Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Environmental Protection Agency Rant


The much maligned President Richard Millhouse Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency way back in the distant 1970’s. How could anyone object to that? An entire Federal Agency with all of its concomitant power and authority devoted to protecting our precious and precarious environment. Mother Nature now had a firm and steadfast ally in the form of the United States government and it was created by us evil Republicans. Who woulda thunk it? We have always been portrayed by those on the Far Left as promoters of dirty air and water, poisoners of children and the creatures of forest and field all in the name of heartless profit and Free Market Capitalism. Can it possibly be that those of us on the “Right” actually give even one lousy tinker’s damn about clean air and water, a healthy environment, and the legacy we leave to future generations? Nah, that can’t be. Such “compassion” is reserved for only those on the “Left.” Just ask them and they’ll be more than happy to vociferously confirm this particular example of propaganda and disinformation.

Indeed, I truly believe that the Agency was created with the finest of intentions and the purest of purposes. We humans do have an obligation to be responsible stewards of Mother Earth and should not create any more of a mess than we absolutely must. When we do cause pollution, we have a duty to clean it up to the best of our ability and our record in this area has been, for the most part, absolutely stellar, first rate, and top notch. We have the cleanest environment of any modern, industrial nation on the planet and whoever holds second place is still a long way behind. This is not just a matter of interpretation or “spin” but falls into the category of well accepted, documented, and indisputable fact. It seems, then, that the EPA as initially created and conceived was something that all Americans regardless of race, creed, or political affiliation could champion with little or no hesitation or trepidation. That was then and this, of course, is now.

Things have radically changed at the Environmental Protection Agency. It has, unfortunately, become nothing more than an arm of the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite) in America and is no longer concerned with environmental protection, pure water, and unspoiled air. Like anything and everything tainted by the Far Left it is concerned with nothing more than power and control over every aspect of our lives and existence. It has become just one more example of a federal agency run amok and one that is bent on destroying as much of our personal freedom and choice as it possibly can all, of course, in the name of protecting the environment and our children.

Many if not most of us who supported the EPA or were at least willing to give it the benefit of the doubt, have by now realized what a drastic mistake that was. We either didn’t understand or simply forgot a basic rule of political science all those years ago. If given the opportunity, all government – ours included – will always amass more and more power unto itself at the expense and to the detriment of freedom and personal liberty. This is axiomatic for it is the nature of government and of those who govern. Our Founding Fathers realized that immutable fact as well and the system they created was intended to prevent it from happening here. Our Declaration and Constitution reflect this mind-set as well as this fear for those folks had lived under a tyranny and truly understood how utterly inimical to freedom and liberty it is. Our Bill of Rights expressly forbids a centralized government from doing certain things to its citizens and that had never been done before in all of world history. Those guys knew the dangers and specifically warned future generations of the fight that must constantly be waged against those forces that would destroy freedom and deny us our liberty.

We have, of course, over time completely ignored their dire warnings and sage advice. We modern Americans have come to take our freedoms for granted and have stopped jealously guarding, protecting, and defending them. We have become so fat, lazy, slow, and dim-witted over the passing generations to the point of abandoning not only our Founding Principles but we have managed to dull our survival instinct to such an extent that it can no longer slice through a melting bar of butter! Today, for example, most Americans absolutely can’t fathom the concept, can’t grasp the idea that the Environmental Protection Agency has become a serious threat to our freedom and way of life. This simply just won’t compute. Most folks just don’t have the time or energy to spend worrying about how some federal agency run by unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats in far away Washington, DC, can possibly have negative repercussions on their daily lives. Yet, when you think about it any and all of our very human activities do have an effect on the environment in some manner, shape, or form. There is absolutely nothing that we do or don’t do that doesn’t impact our environment. Does that mean that the EPA can indeed intrude into the lives of citizens in the name of protecting old Mother Earth? Hell yes it does! It’s much the same as Obamacare in that regard. Every possible human activity that you can think of can in some way be linked to our health and health care. This simply serves to provide Obama and his like-minded Socialists with still greater power to control us and thereby limit our freedoms and choices as American citizens. This has become the sole purpose of agencies like the EPA and laws like the Affordable Health Care Act. Indeed, on their face they may sound noble, pure, and compassionate but they are anything but.

Apparently, the EPA was not conceived in this light at its inception. An article entitled, “EPA Choking Freedom(www.ocregister.com),” makes the point that, “Once upon a time this overbearing regulatory agency restricted its intrusions to matters that pretty much everyone agreed needed attention. Air pollution was a serious problem not long ago. It’s debatable whether the might of the federal government was the only, let alone the best, solution. But at least real pollution was a real problem.” The article goes on to correctly assert that there’s, “nothing as insulated, nothing as isolated, nothing as arrogant as a federal bureaucracy,” and that the, “EPA epitomizes this aloof, authoritarian worst of all federal bureaucracies.” Another article entitled, “The EPA is a Nation-Killer(www.freedompub.org),” explains that to, “the naïve and uninformed, the Environmental Protection Agency exists to ensure clean air and water in the nation. That was its initial mandate when it was created by an executive order by President Nixon in 1970,” but it, “has since become a nation killer.”

A nation killer? Well isn’t that just a bit over the top and beyond the pale? How do we make the leap from clean air and water to destroying the country? Given the goals of our Socialist-in-Chief and his minions, it’s less of a leap and more of a logical progression. Obama and his allies in the LFE want nothing more than the destruction of the United States as envisioned by our Founders and presently constituted. While they may pay obligatory lip service to our nation’s great history and accomplishments, they don’t mean one damned word of it. They view the United States as nothing more than a blight on the planet and accuse us of fomenting and fostering all of the world’s ills and evils. In their warped and twisted view, America must be brought to its knees and punished for the sins it has visited upon mankind for the last few hundred plus years. Author Alan Caruba explains that in, “2013, a flood of regulations will cost thousands of Americans their jobs and drive more industry overseas to avoid the cost of doing business in America. It will up the cost of energy from electricity, along with the cost of gas and diesel fuel. It will effectively kill much of the coal mining industry in a nation that is the Saudi Arabia of coal, an energy source that formerly provided fifty percent of all electricity in America.” Can anyone out there think of a better, more effective way to destroy the United States than to deny us the use of our own vast natural resources? This would serve to make us more and more dependent upon other nations for our energy needs which means we are literally held captive to the whims and machinations of other countries who, to say the least, do not have our best interests at heart. Obama and the LFE do not want an independent, prosperous America just as they do not want to see independent and prosperous American citizens. Dependency and complete control over our lives by an ever larger and intrusive central government is their objective and with the Great Leader’s reelection, that goal is just about guaranteed.

Furthermore, the same source notes that the EPA and their Far Left Masters are actively attempting to destroy technologies that have the real potential to make America truly energy independent (see the Freaking Fracking Fracus Rant of 1/31/13). The agency is, “girding up to kill fracking, a technology that has been safely in use for decades and one that holds the promise of further provision of natural gas.” We, by the way, have more natural gas below our feet than any nation on the planet and yet the Liberals and the Enviro-Facists in our midst would deny us access to this precious resource. Additionally, the EPA – no doubt doing Obama’s bidding – would deny us access to additional oil supplies from one of our closest allies and friends – Canada. The piece notes that the, “provision of oil is being thwarted as well; most famously by Obama’s derailment of the Keystone XL pipeline in a nation laced with energy-providing pipelines. Energy, the lifeblood of the nation, will be under attack as never before.” This is the road to national suicide and it is being purposely promulgated by misguided zealots on the Far Left who claim that their only motive is saving the planet from us rapacious and irresponsible Americans. Crap, Hooey, and Hogwash!

According to the source referenced above, the EPA is getting involved with initiating a new ozone standard that will cost any where from ninety billion to one trillion smackeroos per annum, would destroy at least 7.4 million jobs, and, “effectively ensure plant closings and that no new manufacturing and other businesses would set up shop.” The EPA is also getting its shorts all in a twist over cement. Cement? When is the last time you gave any serious thought to the ever exciting topic of cement? Yeah, cement, the stuff we use in construction. I’ll bet you and your buddies spent a good part of last Saturday night at your favorite gin-mill discussing the various ways that cement impacts our daily lives. Not to worry, my friends, for you can rest assured that those bureaucrats at the EPA did just that. The article notes that the, “EPA will release regulations on the manufacture of cement . . . that would increase the cost of manufacturing this essential element of construction by 22% to 36%.” This, of course, means that many, “such plants would have to close and the U.S. would have to import cement from nations like China.” This agency no longer sounds quite so benign and protective but can truthfully be deemed but one more weapon in the Far Left’s arsenal that is being used to club us into submission and relieve us of choice and freedom. Oh, did you know that the EPA also regulates “farm dust” which can actually negatively impact the nation’s food supply? Didn’t know that, did you?

There is apparently no human activity that doesn’t come under the regulatory purview of the Environmental Protection Agency and so long as Liberals run the show, that agency’s power over the American citizen will only grow. From approximately 1999 to 2011, that bureaucratic nightmare has generated about five thousand rules and regulations that cost the taxpayer roughly 10.7 trillion dollars and employs over 20,000 full-time workers. In fact, “These regulations have little to do with clean air and water and everything to do with destroying the nation’s economy, putting thousands out of work at a time when economic growth is barely occurring, and new taxes will further reduce the spending and investment power of Americans.” That the EPA over time has morphed from at least a useful tool into nothing more than a Socialist weapon to be used against American citizens, deprive us of our freedom to choose the lifestyles we prefer, and render us powerless in the face of an ever growing, out of control, and increasingly intrusive centralized government should be apparent to every freedom loving, independent minded citizen.

Do we all remember the controversy over some damned bird called the Spotted Owl years ago? That bird was considered an endangered species back then and fell under the protection of the EPA. The agency put forth the outright lie that the feathered beast could only live and breed in our nation’s so-called old growth forests which are indeed few and far between. By declaring the bird to be endangered and its habitat protected, the EPA had developed a method to wage war on our nation’s lumber industry which, of course, is essential to our nation’s housing industry which directly relates to the needs of human beings. Housing, obviously, is a basic human need and therefore in the hearts and minds of the little dictators who populate the EPA is at best secondary to the needs and requirements of some damned bird somewhere. The EPA effectively banned lumber companies from plying their trade anywhere a spotted owl was reportedly nesting. This, of course, was nothing more than a blatant attempt to destroy the lumber industry in our Northwest region thereby putting thousands of human beings out of work and causing untold harm and discomfort to employees and their families.

It seems that the EPA has plenty of compassion for birds but absolutely none for people. As it turned out, the whole damned endangered bird thing was nothing more than a hoax and an attack on an American industry. The spotted owl and all birds of prey will thrive so long as they have access to – you got it – prey. You know, mice, rats, rabbits, hamsters, squirrels, and the like. Vermin such as these live in every part of the United States and not merely in old growth forests in the Northwest. There have in fact been numerous sightings of spotted owls, hawks, and other predatory winged creatures living on top of skyscrapers in places like Seattle and New York City. Care for just a few more examples of the EPA’s penchant for placing people second and animals first? Sure thing.

You ever hear of something called the Sage Brush Lizard? Me either, but then there isn’t a whole lot of sage brush in my neck of the woods. In an article entitled, “The EPA Gestapo Attacks Again(www.nationalfreedomforum.com),” the author explains that the EPA, “that has destroyed industry after industry, this time is focused on protecting the Sage Brush Lizard that happens to live in west Texas in the Permian Oil Basin.” Yeah, that’s right. If it comes down to a choice between a freakin’ lizard and providing more of the precious energy that the nation so desperately requires, which side do you think Obama and the Boys are going to take? The author reports that in the next six or so months, Obama’s EPA will decide if the little beast constitutes an endangered species and if, “that happens many oil rigs will have to shut down, which will result in the loss of thousands of jobs.” Additionally, “since 20% of current U.S. oil production comes from the Permian Basin in Texas, that means we will be even more dependent on foreign sources for our energy production.” Put your money on the lizard, folks, and then double-down. It’s a sure bet.

This, of course, is the same EPA that, “declared the Delta Smelt in the Sacramento River Delta an endangered species.” The Delta Fucking Smelt?!? What did this momentous decision cause? Well, the end result, “has been turning thousands of acres of the richest farm land in the country, in the San Joaquin Valley in California into a dust bowl.” This, of course, resulted in the fact that farmers, “have been put out of business and more than 27,000 farm workers have lost their jobs. Wonder why the price of food has gone up?” How predictable: the Delta Smelt 1 and America 0. It seems that the EPA under our Socialist Son of a Bitch President is becoming little more than a huge jobs killer, a harbinger of unemployment, and an economic nightmare. Unless this agency is reigned in or put out of business, the outlook for our country is indeed bleak at best.

Do you perchance remember a huge controversy of some years ago dealing with the rights of some creature called the Snail Darter versus the rights of human beings who were unfortunate enough to live anywhere near the Snail Darter’s natural habitat? The details are somewhat fuzzy with the passage of time, but the upshot was that the Snail Darter thingee and its habitat were deemed far more important than those unfortunate humans who happened to share the same space. Where the Snail Darter lived, virtually no human activity was permitted. No building, no development, no commerce, no industry, and certainly no progress. Human life was deemed secondary to the well being of this slippery, slimy, snail creature but to the Enviro-Whackos amongst us the lives and needs of Homo Sapiens are always secondary. There was also a story out of Texas I believe in which a private property owner desired for whatever reason to cut down a tree on said private property which the gentleman owned free and clear and upon which he paid taxes. I don’t know why the guy wanted to take down one of HIS trees on HIS private property and it’s really none of my business or anybody else’s for that matter. Maybe the tree was dying – they do that you know. Maybe the tree was leaning at a precipitous angle and represented a threat to home, hearth, life, and limb. Maybe the damned thing simply obstructed the fellow’s view from his backyard window and that annoyed him. Who the Hell knows? The man wanted to cut down a tree that he owned on private property that he owned. So fire up the ole chain saw and get ‘er done, right? Wrong!

Some how, some way the EPA got wind of the property owner’s evil design and sent out a team of experts. Sure enough, the team just happened to find that some endangered species of insect had made the tree home base and the private property owner was prevented from touching it. The poor Bastard couldn’t cut down a tree that he owned on land that he purchased. This, folks, is the modern day Environmental Protection Agency. What the Hell ever happened to clean air and water? The EPA has become repressive as well as aggressive and has turned into a destroyer of individual rights and freedoms. This sounds like anything but a benign federal agency but maybe that phrase itself is just one huge oxymoron!

Then there was the case some years ago when a neighborhood was having flooding problems after heavy rain and thunder storms. It seems that after particularly severe weather events, scores of privately owned backyards became flooded and this had apparently been going on for years. The private property owners had finally gotten fed up enough to do something about their problem. They hired the requisite “experts” who determined that drainage problems kept recurring due to poor “grading” when the neighborhood was conceived and created. The private home and property owners were assured, however, that the problem was eminently correctable. Not to worry. Yeah, not to worry until the damned and dreaded EPA got involved and declared the flooded yards a “wetlands” that couldn’t be touched by the hand of man! What do you suppose happened to the value of the affected property? That’s right, it completely tanked, went right through the floor, and there was apparently nothing the property owners could do. After all, the EPA had spoken. Let’s see: private property rights – destroyed; the right to engage in lawful commerce – destroyed; freedom of choice – destroyed.

The Environmental Protection Agency and its autocrats – uh, I mean bureaucrats – have not the vaguest notion of economics 101 and seem Hell bent on ignoring any form of economic rationality or even common sense. I am certainly not a trained economist, but when I was in school all those years ago I received at least some rudimentary training in the subject. It appears, however, that this is no longer the case. The Far Left and those at the EPA appear to be violating basic rules of economics that they probably have never even heard of. The first of these would appear to be the Law of Diminishing Returns. At some point, the original objectives are no longer worth the return on investment. The investment keeps growing in terms of cost, energy, and effort but the positive returns or outcomes are so small – even miniscule – as to be no longer justified.

Is it a good and positive thing to protect the environment and ensure clean air and water? It would seem so. Is it a good thing to spend the same amount of effort and zeal protecting every creeping and crawling thing that exists on this planet? That depends on the cost to real live, living and breathing human beings. Is concentrating on protecting lower life forms worth it if it means destroying the lives and livelihoods of human beings? Is it worth, for example, taking productive farm land upon which crops can be grown that feed people out of production? I doubt it. Is it worth wreaking havoc on the lives of real people who make a living and feed their families from the lumber industry? Probably not. Is it worth purposely destroying our coal industry from which real live needy human beings earn a living and raise families? Nope. Is it worth shutting down the “Fracking” industry in which thousands are employed and has the real potential to make the United States truly energy independent? You tell me. The EPA is engaged in what might be termed overkill in order to accomplish what has become a very questionable mandate and the tremendous costs it engenders in terms of human suffering and misery, the loss of economic opportunity, and the very literal destruction of our nation no longer seem to justify its existence.

The second major economic principle violated by the EPA and its Masters is known as Opportunity Costs. If we concentrate almost exclusively on making the environment as pristine as can possibly be imagined, then what will that opportunity cost us as a nation? Huge unemployment as industries are regulated out of existence as well as a tremendous loss of productivity as domestic enterprises set up shop overseas where the cost of doing business is far less onerous and profit is not deemed a “dirty” word. As we concentrate almost exclusively on protecting the environment, we reduce the chances for experimentation, creativity, and ingenuity in our own nation. Who’s going to run the risk of starting new industries, acting on innovative ideas and concepts, or inventing that better mousetrap with the EPA standing there throwing hand grenades? Who’s even going to make the effort in an environment that has become so hostile to human progress? Yes, a clean environment is a worthy goal, but at what cost?

It seems that the EPA goes out of its way to burden Americans with so many rules, regulations, edicts, and fiats that no average citizen can possibly know when he or she is in violation and can therefore be declared to be in a state of noncompliance. This, of course, opens the door for the federal government to come crashing into your life like a bull elephant on crack! Administrators at the “Agency” seem to maintain that whatever inconveniences are caused by the EPA’s quest to protect good old Mother Earth are purely unintended consequences and must, therefore, be overlooked, ignored, and excused in light of the Agency’s overall mission. Well, sure, we all know about those pesky, little unintended consequences even when the cause is pure and the intentions noble. Hey, whaddya gonna do – shit happens! How about, however, when the consequences are absolutely and conclusively intended with evil and malice aforethought? That is exactly the case with the Environmental Protection Agency in particular and with Liberalism in general.

The destruction wrought by the LFE in our nation is being perpetrated against America both purposely and purposefully. The damage they cause is not unintended but is designed to bring America to its knees. It is part of a long standing plan to irreparably harm the United States in ways from which it can never recover. When he first ran for office, our Socialist-in-Chief vowed to fundamentally transform this country and that is the only campaign pledge he has fulfilled. Most American discounted his extreme verbiage as just one more example of political bullshit not to be taken all that seriously. Just more of the same old Ho-Hum Crap. Would that it were so. Obama and his lemming-like sycophants are about as benign as a school of Great Whites that sense a wounded, bleeding fish in the water! An article entitled, “The EPA – Endlessly Punishing America(http://realreaganconservative.com,)” notes that while unintended consequences may be unavoidable there are, “some government agencies whose sole purpose in life is to burden America with intended consequences,” and that the, “Environmental Protection Agency is at the top of that list.” The author correctly maintains that unfortunately, “for freedom-loving Americans, the Agency has become nothing more than a tyrannical arm of the Obama administration; keeping its boot on the neck of the Nation’s most successful and productive companies – mostly in the industrial and energy sectors.”

This certainly seems to be the case and writer Paul Tully dubs it the EPA’s, “War on Affordable Energy.” More simply put, a War on Affordable Energy really translates into a War on America for without affordable energy, our nation comes to a grinding, screeching, and sickening halt. This is exactly what the EPA became shortly after it was created. Tully, as have others, notes the advent of higher energy prices, the attempt to destroy fracking, and the killing of plans for the pipeline from Canada. What is to blame for this War on America? Liberalism. The piece goes on to note that, “Liberals desire only two things – the power to tell you how to live your life and the power to redistribute your money.” There can be no argument here. These two objectives constitute the very heart and soul of the Liberals in the United States. Additionally, the EPA “wants to first convince you that our fossil fuel based energy resources are severely limited (which they aren’t) and that even if there weren’t such a scarcity, these fuels are responsible for the planet’s impending doom. (A.K.A. Global Warming!) Such scare tactics are one of the many tools used by the left to separate you first from logically thinking for yourself, and then from your money.”

Intertwined and woven throughout each and every industry killing, job destroying, and liberty-freedom eroding action and regulation undertaken by the EPA and its Liberal Masters is their favorite bugaboo of Global Warming or Catastrophic Climate Change. The specter of global warming rears its ugly head anytime and anywhere the LFE desires to shut down industry and commerce, put Americans out of work in order to make them ever more dependent on government, and halt progress and development in the United States. It is always their fall back or default position. When they have nothing else left, no more arrows in the quiver, with which to cow and intimidate the American people into doing their bidding, you’ll hear shouts and cries of anthropomorphic (man-made) global warming, rising sea levels, desertification, increased temperatures, green house gases, and on and on and on. It is charged that mankind is destroying the earth, raping Mother Nature, and completely ruining our delicately balanced and fragile environment (see the Global Warming Scam Rant of 4/2/09; the Climate-Gate Rant of 12/20/09; the Copenhagen Climate Conference Rant of1/24/10).

They see Carbon Dioxide (CO2) as the tool with which evil mankind – especially those of us who believe in Free Market Capitalism – will despoil the planet and have declared that substance to be a major pollutant and insist that it must be regulated out of existence if mankind and the planet have even the remotest chance of surviving. Lies, Lies, and Damnable Lies! They lie, folks. They defy all common sense and logic, employ faulty or “junk” science to support those lies, and viciously attack, vilify, and slander all who would dare to disagree with their false premise. They overwhelm us with their propaganda to enhance and further entrench their political agenda of making full-blown Liberalism the prevailing and, in fact, the only accepted and approved orthodoxy. To disagree is nothing less than heresy and that must be severely punished (for an excellent expose of the entire Global Warming/Catastrophic Climate Change crap see Michael Creighton’s State of Fear).

The entire anthropomorphic global warming farce is based on a huge, erroneous, faulty premise (read that lie): that Carbon Dioxide is in fact a pollutant. It isn’t nor can it possibly be. This truism, of course, is vehemently denied by the Liberals in our midst. It is not taught to our young ‘uns in school at any level. They are brainwashed into believing that CO2 is a vile, evil pollutant perpetrated on the planet by those on the “Right.” This lie is further reinforced in our popular culture, our media, and entertainment venues that just so happen to be overwhelmingly controlled by those on the Far Left. It is in their best interests, both ideologically and financially, to keep the population – especially our youth – in a perpetual state of fear, anxiety, and angst. This makes it so much easier for the ignorant amongst us to line up in lock step to do the bidding of those in the LFE. They are easily manipulated, ever so malleable, and are utterly incapable of independent thought, honest reflection, or the ability to critically analyze an issue. They are literally putty in the hands of hucksters like Al Gore and his ilk who are fond of stating that the debate is over and that Carbon Dioxide is a pollutant. They shout, shriek, and harangue that we must do whatever is necessary to save the planet and a loss of freedom, opportunity, and choice is but a small price to pay. Yeah, well BULLSHIT!!

Let’s see, there are roughly six billion people on the planet and one thing we all have in common is we breathe in oxygen. You get that don’t you? Well, if there are six billion of us ingesting oxygen then there are also six billion of us exhaling, wouldn’t you agree? What is it that we all exhale? You got it, evil Co2! Well then, are we all to be labeled and categorized as polluters who should be punished for something like undue or inappropriate exhalation levels or practices? Yeah, sounds damned silly doesn’t it? Obviously, CO2 is a naturally occurring phenomenon and there’s not a damned thing we can do about it unless we die for then the process of exhaling becomes moot. So, we exhale Carbon Dioxide which as everyone knows is a dreaded Green House Gas – oh, no! If we breathe then we must exhale and we, in fact, do exhale CO2 which I’ve been repeatedly told is a Green House Gas. Ask any Socialist Son of a Bitch Enviro-Freak and they’ll lecture you that CO2 is the most prevalent of the Green House Gases and that it despoils Mother Nature and kills the planet. They’ll scream at you that CO2 along with the use of hydrocarbons (fossil fuels) is man’s way of implementing planetary destruction, mayhem, and madness. They will, of course, lay the blame for this on the evil, dastardly Republicans, Conservatives, and Free Market Capitalists.

Well, what’s wrong with this little scenario? How about everything? Carbon Dioxide is, in fact, not the most prevalent of the Green House Gases. Water vapor takes that honor –you know, stuff like steam. Well then, CO2 must be a close second, right? Wrong. That distinction goes to Methane as in cow flatulence as well as that of other animals including human beings. Coming in at a meager third place we finally get to the despised Carbon Dioxide. Well, so what the “Libs” will scream. It doesn’t matter which of the guilty gases is first, second, or third because they’re killing the planet, right? Nope. Indeed, there does exist a literal Green House Blanket that envelopes the earth. See, they’ll shriek, it surrounds the whole planet. Now that’s really evil! Truth be told, without that Greenhouse Blanket the average temperature of the planet would rise to about 140 degrees Fahrenheit which would make life as we know it virtually impossible. Global Warming, my sorry old ass!

Will you ever hear or learn these facts from those Leftist Sonsabitches at the EPA? Of course not. They are too invested in frightening children, spreading bald-faced lies about evil mankind, and declaring that unless we change our ways and drastically reduce our lifestyles then the end is nigh and unavoidable! A piece entitled, “The EPA Snake Pit(http://factsnotfantasy.blogspot.com),” correctly asserts that the EPA is, “populated by the most radical, disaffected and anti-industry discards from other agencies,” and that the EPA’s, “repeated failures should not come as a surprise because the agency has long been a haven for scientifically insupportable policies perpetrated by anti-technology ideologies.”

Another of the essential facts about Carbon Dioxide that you will absolutely never hear from the EPA or any of the other phony environmental groups out there is that without CO2, life on this planet in any form could not possibly exist. Zip, Nada, Zero. When is the last time that little factoid was offered up in a high school or college science class do you suppose? Think about that for just a second. Without CO2, life could not exist and yet the Enviro-Freaks and their allies at the EPA insist on classifying it as a pollutant. When we evil, planet- destroying human beings ingest food – as in eat – we produce a waste product that our bodies must get rid of for if stored within the body for too long they become toxins. Without becoming too graphic here, it’s what we do when we go to the bathroom. Ya with me so far? Good. Well, plants, trees, plankton and all other forms of vegetation also produce a waste product that must be disposed of. They literally eat – ingest if you will – the evil Carbon Dioxide. That is their food, their nourishment. They must, like us humans, get rid of the waste product produced by digesting what they feed on. What is that waste product? Oxygen, air, the stuff we breathe, the stuff that keeps us alive.

Let’s see, CO2 is necessary for plant life and plants literally exhale oxygen which is necessary for human life. Without Carbon Dioxide, there would be no oxygen without which human life, or any other for that matter, could not exist. Our planet would be dead and yet these utter idiots at the EPA and their allies in the LFE insist on classifying Carbon Dioxide as a dangerous pollutant! It’s time the Environmental Protection Agency was given the respect it actually deserves which is to say NONE! That institution has become nothing more than a tool for the Far Left but most Americans just don’t know enough about it to reach that conclusion. That agency has morphed into nothing more than an instrument to control our lives, limit our options, and take away our freedom.

An article entitled, “Destroying America With The EPA’s Carbon Lies(http://factsnotfantasy.blogspot.com),” is succinct and to the point on this issue. The author notes that there is, “no need to limit greenhouse gas emissions because there is NO global warming,” but the EPA, “has been pushing the global warming fraud for decades.” The author makes the excellent point that to, “declare CO2 toxic, the EPA is saying that all that natural CO2, plus the six pounds of carbon dioxide that every human exhales every day,” is somehow not natural and asks, “How can carbon dioxide be a pollutant when all life on earth is dependent upon it?” The article accurately asserts that, “CO2 is to vegetation what oxygen is to human and other animal life. Without CO2, all vegetation dies and then all animal life dies for lack of the nutrients provided by food crops.” The piece also points out that 97% of the earth’s Carbon Dioxide is produced by nature! Let’s see, 97% of all CO2 is produced by dear old Mother Nature but the propagandists and Leftist Sonsabitches still classify it as a pollutant. Man, talk about junk science!

An article entitled, “Stop The EPA Before It Destroys America(http://factsnotfantasy.blogspot.com),” explains that throughout, “its history the EPA has deliberately distorted actual science to advance its own warped environmental agenda,” and in fact CO2, “is not a pollutant or a threat to health; it is a natural gas vital to all life on earth via the process of photosynthesis by all plant life. Without CO2 all vegetation dies and with it all animal life.” The piece correctly concludes that what, “begins is the end to the abundant choices Americans have always had regarding the manufacture, distribution, and purchase of anything and everything common to our present lifestyle.” Read that last again. This is what the Far Left has been attempting for decades and one of the major weapons in its arsenal is the rogue federal agency known as the EPA. The Liberals-Socialists have long desired to bring down the quality of life in America, to destroy all choice and freedom, and to move what they view as our extravagant and wasteful existence closer to that of some Third World Shithole nation! Make no mistake, folks. The EPA is not at all about improving and safeguarding the environment but rather about destroying the single greatest nation God ever gave mankind.

Much Luv Y’All and Have a Great Day!

The Fifth Horseman

(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)

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