Monday, November 17, 2014


     The Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights created a ripple that not only set this nation apart from and above all others at that time but continues to do so to this day.  Our Founding Documents as they are properly termed literally turned the world on its head and defied all previous governing philosophies that had theretofore existed.  For the first time in recorded history, the theory of government changed radically and literally caused tyrants to tremble.  The Divine Right Theory of rule, hereditary privilege, and rigid class structure all began to crumble with the birth of the United States of America.  This country set forth the premise and promise that government was not, in fact, a top-down proposition but rather emanated from the bottom up and the will of the people reigned supreme.  Those who governed were accountable to those who elevated them to positions of power and influence.  They existed to do the peoples’ work and the will of the governed far outweighed the will of those whom the people chose to represent them.  For the very first time in world history, the power of government was limited and there existed parameters beyond which it was forbidden to go.  This amazingly radical concept of limiting the power of government ran completely counter to any previous concept of the relationship between those who govern and those who are governed.  Power emanated not from the top but instead filtered from the bottom up with and only with the consent of the governed.  Those who “ruled” did so only at the pleasure of those who gave them permission to do so.  Never before in planetary history did rulers ever need permission to do anything.  Not until we came along.

     Our Bill of Rights is particularly important in this regard.  It is probably the best example of political theory actually being practically and pragmatically practiced as a meaningful and relevant reality.  These ten amendments to our Constitution for the first time in the history of the world imposed clear and unambiguous limits upon what the powerful could and could not do to the rest of us.  The Bill of Rights completely altered and forever changed the age-old relationship that had existed between and among the governed and those who did the governing. The boldness and audacity of this brand new theory of governance was literally shocking at the time and went completely against the totalitarian nature of every government on the planet.  It also literally set thousands of years of world history on its head.  No one, absolutely no one, told government what it could not do.  Imagine telling a king, queen, czar, or emperor that he or she could not and must not cross certain lines when it came to dealing with those who are ruled.  This was simply unthinkable – inconceivable.  In fact, the same holds true to this day.  There are approximately one hundred and ninety three nations in the world and only eighty or so practice some form of democracy in which the governed have anything to say about who will and will not do the governing and what those at the top can and cannot do to those at the bottom.  In most of the world, there is no such thing as freedom, individual rights, and liberty and the idea of limiting the power of government will at the very least get you and your entire family brutalized, tortured, and killed.  Freedom is indeed a rare and precious thing and it began with us.

     The Bill of Rights was written and included in the Constitution to accomplish two very specific and radical purposes.  The first was to protect and guarantee the individual rights and freedoms that constituted this country’s promise to our citizens as well as the rest of humanity.  The people who wrote those ten amendments knew that man’s natural state was indeed the right to exist in a condition of freedom and liberty and that the totalitarian mindset that had governed mankind from ancient days to the present was indeed unnatural and artificial and had only been perpetrated and sustained by threat, force, and coercion.  The second overall purpose of the Bill of Rights, simply stated, was to limit the power of government.  In other words, to minimize the damage that all governments throughout history could wreak on a virtually powerless population of everyday folks.  This truly defines the very essence of American Exceptionalism and has been a very cornerstone of the American experience and existence.  At the time, it set us completely and radically apart from all other nations that had ever existed.  In every political revolution since our own, the Declaration, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights were used as precedent and justification for the act of rebellion.

     Just for Shits & Giggles, let’s quickly run through the first ten amendments not so much for the actual content of each but rather for the language employed.  For those out there who don’t actually know the content of each – AND YOU SHOULD – they are readily available and eminently unambiguous and comprehensible.  Amendment One is particularly relevant here for it begins by stating that, “Congress shall make no law. . . .”  Got that?  Congress, the government, can’t do it. No way, no how.  Simple enough?  Amendment Two quite simply states in part that, “the right of the people . . . shall not be infringed.”  The Third Amendment which refers to the quartering of troops in private domiciles forbids this practice without, “the consent of the owner,” while Amendment Four clearly states that the, “right of the people . . . shall not be violated.”  Amendment Five, one of the lengthier ones, warns that no person shall be, “deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.”  In other words, the government can’t kill you, imprison you, or take what’s yours without strictly following very specifically prescribed rules and regulations.  The Sixth Amendment deals with the rights of the accused in criminal cases and notes that, “the accused shall enjoy the right. . . .”  Never before in the history of the world had those accused of any wrong doing against the state enjoyed any rights whatsoever because rights simply did not exist!  Amendment Seven, in similar vein for civil cases, insists that, “the right of trial by jury shall be preserved.”  Amendment Eight prohibited the government from imposing excessive bail or fines but more importantly forbade the government from inflicting any cruel or unusual punishments.  Now that could really screw up a tyrant’s day!  Amendment Nine simply and unequivocally insists that the people have more rights than are enumerated in the Constitution and merely because such a right is not stated doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist.  Amendment Ten was a serious kick in the ass for anyone who aspired to the status of dictator or absolute ruler.  It maintained that any right not expressly delegated to the government of the United States, “nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”  What does that mean, you ask?  Simple, really.  The federal government shall never have any more power than was granted to it by the Founders and spelled out in our Constitution.  Never!  Talk about limiting the power of government and protecting the rights of the people – well, I guess!!

     The Bill of Rights, then, is fundamental to our existence as a free people who have always proudly and fiercely defied and denied tyranny both here at home and around the world.  For over two hundred years, we have heeded the words of our Founding Fathers about jealously and vigorously protecting and guarding our freedom and our liberty for they are indeed both precious and fragile.  The Founders knew and understood this only too well having lived through and experienced life under tyrannical rule.  As is all too often the case, however, familiarity breeds contempt or at least a deep and even deadly sense of apathy and total ignorance.  Over the last half century or so, the Bill of Rights has lost virtually all meaning if not relevance to present day American life.  Virtually no one knows what they are or mean and even fewer Americans know why they were created and added to our Constitution.  If you care to partake of an exercise in complete futility and frustration, for example, try this on an afternoon when you’ve got absolutely nothing better to do.  Go to your local shopping mall and randomly survey one hundred or so of the folks you run across.  Ask if they know what the Bill of Rights is and why it is important.  The level of ignorance will both disappoint and disillusion.  Don’t even bother inquiring about the meaning of any specific or particular amendments for that might really drive you over the edge.  The American public seems not to know or even care about the freedoms guaranteed to us by our Bill of Rights and, that being the case, have absolutely no idea or concept that we are in the process of losing them.  The “great unwashed” out here can’t for the life of them  find any relevance between their own lives and documents that are hundreds of years old.  They have absolutely no sense of history and without that anchor there can be no lessons learned – only lessons lost.

     Why should this be the case?  Is it no more than happenstance or perhaps an instance of collective amnesia?  Why should something as important and crucial – not to mention unique – as our Bill of Rights be relegated to a position of extreme unimportance and even irrelevance?  Do our first ten amendments really no longer apply to life in America?  Have they really outlived whatever usefulness they may have had for this nation as the 21st Century rolls inexorably on?  Do we no longer need the protections that they once provided?  Has their promise actually been fulfilled and can our Founding Fathers finally rest in peace?  Have the goals of protecting individual rights and freedoms and limiting the power of government finally and irrevocably been achieved?  Is it time for us to stop worrying about our right to free speech, free press, and freedom of religion?  Should we no longer be concerned with our government never becoming more powerful than is permitted by the Constitution or that our due process rights no longer need safeguarding?

     If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions – and dozens more that could be asked – then our nation is in serious trouble and, in fact, our precious rights and freedoms are very much in jeopardy of being lost and rights lost can never be restored.  Once they’re gone, they’re gone for good.  Surely, this cannot be what most Americans want and desire unless, of course, they don’t even know what they are losing. After all, if you don’t know what you have, you can’t possibly know when it’s gone.  If you don’t know or understand that you’ve lost something or that it’s been taken away from you, it’s impossible to miss it or comprehend the meaning of the loss.  Unfortunately, this seems to be the case with far too many Americans today.  They simply don’t know what their rights are nor do they understand the innate oppressive power of government – all government – anywhere in the world.  If allowed, government will always and invariably garner more and more power unto itself which inevitably comes at the expense of individual liberty and freedom.  This has always been the case and continues to the present day.  The less vigilant a people become, the more powerful government will grow and big, unwieldy government is always anathema to freedom, individual rights, and liberty.  The more people learn to depend on government for their wants and needs, the less freedom they enjoy.  Thomas Jefferson wisely instructed that a, “government big enough to give you everything you want is also powerful enough to take away everything you have.”  This has been the case in America for far too long and the growth of an increasingly powerful and all-pervasive federal government is no mere accident or some odd quirk of fate.  It has been perpetrated on this nation and its population since at least the 1960’s and can reasonably be traced back to FDR’s New Deal all those years ago.

     It is certainly no accident that there are those among us who actively and arduously desire the complete destruction of our Bill of Rights because those ten amendments are viewed as impediments and obstacles by those who champion the growth of ever bigger and more intrusive government.  These are the folks who desperately want government involved in every aspect of the lives of the citizenry.  You see, they are Statists, Authoritarians, and Totalitarian wanna-be’s who don’t merely want to govern but rather to rule.  They are no different in attitude and outlook than the Divine Right Rulers of centuries ago.  They do not trust us “little folk” as capable of making decisions for ourselves and our families let alone for our country.  According to them, our role is to simply shut up and rubber stamp their machinations and plans to turn this country into something it was never intended to be.  Our input is not wanted or needed and the less involved we are in the governing process, the less trouble we can cause for those Elitists whose fondest dream is to fundamentally transform this country into something more akin to an oppressive regime instead of the magnificent Constitutional Republic so brilliantly crafted by our Founding Fathers almost two hundred and forty years ago.  They are what I have dubbed the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite) and they are doing their damnedest to effectively render our Declaration, Constitution, and Bill of Rights null and void.  Our Founding Documents don’t fit their template of the Socialist-Authoritarian State in which the people have virtually no power and rights, liberties, and freedoms are anything but God-given.  Instead, they are granted to us by men and can therefore be taken away by our “betters” when they are viewed as serious threats by those who would control every aspect of our lives from cradle to grave.

     This deliberate destructive process can easily be illustrated by taking even the most perfunctory look at the nation’s education system.  Whereas the country’s founding and those essential documents that are the central elements behind what has correctly been deemed the concept of American Exceptionalism used to be basic to every child’s education beginning in elementary school that is no longer the case.  American history has been completely revised by the Liberal Elites who have had a stranglehold on our educational system for at least half a century.  The Declaration, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights are treated minimally at best or simply ignored at worst.  They are deemed meaningless and irrelevant by those who control education in this nation.  They are either glossed over, distorted, or completely ignored.  Our children do not learn the amazing historical importance of America’s founding and what it meant to the world.  They are not taught to appreciate the sacrifice that characterized the birth of this country and, therefore, cannot possibly comprehend it.  This has been done purposely by the LFE and continues through high school and university.  This “revisionist history”, which really took hold in the 1960’s, presents America’s past in the darkest possible terms and has served to instill in the country’s young ones a deep distrust, disrespect, and even hatred for America and all that it stands for and represents.

     A piece entitled, “Sixth Grade Assignment: Destroy The Bill Of Rights (,” is particularly illustrative here but is certainly not unusual in today’s current climate.  It begins with, “Welcome to the first day of civics class in the Common Core.  Your first assignment?  Revising the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution because it is an outdated document.”  How about that.  The Bill of Rights is seen as outdated and therefore, I suppose, as useless, irrelevant, and inapplicable in 21st Century America.  I had been taught, all those years ago, that these ten amendments were, in fact, timeless and that the principles and particulars contained therein constituted the bedrock upon which our nation was built and by which it became exceptional.  I had learned that the Bill of Rights was our bulwark against big, unwieldy, and abusive government and served to protect and preserve individual rights and freedoms.

     But hey, I’m just an Old Fart who is also outdated and irrelevant in today’s America.  The piece goes on to explain that, “You have been selected to work on a National Revised Bill of Rights Task Force,” and that, “You have been charged with the task of revising and editing the Bill of Rights.”  That task also included adding amendments to the document.  Alrighty then.  Let’s scrap the old one and bring on a new one that more accurately reflects the wants and desires of current day Americans. Well, that’s quite a daunting task especially since our students have not been taught the purpose, meaning, or context that the Bill of Rights embodies.  If they don’t know the Bill of Rights as written and intended, how can they possibly revise it?  They can’t.  They can only destroy it.  The article goes on to note that, “students are not being taught what the document means, or any kind of appreciation for the document.  The underlying assumption of the assignment is that the Constitution is outdated and needs to be changed.”  Furthermore, “Another underlying assumption is that this can be done by a citizen task force which ignores the actual procedure for amending the Constitution.”  This kind of assignment is designed to do nothing less than teach children contempt for one of the most liberty-inspiring documents ever written by the hand of man.  It is designed to undermine, subvert, and distort the uniqueness and exceptionalism upon which this nation was founded and is characterized to this day.  If the LFE among us can successfully brainwash the country’s young ‘uns into a lack of appreciation or understanding of America’s founding then, indeed, they will have succeeded in their goal of transforming the United States into something our Founders wouldn’t recognize and would have fought a second revolution to prevent.

     This grade school exercise is by no means the only attempt to destroy the Bill of Rights and scrap our Founding Principles.  No, that effort goes at least as far back as FDR’s New Deal when the United States had experienced the Great Depression and was fighting World War ll.  An article entitled, “The State of the Union – 1944: FDR’s Second Bill of Rights (,” is particularly instructive in this regard. Introducing a second Bill of Rights presupposes that there was actually a need for one and that somehow the original was no longer adequate.  Well, if one is a Statist who favors more than anything else the establishment of an ever larger, more powerful and intrusive government than one supposes that the first Bill of Rights left something to be desired.  If one disagrees with the founding concept of limiting the power of government in order to safeguard and preserve individual rights and freedoms then the demand for a second Bill of Rights becomes comprehensible, even necessary.  Roosevelt’s proposed Second Bill of Rights contains within it all those assumptions and more and is designed to undermine and destroy the Founding Principles upon which our magnificent Republic was founded.

     Let’s take a few moments to examine some of the “rights” FDR deemed necessary and proper to move America forward.  Roosevelt proclaimed that we, “have accepted, so to speak, a second Bill of Rights under which a new base of security and prosperity can be established for all – regardless of station, race, or creed.”  Among the additional “rights” emphasized by FDR was the, “right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation,” and the, “right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation.”  How’s it sound so far?  Additionally, we note the, “right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living,” and the, “right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home and abroad.”  Boy, I’ll tell ya Old Franklin D. really seems to be on a tear here!  He also insisted on the, “right of every family to a decent home,” and the, “right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health.”  FDR is sounding better and better for who could possibly object to the “rights” thus far enumerated?  Furthermore, FDR’s Second Bill of Rights included the, “right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment,” as well as the, “right to a good education.”  Wow, talk about a virtual utopia, a veritable Heaven on Earth kind of a deal!  FDR concluded that, “America’s own rightful place in the world depends in large part on how fully these and similar rights have been carried into practice for our citizens.”

     And therein lies the FUCKING RUB!!  Read that last sentence again and note the phrase, “For Our Citizens.”  It does not read, “carried into practice BY our citizens,” but rather FOR our citizens.  Do you begin to catch on now, do you begin to see?  Roosevelt was promising pure, unbridled, and unfettered Socialism.  The government will step in and see to it that each of us is guaranteed these “rights” and that, in fact, they cannot be realized unless government becomes more and more involved in providing them for us.  Apparently, Roosevelt and his ilk did not trust us or deem us capable enough to provide those so-called rights for ourselves and our families.  We little folks must and should depend on government to do this for us.  Yeah, I’d say that constitutes Socialism writ large and, unfortunately, it sounds far too much like America in the year 2014! 

     These “rights” catalogued by FDR are not in fact rights at all.  Instead, they are more properly termed goals and opportunities and that is and always has been the promise of America.  Here, unlike most of the world, we are promised the right to try and succeed, the right to try and achieve whatever is our pleasure and the only limits placed on individual success are virtually always self-imposed.  In our system, we are promised the right to life, liberty, and the PURSUIT of happiness but the outcome is never guaranteed!  That is up to each and every one of us and we must all develop our own abilities, talents, and desires that will enable us to achieve our goals.  Government should be there to see that the playing field is level and that no one begins the race behind or ahead of the starting line.  How we cross the finish line, however, is up to us and in that the government must never interfere.

     Roosevelt’s Second Bill of Rights defies and negates age-old and time-honored American traditions like rugged individualism, self-reliance, and an absolutely boundless sense of optimism and hope for the future.  Roosevelt’s Second Bill of Rights completely ignores and negates our magnificent system of Free Market Capitalism and the unalterable fact that in this country regardless of humble beginnings, each individual can rise to heights literally not seen anywhere else in the world.  This has always been but one more element in the concept of American Exceptionalism and until very recently has been an accepted and central feature of the American way of life.

     Not so anymore.  It is now preferred and expected by the powers that be that more and more Americans will and must depend upon government for all of life’s necessities and desires.  We are no longer expected to fend for and provide for ourselves but instead must turn to Big Brother for those things in life that the individual had always been expected to provide for himself.  Want a job?  Go to government which has become this nation’s largest employer and that, by the way, was never intended or envisioned.  Need health care?  Go see Uncle Sam and he’ll gladly step in and control every aspect of your life because once government controls health and health care it dictates how you will and will not live.  Need sustenance?  Apply for federally controlled food stamps and all will be well.  Need a place to live?  Easy, just get yourself some federally subsidized housing.  Do you need a cell phone?  No problem.  Just go and get yourself a free Obamaphone or maybe three or four of them.  Having trouble paying your heating bill in the winter?  Hey, no problem.  The federal government has programs for that too.  Out of work?  Don’t worry about it.  How about two years of unemployment checks provided by the nation’s taxpayers?  It seems that there’s literally no aspect of life that needs our personal attention or initiative anymore and that’s precisely what the LFE wants, desires, and demands.  The Liberals-Socialists among us are FDR’s successors and standard bearers.  They carry the torch for those in our nation who want to destroy our very foundations.  They want to knock down every single tradition that has made this country the greatest nation God ever gave mankind and the envy of the entire world.  Those on the Far Left revere FDR and his Second Bill of Rights just as much as they loathe and despise this country as historically founded and presently constituted.

     Our Bill of Rights has always acted to prevent and prohibit the federal government from overly interfering in the lives of the citizens thus helping foster and protect the growth of liberty and freedom in this country.  Without the protections provided by the first ten amendments everything that has made the United States of America unique and exceptional goes by the boards.  The importance of this document cannot be overstated and the fact that there exist very powerful forces in this country that view it as an impediment to their own power and influence should remind all of us that we must be ever vigilant in our fight against those forces whenever and wherever it becomes necessary.  Benjamin Franklin famously insisted that those who would sacrifice just a little freedom for a little more security indeed deserved neither.  Yet more and more of us seem willing to do exactly that.  FDR’s Second Bill of Rights does promise the prospect of more security but we must ask ourselves at what cost?  In order to guarantee what is promised, the loss of precious freedom is the price we must inevitably pay. 

     All Socialist-Communist societies, for example, make exactly those same promises and nobody can deny that in those nations freedom is virtually nonexistent.  This is not merely an opinion but can easily be verified by a truthful and honest examination of countries like Cuba, the old Soviet Union, or even modern-day China.  The same promises of security granted in the Second Bill of Rights are also granted in all Statist-Authoritarian nations but freedom is literally unknown.  Liberty is virtually nonexistent and choice and opportunity are nowhere to be found.  In these places and many others, the government is all-powerful, ever-present, intrusive, and must be obeyed.  There are no checks on what government cannot do to its citizens and those hapless folks have no recourse whatsoever.  There exist no documents like our Bill of Rights because there are no rights and no freedoms in existence!  There is only the “right” to obey and not to do so guarantees the most dire of outcomes.

     It is difficult, therefore, for many of us “old-school” Americans to fathom that there exist so many in this country who want exactly that outcome.  They desperately seek to destroy our nation as envisioned by the Founding Fathers and replace it with some form of Statism, Authoritarianism, or Totalitarianism.  These types must be resisted and defeated if the promise of America is to continue to be realized.  If the Socialists among us emerge victorious, then America ceases to exist and will take its place on that long list of failed experiments that flourished for a bit but ultimately ended up in the dust bin of history from which there is no return or resurrection.  Once the forces of despotism take hold of a nation, freedom will soon cease to exist and the promise of this greatest of countries will cease along with it.

     An article entitled, “R.I.P. Bill of Rights 1789-2011 (,” maintains that one, “of the most extraordinary documents in human history – the Bill of Rights – has come to an end under President Barrack Obama.”  Well, that’s quite a statement indeed but given what’s been going on in this current regime, I don’t think much of an argument can be mounted against it.  Obama’s IRS, for example, was expressly ordered to investigate and audit the various Tea Party groups that have arisen around the country since the Emperor – in – Chief’s coronation.  Indeed, these as well as other grass roots organizations have summarily been denied tax exempt status thus effectively preventing them from raising funds to better express their political point of view.  This utterly and completely denies them their First Amendment right to free speech, free press, and freedom of expression for daring to oppose the views, actions, and philosophy of America’s most notable would-be tyrant.  Those members of the LFE in America are perfectly comfortable with this purposeful abridgement of some of our most important rights and freedoms because it perfectly fits their overall template of destroying this country and turning it into something it was never intended to be.

     The article points out that, “Derived from sacred principles of natural law, the Bill of Rights has come to a sudden and catastrophic end with the President’s signing of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). . . .”  The NDAA?  What the Hell is that, you ask?  Yeah, me too.  I’d never heard of it either because like so much that Obama and the Boys do, we were never meant to hear of it.  The NDAA is a, “law that grants the U.S. military the legal right to conduct secret kidnappings of U.S. citizens, followed by indefinite detention, interrogation, torture and even murder.  This is all conducted completely outside the protection of law, with no jury, no trial, no legal representation and not even any requirement that the government produce evidence against the accused.”  Author Mike Adams correctly concludes that this, “is a system of outright government tyranny against the American people, and it effectively nullifies the Bill of Rights.”  There’s absolutely no arguing with that last point if you know what is contained in those first ten amendments.  As noted earlier, however, most Americans no longer have that knowledge and therefore have absolutely no fucking clue just how badly the NDAA stomps all over the Bill of Rights and denies us basic freedoms that so many in our country have fought and died to protect.  This means literally nothing to the Liberal Pukes in our country who are firmly convinced that they have the right to destroy our freedoms if it fits their agenda of destroying America.  The article goes on to note that this, “is the law that will cement Obama’s legacy in the history books as the traitor who nullified the Bill of Rights and paved America’s pathway down a road of tyranny that will make Nazi Germany’s war crimes look like child’s play.  If Bush had signed a law like this, liberals would have been screaming impeachment!”

     As far as I can tell, this edict violates at least the First and Second Amendments as well as the Third and the Fourth.  It certainly decimates the Fifth Amendment with its all-important emphasis on our due process rights.  It places in jeopardy our rights under the Sixth and Seventh Amendments and makes a complete mockery of the Eigth Amendment as well.  Under the NDAA, the Ninth and Tenth Amendments are reduced to nothing more than memories of a time when individual rights and freedoms were well known and hotly defended whenever they seemed threatened.  This, of course, presupposes that the American population actually knew what those rights were and perceived the absolute need to defend any infringement or encroachment upon them.  Tragically, this is no longer the case.

     The author of the piece constantly and correctly emphasizes the ultimate importance of the Bill of Rights as he notes that, “While the U.S. Constitution already limits the power of the federal government, the Bill of Rights is the document that enumerates even more limits on federal power.”  This, of course, is crucial given what’s been happening regarding the ever expanding power of our central government, especially the Executive Branch.  It is, however, becoming increasingly difficult to maintain the freedoms enunciated in the Bill of Rights, “given the natural tendency of all government to concentrate power in the hands of the few while destroying the rights and freedoms of their own people.”  It is essential that the American population never forget the purpose of the Bill of Rights as envisioned by our Founders who rightly perceived government as a threat and a usurper of freedom.  Our Revolution was fought expressly to prevent tyranny in our new nation but the LFE in our midst desires the exact opposite.

     Every law enacted by them and every executive order signed by our Dictator Wannabe is purposely designed  to restrict, limit, and destroy our hard-won freedoms and to finally and irrevocably trash the Bill of Rights.  The article properly insists that the purpose of the Bill of Rights, “was to provide additional clarifications on the limitations of government power so that there could be absolutely no question that government could NEVER, under any circumstances, violate these key principles of freedom:  Freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, freedom from illegal searches, the right to remain silent, the right to due process under the law, and so on.”

     Look around you folks and, if you can, honestly assess the condition of freedom as it exists in America and compare it to the vision of our Founding Fathers.  We are far less free than we were when the nation was still new and untested.  We are far less free in 2014 than we were when we threw off the shackles of British colonialism and said a resounding NO to tyranny.  Well, tyranny is back and under the Liberals and their Destroyer – in – Chief it is overwhelming and undermines our freedom at every turn.  Government is now far too heavily involved in virtually every single aspect of our lives while most citizens have become thoroughly ignorant and unaware of our proud history and heritage as a free country and a free people.  We have reached a point in the life of the United States where an overwhelming sense of apathy and indifference has descended upon us like the darkest of thunder-heads just prior to a storm of devastating proportions.  We are in a fight right now and most Americans are blissfully unaware of that fact.  We are in a battle to preserve our freedom and liberty not from some foreign invader bent on conquest but rather from fellow Americans and this is the ultimate tragedy we face today.  Too many of us are so completely unaware of our magnificent history and traditions that one has to wonder just how this happened.    What brought us to this point where so many of us actually don’t know who we really are and what America has historically represented?

     The answer is easily and readily comprehensible:  unfettered and unbridled Liberalism.  Sadly, Liberalism controls all of our major institutions including such things as education, the media – both print and electronic – entertainment at all levels, publishing, and so much more.  Our kids are bombarded and brainwashed with it before they are old enough to take their first steps and it continues unabated well into adulthood.  Liberalism is virtually solely responsible for America’s decline and unfortunately too many of our fellow citizens either really don’t seem to care or actually welcome this evisceration of every single tradition that we used to hold dear and would defend without hesitation if we thought they were under assault.  This is simply no longer the case and thus we are witnessing the demise of our precious Bill of Rights and the protections it provides.  It is an absolute tragedy and travesty that we have allowed ourselves to reach the point that we are witnessing the suicide – the internal destruction – of the greatest nation in planetary history.  It literally keeps me and many more of us Old Farts out here awake at night in fear of what will happen to our children and grandchildren.

     As the author of the piece maintains, “today’s runaway federal government utterly ignores the limitations placed on it by the founding fathers.  It aggressively and criminally seeks to expand its power at all costs, completely ignoring the Bill of Rights and openly violating the limitations of power placed upon it by the United States Constitution.”  The writer notes, for example, the, “TSA’s illegal searching of air travelers, for example, is a blatant violation of Fourth Amendment rights.  The government’s hijacking of websites it claims are linking to copyright infringement hubs is a blatant violation of First Amendment rights. The government’s demand that all Americans be forced to buy private health insurance is a blatant violation of Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution – the Commerce Clause.”  The piece continues that now, “with the passage of the NDAA, the federal government has torpedoed the entire Bill of Rights, dismissing it completely and effectively promising to violate those rights at will.  As of January 1, 2012, we have all been designated enemies of the state.  America is the new battleground, and your right to due process is null and void.”  Wow!  I never imagined that ordinary, patriotic, Constitution-loving Americans could possibly be seen as enemies of the state but remember, we’re dealing with the LFE in our midst and to them we are indeed enemies of the state who must be silenced and destroyed at all costs.  The piece concludes that, “we are now a nation led by evil, and threatened with total destruction by those who would seek to rule as tyrants.  This is America’s final hour.  We either defend the republic now, or we lose it forever.”

     Folks, the recent Republican massive mid-term victory notwithstanding, we are indeed in danger of losing the nation that we love and cherish.  I hope those elections constitute a harbinger of things to come and perhaps just maybe a spark has been ignited that will call our country back to its roots, its founding, and its heritage.  I fear, however, that those elections may represent a death knell, a final, desperate gasp of what is left of freedom in our beloved nation.  I hope not.

Much Luv Y’All and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman

(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)             

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