Monday, July 29, 2013



No, read that title again. It doesn’t say OBAMACARE (see the OBAMACARE RATIONING RANT of 4/15/12) but rather OBAMACORE and it has nothing to do with our health or health care but rather with our nation’s educational system. It deals with what and how America’s children will be taught and what they will therefore learn. Like Obamacare, it represents a radical departure from traditional, accepted, and even cherished notions of educational process and theory in this country. It constitutes but one more example of the Destroyer-in-Chief’s threat to fundamentally transform the United States and turn it into something it was never intended to be. Just as the Affordable Care Act nationalizes-socializes the field of medicine, Obamacore does the same thing to education. If successfully implemented, this scheme will have huge negative consequences for our young people as well as for the nation. Once the central government controls what our young ‘uns can and cannot learn it effectively controls their minds. They will learn only what has been deemed worthy and acceptable to the powers that be and nothing else will be tolerated or permitted. Education will become nothing more than mind control and teaching will morph into nothing more than a blatant and obvious example of brainwashing and propaganda. Our educational system will not create or produce individuals capable of independent thought and critical analysis but rather little mind-numbed robots and automatons that exist solely to do the bidding of those powerful few at the top.

This, of course, is nothing new and certainly dates back to at least ancient times. Sparta affords an excellent example as did the now defunct Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Communist China, especially under Mao, also illustrates what happens to nations whose children are literally the property of the state. In more recent times, any country governed by Sharia Law (see the SHARIA LAW IN AMERICA RANT of 5/14/11) provides additional examples of what happens when young minds are controlled, shaped, and molded by malignant and repressive leaders and philosophies. Nazi Germany was such a place as is any two-bit, tin-horn dictatorship in present-day Africa or Latin America. Yeah sure, most folks know of these and other examples but am I suggesting that this form of state controlled and enforced mindlessness can occur right here in the United States of America? You’re damned Skippy I am! As a matter of fact, I posit that we’re much closer to this form of educational maelstrom than the vast majority of Americans would ever deem even imaginable let alone possible.

We already have our own brand of a malignant and repressive philosophy which is nothing more or less than full-blown, hard-core Far Left Liberalism. I have dubbed the leaders of this utterly destructive and malicious philosophy the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite) and their playbook includes but is certainly not limited to such things as Saul Alinsky’s Rule Book For Radicals and Machiavelli’s The Prince. Liberalism is about nothing more than controlling all aspects of life and thought in America. Those in the movement will brook absolutely no deviancy from the party line nor will they tolerate any views that conflict with their particular brand of orthodoxy. They are far and away the least tolerant among us and they viciously attack and destroy any and all opposition. They are arrogant and condescending in the extreme and see the rest of us as merely incompetent “boobies” who must be led and controlled in everything we say and do. We “little folk” are deemed not competent, smart, or wise enough to make decisions for ourselves and our families and therefore cannot – must not- be allowed to make decisions for our nation. That must be left to them and only them. They are utterly and thoroughly absolutist and totalitarian in mind-set and are unabashed and proud statists. The rest of us are to be viewed and treated at best as semi-retarded eight year olds (apologies here to any and all actual semi-retarded eight year olds out there) who are to be neither seen nor heard. To a man and woman, they literally despise our country as historically founded and presently constituted. Led by their Socialist-in-Chief, they will do everything and anything they can to destroy America and bring it to its knees. They ardently and vociferously believe that the United States represents evil incarnate and is the cause of all the world’s ills and woes. They feel that if the United States were to fall, the planet would be a far better place.

It is those folks and their beliefs that have had virtually complete control of America’s educational system since at least the 1960’s and that stranglehold shows absolutely no signs of abating in the foreseeable future. In my experience, well over ninety-five percent of all those teaching America’s children are thoroughly committed Liberals and ardently and fervently believe in the tenets of Far Left Liberalism. I can speak with some authority here as I taught for thirty years in two very tough and violent New York City high schools. Please believe me when I say that there were very few of us Conservatives in the mix and at times it was a particularly lonely experience. We were constantly ridiculed, mocked, and lambasted for not blindly accepting and regurgitating the Liberal bilge that we daily confronted.

My Liberal “colleagues” did not feel it sufficient to merely instruct their students in course content regardless of the subject but felt obligated to infuse in their “charges” blatantly political views that portrayed the United States in only the most negative of lights. Never and I mean literally never did I hear or even hear of any of them trying to instill in their kids a sense of pride about our country but instead they focused exclusively on America’s real or imagined negatives. All of the great and unparalleled positives about this country were totally ignored or falsely refuted. Our major and permanent contributions to mankind’s betterment never saw the light of day. They did their damndest to brainwash students into literally despising their own country and to view it as the most malignant force that the planet has ever experienced.

This process begins in kindergarten and continues right through college and university. After roughly twelve to sixteen years of absorbing this Liberal anti-Americanism, the results are quite predictable. This, of course, is all part of the Grand Scheme and is being perpetrated on our nation’s youth purposely and effectively. Our young people do not leave school as educated, knowledgeable adults who are proud to be citizens of the greatest country God ever gave mankind. Instead, they are completely ignorant of our history and of our civics and have a total commitment to righting the myriad of wrongs and woes that the United States has unleashed on the world and its people. These folks leave school convinced that our country is at the very least racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and Islamophobic. They are positive by the time they are let loose on the “real” world that the United States has stolen the resources of other nations thereby condemning them to perpetual and horrific poverty. They believe we have callously raped Mother Earth and would destroy her if we could. Our graduates have been taught to blindly and unthinkingly accept the myth of Anthropomorphic Global Warming and its attendant consequences (see the GLOBAL WARMING SCAM RANT of 4/2/09; the CLIMATE-GATE RANT of 12/20/09; and the COPENHAGEN CLIMATE CONFERENCE RANT of 1/24/10). They have been as easily and thoroughly brainwashed as were the young people who had the misfortune to live under Stalin or Mao during the 20th Century. To the Far Left in America, this is education as it should and must be and much to our detriment and peril these folks control virtually every aspect of education in the United States from the federal Department of Education right down to your neighborhood elementary school!

Well then, if this thing called Obamacore will have such a negative and devastating impact on education in the United States why has virtually no one ever heard about it? Until recently, I was unaware of this nefarious scheme. Have any of you out there heard of it? No, I thought not. This is a stealth tactic commonly employed by those on the Far Left because if the American people were allowed to examine their proposals and openly and honestly debate them they would be resoundingly and overwhelmingly rejected. Do you perhaps remember what that mental midget Nancy Pelosi told us about Obamacare? That’s right, she insisted that before we were allowed to find out about this attack on the world’s finest health care system we would have to pass it into law. That would be akin to buying a car based on trusting the word of the used car salesman when he claims, “Yup, she’s a runner alright!” No test drive, no research, no Blue Book, no nothing. Just put your money down and drive away. I’m sure you remember that whole Keystone Pipeline debacle. Building it would have measurably increased our nation’s energy supply and independence and most Americans heartily approved of it. Were the American people given the opportunity to openly debate its merits or faults? Were we given an opportunity to make our wishes and desires known? Of course not. Our Dictator Wannabe summarily canned the entire project because he and his fellow Liberal Elites don’t give a flying rat’s ass about what the American citizen deems important or worthwhile. Does this sound like government of, by, and for the people? Yeah, right! This is why virtually none of us has ever heard of let alone understands Obamacore?

A piece entitled, “Beware of Obama Core(,” correctly posits that, “virtually no attention has been paid to President Obama’s behind-the-scenes effort to transform the system of public education,” and that is tragic, “because Obama Core is just as consequential for the country’s future as Obama Care.” Author Robert Nemeth notes that the primary purpose of this foray into nationalizing American education, “is to bring local education under federal control. That is to be accomplished through enforcing a national curriculum, bypassing parents, state and local school boards, and dictating what students will and will not learn.” You might want to read that last again. Federal Control? National Curriculum? Dictating what students will and will not learn?

Talk about a fundamental transformation of America, well I guess! Can anyone tell me exactly what some pencil-pushing beaurocrats in freaking Washington, D.C. know about the educational needs of students in your local area or state? Right, not a damned thing! Education in America has always been a local and state responsibility and was never the purview of the Federal Behemoth! For those of us who are old enough, we can actually remember when such things as American history and government were honestly and rigorously taught. It was believed all those years ago that the purpose of the American system of education was at least in part to create knowledgeable and aware citizens so that they could responsibly and prudently exercise their God-given rights. We were taught how our system of government was supposed to work and what it could and could not do to the people of this nation. We were taught about our system of Federalism which, as you may remember, is the sharing of power between the federal and state governments to ensure that one did not become overly powerful. We graduated with a working knowledge of Delegated or Enumerated powers – those given only and expressly to the federal government – such as the ability to declare war or coin money. We were instructed in the concept of Concurrent Powers – those shared by the central and state governments – like the power to tax and enforce laws. Then, of course, we received instruction on Reserved Powers – those given exclusively to the states and only the states – such as the power to establish schools!

Nowhere in our Constitution was the Federal Government granted the power to have anything whatsoever to do with educating America’s children – no fuckin’ way, no fuckin’ how!! If Obamacore is ever actually instituted it would be patently and obviously unconstitutional and therefore by definition illegal! This, of course, means not a damned thing to Obama and his Fellow Travelers. They have repeatedly vowed to fundamentally transform the United States. After all, Obamacare is utterly and thoroughly unconstitutional because it blatantly violates the Commerce Clause of our Constitution – Justice Roberts notwithstanding. By the way, the same can be said of the federal Department of Education established by that peanut farmer from Georgia back in 1979. President Carter too was a bona fide member of the Far Left in America and those guys don’t give a shit about our Constitution, our country, or its citizens. They are Hell bent on destroying this nation, our traditions, our heritage, our beliefs and all else that has made the United States both great and exceptional! As Mr. Nemeth so aptly points out that because, “federal laws explicitly prohibit the central government from directing, funding, or controlling any state and local education standard, the White House uses surrogates – commissions and foundations – as well as immense financial pressure to coerce the states to go along with the change.”

It must be pointed out that a key element of Obama’s “Common Core” is an attempt to introduce a single, unified national curriculum that all students must learn and all pedagogues must teach. Education, therefore, will become as transformative and dangerous as has America’s health and health care system. Equally important, just as Obamacare has nothing to do with the state of our health, Obamacore has nothing at all to do with education. Both represent ways to control the American citizen and force him or her to comply with the Regime’s worldview and presumptions. To control your health is to control your body. To control education is to control your mind. This “experiment” in mind-control represents a radical and distinct departure from our nation’s history, traditions, and heritage. It is but one more example of an ever expanding, growing, and intrusive centralized government into the daily lives of citizens.

Our Founders – all of them – specifically warned of the dangers of an all-consuming, omnipotent central government and they cautioned that as government becomes more and more powerful, the citizen becomes less and less free. Nationalization of public education is in fact a loss of freedom. Our nation was founded on the belief in individual choice and opportunity and that certainly set us apart from any other country in the world. Educating our youngsters was the responsibility of the family and the community not some far distant, remote bureaucracy run by government hacks whose knowledge of local needs and requirements is utterly nil. Obamacore also flies in the face of yet another long-held and cherished American tradition, that of rugged individualism. That philosophy posits that we know what is best for ourselves and families and we also know best how to obtain what we require with very little or no “help” from Washington, D.C. Ronald Reagan once famously quipped that the eleven most dangerous words in the English language are, “Hi, I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.” Far too many Americans today have ignored that warning and now turn to government as the source of all wealth and happiness. That attitude is a slap in the face to our history and traditions and will lead to the destruction of this great nation.

These and many other Founding Principles have been and are being completely decimated and destroyed by those on the Far Left and it is being done purposely and with extreme malice. These saboteurs despise everything this country stands for and represents, especially our historic emphasis placed on the individual as opposed to the state. The LFE in America are wild-eyed collectivists who insist that the individual must be subordinate to the needs of the state in order to promote some vague and vacuous concept known as, “the greater good.” Whenever you hear phrases like that being glibly tossed around, be aware that you are in the presence of a committed Socialist who can’t stand the United States of America. Perhaps one of the most odious and reprehensible departures from our heritage is that Obamacore is a perfect example of what may be correctly viewed as “top down” initiatives or directives. Throughout our history, decisions have been initiated from the bottom up. If enough citizens in a particular locale decide that certain action is required then that will be taken up by local authorities. If enough individuals in a particular state decide that something needs to be done, then the state representatives will ideally carry out the wishes of the majority. Should a majority of people in enough states agree that some action on an issue is necessary, then that issue is taken up on the national level. It is indeed a progression from the bottom up. Obamacore, Obamacare, and everything put out by El Destructo’s administration is exactly the opposite. They all come from the top down. This approach assumes that those of us way down here exist only to serve the needs and desires of those at the top because they are the fonts of all wisdom and knowledge. We peons are too wrapped up in our petty and small day-to-day requirements and are therefore incapable of seeing and understanding the so-called bigger picture. We are deemed far too petty, peevish, and boorish to correctly comprehend the needs of the nation as a whole. Only those on the Far Left, the LFE, are considered worthy of such a heavy burden.

A piece entitled, “Obamacore: Government Schools(,” notes that El Jefe is overhauling America’s educational system without any input, advice, or participation from Congress which is to say that he is completely ignoring – once again – the will of the American people. Well, hey, why not? After all, it’s only the children of American citizens that will be effected by old Barry Boy’s scheme to socialize education in America. The parents of the kids at risk don’t need to be heard, do they? This represents but one more typical example of Liberal arrogance and condescension. They know what is best for us and only they know what we need. We are required only to heed and unquestioningly obey the edicts handed down from on high.

Any input by we “lesser” types is viewed as merely unwarranted meddling into areas in which we have no legitimate business or concern. You know, like something as unimportant as our childrens’ education! The piece goes on to note that there, “is little or no research showing that these measures lead to better educated children or higher graduation rates,” and that, “none of the top-performing countries against which the United States is frequently compared – in an unflattering light – use any of the techniques advocated by Obama.” If this is indeed the case, then why does he advocate the complete overhaul of our entire educational system? We must remember that Obamacore has absolutely nothing to do with improving the nation’s educational system but everything to do with bringing the United States down. It is about controlling the minds of young Americans and teaching them to loathe and despise their own country and its history. This is a certain path to national destruction and constitutes Liberalism’s top priority.

The article points out that, “President Obama’s bid to control what your children learn in school is surely one of the most important and disturbing of his many transformative plans,” and that not, “only is Obama’s attempt to devise what is in effect a national k-12 school curriculum arguably unconstitutional and illegal, the fact that most Americans have no idea that the new ‘Common Core’ (a.k.a. Obamacore) even exists may be the most troubling thing about it.” Yes, of course that is troubling in the extreme but it is quintessential Liberalism because, as always, secrecy and stealth constitute standard operating procedures for our LFE. Even more significantly, the piece correctly recognizes that the, “potential for political abuse in a curriculum heavy with political documents and news articles should be obvious. Given the politics of most teachers, the new non-fiction requirements create a huge opening for leftist indoctrination.”

This last point is critical. America’s destruction will not come from some powerful, external enemy but rather from within and it won’t be accomplished by foreigners with accents different from our own. We will be brought down by other Americans who have been taught to loathe and despise their own country. If Obamacore is successfully implemented, this process will become a national priority to be instituted at the highest level and will infect every single school in America and every single student. We are already getting dangerously close to the precipice and if Obamacore becomes the reality and then the norm, we will have plunged over the edge. One writer notes, for example, that there, “is a dark progressive cloud looming over the Alabama horizon. It comes in the form of a push by the Obama administration to take over the American education system. National common core standards is the means to accomplish this goal. Out with traditional learning and in with leftist indoctrination on steroids.”

Additionally, a group called the Alabama Federation of Republican Women, “detailed the plan to remove parental authority over school curriculum. A cleverly disguised attempt to indoctrinate our children.” The article correctly posits that, “Obama and his leftist lackeys are still scheming to fundamentally change our nation by grooming American children . . . using nameless, faceless bureaucrats who are unelected, unanswerable, and unaccountable to the American voters to seize control of education. . . . His low standards will include alternative lifestyles, criticism of capitalism, praise for unions, redistribution of wealth benefits, radical environmentalism, and a combination of the denigration of Christianity and acceptance of all other religions. Parents and local school boards will have no say whatsoever.” If Americans are not vigilant, Obamacore will become a reality even though most citizens have never heard of it and would reject it if given the opportunity. As with Obamacare, however, we simply will not be given that chance for our Socialist-in-Chief has a habit of governing against the will of the people.

Schools should and must be completely apolitical if any real education or learning is to actually take place. There is simply no room for politics in a classroom for any reason especially in an environment where there is a young, impressionable, and captive audience. Most of our young ‘uns still respect authority figures – despite what you see and hear in the mainstream media – and are still eager to please most of the time. Their minds and opinions are still not wholly formed and developed and are open to pretty much anything they are told or taught. When some Liberal “teacher”, as the vast majority of them are, goes on a rant about how horrible the United States is in any and all imaginable aspects, the young folks trapped in the classroom sit there and soak it in, especially in the younger most impressionable grades. These kids tend to believe what they hear especially from a trusted adult and most will not question the “wisdom” thrown at them from the man or woman in front of the class. They’ll accept it as gospel from on high.

Teachers have no right to politicize the educational process and, in fact, have a duty not to do so but that certainly doesn’t stop them. Most of the Liberals I had the misfortune to spend so much time with seemed especially proud of the fact that they never missed an opportunity to denigrate every single aspect of American life and history. They made no attempt whatsoever to simply teach the subject matter – and most of them had yet to master said matter – but gleefully extolled the virtues of Democratic candidates and the Democratic Party. They also told outrageous lies and falsehoods about those they deemed political enemies. The students sat there and absorbed it all. This applied to all subjects at any grade level and this is the approved pedagogical method underlying Obamacore. In my humble opinion, teachers who engage in this form of brainwashing should be immediately fired and have their pensions revoked – but hey, that’s just me!

A piece entitled, “Like Obamacare, Obama Core Is Another Power Grab(,” points out that it’s, “well known that public schools are not graduating students as well-educated as before, that Americans score poorly on international tests, and that billions of federal dollars showered on public schools have not achieved any of the designated roles which were to raise test scores and to eliminate the gap between higher income and lower income students.” The writer correctly notes that, “Obama progressives want us to believe that the remedy is to turn over control to the federal government.” This, of course, is standard Liberal fare because they feel that only the federal government can act on any and all issues and that the people simply don’t matter and don’t need to be heard from at all. Remember, according to Liberalism we are here to do what we are told and nothing more. Any input from us is simply not needed, not wanted, and will not be tolerated. This view, “fits right in with Obama’s attitude that there is no higher power than the federal government.” Turning our educational system over to those in Washington, D.C. will serve only to make an already failing system even worse and that is precisely what the Liberals desire and intend.

In fact, the “essence of Obama Core is control of curriculum because that is where minds are molded and stimulated to higher levels of learning and character is formed,” and that, “Obama Core is a comprehensive plan to dumb down school children so they will be obedient servants of the government and . . . to indoctrinate them to accept the leftwing view of America and its history.” This is exactly the point of all education in this country according to Obama and his allies in the LFE. Education is merely a tool to be used by Liberals to cement their position and power and to transform this nation into exactly the antithesis of its founding. It has been Liberalism’s overwhelming desire and fondest wish to bring America down and Obamacore is but one more nail in the coffin!

Not only does Obamacore violate the letter and spirit of America’s founding and Constitution, it literally shreds the all-important 10th Amendment. While only a very small percentage of the American population can intelligently and reasonably discuss the Bill of Rights – which is in itself a searing indictment of our entire educational system – no one I have ever met has even the faintest notion of that crucially important amendment. Very briefly, it stipulates that any powers not specifically delegated or given to the federal government automatically revert to the states and the people. In other words, the federal government shall NEVER have any more power than it was granted by our Founders. Those folks understood only to well that the nature of government and of those who govern is to acquire more and more power at the expense of individual freedom and liberty. Obamacore simply trashes that crucial principle and completely violates the concept of a strictly limited federal government.

This is not merely opinion but is instead an immutable, indisputable fact and is well recognized by those whose business it is to study our Constitution. The Federal Government simply has no business, right, or power to meddle or interfere with America’s educational system. It is Constitutionally prohibited. An article entitled, “Six Reasons Why Conservatives (Should) Object To The Common Core(,” explains that the, “Constitutional argument is pretty clear. Education is not listed in the enumerated powers of Congress found in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. The 10th Amendment then clearly states that ‘the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.’” This is absolutely clear, obvious, and not open to interpretation. The Federal Government does not have and was not given any power whatsoever to involve itself in the education of our young people.

Do Obama and his Liberal Mob give even one lousy Tinker’s Damn if their actions violate our Constitution? Of course not, so long as those actions promote their Liberal agenda of doing all they can to pervert and destroy the United States. They know that most Americans have given up fiercely and jealously safeguarding our precious rights and freedoms and that those few who still do constitute so small a minority that all they can do is make noise but cannot initiate effective corrective steps and measures. Ever since FDR’s New Deal started us down the road to Socialism, Americans have become comfortable with an ever expanding and intrusive Federal Government and feel it is normal and proper. Not surprisingly, this attitude has been fostered and promoted in our schools for at least the last half century and Obamacore – the complete Federal takeover of our nation’s school systems – is only the logical and expected culmination of that movement.

The same piece also notes that Obamacore not only violates our Constitution but laws of a lesser nature as well. For example, have you ever heard of something called the General Education Provisions Act? Neither had I. Author Shane Vander Hart explains that the law stipulates that no, “provision of any applicable program shall be construed to authorize any department, agency, officer, or employee of the United States to exercise any direction, supervision, or control over curriculum, program of instruction, administration, or personnel of any educational institution, school, or school system, or over the selection of library resources, textbooks, or other printed or published instructional materials by any educational institution or school system, or to require the assignment or transportation of students or teachers to overcome racial imbalance.” Get the message? The Federal Government is by law forbidden to interfere in any manner, shape, or form with any and all aspects of educating children in the United States! Well, Obamacore just violates the SHIT out of this law and the Socialists among us know it but don’t give a rat’s ass in Hell! Aparently, the American people don’t either.

The same article also points out yet one more especially disturbing aspect of this thing called Obamacore. It is absolutely Orwellian in nature and reminds us that Big Brother is indeed watching over us but is certainly not watching out for us. You’ve perhaps heard of the term “data mining” with all of the publicity of the recent NSA and IRS scandals that have so violated the rights of Americans who our Great Leader does not approve of. I, for example, am a member of the NRA and a group known as the Tea Party Patriots and I have the distinct impression that I’m definitely getting looked at by our oh-so benign Federal Government. No doubt that’s just my raging paranoia rearing its ugly head again and maybe I’d better seek professional help. What the Hell has data mining got to do with Obamacore, you might ask? Well, I’ll tell ya. It appears that the, “U.S. Department of Education is investigating how public schools can collect information on non-cognitive student attributes, after granting itself the power to share student data across agencies without parents’ knowledge.” Can we say “spying?”

Furthermore, the “feds want to use schools to catalogue attributes, dispositions, social skills, attitudes, and intrapersonal resources, independent of intellectual ability . . . all under the guise of education.” Basically, the author correctly maintains that our right to privacy will be nonexistent under the benign auspices of Obamacore, but not to worry. Our government would never use its vast power to harm individual Americans and violate their rights and freedoms. Would it? But wait, there’s more and it’s equally disturbing. The article explains that, “the data the Feds want to collect goes beyond the classroom.” Now there’s a real shocker for you. The piece maintains that, “the department is also funding and maintaining databases that could expand each kid’s academic records into a comprehensive personal record, including health-care history, disciplinary record, family income range, family voting status, and religious affiliation.” Indeed, under “agreements every state signed to get 2009 stimulus funds, they must share students’ academic data with the federal government.” How’s Obamacore look to you now? Are you still feeling all that hope and change the Anointed One promised? What’s next – The Gulag for Noncompliance?

A piece entitled, “Common Core Curriculum: A Look Behind The Curtain Of Hidden Language(,” also notes the extremely intrusive nature of Obamacore and recognizes that it is a complete invasion of not only a student’s privacy but that of the family as well. While most of us are fully aware that virtually all of us are on more data bases than we can possibly imagine, when something as ominous and distant as the Federal Government is targeting our school kids and collecting data that seemingly has nothing even remotely to do with education maybe it’s time we all developed a healthy and protective sense of paranoia! The piece maintains that, “Common Core amasses large amounts of personal information about students,” and explains that, “Common Core’s data mining includes using cameras to judge facial expressions, an electric seat that judges posture, a pressure-sensitive computer mouse and a biometric wrap on kids’ wrists.” Facial expressions? Electric seats? Biometric wraps? Does this sound like education to you? I didn’t think so either.

Throughout the millennia, education has always served one essential purpose: to prepare the younger generations to become responsible, productive adults who will contribute positively to the community and the country. One day it is the young ‘uns who will steer the ship of state and either continue our voyage of excellence or cause it to run aground on the rocks of destruction. Education has never been used to create citizens who instead of thinking for themselves exist only to serve the needs of those bent on destroying individual rights, freedom, and privacy. Not until now that is. Yet another piece entitled, “Lawmakers and Activists Rally to Stop Obama-Backed Common Core(,” explains that the, “Obama administration circumvented Congress to avoid privacy protections in U.S. law and is using more federal bribes to coerce state governments into collecting vast amounts of private, sensitive information on students and parents.” This in no way sounds like the America I grew up in but rather more resembles that of a completely authoritarian or totalitarian state in which the rights and freedoms of citizens count for absolutely nothing.

Obamacore constitutes yet one more Liberal attack on the United States, its history, and its traditions. The LFE in America want to use our educational system solely as a means to indoctrinate our children. They are to be used merely as pawns in their cynical and very purposeful attempt to bring America to its knees and to destroy the entire concept of American Exceptionalism. If Obamacore is ever fully implemented – which I believe is inevitable – our country is in fact doomed. We will have become but one more example of a great nation that has simply passed out of existence. It’s coming folks!

Much Luv Y’all and Have a Great Day!

The Fifth Horseman

(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)

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