Monday, June 27, 2016

The United Nations Agenda 2030 Rant

     Not all that long ago, I penned a screed detailing and describing something called Agenda 21 (see the Agenda 21 rant of 7/18/12).  Simply put, that was nothing less than another attempt by the United Nations to destroy our country and, yes, it really is that simple and straightforward.  The United Nations and the majority of its member states hate, loathe, and despise America to the point of irrationality.  The whole damned place literally seethes and wreaks with a virulently rabid anti-Americanism.  Agenda 21’s primary engine of our destruction is environmental issues and environmentalism to usher in our demise.  The United States, as well as other developed Western nations, would be forced to comply with such strict and draconian regulations that our Free Market Capitalist socio-economic system would come to a screeching and grinding halt.  Our economy would be completely and utterly destroyed and our standard of living would plummet to the level of most Third-World Shithole nations that populate the UN’s General Assembly.  Agenda 21 dealt with America’s so called immense “carbon footprint” and set out to force us to comply with international standards that would cut that footprint down to levels acceptable to the New World Order contemplated by those America-hating thugs headquartered at New York City’s Turtle Bay.  Those scum-dogs at the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change obviously have not clue number one as to the crucial role played by Carbon Dioxide as it relates to life on our planet – all life.  Without CO2, life simply cannot exist for without it there is no oxygen – none.

     These bogus “scientists” are apparently not aware of the phenomenon known as photosynthesis which is something folks in my generation learned in ninth-grade General Science.  They likewise have no idea of the utterly crucial role played by so-called Greenhouse Gases in making life on the planet livable and tolerable.  They don’t comprehend that without this “Greenhouse Blanket” that envelopes the globe, the average temperature of the earth would soar to a balmy 140 degrees Fahrenheit!  These buffoons at the UN don’t know didley-squat about global warming, climate change, or any other damned thing that relates to the environment.  They have completely politicized science which is something real, serious scientists passionately abhor.  They have thoroughly eschewed the basics of the Scientific Method and replaced it with far, far Left propaganda.  This propaganda is used to brainwash the planet’s gullible and most vulnerable of the world’s population: the young and impressionable.  These Bastards cram this bilge down the throats and into the minds of the world’s young – including our own – until they are no longer capable of independent or creative thought.  The world’s youth have been taught that man himself is evil incarnate and that the United States epitomizes that evil like no other force in planetary history.  The world’s young are bamboozled and flim-flammed into believing that the only way to save Mother Earth is to bring the United States and other developed Western nations to its knees.  These phony fucks at the UN desperately want to destroy our entire way of life, our prosperity, and our standard of living and use this Agenda 21 gambit as a ploy to do so.  Tragically for us and the world, far too many so-called leaders buy into this bullshit.  Environmentalism has nothing at all to do with the environment but instead is used as a giant war club to bludgeon and punish us.  The totally bogus science of Catastrophic Climate Change is being employed to destroy the greatest, wealthiest, most powerful, and most generous of nations in the entire history of nations.

     This, then, brings us to the point of this particular rant.  The venal schemers at the United Nations have introduced and are implementing what’s known as Agenda 2030.  This latest UN debacle in no way replaces or supplants Agenda 21 but rather works in conjunction with it.  While Agenda 21 focused on environmental lies and distortions to destroy us, the new and improved Agenda 2030 focuses on everything else.  Seriously, there is virtually no aspect of human activity or endeavor that it doesn’t encompass.  Like Agenda 21, it is designed to do nothing but destroy the United States as historically founded and presently constituted.  A piece entitled, “The 2030 Agenda: This Month the UN Launches a Blueprint for a New World Order With the Help of the Pope (,” is revealing here.  The author notes that, “Agenda 21 was primarily focused on the environment, but the 2030 Agenda addresses virtually all areas of human activity.  It truly is a blueprint for global government.”  Global government?  You bet your ass!  The proponents of these bullshit agendas are nothing more than unabashed Globalists and One-Worlders.  They are all on the very far Left and want to see the planet’s population governed, ruled, and controlled by international bodies like the United Nations and the World Court.  There will be no more independent nation-states with their very own distinct borders, language, and culture.  No, you see, for these are merely antiquated relics and vestiges of the Old World Order and that will simply not stand in the 21st Century.

     Establishing a New World Order is, of course, nothing new.  It has been attempted at various times and places in world history.  Old Adolph gave it his best shot in the last century as did Hirohito and Tojo in the Pacific region.  Uncle Joe Stalin did his damndest as did China’s Mao.  They all wanted to usher in their particular visions of utopia and ended up causing the deaths of well over a hundred million souls as these fucking maniacs were busily establishing their versions of Heaven on Earth.  Whenever you hear the term New World Order, you should at the very least cringe and be very, very afraid.  In all the New World Orders ever proclaimed, there is no such thing as freedom, liberty, or autonomy.  Concepts like rugged individualism, self-reliance, and individual achievement based on merit are stamped out and destroyed.  Sacrificing all for the so-called Greater Good and prostrating oneself at the altar of authoritarianism and totalitarianism is seen as the highest of virtues.  George Orwell eloquently and presciently wrote about this in his ageless novel, 1984.  This is what these anti-American Humps at the United Nations want, desire, and require.

     They are, for the most part, Socialists, Communists, and tyrants and concepts like liberty and freedom are anathema to them.  They are threatened by these very Western cornerstones of civilization and brutally stamp them out whenever and wherever they rear their heads.  Well, if Agenda 2030 – and Agenda 21 – are really so threatening to our way of life, our traditions, and our institutions why do almost no Americans seem to be aware of it?  Have we become so fat, lazy, complacent, and satisfied that we can no longer recognize a threat to our existence?  Has our basic instinct for survival been so dulled and decimated that we can’t recognize or even perceive a threat to our way of life and survival as a sovereign, independent nation?  Apparently so.  As the author of the piece correctly notes, “the UN document promises that this plan will transform our world for the better by 2030, and yet very few Americans have even heard of the 2030 Agenda at this point.”  He’s absolutely right.  The vast majority of us have never heard of this Agenda 2030 thing.  He explains that instead, “most of us seem to be totally obsessed with the latest celebrity gossip or the nasty insults that our puppet politicians have been throwing around at one another.”  He continues that it, “absolutely amazes me that more people cannot understand that Agenda 2030 is a really, really big deal.  When will people finally start waking up?”  Damned good question, don’t you think?

     The Preamble to Agenda 2030 affords a look into the mindset of those who champion this Far Left scheme to destroy our national sovereignty and to diminish our individual freedoms, rights, and liberties.  Like so much about those who push global agendas on the rest of us, it sounds very high-minded and even altruistic.  It sounds extremely compassionate, caring, and humanistic.  Once we get past the flowery language and the euphemisms, however, it becomes obvious that it is really about nothing but total and absolute control over every and all aspects of life on the planet and that’s not an exaggeration.  This is precisely what the One-Worlders and Globalists envision as their ultimate goal.  It is the pinnacle of all their hopes, dreams, and aspirations.  To most of us “normal” folks, this sounds far too fantastic to be taken even slightly seriously.  These guys must be deranged and probably suffer from some form of debilitating mental illness.  This reaction is, of course, understandable and yet it is extremely dangerous.  To underestimate an enemy always is.  Not to recognize a threat means we are not prepared for it and being unprepared will always come back to bite you right in the ass!  Think Pearl Harbor.  Think the rise of Adolph Hitler after WW1.  America and the West in general were woefully unprepared.  We let our guard down and did not take the ranting and raving of maniacal enemies seriously and the consequences were devastating for America and the world.  It’s happening again in our own time.  Too many Americans as well as those in other developed Western nations did not take the threat of Islamic terrorism seriously.  How’d that work out for us?

     The same is true when it comes to schemes and plots like Agenda 2030.  The Preamble begins by explaining that, “this Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet, and prosperity.  It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom.  We recognize that eradicating poverty in all its form and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development.  All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan.”  Wow-Fucking-Wee!!  How great does this sound?  Talk about compassion.  Talk about utopia on earth.  Well, I guess so, until you analyze this Preamble rationally and clearly.  How, one wonders, will this thing called Agenda 2030 be implemented?  Exactly how will poverty finally and forever be eradicated?  How will universal peace be accomplished and this larger freedom become a reality?  Here’s a hint.  Re-read that last sentence dealing with all countries and stakeholders who, “will implement this plan.”  This is the language of coercion and force.  This is the language of a Statist-Authoritarian mindset.  This Preamble is Globalism writ large and has no regard whatsoever for the opinions, goals, and desires of anyone else.  There is no thought regarding national sovereignty or individual liberty and freedom for under the New World Order these antiquated concepts will have been destroyed.

     The Preamble goes on to say that we, “are resolved to free the human race from the tyranny of poverty and want and to heal and secure our planet.  We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path.”  Bold and transformative steps?  What might those steps entail?  Shift the world – how?  Apparently those who champion things like Agenda 2030 don’t feel obligated to answer questions like these.  We are simply expected to accept them at face value and not worry our fuzzy little heads about silly details like implementation and consequences.  Those who are far better and brighter than us will sweat the details and we peons must simply follow while they lead.  The author of the piece referenced above notes that Agenda 2030 claims to seek to, “foster human well-being, prosperity, peace and justice on a healthy planet and pursue respect for the human rights of all people and gender equality.”  Well, queries the author, “Who doesn’t dream of a world of peace and dignity for all?  They make it sound so wonderful and non-threatening.  They make it sound like we are about to enter a global utopia in which poverty and inequality will finally be eradicated.”  Yeah, they do make it sound grand don’t they?  Who could possibly object to such lofty and laudatory goals?  Just remember the Trojan Horse or that crafty wolf in sheep’s clothing.  Keep in mind concepts like Globalism and One-Worldism and you’ll be on track to understanding the real and very dangerous goals of those who support Agenda 2030.

     The Agenda 2030 crowd, as you may have noticed, are very fond of using words like sustainable or sustainable development.  It’s a catchy and pithy phrase.  Well, what could possibly be wrong with a concept like sustainable development?  How could sustaining development be a problem?  On the surface, it sounds like a positive thing.  It sounds like these folks are talking about something benign and even beneficial for mankind and especially for people who live in what’s called the undeveloped or under developed world.  It sounds like a plan to improve the lives of the planet’s poor and impoverished billions.  What could be bad?  Please be assured that if it is something proposed and championed by the anti-American Scum-Dogs at the United Nations, it is something purposely and deviously designed to harm this country.  There is absolutely no doubt about this.  The author of the piece asks, “What does sustainable development actually mean, and how does the UN plan ensure that it will be achieved globally?”  He explains that it is, “clear that the U.N. and its supporters see sustainable development as more than just a way to a cleaner environment.  They see it as the vehicle for creating a long-sought for new economic order or New World Order.”

     He continues that the, “environment is the perfect vehicle for the elite to use to bring in their version of utopia, because just about every form of human activity affects the environment in some way.  Ultimately, they hope to centrally plan and strictly regulate virtually everything that we do, and we will be told that it is necessary to save the planet.”  Under such a New World Order, “there wouldn’t be much room for individual liberty, freedom, or good old fashioned capitalism in the world that the elite are trying to set up.”  The article correctly posits that the, “promise is always the same – the elite swear that they have finally figured out how to create a perfect society without poverty or war.  But in the end all of these attempts at utopia always end up degenerating into extreme forms of tyranny.”  Even a cursory look back through world history proves the absolute truth of this last statement.  In the end, those who favor such dictatorial-authoritarian schemes like Agenda 2030, “want to fundamentally transform our planet, and the freedom that you are enjoying today is simply not acceptable.”  In addition, to the elite giving people liberty and freedom is dangerous because they believe that it hurts the environment and causes societal chaos.  According to their way of thinking, the only way to have the kind of harmonious utopia that they are shooting for is to tightly regulate and control what everyone is thinking, saying, and doing.  The piece correctly explains that, “their solutions always involve more central planning and more control in their own hands.”  Whenever you hear about such utopian endeavors as Agenda 2030, don’t be fooled or hoodwinked.  No matter how flowery and grandiose the language employed, always think in terms of euphemism.  These One-World Globalist Scum cannot openly and honestly tell you of their true intentions.  They must hide behind the façade of humanitarianism and good intentions.  They are only about power and control.  They are about destroying individual liberty and freedom and taking away our rights.  Agenda 2030, if implemented, is a serious attempt to destroy this country.

     The path to our destruction can be found by reading and understanding the seventeen central goals of Agenda 2030.  These goals are readily available to any and all who care to investigate.  As with so much of globalist propaganda, do not be fooled or hoodwinked by the language employed.  The goals and the rhetoric used to explain them sound uplifting, humanitarian, and so very altruistic but it’s also very, very dangerous.  A piece entitled, “The United Nations 2030 Agenda Decoded: It’s a Blueprint for the Global Enslavement of Humanity Under the Boot of Corporate Masters (,” recognizes this and explains that the ultimate aim of Agenda 2030 is, “centralized government control and totalitarian mandates that resemble communism.”  Additionally, “The document describes nothing less than a global government takeover of every nation across the planet.”  That’s quite an ambitious undertaking and most reasonable people would dismiss those who advocate Agenda 2030 as utopian dreamers and pie-in-the-sky wishful thinkers.  To do so, however, is to seriously underestimate just how determined they actually are.  With that said, let’s take a look at Agenda 2030’s stated goals and try to analyze their meaning.  We will also have to think about how these goals will be implemented because this is not explained by the, “2030iers.”

GOAL #1:  End Poverty In All Its Forms Everywhere:  Well now, that’s certainly a goal worth shooting for but it’s hardly original.  Every form of Socialism, Communism, or Authoritarianism has promised to accomplish this and all have failed miserably.  Exactly how will this goal be realized by the One-Worlders at the United Nations?  There’s really only one way to do this: massive redistribution of wealth on a global scale.  Take from the developed, industrialized, and wealthy nations on the planet and give that stolen loot to the world’s undeveloped and desperately poor countries that have failed to adequately and properly provide for their populations.

GOAL #2:  End Hunger, Achieve Food Security And Improved Nutrition And Promote Sustainable Agriculture:  Another good one.  Who could possibly object to this?  Anyone who doesn’t agree is obviously one cold-hearted, mean-spirited Son of a Bitch!  Once again, however, the question of how this goal is to be accomplished is simply not addressed.  The fact that only way to implement these lofty and idealistic aims is through the use of force and coercion.  The Grand Masters of Globalism who advocate a One-World system will dictate how success is to be achieved and the rest of us dolts will simply follow like good and obedient sheep being led to slaughter.

GOAL #3:  Ensure Healthy Lives And Promote Well-Being For All At All Ages:  How does one “ensure” all of this?  This has been a constant theme running through much of world history and it has never been fully realized and implemented.  It’s crucially important to note that those nations that have come closest to succeeding in bringing Goal #3 to fruition are those that have adopted a Free Market Capitalist model.  Think the United States and other Western, developed nations.  We all know, or at least we should, how those dictatorial thugs at the UN feel about us.  They will never adopt our model or follow our example but will invariably blame us when Goal #3 is not realized.

GOAL #4:  Ensure Inclusive And Equitable And Quality Education And Promote Lifelong Learning Opportunities For All:  Yeah, right!  All you need to do to put the lie to this goal is take even a cursory look at education and learning opportunities as they exist in the large majority of the UN’s member nations.  In these nations where grinding and deadly poverty is the norm, quality education and lifelong learning are not and cannot be a top priority.  These poor bastards are struggling to survive on a daily basis and learning in such an environment can only be considered a luxury, an impossible dream.  Additionally, an entire block of the UN membership is governed by Strict Sharia Law and, therefore, the concept of universal education will never be realized.

GOAL #5:  Achieve Gender Equality And Empower All Women And Girls:  Forget it.  Gender equality and empowering women and girls is no more than a fantasy and a pipe dream in the Muslim world where strict Sharia Law reigns supreme.  In addition, in those countries whose populations exist on the equivalent of less than two dollars a day, survival not equality trumps all else.  Gender equality is not even a blip on the radar.

GOAL #6:  Ensure Availability And Sustainable Management Of Water And Sanitation For All:  Sounds good, doesn’t it?  Agenda 2030 will ensure the planet’s seven billion inhabitants clean, potable H20 and modern sanitation that will reduce disease and death around the globe. I wonder how that’s going to happen given the fact that so many of the UN’s member nations are no more than Thugocracies whose leaders couldn’t give a flying rat’s ass about the health and well-being of their populations?

GOAL #7:  Ensure Access To Affordable, Reliable, Sustainable And Modern Energy For All:  This is simply an attack on the use of fossil fuels.  It is a blatant move toward so-called Green Energy.  It is an attack on the oil industry, the coal industry, and the practice of fracking.  It sounds wonderful – modern energy for all but it is no more than an attack on the United States and the amazing, unrivaled Free Market System that has made us the envy of the world.  If these One-Worlders and Globalists at the UN are serious about realizing Goal #7, they would be wise to follow and adopt our model rather than attempting to destroy it in favor of other systems that have never worked.

GOAL #8:  Promote Sustained, Inclusive And Sustainable Economic Growth, Full And Productive Employment And Decent Work For All:  This comes straight out of the old Communist Manifesto which was the basis for the birth of the Soviet Union.  This same principle can also be seen in Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 2nd Bill of Rights.  The Soviet Union is dead as are something like fifty million of its citizens who died while the Communists attempted to realize Goal #8.  Whenever you see such terms as “sustainable economic growth” or “decent work for all” you are in the presence of Socialists, Communists, and others who advocate the adoption of completely failed systems that have been responsible for creating nothing but untold misery, death, and destruction.

GOAL #9:  Build Resilient Infrastructures, Promote Inclusive And Sustainable Industrialization And Foster Innovation:  Yes indeed.  Another lofty and laudable sentiment but that’s all it is.  There is no attention paid as to how such a goal will be implemented.  It is just one more example of utopian wishful thinking.  It’s no more than “feel goodism” run amok.  It constitutes symbolism over substance which is one of the hallmarks of Socialism.  Just come up with the right slogan or hash-tag and pound it into the heads of a captive and unwitting population and you never have to sweat such pesky little details as feasibility and implementation.

GOAL #10:  Reduce Inequality Within And Among Countries:  Okey-Dokey.  This is simply another fleece the rich scam.  Take from those individuals and nations who have been successful and transfer wealth to individuals and nations who have failed to achieve.  Punish the productive and reward the unproductive on a personal and international level.  This is nothing more than a redistributive scheme on a global scale and it is guaranteed to do nothing more than increase worldwide poverty and misery.  Rather than espouse and advocate policies and programs that will uplift poor individuals and poverty stricken nations, the Agenda 2030 mob would much prefer to bring the successful down.  The whole take from the rich and give to the poor paradigm is merely the Robin Hood mystique on steroids.  Remember folks, that no matter how old Robin has been romanticized in the end he was just a thief.  The difference here is that the Agenda 2030 goons are thieves on a global scale.

GOAL #11:  Make Cities And Human Settlements Inclusive, Safe, Resilient And Sustainable:  You know what this translates into? Pretty simple, really.  It’s called, “Katie, bar the fucking door!”  It means confiscating all guns owned by private citizens.  The only firearms left will be carried and authorized by government.  In the New World Order envisioned by the Agenda 2030 Statists, the average citizen will be completely defenseless, unarmed, and vulnerable.  This, by the way, is nothing new.  When Mr. Hitler came to power in Germany, the very first thing he did was to confiscate all civilian owned firearms.  Senor Fidel did the same thing in Cuba as did Mao and Uncle Joe in their time and place.  An unarmed population is a defenseless population and one of the consistent themes running throughout the anti-American Agenda 2030 is the old bogey-man of gun control.

GOAL #12:  Ensure Sustainable Consumption And Production Patterns:  Translation?  Sure thing.  It’s a direct attack on the United States and our superb, unrivalled Free Market Capitalist system that has created the wealthiest and most successful nation in the history of the planet.  You see, we Americans spend too much and what we purchase adversely affects every single inhabitant of the entire Third World.  We are so opulent, so wealthy that we must be punished for our success.  It’s simply not fair that we have so much while the under-developed nations of the world have so little.  This simply won’t do.  Even the poorest among us possess flat-screen TV’s, stereos, and late model automobiles.  Why we even have clean hot and cold running water, adequate housing, indoor plumbing, and enough food to eat.  Well, that’s just not fair and has to change!  We must be punished in the form of confiscatory taxation on everything from oil, gas, and coal right down to our tooth brushes.  Why, after all, should we greedy Americans be able to afford good, effective dental hygiene while so many the world over are toothless?  We must reduce our standard of living to the level of all those Third World Shithole nations out there who have virtually nothing.  Welcome to Agenda 2030!

GOAL #13:  Take Urgent Action To Combat Climate Change And Its Impacts:  Well, here we go again.  Global warming, catastrophic climate change, carbon dioxide, ozone depletion, rising sea levels, species depletion, and on and on and on.  It’s phony science – all of it and there’s not one single iota of truth in the entire anthropomorphic global warming flimflam.  It’s just another scheme to literally tax us to death and destroy the highest standard of living ever witnessed on the planet.

GOAL #14:  Conserve And Sustainably Use The Oceans, Seas And Marine Resources For Sustainable Development:  The Agenda 2030 crowd wants to ban ocean fishing both for commercial and recreational purposes.  It’s another attempt to destroy an important American industry, create more unemployment, and a shortage of a vital food source for literally billions of folks worldwide.  This, obviously, will create even more dependence on government that we’ve already seen far too much of.  In the Agenda 2030 mindset, the more government dependence that exists out there, the less personal freedom, autonomy, and initiative is possible.  In the minds of these authoritarian types, the less liberty that exists means that it will be that much easier to establish a one-world government that will demand and enforce total fealty to its will and dictates.  Welcome to the New World Order!

GOAL #15:  Protect, Restore And Promote Sustainable Use Of Terrestrial Ecosystems, Sustainably Manage Forests, Combat Desertification, And Halt And Reverse Land Degradation And Halt Biodiversity Loss:  Goal #15 sounds like something right out of Green Peace or an organization known as Earth First.  These two groups, as well as others, claim to be environmentalist outfits and desperately want to save Mother Earth from the ravages of evil mankind.  Agenda 2030 wants virtually all development to cease and desist immediately.  It is a plan to force human beings off the land and into tightly packed urban centers.  Goal #15 advocates criminalizing all private land ownership which would include ranches and farms.  This constitutes nothing less than blatant ant-Americanism and is an outright attack on our very way of life.  It also means the death of the vaunted and fabled American Dream which has been the vehicle for success for so many native and foreign born Americans.  To destroy it means to destroy everything the United States stands for and represents.

GOAL #16:  Promote Peaceful And Inclusive Societies For Sustainable Development, Provide Access To Justice For All And Build Effective, Accountable Institutions At All Levels:  Once again, how will this be accomplished?  What happens to those who disagree with the concept of inclusive societies?  Does that term mean that everyone is to be equally included in America?  This would render the entire concept of American citizenship meaningless and useless.  It also means an end to the entire idea of American national sovereignty as well as American Exceptionalism.  This is Globalism.  This is One-Worldism.  This is what Agenda 2030 and the United Nations are all about.

GOAL #17:  Strengthen The Means Of Implementation And Revitalize The Global Partnership For Sustainable Development:  The key words here are, “strengthen the means of implementation.”  This is Liberal-Speak for draconian measures to be used to make sure that Agenda 2030 is rammed down the throats of every man, woman, and child on the planet.  Force and coercion are the instruments to be used to literally subjugate humanity to the will of tyrants and dictators.  We will have no individual rights and freedoms.  We will have no choices or options.  We will obey.  We will be subservient and God help anyone who objects.  Big Brother has indeed arrived.

     The author of the piece opines that, “this UN agenda is going to be forced upon all the citizens of the world through the invocation of government coercion.  Nowhere does this document state that the rights of the individual will be protected.”  Additionally, Agenda 2030 does not even recognize, “the existence of human rights granted to individuals by the Creator.”  Finally, the author concludes that the, “UN is planning nothing less than a global government tyranny that enslaves all of humanity while calling the scheme sustainable development and equality.”

     Yeah, I know.  This sounds like just a bunch of really bad fiction or the ravings and rantings of some insane lunatic with yet another scheme to take over the world.  We’ve seen and heard it all before and anyone who takes it even remotely seriously needs to have himself committed.  People who believe this loopy shit need just as much help as those who devised and wrote these seventeen goals, right?  Nope, exactly wrong.  Whenever a potential enemy flat out tells you of his intentions, you damned well better take it seriously and act accordingly.  No one took Adolph Hitler very seriously even after he wrote and published Mein Kampf in which he told the world exactly what he intended to do.  No one took him seriously until, of course, it was too late.  These Sons-A-Bitches at the United Nations are broadcasting their evil intentions and they are not being taken seriously.  I have repeatedly urged that we “resign” our membership in that venal institution and that the UN should be thrown out of the United States.  It’s really time we sent these anti-American Bastards packing.  They are here in our country and they are hatching plans and plots to destroy us.  Would you permit this on a personal level in your own life?  Would you invite people into your own home who have threatened to kill you and burn your house to the ground?  Of course not.  Why, then, do we permit enemies of our country to do that very same thing?  Make no mistake here.  This is exactly what the majority of the UN membership wants.  They want to bring this greatest of nations to its knees, destroy our institutions and traditions, and bring an end to America’s influence in the world.

     These anti-American saboteurs at the United Nations are not merely flying blind here but rather have tried and true patterns to follow.  Their examples are the Socialist forms of government that exist and have existed all over the world.  As referenced earlier, one of the key elements in all Socialist models is this concept of wealth redistribution, a prime proponent of which is our very own Socialist-in-Chief Barry Boy Obama.  He is our current reincarnation of Robin Hood and he puts the legendary archer to shame.  Old Robin was a mere piker when stacked up against the current occupant of the White House – a rank amateur!  Wealth redistribution under Barrack Hussein’s guiding and destructive hand has been elevated to an art form.  Everything he has done has had the effect of shrinking-destroying our great middle class upon which our economic success has depended for over two centuries.  It has always been the middle class which has been the backbone of our country’s strength and wealth.  At every turn, Obama has literally gutted our private sector by trillions of dollars and transferred that wealth to the government.  Once the government gets its hands on the loot, it can no longer be used to grow the economy.  New start-ups can’t get off the ground while existing businesses, both large and small, can’t grow and become more successful.  This means that new jobs are not created because business can’t afford to hire.  Fewer and fewer people enter the workforce and existing workers are let go.  Unemployment rises and will continue to do so under the reign of our anti-Capitalist, anti-Free Market leader.  When he smugly declares that the unemployment rate has dropped to something like 5%, he lies – but that’s what he’s good at.  The real unemployment rate stands at something over 20% but you’ll never see that figure in the main-stream media.  Did you know that there are at this very moment approximately ninety-five million Americans between the ages of sixteen and sixty-six who cannot find work and a large proportion of them have become so discouraged that they have simply stopped looking for employment? This is what happens when wealth is stolen from the private sector – the productive sector – and placed in the public sector.  It’s called redistribution.  It’s bad enough – even tragic – that it’s happening in our country at the behest and design of our leaders, but the advocates of Agenda 2030 plan to do this on a world-wide scale.  By the time these destroyers are finished, there will be no middle class left anywhere on the planet.  An elite few will control the world’s wealth and resources while the rest of the population lives in dire and desperate poverty and depends on government for all of its wants and needs.  This is truly slavery.  There’s other word for it.

     A piece entitled, “Private Property Ownership – The First American Right to Die Under Barrack Obama’s Tyranny (, is useful here.  It begins by noting that, “This past September the United Nations made a big deal of its new 2030 Agenda as it vows to eliminate poverty by 2030,” and correctly maintains that, “of course, the only remedy offered in any UN policy is redistribution of wealth.”  There it is, folks.  The author of the article nailed it.  He continues, “that means taking from those who created their wealth (wealth translates to whatever amount you may have in your pocket or bank account at the time) and give a portion to someone who has failed to create their own wealth.”  Well now, that’s not quite the way it works in the UN’s version of Heaven on Earth.  You see, if I have created wealth and I voluntarily of my own free will decide to give some of it to people who are less fortunate than myself, that’s perfectly fine.  This is called charity and over the centuries Americans are famous for being the most generous and charitable people the planet has ever seen.  Under Obama and the tyrants who advocate Agenda 2030, our wealth will be taken from us whether we like it or not.  This is nothing less than government force and coercion.  It is certainly not a charitable donation.  The problem with Agenda 2030 as laid out here is that whenever this has been done it leads to a crippling dependence on government to provide for the wants and needs of its population.  This is flat-out tyranny and we are headed in that direction.  Dependency must lead to a loss of individual freedom, liberty, and choice.  It always does and this is what the Globalists and One-Worlders desperately need and desire.  It’s their governing-ruling philosophy.

     What I find so appalling is that those who advocate plots and schemes like Agenda 2030 know that its stated goal of eradicating poverty worldwide is nothing more than an out and out lie.  It’s not merely a well-intentioned wish gone wrong but rather a purposeful attempt to keep the poor in perpetual poverty with absolutely no hope of improving their lot or condition in life.  If these dissembling Statists at the United Nations were really attempting to end or reduce poverty across the globe, they’d be advocating the worldwide adoption of Free Market Capitalism.  This is the only socio-economic system that has consistently allowed people to lift themselves out of poverty and offered hope for a better future for themselves and their families.  It’s worked everywhere and every time it’s been tried anywhere in the world.  If these Socialist thugs at the United Nations were truly serious about bettering the lives of their populations, they’d follow the example of the United States.  Do they do this?  Of course not.  Prosperity for their populations is not the goal here.  Hope and optimism for those they rule are not uppermost on their minds when they get up in the morning.  Absolute and total control is the ultimate goal and creating complete dependency is their modus operendi.  Agenda 2030 is tailor-made to do exactly that.

     The piece referenced above correctly insists that, “the missing ingredient in these so-called solutions is a plan to actually help people build their own wealth.  Take just a small amount today to feed someone in need and tomorrow they will need more.  Again and again and again.”  We all know the old tale about giving a man a fish as opposed to teaching him how to fish.  Socialist plots like Agenda 2030 teaches and fosters nothing but more poverty, fear, and dependence.  It does not teach self-reliance or self-sufficiency because it is purposely designed not to do so.  The author of the article also recognizes something that is more than just a little obvious.  When governments punish the successful, there will be less success.  Confiscating wealth from those who have earned it and rewarding those who haven’t puts a nation on a sure path to disaster.  Economic ruin is guaranteed by adopting such policies as Agenda 2030 for there can be no other result.  The author explains that taking from, “a producer time and time again will cause two results.  First, the producers eventually lose their wealth.  If government takes enough then the person who once had wealth will have none and will in fact need assistance themselves.”  This, of course, leads to more poverty, not less.  Additionally, “the producer will finally learn that it is a waste of time to keep trying to produce and will stop producing.”  This too leads to increased poverty instead of increased prosperity.  This is exactly where our Dear Leader has taken our country and exactly where Agenda 2030 will take the world.

     All of these Socialist machinations depend on one key factor without which they would glean little if any support.  The essential ingredient for success lies with the nation’s – and the world’s – youth.  Starting literally with Pre-K, our young folks are totally brainwashed and inundated with Liberal indoctrination which follows them right on through high school and university.  It just doesn’t end.  By the time our young ‘uns reach early adulthood they have lost the ability to think creatively or independently.  Instead, they are taught to blindly follow the lead of Liberal ideologues who euphemistically call themselves “teachers.”  They are not teachers but can be more accurately referred to as propagandists.  Like all those who are part of the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite), they loathe and despise our country and want to tear it asunder.

     They truly believe that the United States has been nothing but a force for evil in the world and we must be made to pay for our past and current sins against both humanity and the planet.  These are the folks in charge of our educational system and have been since at least the 1960’s.  This has harmed America in myriad ways and its long-term effects have been devastating.  We have now raised generations of American youth who do not love America, its accomplishments, or the immeasurable ways we have improved the lot of mankind.  A country whose youth who have not been taught its real and true history is indeed in decline.  It is the youth of a nation who will one day be its leaders and will, in turn, pass down to the next generation our history, traditions, and institutions.  Unless, of course, they have been taught to loathe and despise them.

     An article entitled, “UN Agenda 2030: A Recipe for Global Socialism (,” speaks directly to this point.  The piece points out that, “any plan for building international socialism would be lacking without also targeting the next generation with global-socialist propaganda.  And so an entire goal of Agenda 2030 is devoted to ensuring that all children, everywhere, are transformed into what the UN calls agents of change, ready to push forward the plan for the new global order.”  Well, I wonder how many of us have viewed children as so-called agents of change?  The Agenda proclaims that, “children and young women and men are critical agents of change and will find in the new goals a platform to channel their infinite capacities for activism into the creation of a better world.”  The question here, of course, is a better world for whom?  Remember, advocates of such things as Agenda 2030 are Liberal elitists.  They are Statists and Authoritarian in the extreme and care not even slightly about us mere, inconsequential commoners.  We are too stupid and base to make decisions for ourselves let alone for the nation and the world.  We must follow the lead of our “betters” without comment or complaint.  We must never question and never doubt.  We are expected to do nothing but obey our Globalist-Socialist masters as they gleefully destroy every vestige of America’s greatness and exceptionalism.

     The piece continues that the, “sort of activists that the UN hopes to make your children into is also explicitly defined in the agreement.”  Agenda 2030 will ensure that, “all learners will acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship, and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.”  I’ll tell ya, all of this sustainability crap is giving me a fucking migraine!  We need an expert in Liberal-Speak and Gobledy-Gook to understand this utter nonsense.  Suffice it to say that it is extremely dangerous and is thoroughly and definitively anti-American in tone and timbre.  The author continues that considering, “what the UN means by sustainable development – population control, central planning, global governance, and more – the agenda for your children takes on an even more sinister tone.”  The author notes that, “global citizenship in the new order will be accomplished via what the UN misleadingly refers to as education.”  In fact, “throughout the agreement, the UN openly advocates the use of schools to indoctrinate all of humanity into a new set of values, attitudes, and benefits in preparation for the new green and sustainable world order.”  The piece darkly but accurately posits that other parts of Agenda 2030, “include the loss of our national independence and freedom that the rise of global governance and global socialism would surely entail.”

     If we continue to follow the lead of insidious organizations like the United Nations and our home-grown Liberal Saboteurs the United States is doomed.  We are indeed looking at our own demise and yet very few among us seem to recognize this immutable fact.  America as we have known, loved, and cherished it is disappearing before our very eyes.  Once a nation’s youth has been corrupted, once the young have been taught to loathe and despise their own country, the fate of the nation is sealed!

Much Luv Y’all and Have A great Day.
The Fifth Horseman
(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)            


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