Saturday, October 29, 2016

America’s Grievance Culture-Industry Rant

     American society is coming undone.  It is unraveling with blinding speed and there are those out here, including myself, who feel that the destruction has come close to reaching the point of no return.  There are those of us who look around our country and wonder whatever happened to the concept of E Pluribus Unum?  I’ve never seen our country this divided, fractious, and polarized.  Group and/or identity politics rules the day and there seems to be little if any grounds for optimism or unification.  There exists in our nation today so many factions and disparate entities that even the task of merely identifying all of them is at best daunting and at worst virtually impossible.  It seems as though everyone is permanently pissed off at everything and every body.  I get the very distinct feeling that this has become the so-called “new norm” and that in the minds of far too many, it’s the way things should and must be.  The idea of compromise, of listening to the other side, and reaching some sort of middle ground where no one gets everything but everyone gets something has been replaced by an all or nothing attitude that leaves absolutely no room for anything but total victory or total defeat.  It’s an all or nothing mentality that must by definition exacerbate rather than ameliorate the problems facing our nation be they real or imagined.  This “us” against “them” mindset and attitude can only lead to further division and discord and it’s getting to the point that calling ourselves the United States of America is fast becoming a grotesque oxymoron.  We are anything but united and are growing less so with every passing year.

     In fact, the only point of unity I can seem to find between and among the various and sundry “groups” that exist in America today is that each and every one of them claims to be highly aggrieved and their particular grievances far outweigh whatever grievances are claimed by other groups that endlessly compete for the title of, “Most Highly Aggrieved And Put Upon!”  To be aggrieved in 21st Century America seems to be a particularly coveted status and is worn as both a badge of honor and courage.  The more “aggrieved” one is perceived as being, the more face-time one garners on both network and cable outlets.  The more “aggrieved” a group is perceived as being, the more federal and private dollars flow into the coffers of that group’s treasury.  Achieving the status of “aggrieved” seems to be a growth industry in modern-day America and virtually guarantees appearances on the TV talk show circuit as well as photo-ops in the nation’s most popular tabloids.

     I began an attempt at making a simple list of groups and the grievances they claim as their own and discovered that it’s literally an impossible task.  It seems that everyone wants to climb aboard the Grievance Bandwagon and make as much noise as possible in order to publicize their unfair treatment by the “other”.  Well, let’s see.  We can start with those groups and individuals that claim and are accorded what has come to be termed “minority status”.  It used to be, all those years ago, that being in the minority was not particularly enviable.  Those in the smaller numbers were treated shall we say differently from the mainstream majority and were often treated unfairly and unequally.  It was to their advantage, then, to assimilate as quickly and as thoroughly as possible.  There was a tremendous and understandable desire and urgency to fit in – to blend – with mainstream America and to downplay whatever differences existed between the majority and minority.  That, however, seems no longer to be the case.  Each separate identity group in our country today seems to revel in their status a “different”.  Each of these groups and the individuals therein apparently relishes the concept that they are indeed different from those in the so-called mainstream and go out of their way to highlight and underscore said differences.  They seem to take great pride in constantly pointing out that they are not like “us” and have absolutely no desire to be.  They seem to stand proudly on the Pedestal of the Aggrieved and take great delight and comfort in constantly blaming the rest of “us” for whatever real or imagined trials and tribulations that confront them.

     So, who are, “they?”  Well, of course, we can point to those who are and have been, “racially aggrieved.”  You know, the constant and never-ending Black-White Thing that has seemingly been with us since at least forever and shows no sign of abating in the near or distant future.  The latest incarnation of the Racial Divide is this whole BLM (Black Lives Matter) phenomenon that is currently sweeping across America to the detriment of black lives, white lives, brown lives, yellow lives and in fact to all lives.  Other minorities, of course, need to assert their aggrieved status.  These would include but are certainly not limited to our Hispanic or Latino brothers and sisters who, they say, are constant targets of bigotry and racism.  For information regarding this aggrieved minority, just Google “La Raza” and you’ll get quite an education.  Let us not, of course, forget the grievances claimed by the “fairer sex” in America today.  For many years – since at least the 1960’s – women have felt discriminated against by the male portion of the population.  It’s gotten to the point where far too many women view men as the enemy.  They are constantly portrayed as brutal throwbacks and misanthropes only one step removed from our primitive cave man days.  Groups like the National Organization for Women (NOW) claim they want to be treated equally and fairly but this simply isn’t so.  They don’t want equality and parity but rather they desire power and superiority.  There is a huge difference between demanding equal status and demanding total dominance over a perceived enemy.

     Additionally, we must not fail to mention those aggrieved members of the various and sundry sexual preference groups that are constantly flaunting their displeasure at how unfair life in America has become.  We used to have only the homosexual (oops, I mean Gay) vs. the heterosexual divide to pay attention to but it has become far more complicated than that in recent decades.  Now, we must worry about how lesbians are put upon and picked on and we certainly can’t ignore the trials and tribulations of our bi-sexual and trans-gender minorities among us.  It must be excruciating, for example, to have been born a man but to feel way down deep that you’re a woman.  How about those unfortunate, tortured souls who were born female but “identify” with the male gender?  Oh, how they must suffer!  What public bathroom, for example, should they use?  Well, that depends upon which gender you identify with on any given day.  Hey, how about this as a general rule of thumb?  If you have breasts and a vagina – it’s the ladies room for you.  If you are possessed of a penis and testacles – you’re going to the men’s room!  How’s that for simplicity itself?

     Let’s keep going and try to identify still more aggrieved identity groups sprouting up all over the national landscape.  How about all those immigrants – both legal and illegal – and their allies in the Open Borders Crowd?  They, of course, are opposed by those among us who want a sane, rational, and comprehensible policy of immigration that respects our borders, language, and culture as well as our sovereignty.  Those in this camp believe that a nation’s immigration policies should and must put the country’s best interests first, foremost, and always.  The well-being of prospective immigrants must always be at best secondary to this nationalistic goal and ideal.  We must not, of course, fail to mention the seemingly growing schism between and among the various religious groups and movements residing within our borders.  For some reason, for example, members of the Roman Catholic version of Christianity have been increasingly stigmatized, criticized, and singled out over the last few decades.  Those belonging to any branch of the Jewish faith have for literally thousands of years been singled out and targeted by religious bigots worldwide, including the United States.  Muslims, of course, because of ties to Radical Islam have had a particularly rough time of it since 9-11 but for reasons of political correctness must never be criticized in any manner, shape, or form.  To do so would invariably lead to charges of bigotry, racism, and Islamophobia.

     I’m sure that the list of aggrieved identity groups in our country could go on ad infinitum but the examples presented thus far clearly and unambiguously serve to highlight a glaring and dangerous flaw in America’s fairly recent past.  Far too many of us out here no longer think of ourselves as American first but instead as whatever grievance or identity group with which they identify.  You ever ask someone the seemingly innocuous question, “What are you?”  The answers are both predictable and disturbing.  You’ll get all kinds of responses depending upon where first loyalties reside.  “I’m Polish,” or, “I’m Italian,” or, “I’m Hispanic.”  We’ve all heard this and so much more.  “I’m gay (if one is out of the so-called closet),” or, “I’m Muslim,” or, “I’m black and/or African-American.”  Do you see the problem here?

     Whenever I’m asked that question, my answer is always and invariably, “I’m an American!”  I say it with tremendous pride, love, and reverence and I’m not even one iota the least bit ashamed of it or embarrassed by it!  I understand that I was lucky enough to have been born into the greatest country God ever gave mankind and I am forever grateful for it.  Do we have our faults?  Certainly.  Can we do better as a nation and a people?  Absolutely.  When I look around the planet, however, I come to one glaring and overwhelming conclusion.  There’s simply no other place I’d rather have been born and no other place I’d rather live, spend my life, and raise my family.  No place on earth at any time in history can possibly compare to the United States on any meaningful level by any meaningful measure.  Apparently, at least tens upon tens upon tens of millions of immigrants – both legal and illegal – agree with me or they wouldn’t be so willing and eager to leave everything they have ever known and insist upon coming to our country.  Pride in country, nationalism if you will, is absolutely necessary for a nation’s continued existence, progress, and prosperity.  There is no denying or getting around that simple fact.
Nationalism has been the glue that has over the centuries bound us together as one people and one nation.  Being Americans and being for America first has been a common thread throughout our history and has held us together as a strong, confident, proud, and optimistic entity.  A firm and resolute belief in the very real concept of American Exceptionalism has given us a sense of purpose and unity without which we could not have possibly risen to the status of the world’s greatest, most powerful, wealthiest, and most generous nation in the history of history.  There has never been a country like ours and in all likelihood there will never, ever be one again.  It just ain’t gonna happen!

     I fear, however, that over the last fifty to sixty years that crucial element of nationalism, of pride in country, has been drastically eroded and that, in fact, we are becoming “Balkanized” (see The Balkanization of America Rant of 3/20/13).  We seem to be quickly splintering into a dizzying array of groups and disparate interests that is completely antithetical to a spirit of unity, cohesion, and common purpose.  If this continues unabated – and I’m convinced that it will – then this great nation, this shining light and beacon to the world, will cease to exist as historically founded and presently constituted.  When that happens, the world will become far much worse than it is today.  Without American strength and leadership, the planet will become even more dangerous, chaotic, and unpredictable than it is at present.

     What, then, has caused this drastic sea-change in our country which has gone from a nation united and steadfast in purpose and resolve to a country that is largely characterized by seemingly insurmountable division and discord?  What has turned a proud and united nation into a squabbling den of various groups and special interests that have absolutely no desire to get along with one another?  What has happened to that glue of nationalism and patriotism that led this country to greatness?  What has become of the real and quite palpable notion of America first?  Why is it so rapidly disappearing?  To my mind, the overwhelming reason for the country’s downward spiral is Liberalism run amok.  The Liberals among us make no effort to hide the fact that they loathe and despise the United States as historically founded and presently constituted.  Their disdain for and dissatisfaction with the United States literally oozes from their very pores.  They mean to turn this nation into some form of Socialist “paradise” in which government is a top down affair and unlimited in scope, size, and power and so intrusive that it is involved in every and all aspects of the lives of the citizenry.  Those members of the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite) do not and cannot trust the average citizen to make proper decisions regarding their own lives let alone decisions that involve our nation and its future.  No, no.  We little folks must trust our “betters” to make those weighty decisions regarding the life and direction of our country.  We are expected to relinquish all of our rights and power to a massive and centralized federal government.

     This, of course, goes completely against the tide of our Founding and history, so how best for the LFE to accomplish its goal of literally destroying our nation and completely undermining our long held and cherished institutions, traditions, and customs?  Well, it’s an old tactic but one that has proved successful over the centuries: divide and conquer.  These anti-Americans purposely and strategically pit groups of Americans against one another in an effort to create as much discord and division as possible.  They do not want a united, proud, and patriotic population that feels blessed to live in the United States.  They desire as much disunity, confusion, and friction between and among the disparate groups and entities in our country as they can possibly foment and foster.  They want this country to become so mired down in the internal quagmire they create that both local and state governments become so overwhelmed as to be completely dysfunctional and incapable of performing basic responsibilities like keeping the peace and protecting life and property.  When local and state entities become hopelessly overwhelmed, there remains only one solution: call in the federal government to solve the problems and restore order and stability.  This is a tactic espoused by two Columbia University professors way back in the 1960’s.  It is called the Cloward-Praven Principle and has been championed by the likes of Saul Alynsky who authored his Rules for Radicals all those years ago.

     This tactic has been expertly employed by the Liberals and the Far Left in America and there exist no better examples of its adherents than our current Divider-in-Chief and his successor-wannabe Hillary Rodham.  Both of these saboteurs have no desire to merely govern but rather they want to rule with the proverbial iron fist.  They care not one whit about the will of the people and the concept of limited government responsible to the citizens who elected it is just something they just can’t wrap their Socialist, anti-American little minds around.  Our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and especially our Bill of Rights are viewed only as obstacles to be undermined in their relentless effort to garner power and control for themselves and the anointed few who they deem worthy.  The American people mean less than nothing to them for they are only interested in self-aggrandizement and power.  In their warped view, we exist to serve them and their needs and they owe us absolutely nothing.  They owe the country nothing, our Founders nothing, and our children less than nothing!  The best and most efficient way for them and their ilk to succeed in their nefarious attempts to basically transform America is to create as much dissension and discord as possible and to disunite this nation as completely and thoroughly as they can.  Unfortunately, in this they are the ultimate experts!

     This is the reason for the amazingly rapid rise of what may accurately be termed America’s Grievance Industry and Culture which is the ultimate expression of the us versus them mentality that seems to have become America’s defining characteristic in recent years.  Its most recent embodiment, as mentioned earlier, is the entire Black Lives Matter (BLM) phenomenon.  This is supposedly a home-grown, spontaneous, and grass-roots movement sparked by the rash of police killings of innocent black citizens.  It seems, according to BLM, that white cops get up in the morning asking themselves, “I wonder how many Niggers I can kill today?”  According to this narrative, white cops are overwhelmingly racist and long for the days of the Ante Bellum South or at least the Jim Crowism of the period of Reconstruction which followed the Civil War.  If they can’t achieve these goals, they will settle for conditions as they existed prior to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  To listen to the leaders of the BLM movement, there has been virtually no improvement in relations between the races and that America is just as racist as it has always been and that cops exist solely for the purpose of enforcing and perpetuating that racism.

     This particular grievance group, however, is anything but home-grown and spontaneous. It is extremely well organized and more to the point well-funded.  According to the latest, “Limbaugh Letter,” Black Lives Matter is anything but a spontaneous, authentic response to out of control police brutality directed against so-called people of color in America.  According to Limbaugh, “George Soros and Democrat-connected groups, run mostly by left-wing whites, exploited a 2012 Zimmerman protest into a multi-million dollar political front with 39 chapters worldwide.”  The newsletter notes that BLM funding sources include one hundred million dollars from the completely left-wing Ford Foundation and another thirty-three million per year from the Soros Open Society.  Other leftist groups that contribute to BLM include: Democracy Alliance; Freedom Road Socialist Organization; Millennial Activists United; Sojourners; Black Alliance for Just Immigration; ACLU; Organization for Black Struggle; and Race Forward.  Well, so much for home-grown and spontaneous!  The Limbaugh Letter also gives the lie to another BLM falsehood that cops, especially those of the white variety, indiscriminately and wantonly murder black Americans.  In fact, “Of all violent deaths suffered by blacks, the percentage due to cops is infinitesimal.”  Most folks will never know these kinds of facts because they are simply not reported in the mainstream press which for decades has been nothing more than just another front group for the Far Left in our country.

     A piece entitled, “The Real Black-on-Black Crime: The Racial Grievance Industry (,” notes that we are beginning to notice a growing backlash against the so-called “aggrieved” among us.  So-called mainstream Americans are apparently and rightly offended at constantly being accused of racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia and every other damned thing under the fucking sun!  You can’t open a newspaper or turn on the television without being confronted by some outraged member of some put upon minority group accusing America – especially white America – of some heinous, abhorrent, and horrendous act of hatred perpetrated against members of our so-called “aggrieved.”  It’s virtually inescapable primarily because there are so damned many of them out there that simply trying to figure out how to get through a day without being accused of offending someone can literally trigger the Migraine from Hell!

     Well, I’m through worrying about it.  In fact, I’m thinking about going out of my way to offend absolutely everything and everybody and if that results in accusations of racism, sexism, homophobia, or Islamophobia then FUCK IT!  Bring it on!!  We’re tired of having to watch every single damned thing we say or do for fear of offending some minority individual or group.  As the author of the piece cited above points out, “I’m suffering from a diagnosed case of acute racial fatigue.”  The writer continues that, “I’m sick and tired of hearing superficial discussions about race, especially when that talk implicates whites and infantilizes blacks.”  Well, isn’t that a breath of fresh air for a change?  I guess political correctness is not something the author is all that concerned about and I just wish there were a lot more folks like him out there.  The author goes on to note that, “I’m especially exhausted of hearing talk from condescending white progressives who enable and encourage blacks into maintaining their embrace (revelry) of the false narrative of victimization at the hands of the system, the amorphous, undefinable organism whose sole purpose is keeping blacks from getting ahead.”  He’s right you know.  Everybody seems to want to be perceived as a victim because victims are perceived as being innocent of any and all wrong doing.  They can’t be blamed for their own plight, situation, or dissatisfaction.  After all, how can you blame the victim?

     The entire victimhood mentality and mystique is an attempt to blame individual and group failures on someone or something else.  Who and what is out there to blame?  In far too many cases, the answer is the majority and in our country that means white America.  Didn’t get that job?  Racism.  Didn’t get that promotion?  Racism.  Didn’t get accepted to that college or university?  Racism.  It’s the easy way out.  It’s the coward’s way out.  Rather than looking inward and placing the blame where it belongs, it’s always easier to find a convenient scape-goat.  Introspection and self-reflection can be tough so why bother if we can find a convenient target against which to vent our anger and frustration?  The article continues that these, “embarrassing demonstrations happening across the country increase racial fatigue because those engaging in them do so at the expense of their dignity and credibility.  These people have willingly ignored the facts and evidence of this case (Trayvon Martin) in a grandstanding attempt to keep whites responsible (guilty) for perpetrating racial discrimination and at the same time obligated to perform penance of indeterminate length – defined by the racial grievance industry – with no assurance of absolution.”

     He’s’ absolutely right – racial fatigue has definitely set in as well as grievance fatigue and victimhood fatigue.  What comes after fatigue, I wonder?  Backlash and payback?  Unfortunately, that’s what I see coming and probably in the not too distant future.  Most Americans, I believe, just want to live their lives peacefully and quietly and go out of their way not to offend or harm anyone who hasn’t offended or harmed them.  Most Americans are, in fact, aware that there are certain groups among us who have indeed been treated unfairly at times.  But most Americans alive today have had nothing whatsoever to do with said treatment.  Most of us are perfectly willing to live and let live but more and more of us are finding out that we are not accorded the same respect.  The majority finds that it is being blamed for absolutely everything and anything that has gone wrong in America.  Those on the Far Left and those who make up the Grievance Industry-Culture in the United States are constantly pushing their agendas on the rest of us to the point that our reserves of sympathy and empathy have just about been used up.  The LFE’s constant denigration of America has become, to say the least, grating.  The incessant, never-ending accusations and complaints of those groups who comprise the Grievance Culture are increasingly falling upon deaf ears.  There will come a point when the majority will simply no longer tolerate the constant whining, carping, bitching, and moaning of those who claim aggrieved status.  When we see, as is too often the case, that the aggrieved among us turn to violence as a way to ameliorate those real or imagined grievances our tolerance quickly evaporates.  That willingness to understand and to make allowances for society’s so-called victims quickly morphs into anger and resentment.

     We have all seen and some have experienced the violence perpetrated by groups like Black Lives matter or the New Black Panthers.  We have seen entire neighborhoods go up in smoke and flames and we have all heard the bogus and spurious excuses used to justify such savagery.  It’s America’s fault, it’s whitey’s fault, it’s the fault of racist cops and a system that is inherently evil and rigged against America’s minorities.  It’s become more than just tiresome and frustrating.  There is very little tolerance left for these kinds of violent and, quite frankly, anti-American tactics.  If you believe for even one nanosecond that these “demonstrations” and demonstrators have even the slightest regard for this country, then you are seriously delusional and may require intensive therapy.  When mobs are in the streets shrieking, “What Do We Want?”, and the answer is, “Dead Cops!”, followed by, “When Do We Want It?”, and the response is, “Now!”, where is there even the slightest hint that those doing the chanting or the listening give even the slightest damn about this country, its institutions, or its traditions?  If someone can satisfactorily explain this to me, I’ll be glad to shut the fuck up!

     A piece entitled, “The Inherent Violence of Grievance Culture (,” is relevant here.  The author notes that of course, “we have violence in the streets.  Left wing grievance culture is inherently violent.”  The author continues that in, “contemporary America, the Left is totalitarian to its core: they believe everything is freighted with political significance, and every single aspect of life should be subject to control through the use of politicized force, including mob actions.”  Additionally, the piece correctly maintains that one, “of the defining characteristics of totalitarianism is the selective ignorance of rules that would restrain power, from Constitutional limits to congressional proceedings.  The elites are above the law, able to skate away scot-free from the blatant violation of laws that crush lesser men and women.”  In our country today, the elites are those on the Far Left – full blown members of the LFE – while lesser men and women translates into you, me, and the rest of us ordinary citizens out here.  We are meaningless, insignificant, and not worthy of consideration when it comes to decisions regarding the fate and course of the nation.

     The author explains that, “Laws that would prevent the elite from imposing their agenda on the masses are swept aside,” and, “elections and representative government are just too damn slow for the Left, and since their class and racial enemies get to vote too, the results are often unsatisfactory.  That’s why mobs swarm through the streets, and boil across the media, demanding immediate compliance with their agendas.”  I give you, for example, the Black Lives Matter mob and the Occupy Wall Street “protestors” of not that long ago.  They along with their financial and ideological backers are the epitome of totalitarianism and are not at all dissimilar to Hitler’s Brown Shirts of the 20th Century.  These street thugs and marauders are completely incapable of independent or creative thought let alone action.  They will, however, blindly follow the marching orders of those at the top of the elitist, Far Left hierarchy in our nation.  They are the ultimate pawns in the Liberal game of creating distrust, discord, and disunity among and between the various groups that exist in our society while the rest of us ultimately pay the price and bear the cost of the mayhem, bedlam, and unrest that they inflict.

     The piece explains that there is a, “continuum that stretches from President Obama whining endlessly about gridlock, writing laws on the fly, and abusing executive power to circumvent Congress, to violent mobs shutting down highways and assaulting police officers.  Lessons at the top of the power structure are absorbed and internalized at the bottom.”  The civil unrest, the violence and destruction, the loss of life constitute key elements and strategies in the Far Left’s playbook and they come with the Liberal stamp of approval.  Our vaunted leaders in the Democrat Party dutifully and loudly decry that violence but behind closed doors they are cheering at the top of their lungs and high-fiving to beat the band!  They absolutely relish and encourage the chaos they are responsible for creating for it is in keeping with their threat-promise of fundamentally transforming this great nation into something it was never meant to be.  The author of the piece accurately informs us that, “Obama’s America is an increasingly barbaric place, where raw power counts for much more than the rule of law,” and that, “lawlessness in the streets mirrors lawlessness in the White House, where the fix is always in.”

     The single, most identifiable thread that runs through all the mayhem and madness we are witnessing almost daily is this never-ending sense of grievance that has permeated society at virtually all levels.  The Democrat controlled media and the so-called mainstream press delight in giving the “mob” all of the attention and publicity that they can.  There is no longer even the pretense of objectivity or fairness.  The press has become the literal enabler of those on a permanent rampage in our nation because they know it is profitable to do so.  The thugs, criminals, and provocateurs who engage in incessant lawlessness are turned into virtual folk heroes by the toadies and lackeys who fill the ranks of what laughably passes as today’s Fourth Estate.  Whatever constitutes the “grievance du-jour” will be amply and biasly covered by the elitists whose job is to supposedly bring us the news.  They are no longer in the news business but have become nothing more than the shills and propagandists for the Far Left in our midst.  The author notes that, “Grievance is the organizing principle of modern liberalism, the coin of the realm.”  Indeed, “Every aspect of society is subject to political calculations weighted heavily with grievance variables.  The quest for ‘social justice’ is all about treating some people unfairly, to punish them for their privileges and transfer wealth and power to the deserving.”  Who constitutes the deserving in America today?  Certainly not the majority but rather any aggrieved minority with an axe to grind.  It’s getting to the point where the majority is becoming thoroughly fed up and disgusted with what’s going on in our nation today and while the aggrieved are out there busily grinding their axes, many in the so-called majority are just as busily sharpening theirs.

     Indeed, it seems that, “Grievance has become the only pure source of moral authority in our culture.  For the most part, achievement is denigrated and actively punished.  Hard work is for suckers.  Religious authority is considered null and void.  Traditional morality has been bulldozed.  Designated victims, and those who claim to be fighting for them, are the new secular saints, and they can get away with almost anything.”  Read that last one more time and do it slowly.  The Far Left in our country has succeeded in destroying or transforming, if you will, many of our most cherished and time-honored traditions that have historically made America great and this is being done purposely and with malice aforethought.  Moral authority has been eroded to the point of disappearing.  Achievement counts for nothing anymore and hard work is the object of scorn and derision in modern-day America.  Religion is mocked and ridiculed and traditional morality has been replaced with moral relativism in which there are no standards of right or wrong or good and bad.  There are no absolutes anymore and therefore there can be no such thing as absolute truth.  Rules, laws, and traditions have absolutely no place in our New World Order and the America most of us have grown to love and revere is being decimated by a tsunami of this thing called Political Correctness.  It’s my fervent hope and belief that the so-called silent majority out there are themselves becoming seriously aggrieved, aggravated, and angry.  We are tired and fed up with the constant tidal wave of lies, distortions, and unwarranted criticism about ourselves and our country.  We are increasingly frustrated by the fact that those who would rip us apart and tear our nation asunder for the most part walk away from the mayhem and destruction they create completely unscathed.  We have to weigh and consider our every word and action for fear of hurting someone’s feelings while THEY can get away with burning down neighborhoods and assassinating cops!  As some wise man so astutely put it, “FUCK THAT SHIT!”  I have the distinct feeling that when it comes – and it is coming – payback’s gonna be an absolute and utter Bitch!

     The author of the piece also notices that, “Every attempt to hold them accountable is dismissed as an oppressive assault on the righteously aggrieved.  Their excesses are excused, because the powerless must get loud and rowdy, in order to combat an oppressive society and draw attention to their plight.  Often these excesses are blamed on society, portraying the aggrieved as hapless puppets of capitalism, imperialism, racism, or sexism.”  Predictably, “Grievance culture grows inevitably nasty because the aggrieved are persuaded that following the rules is pointless, since the deck is hopelessly stacked against them.”  So, instead of, “holding a rally, they block traffic or occupy public spaces to compel attention.  Such confrontations can all too easily escalate to violence,” and this is exactly and precisely what those on the Far Left want and desire.  Remember that one of their primary tactics is to create as much chaos and disorder as is possible so that the average citizen feels overwhelmed and powerless to influence let alone control events.  The Far Left wants to instill a sense of hopelessness and helplessness among the citizenry to the point where the average American will look only to Big Brother to restore a reassuring sense of order, sanity, peace, and stability.  Those among the Liberal Fucking Elite in America want to bring us to the point of demanding safety and security above all else including those precious rights delineated in our Constitution.  Have we come to that point we are willing to sacrifice liberty for security?  If so, please remember what Ben Franklin said all those years ago.  He insisted that those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither.  He was right.

     The piece goes on to observe that the so-called social engineers among us, “assure large swathes of the American population that they don’t have any legitimate grievances at all, which naturally makes those Americans angry and bitter.  The media doesn’t seem interested in interviewing the many people who are put out when Black Lives Matter shuts down major thoroughfares, or even roads leading to hospitals.  The implicit message is that the designated losers in these social clashes need to shut up and take their lumps.  The designated losers look upon chaos in the streets and wonder why they’re paying exorbitant taxes for infrastructure and order.”  Well, speaking as one of those designated losers, I’m getting more than just a tad fed up with what’s being purposely perpetrated on my country by people who obviously despise America.  I’m also getting increasingly angry and frustrated about the fact that we collective designated losers are willing to put up with this shit without even a murmur of objection or protest.

     We sit in our living rooms and witness the glorification of common thugs and criminals.  We see neighborhoods go up in flames, cops being assassinated, and our country’s flag being desecrated and destroyed and we don’t make a fucking peep!  Why?  Pure cowardice and political correctness, that’s why.  The “perps” are invariably black or brown and we are deathly afraid of being labeled RACIST if we voice even the slightest hint of objection or disapproval of the wanton lawlessness we seem to witness on an almost daily basis.  To even suggest that these street thugs and rent-a-mobs should be stopped in their tracks will trigger an avalanche of racist charges and slurs and that’s more than enough to shut most of us up!  Until we in that great silent majority decide to grow a pair and take our streets and our country back, we deserve exactly what we get.  The author of the piece notes that, “It’s no surprise that this has all gotten worse under President Obama.  He swept into office promising miracles, which were not delivered.  He blames his failures on the same political, class, and racial enemies his constituents have been taught to despise for much of their lives.  The message sent to those constituents is that their greedy, racist enemies are more powerful than ever and the system is rigged worse than it’s ever been before.  Why, not even the genius miracle-working First Black President can prevail against those forces of oppression.”

     You know, I agree.  The system is rigged but it’s not rigged against our benighted minorities who for at least the past half-century have been pampered, coddled, and appeased.  The majority in our nation literally shake, quake, and tremble with fear every time those in the minority make yet another demand that if not met will lead to violence and bloodshed.  We are being held hostage in our own nation, our rights are being trampled on and destroyed by those in America’s Grievance Culture-Industry.  One of this country’s greatest and most important gifts to the world was the solemn promise of an even playing field.  No one starts ahead of or behind the line.  We all start from the same place and go as far as our natural talents, abilities, and desires can take us.  That is no longer the case.  The myriad numbers of aggrieved minorities in our midst have a decided advantage over the rest of us and we are getting increasingly angry and frustrated at this state of affairs.  Those who would pander and kow-tow to the loudest and most violent in our country are going to pay for their decision to ride rough-shod over the wants and desires of the majority.  A reckoning is coming and it sure as shit ain’t gonna be pretty!

Much Luv Y’all and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)


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