Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Yesssirree, there he was, our intrepid and trusted leader, hobnobbing with El Presidente de Mejico in the nation’s capitol with, of course, all the pomp, ceremony, and dignity befitting a foreign head of state who deigns to grace our shores with his august presence. The two gentlemen in question seemed to conduct themselves cordially and were obviously quite at ease with one another. Then, as a parting gesture and sign of respect the Mexican leader was granted the honor of addressing the American people through the medium of our ever so popular and professional press corps. This is when the proverbial shit hit the fan and anyone within striking distance felt the urgent need for an excruciatingly hot shower!

The foreign gentleman who leads that sorry, pathetic excuse of a third-world monstrosity completely insulted and belittled a sovereign American state and, obviously, the U.S. citizens residing therein. He lambasted Arizona’s 2010 immigration law, claimed that the people of Arizona were more than merely wrong but supported a racist, anti-immigration policy, and displayed a primitive and crass form of undisguised, blatant xenophobia. The fact is that Senor Calderon was one thousand percent factually incorrect and he was merely engaging in what has become the world’s favorite past time – unadulterated and unwarranted America bashing.(see related video)

The greater point here, however, is that the man was a guest in our home and common decency dictates that one’s behavior in that situation calls for appropriate measures of decorum and at least a pretense of manners. I don’t know about you, but when I have a guest sitting in my living room who begins insulting and ridiculing members of my household his feet may or may not hit the ground as he is escorted off the premises. If the damned fool felt compelled to be rude and insulting, then he should have had the good sense to stay away!

Certainly, it is true that all families have their internal disagreements, arguments, and even out-right brawls over certain issues and this is normal, natural, and unavoidable. When outsiders who have no business doing so step in and interfere, however, the family must momentarily forget the squabbling and present a united front. This is absolutely crucial if the family desires the respect it deserves. The head of the family, moreover, has an absolute duty and obligation to defend it against interference from outsiders. To do less is an abandonment and betrayal which in all but the rarest of instances is never justifiable.

What then constitutes “El Senor’s” violation of hospitality and behavioral norms? Let’s see, in a piece from author Jim Abrams notes that, “Mexican President Felipe Calderon took his opposition to a new Arizona law to Congress . . . which drew criticism from several lawmakers saying he was interfering in U.S internal matters.” El Jefe strongly disagrees, “with the Arizona law that requires police to question people about their immigration status if there’s reason to suspect that they are in the country illegally.” Oh, no! Horror of all Horrors!! The Mexican leader does not care for the fact that there are those amongst us who actually want our laws enforced – Heaven Forefend!!

The Latin Leader continued that the law, “also introduces a terrible idea using racial profiling as a basis for law enforcement.” At this point the Mexican statesman received loud and sustained ovations largely from the Democrats in attendance. There’s a real shocker for you! How did the head of our American family react to this interference and criticism from an outsider? With outraged indignation, acrimony, mild annoyance, or even stony silence? Of course not. Our Great Leader said that the law represented simply, “a misdirected expression of frustration.” You go, Boy! Let’s see, the President of a foreign nation berates, ridicules, and insults us and the ‘Bamster leaps to his nation’s defense by calling US misdirected and frustrated. You tell him, Big Fella! Of course we’re frustrated after so many years of non-enforcement of our immigration laws, but misdirected? No fuckin’ way!!

The website notes that Calderon condemned, “the new Arizona immigration law as an obstacle to unity between the U.S. and Mexico,” and that the offending piece of legislation, “is forcing Mexican people to face discrimination.” Additionally, “the new Arizona state law gives the police broad powers to detain anyone suspected of being in the country illegally.” Well, we certainly can’t have that! We must not allow our “brown brothers and sisters” from below our southern border to be so horribly, nay horrendously, discriminated against and humiliated while we attempt to protect our borders, language, and culture to ensure that we remain a sovereign entity! How utterly selfish of us.

Under the heading, “Calderon Decries U.S. Immigration Law,” an outfit called (I know, I know – my deepest apologies) explains that the U.S. and Mexico must work together to resolve our differences and suggests that, “we can do so if we create a safer border, a border that will unite us instead of dividing us, uniting our people.” This guy must be lame! Borders have and must exist by definition to divide and separate nations. What in the Hell does this fool think borders are for? Borders which are safe and secure serve to preserve national sovereignty and identity. They define limits, lay out ground rules, and clearly establish and recognize each nation’s territory.

I’m sure we all have good neighbors and the relationship only gets better once the fence goes up. The concept of good fences and good neighbors may be old, worn, and trite but is nonetheless valid. There is nothing wrong and everything right by proclaiming that this is mine and that is yours and we must respect one another’s property and possessions. This has always worked extremely well on a people-to-people basis as well as on a nation-to-nation level.

The problem with our southern “amigos” is that they don’t want to be good neighbors but instead, exactly the opposite. They want neither to respect our sovereignty or territory but for many years have openly vowed to retake our entire American Southwest for Mexico and restore that nation to its pre-Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo boundaries. For additional insight into this movement, consider “Googling” any or all of the following: La Reconquista; La Raza Unida; La MEChA; or Azitlan. The same piece complains that, “the Arizona law requires immigrants to carry papers proving their right to residency and allows the police to question anyone they suspect of being in the country illegally.”

I’ll tell ya folks, whenever I’ve been stopped and pulled over by “la policia” I’m required to show them all kinds of paperwork and I’m a born and bred proud American citizen. If these jackasses who never have and never will care about this country feel so put upon or discriminated against because they must obey the same laws that citizens have to follow, then I have a suggestion: get your sorry illegal asses out of my country and stay out! While the author posits that, “many critics say the law is an excuse for racial profiling,” he also correctly states that, “Arizona officials have denied the accusations, saying that the law forbids racial profiling.” The writer, of course, is one hundred percent dead-on accurate but the bozos who’ve never even read the thing simply won’t admit this.

Speaking about never reading “the thing”, why don’t we take a look at it? Hey, there’s a novel approach for you! It’s readily available on the web and can be accessed by simply typing in something really clever like, “the 2010 Arizona immigration law.” It’s a mere sixteen pages long as opposed to those 2,000 pagers so preferred by Obama and the Boys and the language is simple and employs many small words so as not to confuse those pinhead liberals out there. One of the “raps” against the “offensive” legislation is that it conflicts with the Federal version and will eventually be struck down by our Supreme Court for allegedly violating the Supremacy Clause of our Constitution(no, folks, you look it up if you’re so inclined).

Nothing could be further from the truth. On page one, paragraph A, the law clearly and unambiguously states that, “No official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state may adopt a policy that limits or restricts the enforcement of Federal immigration laws to less than the full extent permitted by Federal law.” Simple enough for you? We now jump all the way to page two, paragraph J, where we read that, “this section shall be implemented in a manner consistent with Federal law regulating immigration, protecting the civil rights of all persons and respecting the privileges and immunities of United States citizens.” In addition, SB 1070 purposefully mirrors the Federal law so as not to conflict with it. You guys can take your Supremacy Clause Crap and cram it where the sun don’t shine!

Another common lie fostered by Calderon, his compatriots at home, and especially in America by members of the LFE(Liberal Fucking Elite) is that Arizona Senate Bill 1070 can and will inevitably lead to that dreaded discriminatory tactic of Racial Profiling! You can find these bogus charges all over the internet, in all manner of Liberal publications, and if you’ve got the nerve and a set of brass balls just set foot on virtually any of our college and university campi and try to defend the Arizona immigration law. These Liberals, these so-called defenders of our First Amendment rights – including the right to freedom of speech – will invariably and predictably shout you down and shut you up with an excellent chance of your winding up in a local emergency room, if you can still find one that hasn’t been boarded up because of so many illegal aliens requiring medical attention!

As referenced earlier, no less than the Mexican-in-Chief has accused Arizona of using racial profiling as the basis for law enforcement. This is patently untrue but it doesn’t stop many others from jumping on the Bash America/Arizona Bandwagon. For example, at a twelve-nation summit in Argentina the heads of a dozen Latin American countries ganged up and unloaded on little old Arizona as it struggles to bring order out of chaos and reinforce the concept of its own sovereign status. The statement that these anti-American dunderheads issued, “argues that the law is a violation of human rights and criminalizes immigrants.” The law constitutes anything but a violation of any human rights but instead, affirms them! It affirms the human rights of U.S. and Arizona citizens and those aliens who are here with our permission and proper documentation. The law does, however, criminalize immigrants – but only those who are indeed criminals! You know, like the ones who snuck across our border illegally!!

I find it grotesquely amusing that so many of the leaders referred to above are nothing more than cheap, power-mad, tin-horned dictators and thugs who parade around in Colonel’s uniforms or masquerade as a “President”. These guys are experts at denying their own citizens any measure of human rights up to and including death squads and torture. They wouldn’t know a human right if it jumped up and bit them square in the ass!

In his article, Pepe Lozano claims that, “the controversial law could lead to legitimization of racist attitudes and regrettable incidents of violence due to racial hatred, of which many South Americans have already been victims.” Along the same vein, an outfit called Forum pens a piece by one Marjorie Cohn entitled, “Arizona Legalizes Racial Profiling.” The author complains – read that whines – that the Arizona law constitutes, “one of the most egregious wrongs in recent U.S. history.” She continues that new, “legislation in Arizona requires law enforcement officers to stop everyone whom they have reasonable suspicion to believe is an undocumented immigrant and arrest them if they fail to produce their papers.” She pithily remarks that the, “law unconstitutionally criminalizes ‘walking while brown’ in Arizona.” What a load of Hooey – of complete and rampant Happy Crappy!

Hey Marge, Baby, don’t you realize that in the very first paragraph of your propaganda screed you committed a serious, major contradiction and have suspended any sense of reason and/or logic? In your own words you bring up the concept of reasonable suspicion which is enshrined in our Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments! It is one of the pillars upon which our supposedly limited government rests and maintains that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property unless certain very specific and narrow criteria are met by government agents. You’ve heard of due process rights, haven’t you Marge, Baby?!? How can this raging, fulminating Liberal hack claim that the law in some manner, shape, or form defies the Constitution when it is based on long-standing Constitutional principle? Yeah, I know. This makes about as much sense as anything else put out by the LFE!

Let’s return to the “offending” piece of legislation for a few moments, shall we? Once again, we are drawn to page one, section B. We read that only, “where reasonable suspicion(read that probable cause)exists that the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States, a reasonable attempt shall be made, when practicable, to determine the immigration status of the person.” Yeah well, so much for the bilge of rampaging, runaway racial profiling directed at those poor, benighted escapees from the Mexican shit-hole they live in.

Listen, I’ve got an outrageous suggestion for those of you who came “al Norte” looking for all the free handouts you can get your grubby little mitts on. Why don’t you stay where the Hell you came from and do whatever it takes to fix the problems you face? Why don’t you stay and fight to the last man to replicate conditions in Los Estados Unidos that you seem to admire so much? Why don’t you turn your nation into a capitalistic, free market paradise so you will not feel it necessary to come here and ruin ours? And while you’re at it, you could start by destroying the drug lords who seem to run your damned country while using this one as their major customer base!

We note on page four, section E, that, “a peace officer may lawfully stop any person who is operating a motor vehicle if the officer has reasonable suspicion to believe that person is in violation of any civil traffic laws. . .” There’s that pesky reasonable suspicion clause again and it blows the Liberal hysteria over racial profiling all to Hell! Don’t you hate when that happens? There is no rampant, racial profiling because, obviously, Senate Bill 1070 expressly forbids it! A peace officer may legitimately stop someone if he or she has a good faith reason to suspect that the targeted individual has committed a criminal or civil offense. Then, and only then, can law enforcement personnel inquire as to the status or residency of the individual so detained.

Let’s move on to page six of the hated piece of legislation and note that the, “attorney general or county attorney shall not investigate complaints that are based solely on race, color or national origin.” Additionally, “state, county or local officials shall not attempt to independently make a final determination on whether an alien is authorized to work in the United States.” You ever hear of that wild and wacky concept known as checks and balances? It’s alive and well in Arizona and firmly ensconced in SB 1070. We see the same exact admonition on page ten of the law in question. For an excellent synopsis of why Arizona implemented SB 1070 by all means see the most recent issue of the Limbaugh Letter, June, 2010, or go to Racial profiling my sorry old ass!

My only problem with the whole damned issue is the fact that Arizona’s immigration law so clearly and adamantly forbids indiscriminate racial profiling! That’s right, you read that correctly. This old bastard is one thousand percent in agreement with not only the concept but the practice as well. That’s my only real disappointment with my fellow Americans who happen to reside in Arizona. I need someone to calmly and rationally explain to me exactly and specifically what in the Hell is so objectionable about profiling, racial or otherwise. ALL of us do it ALL the time and we do it to EVERYONE EVERY WHERE! No one is immune from or to it and the Liberals who so vociferously and hysterically deny it are nothing more than lying damned hypocrites !

One thing, among many of course, that you must recognize about this mob is that they are master practitioners of what may accurately be deemed as “Mirrorism.” When they repeatedly accuse those of us on the “Evil Right” of racial profiling we know that they are the guilty party for they see in their accusations true reflections of themselves. To admit this, however, would put the lie to their carefully crafted image as the champions of compassion, the protectors of Brown People wherever in the world they happen to exist, and the exclusive guardians of fair play.

Profiling of all stripes is nothing more than your survival instinct kicking in and it is a very healthy response to the myriad threats and dangers that daily confront us. It is part of our internal early warning radar system. We do it subconsciously and reflexively in our personal lives every single day of every single year. It guides us, for example, when deciding who our children should and should not associate with. It is a crucial element in our own selection processes when it comes to friends and associates. It is utterly indispensable in warning us of situations and places that should be avoided at all costs. It is certainly not unique to America and Americans but rather constitutes a world wide, universal phenomenon.

If we know that it is crucial for us as individuals and plays a huge role in keeping us safe, then I absolutely require a sensible explanation – an unemotional response – when I ask what’s wrong with it on a national basis? Do not ask this question to any member of the Liberal Fucking Elite or their minions for they will resort to their only weapons available in the absence of facts, rational thought, and reason. They will call names, curse and scream, engage in ad-homonym attacks but will not answer the question because they are incapable of intelligently doing so. They can only emote because they absolutely cannot think.

At this point, a brief examination of immigration policy will be beneficial in comprehending the true purpose, nature, and value of a comprehensive, practical, and an eminently workable immigration initiative. For this, we must turn to not the United States but rather to – you got it – Mexico. That’s right, Mexico, for we “gringos” can learn valuable, no crucial, lessons from our neighbor across the Rio Grande. We can learn, among many other things, about the importance of the concept of national sovereignty as well as its relationship to the ideal of nationalism and pride in one’s heritage. We can certainly learn about the values of exclusivity and uniqueness when viewing one’s own history and its contributions to the world. We can also take away lessons about the worthiness of a special and unique place for its own citizens and for NO ONE ELSE!(see related video)

Mexico is just such a place and I applaud it for that. Mexicans proudly proclaim that Mexico is first and foremost for Mexicans and those few “guests” they deem worthy of entry into the homeland. I have absolutely no problem with the Mexican government and people jealously guarding and defending THEIR heritage and traditions and proudly proclaiming to the world that if you wish to come here you will play only by our rules for yours no longer apply! Author Fred Reed writing for, penned a piece entitled, “Don’t Blame Mexico.” Reed, an immigrant to Mexico, wonders why so many Americans vociferously complain about Mexico’s stringent immigration policies. By our standards, they are indeed harsh but Mexico, unlike America, deeply understands the value of defending its border, language, and culture and they fully comprehend that without such an ever vigilant defense their nation as they know and love it is doomed.

Reed explains that the Mexican Constitution states that: “Immigrants and foreign visitors are banned from political discourse and foreigners are denied certain basic property rights.” Furthermore, “immigrants are denied equal employment rights . . . and will never be treated as real Mexican citizens.” Compare these four examples to our so-called immigration policy and tell me which nation is serious about protecting and defending its sovereignty. Next we note such items as, “immigrants and naturalized citizens are not to be trusted in public service,” and that “immigrants may be expelled from Mexico for any reason and without due process.” This is only a partial list of examples dealing with Mexico’s immigration policy and I’m wondering who can possibly complain about the supposedly draconian nature of Arizona’s SB 1070 when compared to our southern neighbor’s laws? Well, of course, we know who don’t we?

The same author also notes that many Americans seem to object to the fact that in Mexico foreigners and naturalized citizens cannot engage in politics but he certainly knows why Mexicans think they should not. He maintains that in, “the Yankee enclaves, they would take over and run things as they wanted, not as Mexicans wanted. They would want rules, regulations, correct attitudes, laws, laws, laws. They would want to instruct Mexico. There would be ‘encampments’ of activists demonstrating in Chiapas.” Unless I’ve not been paying attention and exercising my due diligence I seem to have seen this condition exploding in the United States and not merely in the Southwest but rather in any urban center that has large Mexican populations.

Surprise, surprise but the Mexican people and government are simply not having any of it and that speaks very highly of the regard they have for their own sovereignty and sense of national pride. Mr. Reed understands that Americans dislike the fact that so many Mexicans come here only for the freebies, welfare, education, medical care, driver’s licenses and on and on and on. Who is to blame for this? No one but ourselves and he asks, “But why is it Mexico’s fault? You practically invite them,” and he opines that if, “you folks up North choose to let in poor Mexicans, don’t be surprised when you have poor Mexicans.” Somewhat common sensical, no?

Reed correctly explains that, “the immigration problem is entirely of America’s making. Laws, decisions in the courts, amnesties, interpretation of the Constitution, and policy all encourage illegal immigration.” The truth hurts, don’t it? No, I certainly don’t blame Mexico for its stringent immigration policies for this is its right. I do, however, thoroughly detest the blatant and obvious hypocrisy in the Mexican President’s openly hostile attitude toward the 2010 Arizona immigration law which doesn’t even come close to the Mexican system!

The website published a piece by J. Michael Walter entitled, “Mexico’s Immigration Law: Let’s Try It Here.” Early on he states that, “it’s noteworthy that nobody has argued that the U.S. look at how Mexico deals with immigration and what it might teach us about how best to solve our illegal immigration problems.” There it is again – we might find much to emulate from Mexico in this regard. Walter approvingly notes that, “Mexico has a single, streamlined law that ensures that foreign visitors and immigrants are: in the country legally; have the means to sustain themselves economically; not destined to be burdens on society; are of economic and social benefit to society; are contributors to the general well-being of the nation.”

Someone point out to me the least little bit of objectionable policy here. Mexico you see is for Mexicans! The rest of the world can go to Hell in a hand basket but Mexico will protect its sovereignty. Would that it were so here. The author continues that the law also ensures: “immigration authorities have a record of each foreign visitor; foreign visitors do not violate their visa status; foreign visitors who enter under false pretenses are imprisoned or deported; foreign visitors violating the terms of their entry are imprisoned or deported”; and, “those who aid in illegal immigration will be sent to prison.” Funny, I don’t hear one member of our vaunted LFE accusing Mexico of violating anyone’s human or natural rights. Let Arizona, however, pass a common sense, logical, and seemingly effective law and we are confronted with complete hypocritical hysteria from those scum-dogs who want to throw away American sovereignty, destroy our borders and culture, and wreak havoc on this country and its historic mission.

The ever indomitable Anne Coulter writing for Human Events ( notes that Mexico’s law is interesting, “and one that should cause us all to ask, why is our great southern neighbor pushing us to water down our own immigration laws and policies when its own immigration restrictions are the toughest on the continent?” She continues that, “if the United States adopted such statutes, Mexico no doubt would denounce it as a manifestation of American racism and bigotry.” I believe the pundit is certainly correct in her conclusion but keeping foreigners out constitutes only one aspect of Mexico’s immigration policy. The flip side of that, however, is as equally interesting as it is provocative.

In order to fully understand, one must hearken back to Fidel Castro’s Mariel Boat Lift of decades ago. If you are old enough to recall, Mr. Castro received tremendous world wide criticism and condemnation for keeping his population literally prisoners by refusing to allow them to leave that Island Paradise. He finally relented and permitted thousands of his oppressed citizens the freedom to go to the United States. It was one the greatest PR stunts of the twentieth century as well as a huge scam. The dictator’s image softened immeasurably and criticism turned into instant praise and admiration. Great move, Fidel!

What most people didn’t realize then and still don’t today was the fact that the Communist leader emptied all of his jails and insane asylums and sent us virtually all of his criminals and crazies! Castro got exactly what he wanted: a total image makeover and the removal – with the world’s approval and adoration – of the worst elements of Cuban society who, of course, began immediately wreaking havoc in this country as soon as they hit the beaches in south Florida! Talk about stunningly Machiavellian!! I don’t believe that Mexico is forcing its citizens to travel north but is certainly actively encouraging the same. Mexico publishes and distributes at no cost comic book style pamphlets which are “How To Guides” on the best methods and routes to cross illegally into our country. Who for the most part, then, comes here? Mexico’s poorest and least educated as well as huge numbers of criminals, nut jobs, and gang bangers. El Presidente’s problem instantly became ours and the current administration, as well as previous ones, is doing less than nothing about it which really amounts to at least tacit approval.

The media, of course, presents the Arizona law as the latest crisis to come down the pike but in reality it is not at all controversial save in those enclaves where the United States is viewed in an entirely negative light. Those places are, for example, anywhere that Liberalism thrives and comprises a majority view. Washington, D.C., New York City, and Los Angeles are but a few obvious examples. The media and all colleges and universities, with only a few rare exceptions, provide additional instances of LFE strongholds as does virtually our entire entertainment industry.

What I refer to as the “real” America populated by “real” Americans have a vastly contrary point of view. Most of us, and not by just a small margin, heartily approve of Arizona’s attempts at self-preservation and I’ve read reports that between twenty-five and thirty other states are drafting laws based on Arizona’s example. Most Americans realize the drastic threat we face from illegal immigration and are clamoring for action from the Federal government. That action is absolutely not forthcoming for the spineless politico’s ON BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE are far too worried about offending a large and growing voting block for fear of losing an election and thereby ending a life of feeding at the public teat! These folks are base cowards who place personal gain, political office, and party before country! They are the antithesis of patriotic Americans who always place country first and are wiling and able to make sacrifices to guarantee America’s continued greatness and exceptionalism. These are the folks who worked so hard for the passage of SB 1070 and there are far more of them than those pernicious Liberal damned cowards on the other side!!

Gallup ran a poll between April 27-28, 2010, which clearly illustrates the above. Nationally, 62% of Republicans support the law while 54% of Democrats oppose the statute. Additionally, 75% of all Republicans who have merely heard about it favor the legislation while in the same category 56% of Democrats oppose it. Gallup maintains that, “most Americans have heard about Arizona’s tough new immigration law,” and understand that, “the law was passed partly in response to a lack of federal action on the issue.”

The Pew Report of May 12, 2010, notes that polls, “over the last while have been unanimous that Americans are supportive of Arizona’s attempt to bring immigration anarchy to an end. It’s a testament to the common sense of the American people that the media’s barrage of outright lies about the Arizona law has not dissuaded the majority of citizens that immigration anarchy must stop.” Pew notes that, “fully 73% say they approve of requiring people to produce documents verifying their legal status if police should ask for them.”

The same source explains that, “two-thirds (67%) approve of allowing police to detain anyone who cannot verify their legal status, while 62% approve of allowing police to question people they think may be in the country illegally.” The website explains that, “an overwhelming majority of Arizona residents say they will take into account a candidate’s viewpoint on immigration reform when casting their vote in November. A total of 95 percent of voters reported following the news stories closely and 87 percent said the new legislation will be critical in determining who to vote for in the upcoming elections.”

I believe Arizona voters reflect an accurate portrayal of American citizens on immigration issues and desperately want to secure our borders. This, of course, means absolutely nothing to the Liberal Fucking Elite and their Chieftain Barry-Boy Obama. They rammed their odious Health Care Legislation down our throats even though the public overwhelmingly opposed it! These folks don’t want to represent us but instead want to rule us and they’re far closer to realizing that goal than most Americans can imagine.

Even as this piece is being written, the Drudge Report ( notes a piece from the Washington Examiner ( entitled, “Mexico Opens California Office to Provide ID for Illegals.” Author Sara A. Carter explains that the, “Mexican government is opening a satellite consular office on Catalina Island . . . to provide the island’s illegal Mexican immigrants with identification cards.” The article explains that these so-called matricular cards are, “issued by the Mexican government to Mexican nationals living outside the country regardless of immigration status.”

They are issued primarily so the recipients can open bank accounts and obtain other services, “but the cards are usually used to skirt U.S. immigration laws . . . .” California Representative Dana Rohrabacher correctly maintains that, “if there were a large number of Americans illegally in Mexico and the U.S. Consulate was making it easier to stay, Mexico would never permit it.” One ICE official said it, “amazes me every time that the Mexican government has the gall to tell us what to do,” and the official continued that, “more surprisingly is how many times we stand by and let them.”

Well, folks, there it is. We are being attacked by both our enemies from without and from within. They are aggressively determined to destroy this nation and the easiest manner in which to accomplish this is to constantly attack our borders, language, and culture. This phenomenon has been noted by many but perhaps most famously articulated by pundit Michael Savage. If successful, our enemies will have succeeded in rendering American sovereignty and autonomy useless and nonexistent. Unless they are stopped and stopped immediately, we are witnessing the death of America and all it has come to stand for over the centuries. It is unavoidable and is absolutely going to happen if we damned fools don’t fight back and win! It’ll be comparable to you inserting the barrel of a loaded .44 Magnum in your mouth, pulling the trigger, and thinking you have any chance of survival!!

Oh, by the way, Fox News just reported that since the Arizona law was passed only a short while ago, well over 100,000 illegal Mexicans living in that state have left and made for parts unknown! I wonder if those Liberal bastards who despise the new law are getting just a tad nervous? Nah.

Much Luv Y’All and Have a Great Day!

The Fifth Horseman

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