Friday, April 24, 2015


     The way I see it, as a nation we’re pretty much FUCKED!!  The proverbial handwriting is on the wall but the language is not English – it’s Spanish!  Alrighty then, I’d better get ready to duck because the shit that’s about to be thrown at me will be unavoidable, overwhelming, scurrilous, and utterly false.  They’ll scream that I’m a racist and a xenophobe.  They’ll literally foam at the mouth in their rabid denunciation of me for representing the worst about the American national character and culture and they’ll rant and rave at me for not being inclusive.  I’ll be severely chastised, reprimanded, and raked over the coals for daring to sound even remotely or slightly critical of our immigration policies (so-called) that are purposely and thoroughly destroying the United States of America as historically founded and presently constituted.  Yeah, the Liberal Pukes out there will be all over me for this and I really haven’t even said anything yet.  That, however, matters not a whit to these Anti-America Sons A Bitches!  Even the slightest hint or perceived negativity concerning the immigration debacle faced by our country is guaranteed to unleash the dreaded Liberal vitriol against anyone who dares to oppose – out loud in front of God and everybody -   the purposeful and malignant flooding of this country with people who absolutely don’t belong here, shouldn’t be here, and couldn’t give a Flying Fuck about the United States!

     Yeah, yeah, I know.  They’ll tell me that this country was founded and built by immigrants – by people who risked it all, came here with nothing, and built the greatest nation the world has ever seen.  No nation on the planet can come even close to matching the magnificence of the United States in any category you choose to analyze, dissect, or discuss.  You’ll get no argument from me on that score and I thank God every day that I was lucky enough to be born here and that my grandparents chose to come here from Europe to make better lives for themselves and their progeny.  I am grateful that my children and grandchildren had the good fortune to have been born in this country and are thus able to take advantage of the amazing opportunities this country provides for those willing to work hard and succeed.

     Like no other place on the planet, this place can indeed be all things to all people regardless of national origin, ethnicity, class, or caste.  In this country like no other place in world history, the only limitations placed on individual success and achievement are almost always self-imposed.  In this place, again like no other, no matter where you came from, no matter your country of birth, you can become a true, full-blown, bone fide American.  This, by the way, is not the case virtually anywhere else in the world.  Try emigrating, for example, to England, Germany, or France.  You could live in those places for literally generations and become citizens.  You could marry, raise a family, own a business, and develop a wide circle of friends and acquaintances but you’ll always be considered the “Yank” who lives down the block or across town.  You’ll always be the American and because of that you’ll never really fit in or mesh with citizens from your adopted country.  You could indeed be the very embodiment of the proverbial Hail Fellow Well Met and the very Salt of the Earth but you’ll forever remain that guy from somewhere else.

     You see, in most other countries citizenship is viewed as something special, as something to be jealously guarded and preserved for those deemed worthy of the privilege.  It is not something to be taken lightly or merely handed out like so many pieces of candy on Halloween!  Citizenship is considered an honor and places the citizen a cut above those who can’t claim that coveted and cherished status.  It is something to be proud of.  Think, perhaps, of ancient Greece or Rome.  To be a full-fledged citizen of those long-gone civilizations meant you were indeed someone special and that you belonged to something special.  It set you apart from and, yes, above those non-citizens who lived among you and this was deemed both normal and natural.  With citizenship came certain privileges and perks that others did not and could not possess.  Additionally, with citizenship came certain duties and obligations that you owed to the nation as well as your fellow citizens.  You want to gain some insight – some comprehension – of just how important and special citizenship was all those years ago?  Think of Socrates and the choice he made between banishment from his beloved Athens and death.  How many in America today feel about this country as did Socrates feel about his?  Yeah, that’s what I thought too.

     American citizenship today and, in fact, for many decades is not regarded as anything particularly special, admirable, or something to be coveted, protected, and preserved.  To be a proud American citizen is considered – especially by those on the Far Left – no more than a quaint, out dated, and old fashioned expression of patriotism if not outright jingoism that really has no place in the 21st Century.  To be proud of our citizenship and heritage is seen today as dangerously hubristic, ridiculously nationalistic, and callously insensitive to the feelings and sensibilities of others from different parts of the globe.  To be even slightly nationalistic goes against the long-standing Liberal passion that forever emphasizes and extols such concepts as globalism, one-worldism, and multiculturalism.  In some parts of our nation, to fly the flag, to publicly and proudly display our nation’s colors is to invite scorn, ridicule, and perhaps even the destruction of your private property.  To be a proud American flies in the face of the Liberal dogma and orthodoxy that all cultures and countries are equal and each has something to offer.  To place one above another is seen as divisive in the extreme and displays an unwillingness to succumb to those who constantly and continually bash and lash out at the United States and claim that we are in fact the cause of all the world’s woes and ills.  Most prominent among them, by the way, is our very own anti-America American President who routinely denies the concept of American Exceptionalism every damned chance he gets.  You know, the same anti-America piece of shit who regularly and predictably apologizes for America every time he travels abroad!

     In my view, this sea change, this denigration and cheapening of the entire concept of American citizenship is a direct result of the ascendancy of Far Left Liberalism which can easily be traced back to the 1960’s for that is when the concept and phenomenon of the anti-America American really began to take hold.  This is especially true regarding our educational system from kindergarten right up through college and university.  Our young ‘uns are fed a steady, unrelenting diet of this bilge and by the time they graduate from virtually any of our institutions of higher learning they have been so thoroughly brainwashed and duped by the Liberal Scum Dogs who control education in this country that they have no choice but to at the very least hold our nation in the utmost of contempt.  It is this attitude and philosophy that has in large part caused the immigration disaster that our country now struggles with and if not corrected in one Hell of a damned hurry will overwhelm and destroy us as a cohesive nation and culture.

     Immigration, of course, has been a part of our national heritage and psyche since even before our founding.  Immigrants have always come here and for the most part have been warmly welcomed.  The difference between now and then lies in the quantity and quality of the immigrants who want to come to America and reside here permanently.  The difference between immigration now and then lies in the reasons why so many clamor to come here and remain here.  Immigration to the United States has always been attractive to those who wanted to better themselves economically.  The opportunities for economic advancement were and remain far better here than any other place on the planet.  This is not open to debate or interpretation but rather is an undeniable fact.  The economic motive, then, for coming to this country is a constant.  A central difference between immigration then and now, however, is that those who used to come here knew they could succeed beyond their wildest dreams and expectations if they were willing to work their immigrant asses off  from dawn to dusk and beyond!  Indeed, they expected nothing but the opportunity to do just that.  They asked for and certainly demanded no special treatment or privileges and no extraordinary status.  All they wanted was the chance to succeed and they’d take care of the rest on their own.  And you know what?  For the most part they did exactly that.  They got no help from the government and they certainly expected nothing in the way of “welfare”, entitlements if you will, for welfare did not exist.  The concept of something for nothing was simply not part of the equation for success in their minds or experience.  The formula was simplicity itself:  hard work equaled success.  If the immigrant adhered to the formula, success would follow.  Most immigrants did, in fact, begin to move up the socio-economic ladder.  Their children and grandchildren followed suit and did so by dint of hard work, education, and an unalterable, unshakeable faith in the promise of the United States of America.

     This is no longer the case.  For decades it seems the new immigrant has displayed no particular desire to assimilate and become an American, let alone an American citizen.  These folks don’t view America as any place special or exceptional and far too often they come here as free-loaders Hell-bent on acquiring all the goodies they can get their foreign-born mitts on.  There is no thought of loyalty or allegiance to their new nation and there certainly does not appear to be a sense of appreciation, gratitude, or thanks for the fact that they had the incredible good fortune to show up here.  Unlike the immigrant of yore, in far too many instances they arrive on our shores with a predictable “gimme” attitude.  Upon walking down the gangplank or stepping onto the tarmac, their hands are out and they expect to be given “stuff” as though it is somehow their right.  The idea that foreigners have any rights at all is utterly ludicrous, outlandish, and bizarre.  The concept that they are entitled to anything is horribly grotesque!  To even hint at the idea that these newcomers should have to prove that they deserve to be here will get you called all kinds of nasty expletives and might even lead to violent confrontations depending on whom you are speaking to.

     The fact is, our immigration “policy” no longer serves the needs of our nation but is in many ways inimical or antithetical to our national interests.  Immigration, it seems, is no longer geared toward benefitting America but is focused on benefitting the immigrant and from a policy stand point that is simply wrong.  While it is true that immigrants have always benefitted from coming here that was never the point of immigration.  Rather the central idea and ideal must be that first and foremost, our immigration policies must benefit the United States and any benefit accruing to the individual immigrant or immigrant group was at best secondary or tangential to the overall purpose of allowing newcomers the exquisite privilege of settling here.

     This all changed with the passage of the Immigration Act of 1965 championed by that fat drunk from Massachusetts, Ted Kennedy.  Prior to 1965, the vast majority of immigrants hailed from Western Europe which meant that those immigrants shared a huge bond with the United States even before they arrived here.  We shared the same culture, namely Western Civilization.  Save for the language barrier, the immigrant was of our culture and background and believed, broadly speaking, in similar values, standards, and mores as did the vast majority of Americans.  Assimilation, then, was relatively easy, natural, and expected.  Certainly, the new immigrant had to learn to become an American but because of cultural similarities this was not overly burdensome or difficult. Once the language barrier had been broken, it was a relatively painless and natural process.  This changed radically with the Immigration Act of 1965.

     With that horribly anti-American piece of legislation, the entire tenor and tone of immigration to the U.S. changed.  After 1965 and ever since, a mere 15% of our nation’s newcomers were permitted to come here from Western Europe.  A full 85% of them, then, came from places around the globe that had absolutely nothing in common with Western Civilization, culture, and heritage.  This made assimilation far more difficult than it had ever been and for the first time in our history we began to take in more and more folks who had no desire to become Americans.  Rather, they chose to replicate their own cultures, norms, and ways of life on our shores thus initiating what Samuel Huntington so aptly dubbed the Clash of Civilizations right here on our own turf.  This culture war has literally become a central feature of American life ever since the Liberal Elite in our country turned its back on our own culture, heritage, and traditions.  This culture war has been raging all around us for decades and, unfortunately, America seems to be losing ground at an alarming rate!

     There exists, for example, close to my home a very large park and there are days when you can walk in any direction and not here a word of English!  The same park contains numerous baseball fields complete with bleachers and yet our national past time seems to be played less and less while sports like soccer, cricket, and bacci appear to be on the rise.  There are entire neighborhoods in New York City where English is simply not the first or even second language and where street and traffic signs cannot be read by a native-born American.  In New York City high schools, the Regents examinations can be taken in at least seven languages other than English including, I believe, Urdu.  Urdu?  Throughout this country, our schools preach something called ESL – English as a Second Language.  English as a second language?  You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!!  We are quickly giving away our nation and our birthright in the name of one of the most dangerous and insidious philosophies ever faced by this country – Multiculturalism!  Multiculturalism is both destructive and divisive for it emphasizes above all else the differences that exist between and among us as a population rather than celebrating that which unites us and brings us together as Americans.  Without a sense of national cohesiveness, unity, and purpose no nation can long survive intact and will eventually lead to the Balkanization of this greatest of all nations! 

     It is long past time when all this and more changed and that our immigration policies should once again be used to strengthen America rather than weaken it and bring it down.  For far too many decades, the uniqueness and exceptional nature of the American experience and example have been trampled underfoot by the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite) among us who desire nothing less than the destruction of the United States and all it stands for and represents.  Those mealy-mouthed anti-America Sons-A-Bitches believe that we do not deserve our status as the world’s lone super power or the planet’s wealthiest, most powerful, and most generous country in planetary history.  Immigration, on balance, is no longer a national asset and seems to harm us far more than it helps or strengthens us.  Our immigration policies, such as they are, no longer serve the national interest but instead seem purposely geared and directed toward diluting if not entirely destroying the single most successful national entity ever experienced in the history of the globe.   As a country, we have done more to uplift mankind, provide for those who are not as fortunate as us, and protect the world from the forces of oppression that have regularly and brutally plagued mankind.  We will no longer be able to do these things – and more – if our immigration policies continue to weaken us, divide us, and destroy our will as a people and a nation.

     This is exactly and precisely what our immigration policies have achieved.  We are no longer a cohesive, proud nation held together by bonds of borders, language, and culture.  Instead, our immigration policies have served to splinter us, tear us asunder, and rip us apart. This is but one more page in the Liberal Playbook to purposely weaken our nation and bring us down to the level of some third-world, impoverished, and socially divided shithole of a country where class and caste are forever pitted against one another and view each other as permanent and mortal foes.  The Liberal Scum amongst us delight in spreading the seeds of distrust and enmity while fostering and furthering as much national discord and divisiveness as they can.

     If you care to delve just slightly or perfunctorily into just how inimical and antithetical to American interests our immigration policies have become just take a quick look into the current insanity of allowing non-citizens and illegals to vote in American elections.  Yeah, you read that right.  The Liberals, the Far Left Lunatics, among us have been unapologetic champions of this “movement” for years.  Think about that for a moment if you will.  There exists in our nation a sizable group of American citizens who favor allowing non-citizens – folks who are not Americans – to participate in the electoral process and help decide the fate of our nation.  Anyone who concurs with such idiocy cannot, in my humble opinion, be mistaken for someone who loves this country and wants to see its continued progress and prosperity.  Anyone who believes in allowing non-citizens the right and privilege of partaking in the sacred duty of choosing our elected leaders and deciding national policy and priorities can aptly and accurately be termed a traitor!  Yup, I said it.  If you are one of them, then you’re sure as shit not one of us!  It’s really that simple and basic.  Most folks I know are absolutely appalled at such a prospect and simply can’t fathom the fact that there exist among us people who would be more than happy should this become the case.  For the most part, these are the Far Left Liberals among us who have for decades exhibited nothing but contempt, scorn, and even hatred for the United States of America.  The nation that gave them everything they have – including liberty and freedom – is the very nation they continually spit upon and wish to bring down.

     In a piece entitled, “DEFCON 5: Illegals Registering to Vote (,” the country’s leading talk show host correctly insists that Obama, “is gonna grant amnesty to those here and he is gonna keep the borders open and welcome all those who want to come in as well.”  Additionally, “they’re gonna get green cards, which means they’re gonna get driver’s licenses, which means they’re gonna end up on the voter registration  rolls. . . .”  You know, he’s right and the Conservative pundit notes that, “it’s started happening now.  Illegals are being registered to vote.  It’s happening at lightening  speed.”  Limbaugh goes on to quote the Washington Times which accurately states that, “President Obama’s temporary deportation amnesty will make it easier for illegal immigrants to improperly register to vote. . . .”  This is absolutely correct and it’s part of a long-standing Liberal-Democrat strategy of increasing their voting base.  In order to succeed, the Liberal Saboteurs among us need a permanent underclass of poor and uneducated dupes who will be taught to rely on government for their every want and need.  Self-reliance, rugged individualism, and hard work – all cornerstones of the American experience and success story – will no longer be required.

     The new citizen will simply vote Democrat and the goodies will be there for the taking.  Should this come to fruition – and I believe that it is a given – the Liberal-Democrats will have succeeded in their goal of fundamentally transforming our country into something it was never intended to be.  It will become just one more nation where government reigns supreme and omnipotent while liberty and individual freedom will have become but vague, misty memories of days long gone.  It’s coming folks, of this there can be no doubt for that is the ultimate goal of the Traitor-in-Chief’s amnesty gambit.  He will simply flood this nation with illegals and then provide them the ability to vote and thus influence and set national priorities and policies.  As this continues to happen, American citizenship will lose any significant meaning and the sacred act of voting will become the prevue of people who don’t give a damn about this country or its future!

     Limbaugh succinctly and accurately notes the adverse effects of our current open border policy and the relentless effort to give non-citizens, legal and illegal, the right to vote.  He states that, “You’re gonna lower wages.  You’re gonna put further pressure on the job market.  You’re gonna marginalize native-born Americans.  It’s gonna cause utter chaos.  It’s gonna put more pressure on the welfare system, the welfare state.  There’s nothing to recommend it other than cheap labor.”  The “talker” goes on to point out the real and utterly nefarious reason behind the effort to grant the right to vote to those who absolutely shouldn’t have it.  He explains that, “the real reason Obama’s gonna do it is to make the Democrat Party a permanent, I mean permanent, forever majority.  That’s the reason he’s going to do it.”  Furthermore, Limbaugh is, “convinced the Democrat Party doesn’t really care what kind of a country it is, as long as they run it.  Because as long as they run it, it will be a welfare state.  And the bigger the welfare state, the better for them, because that means that more people can do nothing but vote for them in order to live, in order to exist.”

     You know, he’s right.  Allowing non-citizens to vote is a huge step toward successfully realizing the fondest dream of the Far Left in our country which is to destroy it as it has existed for over two hundred and thirty years.  Their America will in no way resemble the America that most of us love and hold dear.  Their America will cease to be unique and exceptional and their America will no longer be the last, best hope of mankind – that shining city upon a hill.  No, their America will have become just one more example of a statist, authoritarian, and oligarchic nation where all decisions are made by government and liberty and freedom simply no longer exist.  This is where the Far Left is purposely taking us and when non-citizens begin voting in massive numbers, they will have succeeded.

     This headlong rush, this frenzy, on the part of the Liberal Pukes in our midst to give non-citizens the right to vote is but just one example of how they are doing their damndest to destroy the United States.  The deadline for paying our annual tribute to the Beast in Washington, DC, has just come and gone and most working Americans really get just a tad irritated as April 15th approaches.  I know I sure as Hell do for I do not qualify to receive the much coveted tax refund that so many of my fellow citizens look forward to.  Instead, I must pony up my share.  Most folks seemingly do not get the idea, cannot grasp the fact, that if you receive a “refund” all it means is that you’ve over paid the government for the previous twelve months and you’re simply getting back a mere portion of that over payment.  The IRS, the most effective and efficient tax collection agency on the planet, doesn’t refund SHIT!  It’s just not in their nature or their charter.  Now, however, I learn that the Internal Revenue Service is actually sending out “refunds” to illegal aliens who didn’t even pay taxes!  What the FUCK is that all about?!?  I and millions of Americans gotta pay the beast while illegal aliens who didn’t pay a freaking dime in taxes are getting refunds!  You’ve got to be SHITTING me, right?  Wrong.

     It’s true and constitutes but one more stab in the back that Liberals are inflicting on hard-working, tax-paying Americans!  It constitutes but one more way that Liberals are cementing the loyalty and the vote of immigrants – legal and illegal – to their cause.  A piece entitled, “IRS to pay back-refunds to illegal immigrants who didn’t pay taxes (,” informs us that, “IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told Congress . . . that even illegal immigrants who didn’t pay taxes will be able to claim back-refunds once they get Social Security numbers under President Obama’s temporary deportation amnesty.”  Yeah, go ahead and read that one again.  The American citizen can’t catch a Fucking break while the Bamster’s running the show but the Prick-in-Chief never met an illegal he didn’t like!  Additionally, the same gentleman, “clarified his testimony to the Senate last week where he acknowledged that illegal immigrants who had paid taxes using substitute Social Security numbers but who gain real Social Security numbers when they are approved for the amnesty can apply for back-refunds of the Earned Income Tax Credit.” 

     Let’s see, substitute Social Security numbers?  Read that as phony, false, fraudulent – illegal.  If you and I tried to pull this BULLSHIT, we’d end up doing time and making friends with Bubba and the Boys!  If you’re an illegal alien, however, all is forgiven.  Talk about stepping through the FUCKING looking glass!  But wait, it gets better.  The article explains that, “even illegal immigrants who didn’t pay taxes will be able to apply for back-credits once they get Social Security numbers,” and that the, “EITC is a refundable tax credit, which means those who don’t have any tax liability can still get money back from the government.”  Holy Shit – what a great country!  And what’s this crap about getting money back from the government?  The government my sorry old ass!  These illegal aliens who have absolutely no business being in this country are now reaching into our pockets and stealing our money.  We used to call that robbery and the last time I looked, that was a felony offense!

     While this movement to grant non-citizens or non-Americans the right to vote is steadily gaining ground, there still thankfully exist plenty of folks out here who recognize how utterly disastrous and devastating that would be for our nation.  The mere fact that there are so very many Americans who either can’t or won’t recognize and admit that allowing non-citizens to vote will put us on the road to discord, disharmony, and destruction is inevitable and there’s no maybe about it.  The right to vote is precious and should be jealously guarded and zealously defended.  To give the right to vote to anyone who manages to enter this country is a huge step toward realizing a major goal of the Far Left in America:  to destroy the greatest nation God ever gave mankind.  A piece entitled, “D.C., other cities debate whether legal immigrants should have voting rights (” explains that, “opponents assert that the right to vote at any level is a defining quality of citizenship.  They say it should not be easily granted to the foreign-born, who might have divided loyalties and insufficient knowledge of American democracy.”

     Opponents also correctly point out, “that any legal permanent resident can apply to become a U.S. citizen with full voting rights after a five-year wait.”  Does that seem all that unreasonable?  You come here LEGALLY.  You live here, work here, and pay taxes here.  You learn fluency in English.  Five years later you apply for citizenship, pass the test and VOILLA, you’re a genuine, bone fide legal voter able to participate fully in the electoral process and the American experience.  Our system fully and graciously accommodates all those who arrive here from other places as long as they do it legally and play by the rules.  The same piece accurately notes that to, “be a voter is to signify that you have cleared certain hurdles and that you understand what it means to be an American, with responsibilities as well as rights.”  Indeed, “allowing noncitizens to vote renders the idea of citizenship meaningless.”  This is exactly and precisely how the Far Left in our country thinks and what they so ardently desire.  To effectively render U.S. citizenship as meaningless constitutes one of their long-held cherished goals and dreams.  What better way to bring a country to its knees than to make citizenship irrelevant and meaningless?

     In order to avoid this debacle, our entire immigration policy must be restructured and revamped.  The rules and regulations for entering the United States and staying here permanently must be rewritten and – here comes the kicker – strictly enforced.  Yes, yes, I know.  I’ve been told over and over again that we’ve got plenty of immigration laws already on the books and all we need to do is enforce them and our pesky immigration problems will be solved.  Simple enough, but the fact is that these laws, rules, and regulations are not being enforced and that renders them meaningless.  The powers that be, both Democrat and Republican, do not want them enforced regardless of what most American demand and desire.  As previously discussed, the Democrats want as much immigration as possible in order to expand their voter base.  Republicans see in the immigrant a vast supply of cheap labor that will work for far less than the American citizen.

     If our leadership doesn’t give a rat’s ass about solving our country’s immigration mess then what the Hell are the rest of us supposed to do?  Well for starters we can vote the Bastards out!  Any elected official at any level who doesn’t want to fix the problem must be removed from office.  Either you adopt an “America First” attitude and mindset or you get the Fuck out of Dodge!  The first thing I want to hear out of any candidate’s mouth regardless of party is that those folks who don’t belong here will not be permitted to stay.  The next thing I want to hear is that only immigrants whom we deem worthy and who can contribute to our continued progress and prosperity will be allowed the supreme privilege of coming here. It is in this spirit that I propose the following RULES FOR IMMIGRATION which must be strictly adhered to and enforced.

RULE #1:  Close the Fucking borders.  Lock ‘em down and do it now!  Any nation that can’t protect its borders by definition can’t protect its sovereignty and therefore can’t claim status as a true, bone fide national entity.  I’ve been hearing about building that security fence for most of my life and the damned thing is not even close to completion.  How fucking hard is it to build a fence?!?  They managed to do it in ancient China and we remember the Berlin Wall that divided East from West Germany so effectively for all those years.  It can be done and it should be done but apparently we as a people do not have the will to do it.  Those in favor of doing so are afraid of being dubbed anti-immigrant while those who oppose it don’t give a shit about the future of America in the first place!

RULE #2:  Re-open and modernize Ellis Island here on the east coast with a similar facility to be built on the west coast.  Additionally, build branch facilities at every single airport in the United States. We must immediately resume the practice of screening prospective newcomers for communicable diseases.  This used to be the case and it went a long way toward protecting us from devastating illnesses that threaten the health and well-being of the nation.  These immigration centers will also be useful for screening and eliminating other undesirables who would come here to do us harm.  Criminals and terrorists, for example, come to mind.

Rule #3:  Before arriving on our shores, the prospective immigrants must be fluent in the language of their own country.  They must be able to not only speak the language but must also be proficient in reading and writing it as well.  As it stands, there are far too many foreign illiterates coming and living here now.  If they couldn’t or wouldn’t learn their own language, why would they feel compelled to learn ours?

RULE #4:  Before arriving on our shores, the prospective immigrant must be fluent in the English language!  The immigrant must be able to speak, read, and write English before coming here.  That would display at least some willingness on the part of prospective newcomers to become Americans and not just interlopers with their hands out.  It would also greatly facilitate the act of assimilation which has pretty much lost any meaning or importance it once had.

RULE #5:  The immigrant must not become a drain on this country or its citizens.  There will be no welfare, no food stamps or “freebies” of any kind for prospective immigrants.  The only promise made to the new arrival is that of opportunity.  They will have the opportunity to work, achieve, and succeed but that’s all they’re getting and they are entitled to absolutely nothing else!  We must go back to a time when the immigrant expected nothing but opportunity and dared not demand anything!

RULE #6:  The new immigrant must post a bond of $250,000.00 before coming to the United States.  This will go a long way toward making sure that these folks don’t become a drain on the American taxpayers or the communities in which they settle.  Yeah, yeah, I know.  Dear Old Emma proclaimed the U.S. a haven for the world’s poor, tired, and huddled masses.  Sorry, but those days are long gone.  We’ve already got far too many of our own poor, tired, and huddled and the last thing we need is any more of the world’s wretched refuse to set their sights on the United States.  Oh, and by the way Ms. Lazarus, your famous statue will be turned around so that it faces inward, not outward!  Let’s concentrate on those immigrants who are already here and make sure they assimilate before welcoming others to our shores.

RULE #7:  All new immigrants to our nation must be placed on a mandatory five-year probationary period.  During this period, if they have violated any of our laws that would be deemed a felony offense, they are immediately shipped back to their home countries and that quarter-million dollar bond referenced above is automatically forfeit!  They never see it or use it but instead it will be used to ease the tax burden of hard-working American citizens.

RULE #8:  The newcomer must understand that this is an English-speaking nation and that English is the official language of the United States.  All official or semi-official documents must be in English and English only!  Are you aware that under certain circumstances, those applying for U.S. citizenship can take the naturalization test in languages other than English?!?  Does this make any sense at all?  The naturalization test must be given only in English and there can be no exceptions.  If you can’t take and pass that test in the language of your new country, then you don’t deserve to be here!  Did you know that you can apply for a driver’s license in languages other than English and that the same can be done when filling out a job application?  This is insanity but given the feckless leadership we are currently burdened with, it is not at all surprising.

RULE #9:  The new immigrant, regardless of age, must enroll in what used to be called “Americanization Schools” or its equivalent.  Here they will be taught the basics of American History, Civics, and Government.  Here they will learn of the magnificent contributions that their new adopted country has provided the rest of the world.  At these schools, they will learn to take pride in America and to be thankful that they were allowed to come here in the first place and that they must earn the right to stay.  America is not a free ride nor is it a free lunch!

RULE #10:  Any elected officials who ignore or violate any of
our immigration rules (can we all say Barrack Hussein Obama?) shall be impeached by the House of Representatives, convicted by the Senate, thrown out of office, and begin doing time in a federal lock-up.  Upon serving his sentence, he will immediately be banished from the United States and never be allowed to return.  If our elected officials do not follow our immigration laws, how can we expect ordinary Americans to do so?  If folks who come here from abroad know we don’t enforce our immigration policies why should they pay any attention to them?

RULE #11:  Any business owner – large or small – who willingly and knowingly hires illegal aliens will have the business shut down and all of his assets and property, including personal, confiscated.  Said owner will also serve a five-year stint in a federal penitentiary.

RULE #12:  All new prospective immigrants must be invited to come to America.  They can no longer just show up here merely because they want to or that it serves their purposes.  How does one get invited to come here?  The invite is based on our wants, needs, and desires.  If we are not producing enough home-grown computer engineers or programmers, for example, we can invite foreign specialists and experts here to fill the void.  If we are running a shortage of specialists in any field we deem necessary for the advancement and prosperity of America then qualified foreigners can be allowed in to make up for the short-fall.  Immigration must be restructured to serve our needs and national priorities.  Immigration must once again strengthen the country, not weaken it.

RULE #13:  All prospective immigrants must be officially sponsored by an American citizen or group of citizens.  The sponsor(s) will be responsible for helping the new immigrant successfully assimilate to American life and for learning the do’s and don’ts of living in the United States.  The sponsor will help the immigrant learn American customs, habits, and values which will ease and facilitate the act of assimilation.  The sponsor will also assume financial responsibility for the new immigrant in order to guarantee that he or she will not become a drain/burden on the American taxpayer.

RULE #14:  All new immigrants and/or citizens to the United States must perform at least two years of service to their new nation.  They might, for example, join the military but they could also serve in a civilian capacity as well.  They might teach newer immigrants what they need to know about living in the United States or they might volunteer to serve in an adult literacy program but they must perform some service that signifies a willingness to “give back” to their adopted country.

RULE #15:  Deportation.  There I said it.  The dreaded “D” word which so many Americans seem so afraid of.  Deportation is a tool we have at our disposal that allows us to remove undesirable foreigners from our midst and it must be used liberally.  Would you even think twice about removing someone from your home who absolutely didn’t belong there and shouldn’t be there?  No, you wouldn’t.  Well, America is our home and only those who belong here should be permitted to stay here.  All others must leave voluntarily or be forced to leave.  Non-citizen immigrants who violate our laws must be removed.  No excuses accepted and no quarter given.  If you don’t belong here, then get the FUCK out of here!  If you don’t respect our laws, customs, and traditions then pack up your stuff and return to whatever Third World Shithole from whence you came!  It’s a very simple proposition.  Come here the right way and do the right thing when you get here or your sorry immigrant ass is leaving here!!

     You know, I could keep going with these rules for immigration and I’m sure many of you out there could add to the list with important points that I’ve neglected to mention, but you get the idea.  We are losing control of our nation and our sovereignty and it’s proceeding at warp speed!  It’s time that we as Americans stood up and said enough – stop it now!  We are in the midst of losing our country – of giving it away!  If this immigration insanity isn’t stopped America will cease to exist as the country we know and love.  It’s time to bring back the old bumper stickers of yesteryear which proclaimed sentiments like, “America First,” or, “America for Americans!”

Much Luv Y’All and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)     

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