted against us: Kuwait, whose ass we saved, 86%; Jordan, 88%; Saudi Arabia, our supposed ally, 90%; Sudan, 86%; Pakistan, 87%; Egypt, 86%; India, a fellow democracy, 79%. Even more illuminating and despicable is the following little tid bit. Egypt, who overwhelmingly votes against America, still receives $2 billion a year from us! Pakistan is rewarded for its faithlessness with pay-outs of about seven million American tax-sucker dollars per anum! India receives close to $145,000,000 and Jordan receives close to $200,000,000. This is not merely astounding, it is no less than suicidal. We continue to drain our already strained coffers to fund sworn enemies at the United Nations, but we even reward back-stabbing “allies” with our largesse. This is not merely mind-boggling, it’s more like fucking insanity!!

How about this for a suggestion? Fuck the United Nations! Send it packing! Give it the boot! How about we get together with other truly democratic nations around the planet? You know, countries in which citizens have rights, can choose their leaders, and actually have a voice in what happens to them!! We’ll form a United Nations of Democratic Countries: the UNODC! Such an organization might be extremely effective in promoting peace, human rights, and human dignity because it would not become a forum, a haven and a home for all the world’s worst tyrants, thugs, dictators, religious nuts, demagogues, and all around assholes! If we continue our
association with that House of Ill Repute on Turtle Bay, we’re bound to pay a heavy price at some point in the future. We are literally allowing the inmates to run the asylum, and that can only mean disaster for this country!!

Much luv y’all and have a great day!

The Fifth Horseman

Monday, December 1, 2008


The United States and Western Civilization are locked in a death struggle in which there can be no compromise, negotiations, or surrender. One side will be completely victorious while the other will be completely crushed and destroyed. There is no middle ground, no peaceful coexistence, and absolutely no accommodation is possible or even desirable. One side recognizes this and fervently welcomes and wants it.

They will literally do anything no matter how unspeakably cruel and brutal to realize their goal of world-wide domination, subjugation, and degradation. They are patient and will relentlessly pursue their objectives regardless of how many years or decades it takes. They are absolutely convinced that God is on their side and not even the spectre of death will disavow them of this mindset. They are completely committed to their cause.

Then, of course, there is the other side. They are, for the most part, divided and disunited, weak-willed and gutless, fearful, foolish, and feckless! They are in utter denial and while burrowing their heads ever deeper into the sand don’t realize that their exposed posteriors provide huge targets of opportunity for a determined and vicious enemy. Their only reality comes in the form of a total rejection of the world as it exists and they refuse to face the fact that we are in what can be accurately be termed as nothing less than World War IV. They face a maniacally fanatical enemy that literally wants them dead and their way of life utterly destroyed. These spineless buffoons simply can’t grasp the concept that the enemy has been at war with them since at least 1979 when the Ayatollah Ass-A-Hole-A grabbed the embassy and took American hostages.

Most of them remained oblivious through the destruction of the Marine Barracks and consequent loss of life as well as the first WTC debacle of 1993. Right up until 9/11/01 these pusillanimous poltroons thought all the destruction was merely the work of fringe, kook lunatics with no real agenda or staying power. They were simply isolated instances of violence with no unifying theme and certainly nothing like a master plan. 9/11 briefly disabused them of that notion and for a short while they stood behind the effort in Afghanistan. When it came time to unload on Iraq, however, they once more showed their true colors. They wrong-headedly began to speak about Iraq and Afghanistan as two separate and distinct wars rather than two fronts or campaigns against the larger war being fought between us and what has been dubbed Islamofacism or Islamoterrorism. This war will be fought, as it should, on many fronts and will literally take decades to successfully prosecute. They are not committed to winning, do not have the balls for a fight, and lack the necessary inner fortitude for an extremely lengthy and costly confrontation.

Given this mindset, we are then told that Islam is a religion of peace but has been “hijacked” by a small, fanatical segment of Muslims that have perverted and corrupted this peaceful, humane, and loving theology into the utter monstrosity that it has become. They are known by different monikers: some call them Islamists; some call them Wahabists; and some of us cut right through the bullshit euphemisms and call them what they are – vicious fucking lunatics with an agenda.

We are told that they don’t represent “mainstream” Muslims. The vast majority of the faithful, they would have us believe, are “moderates” who do not in any way support or condone the atrocities committed by their extremist brothers. Horseshit!! Let’s define moderate. Webster’s explains that moderates “avoid extreme opinions or actions,” while Oxford tells us that moderates are “average in amount, intensity, or degree.” That seems simple enough. We have our moderate Muslims who seemingly wouldn’t hurt the proverbial fly and are apparently willing to live peacefully with those of other faiths and belief systems. Juxtaposed to them, we have our extremist, deviant, religion-hijacking, frothing at the mouth crazed Muslim fanatics who would just as soon cut your fucking head off as look at you!

The problem involves one of suspending belief. If the nut-job crazies represent but a minute fraction of the faithful, where the fuck are the rest of them? Where and who are these so-called moderates whose peaceful religion has been purloined, tainted, and perverted? If, as they claim, their precious religion has been turned on its pillars, so to speak, by a group of wild-eyed bloody fanatics why haven’t we heard from these so-called moderates? Why have there been no massive public demonstrations demanding that their peaceful religion be returned to them? Where are the moderate Muslim organizations dedicated to educating the rest of us about the true nature of their theology? Where are the PR campaigns, the full-page newspaper ads, the spokes people trying to convince us that Islam and Al Qaeda are not synonymous? Who is out there explaining that Osama and the Boys represent an aberration and are abhorrent to the vast majority of the faithful? The silence here is absolutely deafening! Perhaps I am ill-informed, but since 9/11 I’ve read or heard a mere handful of the so-called moderates raise even the slightest or weakest objection to what has ostensibly happened to their precious faith. Perhaps these vast minions of the Religion of Peace are doing their best to fly under the Islamist radar so as to avoid the label of apostate and its oh so peaceful consequences!!

There may be, however, other explanations that offer a better insight into this moderate vs. extremist issue and mind-set. One definition of extremist is a “person who holds extreme political or religious views.” It has been estimated that over one billion sons and daughters of Allah populate the globe and that roughly ten to fifteen per cent of them are classified as extremists. They are the ones willing to strap on the bombs to gain entrance to Paradise. This is the group that will pick up the sword and take some poor bastard’s head off knowing that those succulent virgins are up there waiting for him. These are the fanatics that fly planes into buildings and turn trucks into bombs to inflict death and destruction upon the unsuspecting infidel. Yup, I’d have to agree – these guys fit the bill as bona fide fanatical extremists. If the numbers above are anything close to correct, there exist between one hundred and one hundred and fifty million of these maniacal mother fuckers out there eager to destroy every non-believing kafir they can find. I am also told, by the way, that all cultures and religions have something to offer and they are just as valuable as our own American-Western culture. Yeah, these fuckers are really a gift to mankind alright!

Let’s work a bit more on this moderate Muslim construct and see if it stands the test of scrutiny. Perhaps a sports analogy might be a useful method to get a handle on this whole moderate vs. extremist Muslim thing. Besides frivolous law suits, I’ve heard that baseball is America’s favorite pastime. Anyone born in this country has played that game at some point in their lives. Out of a nation of about three hundred million people, however, there are only about seven hundred at any given time that can play the game on the major league level. They are a rare breed and live, eat, and breathe baseball. Without it their lives are hollow, unfulfilled, and meaningless. They are indeed baseball extremists and fanatics. Let’s also include in this group anyone who in any way actively participates on game day. Umpires, benchwarmers, coaches, managers, etc. may properly be termed extremists where the game is concerned.

We can then, I suppose, term all others interested in the sport as our baseball moderates. This seems to follow the template of our extremist vs. moderate Muslim conundrum does it not? Well, how about we include all those companies and employees who depend on the game for their livelihoods and yet never set foot on the field. You know, glove and ball makers, bat and cleat manufacturers, uniform and hat specialists, and many, many more all have a vital interest in making sure that the sport thrives and is perpetuated indefinitely. Their homes, cars, clothing, food and the like are integrally intertwined with the sport. They literally cannot afford to be moderates where the game is concerned. These folks may not be quite as fanatical as those on the field but they support them 100%!!

Now, let’s especially not forget about those wacky, nutty fans: moderates my ass!! These are not people who can just take or leave the sport. They are absolutely passionate about their teams and players. They can quote statistics going back decades in support of any argument they may have with another baseball fanatic. They literally study every aspect of the game and have become baseball experts. Not only have they invested their time but they have also invested literally small fortunes in their teams and favorite players. These guys spend thousands a season for admission to the park and thousand more while watching the game. They purchase expensive, authentic team paraphernalia to let the world know who they are and how much the sport means to them. They proudly display their team’s colors in much the same fashion a New York city gang-banger wears his. His favorite player’s name is boldly emblazoned across the back of his genuine MLB jersey. These are not people who are merely interested in baseball. Aside from their families and occupations, it is the center of their lives and I may have the order reversed here. I’ve seen tee shirts that read, “life starts when the season begins!”

There is also a rather large emotional investment for the fans. They take their game passionately and will brook no criticism from the fans of other major league franchises. Some baseball rivalries are legend: take the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox as a prime example. Fights are not uncommon between the rival fans and serious verbal abuse is considered part and parcel of loyal fanship. A botched call by an umpire can cause a nearly full-scale melee! Other rivalries on this level might include the Dodgers and the Giants or the White Sox and the Cubs. No matter who they root for, the true fan is an extremist, a full blown baseball fanatic. They know they will never be good enough to get out there and play but the fans along with the other aforementioned groups constitute the game’s support systems without which major league baseball could literally not exist.

I realize that there are probably some flaws with my sports analogy, but do you see where I’m goin’ with this, Skippy? Do you begin to catch my drift? We must cede the point, of course, that not all Muslims are terrorists, but the fact that they don’t actively cut off heads or fly planes into buildings by no means makes them moderate Muslims! Just like major league baseball requires support systems if it is to even exist, so too the fanatical, extreme Muslim terrorists. Just as an army in the field cannot exist without vast logistical and technological support from non-combatants behind the lines, so too the Jihadists.

Are the fund raisers and bogus charitable institutions that provide financial backing to the tune of at least tens of million of dollars a year moderates? If one supports terrorists with vast treasure it seems a reasonable leap to conclude that they thoroughly agree with terrorist goals and MO’s. While they may not do the actual killing it is safe to assume that they too are fanatical extremists in their view of the non-Muslim world. Our pool of moderates seems to be shrinking just a tad. Additionally, how about all those who work at the primarily Saudi funded madrasas (Muslim religious schools) teaching children at an early age to hate, loathe, and destroy all people and things non-Islamic? How about those wonderful Imams who call the faithful to prayer and spew nothing but the foulest, most loathsome forms of hatred? They will never fire a gun or destroy a building full of innocents, so are we to view them as moderates? Fuck, no!! They too qualify right up there as being just as fanatical and extreme as the actual killers. It is they who taught the foot soldier of Jihad what to think and believe! It seems that our moderate pool has shrunk just a bit more. Let’s face it kids, one doesn’t have to be a killer to be an extremist. One only has to believe in and support those crazed ratbags who inflict the violence. By this definition, I wonder just how many moderate Muslims really exist? How about those who make the bombs but don’t detonate them, or how about those that staff the Jihadist training camps where terrorist skills are learned and honed? Can we call them card-carrying moderate Muslims?

What about those Muslim brothers who reconnoiter targets and gather other intelligence in order to facilitate the violence perpetrated by the mad dogs of the movement? What are we to think of media organizations like Al Jahzeera which takes great pride in airing decapitation “events” in much the same way as ESPN might broadcast a sporting event? How should we view Muslim newspapers, websites, and blogs that regularly publish the maniacal rantings of Osama bin Laden and others so that the faithful can keep current? These and other examples of Muslim media do nothing in moderation and are every bit as extreme and fanatical as is their religion itself! Religion of peace, my sorry old Ass!! (for more meaningful and in depth insights into the Muslim faith see The Politically Incorrect Guide To Islam And The Crusades by Robert Spencer. Also refer to jihadwatch or the religion of peace)

Let’s take a look at those “moderates” who provide Allah’s hit men with food, clothing, shelter, employment and other such necessary items demanded by the well-rounded Muslim terrorist. They also need drivers licenses, preferably more than one and from different states. Credit and library cards are always useful to the successful terrorist seeking his way to Paradise. I understand airport employee photo ID’s are always popular and coveted. The providers of the above mentioned items may correctly be viewed as enablers and facilitators but to call them moderates is no more than a load of happy crappy! They are every bit as fanatical and extreme as those that murder people in the name of their ever so tolerant and peaceful religion! Our pool of moderates seems to be growing ever smaller.

Those mentioned above may be considered the equivalent of the coaches, managers, umpires, etc. referred to in the baseball analogy. The individual terrorists themselves are the players and their organizations may be seen as their teams: think Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas, the PLO, etc. As with baseball, the “fans” represent an absolutely critical component of the “game.” Without their fans, terrorist organizations and individual Jihadists would not exist and could not operate. While the baseball fan-pool is certainly large and includes many millions, the terrorist fan-pool makes it look like a small, puny puddle! Remember, there are over an estimated one billion Muslims spread literally all over the globe. One should also keep in mind a well known aspect of Muslim tradition that comes straight from the Koran. Wherever an Islamic community exists – Umma – Sharia law not secular must be strictly imposed and enforced! And no, Dick Head, I’m not taking the concept of Sharia out of context. The supremacy of Sharia – theocratically based rule – is strictly within not merely its proper context but rather within its only context! (Again, read anything by Spencer, or other noted scholars such as Lewis, Huntington, Pipes, and many more.)

The terrorist fan-pool consists literally of hundreds upon hundreds upon further hundreds of millions of people. You can add to that yet further hundred and hundreds of millions. Like baseball fans, they have a very strong emotional attachment to their players and teams. They provide validation for them and are in turn validated by them. It is the ultimate symbiotic relationship! While they have not killed in the name of Allah, they enthusiastically support those who do. Just think back to 9/11/01. Remember the footage of all those peaceful fucking religionists dancing joyously in the streets of cities and villages all over the world? They cheered all over Europe, all over the Middle East, all over Indonesia, and all over America! They repeatedly proclaimed “Death to America!” They were smiling, laughing, and chanting as they contemplated the hoped for demise of the Great Satan! This behavior was displayed after the USS Cole took a hit that damn near sunk her and killed Americans. It was evidenced after the Khobar Towers blew with still more dead Americans and in the aftermath of the 1993 attempt to take out the WTC. It will absolutely happen every time America and its interests are hurt in the future and make no mistake: it’s going to happen. It is not a question of “if” but rather of when and where.

They will cheer, hoot, howl, and holler. They will celebrate wildly because they fucking hate us and not for anything we have done but rather for who we are! We represent everything they don’t understand and fear. We are a free, fair, and tolerant people. They are not and their Koran forbids them to be – and don’t hand me that “contextual” bullshit again!! How do we respond to their animosity, vitriol, and violence? I give you the tsunami of 2004 which damned near wiped out Indonesia, the region with more Muslims than anywhere else in the world. A mere three years after 9/11, America was again the first to respond with both personnel and treasure!! There’s got to be something very fucking wrong with us! We either have some kind of perverted national death wish or we have such an overwhelming insecure need to be liked that we act in ways that go completely against our own self-interest and are construed by some as a manifestation of insanity! Let’s ask a very germane question. Did all of our largesse buy us any good will within the Muslim community? Nope. It was viewed as evidence of weakness and these rat bastards despise that trait. You know how a wild animal can literally sense and smell fear? Hey, I’m only sayin’ tho’!

Adolf Hitler in the 1920’s wrote Mein Kampf in which he outlined exactly what he would do if given the opportunity. Nobody believed him. In 1996 Osama bin Scumbag literally declared war on the United States and nobody believed him either. Unless at least half of this nation wakes up and learns to fight viciously back when attacked, we’re fucking doomed!! Those crazy mother fuckers will absolutely use nukes if they can get them and I believe rogue Russian military types and that Wacki Paki Dr. Khan are doing everything in their power to make that nightmare a reality!

Unless the liberal fucking Democrats and those turncoat RINO’s out there grow a massive set of balls tuite suite, there may not be much of a nation left to defend. Don’t you gutless, soft, weak, cowardly assholes get it? Those oh so peaceful and tolerant followers of Mohammed want you fucking dead, your family fucking dead, and your country fucking burned to the ground! Is that clear enough for you? How can you shit heads be so damned blind? Unless you feckless pustules wake up this nation is over! While the enemy probably can’t totally physically destroy America they can make it virtually unrecognizable! They will have us living in such fear that we’ll become incapable of action of any kind. We will have been taken hostage by a gang of miscreants whose mindset is still back in the 7th and 8th centuries. Americans have always been problem solvers but now far too many Americans have become the problem! They still want to know why these Muslim Mother Fuckers hate us and how we can change OUR behavior so that they’ll let us alone. Hey, here’s an idea for you. How about we kill so many of these terrorist fucks and their “moderate” supporters that the next time they feel that old testosterone rising they’ll choose a different target? Whaddya think?

Much Luv Y’ALL,

The Fifth Horseman

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


When a nation’s educational system fails, it is a signal that the country is dying. Judging from such pertinent barometers as high school graduation and drop out rates, literacy levels, proficiency in math and science, and at least a passing knowledge of American and World history our nation is not just approaching moribund status, we are totally and completely fucked! Conditions at present are worst in our inner-city, ghetto schools where I’ve spent the better part of the last thirty years.

There are myriad reasons for the failure of our schools, certainly far too many to discuss in a single screed. Suffice it to say that one of the leading culprits responsible in no small measure for destroying what was once one of the world’s premier educational systems are what we derisively and mockingly call the “True Believers.” What and exactly who are the True Believers? As suggested, they are one of the pivotal reasons for the New York City’s school system’s seemingly irreversible implosion. They are, in fact, insidiously evil, dangerous to the health of our nation, destructive to our very way of life, and hopelessly fucking liberal in attitude and action!

They are saboteurs and can be found at every level of the educational establishment from top to bottom. They may be empty suits at the Department of Education. They may hold positions with the Board of Education. They come in the guise of principals, supervisors, assistant principals, teachers, guidance counselors, and advisors. They have many things in common among which are complete and total ineffectiveness accompanied by utter incompetence. The last effective educational strategy they devised never fucking happened. Any original thought they ever had surely died a death of agonizing loneliness!

They are invariably and proudly ever-so fucking politically correct and feel that all children can succeed, that we are here not to impart knowledge but rather to inflate bruised egos and fragile senses of self-esteem! Two plus two can indeed equal five if it makes little Shaquan feel good about “hisownself!” They insist that all cultures have something to offer and are at least as good if not better than ours.

They take great pride in promoting themselves as “ED-U-CATORS” because these total assholes suffer from a terminal lack of self-esteem and self-worth. It’s beneath them to be thought of as mere and lowly teachers. That’s not grandiose enough and sounds far too mundane. Their highly bloated and distorted opinions of their mental acuity can’t allow that. In truth, most of these near-idiots make true mental midgets (apologies to all idiots and mental midgets out there) appear literally Einsteinesque! Some of these imposters posing as teachers even have their own calling-cards identifying themselves as “Mr. or Ms. Pompous Fucking Asshole: Educator!” How sickenly precious, how disgustingly pretentious! God, these blithering pinheads make me want to retch. There seem to be fewer and fewer of us out here who don’t insist that our profession requires euphemization. We’re just fucking teachers and don’t mind the moniker at all, thank you very much!

The True Believers also share other traits in common. One of the first things you’ll notice is the total absence of any semblance of a sense of humor. They don’t know how to laugh, especially at themselves, because like most people who take themselves ever-so-fucking-seriously, they are crusaders, reformers, and complete pains-in-the-asses!! Don’t ever disagree with them or even hint that their efforts to co-opt a once perfectly sound educational system is not the solution but rather the problem! They will not be able to handle this charge calmly or rationally no matter how true it may be.

Their only response to any form of criticism is to immediately get really loud, noisy, and insulting. They revel in the ad-hominem attack! They will call you such names as Neanderthal, Dinosaur, and a thick-headed uncaring heathen. They’ll accuse you of not caring about the children (thanks a shit-load, President Clinton-fuck!), of a hard-hearted callousness easily rivaling that of Ghengus Khan and Charles Manson combined! They will then accuse you of the ultimate infamy: “You must be some kinda fuckin’ Republican asshole! Get the fuck away from me!!”

They can’t use logic, have no concept of differing points of view, and are intolerant of any theories, facts, or paradigms that differ with their own world view. They will never admit they are wrong even when they know full well that they are. Admitting such a thing would not only invalidate their precious educational theories, it would literally invalidate their very existence! You see, most of them have absolutely no lives outside of the education business. They live it, they breathe it, and are totally consumed by it! Their work lives, their social lives, and their very beings are defined by it. Talk about fucking pathetic! They don’t seem to understand that being all-consumed by one’s profession doesn’t make one a better professional. As with all fanatics in any field of endeavor, they are not merely passionate about what they do – which is fine – they are truly obsessed!

Obsession is not only unhealthy, it is destructive. It leads to a warped and distorted sense of one’s own abilities and importance. It elevates their field above and beyond all others and absolutely precludes any measure of objectivity! They are unable to separate themselves from their endeavors and are completely incapable of sitting back, distancing themselves, and perhaps achieving a calmer perspective. They cannot rationally reflect or evaluate the problems at hand and are therefore unable to realistically assess proposed solutions and look for cracks or imperceptions in their reasoning and logic. They don’t think, but merely emote! They are, indeed, True Believers of the first magnitude!!

Shortly after one Christmas break, a veteran female teacher asked a young colleague if he enjoyed his holiday and did he get to go home? The young man, maybe twenty-five years old, looked extremely serious and ever so-sincere when he replied with a straight face, “You don’t understand. This IS my home!” PUKENESS! UPCHUCK!! DRY HEAVES!!! Just think The Exorcist! I walked by the sorry son of a bitch and muttered that “I’d rather be fucking homeless. I’d prefer a damned park bench!” I didn’t wait for his reply, but heard later that it was rather less than flattering: something about old assholes who should have retired years ago.

Our True Believers are, of course extremely “well-meaning.” They desperately want to improve the system so that the children can succeed; they so much want to make a difference. The problem here is that while they may be well-meaning, they are completely wrong-headed! Well-meaning types who are completely clueless about the problems and possible solutions to our educational morass constitute an absolute recipe for total fucking disaster! To mask their utter incompetence, they resort to buzz words and jargon that only they can understand. It’s somewhat akin to a secret society with its own passwords and insignia recognizable only to the members and no one else. It gives them a sense of purpose, belonging, and superiority. It is we small-minded, cretinous, throw-backs who don’t understand. We are the unenlightened ones standing mulishly in the way of their coming educational utopia!

The True Believer revels in Edu-Speak, a jargon peculiar to the species. Their solutions to such serious problems as truancy or cutting class, for example, involve mind-twisting, bizarre concepts such as, “Socializing Our Intelligence!” What in the fuck does that mean?!? How does one socialize his or her freaking intelligence? Do you perhaps send it to the intelligence play-group where it can mingle with other intelligences and become more well-rounded?!

In order to increase the graduation rates, we’ll adopt “alternative assessment” techniques that focus on “Manipulatives,” “Differentiated Learning,” and “Integrated Instruction,” with an emphasis on “Kinetic versus Visual Learners!” I’m starting to get fucking dizzy here. If you understand and or believe any of the above mentioned bilge, you need to get your fucking head examined! Don’t you get it? It’s gibberish, it’s claptrap, it’s bullshit designed to hide the fact that these fucking idiots have not a clue as to how to solve our educational difficulties! Want improved results on standardized test scores? You got it! We’ll concentrate on “group work, cooperative learning, and multi-tasking!” Would you like to improve the quality and tone of the building? Got it covered! We’ll adopt a more intimate and personalized academic setting for students and staff by abandoning BLC’s and move right on to SLC’s. Hell, I’d rather go straight to the BLT’s! All this screeding is building up a huge appetite: light on the Mayo, please!

We’ll employ “Alternative Modalities, Instructional Support Services, Individualized Learning Styles, Portfolio Assessment,” and various and sundry “Rubrics” to greatly reduce the gang activity and general crime in our inner-city, urban “Educational Centers!” You are all about meaningless symbolism and have not a clue about substance. To all you Edu-Crats, True-Believing Ninnies out there: don’t you even comprehend how terribly weak and pathetic you are? You are no more than a herd of Edu-Sheep following the latest Edu-Trends! It matters not a whit that these “solutions” have absolutely no relationship to the problems confronting us! You assholes just go along with the latest verbal diarrhea, touted by some venal clown who has not seen the inside of a classroom in at least a generation, like a bunch of headless fucking chickens!!

No serious thought, contemplation, or reflection is evident in any of your actions or attitudes. It’s all a flurry of activity, relentless frenetic and frantic motion signifying nothing! I guess we’ll just dazzle ‘em with footwork and hope like Hell we don’t get our damned heads handed to us! Hey, True Believer: modality this, BITCH!! You are the saboteurs that have almost single-handedly morphed an outstanding, world-class educational system into what has become an utter failure, an embarrassment, and a cruel joke! Fuck you very much!!!

Much Luv, Y’all
The Fifth Horseman

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Smaller schools and smaller classrooms seem to be the latest educational rage among those great thinkers who control New York City’s school system. In their latest frantic attempt to look busy and justify salaries that hover around the $200,000 range, they proclaim, “SMALL IS IN – BIG IS OUT,” and voila, our city’s failing public education system will miraculously be removed from life support and become once again vibrant, healthy, and successful! The Panacea’s the Thing!! For those of us who’ve been around for a while, we know it’s all just bullshit and bombast.

New York City’s educational woes, as with all large urban centers, will not be corrected by any patch-work fix that doesn’t address underlying causes. The current obsession with “smallness” will also be relegated to the ash heap of failed, ill-conceived, and ludicrous solutions that haven’t got a virgin’s chance in a whorehouse of succeeding! We’ll break up the large, all-inclusive, comprehensive school model and in a facility designed to hold between three to five thousand students, we’ll designate four smaller schools. Each school will have its own space within the larger building and each will have its own name and educational mission. As I understand it, the optimum size for each “mini-school” will be about five hundred students, give or take.

We’ll give each of them a name that will include some grandiose reference to “an Academy of…”, or the “Regional something school of…”, or perhaps the “International Preparatory whatever….” Change is not necessarily a bad thing, but change merely for the sake of change usually indicates that panic is taking hold and that virtually no one in charge of fixing the problem has any fucking idea of what is really broken!

How is this smaller school “modality” – a little Edu-Speak for the uninitiated – going to help Tyreek who at nineteen years of age has enough credits to be a sophomore? How will Hector benefit from this smaller, more intimate atmosphere when as a junior he reads and writes no better than a half-bright fifth-grader? How about Nyasia who at sixteen is only weeks away from birthing her second welfare bastard? I’m sure this new school paradigm will instill in her the necessity of keeping her legs tightly clamped together at all times, right? Give me a fucking break! Can we all say boondoggle?

Let us examine a few of these new scams, uh – I mean schools. How about the High School of World Culture located in the Bronx? Doesn’t that sound wonderfully all-inclusive, so very global in scope, and so very, nay, so profoundly fucking liberal?! The mission of this facility apparently “places a strong emphasis on an enhanced standardized and interdisciplinary curriculum.” It will build on the students’ “very rich identity and cultural beliefs which will prepare them to be successful in this global society.” How very one-worldish! I wish I knew what the fuck it means. What rich identity are they talking about: the ghetto culture of Bushwick or East New York’s long-held tradition of ritual drive-by shootings? What are these cultural beliefs they hold so dear? Sounds like Edu-Speak to me: the words have absolutely no meaning, no basis in reality, but they sure sound good!

Let’s keep going. We’ll take a look at the Peace and Diversity Academy, also located in the Bronx. This mob wants their graduates “to build an increasingly just and democratic global society.” Additionally – get ready for this – the aforementioned goal will be accomplished by “promoting excellence, developing critical thinkers, modeling an inclusive and democratic community which engages all families, educators and partners, fostering anti-bias attitudes, inspiring social justice and peace activism, building student and teacher skills in active communication, conflict resolution, mediation, diplomacy and human rights leadership.” Whatever shit head wrote this bilge obviously failed English grammar in high school. Finally, “graduates of Peace and Diversity Academy will be leaders who build bridges of intercultural understanding across all levels of human diversity.”

Holy Mother of God, we’re all fucking doomed!! I mean Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, you both better get the fuck out of this steamroller’s way. These folks sound like they’re far more effective race-hustlers than either of you could ever hope to be! I guess some evil, conservative, war-mongering asshole like me shouldn’t even bother applying for a position at good old Peace and Diversity, but I’ll bet the interview would be a fucking hoot!

Neither example examined thus far seems to have anything whatever to do with educating students and producing productive American citizens. They do, however, sound very much like propaganda mills whose main “mission” is to brainwash their captives into embracing an all-consuming, liberal, one-world mind-set. What this has to do with education is far too visionary for some simple-minded old fuck like me to grasp. I’m still hung up on such mundane, even archaic, concerns as how will Sequeya be able to find employment after graduating from this wonderfully enlightened institution? Will diversity, multi-culturalism, peace & love help Yudishtir read on grade level or inspire Nefertiti to excel on her SAT’s so that attending college is more than just a foolish pipe-dream and a false hope?

At the Freedom Academy High School we learn that it provides “students with comprehensive educational and support programs,” and more importantly reinforces “life skills: caring, concern, respect, trust, tolerance, civic responsibility, team spirit and family values.” What a load of happy horseshit! The Freedom Academy’s mission statement, however, does provide us with one invaluable service. It accurately and succinctly illustrates one of the main reasons why our school system is failing and why this New Age Educational Bullshit cannot possibly succeed! This “Academy” emphasizes such societal building blocks as caring, concern, tolerance, civic responsibility, etc.

When did the vast majority of us first learn about such things as family values, civic responsibility, respect, and trust? Exactly!! We learned these core principles from our parents – note the plural – in our homes. They taught us these attributes in both word and deed. They lived them and we learned by example! We did not learn them in some fucking “academy” taught to us by total assholes we didn’t know! This was when, of course, New York’s family structure was still strong and vigorous. This was before fathers all but disappeared, before mothers gave birth at fourteen, and when parents got married and THEN had children! This was a period when adults raised children. Now we see children raising children.

If your parents taught you how to read and write at home before you ever showed up at school, as used to be the norm, the odds of succeeding were greatly in your favor. Any child who begins his or her educational career and cannot read or write is virtually guaranteed to be grade levels behind by the time they have completed their first decade on the planet! No amount of educational sleight of hand can replace a stable, two-parent household. When the family structure falls apart, breaks down, and is destroyed then so too is the nation! This country is literally dying and current educational trends, fads, and bullshit are merely hastening its demise! Strong families and values lead to strong countries and values. Without them, nothing survives!!

Let’s continue. We learn that at the High School for Civil Rights, “students will be empowered to exercise their civil liberties and become active in their own community.” How very nice for them. Will they master the fine art of the sit-down strike and learn how to chant in unison as well? The mission statement continues that “our school will develop young people who are aware of historical and current civil rights issues that affect them and their communities and will offer opportunities to become engaged in community activism.” I can’t help but wondering if a possible graduation requirement is getting arrested for committing an act of civil disobedience in, of course, a nonviolent fashion?

Education throughout the millennia has prepared the younger generations to lead productive lives as adults. It seems that the High School for Civil Rights is training community racists, I – uh mean, community “activists!” How is empowering Tinaja going to keep her off the welfare rolls? How will “activating” Dashawn keep his sorry ass out of jail? How will all this silly-shit instill a work ethic in Shontasha? These things cannot and have not happened because of the breakdown of the American family. Our current blind attempts to revive a dying school system are somewhat akin to putting a band-aid on a fucking blast from a Remington 12 gauge pump-action shot gun! It ain’t fucking happening!!

At the School for International Studies, we are informed that the aim is “to integrate the diversity of our city and world community into all aspects of our students’ learning experiences. We emphasize cultural awareness across the disciplines.” I’ll tell ya, I’m going to sleep better at night knowing that my tax dollars are going toward making Naquan culturally fucking aware! Additionally, “students leave our school as socially conscious leaders, equipped with intellectual tools, academic and critical thinking skills necessary to make meaningful change in today’s dynamic interdependent world. We have a carefully selected team of teachers dedicated to the exploration of diversity, tolerance, and harmony.” This is mind-boggling in its asininity, it is loathsome, and is symptomatic of just how far we have fallen when a mere half-century ago, New York City’s public school system was literally one of the finest in the world!

At the International Leadership Charter School, all students will graduate with “leadership skills and a deep understanding of the social, economic and political issues that affect their daily lives, as well as a commitment to community development, social action and participation in the global society.” The Leadership Institute provides “students with the skills they need to take action in their communities,” while “a focus on social justice helps students understand their rights in a fair, democratic society.” The Urban Assembly Academy for History and Citizenship for Young Men explains that, “Through rite of passage experiences, historical examination and reflection our scholars will become college-bound, family and community leaders concerned for the rights and welfare of others.”

Enough! I can’t keep doing this. My eyes are crossing and my head is pounding as though I’d just been on the receiving end of a good, old- fashioned Brooklyn stomping! If these mini-schools, these small-learning communities, these charter schools are indeed the future of education in America, then in no more than half-a-century the United States will become a bona fide member of the Third World Nations Club! These are not schools, but merely feel-good centers designed to boost self-image, assuage bruised egos, and revive near moribund senses of self-esteem!! They are employment centers for failed liberal teachers who could not compete in a traditional school atmosphere. They are designed to promote anti-Americanism and glorify globalism and one-worldism. They are the brain-dead children of educational hucksters and snake-oil salesmen and they constitute yet one more nail in America’s coffin!!

Hey, I’ve got an idea – it happens occasionally! How about we create just one more “alternative” school, but this time with a slight twist? This school will be centered around the greatness and contributions of the United States of America! What to call it, what to name it? How about the High School for American Values, Culture, and Exceptionalism?!? Students will utterly master math, science, and economics. Only American history will be taught and English will be the only language spoken! Only students coming from stable, two-parent families who can prove they are American citizens will be admitted. They must have no arrest or discipline records of any kind. Each day will start by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of our National Anthem, while students and staff stand respectfully with hands-on-heart.

The school uniform will feature American patriotic symbols and will display a love of country! The overriding theme imbued throughout the curriculum will be the greatness of the United States of America. Students will learn that it is Western Civilization and more specifically its American strain that is responsible for virtually all the progress made during the last 250 or so years. No student can graduate without passing a rigorous four-year course of study in American patriotism!

Students will learn that whenever and wherever the world needs help, it calls on us and we always respond with both lives and treasure. The children will further be taught that the world is jealous, envious, and back-biting and that no matter how much the world needs us, it nonetheless thoroughly despises us! The United Nations will never be mentioned except in derogatory terms under the pain of a thirty-day suspension for the first offense! Our school mascot will be the American Bald Eagle and all sports teams, clubs, organizations, etc., will be named the “American High School Jingoists!” How’s that for a fucking charter school, Numb-Nuts?!?

Y’all have a really great day!

The Fifth Horseman

Saturday, October 25, 2008


It’s time to send the Statue of Liberty back to France. Crate the old hag up and send her packing! She’s too damned old, she’s green, and her original meaning has been perverted, distorted, and destroyed. With all due apologies to Emma, we’ve taken in far too many of the world’s poor, tired, huddled masses. As for the globe’s wretched refuse, the welcome mat must be replaced with a giant red neon no trespassing sign! Who in the Hell needs “wretched refuse?” Does that concept even come close to passing the common-sense paradigm? That’s just what we require – more of the world’s garbage. There was a time when America needed massive infusions of the world’s poorest, dirtiest, and dumbest. There was much work to do, an infrastructure to build, and strong backs counted for much more than strong minds! That time is forever gone.

A nation must be in control of its immigration policies, but must never be controlled by them. Immigrants must serve the needs of the nation. The country does not and must not exist to serve the needs of the millions of foreigners clamoring to reside here. No one from another country has a right to be in this country. Think of America as your home (now there’s a radical concept). You would certainly not allow uninvited “guests” to live at your place of abode. You would not let anyone reside in your home or even enter it unless they could provide something you needed and desired; unless they could contribute something positive and meaningful to the quality of your existence. Are you starting to get my drift? Only those immigrants we deem necessary and desirable should be allowed to pass. All others should be turned away. It doesn’t matter what THEY want and need, it only matters what WE want and need!!

This country must adopt a rational, common sense immigration policy. At the moment we don’t have one, but rather a fucking immigration fiasco that is literally destroying the United States! Did you read that carefully? Unless we get a firm grip – no, make that a choke-hold – on our current immigration debacle, this nation will literally cease to exist let alone function in any meaningful way. What’s that, you said? I’m just a paranoid, xenophobic asshole who hates “ferners” and thinks America is better than other countries. Does that also make me a racist? Well, I admit to agreeing with the “better than other countries” part, but not to the rest. Attempting to preserve this great nation and the institutions that made it so has nothing at all to do with hating foreigners, xenophobia, or any other damned thing. It has everything to do with love of country and upholding traditions that built this nation into the strongest, freest, most compassionate country that the world has ever seen or will see again. Oh, and by the way, just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that they’re not out to get you!

Open your eyes and look around you, numb-nuts! The handwriting’s on the wall and it’s saying, in no uncertain terms, that unless we change our attitudes and policies on immigration we’re pretty much fucked!! We must cease and desist from behavior that is glaringly inane, dangerously stupid, and certainly anti-American both in spirit and in fact! Not long ago, for example, our august Congress rejected a bill that would have mandated the automatic deportation of illegal aliens (oops, I meant to say undocumented workers) who have committed such felonies as murder, rape, and robbery. Are you aware of the fact that a full 25% of all federal prisoners are illegal aliens? And this doesn’t include all those foreign miscreants getting three hots and a cot on the state and local levels! A bill to get rid of, deport, non-citizen felons, including gang members, who are in this country in violation of our laws was rejected by our own lawmakers! When one is elected to high office, an oath is taken to defend and protect the Constitution. The highest duty of any elected official is to defend the nation and its citizens from foreign invasion. Those that defeated this proposed legislation failed miserably. Some of us out here believe their behavior constitutes nothing less than treason and, at the very least, they should be impeached!

There is also the case of the two dedicated border patrol cops who daily place their lives on the line defending us from the illegal hordes. They confronted an individual who roused their suspicions: turns out they were right. They caught an illegal, dope-smuggling alien who immediately took flight. When the cops saw the drug-runner turn toward them and extend his arm, they believed he was about to fire a weapon and they fired first hitting him square in the ass! The wound could not have been all that serious since the illegal bastard managed to make it back across the border to Mexico. Job well done, right? Kudos, applause, and a heart-felt thanks from a grateful nation? Commendations , awards, and perhaps a raise in pay-grade from the service they had just done so proud? Nope: the two hapless officers are rotting in jail doing hard time! One of them got about eleven years and the other around nine!! Meanwhile, the illegal piece of shit drug-runner lawyered up and is now suing the United States to the tune of about five million dollars!! This is complete insanity! It’s got to be a form of national mental illness that this would even be tolerated! Who in his or her right mind would now even think about obtaining employment protecting our borders?!?

There is so much wrong with our immigration “policy” that it may be unfixable. Immigrants, legal and illegal, are streaming across our borders to the tune of one and a half million annually, but no one really knows for sure. It is in fact a foreign invasion of crippling proportions! It is estimated that between twelve and twenty million illegal aliens are now in this country. Add to that the millions upon millions of resident non-citizens, and you have a total fucking train wreck!! Our borders are not merely open; they are virtually nonexistent. Need an analogy? Go home tonight and don’t just simply leave all your doors and windows wide open, but instead completely remove them. How long would you, your home, and your family survive unscathed? We can no longer tolerate such nonsense as prohibiting cops and others in law enforcement from demanding proof of the legal status of those they question. The very first thing that should be done is to demand a green card. If the suspect can’t produce one, arrest him, lock him up, and deport his sorry ass back to where he came from! Can we all say RACIAL PROFILING loud and clear?!? The next time huge numbers of illegal aliens have the unmitigated balls, the outlandish chutzpah, to stage massive public demonstrations/protests while waving and cheering the flag of another nation, break out the water canons and unleash the dogs! Who the fuck are these non-citizens to make demands on my country?!? Round’em up, lock’em up and get rid of them!! They voluntarily gather in one place and we don’t even have to look for them. I never, ever, want to hear again how difficult it is to locate the illegals among us! We’re just wasting opportunities, and we don’t have that many opportunities left! It’s time our sorry-ass, lily-livered, suck-ass, running-dog politicians grew a new set of balls – American Balls – and stopped “pimping” for the immigrant vote! How about “pimping” for the American vote for a change? They just might start winning landslide elections.

There are things that must be done if our nation is to be saved and, no, I’m not exaggerating. We are in the process of self-destructing; we are literally committing “nation-a-cide”. Arnold Toynbee once observed that “all great civilizations rise and fall and that an autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide.” In the end, we have really nobody to blame but ourselves and I fear that our country no longer has the will to fight this struggle that could last for decades. No, I’m not talking about our war against Islamo-Fascism and their terror tactics (that’s the subject for yet another rant). I mean the war being waged against us by foreign nationals bent upon turning this exquisite gem of a country into nothing less than the third-world shit holes from whence they came! If they’re so damned home sick that they need to replicate conditions in their own countries over here, why don’t they just go the fuck back where they came from?

To win this war will take guts, determination, patience, and a rekindling of a spirit of patriotism that for far too long has lain dormant. We have become, collectively, too fat, weak, lazy, soft, and happy. This nation has gone so soft so quickly that our survival instincts have eroded away to virtually nothing! The old “America First” crowd, the “America, Love It Or Leave It” gang has been replaced by the “Blame America First” mob with their weapons of political correctness, multi-culturalism, bi-lingualism, and diversity-worship. Their battle cry is that “all cultures have something to offer,” and that “our culture is no better than theirs.” They blame America for all the world’s ills, view us as a thoroughly evil entity – sort of the Darth Vader of nationhood - , and wish our very destruction. They shriek, delight in ad-hominem attacks, and attempt to intimidate. They are at present winning, and they are not even foreigners but rather native-born Americans. It’s too bad we can’t deport these assholes along with the illegals!! Former governor of Colorado, Dick Lamm, got it right when he said, “First, to destroy America, turn America into a bilingual or multi-lingual and bicultural country.”

The first and most important thing to be done is to STOP ALL IMMIGRATION FOR ONE FULL DECADE!! That’s right, no one gets in here, not illegals, legals, or anything in between for TEN YEARS!! Then we build THE WALL! Not just a wall, mind you, but a kick-ass, mother-fuckin’ wall! Ideally, it should make China’s structure look like it was built with a child’s freakin’ set of Lincoln Logs! Surrounding the edifice will be a very wide, deep moat and said moat will be stocked with ravenous crocodiles and schools of piranhas!! This should effectively discourage the swimmers! For those more adventurous types, mines will be employed to take out their watercraft. On the wall itself, .50 caliber machine guns will be placed at two hundred yard intervals, manned by former combat-hardened Special “Ops” guys. The wall will not span a mere few hundred miles, but will run the entire length of our southern border. We must also do the same up north. It’s time to give the old concept of Fortress America a new lease on life! What’s that you say? It can’t be done! It had better be done!! Listen up, schmuck, the very survival and future of this nation hangs in the balance. Can’t be done, my sorry old ass!!

Next step, MASSIVE DEPORTATIONS! Those twelve to twenty million illegals that I’ve heard we can’t get rid of, they don’t belong in my house and I want them the fuck gone!! I’ve read that we are deporting somewhere in the neighborhood of between 250,000 and 300,000 illegals per year. Jack that up to a million a year and in less than two decades we’ve made a clean sweep! Once the “in-coming” problem is fixed, the “outgoing” problem will be relatively easy to deal with. I know, I know: who will pick the lettuce, work in the restaurants, do the land-scaping, and the myriad of other menial, low-paying, demeaning jobs that Americans won’t perform? It’s been estimated that even in these aforementioned “professions”, illegal aliens account for at best 25% of the workforce. If that number is even close to correct, then obviously approximately 75% of these jobs are already being filled by American citizens or legal immigrants! Not to worry! Any labor problems caused by booting the illegal bastards out are easily solved. With the deportations, we simultaneously and immediately end all forms of welfare! Over, done finished, through!! No more monthly checks, no more food stamps, no more subsidized housing: earn it or lose it!! Those menial, petty, demeaning jobs that Americans don’t want to do will be filled Muy Rapido: talk about full employment!!

Additionally, we must make it far less attractive for the illegals to want to come here in the first place. They come here for the opportunity, for the money. After oil production, Mexico’s leading industry, for example, is the amount of money, American dollars, which they send back to their country after earning it here. They don’t want to become Americans, they don’t want citizenship, and they certainly have no love for this nation! They only want to take and never think of giving back. I’ve seen estimates that every year, they send more than twenty billion American dollars back to their families south of the border. Employment and American employers, then, are the problem. Any American business owner who unwittingly hires an illegal alien will be dealt with leniently. First offense, one year in jail and a fifty thousand dollar fine! Yes, that is lenient for the crime of helping to destroy my country!! After the first offense, the punishments become truly Draconian! Any employer who KNOWLINGLY hires an illegal will really suffer! First-time offenders will have their businesses confiscated, suffer incarceration for a minimum of five years, and be forced to pay a fine of $250,000. For the second offense, the employer gets a .45 caliber slug in each knee cap!! These people are traitors and must be treated as such!

Our immigration policies must be re-focused, revamped, and brought in line with our national goals for the 21st century. We must make it extremely difficult for foreigners to become legal residents and/or citizens of the United States. The prospective citizen, before applying for admission, must first have more than just a passing knowledge of English. That individual must speak, read, and write the language on at least an 8th grade level before they arrive at our shores. This demonstrates a seriousness of purpose and a willingness to conform to our norms and standards. The immigrant must have a citizen-sponsor who can vouch for him and a $250,000 bond must be placed in an account to ensure that the newcomer will not become a drain on the nation’s resources. If in his quest for the gift of American citizenship, he screws up one time and commits, let’s say, a felony, he is immediately deported to his home country and the quarter-mil is forfeit! Additionally, once the newcomer becomes a legal resident, he’s got five years and not a day more to become a citizen and at that time must demonstrate a proficiency in English that is at minimum the equivalent of a high school graduate.

Failure to comply will result in instant deportation and the seizure of any and all assets acquired during that time. Upon becoming a citizen of the United States, he is on probation for a period of ten years! That’s right, a brand new concept: PROBATIONARY CITIZENSHIP FOR A FULL DECADE!! It’s a beautiful fucking thing! One major screw-up at any point within that period, including merely applying for any form of public assistance, his naturalized status is revoked, he becomes classified as an illegal alien, and is immediately sent back to his former country. Additionally, he forfeits any and all bank accounts, property, etc. He must never again set foot in the United States. If he does, he faces twenty-five to life at a maximum security facility. Now that’s really meaningful immigration reform! We must only take on the best and the brightest who can make substantial and meaningful contributions to the health, well-being, and future of this nation. Ponder this for a moment: IMMIGRATION BY INVITATION ONLY!! Now there’s a concept worth mulling over. We identify those areas, professions, avocations, and careers in which America needs additional manpower. We then scour the globe looking for the top individuals in their fields and invite them to join us in our continued advance toward excellence. Not too shabby really.

In addition, the concept of Anchor Babies must be eliminated. Talk about a total perversion of the 14th Amendment! Do you have any idea how many female foreign nationals get pregnant for the sole purpose of having their “Issue” born on American soil? I don’t either, but over the course of our nation’s history its got to number in the millions. As the pregnancy is winding down, mom makes her way to Mexico’s northern border, sneaks into our country, and the child is an instant American! What the fuck is that all about, anyway?!? Now the mother gets to stay with her new “American” son or daughter and they become a life-line to the rest of their freakin’ tribe from wherever. They are literally the worst form of enablers! Through them, the parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, and the homeless guy on the corner gain legal access to the country and all the welfare goodies they can grab! Enough of that shit! An illegal alien who drops her child on American dirt has just produced, you got it Skippy, another illegal alien! Mother and child get sent right back to where they came from and just so as not to be accused of being inhumane, I’ll even throw in a free bottle of baby formula!

As long as we’re on the subject of making it less attractive for the world’s wretched refuse to wind up here, let’s look at another asinine practice advocated by the so-called compassionate, bleeding-heart, destroy America liberal mob. That would be the ridiculous concept of creating “watering stations” at strategic points in our Southwestern deserts so that the illegals who get lost or stranded won’t die of thirst! Listen, if you’re too fuckin’ stupid to understand that in a place widely known for its lack of agua, you’d better have plenty of you own I say fuckem: let them die and leave their bodies to rot! Poor planning’s a bitch, ain’t it? I can just hear the LIBS howling and shrieking about what a hard-ass son of a bitch I am and demand that I be forcefully reeducated at one of their compassionate-instilling torture camps! Not compassionate, who’s not compassionate?!? Buzzards and other desert scavengers gotta eat too! How’s that for compassionate?!? Along the same vein, what’s up with this concept known as Sanctuary Cities? Where in the Hell does the mayor of any American city have the right to contravene national or federal statutes? Can we all say Supremacy Clause?!? What- Pancho, Hector, and Esperanza are now to be equated with my man Quasi and our cities have become their Cathedrals? Get the fuck outa here! I don’t think so!!

We are letting far too many in far too fast and fewer and fewer are assimilating, becoming Americans. They are not learning the language, remain isolated from the rest of us, and maintain their own cultures, customs, and habits. As former governor Lamm so eloquently stated, “to destroy America, invent multiculturalism, and encourage immigrants to maintain their culture. Make it an article of belief that all cultures are equal; that there are no cultural differences.” We are rapidly becoming Balkanized, with sub-cultures competing against the dominant culture instead of joining it. This can only spell the DEATH OF AMERICA – it can mean nothing else!! Immigration was once a positive factor in our country’s history. It is no longer the case!!

There are entire areas in our nation’s Southwest, for example, peopled by Mexican immigrants, both legal and illegal. Their stated goal, right out loud before God and everybody, is to take the entire Southwest back for Mexico. They feel the United States illegally seized that part of their country after the Mexican-American Wars of the 1840’s. There is even a name for that movement: La Reconquista! Groups such as La Mecha even have slogans like, “for those in the race everything; for those outside of the race – nothing!” And no, you can’t make this shit up!! They know they can’t impose their will by force, so they plan to do it by numbers, population growth: attrition, if you will. Their populations continue to soar, their birth rates are staggering! At the same time, Americans are reproducing at levels that are barely sustainable. The results are horrifyingly predictable. In many “American” towns in that region, English is barely heard, spoken, or read. There are schools in which English-speaking students are mocked, ridiculed, and not infrequently physically attacked! I remember, some years ago, when this used to be my country. It’s not anymore, and I fear it’s lost forever!

I work in a very large inner-city high school in New York City. There are students from literally all over the world. It is, however, about 70% Hispanic. The neighborhood, obviously, is similar in make-up. Occasionally, I must stay at work late and head for home after dark. As I negotiate the streets, I could swear I’m no longer in an American neighborhood in an American city. I feel as though “Scotty” has somehow beamed me up from school directly to the Dominican Republic. The neighborhood doesn’t look, sound, or feel American. It feels like I’m somewhere else and that I’ll need my passport in order to return to my own homeland. You know, it’s not all that complicated, folks. I just want my country back!!

Much love, y’all and have a great day!!!

The Fifth Horseman

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Voting Rant

In a few weeks, Americans will yet again elect the most powerful individual in the free world and will once more prove themselves woefully inadequate to the task. Think about that for a moment. Electing any individual to hold that so coveted, so demanding, and so thankless a position for the next four or possibly eight years is not something to be taken lightly or frivolously. It should be done thoughtfully, deliberately, and anxiously at the very least. Ideally, an extremely high percentage of all eligible voters will participate and, armed with a thorough knowledge of the crucial issues facing the nation and what positions the candidates espouse, will make an informed, intelligent, and somber choice.

Yeah, yeah, I know, but I can dream too can’t I? Am I not allowed my own fantasies even in the face of such overwhelming and growing apathy, ignorance, utter stupidity, and absolutely breathtaking indolence? No, I suppose not. That kind of selfish indulgence seems somewhat delusional in light of the stark reality we face. Our electoral process is quickly morphing into a total electoral cluster-fuck! If memory serves, voter turn out in the last presidential election was possibly the lowest in our history. I’ve seen figures that put this number at anywhere between 35 and 50%! At best, then, only one half of eligible voters bothered to show up at the polls and the worst case scenario maintains that 65% of those eligible to vote are apathetic assholes who care not a whit for the future of this republic!

Our representative republic can not much longer endure in its present form if the majority of citizens no longer give a rat’s ass who their leaders are. To remain healthy and vibrant, a republic such as ours requires the participation of at least a bare majority of its members. When the minority group dictates to the majority, we’re headed straight down the road to oligarchy: the dictatorship of the few over the many. I’ve heard all the excuses and they’re analogous to assholes: everybody has one and they all stink! “I couldn’t take the time,” goes one. “My one vote can’t make a difference. It doesn’t matter,” is another favorite. Still a third insists that, “These fucking politicians are all the same. Nothin’ but liars and thieves!” There are, of course, many more and they are just as impotent and lame. For those pathetic, weak-minded, linguini-spined (note the Limbaughism here), lazy bastards out there, LISTEN THE FUCK UP!! You’re not just part of the problem, you are the damned problem!

When the founders devised this system, the rest of the world’s population were literally slaves to the tyrants that ruled them. Ours was the only nation at that time to give its citizens the gift of freedom and allowed them the revolutionary opportunity to choose those who governed in a rational, peaceful manner. For those who had known nothing but the jack-boot of the king’s agents, it literally constituted a miracle! Think about it: no one else on the entire planet was able to do that. NOBODY!! Early in our nation’s history, virtually every eligible voter participated in this uniquely American phenomenon. Failure to do so was deemed not only a betrayal of those revolutionary principles that constitute the bedrock of this nation’s birth, but a betrayal as well of all those who died creating the freest country the globe has ever known – then or now.

Even today, the majority of nations are still governed by some form of tyranny, dictatorship, or monarchy. Most of the world’s population is not free, save to do the bidding of their rulers. They have no choices, no prospects, and no hope! Voting is not an option for the vast majority living today and is absolutely anathema to most of the world’s leaders. Yet you apathetic assholes don’t realize what a precious gift you are destroying. You are spitting on the memory of those who died so long ago to bring that gift to you and create a system that insured its survival if the citizenry dutifully and gratefully does what is required! There are approximately 193 nations now on the planet, and only about eighty-five to ninety of them constitute some form of real democracy in which the people actually have a voice in what happens to them! The rest of the world lives in chains and you pathetic bastards couldn’t care less! Can you all say POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY?!? (look it up, moron).

If enough of you cretinous boobies out there don’t wake up and assume your civic responsibilities, the very future of this “great experiment” is literally at stake. Yup, we’re talking about the end of America as we have known it for the last 230 some-odd years. At the Constitutional Convention (perhaps you’ve heard of it) a woman purportedly asked Benjamin Franklin what kind of government the founders were contemplating. Franklin replied, “ A republic, madame, if you can keep it!” Well, if old Ben and the Boys, those long-dead white men, could see what has happened to their cherished republic they would not only be spinning in their graves, but rather rotating at about 10,000 RPM’s! They would absolutely advocate a second American Revolution to undo the irreparably fatal damage you brainless, unpatriotic scum have done to the original Revolution! That’s right, you heard it here first. Yes, I am emphatically and unabashedly questioning your patriotism! By not fulfilling you civic responsibility you are, in fact, behaving unpatriotically. You are destroying one of the fundamental cornerstones that this nation rests upon: the privilege of allowing as many citizens as possible to determine their own and their nation’s destiny! Choosing not to participate shows an utter contempt for the traditions that made this country God’s greatest gift to human-kind. Not only is that unpatriotic, Schmuck, but it is downright treasonous! Stick that in your water-pipe and smoke it, shithead!!

In fact, if you are eligible to vote but choose not to, then just shut the fuck up! Your opinion doesn’t matter and you are not entitled to it. No one wants to hear from you on any of the major issues of the day. You want to talk golf, fine. You want to talk about the playoffs, OK. You want to have a discussion about the best bass fishing in your part of the world, great! Beyond that, you just sit there, bite your lip and listen to your betters: those of us that take our responsibilities seriously and appreciate the sacrifices made by those who came before us. Got it?!? In addition to shutting up, you’ll also have to pay up! Eligible voters who choose not to and have no credible reason for opting out will have to pay a huge fine for their appalling dereliction of duty. How about twenty-five hundred for the first measure of disrespect and five thousand for each incident thereafter? Whaddya think, Sparky? You think you might take the time to vote now?

Along with massive voter turn out, the founders envisioned an enlightened electorate. They foresaw a voting public thoroughly steeped in the vital issues of the day and intelligent enough to make knowledgeable decisions concerning so grave a matter as selecting our nation’s leaders. Once again, Ben and his Buddies would be absolutely outraged if they had but an inkling of how the system they had so painstakingly and brilliantly implemented had devolved into a total mockery, a freaking perversion of their original intent!

Most voters base their choice on anything but the issues and what stand the candidates take on them, for that would require at least a minimal amount of time and energy. Well informed voters make the effort to research the burning issues of the day and study the various candidate’s views on foreign and domestic policies. You see, there is actual “work” in the process of becoming an informed citizen. This concept is completely foreign to most of those who do vote, let alone those who don’t. Need proof? Sure thing. Just ask anyone who purports to hate George W. Bush the following question, “Why do you hate George Bush?” In 95% of cases ( and I know because I’ve actually done it) the answer will be, “I hate George Bush!” You reply to this brilliance by explaining that you understand the animus toward “W” and ask what specific things the Commander in Chief has or hasn’t done to inspire such negative emotions. The answer will more than likely be something like, “I dunno, I just hate the son of a bitch!” Absolutely fucking erudite! Such knowledge, such an amazing grasp of the issues, such – such TOTAL BULLSHIT!

Want to try another little experiment? Ask anyone who is going to vote for Mrs. Clinton, if she is nominated, to name just three things the woman has accomplished in her almost eight years as a senator from New York State. The response is almost universally a blank, glassy-eyed stare. Go on to query why the individual is going to vote for Hillary when she has accomplished virtually nothing. The answer will invariably approach the intellectual level of a half-bright fifth-grader: “I dunno, I just like her.” I fear our so-called democracy is, in truth, no more than a “Boobocracy” for the lazy and the stupid! Most voters, in fact, make their selections based merely on such factors as family voting patterns, the candidates physical attractiveness, mannerisms, and personal tailors. Hair style and glibness count for far more than substantive issues.

Stringent times require stringent measures and those of us who do take the time and effort to become informed, knowledgeable voters are damned tired of you ignorant assholes canceling out the energy we’ve expended and the research we’ve done. We take our duty seriously and you pond scum seem to delight in slapping us in the face! To change that, we’re going to bring back the concept of voting tests. We’re going to revive an old one and institute a new one. Do you remember the old literacy tests used to prevent the former slaves from voting? Well, they’re baaack! This time, they won’t be directed against race, but rather against ignorance, stupidity, laziness, slothfulness, and weak-mindedness! Any citizen born in the United States who can’t read and write the English language on at least the high school level is guilty of at least one or all of the above and will be immediately barred from the polling place until such time as he or she can demonstrate proficiency. If a naturalized citizen fails the literacy test, his or her citizenship is automatically revoked, they are instantly reclassified as illegal aliens, and deported back to whatever third-world shit hole they came from! Enough of this crap!!

And don’t hand me this pap and drivel that you have a “right to vote!” You have no such right and never did! Nowhere in the Constitution will you find that “right” enumerated. Neither will you find it in our first ten amendments (also known as the Bill of Rights for all uninformed ignoramuses out there). Voting is a duty, a civic responsibility, an obligation but it is absolutely not a right, asshole! In order to properly and faithfully perform that duty LITERACY IS NECESSARY! The literacy component of the voting test is also required to pass the second component: The Issues Test! You got it, sport. In order to vote, you must prove you are informed regarding the major issues confronting the nation and that you have more than just a passing knowledge of where the opposing candidates stand on them.

The upcoming presidential election boils down to a race between McCain & Obama. For example, what are their positions on health care? How about higher or lower taxes? Do they want to win the war against Islamofacism or do they want to cut and run? Do they want to deport the illegal aliens among us or would they prefer some form of amnesty program? If you can’t answer basic issue-oriented questions such as these, get the FUCK OUTA HERE!! You’ve got no business voting and absolutely no business nullifying the votes of those who went out of their way to become informed!! And remember, if you are turned away because of your lack of knowledge the aforementioned fines automatically kick in. Payment by certified check or credit card will gladly be accepted, thank you very much!

Still another requirement for voting will be employment! In order to reach the voting machine or ballot box, you must prove that you are gainfully employed so make sure you bring your most recent pay stubs with you! If you are not an employee but instead own your own business, make sure you have last year’s corporate tax returns or you don’t get to make your mark. If you are no longer working but have retired from the labor force, bring proof! Now before you liberal scum start your hysterical rants about how I’m suggesting discriminating against poor people, shut the fuck up and pay attention! You’ll notice that no income requirement level is part of the plan. The only demand is that you are working or have worked throughout your adult years. Indeed, the working poor are especially welcome at the ballot box because if they keep at it, they will one day no longer be poor. Only those who have a stake in society should have anything to say about how that society functions and is governed!

Obviously, then, WELFARE RECIPIENTS will never be granted the privilege of enfranchisement! They deserve to be disenfranchised!! No, I don’t want to hear it – shut up – don’t say one fuckin’ word!! Those on welfare, deserving or not, are takers, not contributors. They are parasites sucking the host-body dry!! Only those who contribute to society shall be permitted to make decisions about crucial issues affecting society. To the charge that I don’t like and am discriminating against those on welfare, I answer GUILTY AS FUCKING HELL, YOU HONOR!! I don’t like people on welfare for they are the reason that the entire sick, twisted, and warped “Wealth Transfer Industry” exists. They are the only reason that these pandering, suck-ass, liberal politicians can take money that I’ve earned and throw it at some guy who not only doesn’t work but has absolutely no intentions of working. What the fuck is that all about anyway?!? So yeah, you’re right. I don’t much like those on welfare. Care to do something about that? No, I thought not!

The “right” to vote does not exist and it seems that the privilege to vote is fading fast. As fewer and fewer eligible voters participate, the system is destroyed. As the system is destroyed, so too the country. Those who choose to opt out are too blind, stupid , and, beattleheaded to care. For those of us who still exercise the franchise, our nation’s future is at best uncertain and at worst, truly fucked! Have a nice day!!

The Fifth Horseman