Tuesday, June 30, 2015


     We’ve all heard the phrase by now.  We’ve all seen the crowds chanting, yelling, and screaming at the top of their frenzied lungs.  The phrase reverberates and echoes in the squares, plazas, and streets of far too many third-world shithole nations, especially in the Middle East.  The mobs are whipped into a state of utter, mindless hysteria as their pathetic, sorry-ass excuses for leaders excoriate them to ever increased levels of vitriolic hate and malfeasance.  They stomp on the American flag, burn our Presidents in effigy (not that I would mind all that much if these idiots burned a likeness of our current White House occupant), and constantly refer to us as The Great Satan.  They never seem to tire of screaming, “Death to America – Death to America”, while brandishing signs and posters exclaiming the same fervent wish.  This is, of course, an old and tried tactic of most tyrants who hold the reins of power in so many desperately poor, illiterate, disease infested, and utterly hopeless countries. 

     Those at the top have everything that there is to have while the lives of their countrymen are destined to be at best brutish, nasty, and short (to borrow a phrase).  The leaders absolutely require a scapegoat in order to deflect the blame for the horrendous socio-economic plight that the average citizen must endure throughout their entire lives with the full knowledge that their children and grandchildren are destined to suffer the exact same fate.  These are desperate people devoid of all hope and people without hope, with no way out, can become extremely dangerous.  Unless distracted, they will eventually blame and turn on their own leadership with bloody and brutal savagery.  This is the way revolutions happen and, unfortunately, it is far too often and in too many places the only way to effect change.  Leadership, then, needs to create distractions, bogeymen, to turn the mob’s attention outward rather than inward.  External enemies must be fabricated before the dissatisfied, angry, and hopeless populace looks inward and vents its wrath and frustration on their own leadership.

     The United States is the obvious choice in this regard.  If anyone is going to be singled out and targeted it’s going to be us.  We are the world’s BIG DOG and no one else is even a close second.  We are far and away the world’s wealthiest and most powerful nation and that in itself causes untold measures of jealousy, envy, anger, and hatred (although the Far Left in America is doing its dandiest to bring us to our knees and in their sick, twisted mindset to level the playing field).  If any two-bit, tin-horn, puissant of a dictator needs to create a scapegoat well, Hell, we’re a perfect fit!  Your nation is horrendously poor?  BLAME AMERICA!  Your country’s people are starving to death?  BLAME AMERICA!  Your country is ravaged by disease and your population is illiterate?  BLAME AMMERICA!  Your nation is torn by civil war and strife?  BLAME AMERICA!  Your nation is wiped out by a tsunami?  BLAME AMERICA!  The Twin Towers came crashing down on 9-11?  BLAME AMERICA (God knows the Liberals in our midst certainly do)!  Scapegoating is and has been effectively used as a tactic throughout world history and serves to distract from the real causes of whatever problems exist in a given nation.  This helps to perpetuate the existing power structure and insulates them from any blame or responsibility.  The ancient Romans blamed the Christians while the Nazis blamed the Jews and in both instances the tactic worked brilliantly.  In our own country today, “leaders” like Sharpton and Jackson blame “Whitey” for all the problems confronting their race and when the expected and inevitable rioting, looting, and burning takes place it’s because, once again, America is racist.  It’s always so much easier to blame the other guy so that we never have to own up to our own shortcomings and failures.

     While America Bashing will never stop as long as we remain the world’s lone superpower, there seems to be a very serious qualitative difference between the latest incarnation of that phenomenon and examples that we have experienced in the past.  We are currently plagued with a President who agrees with our detractors and who has aided and abetted them at every opportunity.  Our very own Basher – in –Chief is famous for his “Apologize for America Tours” and he seems to do exactly that every time he sets foot on foreign soil.  He is absolutely and utterly ashamed of our nation as historically founded and presently constituted and I’m sure we all remember his solemn vow to fundamentally transform the United States.  This is not just an empty threat or mere politico-speech.  Oh no, he’s damned serious about it and even just a passing glance at his record since his inauguration proves that beyond any shadow of a doubt.

     He has purposely and repeatedly eviscerated our Constitution and accords it the same respect he does the door mat upon which he wipes his muddy shoes.  This man views the Constitution, the supreme law of the land, as nothing more than an obstacle to be destroyed, overcome, and defeated.  He views our Founding Documents, especially the Bill of Rights, as an impediment to implementing an all-powerful and ever more intrusive Federal centralized government that will control every and all aspects of the lives of the American citizen.  Once he is done, there will literally no aspect of our lives that will not be controlled from Washington, DC.  He is exactly like the despots of those nations that call for our demise – a complete and thorough statist and authoritarian and he fundamentally agrees with the incessant chants of Death to America so loudly proclaimed by our enemies throughout the world.  His fondest dream seems to be turning America into something our Founding Fathers would not recognize and would have led a second American Revolution against.

     Additionally, his views are seconded in virtual lock-step by what now passes for America’s Democrat Party, and make no mistake, it is not your father’s or grandfather’s Democrat Party.  The Jackasses of old did, in fact, love our country and wished it no harm.  Their goals and tactics were completely wrong-headed and thoroughly inimical and antithetical with our history, customs, and traditions.  Still, they did not actively and venomously set out to harm America although the results of their policies did exactly that.  That political party no longer exists.  Instead, it has been replaced by the current batch of Democrat leaders who have become just as radicalized and angry at America as is their “Dear Leader”.

     They too wish our nation nothing but harm and they too see the United States as the number one problem in the world.  They ardently believe that this nation became so wealthy and powerful only at the expense and to the detriment of the globe’s poorer and weaker countries and that whatever we have achieved, we simply and unfairly stole from them – especially if they are populated by so-called, “People of Color.”  This is their view of the United States and it differs not a whit from Obama’s warped and jaundiced view of America.  Moreover, it is an accurate reflection of the opinions held and voiced by our enemies world-wide.  I have dubbed Obama and his minions the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite) and this group’s sole function and goal is to bring the United States to its knees.  They want us to abandon our historic role in the world and cannot grasp the elemental idea that when the United States is weak or perceived to be so, the world becomes ever more chaotic, out of control, and combustible.

     Given the fact that El Destructo holds the United States in the utmost of contempt and he absolutely refuses to acknowledge the very real concept of American Exceptionalism, it is not surprising that he kow-tows, scrapes, and bows to America’s enemies.  Case in point?  I give you Iran and its ever-so amusing wackos – those nutty Mullah guys.  The religious leaders in Iran run the show and call all of the shots.  Nothing gets done without their explicit approval and permission and Sharia Law rules the day.  Stonings, beheadings, and beatings are commonplace and women are held in less esteem than the donkeys and camels owned by the lowliest of peasants.  This is the nation that Obama is currently sucking up to and he absolutely believes in true megalomaniacal fashion that his mere presence on the world scene will be more than enough to assure that Iran will accord us full cooperation.  Our utterly and hopelessly naïve leader seems to sincerely believe that the largest world-wide sponsor of terrorism is actually susceptible to, “Obama-Charm.”  Our Asshole – in – Chief is actually vain enough to believe that that he can convince Iran to stop its development of nuclear weapons.  Yeah, okay, and I’ve got this really nifty bridge in Brooklyn that I’d love to sell to this putz!  Iran is well on its way to successfully launching a nuke in the near future and our Beloved Leader thinks he can negotiate his way around that six- hundred pound gorilla lurking in the corner!  Hey, I’ve got news for the Buffoon-in-Chief:  it ain’t gonna happen!!

     Obama and the Boys are adept at practicing that utterly failed and detestable policy known as appeasement - also called boot-licking, sucking up, and surrendering.  Rogues, bullies and other venal types look for and exploit any signs of weakness and our laughing stock, sorry excuse for a leader is weakness personified.  The Brother exudes weakness, it drips from his very pores, and leaders all over the world know this.  It is the one defining element that runs throughout his so-called foreign policy.  Care for just one glaring example?  Sure thing.  Remember a place called Benghazi that made the news not all that long ago?  Sure you do.  Ambassador Stevens and three other American citizens were dragged out of our embassy and murdered.  The mob had the temerity to invade American soil, defy our sovereignty, and literally spit in our collective faces!  You think this would ever have happened under Reagan’s watch?  Not a fucking chance in Hell!  The dictators and tyrants of the world can smell weakness like a pack of crazed hyenas can sniff out a wounded wildebeast.  Oh and by the way, you may not know that we had U.S. Special Forces in the region that wanted to go in and rescue our beleaguered embassy and Ambassador but were ordered by our Coward-in-Chief to stand down!  Talk about weakness?  Talk about craven, cringing cowardice?  Well, I guess so!  To this day, not one damned thing has been done to rectify that humiliation and it’s going to stay that way.  Nothing will be done and the rest of the world, friend and foe alike, damn well knows it!  Obama has turned us into an old decrepit, toothless tiger that can only impotently roar as world events spin out of control.

     Our President and the entire LFE thinks we can deal with Iran and the prospect of the most dangerous sponsor of world-wide terrorism nuking up the way Chamberlain dealt with old Adolph all those years ago.  That pathetic old British fool came back from Munich waving his piece of paper declaring we had achieved peace in our time!  Yeah, and then came that pesky little affair known as World War ll.  Obama and the Liberals are making the same mortal error right now.  They actually believe that they can appease a nation that celebrates as one of its national holidays its very own Death to America Day!  That’s not a joke and you read it right.  That’s an actual, bone-fide official Iranian holiday and Obama really believes that he can make nice with these guys!  Talk about an amazing level of arrogance, hubris, and conceit.  Well then, what is Death to America Day?  Let’s take a look.

     Death to America Day roughly coincides with the anniversary of the 1979 Iranian student takeover of our American Embassy and the taking hostages of American citizens.  Those of us old enough to remember the event still mark it as one of the most humiliating and disgraceful episodes in the history of American foreign policy.  The anger and frustration was literally palpable and then, as now, we had a totally incompetent, clueless, and supremely ineffective Commander-in-Chief.  The Peanut Farmer had not clue number one as how to handle the situation and his weakness and cowardice only served to prolong the suffering of our citizens caught up in the events of the day.  Just as an aside, by the way, the moment Ronald Reagan was sworn into office our fellow Americans were released and sent home.  Old Ronaldus Maxinus was not about to take any shit from a two-bit, tin-horn theocracy ruled by religious nuts and fanatics. The Iranians damned well knew that and were more than willing to “cooperate” with the new American President.  These are the folks with whom our current Sad-Sack of a President wants to negotiate a nuclear deal.  I’m surprised he hasn’t named Jimmy Carter to consummate the arrangement but I suppose that pathetic gigolo John Kerry will sell us out just as effectively.

     A piece entitled, “Grand Day of Death to America Rally Planned in Iran (www.foxnews.com),” notes that, “Militant factions in Iran are reportedly planning a sweeping rally titled Grand Day of Death to America to coincide with the 24th anniversary of the storming of the U.S. embassy there.”  Additionally, “Brigadier General Masoud Jazayer is saying the planned Nov. 4 convocation outside the long-shuttered and now graffiti-covered diplomatic institution in the capitol city of Tehran will be organized by a newly created bureaucratic body called the Death to the U.S. Committee.”  The Death to the U.S. committee?  Yeah, these are the guys old Barry Boy wants to sit down and talk to!  Furthermore, “the rally will include the conferral of the First Major International Award of Down With America for best anti-American photograph, poster, video, song or caricature.”  Man, sounds like a good time will be had by all.  I wonder if they’ll be selling cotton candy and funnel cakes? Yet another piece entitled, “Death to America Competition (http://en.iranwire.com),” explains that, “the event will start on December 7 and people taking part must incorporate themes such as Why Death to America?, America and Human Rights, America and Islamophobia, America in the Embrace of World Zionism, America and Nurturing Terrorism, and many more into their artwork.”

     Additionally, the piece informs us that the, “Death to America Grand Prize will have a main competition for pictures, posters and cartoons and a side competition for documentaries, video clips, articles, blogs, software and mobile apps.  The winning prize in the main competition is $3,700 with a runner-up prize of $1,800 and a third prize of $750.  While in the smaller competition, the first prize is $1,100, the second prize is $550 and the third prize is $260.”  Yup, these are the folks that our Dear Leader instructed John Kerry to reason with.  I don’t know about you, but in my own history when an enemy threatens to harm or kill me I take it damned seriously and personally.  It is nothing to be ignored or merely shrugged off.  The very last thing that I would consider is to sit down and negotiate with someone who wants me dead.  This, however, is exactly what our current crop of linguini-spined, lilly-livered, and weak-kneed “leaders” propose to do.  It’s moronic, ignores reality, and treats the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran as simply no big deal and nothing to worry about.  These buffoons accuse those of us who do worry about Iran nuking an American city or providing nukes to fun-loving, playful groups like ISIS of being paranoid and delusional and advise us to get back on our “meds” with all possible speed.  It is these gutless pricks who are going to allow Iran to nuke up.

     Their reasoning is as asinine and dangerous as are their actions.  Their illogic maintains that since we have a nuclear arsenal who the Hell is America to stop, prevent, or interfere with Iran’s attempt to join the nuclear club?  After all, they lecture us, Iran has promised not to use nuclear power to create weapons of mass destruction and we all know, of course, that Iran’s word is its bond!  Remember the old expression, “know your enemy?”  Sure you do.  Well, the Liberal Pukes who run our country do not know our enemy or at best do not take them seriously and that is always a fatal, deadly flaw.  They are apparently not aware that Iran is the former Persian Empire or that its leaders want to reestablish it.  They do not know that one of the first tenets of Islam is that it is perfectly acceptable to lie to and deceive the enemy and lull him into a false sense of security and apathy until you are strong enough to strike.  They do not take seriously the very real concept that Iran wants nothing less than to establish a world-wide caliphate governed according strict principles of Sharia Law.  Under a strictly controlled Sharia caliphate, all nonbelievers will be brutally slaughtered.  This is Iran’s supreme and ultimate goal and anyone who doesn’t believe that the Mullahs and Ayatollahs will indeed use nukes to implement that goal is just too stupid to live and too damned dumb to die!

     A piece entitled, “Iran’s Supreme Leader – Death to America: Which Word Does America Not Understand? (http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org),” informs us that on, “Sunday, March 21, as U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was lowing about progress in the peace talks, Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, was calling for Death to America.”  This is so damned typical of Kerry and his crowd that it is no longer even surprising, let alone shocking.  Not to take a threat seriously – especially one that calls for our demise – is the absolute height of folly, asininity, and denial.  Not to comprehend that the folks who threaten us are rabidly serious about their intentions illustrates a severe misunderstanding of how the world works and, indeed, how it has always worked.  The world has always been governed by the aggressive use of force and we must at all times remember this and be prepared for it.  Under our current so-called leadership, we have thoroughly forgotten and ignored this all important admonition.  We are woefully unprepared should the need arise to defend ourselves if rogue nations like Iran actually act upon its threats.

     Our laughing-stock of a President with the full support of his lackeys, toadies, and sycophants has decimated our military to the point where it stands below World War ll levels.  We have become the proverbial ostrich with our heads firmly planted in the sand.  The problem is that while our head is out of sight, our ass is clearly visible and presents an extremely inviting target.  In similar fashion, Obama and the Boys have eviscerated our intelligence-gathering capabilities to the point that obtaining reliable information regarding the actions and intentions of our enemies have been severely and perhaps critically impaired.  This, by the way, has been done purposely and with malice and is part of Obama’s and the LFE’s strategy to fundamentally transform America.  It is no mere accident or happenstance that at the very time the world is dangerously heating up, the United States has become ever weaker and incapable of doing anything to stop it.  This is one of Liberalism’s ultimate and most fervent goals – to bring America to its knees and make us impotent on the world stage.

     Obama’s farcical nuclear negotiations are being taken seriously by no one, especially Iran and its leaders.  Unless prevented, a nuclear armed Iran is a certainty in the not too distant future and this concerns our present administration not at all.  They’ve accepted the fact that Iran will successfully nuke up and I’m convinced that the Liberal Pukes in our midst have not just accepted that “new norm” but are thrilled by the prospect.  It is but one more threat that our country must contend with while at the same time it is another example of how, under Obama, the United States loses face and standing in the world community. 

     The same piece cited above notes that by now, “everyone has read page upon page of commentary on the likely consequences of what such a deal may be, with a preponderance of analysts agreeing that U.S President Barack Obama’s drive to secure a resolution is likely to put Iran on a clear course to being able to use their nuclear weapons after about ten years, as well as a galloping nuclear arms race among other countries in the Middle East.”  I absolutely disagree with the estimate of ten years and so does the author who states that given, “Iran’s tendency to enrich uranium in secret, that time may well be before ten years.”  Iran, by the way, is also working on building longer range ICBM’s that will be more than capable of striking mainland U.S. soil.  Anyone out there who doesn’t believe this has absolutely no comprehension of Radical Islam, its intentions, and goals.  This, tragically, perfectly describes our country’s present leadership.

      There is, of course, at least one leader out there who absolutely recognizes and acknowledges the grave threat posed by a nuclear Iran.  Unfortunately, he doesn’t happen to be an American leader.  Do you remember not too long ago, Obama’s vehement opposition, “to Netanyahu’s mission of telling Congress what these negotiations could result in – not only for Israel but for the entire free world in general – is a desperate sign of how far his political advantage apparently takes precedence over any concern for the danger in which Iranian nuclear bombs will place Israel, the Middle East, Europe, and even the United States.”  This is also true of all hard-core Far Left Liberals in this country.  They always put themselves and their machinations above and beyond country and the concept of patriotism or even nationalism is nonexistent in their plans and attitudes.

     Furthermore, Iran’s foreign minister and lead negotiator, one Hassan Rouhani, “recently described Iran’s diplomacy with the U.S. as an active jihad.”  By now most Americans who have not spent the last quarter century holed up in some remote cave know that jihad means a holy war and that war is a struggle to the death in which every and all weapons at one’s disposal will and must be used and that includes the weapon of negotiation.  Iran uses negotiation in exactly the same way Nazi Germany did just prior to the Second World War.  Hitler and his henchmen did not mean one fucking thing they said or agreed to.  It was merely part of a grand strategy to buy time as they prepared for the war that they knew was coming – that they knew was inevitable because they intended to start it.  The ever-so gullible and unprepared democratic nations back then were foolishly convinced that the “Little Corporal” was dealing in good faith, would keep his word, and abide by the terms of any agreement reached.  Yeah, we know how well that worked out.

     And now, here we are once more –Déjà vu all over again.  Our current crop of feckless “leaders” have learned nothing from history and are repeating verbatim the same mistakes made all those years ago.  If we as a nation don’t wake up and get our heads out of our asses real damned quick, we will be facing a conflagration that will make old WW  ll seem like a water-balloon fight between two teams of ten-year olds. Remember, Death to America Day is real for those fun-loving guys in Iran.  They mean it, they want it, and will do anything necessary to make that ardent wish a reality.  They want us dead and our country destroyed.  They keep saying so and we keep ignoring them and not taking their threats seriously.  When the bad guys tell you what their intentions are, they are not lying or just blowing smoke.  They mean exactly what they say and we ignore them only at our own peril.  I know, I know.  That sounds somewhat trite and smacks even slightly of paranoia.  My Liberal acquaintances (I have no Liberal friends) tell me to calm down and put a lid on it.  They scold me for making a mountain out of mole hill.  Well, if Iran successfully nukes up that mountain is gonna come crashing down right on top of us and there may be no one left to say, “I told you so.”

     The author of the above piece, Dennis MacEoin, explains that the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs has, “an exhaustive list of genocidal threats by major Iranian politicians between 2009 and 2012.  It is highly unlikely that Barack Obama, John Kerry, or anyone else in the U.S. Administration or the State Department have ever read it, or if they have read it, that they care.”  He is exactly right, for our current “leadership” is anything but reality-based.  Instead, they are grounded in visions of what they want the world to be like – as what they see as their own version of some grand utopia where the lions will lie down with the lambs. Do you know what happens when lions and lambs get together?  That’s right, a complete and utter bloodbath and those lambs ain’t got a fucking chance in Hell!

     This is precisely where Obama and the Boys are taking us and they are doing it purposely and with premeditated malice.  We are the lambs being led to slaughter by our inept, incompetent, and clueless shepherds.  The piece goes on to opine that what, “is worrying more than anything is that the U.S. President and his allies seem not to understand, even a little, the country now working to build nuclear weapons: its culture, its religion, and its apocalyptic obsessions.”  Indeed, “Obama seems to think the Iranian leadership is made up of pragmatic politicians who favor an almost areligious approach to world affairs.  This calculation seems based on a wished-for interpretation, which is almost secularist, of a religiously-defined and faith-inspired culture.”  Our Buffoon-in-Chief has even argued, “that a nuclear deal with Iran was possible because according to their Supreme Leader, it would be contrary to their faith to obtain a nuclear weapon.”  This is utter pap, bonholme, and bullshit for, “not only has no such fatwa {religious opinion} ever been found but, sadly, this comment reveals that the U.S. President is as ignorant of Islamic scripture as he is of Islamic history.”

     No deal, nuclear or otherwise, can be reached with a nation of religious zealots who celebrate Death to America Day and fervently seek to transform that sentiment into a gruesome and deadly reality.  No deal can possibly be reached with a nation that views us as the Great Satan and believes our Judeo-Christian heritage and beliefs are utterly incompatible with its grand vision of creating a worldwide caliphate based solely and exclusively on strict Sharia law.  No deal can be reached with a nation whose core beliefs call for the complete demise of western Civilization and any and all vestiges of Enlightenment thought and philosophy.  Our leaders have absolutely no understanding of our self-professed enemies and don’t take them seriously which means we cannot win.  We are in a war for our very survival as a nation and a culture and our current leadership either can’t or won’t recognize that hard, cold fact.  This does not bode well for our future, and yet those who do understand what is at stake here are mocked, ridiculed, and reviled as a bunch of Right Wing nut jobs who have lost whatever tenuous grip on reality we may have once had.  I sincerely believe that the Far Left Liberals amongst us view me and like-minded Americans as a greater and more dangerous threat than a fully nuked-up Iran run by religious fanatics who actively seek to foment a coming apocalypse.

     The writer goes on to query that, “put another way, if someone boasts of uncontrollable urges to slaughter everyone he considers his enemy, is it really advisable to buy them an assault rifle and a few boxes of bullets?  Imagine what he could do with a batch of nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMS).  These are not needed to reach Israel or Europe; Iran can already do that.  Iran is already working on building longer-range missiles.  The only likely target for those is what Iran has been obligingly calling the Great Satan, the U.S.”  This is the nation that our Fucking Community Organizer-in Chief wants to sit down and negotiate with.  This is the nation that our Anointed One thinks he can trust to honor the terms of any deal that is struck while not even comprehending that any agreement reached with the Infidel is already null and void even before the ink has dried on the parchment.  The author correctly concludes by noting that, “Unfortunately, a nuclear-armed Iran is something Obama and his supporters apparently intend to make a reality.”  Now there’s a comforting thought!

     There is absolutely no earthly reason why anyone who claims to love and care about the United States would allow an enemy to acquire nuclear weapons.  Iran has assured us countless times that it intends to destroy us, our way of life, and our freedom.  We must take that threat seriously and be prepared to defend against it.  Obama and the entire LFE are not going to do that and the proof, as they say, is in the pudding.  Are you aware that Fox News recently reported that the Obama Administration is going to provide Iran with our most sophisticated and hi-tech reactor technology?  Didn’t know that, did you?  I’m quite sure our Supreme Leader extracted a promise from Iran that it will only use these reactors for peaceful purposes and I’m equally positive that the Booby-in-Chief believes it.  After all, who would dare to lie to our very own Messiah?  Certainly not the Iranian leadership – they would never lie to the Great Satan!

     There is no way on earth that anyone who claims to love this country would actively and purposely provide an enemy with the means to destroy us.  But I forget.  Obama does not love America.  He doesn’t even like America.  I’ve never even heard him say one good thing about our nation and I’ve gone out of my way to find examples that would contradict this statement.  I’ve read, unfortunately, his speeches and his books and if you think that wasn’t excruciatingly painful, you’d better think again.  Nowhere can I find any evidence that he loves the United States or that he would do all in his power to protect us from harm.  Those that got him twice elected also feel the way Obama does about our country.  Obama and his “peeps” stand against the United States and are not at all shy about voicing their opinions.  I’m positive that when Iranian mobs scream Death to America, they nod their heads in agreement.  I truly never thought I’d say these kinds of things about an American President and those that voted him into office.  It both saddens and angers me to have to come to this conclusion and say it out loud in front of God and everybody.  No other conclusion, however, can be reached unless you are a Far Left Liberal Lunatic or an Obama free-loader looking to milk the system for everything you can get.

     An article entitled, “Disgraceful: Iran is Chanting Death to America, Meanwhile Obama is Saying THIS (http://familysecuritymatters.org),” insists that, “America must not, should not, be making deals with the number one state sponsor of Islamic terrorism in the world.  Then again, it was just a week ago Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, dropped Iran and Hezbollah from the terrorist list – how accommodating and convenient.”  Amazing, isn’t it?  I am thoroughly convinced that Iran insisted on this as a prelude to even sitting down with the ever-stalwart John Kerry.  You know, it’s that old quid pro quo thing going on again.

     So, even before the bogus negotiating process began, The United States was making concessions.  Negotiations can only succeed when one bargains from a position of strength.  Immediately caving in to unreasonable demands – demands that run counter to our own best interests – is obviously not a position of strength but instead is further evidence of Obama’s weakness in the face of an enemy who has sworn to destroy us.  The Mullahs and Ayatollahs in that part of the world despise weakness and to them it is anathema.  From the get go, then, they already have the upper hand.  That and the fact that they have absolutely no intention of living up to the terms of any agreement reached at the table, makes these “negotiations” nothing more than a farce and a sick joke.  It is strictly a bad PR move on the part of the administration to appear that it is doing something both effective and proactive.  It is nothing more than histrionics designed for home consumption with absolutely no chance of achieving anything substantive.  This should hardly come as a surprise because the Far Left has always valued symbolism over substance and the truth will always be a casualty in their Machavelian playbook.

     The author of the piece, Lieutenant-Colonel Allen West (retired), notes that Obama, “called on the Iranians to help him overcome people in the United States and elsewhere who oppose the nuclear deal with Iran.”  Colonel West quotes our Appeaser-in-Chief who said, “there are people in both our countries and beyond, who oppose a diplomatic resolution.  My message to you –the people of Iran – is that together, we have to speak up for the future we seek.”  Unfortunately, that future completely throws America’s national interest under the bus because the Iranians as well as our own sorry-ass excuse for an American President wants to see a nuclear armed Iran.  He wants to provide our enemies with exactly what they seek:  the ability to destroy us.  I can think of no sorrier state of affairs than an American President actively aiding and abetting an enemy whose most ardent and fervent desire is to see us dead and our nation in ruins.  I believe we used to call that treason but now it is called Liberalism and there is really is no difference!

The piece goes on to inform us that according to Obama, “Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has issued a fatwa against the development of nuclear weapons, and President Rouhani has said that Iran would never develop a nuclear weapon.” This is pure crap – an outright lie.  No such fatwa has ever been issued and there exists no evidence to support such a claim.  Our very own Supreme Leader Wannabe has brazenly and unabashedly lied to us – once again.  Do we all remember his solemn pledge that, “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor,” and if you like your health insurance you can keep that too?  Those were also lies and the Dissembler-in-Chief knew that even before the promises were ever articulated.  The man is not capable of telling the truth and yet far too many Americans seemingly still trust him.  Shame on them for their complete and utter gullibility.

     Our nation is in deep, deep trouble here folks.  I’m sometimes at a loss to know who to fear more:  our avowed external enemies who have repeatedly declared their intent to destroy us or our internal enemies led by Barack Obama and his allies on the Far Left.  That America has actually reached this point is a tragic testimony to just how weak we’ve become.  Oh, and have a very happy Death to America Day the next time it rolls around!!

Much Luv Y’All and Have a Great Day!
The Fifth Horseman
(Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)





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