Thursday, July 3, 2014


     Amnesty once again has become a hot-button topic in the on-going war between those who would completely destroy the United States of America and those who would preserve, nurture, and nourish what is undoubtedly the greatest nation that God ever gave mankind.  This war has been furiously waged since at least as far back as the 1960’s and continues to rage unabated.  The battle lines are distinctly and clearly drawn and, to my mind, there are really no “grey” areas to speak of.  Either one recognizes the essential “goodness” that is America and the amazing contributions we have made toward the progress of human-kind or one denies it.  Either one recognizes the unalterable, immutable fact that without the United States the world would be in far worse shape than it now is or one denies it.  One understands that our nation has been a beacon of hope, inspiration, and optimism for the rest of the world since our founding or one does not.  One comprehends that we have been the exception to the age old rule of tyranny, oppression, and authoritarian governance that has shackled the world’s population since the beginning of recorded history or one does not.  You either “get” the concept that liberty and freedom constitute mankind’s natural state and that our inalienable rights to them cannot be taken away by mere mortals in the guise kings, dictators, and statists or you do not.  There really is no middle ground here and no room for equivocation.  You either understand America as historically founded and presently constituted or you don’t and never will.

     Those of us who do get it are constantly baffled, confused, flummoxed, and yes, angered by those who don’t.  Tragically, it seems to us that there exist out there many more of the latter than the former and that fact alone does indeed cause us to lose sleep at night.  We fret, worry, and wonder about the future of our great republic and the inescapable reality that our children and grandchildren are being robbed and deprived of their legacy and natural birthright as American citizens.  We worry that as the anti-American forces among us seem to grow exponentially, our progeny will no longer be the proud standard bearers of our history, traditions, and institutions that have been essential ingredients in America’s relentless march toward excellence and exceptionalism.

     We are greatly concerned, for example, that American history is no longer honestly and accurately being taught in our schools and that our young people are purposely being fed a distorted and false representation that inevitably paints our nation as the world’s worst scourge in the history of history and any greatness we may have achieved has been done at the expense of the planet’s less fortunate.  In our schools, the United States is portrayed only in the most negative of terms and we are viewed as the sole cause of all the world’s woes be they natural or man-made.  This blame America mentality has been infecting our young for generations and the incessant brainwashing has taken a terrible toll that can’t help but harm this country.  Patriotism and nationalism, for example, are no longer taught to the young ‘uns.  Rather they are inundated and overwhelmed with concepts like globalism, one-worldism, and internationalism.  Pride in one’s nation is deemed anywhere from merely a quaint notion to actually dangerous.  International institutions like the United Nations and the World Court are extolled to the high heavens while our own are denigrated and despised as but vestiges of a by-gone and meaningless past that is no longer deemed relevant in the 21st Century.

     Is this trend the result of some sort of natural evolution or perhaps just an accident of fate?  Is it merely a quirk, a blip on the radar perhaps?  Nope.  Unfortunately, this has been done purposely and by design and is being perpetrated by American citizens who just happen to despise this country and all that it stands for and represents.  They are called Liberals and Liberalism, obviously, is their creed and ideology.  They are anti-American in the extreme and wish this country nothing but harm.  They want the United States brought to its knees and believe that we are nothing less than evil incarnate and have done no more than wreak havoc on the rest of the world to achieve our own nefarious ends and purposes.  The most hard-core of these are what I have dubbed the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite) and they are nothing more than authoritarian statists who have no respect or love for this country, its history, or its citizens.  They view themselves as the Enlightened Ones to whom the rest of us little folk owe our fealty, allegiance, and blind obedience.  They are to be unquestionably obeyed and never doubted.  They know far better than we how to run our lives for they deem us as no more than incompetent, half-bright children incapable of making sound and rational decisions for ourselves, our families, and of course our country.  We exist only to rubber stamp their desires and dictates and they have absolutely no interest in what we deem appropriate or essential on either a personal or national level.  They are condescending and patronizing and believe that like children, we should be seen and not heard and that, in fact, we should be seen as infrequently as possible.

     These Liberals, or Progressives as they like to be called, comprise only a relatively small portion of the population – roughly 20% - but wield a disproportionate share of power and influence over the fate and direction of our country.  They are deeply embedded and ingrained into virtually all of our major institutions – those that shape and mold the destiny and course of the United States.  They have, for example, a virtual death grip on the nation’s educational system from Pre-K right through college and university.  By the time our young ones have reached early adulthood, they have been thoroughly, effectively, and irredeemably brainwashed by the LFE.  They have been taught not to think independently or creatively but rather to obey and follow.  Their minds have been dulled by the incessant Liberal propaganda and lies that have been drilled into them for decades at the most impressionable and malleable period of their lives.  They really have no choice but to toe the Liberal line and more to the point they will unerringly vote that line as soon as they become eligible to do so.

     The Liberals in our midst are overwhelmingly in control of what might be termed our nation’s popular culture which is an essential factor in determining public opinion which shapes and directs so much of the nation’s public policy on virtually any and every issue you can think of.  Liberal ideology not only informs but controls our entertainment industry which includes television, movies, theater, literature, and more.  We are inundated and overwhelmed by the Liberal message wherever we turn.  It is virtually inescapable.  The same is true of our news and information services be they electronic or print.  We are drowning in a Liberal sea of negativism, blame, and self-loathing.  Regardless of the issue, America is the culprit and is, of course, guilty.  Guilty of what?  Everything!

     You name it and it’s our fault.  9-11?  We must have done something that really pissed off those good natured, fun-loving, and innocent Muslim terrorists (Oops!  Are we still allowed to use that term?).  The same is obviously true for the 1993 attempt to flatten the World Trade Center.  Our fault.  Our economy is in the crapper?  There are still poor folk and homeless running around out there?  Blame our heartless, cruel, and cold socio-economic system of Free Market Capitalism which, according to the Liberals, is nothing more than a mechanism to dehumanize and make irrelevant those we’d rather not recognize and deal with.  Gas is too expensive?  Blame those big, greedy American oil companies.  The price of your medication has skyrocketed?  Big “Pharma” is to blame.  According to the Liberals, it’s our fault – all of it and more.  This is the message that our citizens are bombarded with incessantly, day and night, 24-7!

     Nowhere, however, is the Liberal philosophy and intent more dangerous than in our political institutions be it on the national, state, or local levels.  Our nation’s capitol, for example, is infested with Liberals and Liberalism and each of them from our sorry-ass excuse of a President on down is a full blown, bona-fide, card-carrying member of the LFE.  They profess to love our country and claim to want what is best for it and for the American citizens they govern.  They lie.  They tell us repeatedly that they only want to lead America to new and greater heights of prosperity, influence, and effectiveness.  Bullshit & Balderdash!  They falsely claim that they are merely servants of the people and exist to do the bidding of those who placed their trust in them and afforded them the privilege of holding positions of power and authority.  Horseshit & Hooey!  They constantly and consciously vote, act, and govern against the will and wishes of the majority of Americans.  I give you Obamacare and Obamacore as just two particularly egregious examples of this attitude and mindset ( see the Obamacare Rationing Rant of 4/15/12 and the Obamacore Rant of 7/29/13).

     It matters not that most citizens were and still are vehemently opposed to these two unconstitutional power grabs because what we want matters not a whit to them.  They don’t give a rat’s ass about what’s important to those they govern and that attitude comprises an important bulwark of Liberal philosophy and governance.  Remember, they view themselves as the elite, the chosen, in our society – born to the purple as it were.  According to them, we the people have absolutely no business getting involved in the peoples’ business.  We must leave that to our so-called “betters” and merely accept their edicts and platitudes issued from on high.  You disagree?  Think back to what that condescending Bitch on wheels Nancy Pelosi told us about Obamacare not that long ago.  In true elitist fashion, she explained in typical patronizing tones that the only way we little folk could actually find out the details of the Affordable Health Care Act was to first pass it into law!  After all, what right do we mere plebeians have trying to ascertain how proposed legislation might actually affect us?  Who the fuck do we think we are to even dare question the intent of those elitist sonsabitches?!?

     It is these folks who set policy for this country and once that policy has been adopted there is simply no turning back.  Once something like Obamacare has been passed into law, it seems that a tremendous inertia-malaise kicks in and the American people for the most part come to accept it as inevitable, make the best of it, and move on with their lives.  After all, a done deal is a done deal.  The same can be said for our nation’s immigration policy and the current debate raging around the issue of amnesty for tens upon tens of millions of foreign nationals who have absolutely no business being in America.  The fact that their very first act and encounter with the United States violates federal law automatically makes them criminals and yet those on the Left openly embrace them as though they have some kind of right to be here.  They have no such right!

     Emigrating to the United States is a privilege not a right and should be granted only to those foreigners whom we deem worthy enough to permanently  reside, live, and work here.  Immigration’s ultimate goal is to benefit our country.  Immigrants must add to and not detract from a host nation’s efforts to progress, achieve, and prosper.  Immigration should not first and foremost be designed and crafted to benefit the lives of the newcomers but rather to promote America’s national interests and goals.  This, of course, had been the case right up until the time that fat drunk from Massachusetts and his fellow Liberal saboteurs torpedoed our nation with the Immigration Act of 1965.  That single piece of legislation initiated the debacle that has become America’s immigration policy and it’s only getting worse – much worse – with the passage of time.  Previously, the overwhelming majority of our newcomers came from Western Europe and therefore had much more in common with America’s culture, heritage, and traditions.  Assimilation for those folks was not all that difficult once they had mastered the obvious language barrier and this usually took place within one generation.

     After 1965, however, all that drastically changed and for the first time, immigration became a threat to America’s way of life, our cohesion as a nation, and our historical role in the world.  We could now accept no more than fifteen percent of the total number of immigrants from Western Europe.  The other 85% were to come from Third World nations with little or no experience at self-rule and government.  Most came from nations where the citizenry had no choices and no freedoms and the concept of any form of democracy was something they had never experienced.  They had forever been ruled by monarchs, dictators, and other authoritarian types who didn’t and couldn’t recognize the concept of individual and inalienable rights.  Post 1965 immigrants overwhelmingly came from nations where a huge, intrusive central government controlled all aspects of life from cradle to grave and the idea of a limited government was simply unfathomable.

     These and other factors made assimilation all but an impossible dream and we are living with it to this day.  More and more newcomers to our shores have absolutely no desire to assimilate and become Americans.  They insist on retaining their own customs, habits, and culture and view themselves as citizens of their home-nations simply living abroad.  They are more than willing to accept our generosity and come with open hands ready to rake in the goodies provided by the American taxpayer but feel they owe us nothing in return including their loyalty.  They absolutely refuse to assimilate and in far too many instances don’t even learn the language and yet those are the folks whom the Liberals among us demand be given amnesty!

     According to the Oxford Dictionary of Current English, amnesty is defined as, “an official pardon,” and a, “period during which people admitting to particular offenses are not prosecuted.”  Webster’s New World Dictionary and Thesaurus defines amnesty simply as “pardon” which in my mind equates to forgiveness.  One can only be forgiven after having committed a criminal act or some other behavior deemed unacceptable by society at large.  Improperly crossing our borders is by definition a criminal act and yet to those on the Far Left it’s just not that big a deal.  After all, they’ll tell you, borders are only artificial lines drawn on a map but have no real meaning or application in the real world.  Once again, they lie.  They know full well that once a country loses control of its borders it ceases to be a sovereign nation and has taken the first step down the road of self-destruction, ruin, and chaos.  Can anyone say ancient Rome?  If the Liberals remain in charge of our immigration policies and if amnesty is in fact granted to tens upon tens of millions of people who don’t belong here then the United States will effectively cease to exist as a viable national entity and the ensuing chaos will make the old Balkan disaster seem like a Sunday school picnic (see the Balkanization of America Rant of 3/20/13)!

     Excusing or pardoning criminal, illegal behavior will only beget more of the same and will certainly embolden more illegals to cross our borders and invade our nation – and make no mistake, it is an invasion.  Amnesty will not ameliorate the problems of illegal immigration but instead will only exacerbate and amplify them.  A piece entitled, “Amnesty Will Cause Illegal Immigration To Explode (,” explains that the, “1986 amnesty led to a sharp increase in illegal immigration, which will happen again under the current proposals,,” and that the, “numbers of illegal immigrants in the U.S. have more than doubled since the last time Congress granted immigration amnesty in 1986, a trend which will continue if current amnesty proposals become law.”  Anyone who disagrees with this simple statement either doesn’t understand human nature or, in fact, understands it all too well.  People will always take advantage of a situation if it works to their advantage.  Not to do so defies all logic and common sense.  For the most part, those emigrating to America are not happy campers or they’d stay put in their home countries.  At present, those coming here are the poorest, least educated, and least skilled of the nations from which they hail.  Life here even at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder is infinitely better than what they are used to.  Why wouldn’t they continue to stream across our borders if they know their transgressions are likely to be forgiven by those among us who refuse to recognize our own sovereignty and the very real threat that millions upon millions of unassimilated foreigners represent to the social fabric that once bound us together and unified us as Americans?  The piece points out that, “Immigration in itself is not a bad thing, but currently big government advocates are giving illegal immigrants taxpayer funded benefits such as welfare and healthcare in order to ensure their support for authoritarian politicians who work against the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.”  Additionally, “they want amnesty so they accelerate the immigration of people into the U.S. who are used to living in poverty under tyrannical regimes with very few rights.”

     This last point is key to understanding those who clamor for amnesty for illegals.  For the most part, they are our Liberal Elites who want to grant illegals that so-called “pathway to citizenship” which will allow them to vote and the overwhelming majority of them will vote for Democrats who allowed them to come here, legalized their trespass, and then showered them with all kinds of goodies at the expense of the hard working taxpayer.  Most of us know that there already exists a pathway to citizenship in our country and it is the legal immigration process in which our laws are respected and obeyed rather than openly flaunted and violated.  Haven’t we all heard of the process known as Naturalization by which someone from another country can become a U.S. citizen?  Of course we have and we know that in order to avail oneself of the privilege of American citizenship certain rules and regulations must be followed.  The very first of them is, obviously, to come to this country legally, not criminally.  Anyone who will not or cannot abide by the rules must not be allowed in and should be removed as soon as possible.

     A piece entitled, “Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants Will Turn America into Another Mexico:  Socialism, Corruption, Destruction of Bill of Rights (,” explains that the current amnesty bill, “takes a fundamental principle – the recognition and preservation of our national borders – and turns it on its head.  A nation without borders is no longer a nation, but a global flophouse for anyone who manages to breach our boundaries.”  Given the extremely sorry state of border protection and preservation, damn near anyone and everyone who cares to can breach those borders anytime they choose.  The America-hating Obama Administration and its Far Left allies are part of the Open Borders crowd who absolutely believe that the very concept of national borders to protect national sovereignty smacks of nationalism – even jingoism – that simply do not fit their template of One-Worldism, and Global Governance.  To them, these are merely antiquated concepts - relics of an age when America reigned supreme among the nations of the world and to be an American citizen was something special and unique.

     To be an American citizen was something to be exceedingly proud of, treasured, protected, and defended.  To be an American citizen was to champion and jealously guard traditions like a limited central government, individual rights and freedoms, rugged individualism, and a tremendous and overwhelming optimism for the future.  To be an American citizen was to recognize the absolute truth that in this country an individual could rise as far as his talents and ability could take him and the only limits on one’s success were almost always those that were self-imposed.  These concepts and ideas were key in the development of the American character and consciousness and could really not be found anywhere else on the planet.  El Destructo and his minions, however, are busily and assiduously destroying these uniquely American traits which have been essential ingredients in the development of what has been deemed American Exceptionalism.  Those on the Far Left, the LFE, completely deny that the United States is an exceptional nation and that, in fact, we are no better and probably far worse than the other 190 or so nations that comprise the so-called family of man.

     We are really nothing special and they are doing their damndest to convince as many of us as possible – especially our youth – that this assessment of America and its historic role in the world is correct.  One sure-fire way they can accomplish this nefarious and ignoble goal is to grant amnesty to the tens of millions of illegals who reside here, have no love or attachment for America, and who absolutely don’t belong here.  To grant amnesty to almost thirty million foreigners who don’t respect our laws, customs, and traditions would be akin to you removing all the doors and windows from your home.  We know that within a very short period, your house will be filled with folks who have no business or right being there and that before too long your home will have been destroyed.  That, folks, is called Open Borders and Amnesty.  Our collective house, America, is being purposely and effectively destroyed by the Liberal Pukes who mold and shape our so-called immigration policy.  It should more appropriately be termed a national suicide pact because we are letting it happen and it will destroy this country as historically founded and presently constituted.

     The article referenced above continues that, “every illegal alien lawbreaker brings with him or her their own cultural norms which, in nearly every case, are at odds with American constitutionalism and the Bill of Rights. Worse, we don’t require them to assimilate anymore – learn English, observe our customs, integrate into our society.”  Assimilation, of course, is key.  There have been periods in our history when large numbers of immigrants came here looking for a better life.  These periods, however, were normally followed by longer ones where immigration slowed to a trickle.  This allowed the latest group of newcomers to actually become Americans not merely foreign nationals living on our soil.  They became Americans in fact and in spirit and the vast majority became citizens as soon as the law allowed.  Since 1965, however, when we simply opened the flood gates assimilation has become all but impossible.  We are admitting far too many foreigners far too quickly and have completely lost control of what was once a measured, thoughtful, and safe method of welcoming newcomers to our nation.

     This, by the way, is not solely the fault of one or the other of our major political parties but rather both are to blame.  The article continues that while, “holding up the golden child of diversity as their impetus, American politicians and corporations are aiding and abetting the amnesty/open borders position.”  The piece continues that, “one political party . . . likes this legislation because it will mean more votes and more power in the future.”  Read that as the Democrat Party.  Author J.D. Heyes also accurately notes that, “meanwhile, too many members of the other party, unfortunately, are cowing to business interests that would rather employ cheaper, unskilled foreign labor than high-priced American workers.”  Well talk about being stuck between the proverbial rock and a hard place – I guess!  This more than adequately illustrates the inescapable fact that far too many of our so-called leaders place much more importance on getting elected and reelected to office than they do on patriotism and what is best for America and its citizens.  To sum it up, then, we’re pretty much FUCKED!!

     Well then, what the Hell are we to do about this situation which gravely threatens the existence and character of the United States?  Apparently nothing.  Neither of our two major political parties seems to have the will or desire to take meaningful and effective measures to save our nation from the catastrophic disaster that looms on our horizon.  Why? Because they are cowards and damned poltroons!  They are afraid of alienating their voters, they are afraid of losing the next election which might force them to find real jobs that might actually contribute something useful and positive to our society. Hey, how about this for an idea?  These foreign invaders who have broken our laws and do not belong here, you know, those illegals who have no love or loyalty whatsoever for the United States?  Why don’t we round ‘em up and send ‘em packing?!?  Boy, I can just hear it now!  The hooting, hollering, and gnashing of teeth emanating from the Liberals in our midst.  I can just see the epithets and pejoratives being hurled my way.  I will be branded a racist, a xenophobe, and a jingoist and these will constitute some of the milder invectives that I and others like me will have to endure.  Additionally, I will be informed that it’s an impossible task.  The logistics of rounding up and deporting (yup, there it is, the dreaded “D” word) twenty or so million illegal aliens from our country is just too daunting a task to even contemplate.  We’ll just have to make the best of this untenable situation and learn to live with it.  We must understand, I will be lectured, that the world has become far too complicated and complex for such simplistic and naïve solutions.  I will be scolded for being far too judgmental, cold, hard, and callous.  I will also be excoriated for my utter and total lack of compassion.  These constitute nothing more than the accusations and barbs of those who would destroy the United States.

     These phony, dissembling Bastards accuse me and others of evincing an appalling lack of compassion when, in fact, they are the ones who have a virtual lock on that particular trait.  You should be aware that those on the Far Left always accuse their enemies of doing exactly what they themselves are guilty of.  It’s a basic tenet of the Liberal Playbook and is designed to place their opponents on the defensive and force them to defend positions that really require no defense at all.  Those who agree with me do have compassion, we are chocked full of the stuff, and our compassion knows no bounds!  We have compassion for our country, for the land that we love and wish to preserve!  We have compassion for American citizens who are being hurt and endangered in so many ways because of unfettered and  uncontrolled immigration to our shores!  We have tons of compassion for those foreigners who came here and did it by the numbers and we have an overwhelming high regard and respect for those newcomers who became naturalized American citizens!  This is compassion.  We feel extremely compassionate toward those ninety-plus million Americans who are no longer in the work force but would like to be!  Our compassion for those Americans whose jobs have been taken-stolen by illegals is boundless!  We have unflagging compassion for all those young Americans just starting out who cannot find entry level positions and thus begin their working lives because those jobs have been filled by illegals who will work for a mere pittance!  And we, of course, have an overwhelming measure of compassion for the country that we love and cherish and are angered and frustrated by those who would tear it down and destroy it!  These would be the Far Left Liberals amongst us coupled with those RINO’s (Republican in Name Only) who are their wiling allies.  For those types, I have utterly no compassion whatsoever.  For them I feel only contempt, anger, and animus!

     The concept of identifying, apprehending, and deporting those amongst us who do not belong here, by the way, is nothing new and dates back to the Eisenhower Administration of the 1950’s.  The overwhelming majority of American citizens all those years ago had absolutely no difficulty in accepting the idea that people residing in America illegally should unquestionably and unceremoniously be banished from the realm because they were violating American law and harming our nation.  There was no thought of blanket amnesty or mass forgiveness.  The only concern was the harm illegal immigration was doing to this nation and the best and most efficient methods for correcting that problem.  A piece entitled, “If Obama’s Amnesty Goes Through, Within 5 Years, America Is Finished (,” explains that, “there is no need for another phony, deceptive reform law.  Congress after Congress after Congress, many of them the same dirt bags in office over the decades, haven’t made any serious effort to lock down the borders or do what Eisenhower did:  deport millions of illegals.”  It can be done, it has been done, and it must be done again.  So why hasn’t it been done?

     The author of the piece accurately and correctly insists that in fact  those elected to defend our nation and the Constitution are, “cowards afraid of backlash by ethnic groups. . . .”  The writer is one hundred percent correct.  It’s got nothing to do with some bogus notion of humanity or compassion but rather it’s all about pandering and winning the next election.  What’s good and right for America is the farthest thing from their minds.  Rather, what’s good and right for them is first, foremost, and above all else.  They don’t seem to represent or speak for the beleaguered American citizen and those immigrants who are here legally.  Those who clamor for massive or blanket amnesty can in no way be deemed patriotic Americans but instead are saboteurs utterly and completely aware of both the intended and unintended consequences of their attitudes and actions.  They serve only to weaken our country and undermine our ability to do what is in the best interests of the United States and its citizens whom they are elected to represent, protect, and defend!

     Another piece entitled, “Will the GOP Commit Suicide by Amnesty? (,” deals with the same topic.  Author Patrick J. Buchanan explains that during, “President Eisenhower’s first term, 60 years ago, the United States faced an invasion across its southern border,” and noted that while illegal aliens had been coming here since World War ll, “suddenly the number was over 1 million.  Crime was rising in Texas.  The illegals were taking the jobs of U.S. farm workers.”  The problem of illegal immigration, then, is obviously nothing new but unlike today the solution was obvious and singularly effective.  Back then, “The Immigration and Naturalization Service launched Operation Wetback and began rounding up and deporting Mexican border-crossers by ship and by sea.  By the end of Ike’s second term, illegal entries had fallen by 90 percent.”

     By the way, can you imagine the reaction to anyone today who could even conceive of let alone publicly advocate something called “Operation Wetback”?  No one, but no one, has the BALLS to even think it let alone say it right out loud in front of God and everyone.  His personal and public life would come to a screeching and screaming halt, he would be villified as a bigot and racist, he would achieve instant pariah status, and the death threats would overwhelm dozens of hard drives.  Yet, for all of its political incorrectness Operation Wetback was a tremendous success and achieved its goal of drastically reducing the numbers of illegals coming to America thereby relieving many of the social, economic, and political problems attendant with massive numbers of illegal aliens inundating our nation.

     Can’t we replicate something similar today?  Absolutely not!  It has nothing to do with logistics or the mechanics of such an operation because it can be accomplished and it can be done efficiently and expeditiously.  It will, however, not be done because we no longer have the will or the fortitude to do it.  We have seemingly become a nation of cowards deathly afraid of offending anybody and everybody even if it means the outcome is dangerous and harmful to the country.  We are afraid of standing up for our own national interests and putting the good of America first and foremost, above all else.  The very thought of being labeled a racist or xenophobe leaves most Americans absolutely paralyzed with fear and guilt even though there is no reason for it.  Most of our politicians – our so-called leaders - are nothing more than craven cowards no matter what side of the aisle they occupy, and those of us out here who want to solve the problem of illegal immigration and regain control of our borders and sovereignty just grow more frustrated and angry as a very solvable problem only worsens.

     Buchanan continues that measured, “by population and gross national product, Eisenhower’s America was but half the size of today’s America.  Yet, in the 1950’s, we were in many ways a stronger and more self-confident country.”  In fact, we were supremely confident and sure of ourselves and we were unified as one people influenced and informed by our common heritage, customs, culture, and institutions.  We were proud of who and what we were.  Anything deemed harmful to America’s continued progress was simply not tolerated but was dealt with swiftly, surely, and decisively.  The piece notes that, “as for the deportation of the Mexicans, they had broken in, they did not belong here, and they were going back.  End of discussion.”  Yeah sure, we’ll be told.  That was then and this is now and such simplistic solutions no longer apply and cannot work in the ever-so sophisticated and complex America that is our country in 2014.

     The old standards simply no longer stand and we need new solutions for a new era.  We must write a new chapter in American history which might be appropriately titled, “Amnesty Destroys:  How Americans Sold Out Their Country For More Votes And Cheap Labor.”  The author explains that in this Age of American Gutlessness, “we are to stop using terms like illegal aliens, we are told.  For it shows insensitivity.  And compassion commands that we bring these folks out of the shadows and put them on a path to citizenship.”  Well, I agree.  I too want these illegals brought out of the shadows into the light of day so we can identify them and ROUND THEM UP!  I would like nothing more than to put them on a path – one that leads right back to wherever the Hell they came from!  How’s that for compassion and sensitivity?  Mr. Buchanan concludes by asking a particularly relevant question and one that folks like me have been pondering for years.  He asks, “What happened to putting our own country and people first?”  Yeah, I guess that’s just another one of those quaint notions that no longer fit.

     We all understand the myriad problems posed to this country by the flood of illegals that pour virtually unmolested across our borders.  We are all aware of the horrific effects that those hordes have had and will continue to have on the United States and the absolute threat they represent to our sovereignty and way of life.  Yet far too many amongst us favor granting amnesty to these people despite the drain they represent to our economy, our social services apparatus, our legal and penal systems, our educational system, our political system, and so much more.  A piece entitled, “Illegal Immigration Problems (,” catalogues only a partial list of those problems including but not limited to:  American job loss; depreciation of American wages; theft and depreciation of American taxpayer resources; overburdening healthcare resources; overburdening court and jail resources; illegal gangs and violence; identity theft; document fraud; aggressive political demands; supporting criminal culture; attracting more illegal immigrants to America; creating ethnic cleansing zones; engaging in human trafficking; increasing prostitution; degrading public sanitation; bypassing medical and contagious disease checks legal immigrants go through.  Remember, this constitutes but a partial list – merely the tip of the iceberg.  And yet, the debate over amnesty still rages throughout the land.  With all of the known deleterious effects of amnesty-open borders, there are still far too many in our midst who want it to become our nation’s official policy.

     Well, folks, just as there exists precedent for mass deportation of those who don’t belong here, so too exist precedent for granting them amnesty.  It is really nothing new and goes back to 1986.  A piece entitled, “Amnesty for Illegal Aliens (,” explains that in 1986, “Congress passed the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), which gave amnesty to all illegal aliens who had evaded law enforcement for at least four years or were working illegally in agriculture.”  This act was supposedly a one-time deal only that resulted in a blanket amnesty for about three million illegals.  Predictably, however, this act merely primed the pump for additional amnesties shortly thereafter.  Next we get the Amnesty Act of 1994 which was a temporary rolling amnesty for 578,000 illegal aliens which was followed by the Extension of Amnesty Act of 1997 which extended the 1994 rolling amnesty.  This was followed the same year by the Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act which pardoned nearly one million illegals from Nicaragua.  In 1998, we see the Haitian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act which granted forgiveness for some 125,000 illegals from Haiti.  Two years later we see The Late Amnesty of 2000 Act for roughly 400,000 illegals who felt they should have received amnesty back in 1986.  Finally, we get The Life Amnesty of 2000 Act which granted amnesty to approximately 900,000 additional folks who were here illegally.  Talk about giving away the store – well I guess!

     Still, the debate rages on.  The Democrats claim they have enough turn-coat Republicans in the House of Representatives to get an amnesty bill passed which will, of course, be rubber-stamped by the Democrat controlled Senate.  The President will then sign it and blanket amnesty will become the law of the land.  This, it seems to me, will spell the end of the United States and will signal America’s irreversible descent into permanent Third Worldism from which there will be no escape.  This is exactly what those on the Far Left want.  Those of the LFE have been assiduously working toward this end for decades and they are so close to realizing their goal that they seem to actually salivate at the very prospect of success.

     What would happen, I wonder, if by some absolute miracle, some return to sanity and a rekindling of our instinct for survival the proposed Democrat blanket amnesty bill was rejected by the Republican controlled House of Representatives?  I’m not at all expecting this outcome for I firmly believe that House Republicans will predictably cave to the pressures from the pro-amnesty forces among us.  What, however, would happen if these weak-kneed, jelly-spined, unprincipled buffoons actually grew a set, did the right thing for America, and rejected a blanket amnesty bill?  Nothing, absolutely nothing.  We’d have amnesty shoved down our throats anyway regardless of how many Americans don’t want it, oppose it, and realize just how dangerous it would be for our national interests.  You see, Obama doesn’t give a shit about what the American people want or what we deem important to the future of the United States.  Remember, we are not deemed capable or competent enough to make decisions regarding the future of the country.  That weighty task must be reserved only to those of our Far Left Elite who, in their infinite wisdom, shall decide how the rest of us will live our lives.

     Do you perhaps remember what our anti-American – in – Chief said the last time he faced serious Congressional opposition to one of his endless schemes to further weaken the United States?  He arrogantly insisted that he did not require approval from either Congress or the American people because he had his phone and his pen!  The phone would be used to intimidate and threaten possible opponents and the pen, of course, would be employed to sign yet another Executive Order which has the force of law.  We’ll simply get amnesty by fiat.  It’ll get shoved down our throats regardless of how many American don’t want it!  A piece entitled, “Did President Obama Grant Amnesty to Illegal Immigrants Without Congress? (,” explains that, “Congress hasn’t passed immigration legislation, but that hasn’t stopped President Obama from issuing directives that grant amnesty to illegal aliens.”

     The article goes on to note that the Saboteur – in –Chief issued yet another policy directive, “granting amnesty by default.  This latest directive instructs Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials not to enforce immigration laws in cases where an illegal alien is the primary provider for any minor child – regardless of that child’s immigration status – or the parent or guardian of a child who is a U.S. citizen or a legal permanent resident.”  Did you catch that?  Our very own Chief Executive has told his people to ignore existing laws and statutes that are already on the books!  This, by the way, constitutes an impeachable offense.  Our Presidents are not supposed to break our laws but, hey, it’s Obama and he has always placed himself above the law as befits his elite status!  The piece continues that, “President Obama has once again abused his authority and unilaterally refused to enforce our current immigration laws by directing U.S. Customs and Enforcement agents to stop removing broad categories of unlawful immigrants.”

     One way or another, folks, blanket amnesty is coming.  If Obama can get it done through the normal, accepted legislative process he will.  If he can’t however, that will certainly not stop him.  He will undoubtedly issue an Executive Order mandating blanket amnesty and once again the will of the American people and the welfare of the United States will have not only been ignored but virtually destroyed.  A piece entitled, “GOP Lawmakers Warn of Administration Plan to Grant Amnesty to Illegal Immigrants (,” sums it up succinctly and accurately by noting that, “Any attempt to force an amnesty on the American people using this underhanded method smacks of despotism.”  Do you for one moment believe that this will cause Obama and those on the Far Left even one sleepless night?

Much Luv Y’all and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)  

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