Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The International Tribunal Of Climate Justice Rant

     Every time I think I’m finally done “screeding” about that loathsome, anti-American, and venal institution headquartered at New York City’s Turtle Bay, it finds a way to enrage and infuriate me.  As I contemplate the myriad methods the United Nations displays its utter disdain, malice, and even hatred for the United States, I seem to lose all sense of balance and proportion.  I absolutely can’t discuss or even contemplate the U.N. without becoming exceedingly agitated, angry, and frustrated.  It seems that not a day goes by when America bashing is not the main focal point of the organization’s reason to exist.  It is not fostering and promoting world peace nor is it the alleviation of a suffering humanity.  It has little to do with healing the sick or lifting the world’s poor out of grinding and debilitating poverty, or any other grand humanitarian endeavor.  No, its primary function and motivation is to bring America down, to disparage and impugn our very well deserved reputation as the world’s most generous and humanitarian country in planetary history, and to blame us for all the world’s evils and ills.  That organization is populated, for the most part, by countries headed by two-bit, piss ant tyrants, dictators, and downright thugs who persist in keeping their populations in extreme poverty, ignorance, and hopelessness while the leaders live in the lap of extreme luxury.

     More than just a few of these countries are Muslim theocracies governed by strict Sharia Law whose populations have never known such things as liberty, freedom, and upward mobility.  Most of the people from most of the U.N.’s member states live lives that are at best nasty, brutish, and very short and ideologies of caste and class prevent any improvement.  The people of these nations are governed by brute and overwhelming force and any form of dissent or deviation from the “norm” will be violently and viciously quashed.  It is an embarrassment and a humiliation that the United States of America, the greatest nation God ever gave mankind, is a member of the same organization as these authoritarian, dictatorial, and oppressive regimes.

     There is no earthly reason why this nation maintains its membership in “Club Tyrant” and there is certainly no logic or justification for the fact that it is our “dues” that keeps that monstrosity solvent.  Without us, that damned institution goes belly-up and bankrupt and the dictators, thugs, and warlords will have to find a new club house from which to spew their hostile and vicious anti-Americanism.  Some maintain that it is a matter of national pride and honor that we are the U.N.’s host patsy – uh, I mean nation.  Others point to the fact that it supposedly bolsters the economy of New York City.  I have also heard it said that since the United Nations is populated by so many of America’s enemies, it’s a good thing to have them close at hand where we can monitor their activities and possibly head off trouble at the pass.  You know what?  FUCK IT and FUCK the U.N!!  I want America out of the U.N. and the United Nations out of America!!  Just send the whole damned bunch of those Bastards back to the Third World Shitholes from whence they came.  I don’t want to see one more penny of taxpayer money given to this anti-American institution and any nation that wants some foreign aid from us better damned well understand that said aid will in the future have all kinds of strings attached to it.  No more money for nothin’!

     You want a piece of the action, it’s gonna cost you.  You want money from the United States, then you’d better toe that fuckin’ line!  No more America Bashing or anti-Americanism.  You want our money, then you’d damned well better behave and stop biting the hand that feeds you and your loser country.  You want the United States to rush in and pull your nuts out of the fire, then show some damned gratitude and appreciation for the sacrifice made by Americans on behalf of your worthless nation.  You want American aid and comfort, then stop sneaking across our borders.  You want your people to come here, then see to it that they do it the right way.  You want our help, then you’d better back us in any fight or conflict anywhere in the world.  You want American dollars, then stop aiding and abetting our enemies.  No more harboring and protecting terrorists and their sympathizers who only want to destroy the United States and constantly refer to us as the, “Great Satan.”

     You want American aid, then clean up your own house.  Get rid of your tyrants, thugs, and dictators who’ve enslaved you since forever and come up with a system that allows those who are governed to have a voice in the way it’s done.  You want our help, then move toward some form of Capitalist economic system which is the most successful wealth-creator in the history of history.  You want America’s resources, then we’d better see no more dancing in the streets and celebrating as we witnessed when the Twin Towers came down.  Are you beginning to get the message here?  Do you begin to understand?  You want our help after the next tsunami or volcanic eruption wipes out a significant portion of your population and infrastructure, then you’d damned well better give something back in return – like loyalty, friendship, and cooperation!

     Yeah, yeah, I know.  But it’s a nice fantasy, isn’t it?  It’s never gonna happen and we all understand that.  What to do, what to do?  Here’s a suggestion and one, by the way, I’ve made before.  We “resign” our membership in the club we’re now in, kick that organization out of the country, and start one of our own.  How’s that sound?  This new club will, of course, be headed by the United States and membership will be exclusive as opposed to inclusive.  There will be strict rules and regulations for admittance to our new organization and all prospective members will face a mandatory probationary period during which they must prove their continued worthiness.  For starters, only nations that have established some form of political system that allows its citizens to freely choose their leaders will be permitted the privilege of membership.  Some form of democracy, then, will have to be an integral part of any member’s political identity, history, and nature.  Will new members be required to mirror our system which is properly described as a representative constitutional republic?  No, of course not.  There are a variety of political systems out there that allow the citizenry to both choose and remove leaders thus making government a bottom up proposition rather than one that emanates from the top down.

     Additionally, each new member nation must have a written constitution that clearly and expressly states the rights of the citizenry while simultaneously limiting the power of government.  Any new member nation must have in place an economic system based on concepts of free enterprise and markets and is consumer driven.  This is the only system that allows the growth of a large middle class that can provide prosperity for the majority of its citizens.  It is the only economic system that has built into it the concept of upward mobility and thus affords the possibility of hope, optimism, and unfettered opportunity.  There exist approximately one hundred and ninety or so nations on the planet and only about 75 to 80 of them in some manner, shape, or form come even close to meeting the above outlined requirements.  Membership, then, will be exclusive as opposed to inclusive and any country run by thugs, war-lords, dictators, or tyrants is not welcome.  Furthermore, any country that is not on balance pro-American and pro-individual rights, freedom, and liberty need not apply.  It’s time the rest of the world recognized the amazing contributions to the betterment of mankind that the United States has wrought and it’s more than time that we insist that the rest of the world understands this and realizes the sacrifices made by Americans in order to make the world a better place.

     It’s more than time that the United States was appreciated for all the good we have done and that without us the world would be far more chaotic, brutal, and deadly than it is now.  It is time that the world recognized and admitted that when America is weak or is perceived as being so, the world is far more dangerous, unstable, and unpredictable.   Conversely, when the United States is strong the world becomes less volatile and eminently more peaceful.  When we are strong and confident, the world’s dictators and tyrants tend to be less bold and assertive.  When the U.S. is weak and unsure, we get fun-loving folks like ISIS and Al Quaida surging forward and inflicting their particular brand of pain, agony, and death wherever they can raise their black flag. Well then, what to call our new organization restricted to membership to nations that meet the requirements broadly outlined above?  Perhaps something along the lines of, “Countries United to Promote Economic and Political Freedom (CUPEPF) or maybe, “Nations United Against Oppression, Tyranny, and Poverty (NUAOTP).  I know, I know.  They don’t exactly roll off the tongue do they?  This is kinda tough.  Hey out there, if you’ve got a suggestion why not leave a comment and let me know?

     So, what has the United Nations done this time to make my blood pressure surge to dangerously high levels?  What has that venal, anti-American organization done to once more get my shorts all in a twist?  You may have heard that once again there is to be yet another U.N. Climate Summit to be held in Paris, France.  The topic, of course, will be Catastrophic Climate Change or more specifically Anthropomorphic Global Warming (AGW).  The fact that man-made global warming is a complete and utter hoax and has absolutely no basis in “real” science matters not at all to the Liberal, anti-American, anti-Capitalist, and anti-Progress champions of the phony, fraudulent, and completely politicized phenomenon.  The folks who sponsor these “summits” don’t know didly-squat about global warming or the fact that it is a completely natural and normal phenomenon.  They have not the slightest clue about carbon dioxide – you know, that evil CO2 – or the crucial role it plays for life on the planet.  They know absolutely nothing, zip, nada about it.  Like so much of the bilge spread and sponsored by the United Nations, it is but one more way to punish the United States as well as other prosperous Western nations for our success.  It is but one more tactic to redistribute our wealth to failed and desperately poor Third World Shitholes that cannot and will not blame themselves for the horrendous conditions that exist in their own countries.  After all, “scape-goating” is far easier and more convenient than honest self-evaluation and a willingness to confront one’s own failures and poor decisions.

     This climate summit is but one more attempt to portray the United States as the world’s most callous and evil entity that is devoid of all compassion for the planet’s downtrodden and hopeless masses.  It is but one more predictable and boring effort to steal from those who have earned what they have and transfer it to those who have had nothing to do with creating and promoting prosperity and modernity.  With this back-drop in mind, please be aware that at their next bogus climate summit we will see an effort to create something euphemistically termed The International Tribunal of Climate Justice.  Now doesn’t that sound grand?  Doesn’t that sound ever-so righteous?  The folks who want to see the creation of this tribunal are obviously on the side of the angels while all who oppose are nothing less than the Devil’s Disciples.  This proposed tribunal, however, should be more aptly named something like The International Kangaroo Court to Fuck America and Other Western, Developed Nations for Their Success, Their Wealth, and Their Remarkable Record in Improving the Lot of Mankind!  Yeah, that’s quite a mouthful and yet it is absolutely and utterly spot-on accurate.  Whenever you see or hear the handle The International Tribunal of Climate Justice, just substitute the above and you’ll be starting down the road that leads to the truth.

     A piece entitled, “Stealth Agenda: New UN Tribunal to Judge US for Climate Debt (,” is right on point here.  The article notes that the, “draft text of the climate treaty for the soon-to-start UN Climate Summit in Paris proposes to establish a global Supreme Court that would rule on issues such as climate justice, climate finance, technology transfers, and climate debt."  Now these are some terms I’ve never heard or imagined before.  Climate Justice?  Climate Finance?  Climate Debt?  How does one establish, for example, such a thing as Climate Justice?  Are we implying that the climate is somehow guilty of some heinous crime for which it must be judged?  I have always been under the silly impression that climate is and always has been a naturally occurring phenomenon to which mankind must adapt in order to survive.  That adaptation has always been man’s most daunting challenge and meeting it has always been a testimony to our very instincts for survival and creativity.  Meeting that challenge has led to an amazing array of discoveries, inventions, and improvements that have vastly improved the lot of mankind.  I give you, for example, such revolutionary and life altering gems like air conditioning and refrigeration.  We also note the amazing and ingenious array of agricultural techniques geared to accommodate the existing climate and conditions in all parts of the world.  Along the same vein, we can cite the invention of heating systems that make life livable and even possible in those parts of the world that can best be described as brutally and deathly frigid.  We have also in our never-ending battle with Mother Nature developed an ability to withstand her assaults on us mere humans via the invention of new construction materials and techniques.  Now, however, we must come to terms with this Climate Justice paradigm which makes not a lick of common or even uncommon sense until one puts it into context and that context is simplicity itself.  Loosely translated, Climate justice means nothing more than FUCK the U.S.A. and all other Western nations that can properly be described as successful national entities.  These are, of course, constantly under attack by all the loser, Third World countries across the globe as they contemplate their abject failures and our unlimited successes.  We are talking about envy and jealousy run amok to the point where the losers are bound and determined to punish the winners no matter how irrational and deranged that entire concept may be.

     The piece cited above explains that an, “International Tribunal of Climate Justice as a compliance mechanism is hereby established to address cases of non-compliance of the commitments of developed country Parties on mitigation, adaptation, provision of finance, technology development and transfer and capacity-building and transparency of action and support, including through the development of an indicative list of consequences, taking into account  the cause, type, degree and frequency of non-compliance.”  WOW and HOLY SHIT!!  If there is anyone out there who can actually make sense of this drivel, please contact me immediately.  What in the FUCK is the guy who wrote this crap even attempting to say?  You’ve heard the old bromide, “We’ll dazzle ‘em with footwork?”  Well this is apparently a case of, “We’ll dazzle ‘em with verbiage!”  The only message I can glean from the above quoted gibberish is something along the lines of we’re really pissed off at America and other developed Western nations to the point that we will punish them, demand billions in “restoration” for something or other, and just for shits and giggles we’re also gonna steal your technology!  Why?  Well, because we’re losers and the United States is the biggest winner (read that target) we can find.  This is but one more tired effort to bring the United States down to the level of undeveloped Third World sorry-ass excuses for nation states.  Instead of looking at America as an unmitigated success and attempting to emulate our example, it is far easier to play the jealousy and envy card.  After all, this takes no real effort and requires absolutely zero as far as instituting meaningful improvements and progress in their own countries.

     The establishment of this tribunal constitutes nothing less than a naked, undisguised attack on American sovereignty.  It is an attempt to by-pass and undercut this nation’s ability to formulate its own policies and initiatives regarding climate policy, global warming, and other “enviro” issues that quite frankly take up too much of our time and resources.  No matter how ridiculous and unfounded are the climate catastrophes that those on our nation’s Left keep reviling us with, they should and must be dealt with in-house.  Policies and procedures that affect Americans must be decided only by Americans and not by some international organization that wishes us nothing but harm and destruction.  The same piece correctly maintains that such a tribunal would do nothing more than, “subvert U.S. sovereignty,” by, “establishing a planetary judicial authority.”  Additionally, the International Tribunal of Climate Justice is an attempt to institute a, “global policy for effecting the confiscation and transfer of gigantic portions of the planet’s wealth,” and constitutes a serious effort, “to put an end to the capitalist system.”  Additionally, those in favor of such a tribunal are, “united in their common goal of destroying free enterprise and property rights.”

     It doesn’t get much more clear than this.  Behind all the flowery language, the meaningless pap, and the tired clichés is an unavowed and undisguised anti-Americanism that has become the signature rationale for the existence of the United Nations.  Another piece entitled, “U.N. Planning Court to Judge U.S. for Climate Justice (,” sums up the purpose of the International Tribunal of Climate Justice clearly and succinctly.  The author explains that such a tribunal would give, “Third World countries the power to haul the U.S. into a global court with enforcement powers.”  This would effectively by-pass our own Congress and that, “policies once left to sovereign nations could be turned over to a U.N. body. . . .”  Additionally, over 130 developing nations insist that they will not sign on to this proposed tribunal, “unless it contains massive redistribution of wealth from developed to poor nations.”  Take just a moment and read that last one more time.  Climate justice, climate fairness, and climate whatever have nothing to do with anything.  The whole damned Paris Climate Conference is nothing more than a redistribution scheme designed to fleece America and other developed, prosperous Western nations.  All of the flowery language and grand verbiage cannot disguise that one glaring fact.  Can we all say, “Shell Game?”

     The piece continues that, “Whatever they call it, countries who sign onto this agreement will be voting to expand the reach of the U.N. climate bureaucracy, cede national sovereignty, and create a one-way street along which billions will be redistributed from developed to poor nations.”  The author of the article correctly insists that those in favor of the tribunal, “would like nothing better than a world where the West cedes the competitive advantages their free market economies created,” and there you have it in a nut shell.  This climate conference and tribunal are but thinly disguised efforts to destroy capitalism and put an end to wealth creators like free enterprise and free markets.  The entire damned scheme is based on the utterly phony and false “science” of anthropomorphic global warming and is designed to punish successful nations and reward those Third World Failures for their inability or unwillingness to compete.  Yes folks, it’s really no more complicated than that.

     But wait, you say.  Wouldn’t any agreement or treaty coming out of the United Nations need the approval-permission of the American people?  Doesn’t the United States Senate have a constitutional duty to vote on anything like an International Tribunal of Climate Justice?  Yes, of course.  So what’s to worry about?  Surely, no American citizen, elected representative, or U.S. Senator would sign on to such an obviously anti-American monstrosity as the one being discussed here.  Let the blow-hards at the United Nations yell and scream, hoot and holler to their hearts content.  This agreement must be approved by the American people, musn’t it?  Yeah, you’d think so, but you’d better think again, Skippy.  In a rational and orderly environment, that would be the case.  In a nation where common sense and logic prevailed, this whole U.N. debacle would be moot and might make for an interesting discussion at your favorite neighborhood watering hole.  This, however, simply isn’t the case.  One of the Bamster’s trademarks is governing against the will of the American people.  You don’t think so?  I give you both Obamacare and Obamacore.  The American people were overwhelmingly against both but we’re saddled with them anyway.  I give you the notion of Open Borders which the vast majority of us adamantly oppose and yet we’re living with them daily.  I further give you that XL Pipeline that the majority of Americans heartily support and yet Obama has unilaterally rejected.  It doesn’t matter what the citizenry wants as long as El Destructo has his pen and his phone!

     Tragically, there are far too many Americans amongst us who want U.S. national interests and sovereignty subordinated to international organizations like the United Nations.  There are far too many amongst us who ardently believe that globalism trumps nationalism and that, in fact, the United States does not deserve the wealth and power it has accrued over the centuries.  We call them Liberals and their religion is Liberalism.   Those who believe in the Liberal Orthodoxy are as anti-American as any from foreign nations who support a treaty that includes anything like the International Tribunal of Climate Justice.  They agree with those around the world who view the United States as the globe’s biggest and most dangerous problem and feel, like they do, that we must be punished for our planetary excesses, our hubris and arrogance, and our treatment of so-called people of color.  We represent only the dark side of human nature and the human experience and it is this nation that has polluted and despoiled dear old Mother Nature.  We more than any other country are responsible for the rampant production and release of CO2 into the atmosphere and are thus almost solely responsible for this thing called anthropomorphic global warming.  We must, then, be harshly punished for the size of our carbon footprint.  It matters not a whit that all of the above is pure, unadulterated Bullshit because this is what Liberals believe and that belief is being translated into political action.

     Liberals, you see, are in the brainwashing business and they are in an excellent position to do so.  They have a literal death grip on this nation’s educational system from pre-K right on through college and university.  They have been filling the heads of our youth with their lies about global warming, catastrophic climate change, and carbon dioxide since our young ‘uns graduated from diapers to underpants.  They have been screaming at our youth about the evil the United States has perpetrated on the world’s poor, downtrodden, and brown for so many years that our young have literally no choice but to buy into the lie.  Unfortunately, our young are no longer taught to think critically or independently but instead are taught to follow in lemming-like fashion even to the point of running off the cliff to their own demise.  It is an unspeakable tragedy from which this nation might never recover.  Generations of young Americans have been taught that their country is irrideemingly flawed, corrupt, and venal.

     In addition to controlling our system of education, the Liberal Pukes in our midst have a vice-like grip on our entertainment – media – information outlets.  Whether it be television production, movies coming out of Hollywood, literature, or the news media we are constantly bombarded with images that portray the United States as the worst scourge in global history.  We are viewed as the world’s worst and most dangerous aggressor and oppressor and we, it is claimed, have done nothing less than raped the planet to satisfy our own narrow and greedy wants, needs, and desires.  Our country’s three hundred and thirty million or so inhabitants are accused of literally being able to bludgeon the billions of folks out there who aren’t fortunate enough to reside in the United States.  We are portrayed as the number one cause of planetary strife and discord and are deemed as Islamophobic, Homophobic, Racist, and intolerant of all others.  We are accused of fomenting every possible ill and evil imaginable be they natural or man-made.  We are accused of a massive and callous disregard for every life form that inhabits the earth.  Young and old alike are fed a continual and constant diet of this bilge from which there is very little escape.  It’s all around us and permeates our very existence.

     All of this and more has had a cumulative effect on the nation and has convinced far too many Americans, not to mention foreigners, that our country is nothing more than an illegitimate enterprise and has been so since our Founding.  There are far too many of our own countrymen who have been brainwashed into believing these negative characterizations and are, therefore, not at all uncomfortable with the never ending assaults on our sovereignty that emanates from the United Nations and every other international organization you can think of.  We seem to have fewer and fewer defenders out there but the more vexing and debilitating problem is that we seem to have fewer and fewer defenders right here at home.  We are living in a world of Globalists and so-called One-Worlders and concepts like sovereignty and secure borders are deemed but relics of an antiquated, irrelevant, and out of date past.  Those of us who are America First and Always are viewed as anywhere from quaint to rabidly dangerous anachronisms.  You know, we’re the guys who President Numb-Nuts accuses of clinging to our guns and our Bibles.  Our sovereignty and standing as a national entity means nothing to the Piece of Shit – in – Chief and he thoroughly agrees with those who champion such absurdities as the International Tribunal of Climate Justice.

     A piece entitled, “How Does an Orwellian International Tribunal for Climate Justice Sound to You? (,” correctly maintains that the, “world’s statists have decided the climate science is settled; the U.S. is responsible for the carbon destruction and the consequent climate change; therefore the U.S. must pay others suffering for America’s theft and greed.”  The article goes on to note that the, “United States, the last bastion of real freedom in the world, a nation that has generously helped others, is being painted successfully as the villain by a corrupt theater of totalitarian actors who want our wealth and resources which we worked so hard to acquire,” and that in fact, “our president is part of this scheme.”  If these anti-American Globalists get their way, “American companies could end up being dragged into these courts for Socialist enviro-justice and redistribution.”  I’m quite convinced that El Destructo goes all orgasmic at the prospect of punishing America and helping to destroy our system of Free Market Capitalism.  It seems that every time the “Brother” opens his mouth it is for no other purpose than denigrating the United States.  This is particularly evident when he traverses the globe on his seemingly endless, “Apologize for America Tours.”

     There are certainly others out there who agree with this assessment of our “Dear Leader” and are not shy about voicing their opinions.  A piece entitled, “U.N. Planning Climate Justice Tribunal With Power Over Nations (,” informs us that the next climate summit in Paris includes, “a plan to create an International Tribunal of Climate Justice that would have power to enforce climate agreements and pass judgement on previously sovereign nations.”  Previously sovereign nations?  You betcha!  This is the entire point of the globalist agenda: to destroy the concept of sovereign, independent nation states and replace it with a scheme of global governance.  International organizations will govern according to some grand utopian vision that will do away with such antiquated notions of nationalism and borders.  They will actively and ardently work to bring all nations down to the lowest common denominator and proud, successful, and prosperous countries like the United States will be virtually destroyed.  This is a deliberate and purposeful strategy and too many of our fellow Americans are blissfully ignorant of it or, tragically, agree with it.  Indeed, “critics fear that the Obama Administration is willing to give away U.S. sovereignty and that such a tribunal will completely cut out Congress.  Given President Obama’s regular ignoring of Congress, the odds of him bringing them in on any such arrangement seem low.”

     The author of the article astutely points out that when, “Obama first ran for the presidency, he vowed to fundamentally alter America.  His administration has racked up failure after foreign policy failure and is desperate for something it can claim as a win, so if John Kerry and the rest of the gang see an opening, expect that they will hand over America’s independence without a second thought.”  I really never thought I’d live long enough to see the day when American “leaders” would purposely and even eagerly become active participants in the destruction of this greatest of all nations.  Well unfortunately, that day has arrived and this is what Liberalism has wrought.  Those on the Far Left despise the United States as historically founded and presently constituted.  They want desperately to bring this nation to its knees and will never recognize the concept and reality of American Exceptionalism.  Obama did, in fact, promise to fundamentally transform the United States and I suppose our very destruction constitutes the transformation he so passionately seeks!  Whatever happened to President Washington’s warning about avoiding entangling alliances?  If the Founders could see what Liberalism and its devotees have done to the country they forged, they’d come back and demand a second American Revolution!

     Yet another article entitled, “Climate Justice: How to Kill an Economy Dead (,” also notes the proposed International Tribunal of Climate Justice and maintains that, “the U.S. is eager to sign a treaty that will make it look as though the world is doing something about all of this nasty global warming that’s been going around,” and states that this tribunal’s sole purpose is to, “give a world court unprecedented authority over the policies of sovereign nations like the United states.”  It really doesn’t get any more clear than this and any objective observer will recognize the fact that the United Nations views America not simply as another member state but rather as an enemy that must be severely and harshly punished.  The piece goes on to maintain that the proposed tribunal constitutes, “the newest way the world’s liberals intend to force wealth distribution on the U.S.”  In fact, many of the treaty’s supporters, “have already said they won’t sign the treaty unless it includes mechanisms that will steal from the rich and give to the poor.”

     Please keep in mind that no matter how noble the old Robin Hood myth may sound, in the end he was just a fucking thief!  The author of the piece goes on to say that it, “would be unthinkable that President Obama and John Kerry would sign anything that would erode America’s economic freedom, so that probably means they’ll jump at the chance.”  He continues that, “After all, this is right up their alley.  They love giving away America’s wealth; its security, and its power in the world.  They think it’s somehow a great evil that we have so much while there are starving kids in Africa.  They refuse to see how beneficial American success has been to the entire world.”  Additionally, the writer is convinced that, “We’re going to sign this treaty (or another one like it) so we can prove to the world how benevolent and caring we are across the sea.  It’s a new day in America.  An Obama day!  That means we embrace weakness.  We submit to the authority of any culture that is somehow less advantaged than ours.  We spit on our own accomplishments and we praise those who only bring evil and chaos into the world.”

     You know, that about sums it all up.  Our reliance upon and willingness to submit to the will of international organizations that are filled with members who absolutely loathe and despise us is completely wrong-headed and literally suicidal.  To continue down this path will inevitably lead to the death of America for our country will cease to be the one we have grown to love and cherish!

Much Luv Y’All and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)    

Friday, November 13, 2015

The Islamization Of America Rant

     Remember old Paul Revere’s battle cry/warning?  Of course you do.  He rode his trusty steed from town to town and village to village shouting, “the British are coming, the British are coming!!”  Did the American colonists heed that clarion call, grab their flintlocks, and advance to meet the dreaded Red Coat threat?  Damned right they did and the American Revolution as well as a nascent United States of America was born.  It was no small feat, defeating the greatest military machine in existence all those years ago.  It took courage, guts, and determination.  It took an iron will and an unshakable resolve on the part of those upstart, raw-boned, and cocky rebels to even think they could defeat the might and wealth of the British Empire.  Who in the Hell did these farmers and shop keepers think they were?  Their audacity, their sheer chutzpah, apparently knew no bounds.  Their confidence and optimism were seemingly limitless those many years ago.  Americans had the stomach, fortitude, and gumption to sacrifice whatever it took to achieve victory and throw off the yoke of British imperialism.

     The end of that war gave birth to the greatest nation the world has ever seen or will see again.  That Revolution gave rise to a phenomenon that never should have existed all those years ago in an age when freedom and liberty were simply unknown.  No one had any.  The world was ruled by dictators, tyrants, and monarchs for no other form of governance was even conceivable or imaginable hundreds of years ago.  Our Revolution, in fact, provided the world with a sense of optimism, hope, and possibility.  Our Revolution sparked others that came after our example and for the first time in world history we began to witness a radical change in the scope and meaning of government.  Government, at least in theory, did the bidding of the governed and for the first time those who governed were chosen by the people and the “governors” were accountable to those who put them in positions of power and influence.  For the first time in history, there now existed the possibility to dream of a better future for one’s children and grandchildren.  For the first time, we were no longer bound by class and caste and with the birth of America was also born the amazingly radical concept of this thing called Upward Mobility.  America as both a nation and a notion was truly unique, remarkable, and exceptional.

     Yeah, but as the old saying goes, “that was then and this is now.”  America has changed since its inception and, sadly, so has the American character and psyche.  When our nation was young and weak, our people were stalwart and strong.  Now that our country is strong and powerful, our people have grown weak, timid, and unsure.  In our nation’s formative stages, our people were confident, optimistic, and full of hope.  Now that America has matured, our people seem filled with self-doubt, a lack of will and resolve, and a palpable sense of dread and pessimism seems to have overtaken us.  We seem unsure of ourselves and our direction and apparently too many of us seem convinced that America’s best days are behind us, not still in front of us.  In days gone by, Americans guarded our newly won freedoms and liberties both jealously and zealously because they had been achieved at a great and bloody cost.  In those heady days, we were quick to recognize any and all threats to the principles and spirit of the American Revolution and those threats were simply not tolerated but were dealt with and dispatched immediately by any and all means deemed necessary and proper.  As a young country, our instinct for survival was honed to a razor-sharp edge and before too very long the world learned not to take this new nation lightly and that as Americans we would do whatever was necessary to defeat our enemies be they external or internal.

     Unfortunately, even tragically, that is all gone.  Our survival instinct has been permanently dulled right down to the nub.  Modern-day Americans no longer value and cherish those rights and freedoms that so many fought and died for.  Our Founding Documents and the revolutionary concepts contained therein evince no more than a bored yawn from most Americans today who are convinced that what happened over two centuries ago has absolutely no relevance for those of us living in 2015.  As a nation, we have forgotten our history and the lessons we should have learned and taken to heart.  As a nation, then, we can no longer pass those lessons on to our children and grandchildren for they have been forgotten – erased – from our collective memory.  As a people, we have become so lazy, happy, fat, stupid, and complacent that most citizens can’t even recognize the fact that America is under attack by a real and very determined enemy bent on our absolute and utter destruction.  We refuse to recognize that the enemy is not merely at the gates but that the Rubicon has indeed been crossed and that our foe is poised to strike from within.  We have been thoroughly infiltrated and the very rights and freedoms won by our forbearers will be used against us in a war that rages on while most Americans sleep blissfully right through it.

     It’s time for a new Paul Revere to mount up and go galloping off into the night.  It’s time for a legion of Paul Reveres to boldly warn of the very real and imminent threat that our country now faces.  Sadly, there are far too few Reveres left out there and those who do come forward to warn of the danger that is about to engulf us are ridiculed, mocked, or just downright ignored.  They are viewed by a complacent nation as paranoid nut-jobs and freaks with way too much time on their hands.  They are considered by most Americans as mere Rabble Rousers, Trouble Makers, and Misfits.  They are looked at much like the eccentric old uncle at family gatherings.  We must put up with him, tolerate him, excuse his idiosyncrasies but he is never, ever to be taken seriously.  Just let the old geezer babble on for a time and we won’t have to see or hear from him again until the next family get together.  How many of us, however, have ever bothered to ask ourselves, “What if the old fool is right?  Maybe Uncle Ga-Ga is on to something here that the rest have missed.”  Is that even a remote possibility?

     The answer unfortunately is an unequivocal and resounding YES!  Our nation is indeed in grave danger and the warning signs are all there if we’d just take the time to remove our heads from our asses long enough to look around.  We even have our own real live modern-day Paul Reveres doing their damndest to warn us of the danger that we have been ignoring for far too long.  Read, for example, anything by such stalwarts as Daniel Pipes, Pamela Geller, or Robert Spencer to name just a few.  They provide factual, scholarly, and well researched work that rationally, logically, and accurately explains exactly and precisely the crisis that America now faces.  As is to be expected, they are largely ignored by most Americans and their dire warnings fall on deaf ears.  In my own miniscule way, I have warned of the looming crisis that will befall the United States if we don’t wake the FUCK up and smell the damned coffee!  See, for example:  The Moderate Muslim Rant of 12/1/08; The Honor Killings Rant of 4/22/09; The Sharia Law in America Rant of 5/14/11; or The Death to America Day Rant of 6/30/15.

     The warnings, obviously, no longer deal with the British and the evils of English Imperialism.  Today the modern equivalent would properly be, “The Islamists Are Here, The Islamists Are Here!”  They are not merely coming or arriving but rather they are right here in our midst and America is, in fact, being Islamicized.  The threat, however, goes largely unnoticed and the warnings are conspicuously unheeded and ignored and that proves, at least to me, how badly our basic instinct for survival has shriveled, atrophied, and dried up!  We have been warned by our enemies that they intend to destroy us and to vanquish all vestiges of Western Civilization and establish a worldwide Caliphate governed by strict Sharia Law.  In fact, most “bad guys” will tell you of their intentions if we just listen and take them seriously.  As a nation, however, we simply refuse to do so.  One day we’re gonna wake up, look around, and ask, “What the Fuck happened?  How did it ever come to this?!?”  The answer is not all that difficult.  We let it happen.  We stopped vigorously and jealously guarding our hard fought for and won freedoms and liberties and have too long taken them for granted.  We have misguidedly assumed that those freedoms and liberties will always be with us.  After all, haven’t they always been?  We have become careless, sloppy, and ever so nonchalant with regard to our precious birthright and we have not as a people protected and defended it.  Some would say that which we refuse to defend is that which we no longer deserve to have.

     Yes, we are witnessing the Islamization of the United States.  There, I said it.  It’s out there and I’d better get ready to duck or perhaps find a large rock to hide under.  I am about to be accused of being an Islamophobe – as in one who finds Islam, shall we say, distasteful.  They’ll yell and scream that I hate Islam and all who practice that particular faith.  They will foam at the mouth and accuse me of being intolerant, paranoid, and utterly insensitive.  They’ll further accuse me of being nationalistic, jingoistic, and xenophobic all at the same time.  They’ll accuse me of condemning one of the world’s great religions that claims over one billion adherents across the globe.  Well, to tell you the truth I’m not exactly sure where I stand on these issues/accusations.  To condemn an entire religion does seem to be more than just a tad bit presumptuous.  To condemn over one billion folks does indeed smack of more than just a little intolerance and perhaps a lack of understanding on my part and might suggest that I could benefit by spending at least some time in a “re-education camp” where my mind could be made right.

     The fact remains, however, that the United States is being Islamicized at a very rapid pace.  The fact remains that most Americans are totally unaware and unconcerned about what’s been termed “Radical Islam” and the in-roads it has made and continues to make in our country.  Many would have us believe that Islam –the Religion of Peace – has been “hijacked” by a small minority of radical and rabid members of the faithful.  The number I frequently see is no more than ten percent.  Ten percent?  Big deal.  Let’s say for the sake of argument that we agree with this number.  Hey, it’s only ten percent.  Well, that’s roughly one hundred million PLUS (as in 100,000,000+) folks who actively and violently want the rest of us to convert to Islam or Fucking die!  That’s quite a sizable army, don’t you think?  And it’s not just an army of regular, ordinary, normal types.  No, it’s an army of radical fanatics bent on the destruction and subjugation of all non-Muslims, non-believers, anywhere in the world but especially in the decadent West.  And the United States, of course, is the most decadent of all the decadents out there.  According to the Islamists, America is tops, numero uno, in the decadent department.  As such, we are the primary target for those advocating the establishment of a world-wide caliphate governed according to the strictest tenets of Sharia Law which demands that non-believers be literally destroyed.  Yet there are still far too many Americans who refuse to believe or accept this fact.

     Who are these folks?  For the most part, they are ordinary, average American citizens.  Americans have always been an extremely tolerant people especially when compared to the rest of the world.  We have historically been very accepting of the “other,” and seem proud of our live and let live attitude.  Don’t bother me and I won’t bother you.  Let me be and I’ll do the same for you.  Simplicity itself.  Innocence itself – coupled with an enormous dose of pie-in-the-sky naiveté.  We as a people simply don’t understand or comprehend the kind of openly hostile intolerance evinced by Radical Islam and those who adhere to its tenets.  It’s just not fathomable and our enemies know this and don’t hesitate to use this national character trait against us.  Our enemies also know that as a nation, we have enshrined the principle of religious tolerance in our First Amendment to the Constitution and therefore the very thought – not to mention the act – of criticizing or condemning another religion just doesn’t sit well with most folks.  It goes against the grain, so to speak.

     There exist others among us who may recognize the threat posed by so-called Radical Islam but are loathe to voice that opinion out loud in front of God and everybody.  For at least the last four to five decades, Americans have literally been bludgeoned by this thing called Political Correctness which insists that there are no absolute standards of right or wrong, good or bad.  The PC crowd revels in what is called Moral Relativism which condemns nothing and extols everything.  To be judgmental violates all PC codes and tenets and will invariably lead to charges of intolerance, bigotry, and hatred.  Political Correctness is considered the height of sophistication and enlightenment and those who do not embrace it are considered so far out of the loop as to be at the very least inconsequential.  This fear of being condemned and accused keeps many of us from speaking out and raising an alarm about what is happening to our country and it is this fear that in the end will usher in our demise.

     Then, of course, there are the Liberals.  These are, for the most part, Americans born right here in America who have grown to loathe, hate, and despise their own country as historically founded and presently constituted.  I have dubbed them the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite) and they are bound and determined to bring the United States to its knees.  According to them, we do not deserve the wealth and power we have accrued over the centuries.  They insist that whatever America has accomplished is undeserved and illegitimate.  We, according to these anti-American Sons-A-Bitches, have stolen what we have from the globe’s poor and weak and that, in fact, the United States constitutes the world’s worst oppressor and aggressor.  They not only recognize and understand the current Islamization of America, they welcome and applaud it.  What they fail to grasp, of course, is that “Radical Islam” hates them too and wants them dead.  After all, in the end they are still non-believers.  We are setting ourselves up for a fall and unless Americans embrace the reality that the world is in fact an extremely dangerous place and that much of the rest of the globe literally hates us, I fear our demise is both certain and imminent.

     A piece entitled the, “Islamization of America: the Holy Grail (,” begins by noting that the, “end game for Islamists is full conversion of the entire globe to their totalitarian ideology, and the conquest of the United States is the Holy Grail along the pathway to full control.”  The article continues that Europe, “is sinking under the weight of Islamic immigration, and the United States is not far behind.  Islam is now the fastest growing religion in the U.S.”  The author warns that if, “Americans do not quickly awaken to the rapid permeation of Islamization in our country, it may very soon be too late to recover from the damage.  How would you like to see your daughter or granddaughter forced to wear a burqa?  This is not only a real possibility, but is already happening in the United States.  We have first row seats to our own demise, and any who speak out against it are labeled racist or Islamophobic rather than informed or patriotic defenders of liberty and religious freedoms.”  The same article explains a key concept or tactic known as Hijra.  The Hijra, “is a comprehensive and direct political attempt to undermine the culture and values of the host country and replace them with Islam and Shariah.”  Additionally, it is an, “insidious migration seeking transformation of the culture, behaviors, customs, rules and laws of a host society to spread Islam and to establish an Islamic state.  The stages of Hijra are very much evident in varying degrees in all Western societies today.  Ironically, our open democratic societies with constitutionally mandated freedoms of speech, religion and assembly have facilitated this march toward the very demise of our way of life.”

     Another piece entitled, “America is Going Muslim (,” speaks much to the same point and claims that the, “Islamic takeover of the US is gaining ground,” and that, “America is going Muslim. . . .”  Well, most Americans would ask, “What’s the big deal here?”  After all, hasn’t America always been a so-called melting pot and the home to every conceivable religion, creed, and philosophy known to man?  The answer, of course, is yes and we have always – rightly or wrongly – considered that one of our strengths.  Sadly, that seems no longer to be the case where Islam is concerned.  It’s not that America or Americans necessarily object or find fault with that religion but rather that Islam finds fault with America and views us as Godless infidels who must be converted to the “true faith” or be destroyed.  We have all heard, no doubt, that Islam has been referred to as the religion of peace.  What most of us do not realize and are not told is the Muslim vision of peace.  Peace can only be achieved when Islam reigns supreme.  As long as there exist the infidels – the non-believers – peace is an impossibility.  The very word and concept of Islam means submission and until all submit, peace can never be achieved.

     The article notes that the melting pot concept is, “doing less melting, and the bashing of Christianity and Judaism is perpetrated by the leftist, liberal culture which has overtaken the country, while all other religions are given free rein in the name of religious freedom.”  This is an extremely important point.  Since our inception as a nation, we have adhered to our Judeo-Christian founding and heritage.  This has always been a definitional underpinning of the United States but in recent decades has come under constant and unrelenting attack especially by the Far Left in our midst.  Judeo-Christian bashing has become something of a national past time and is even considered ever so fashionable and enlightened by the LFE among us.  They continually attack America’s foundation and have apparently weakened it to the point that the rest of the house is about to collapse.  Political correctness, however, dictates that not one word of criticism dare be leveled at Islam for that would be considered – Heaven forfend – intolerant and that will simply not be permitted in PC America.  Better to bash our own founding principles than to find even the slightest fault with a religion which claims among the faithful millions who have sworn to destroy us!

     The author notes that the aforementioned freedom of religion would be, “fine on two conditions:  first, that the religion of the majority, the religion that founded this nation, is also allowed to exist without the shame that is being placed upon it nowadays; and second, that any religion that seeks to eliminate the rest, which seeks to conquer and destroy the nation and which is dictated by holy books and clerics calling for the violent act of rape and murder in the name of their god, is not granted the same rights as other religions.”  The piece maintains that, “Islam, the only religion that falls into the above category, cannot be treated the same as the other religions whose adherents simply wish to be left alone to worship in peace.”  That’s one Hell of a statement and I can imagine that it makes more than just a few of us somewhat uncomfortable.  I know it does me.  Ignoring an obvious threat, however, is an invitation to absolute disaster and facing up to and confronting obvious threats to our very existence and way of life, while certainly not pleasant, is necessary to our survival as a free constitutional representative republic that values individual freedom and liberty.

     The author goes on to note that now, “Muslim immigration to the U.S. has doubled over the last decade and will continue to rise as we stay on the same trajectory.”  In fact as, “Muslims weave themselves into the fabric of our civilization and build more mosques where our destruction is preached, we are seeing more terrorism and more homegrown terrorism specifically as a result of Muslims putting down roots here.  And so the rise in the Muslim population has led to a rise in mosques and consequently, a rise in terrorism against the very nation which adopted these immigrants.”  Well, this is beginning to sound like a blanket condemnation of Islam and all Muslims.  As alluded to earlier, I am not comfortable with this nor is it my intention.  Try as I might, however, I can find virtually no evidence to contradict the stark reality that Islam and its adherents in our nation actively and even fervently wish to destroy the United states, our institutions and traditions, and especially our Judeo-Christian heritage.  I find constant examples of Muslim intolerance and animosity toward all things non-Muslim.  I find little to no evidence that these folks want to integrate themselves into American society or assimilate and become Americans.  While America, as always, seems perfectly willing to accommodate them, they don’t seem to have any interest whatsoever in accommodating us.
     I have been told there are millions upon millions upon millions of what has been termed Moderate Muslims out there who are not Jihadists or Islamists and yet I rarely, if ever, hear about them or see them.  Every single time – as in 100% - America is attacked at home or our interests are attacked abroad, I see grand demonstrations of support for those who committed the atrocities.  I see no crowds of “Moderate Muslims” marching in the streets protesting the violence committed by their Radical Brethren.  I have great difficulty believing that there is an entire religion out there whose main goal seems to be wiping us out.  I have a hard time grasping or accepting the notion that we are so despised by so many when historically we have come to the aid of Muslim nations whenever aid was required.

     Care for just one glaring example?  Sure thing.  Indonesia has more Muslims than any other part of the world –including the Middle East.  Do you remember when it was rocked by a tsunami of horrific proportions?  The devastation literally defied description and if memory serves, the death toll ran into the six figures.  Who was there to help first and with the most?  You got it –the good old U.S. of A.  We have always done that – we have always come to the aid of the less fortunate around the world.  And you know what?  They still hate, loathe, and despise us.  To them, we are still the Great Satan, Infidel #1, and Non-Believers who must be converted or destroyed.  That being the case, why do we even bother providing aid and assistance when catastrophe strikes?  Why do we even extend the hand of friendship only to have it slapped it away?  Primarily, because this is who we are.  Besides being the most wealthy and powerful nation in the world, we are easily the most generous.  It’s in our nature.  Maybe, just maybe it’s time we stopped being so damned good hearted.  Hey, there’s something to ponder.

     There do exist out there at least a few Muslims who were born into the faith but over time came to reject and denounce it.  That, by the way, is an extremely gutsy move.  Those who leave the religion are branded as “apostates” and are sentenced to death by the “faithful.”  A piece entitled, “A Warning From A Former Muslim (,” provides an insider’s view as to the fate that awaits us should the Islamization of America continue.  The author explains that he, “was born and raised as Muslim.  My whole family is still Muslim.  I know every genetic code of Muslim.  I am an insider.  I left Islam when I understood that Islam is a sick and evil religion.”  I get the feeling that this guy better get the Hell out of Dodge and head for the tall grass!  The author notes that the faithful are locked in a death struggle with the infidel and that, “American laws will protect us,” and “Democrats and Leftists will support us.”  He further posits that, “Western universities will educate us; Mosques will shelter us; and Hollywood will love us.”  As referenced earlier, the Islamists among us will use our own institutions, laws, and traditions against us.  The article further informs us that we, “will use your welfare system.  Our children will also send money home while they are preparing for Jihad.”  This fellow is telling us what is in the Jihadist playbook and yet most Americans simply will not or cannot grasp the message.  These folks are the enemy and want to destroy us.  Furthermore, “We will take the advantage of American kindness, gullibility, and compassion.  When time comes, we will stab them in the back.  We will say one thing on the camera and teach another thing to our children at home.  We will give subliminal message to our children to uphold Islam at any cost.  Our children in America will always care more about Islamic Country’s interest than US interest.”  Do you begin to get it now?  These folks are very serious about our destruction and demise and they know full well that most Americans are fast asleep at the wheel.

     The writer is not finished educating us.  He explains that, “we will teach our children Islamic supremacy from the very childhood.  We will teach them not to compromise with Infidel.  Once we do that from the very early age our children won’t hesitate to be martyr.  We will take over Europe first and then US will be the next.  We already have a solid ground in the UK, Holland, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Germany, and now in the US.”  This is not some weird power fantasy or the ravings and rantings of someone who has lost touch with reality and is being tracked by the men in white coats anxious to return him to the asylum.  Everything the author warns us about is happening but Americans seem blind to what’s taking place.  Here we have an apparent insider letting us know exactly what to expect and our response seems to be a giant Ho-Fucking-Hum!  The author warns that in public, “we will say that Islam is the religion of peace,” and that, “Jihad is actually inner Jihad.”  Additionally, “Moderate Muslim will say there is no link between Islam and Terrorism and the West will believe it because the West is so gullible.  Moderate Muslims all over the world will incubate Jihadist by their talk by defending Islam.  Using Western legal system we will assert our Sharia Laws, slowly but surely.  We will increase in number.  We will double again.”

     The article continues by noting the approved use of deception when the “faithful” deal with the Infidel.  It maintains that, “You will be impressed when you meet a Moderate Muslim personally.  As your next-door neighbor, coworker, student, teacher, engineer, professionals you may even like us.  You will find us well mannered, polite, humble that will make you say, ‘Wow, Muslims are good and peaceful people.’  But, we will stab you in the back when you are sleeping as we did on 911.”  The author warns, “Fasten your seatbelt.  The war of civilizations has just begun.  We will use your own values of kindness against you.  You are destined to lose.”  This guy certainly doesn’t sound like much of a “kidder” to me and he certainly seems to know exactly what he is talking about.  Americans, it seems, are too busy being politically correct or are so tragically and dangerously naïve as to not be able to believe that there exist an awful lot of folks out there who want us dead!

     Lest we think that all of this talk of the Islamization of America is merely a giant hypothetical or a topic of debate at some Liberal college or university, you should understand that we are not dealing with some mere theoretical possibility that exists only in the minds of a few Far Right Wing Nut Jobs, the NRA, or Tea Party Types.  Far from it.  Would it surprise you to know that there exist in America right now what have been termed terrorist camps dedicated to our demise and the establishment of Sharia Law throughout the land?  Yeah, it kinda surprised me too.  A piece entitled, “22 Islamic Terror Camps in U.S. (,” speaks directly to this point.  The article notes that the, “FBI is aware of at least 22 paramilitary communes in the U.S., operated by the shadowy Pakistan-based group Jamaat al-Fuqra and its main U.S. front group, Muslims of America.”  Additionally, “With U.S. headquarters in Islamberg, New York, the group headed by Pakistani cleric Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani operates communes in mostly remote areas of California, South Carolina, New York, Texas, West Virginia, Michigan, Tennessee and other states.”  In fact, a 2007 FBI record states that, “members of the group have been involved in at least 10 murders, one disappearance, three fire bombings, one attempted fire bombing, two explosive bombings, and one attempted bombing.”  Playful bunch of fellas, don’t you think?  The piece maintains that, “the communes operate much like Europe’s No-Go Zones which are Islamic enclaves where adherents live under Shariah Law and are off limits to non-Muslims.  Police also tend to avoid the enclaves.”  If you don’t find that more than just a tad bit disturbing, then in my humble opinion you are part of the problem.  You are one of those folks who simply refuses to grasp reality and under no circumstances are you going to believe that our country faces a grave and imminent threat.

     A piece entitled, “Islamberg Not the Only Radical Compound Flourishing In North America (,” explains that, “Islamberg is just one of what is thought to be a half dozen radical Muslim paramilitary compounds flourishing across the United States.  This one is nestled in the dense forest of the foothills of the Catskill Mountains on the outskirts of Hancock, New York.”  Additionally, these, “residential compounds in rural hamlets across the country shelter hundreds of members, some of whom, according to intelligence sources, have been trained in the use of weapons and explosives in Pakistan.”  The author asks a particularly relevant question as she queries, “Why aren’t people reading about these flourishing compounds in their hometown newspapers?”  She further asks, “Does it require too much work for the mainstream media, or do politically correct times keep the topic taboo?”  The writer answers her own questions stating that, “It seems to be politically incorrect to write about radical Muslim military compounds flourishing on American soil and politically incorrect to talk about terrorism.”  I’ll tell ya, folks, This PC Bullshit is going to kill us and I mean that quite literally!

     Another of these paramilitary Muslim compounds is located near the small Texas community of a town called Sweeney.  According to a piece entitled, “Suspected Muslim Terrorist Discovered Just A Stone’s Throw From Ron Paul’s Hometown (,” notes that a, “small community in Brazoria County has been causing a big stir over rumors that it serves as an Islamic terrorist training camp.  The community, called Mahmoudberg, sits along County Road 3 near the town of Sweeny.”  Apparently, Mahmoudberg was the home of one of the Rabid Islamists who brutally murdered journalist Daniel Pearl and in fact, “a few years ago, there was a shooting on the compound.  County officers were called, as well as EMS.  However, when they arrived, they faced hostile members of the compound who would not let them inside.”  We have normally associated so-called “No-Go Zones” with European nations but apparently they are alive and well right here in the United States.

     Yet another article entitled, “Jihad On American Soil (,” warns that there is little if any, “concern or discussion regarding the terrorist threat from dozens of Islamic military warfare camps, already in operation, preparing its soldiers for jihad on American soil.”  The piece specifically identifies Mahmoudberg as a No-Go Zone where civil authorities have relinquished control of our legal systems to Sharia Law.  Ridiculous, isn’t it? Civil authorities are caving in and abandoning their sworn duties to uphold our laws and Constitution to a so-called rule of law that has absolutely no legitimate authority anywhere in our country!  This goes way beyond ridiculous.  It is absolutely FUCKING INSANE!!

     We are in danger of losing the country we love and there is simply no other way to say it.  The enemy is here and his intentions are crystal clear.  The United States of America is to be conquered and destroyed.  We are to become part of a world-wide caliphate which will be governed according to the strictest tenets of Sharia Law.  Our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and our Bill of Rights will be ground into the dust.  Our traditions, customs, and heritage will become but distant memories and the last, best hope of mankind will have succumbed to a ninth century authoritarian theocracy in which individual freedom and liberty are anachronistic and anathema!!

Much Luv Y’All and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)   

Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Sanctuary Cities Rant

     When I hear the word “sanctuary”, certain images spring to mind.  I can picture my man “Quasi” running around the cathedral like a deranged rat on crack screaming, “Sanctuary, Sanctuary,” as the poor, hump back tries to avoid mobs of frenzied Parisians bent on destroying the sorry-assed, bell-ringing creature.  Sanctuary also conjures up visions of a benevolent and compassionate church offering protection and succor to the despised and outcast amongst us.  After all, who will speak for those whom society shuns and fears if not our religious institutions?  The concept of religiously based protection for those who cannot protect themselves is probably as old and time-honored as is religion itself.  It seems fit and proper that our religious institutions should be on the vanguard of those offering protection to and for those in our midst who are lost, despised, loathed, and hated.  All organized religions, I believe, have always championed those at the bottom who have run out of both options and hope.

     According to Webster’s New World Dictionary, the word sanctuary means, “a place of refuge or protection.”  Additionally, Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Basic English provides the following meanings:  “a place that provides safety or protection,” or the, “protection from danger or a difficult situation that is provided by a safe place.”  Well, that’s fairly clear and unambiguous isn’t it?  Certainly it is but importantly, these definitions are devoid of any reference to religion, things deemed holy, or churches and religious institutions.  Like so much else in our modern, fast-paced society the term sanctuary has become completely secularized and sanitized.  Without some religious connotation, sanctuary could very easily refer to nothing more than a hide-out or a safe-house for wrong-doers seeking to avoid our duly appointed authorities whose job it is to apprehend them and bring them to justice.

     If a relative of mine, for example, committed a bank robbery and in the process gunned down a teller and a guard could he make it to my house and claim sanctuary?  As the police closed in to arrest said relative, could I approach, tell them to back off, and explain that I’m providing sanctuary for the criminal who is holed up in my basement?  Yeah, that’s what I thought too.  The idea of offering sanctuary to mere common – or even uncommon – criminals simply does not pass muster nor does it come even close to anything even resembling a common sense paradigm.  That damned dog just don’t hunt!  The entire notion is ludicrous and outlandish in the extreme as is the entire concept of our so-called sanctuary cities.

     For those of you who have not yet noticed, we are experiencing a huge problem with what has been euphemistically been dubbed, “Illegal Immigration.”  Illegal immigration?  Just what in the Hell does that term really mean?  If you said absolutely nothing then I congratulate you on your perceptiveness and your absolute grasp of reality for the term means literally nothing.  There really is no such animal as illegal immigration.  You see, we have, in fact, a very specific and proscribed legal policy of immigration.  We have a perfectly legal manner by which those from other nations can come to America, stay here on a permanent basis, become full-bore bone fide American citizens, and take advantage of all that this great nation has to offer.  The legal immigration process is easily discernible and comprehensible and to comply all one has to do is follow the rules and therein lies the fucking rub!  That silly follow the rules thing.  If one chooses not to do so and come here illegally, then that individual is not an immigrant but rather an invader – as in one who invades.  The term illegal immigrant should be replaced by the more accurate, “Illegal Invader,” for that phrase leaves absolutely no doubt about their status, their intentions, or their respect for our laws.  It also leaves no room for doubt as to how they view American sovereignty or how little they respect of customs, laws, and traditions.
     If we view them as invaders as opposed to immigrants, the entire argument as to what to do with them becomes utterly and absolutely moot – null & void.  There is only one thing to do with invaders – get rid of them – send them packing.  Incarcerate them.  No one would argue with this if someone illegally invaded their home.  The invader is leaving by any and all means possible.  The invasion would be halted and the invaders defeated and destroyed.  There is no question about this.  The problem arises, however, when we view invaders as immigrants – legal or otherwise.  Immigrant, it should be obvious, has a positive connotation while invader can only be viewed in the negative.  If the average American understood that what we are experiencing, especially on our southern border, is an actual, real live invasion then it simply would not be tolerated.  Any weak-kneed, lily-livered, poltroon of a politician who stood for such an invasion would be tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail!  Even the dullest among us knows full-well that an invasion means conquest and destruction.  These are not mere by-products or unintended consequences but rather constitute the overriding and central goals of those who are invading our country.  They want to destroy this nation and turn it into something it was never intended to be.

     Take a look back at 9-11 for just a moment.  Were the fanatics who took out the Twin Towers immigrants?  Were they immigrants of the illegal variety?  Fuck, no!  They were genuine, bone fide, true-believing invaders bent on our defeat and destruction.  That is, after all, what invaders do.  Go way back to 1979 when the Iranian mob stormed and took over the American embassy in Tehran.  They invaded American territory and spat on the concept of American sovereignty.  They were not immigrants seeking a better life on American soil nor were they refugees fleeing horrific conditions in their homelands.  They were invaders bent on conquest and destruction.  Fast forward to that fun-filled nation of Libya when an American ambassador was pulled out of an American embassy and murdered at Benghazi along with three other American citizens.  Our completely ineffectual Secretary of State along with the anti-American Commander – in – Chief did absolutely nada, zip, zero about this invasion of sovereign American territory and the murder of four fellow citizens goes unavenged to this day!

     This was an invasion.  Do not let the rhetoric of the Far Left in our midst either fool or confuse you.  Do not let their expert use of euphemism lull or mollify you.  We are not being “immigrated”, we are being fucking invaded!!  If our lying, scum-dog politicians – on both sides of the aisle – would simply call a spade a spade (Oops!  Am I even allowed to use that phrase anymore?) they’d tell the American people what we already know:  we’re being invaded by a foreign enemy bent on our destruction!  Oh, and by the way, they’re winning and they’re winning hands down.  It’s no contest, especially since we are apparently and obviously not willing to fight back.  We refuse to defend ourselves and seem not to even recognize that we are in a war for the very survival of this nation.
     Have we built that wall yet?  Has our southern border been closed yet?  Hell, has our northern border been closed yet?  Right, we are doing nothing to defend ourselves against the invaders.  Have we demanded that other nations (can we all say Mexico?) stop pushing their “wretched refuse” north of the Rio Grande thereby making them our problem once they step foot on American soil?  Have we begun  deporting even a tiny portion of those who snuck in here illegally?  Have we even tried to emulate President Eisenhower’s “Operation Wetback” (no, I’m not making that up) when the Old Golfer literally deported something like three million of the invaders?  That’s right, he just kicked their illegal fucking asses outa here because they had no right to be here!  There was no such thing as political correctness back then but rather a very healthy sense of American patriotism and pride.  Back then, America was seen by Americans as something very special and unique and being an American citizen was something to be proud of and grateful for.  We were not so quick to share or to play well with others but jealously and vigorously guarded and protected our precious birthright for ourselves and those who would come after us.  In fact, we were so diligent about protecting this great nation that immigration – virtually ALL immigration – ceased from 1924 to 1965.  As a nation, we had had it with foreigners coming here - both legally and illegally – and refusing to assimilate, refusing to become Americans.  As a nation, we just were not taking that SHIT and we fought back and defeated the invaders of that bygone era.

     Apparently, we as a nation no longer have the will to do this and I hear all kinds of lame, sorry-ass, and pathetic excuses.  Well, you know, we just can’t kick ‘em out.  They’re too many of them and they’ve been here for too many years.  I’m sure we’ve all heard that one.  Well, you know, a wall simply won’t work.  They’ll still find a way to get here.  Yeah, right.

     Just go ask the nation of Israel or the average Israeli citizen about the effectiveness of walls.  Do you have a wall between your house and that of your neighbors?  Works just fine, don’t it?  Well, Hell you old Bastard, they yell. Where’s your compassion?  These people are just trying to find a better life for themselves and their families.  Only a cold-hearted SumBitch would deny them that opportunity.  Well, I’ll tell ya.  Me and my fellow cold-hearted SumBitches have got plenty of compassion, shitloads in fact!  Our compassion, however, is first and foremost reserved for our country, American citizens, and those foreigners whom we allow to come here and play by our fucking rules!

     We have no time for excuses anymore, not if our country is to survive and I mean that quite literally.  The United States of America is in danger of disappearing as historically founded and presently constituted and one of the first steps we must take is to utterly and forever destroy the concept of so-called Sanctuary Cities!  These are cities, both large and small, that defy U.S. law regarding the illegal aliens in our midst and refuse to cooperate with federal authorities and agencies charged with apprehending those from other nations who should not be here and must not be allowed to stay.  According to a piece entitled, “List of Sanctuary Cities (,” a sanctuary city, “is a name given to a city in the United States that follows certain procedures that shelters illegal immigrants.  These procedures can be by law (de jure) or they can be by action (de facto).”  Furthermore, “the term most commonly is used for cities that do not permit municipal funds or resources to be applied in furtherance of enforcement of federal immigration laws.  These cities normally do not permit police or municipal employees to inquire about one’s immigration status.”  Finally, the piece explains that the, “designation of Sanctuary City has no legal meaning.”

     The list of Sanctuary Cities in America numbers well over two hundred and can be found in virtually every state in the union from Alaska to Wyoming and if we had any states beginning with the letters X, Y, and Z we’d find even more examples.  They include such well known urban centers as Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco on the West coast to New York City and Camden, New Jersey on the East coast.  Up north, we have Detroit, Michigan and Minneapolis, Minnesota while down south, Miami, Florida and, of course, our nation’s capitol.  The point here, of course, is that the “invaders” already know where their safe harbors exist no matter what part of America they find themselves in.  The “illegals” know full well that once they show up in one of the sanctuary cities, they are pretty much immune from prosecution and punishment by our federal government especially considering who’s been running the show since the Presidential election of 2008.  Those folks who don’t belong here know damned well even before they get here that pretty much nothing will happen to them for illegally crossing our southern border.

     A piece entitled, “Protecting Foreign Invaders: The Number of Sanctuary Cities in America is Downright Frightening (,” is instructive.  It explains that the, “definition of sanctuary is to give refuge or safety,” but that, “sanctuary cities apply that definition not to American citizens, but rather to foreign invaders, also known as illegal aliens, by giving these illegals protectionist status by refusing to enforce immigration laws.”  Additionally, “this protection is even applied to illegals with criminal backgrounds, and also to those illegals who have been arrested, incarcerated, then released by the American criminal justice system.”  That’s one Hell of a comforting thought, isn’t it?  Even those foreign invaders who have been rounded up and incarcerated find their way back to the streets where they continue to prey on American citizens.  Case in point?  Absolutely.

     You may remember the name Kate Steinle.  She was a young lady who was taking a stroll with her dad on a pier in the lovely sanctuary city of San Francisco.  She was gunned down, “by a foreign invader, 45-year old Francisco Sanchez, in broad daylight as she was simply walking along the San Francisco pier with her father.  Sanchez had previously been deported five times and stated that he went to San Francisco because he knew it was a sanctuary city.”  Let’s see.  Deported FIVE times and he still managed to murder an innocent American citizen in an American sanctuary city.  Yeah, our immigration laws are just being enforced to the fucking hilt!!  The piece concludes by noting that more than, “200 cities, counties and states across the United States are considered sanctuary cities.  These state and local jurisdictions have policies, laws, executive orders, or regulations allowing them to avoid cooperating with federal immigration law enforcement authorities.”

     Not surprisingly, these cities, “ignore federal law authorizing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to administratively deport illegal aliens without seeking criminal warrants or convictions from federal, state, or local courts.”  We certainly have the tools to combat the invaders and get rid of them.  We apparently do not have the will, the chutzpah, or the balls to do so.  We have fallen prey to the ideology of political correctness to the extent that our very instinct for survival has been destroyed.  We know perfectly well what this illegal invasion has done and continues to do to our country.  We are fully cognizant of the undeniable fact that it is utterly destroying the United States.  This invasion kills our citizens, depletes our resources on all levels, and tears asunder whatever measure of social cohesion we may have achieved over the last few hundred or so years.  There is no denying this and those who do so are part of the problem and I firmly believe that they have betrayed this nation and must be punished for their treason!  We are so afraid of being called “racists” for wanting to protect our borders, language, and culture that we don’t even protect ourselves any longer from forces bent on destroying us. I believe that as a country and a culture we are committing national suicide.

     A piece entitled, “America’s Sanctuary Cities Have Allowed Over 17,000 Convicted Criminal Illegals to Go Free (,” speaks directly to this point .  The article notes that there, “are 276 sanctuary cities across the U.S.  These are cities that blatantly violate the law on immigration by allowing illegals to stay unmolested by the authorities.  Now a new study shows that in the last 8 months alone these so-called sanctuary cities have released over 8,000 illegals convicted of crimes back out into our population bringing the total released to over 17,000.”  And just in case you’re wondering, we’re not talking about so-called victimless crimes or perhaps white collar criminals.  We’re talking about a whole lot of seriously dangerous Mother Fuckers who’d just as soon cut your damned head off as look at you.  I’m also willing to bet the ranch that not just a small percentage of those folks released back into my community and yours are members or affiliates of ISIS, Al Quaida, and other America-hating groups that plan and plot the destruction of us infidels in the United States.

     They are at war with us and all that we stand for and we sit around with our collective heads firmly ensconced up our assholes!  The article further explains, “that many of those illegals have been rearrested after their release and charged with nearly 7,500 new charges, including child sex abuse.”  You might want to read that last just one more time – slowly – and then if you live in one of these sanctuary cities, or even if you don’t, go have a serious “chat” with the fathers of those municipalities.  I’m sure they’d explain that they’re just being compassionate to those less fortunate than us.  Well, where the fuck is their compassion when it comes to Ms. Steinle and her family and friends?  Where is their vaunted compassion for those American children who have been raped and otherwise sexually abused?  Why don’t these scum-dog traitors show a little compassion for those kids and their families?

     Well then, what are our esteemed political leaders doing to stem the invasion and repel the hordes of invaders who seemingly come and go at will?  Apparently not a whole Hell of a lot regardless of party affiliation.  Many seem to have simply thrown up their hands in total surrender and are willing to live with this new “norm” no matter how adversely it affects our nation.  “Simply Nothing To Be Done,” T-shirts should be provided for these cowards, these traitors, who won’t lift a finger to defend America from a foreign invader.  I am absolutely convinced that these pusillanimous putzes would raise the white flag even if we were attacked by soldiers wearing the uniform of a foreign army as it marched on Washington, D.C.

     We must never forget that these cowards always place winning the next election above and beyond country and patriotism.  They are, after all, career politicians and plan to spend most of their adult, waking hours in the House, the Senate, or both.  Once they leave, they will as soon as possible become registered lobbyists where the real money is.  In one fashion or another, their fortunes are inextricably tied to our nation’s capitol and nothing that occurs outside of the “Beltway” matters all that much to them.  In addition, there can be no question that Democrats desire open borders and unimpeded immigration in order to garner future voters.  Historically, new immigrants have voted overwhelmingly for the Democrats because that party has traditionally been the one that hands out the freebies thereby allowing Democrat politicians to play Santa Clause all year long.  Nothing like the promise of free shit to woo and lure future voters.

     Republicans, it would seem, should be against pretty much anything favored by their political adversaries but in the case of immigration, this would be incorrect.  They too want massive immigration to the United States because all of these “newbies” represent a vast source of extremely cheap, unskilled, and uneducated labor that can easily be taken advantage of by American business and entrepreneurial classes.  After all, cheap labor is a major cost-cutting strategy that can potentially increase that old bottom line immeasurably.  It matters not a whit to those greedy, unethical, and unpatriotic Dick Heads that their decisions hurt and weaken America as well as our nation’s home-grown working class perhaps beyond repair.  On neither side of the political aisle, then, does country or citizen come first and yet each of these lying, scurrilous Bastards took a solemn oath to defend both.

     They are not to be trusted for it seems that greed, avarice, and the seductions of power trump all else including love of country.  The Founders, by the way, insisted that politics never become a life-long career for any citizen.  They realized the truth of that oft-used adage that power always corrupts.  They knew full-well the frailties of mere mortals and that power is never easily abandoned.  They envisioned a system in which average, ordinary citizens would interrupt their lives for a term or two, fulfill their civic duty, and then go home and resume their normal lives and business.  They knew the dangers inherent in government positions becoming life- long sinecures and fully understood the corruptive nature of a life time spent “working” in government.  Given what’s going on in both political parties today, it’s obvious that these long dead white guys knew exactly what they were talking about!

     There do, however, seem to be at least a few elected officials out there who may actually take their responsibilities and their oaths somewhat seriously.  An article entitled, “Sanctuary Cities Violate the Law and Officials Should be Held Accountable (,” speaks directly to this important issue.  It seems that Senators Jeff Sessions and Ron Johnson, both Republicans, have joined forces to sponsor the Protecting American Lives Act also known as S. 1842.  This act would, “end sanctuary cities and severely punish any illegal aliens who illegally re-enter the United States after previous deportation.”  Well I guess that’s something but I’ll bet the Steinle family is thinking way too little, way too late.  The Senate bill, “would withhold federal funding from any state or local jurisdiction that refuses cooperation with federal immigration enforcement – including the notification of feds when apprehending criminal illegal aliens and about honoring immigration detainers.”  Furthermore, “it would also provide legal immunity to jurisdictions that honor such detainers and it would establish a five-year mandatory sentence for the illegal re-entry to the United States of previously deported illegal aliens.”  Well, we may have something here.  Is it possible that at least a few of our elected officials recognize that the illegal “alien” issue is one that that must be addressed and solved?  Unfortunately, the answer to that question is NO!  Nowhere in the bill is the issue of border security even mentioned let alone addressed.  Until the borders are locked down and secured, no amount of legislation regarding illegal entry into the United States can be taken at all seriously.  It’s all so much Bullshit & Bombast.  It’s a case of locking the barn door long after the cows have run off.

     There also exists when considering the issue of sanctuary cities the entire concept of jurisdiction.  Where, legally and constitutionally, do these cities and their elected officials get off defying – literally nullifying – federal law?  What they are doing is patently illegal – as in criminal – and it must be stopped.  You may remember from your long gone school days discussing the Nullification Controversy and the state of South Carolina which simply decided to ignore federal law with regard to the entire state’s rights issue as it related to slavery.  President Lincoln wasn’t having any of that crap and the next thing we knew Fort Sumter was being bombarded.  That precipitated that pesky little affair we call the Civil War.  Our system of Federalism delegates certain powers exclusively to the federal government and reserves others only to the states.  In the case of immigration and all things relating to it, the federal government – not the states – constitutes the only legal authority.  The article referenced above notes that according to Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution of the United States only the, “Congress shall have power . . . to establish a Rule of Naturalization, and . . . to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof.”  The same piece also points to the Tenth Amendment which maintains that all powers not given to the federal government are reserved to the states and the people.  Clearly, immigration is the sole and exclusive responsibility of our federal government.

     What, then, gives these sanctuary cities the right to nullify federal law and usurp powers granted only to the federal government?  You got it, absolutely nothing.  These cities and those elected to govern them are violating federal law.  They are certainly guilty of violating the Supremacy Clause of our Constitution.  Additionally, a strong and very effective case of obstruction of justice and aiding and abetting criminals and criminal activity or enterprise can easily be argued.  I further maintain that in the cold-blooded murder of the aforementioned Ms. Steinle, the city fathers of San Francisco should be considered accomplices of the illegal invader who pulled the trigger and ended her young her life!  Think that’s just a bit much?  I doubt that the Steinle family would have a problem with it.  The piece concludes that if, “our immigration laws were enforced and followed by these cities and our borders secured, quite possibly the individuals whose lives were cut short by these criminals committing additional crimes might still be alive today and individuals who suffered violence at the hands of these criminals would be leading very different lives.”  Finally, the piece accurately notes that this, “clearly points to the fact that these violations by cities across the nation threaten every American citizen, whether residing in those cities or not.”  Another piece entitled, “Sanctuary Cities: No Peace and No Justice (,” concludes by noting that it, “is time that our leaders look at the victims of the failures of the immigration system as being more than unavoidable collateral damage for the politicians who put their greed and political careers ahead of America.”  Amen to that!

     Any politician regardless of party who supports, for example, Obama’s Executive Amnesty for illegal invaders who reside in the United States has rightly and justly earned the title of traitor and I use that term in the literal sense.  They have automatically betrayed their oath to protect America from all enemies both foreign and domestic.  This is not mere rhetoric or hyperbole.  It is not just blather nor is it a form of sensationalism.  It is an accurate and logical description based on their obvious lack of love or feeling for the nation they are complicit in destroying.  To label these anti-American SonsaBitches as anything less than traitorous is to excuse their treachery.  Why would any American do that?  Why would any American who truly understands the history and historic role of the United States as a force for good in the world betray this nation that has been the envy of the world since its inception?

     The answer may be found in one word – Liberalism.  Yup, it’s as simple as that.  Since at least as far back as the 1960’s, Liberalism has declared war on the United States and all that it stands for and represents.  These people loathe their own country and want to see it destroyed as historically founded and presently constituted.  They firmly and ardently believe that we do not deserve the success we have achieved as a nation.  We do not deserve to be the wealthiest and most powerful country the world has ever seen.  In fact, the Liberals would tell you that we have done nothing more than robbed, looted, and killed our way to the top of the heap.  Whatever success we have achieved has been done so at the expense of and to the detriment of the world’s poor and oppressed who, by the way, were always so-called people of color.

     It is bad enough that they actually believe this bilge, but they have literally been brainwashing our younger folks with this shit for generations.  Our young are not taught American history as it actually unfolded.  No, that simply won’t do for it doesn’t fit the Liberal-Puke agenda of America as the Evil Empire.  For generations these saboteurs have controlled education in this country from kindergarten straight through college and university and our young folks have been fed an unending barrage of Anti-American bullshit for literally as long as they’ve been alive.  It’s hardly surprising, then, that by the time they become young adults they have nothing but contempt for the United States.  They have been taught by their Liberal masters that America has been and is the world’s foremost aggressor and oppressor and that we as a nation have represented nothing but humanity’s darkest side.  The fact that nothing could be further from the truth matters not a whit for Liberals are just not interested in truth-telling.  They are only interested in destroying young minds that might otherwise grow up to think critically, rationally, and objectively.  This they cannot have and this they will not tolerate.  They must shape and mold our young ones so that they can be easily led and will do their bidding with nary a question being asked nor a doubt being formed in their young minds.  They will faithfully follow the party line even if it means the destruction of the greatest country God ever gave mankind.

     In addition to our educational system, the Liberals amongst us have a virtual strangle-hold on what has been termed American popular culture.  They virtually control the media in this country.  The “News”, such as it is, is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat National Committee and the United States is almost always portrayed in the most negative of terms.  Reporters no longer report, but instead propagandize and prostelatyze.  They are anything but objective but rather follow the party line no matter where it leads them.  The same can be said for America’s entertainment industry from Hollywood to Broadway to television.  Our young folks are bombarded with this anti-American shit even before they learn to walk.  How are they supposed to feel proud of America if everything they learn, hear, and see about our country is the essence of negativity?  Therefore, when they learn about such things as sanctuary cities they are overwhelmingly and enthusiastically in favor of them regardless of the fact that their very existence violates federal law and that they provide safe havens for criminal invaders.  You see, it’s the word sanctuary that hooks ‘em.  It sounds so compassionate and so caring.  It matters not that foreigners here illegally can commit criminal acts with impunity and then take refuge in those urban centers.  It matters not at all the mayhem and madness they inflict on American citizens.  It matters naught that these towns and cities may be the home to Islamic terrorists bent on our destruction and demise.  After all, these young folks have been taught – read that brainwashed – that the United States deserves whatever it gets as payback for the way we have mistreated the rest of the world.  Anything bad or negative that happens to us is, in their warped little minds, our own fault for it’s just a question of reaping what we have sewn!  I’m willing to bet, for example, that every single terrorist who flew those jetliners on 9-11 spent at least some time living in one of our so-called sanctuary cities.

     Those Americans who do object to the entire concept of sanctuary cities are absolutely correct but their warnings and predictions fall for the most part on deaf ears.  They are either not taken seriously or are viewed as paranoid members of some right wing conspiracy who loathe and despise foreigners just for the Hell of it.  They are viewed by those on the Far Left as no more than Right Wing Nut Jobs and nationalistic xenophobes.  In an atmosphere where globalism and one-worldism constitute mainstays of Leftist ideology, those of us who consider ourselves first and foremost proud Americans are viewed as out of touch throwbacks – dinosaurs – who have outlived any relevance or usefulness we may once have had.  Nationalism and patriotism for these traitorous Bastards are merely anachronistic terms that simply have no place in 21st Century America.  To those on the Far Left, we are ever-so embarrassing and utterly unsophisticated.  We are Tea-Partiers who stubbornly, unreasonably, and obstinately cling to our Bibles and guns.  We are the NRA and must, therefore, be silenced if not destroyed outright.  According to the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite), we are focused on the past rather than on the glorious future of socialism-authoritarianism where an all-encompassing, all-powerful central government controls every aspect of life in America from cradle to grave.  To object to such things as sanctuary cities ignores the current state of the nation and the world.  To view illegal immigrants as no more than foreign invaders who must be repelled is mere folly given the fact that according to the Liberal Scum amongst us we are all now citizens of the world.  The notion of national sovereignty, secure borders, and the rule of law must give way to more sophisticated concepts like global governance and internationalism.  Organizations like the United Nations and the World Court must supersede silly, parochial, and outdated concepts as patriotism, nationalism, and American Exceptionalism.  It’s sickening, it’s disgusting, and it’s dangerous for America and its future.  Yet this is where we are in the year 2015.

     There are still those of us out here, however, who object to what has been purposely perpetrated on this nation that we love and who will not and cannot be silenced by such Fascist ideologies as Political Correctness.  An article entitled, “Judge Jeanine Skewers Sanctuary Cities: Don’t Dare Demand Lawless Zones in America (,” is illustrative in this regard.  Judge Jeanine Pirro insists that, “the concept sanctuary cities is wrong and fundamentally flawed.”  The jurist lambasted what, “she called politically correct nonsense and asked what is correct about allowing a career criminal, who should not be here in the first place, to walk the streets?”  That seems to be a straight forward, common sense question with extremely obvious answers.  The judge recounted the Steinle case and noted that the killer, “was let go by San Francisco authorities in April when federal immigration officers asked for him to be handed over.”  Sounds like obstruction of justice to me.  Sounds like aiding and abetting as well.

     She also correctly intoned that, “Sanctuary cities are safe houses for criminal aliens, not their innocent victims,” and explained that while Americans are certainly generous she also warned, “don’t you dare ask us to create a zone of lawlessness and ignore the murder of innocent victims so some illegal criminal won’t have to go home.”  Judge Pirro also, “put the blame squarely on the Obama administration, mocking White House efforts to blame Republicans for the illegal alien problem.”  She further insisted that, “Obama is forcing his own sanctuary policy,” on the rest of the country.  Can we all say Executive Amnesty?  She continued that the, “Department of Homeland Security reportedly instructed that California criminal illegals be transferred to San Diego and Riverside Counties.”  Why there you may ask?  Because they are just chocked full of sanctuary cities.  Pirro also explained that in 2010, the Obama administration promised that cities that didn’t enforce federal immigration laws would not be punished.

     Did you catch that?  That’s becoming one of Obama’s trademarks – enforcing or not enforcing the law as he sees fit.  Selective law enforcement is not something that will be found in any of our founding documents nor will it be found in any penal code in the country.  As Chief Executive, the Charlatan – in – Chief is duty bound to enforce ALL federal laws.  He is not permitted to arbitrarily enforce or not enforce the law at his whim in order to gain political advantage.  But what the FUCK, it’s Obama and it’s obvious that he doesn’t want to govern.  Instead, he wants to rule.  This is absolutely anathema to maintaining an orderly and lawful civil society and is something we normally associate with Third World Shithole Banana Republics ruled by tin-horn, power-crazed despots and dictators.  If the Bamster deems sanctuary cities acceptable, then so be it.  If El Destructo deems that amnesty shall be, then so shall it be.  It doesn’t matter that most of the nation finds the entire notion of sanctuary cities to be abhorrent, wrong-headed, and destructive.  If the Wannabe-Tyrant wants it then as he said, he’s got a pen and a phone.  Fuck the American people and what they deem to be necessary and proper.  Fuck those pesky, irksome members of Congress, and most of all, FUCK our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our proud heritage as a constitutional representative republic!

     Let us never forget that while the entire concept of Sanctuary Cities has dire effects for this country on the national level, perhaps even more significantly it destroys real, live American citizens and real, live American families.  We must never forget the American lives that are needlessly and callously destroyed because of wrong-headed and traitorous policies emanating from Washington, DC.  The real life consequences of allowing sanctuary cities to exist are horrific and gut-wrenching for individuals and families who have had absolutely nothing to say about their creation and continued existence.  A piece entitled, “Mother of Son Murdered by Illegal Alien Slams Sanctuary Cities, Politicians: Your Silence Speaks Volumes (,” speaks poignantly and eloquently to this issue.  The article notes that at, “a Tuesday Senate hearing dedicated to the families who have lost loved ones thanks to illegal aliens,” Laura Wilkerson spoke about her son’s death at the hands of an illegal invader.  The grieving mother, “called on Congress to place American lives and interests over foreigners, especially those illegally living in the country.”  Hey, now there’s a novel – even radical – concept: placing America and Americans first!

     The article notes that, “Unlike most Western countries in which all foreign nationals illegally residing in the country are subject to immigration laws, in the United States the left has effectively carved out a sector of the illegal immigrant population – illegal minors – who are exempt from immigration law.”  Got that? Exempt from our immigration laws.  The slain boy’s mom went on to describe her son’s brutal death which must have been utterly agonizing based on her horrific and heart-rending description.  She went on to say that this, “was our family’s 9/11 attack by a foreign invader, whether you want to recognize it or whether you do not.”  She continued that, “This government continues to fail or even recognize that we have an issue.  Americans are dying daily at the hands of criminals that we don’t even know are here.”  The bereft mom proclaimed that, “You’re officially notified today that there’s a problem when this happens.  You can’t deny it any longer.  You cannot stand by and ignore our families – our American families.  You’re elected by Americans, not any other country.  You should be for Americans.  Your silence speaks volumes.  You’re for Americans, or you’re not.”  Those politicians who don’t fight the entire concept and reality of sanctuary cities are complicit in the murder of Mrs. Wilkerson’s son Joshua just as they are complicit in aiding and abetting those who would destroy our country.

     Mrs. Wilkerson emphasized that all Americans suffer an unspeakable loss when an immigrant murders one of our own.  She explained that another of her sons returned from the battlefield fighting to defend this country, “only to find no one was defending his younger brother,” at home.  Can you possibly imagine the pain that family is going through?  I can’t.  She noted that her son Joshua, “mentioned going into the Air Force like his older brother, who was out defending this country – Americans – and we had to bring him home to bury his little brother, when he wasn’t being defended right here at home.”  She also maintained that illegals do not live in the shadows but boldly break our laws and then demand taxpayer freebies.  She correctly added that, “They’re not scared to come here.  We’re inviting them.  Sanctuary cities say, ‘come on down’.  Sympathy has never trumped the law in this country.  Ever.  Every one of them here threatens national security because we don’t know who they are.  They make a decision to come here.”  Furthermore, “They’re not scared, and they’re invited by sanctuary city policies.”

     The heart-broken mom concluded that, “I want you to know that our family is broken, forever.  We are forever broken.  I don’t want your sympathy.  I want you to do something about it.  Every one of you sitting here is in a position to do something.  Just throw your hat into the ring for Americans.  Quit sitting silent because it’s going to help you get a vote.  Throw your hat in the ring and take care of American families.”  Now there’s a novel thought – American politicians taking care of American families.  You think it’s gonna happen?  Yeah, me neither.

     Sanctuary cities are but a symptom of a larger disease that is killing our country.  The disease is Liberal Anti-Americanism and if we are to survive as a nation that disease must be eradicated.

Much Luv Y’All and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)